So convince me why this console isn't responsible for keeping this entire generation down

So convince me why this console isn't responsible for keeping this entire generation down

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  1. 2 years ago

    All xbox games have to be playable on original 2013 xbone hardware, it's not even just the series s.

    • 2 years ago

      Not true. There has been a lengthy cross-gen period but there are Series exclusives too, and there will be an increasing number of them.
      Flight Simulator isn't on last gen. Upcoming titles Scorn, Hellblade 2, Starfield, and Forza Motorsport reboot (for example) also won't be on last-gen.
      MS is allowing Xbox Ones to stream the Series X versions of games so that there's less reason for native last-gen ports to be made

    • 2 years ago

      >All xbox games have to be playable on original 2013 xbone hardware
      Games need to run on Xbone as much as they need to run on PS4: They don't.
      It's most publishers that want that until PS5 and XSX have a big enough userbase, and developers have to deal with the constrains of targeting underpowered hardware.

      Fortunately we're already seeing games not bothering with last gen coming out this year, even. Next year will be better in that regard.

  2. 2 years ago

    The switch exists

    • 2 years ago


      also if anything, just look no further than PC gaming, as the vast majority of machines are less powerful than a series S.

  3. 2 years ago

    Better specs than 90% of gaming pcs

  4. 2 years ago

    Convince me why it is?

    • 2 years ago

      Slowass RAM and GPU, worse than the XboneX even.
      Fortunately the CPU is mostly on par with the XSX, so most games have been able to only resort to lower rendering resolution, framerate, and texture resolution when running on the XSS.

  5. 2 years ago

    Why would a system whose CPU and SSD are as fast as the Series X's be holding back the generation? It has 10 gigs of general RAM which should really be good enough for most games unless the devs are absolutely trash at optimization.
    If anything, the Series S is forcing the generation to stay at least partially well optimized for the other systems

    • 2 years ago

      It’s about time that hardware limitation forced devs to better optimise their shit.
      Nearly exponential improvements in hardware in the last 20 years has allowed spaghetti code to cripple efficiency

      • 2 years ago

        What's interesting is it's making some devs realize the limitations of using engines like Unity or Unreal that produce unintentionally CPU-bottlenecked games.
        When you look at some of the better running and looking third party Switch titles, they're almost always built with in-house engines. Sniper Elite, Monster Hunter or even Astral Chain. Even the Warframe devs talked about how working with Panic Button to get the game on Switch helped them figure out new optimizations for every other platform as well.
        The Series S (and its potential popularity) is the only thing that's going to ensure that games on PS5 and Series X don't degrade into being 1200p <30 fps shitfests of optimization

  6. 2 years ago

    if you blame graphics for keeping a generation down you're a zoomer
    if you blame this piece of shit for keeping graphics from being all they could be then you also need to blame low-end PCs (which is the majority of PCs) that can't even output what a SeS can graphically
    a good game is a good game. if a developer blames hardware on his game being bad i advise him to look at any grounbreaking videogame in the past decade. most if not all are subpar graphically and try to innovate or do something new. Shit some just do things WELL with how low the fricking bar is today

    • 2 years ago

      >can't use realtime fluid physics simulations in your game because the lower-end consoles can't handle them

      • 2 years ago

        unless you're making waverace I have no idea how this would improve a game

        • 2 years ago

          >multiplayer tactical shooter game with accurate physics for smoke grenades
          >city building simulator with accurate tsunami disaster events that react to buildings, levees, topography, etc.
          >firefighting game with realistic fire and smoke simulations

          • 2 years ago

            milsim games are the only exclusives pc has going for it, too bad arma is shit and these games peaked with red orchestra 2 which can be played on a toaster

          • 2 years ago

            >thinking anybody plays tactical shooters on anything other than PC
            As for the other two: if the devs are competent, they won't just implement an out-of-the-box version of these fluid sims but be savvy enough to make adjustments and optimize for them.
            The irony of something like fluid sim stuff in UE5 is that unless you're just trying to flex about having it in your game at all, most of the genres that would actually make use of them would also have devs competent enough to work around the more intense bottlenecks.
            UE4 was always more CPU intensive (one of the reasons its games almost always run like shit on Switch) and while I'm not 100% sure, I'd put good money on their Niagara tech being CPU driven too

  7. 2 years ago

    console looking sussy

    • 2 years ago


  8. 2 years ago

    Next gen Games are still releasing for the ps4, like street fighter 6. There are PCs out there that are weaker and slower than the series s.

