>Smile at the cute counter girl

>Smile at the cute counter girl
What new games do you guys have?

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

Yakub: World's Greatest Dad Shirt $21.68

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

  1. 8 months ago

    >she presses panic button

  2. 8 months ago

    Im just here to buy that mario bros cartoon series to watch with my little bro

  3. 8 months ago

    >ywn walk into that odd yet familiar plastic-y Blockbuster smell again
    >ywn see the previews playing on those overhead tvs
    >ywn browse all the VHS/DVD covers of the wierd ass indie/horror flicks with the fricked up poster art
    >ywn go on Friday night after school to get a N64 game, a soda and big ass box of Buncha Crunch for the weekend
    We've gained much, but lost even more...

    • 8 months ago

      What did we trade it in for again? Netflonx and twatter?

      • 8 months ago

        As convenient as streaming is there's something to be said about traveling to a brick and mortar establishment for one's entertainment. I honestly still love going to a theater to watch a new movie, it's as much the experience of going there than the actual movie itself you're paying for.

        • 8 months ago

          thats why i created my own cinema VR software
          >get home from work, tired
          >make dinner, eat, then have a shower afterwards
          >put on my index and load my cinema program
          >im stood outside my house in VR
          >taxi rolls up (later version has my actual IRL friend pick me up in his car)
          >entire journey into town, and into the multi-storey car park (anglais)
          >walk out of car park and down the street to cinema
          >enter cinema and buy food and drink (all free for virtual pimps like me)
          >buy ticket for what i want to watch (the ticket renames based on what movie ive loaded) (i have to make sure i name the movie file something like The Lord of the Rings, instead of someshit like [rAz0rr3l3ase]LOTR 4k 60FPS. MKV~~*all languages*~~.biz)
          >enter theatre and sit down in my seat (randomised)
          >watch entire movie
          >when its done, i exit the virtual theatre, head back to the car park, and then im driven home
          >once i enter the door to my house, it auto exits
          it really feels like ive gone out for the evening, especially because all this happens in real-time (the journey to the cinema takes around 20 minutes)
          did i mention that the car radio on the journey there and back plays random internet radio throughout?
          do this, and you can have a social time without the RL tardation

          • 8 months ago

            That's actually depressing for me to read dude.

          • 8 months ago

            There is no god damn way you're just sitting on something like this and not planning on releasing it, even privately. Do you have a screenshot at least, this sounds cool as frick

      • 8 months ago

        >ywn walk into that odd yet familiar plastic-y Blockbuster smell again
        >ywn see the previews playing on those overhead tvs
        >ywn browse all the VHS/DVD covers of the wierd ass indie/horror flicks with the fricked up poster art
        >ywn go on Friday night after school to get a N64 game, a soda and big ass box of Buncha Crunch for the weekend
        We've gained much, but lost even more...

        Adjusted for inflation, you'd spend $10 on a single movie rental and more for a game rental. Plus late fees, which your dumb ass would turn it late half the time ("oh we said it was due Monday by NOON. It said right on your receipt sir")

        So if you watched one film a week it would be $40-50 a month. And for an entire family it would be 2-3x that because the parents would rent different stuff from the kids and your sister doesn't want vidya games.

        The reason why the entertainment industry is collapsing is because the average consumer is spending far less on movies and shows even though Hollywood is producing way more of it

    • 8 months ago

      but what do you do when you finish ocarina of time and majoras mask?

      • 8 months ago

        You play motherfrickin' Pilotwings 64

      • 8 months ago

        Man I remember first playing Majora's Mask at my local Target when they had the demo stations set up. Had no idea there was a sequel to my favorite game ever coming out, blew my friggin child mind. Remember playing many a demo on those rigs while my mom did her shopping

        • 8 months ago

          I remember being at Walmart with my dad and brothers. It was like 7pm and we were picking up camping stuff. We happened to walk by the videogame aisle and we saw a poster for it. Never knew it was even a thing. So they bought it right then and there, brought it back home, and after realizing it needed the little expansion pack, drove another hour and back to pick it up just to play it that evening. Good times.

