>smogonshitters somehow shitted the ban votes for kingambit and let him stay

>smogonshitters somehow shitted the ban votes for kingambit and let him stay
>stays as one of the most centralizing pieces of shit in the meta, becoming the no 1 pokemon in usage
>suspect coverage comes out
>literally lists that this pokemon is indeed so fricking impactful that people need to bring multiple counters to it since tera fricks tusk, and that the last world cup 2023 was overwhelmed with kingambit wars and sucker punch 50/50s which was agonizing to watch
>arguments in favor of gambit are completely dismantled by the arguments against it

I hope the smogonkeks are happy with what they brought to themselves.

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  1. 9 months ago

    It's hilarious to see how conservative and fatalistic the Smogon voter base is now, nothing ever gets banned by suspect unless it's blatantly overturned like Chink-Pao, and even then it only manages it with ridiculous percentages like 65% when in past gens landslide suspect votes were the norm. Tera collectively buckbroke the entire site.

    • 9 months ago

      >Tera collectively buckbroke the entire site.
      No, Dynamax did. The fallout from the Dynamax ban was so great that they can't afford to ban another generational gimmick no matter how broken it is.

      • 9 months ago

        I hate to agree but you are correct, we wouldn't have these problems if Tera got the boot and yet at the same time it doesn't even feel correct to ban a game mechanic

      • 9 months ago

        why would anyone cry about dynacringe getting banned? it's objectively the most uninspired, broken gimmick. Z moves were bad but at least that was once a game.

        • 9 months ago

          At that point you've veered so far from being a simulation of the actual games that you might as well be making your own game.
          Banning actual game mechanics, an intrinsic part of the game itself is not a thing that should happen.
          The only reason shit like sleep clause is fine is because there are existing games that had that ruling in place.
          If you need to ban something, it can't be "alter the entire game to be something that isn't like the actual game" because where would you stop?
          Steel has too many resistances and is considered broken? Why don't we "ban" a few of those resistances? Same shit, nobody would agree to that kind of nonsense.
          Tera, Dynamax and to a lesser degree Z-Moves are intrinsic to the metagames they're present in.
          You can ban Megas (And some Z-Moves), as they're tied to non-intrinsic mechanics, like items or moves. The same is not true with Dyna and Tera.

          • 9 months ago

            Gmax was balanced around doubles, not singles. That's why it's fine to ban. It was never intended for 6v6 singles. Same applies to tera.

            • 9 months ago

              Bro this is a cope
              Doubles OU banned Dmax too it is just a “Smogon doesn’t like set up sweeping” thing

              • 9 months ago

                That was a mistake. Dyna is fine in doubles. Singles is where the new gen gimmicks become an issue.

              • 9 months ago

                That was a mistake why? Because it makes your assertion look bad? The motivation behind the ban in both formats is the same, it’s not “unbalanced” it’s “facilitates a meta we dislike”

              • 9 months ago

                No, because it was an over reaction. I'm not defending the Smogon counsil for the sweeping dynamax ban. The doubles metagame is very different than singles and would require it's own testing. Smogon banned dynamaxing too quickly to be certain of anything. There are serious issues with the smogon counsil and their decision making but that's its own box of worms.

            • 9 months ago

              >Gmax was balanced around doubles, not singles. That's why it's fine to ban. It was never intended for 6v6 singles.
              moronic logic.

              • 9 months ago

                How many official VGC tournaments were 6v6 singles? Gamefreak does not care about 6v6 singles. This is fact

          • 9 months ago


            • 9 months ago

              The Smash community is legendarily comical in its bullshit and chicanery and has been directly crushed by the developers themselves to the point where they autistically obsess over a >20 year old game because they're all manchildren who want to game to be something it isn't.

        • 9 months ago

          I'm so sick of homosexuals hating dynamax. It was literally the best doubles mechanic ever made

          • 9 months ago

            And doubles blows

      • 9 months ago

        There was no fallout from banning Dynamax lmao. Everyone saw it for the clusterfrick it was and it got canned in like a week. Even alternate metas like Ubers and Doubles got rid of that shit after giving it a fair shot.
        Believe me when I tell you, Smogon HATES Dynamax pretty much unanimously. You can tell by how much they bent over backwards to justify cutting it in NatDex while keeping Megas and Z-moves.
        Tera has nowhere near as much hate. Even if you think it's broken, it's nowhere near as bad as Dynamax was and there's a sizeable part of the community that wants to keep it around. Even NatDex OU where Tera is even more insane couldn't get rid of it after two tests.
        Unlike Dynamax, people like Tera, simple as.

        • 9 months ago

          Nobody can actually defend the Dynamax ban on its own merits, it was banned through manipulative suspecting and council preaching

          • 9 months ago
            • 9 months ago

              >literally one week
              >Ditto has a usage comparable to top Pokemon in most formats
              Ok? It’s a brand new mechanic, everyone was doing Dynamax sweep strats and ditto rose up as a counter. That’s what an evolving meta looks like l

    • 9 months ago

      Gen 8 had too many bans and is considered the worst of all gens, while Gen 7 had very few bans and is considered the best of all modern gens. People don't want a repeat of Gen 8

    • 9 months ago

      Just stop banning stuff.
      Just because something is good, doesn't mean that it should be removed so that your favorite shitmon from Gen 4 can find a niche.
      Imagine if they banned the AWP from CSGO competitive. It is objectively the best gun in the game, but no one will ever ban its use because that doesn't actually matter when it comes to competition.

    • 9 months ago

      Because people don’t like to play Smogomon they want to play Pokemon 6v6 with some house ruling if something is fricking absurd. Le council spamming quick bans is a joke

  2. 9 months ago

    But Kingambit is an offensive threat, how did it avoid the ban?

  3. 9 months ago

    Gambit is the new Landorus. Smoggies wouldn't know how to cope if he got banned.

  4. 9 months ago

    >thinking smogon cares about over centralization
    Gen 2 literally revolves around Snorlax, both OU AND Ubers.

    >Kingambit didn't get banned
    Sort of weird considering it can 1v6 in many cases if you soften up the enemy team but they didn't seem to think it was as bad as Bax but they'll prob be suspect testing aurora viel in general and light clay as they talked about earlier this gen.

    • 9 months ago

      Haven’t they also said that even if Lando-T hit 95% usage it wouldn’t be banned?

      • 9 months ago


      • 9 months ago

        Yes, but I think it was an intentionally hyperbolic statement to say that they don't ban based on usage.

  5. 9 months ago

    The big issue with tera and gmax is that any pokemon can use them with no restrictions. Gmax turns any pokemon into a tactical nuke for three turns with attacks that had potentially devastating effects, no item required. Tera allows any pokemon to gain an additional STAB or reinforce a current STAB and can be used defensively to temove certain weakness, no item required. Tera beam, or whatever its called, also allows any pokemon to attack with its new STAB using its preferred attacking stat.
    Gmax. Any pokemon, no items. Tera any pokemon and last the entire battle, no items.

    Contrast to mega evolution and z-attacks. Mega evolution was restricted to certain pokemon and required items to use. If any mega evolution was too powerful you could easily ban it or its item. Z-attacks were one time use and required an item to use.
    Only certain pokemon can mega evolve and an item is required to do so. Any pokemon can z-attack but it is a one time effect and requires an item.

    More than the pushed stats of new pokemon or broken items, the gimmicks are where pokemon is showing its power creep.

    Ban tera for a month and see how much healthier the meta is.

  6. 9 months ago


  7. 9 months ago

    >smogon bans something
    >/vp/ whines and b***hes

    >smogon doesn't ban something
    >/vp/ whines and b***hes

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