    Xbox series s is just a resolution drop. It’s only hard to optimize for if you are a shitty polish developer.

    • 2 years ago

      >just a resolution drop
      And a framerate drop and a texture quality drop and a shadow quality drop and a ray tracing quality drop or removal

  9. 2 years ago

    Sony not making games is the reason

  10. 2 years ago

    >noooo you must drop thousands of dollars to have fun with videogames
    LMAOing@your ass

  11. 2 years ago

    games industry is focused around pc now not consoles

    consoles can no longer hold us back

    >b-but what if i only consume AAA from the 10 biggest developers
    guess thats a you problem

    • 2 years ago

      you do understand that 97% of computer users have worse computer than xbone?

      • 2 years ago

        meaningless, the amount of enthusiasts on pc is greater than the amount of enthusiasts on consoles and enthusiast games sell more on pc than any console platform

        we are doing just fine

        • 2 years ago

          >the amount of enthusiasts on pc is greater than the amount of enthusiasts on consoles
          Source: Just trust me bro

        • 2 years ago

          ok but who's putting this much effort into being the most beautiful game in the world with 4k textures, ray traced lighting, fluid physics, particle effects etc for maybe 1000 "enthusiast gamers"

          sounds more like you're a tech demo enthusiast

          • 2 years ago

            pc gamers just jerk off and shitpost here. On the off chance they don't have a favella tier PC like 90% + of people on steam they play graphically intense games for 15 minute sessions

            why do you think they have such huge backlogs, most of it multiplat shit

            • 2 years ago

              they can just make the game PS + PC only if supporting the series was such a big issue.

              actually i find it's the opposite, PC players tend to play the most platform only stuff (especially if mods are included), like CSGO still beats everything else on steam and TF2 can consistently beat destiny, GTA5 and all the halo games combined.
              and people still refuse to play B4B with l4d still having more players by a factor of like 10:1

              • 2 years ago

                and why is that? Because the overwhelming majority of PC gamers are stuck on poverty hardware , hence the popularity of all csgo, tf2, l4d.

                All of which can be played on a weak mac or integrated graphics.

              • 2 years ago

                stuff the MCC and GTA can be run on most weaker PCs, and games like destiny and B4B are pretty well optimized afaik,not really a good explanation
                >why is that
                cause games like TF2 are timeless classics,nothing on console can really compare (i mean, a controller can't even rocket-jump by default, though with gyro aim, it can be pretty great, but gyro aim tends to confuse alot of console players for some reason, with PC players being generally more open to it)
                and in l4d's case, its just a better game in basically all cases, B4B doesn't even look as good.

        • 2 years ago

          mobile tier games generate most money on computer

        • 2 years ago

          >enthusiasts on pc
          that people spend more time posting pictures of RGB lights that playing videogames

  12. 2 years ago

    Look at steam system surveys and Ganker posts whenever a new system demanding game comes out.

  13. 2 years ago

    define "keeping this entire generation down"
    if you are talking about graphix, they peaked at the PS3 era and haven't noticeably improved since
    as for mechanics and physics, they both peaked in the PS2 era
    i blame the OG Xbox for speeding up the inevitable console decline once they open the flood gates to online components in home consoles, the 360 was kino and the Bone was a joke from the start, but the Xsex has done nothing wrong
    if anything, it has the advantage of not being the censorstation
    still inferior to the Switch and PCs though

  14. 2 years ago

    The Series S is great because you csn play current game games, can emulate everything up to PS2 and Game Pass is great if you are a casual.
    How could it be holding the gen back when the Switch is a fricking tablet from 2015.