          • 8 months ago

            that's a nice memory anon, but please remember this is not your blog homosexual. Join our discord for a comprehensive rule list

            • 8 months ago

              Too many words for you eh? I don't doubt that.

            • 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago

      What did we trade it in for again? Netflonx and twatter?

      As convenient as streaming is there's something to be said about traveling to a brick and mortar establishment for one's entertainment. I honestly still love going to a theater to watch a new movie, it's as much the experience of going there than the actual movie itself you're paying for.

      I hated getting there late and all the new movies are taken. Plus they had a limit to what movies they'd carry so their back inventory was always the same. Also, dweeb workers would hold copies of games so they were never on the shelf available to rent. All that said I miss going with the family to Blockbuster and trying to decide what we'd watch; the experience of getting together like it was a mini event was the best part.

  4. 8 months ago

    >counter girl looks at you like you're an idiot, and quietly points to the shelf with the game boxes

  5. 8 months ago

    I'm here to get an underrated gem. Show me what you have before I leave

  6. 8 months ago

    >my town wasn't big enough to have a movie rental place when I was young
    >but it's big enough to house 15,000 immigrants and 5,000 transplants, making the population 5 times higher than it was when I was growing up (the local population was barely at replacement level)
    I drew the short end of the stick.

    • 8 months ago

      I feel your pain. Existence is beyond cruel, & i wonder if the world i am in is really just hell.

    • 8 months ago

      look at the bright side, way more kids will be able to experience a nostalgic childhood instead of a shitty one

      • 8 months ago

        Bike cuck? That you?

  7. 8 months ago

    >cute counter girl
    Never seen this at Blockbuster, and the new games are always refreshed in the same spots.

  8. 8 months ago

    >teenagers and kids legitimately ask older people if video rental stores are real
    This makes me feel old so much and I'm technically a zoomer (26), but I remember these and had gone to them every weekend. Our Wegmans had VHS and video game rentals, vividly remember playing Kirby 64 from it.

  9. 8 months ago

    One time there was a cute counter girl when I had went with my mom. I wanted to get a game there I saw for cheap but I felt like such a beta cuck being there to pick up that specific game and knowing she would know what games I like made me feel embarrassed. She was probably only slightly older than me at most if I had to guess at the time. I think I was 14 or 15 but don't remember for sure.

  10. 8 months ago

    Back when blockbuster was a thing, you were a nerdy homosexual if you gamed so she would laugh at you and say she doesn’t know. Now its considered almost cool and normal. Frick the big bang theory

  11. 8 months ago

    >go to rent a movie
    >get told that you never returned the last movie you rented and it has been so long that it was put on your account as a debit for the full cost
    >i definitely returned it
    >it is on the shelf or has been rented to someone else
    >the system completely ignores this and charges you anyway
    >lol oops lemme fix that
    >drop movie in the overnight box before it is due back
    >late fees because the person who opens didn't check it in until 15 minutes after it was due
    >happens all the fricking time

    I do kinda miss browsing around for random movies but this shit happened way too often.

  12. 8 months ago


  13. 8 months ago

    Blockbuster was shit

    Hollywood Video was where it's at.

    • 8 months ago


      With the attached Game Crazy that had all the demo kiosks up. I remember getting my first in-person glimpse of Resi Evil 4 and the 3DS at one.
      All those dubbed anime movies...Tenchi Muyo, DB/Z, Ghibli, Rugrats

      What games did you guys always rent to try to beat? For me and my brother it was KH1. I remember watching him and the furthest we got was Hollow Bastion when you lose the keyblade. We ended up just skipping to KH2 lol

      • 8 months ago

        I remember trying to beat Sarges Heroes on n64

  14. 8 months ago

    Just get the cheezy looking ones and a new game

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