Smogon is slowly dying

Besides OU and VGC, most tiers have hundreds of accounts on the leaderboard that are 1500. This means that basically no one plays these tiers.
OTOH, VGC is getting more popular on showdown. The decline of smogon is inevitable.

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  1. 9 months ago

    ? post elo

    • 9 months ago


  2. 9 months ago

    Good, it should die. The official and best format is doubles.

    • 9 months ago

      >a fan made format that has their own rules should die because i’m a spiteful homosexual

      • 9 months ago

        >*a fanfic format that was made by morons that don't know how to balance a meta or curb their own biases should die because even bigger morons will try to talk about this fanfic format like it actually matters

        • 9 months ago

          >people made fan made format
          >other people like rules of fan made format and agree to play by those rules
          >eventually gains a decent sized playerbase and an active community
          >but because it’s not the official format it’s bad and a “fanfic” format
          homie no one is forcing you to play OU, go play cart if you don’t like Smogon rulesets, fricking dumbass.

        • 9 months ago

          you know the playerbase is who votes on the rules, right? you're a vocal minority

          • 9 months ago

            yea people act like like 5 people run smogon when bans are based on majority community votes. Dynamax’s ban was a super majority vote. And is the reason Tera wasn’t banned. Yes bans can be reevaluated later but admins aren’t gonna keep rehosting the same ban until they get the result they want. Ladder stats are almost decided by usage rating and Uber “bans” are done by voting.
            Quick bans are the exception but those are for times when something is obviously gonna be voted for a ban and the quickban is so people don’t have to wait two weeks, then the community can vote to keep it banned

  3. 9 months ago

    Good, frick smogon, they always try to ban different ways of playing and they over regulated competative battling rules because they consider it cheating or underhanded. They even tried to ban toxic protect sets.

    The sooner sogon stops being recognised as the authority of competative Pokemon the better.

  4. 9 months ago

    I will attach proof from the ladders, this one is UU.
    Smogon has decay for accounts (lose rating if you don't play over time) over 1500. So this means that essentially half the leaderboard doesn't play the tier anymore.

    • 9 months ago

      This is from RU.
      The only tiers that don't have a lack of players shown through stagnant leaderboards are the Random Battle tiers and OU.

      bro who gives a shit about any tier below OU

  5. 9 months ago

    This is from RU.
    The only tiers that don't have a lack of players shown through stagnant leaderboards are the Random Battle tiers and OU.

  6. 9 months ago

    >bans Diglett
    >refuses ban Lando
    Smogon is moronic and people are getting tired of it.

    • 9 months ago

      Doesn't your metagame ban Cosmog?

      • 9 months ago

        VGC doesn't have a ban list, it has a whitelist. There is a list of legal Pokemon you can choose from, and you have to make a team from that list. It's a puzzle, "who do I do the best I can using just the tools available." The whitelist grows as a generation goes on. This is different from a banlist in that as a generation goes on, the list of allowed Pokemon goes down.

        • 9 months ago

          Smogon doesn’t have a banlist, people act like Ubers is the banlist but it’s just a different tier. Being banned from a lower tier and having different tiers allows shitmons to have a place to shine without being curbstomped by objectively better pokemon. It’s also why we have cases of some PU tier pokemon being amazing in Uber thanks to an environment allowing it to take advantage of it’s tools better.
          People misuse the meaning of smogon bans. Lando isnt too powerful for OU despite it’s usage. Diglett encouraged degenerate strats with arena trap and it’s why shadow tag gets banned every gen.

          And im not dissing VGC, I actually like both systems. But VGC usually gets centralized by objectively good pokemon. Remember those 2015 VGC finals teams? Yes off meta tech choices can win too, Pachirisu filling a niche designed to counter people’s counter to Amoogus

  7. 9 months ago

    The DLC isn't out yet. It will pick up again once Teal Mask comes out and then even more after DLC2 which will complete Gen 9

    • 9 months ago

      For like a day and then it'll die off again.