  15. 2 years ago

    Because I don't even know what you mean by your question. Be more specific about what "keeping this entire generation down" means.

  16. 2 years ago

    Devs will have to make it run on the s giving the x more breathing room for higher fps for those that want it. It's unironically a good thing for the gen.

  17. 2 years ago
    01001101 01000100 01000110

    Don't care what anyone says, I love the Series S.
    It does exactly what I need it to do and does it well... I don't absolutely require 4K super ultra mega detail, 1440p is more than adequate.
    Literally the only downside is the storage space.

    • 2 years ago

      >digital console
      >only comes in 512gb

    • 2 years ago

      Relatively few games on Series S run at 1440p, and if they do, it's usually limited to a 30fps quality mode.
      It might be a good option for someone still using a 1080p TV with no plans to upgrade... but it's not so great for when their ancient TV kicks the bucket and the replacement is 4k

      • 2 years ago

        Am I the only one that stills games in 1080 and has never seen the point in 4k

        • 2 years ago

          same, 1080 is fine. 4k gaming is a moron meme, just like playing at more than 60fps

  18. 2 years ago

    This console + gamepass = the cheapest gaming
    Any broke can aford this

  19. 2 years ago

    Only sony can give us actual generational leaps and they still release games for ps4.

  20. 2 years ago

    What is PS2 emulation like on this?

    • 2 years ago

      not good, but i think thats less to do with the hardware and more to do with the fact that libretro ports of 3d console emulators, for whatever reason, fricking suck penis. the libretro version of dolphin runs like absolute shit on anything other than new, high end hardware, meanwhile the standalone version runs at full speed on my fricking intel HD 5500 graphics.

  21. 2 years ago

    Because the ps4 is the lowest sku for current gen games at this point

    • 2 years ago

      If something releases on PS4, it's most likely on base Xbox One too, which is even lower

      • 2 years ago

        PlayStation has never had any games besides fricking final trantasy. Cope.

  22. 2 years ago

    and the switch isn't?

    • 2 years ago

      Ambitious games for the other consoles and PC tend not to release for Switch right away, and if a Switch port happens it will be something sourced to another developer and released months or years later. So no, it doesn't keep the others down

  23. 2 years ago

    Sony keeps pushing the ps4

  24. 2 years ago

    I’m looking at the hardware and literally what is the point of getting the Series X compared to this?

    • 2 years ago

      For the 1TB SSD. And better performance if you force resolution to 1080p. And a Bluray drive.

    • 2 years ago

      if you have a 4k tv

  25. 2 years ago

    >Steam Deck
    >Top GPUs on steam include the 1060 and 1050ti
    If anything these things are forcing devs to optimize their shit

  26. 2 years ago

    they're releasing crossgen games in 2023 and you're worried about this?
    anyway, publisher can simply decide to not release it on the console, if they feel it is "keeping down" their games

  27. 2 years ago

    I bought a Series S but then I returned it and got a Series X later, when they were still super hard to get. I don't see any reason to spend thousands on a desktop PC. There are now new games coming out these days that are PC exclusive, and Sony is just releasing pure shit

    • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago
  28. 2 years ago

    It can easily run any game the PS5 and Series X runs in 4k at 1080p. How can it hold a console generation down when all the devs have to do is set a lower default resolution? The real thing holding this gen down is Microsoft and Sony's obsession with this 4k marketing gimmick. You can basically forget new ray tracing improvements etc this gen because of this. Which is why the Series S has such an easy time keeping up right now.

    • 2 years ago

      >The real thing holding this gen down is Microsoft and Sony's obsession with this 4k marketing gimmick
      There's a noticeable difference between 1440p upscaled to 4k and native 4k on supported games. The blurriness is really distracting, so whatever upscaling algorithm they use sucks.

      Also, devs insist on using ray tracing only for shitty reflections on water and shinny surfaces instead of actual realistic room lighting, so if that's the extent of what they intend to do then I'd rather have the game render at 4k 60fps+ instead.

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