  8. 9 months ago

    Old gens always had lower peaks. As someone who's fricked with RU in the past you'd get in the Top 500 with what, 1300? And the peak wasn't particularly high either.
    For shame because these metas can often be rather fun, at least the older Gens. DPP UU is a gem of a tier with a solid foundation with many cracks that let a lot of mons find a niche granted you can justify them.
    I don't really care for VGC myself however I do think it falls more in line with the current means of consuming online multiplayer titles. The constant shift of ruleset enabling X or Y keeps things fresh. I'm not saying OU should do this, however its unchanging structure in an era of multiplayer titles battling for player retention through constant updates and such plays against it a little. This is especially important since i'd assume most of the new blood hopping on Showdown is rather young. Older crowds may be wiser to avoid diving into the Pokémon cult again and maybe they'll set their sights elsewhere since they've (hopefully) played more in their time than just Pokémon.

    • 9 months ago

      You make an interesting point about VGC. I think the rotating format does make it more interesting for the players.

      I remember spending a lot of time in their Wi-Fi section during Gen 6. Made some online friends, had a great time. Place was full of players to trade and battle with.
      Place is dead as frick now.

      Yes this is another important points, the rooms are very clearly dying. People are also shifting to discord.

      Admittedly I am confused as to why Smogon is showing signs of decay. There's been the whole nuzlocke boom + more uptick in VGC that feels like it should've trickled into singles. It does make sense seeing the amount of singles players starting to branch out into VGC though, they are seeing the signs on the walls.

  9. 9 months ago

    The game has been out for 10 months and they still haven't made sprites for the majority of the mons on Showdown.
    I know that's probably not what's keeping people away, but it speaks to how even the "masterminds" behind Smogon don't give a shit anymore.

    • 9 months ago

      Smogon seems to have been losing "staff" since gen 7 ended. They still haven't fully updated Showdown with the new model rips and it takes them forever to finish a strategy page which makes it worthless since it'll be outdated by the time it's done.
      Several gen 8 pages are still unfinished, including analyses for OU mons.

      • 9 months ago

        Also ZU pages are mostly just (Don't use X Pokemon), which okay fair, nobody plays ZU, but at least make an effort to actually elaborate on team sets in the tier jfc.

  10. 9 months ago

    Because this generation sucks absolute shit with Tera and how their ruleset dictates itself (See Houndstone v Last Respect). And it doesn't help that gays like Finch spend more time autistically posting food he's eating on Twitter rather than actually addressing nuanced bans. Kingambit or hell even Volcarona wouldn't have dealt with massive flak if we at least knew what Tera they could go into.

    Nobody wants to play tiers where someone can surprise buttfrick you with a random Tera and surprise sweep an entire game. That's why Gen 3 and 4 OU remains to be a lot more tolerable than 8~9's metagames.

    Frick Smogon
    Frick Finch
    Frick Tera not being suspected
    And most importantly frick Smogays

    • 9 months ago

      Only cowards and losers want Tera banned.

      • 9 months ago

        I didn't say Tera should be banned. Only a moron would want to ban a mechanic like this.

        I'm saying we SHOULD at least SUSPECT it into team preview territory. There shouldn't be any reason for setup sweepers to claim free reign with a free get out of jail surprise typing. So we can accommodate against any bullshit Teras.

      • 9 months ago

        Not saying Tera should be banned but it’s a really flawed system when many busted Pokémon were designed around their type weakness and suddenly being able to get rid of their one drawback. Like tell me anything about Calryx Shadow is fair with Tera?

  11. 9 months ago

    Good. We dont want nor need groomers.

  12. 9 months ago

    I remember spending a lot of time in their Wi-Fi section during Gen 6. Made some online friends, had a great time. Place was full of players to trade and battle with.
    Place is dead as frick now.

  13. 9 months ago

    >Caring about competitive wankery
    Good fricking riddance.

  14. 9 months ago

    Modern OU is fricking AIDS so I hope it dies

  15. 9 months ago

    Gen 9 OU is fricking dogshit, not that surprising

  16. 9 months ago

    This is what they get for keeping Protean nerfed instead of reverting it back to pre-nerf state.
    Eat shit Smogon!

  17. 9 months ago

    It takes a long time to find a monotype match.

  18. 9 months ago

    make it die faster

  19. 9 months ago

    >fun pokémon like volcarona and rape ape banned
    >moves banned
    >plus the worst dex in the series

    i'm fricking tired of walking wake and gholdengo in every fricking team

    • 9 months ago

      Oh no anon, did you think you'd be able to break through stall? That's illegal.

    • 9 months ago

      Theyre not banned jackass

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