So did the nu Sqauts/Votann utterly flop? GW went woke and got broke here. They didnt give us dwarf fans what we wanted

So did the nu Sqauts/Votann utterly flop?

GW went woke and got broke here. They didnt give us dwarf fans what we wanted

Homeless People Are Sexy Shirt $21.68

Black Rifle Cuck Company, Conservative Humor Shirt $21.68

Homeless People Are Sexy Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 months ago

    In what way are the leagues of votann 'woke', OP? I agree that nothing has been done with them and they are overall a lame faction, but using that meme when it's not even conceivable how it *could* apply makes it seem like you have brainworms.

    Personally I don't think they should have brought back squats at all. There simply isn't anything interesting to do with them that Deeprock Galactic has not already beaten you to the punch on.

  2. 2 months ago


    that's moronic.
    And you're moronic.
    Don't just give all of science to one of your political enemies, that's fricking moronic.

    • 2 months ago

      Lets not be surprised that 40k attracts these kinds of people. When you have one of the core ideals of the setting be "Thinking bad, ignorance good", it doesn't matter if its supposed to be a joke. You will inevitably attract people who are receptive to that in unironic terms.

      • 2 months ago

        Erm media literacy much?

        • 2 months ago

          I don't expect that from you, no.

      • 2 months ago

        Modern science isn't thinking you stupid redditor, that's why there's a crisis of being unable to replicate official results.

        • 2 months ago

          >posted from my iPhone 4

  3. 2 months ago

    What the actual frick are you on?
    Votann are underperforming because they are overcosted on behalf of a nothingburger mechanic, have an anemic army list with gaping holes that are ludicrously easy to prep for, and are a new faction released during a time when disposable income has dipped for the average hobbyist, so fewer "frick it" purchases have been made.
    That's it. Totally predictable. Frick, I'd say they're actually doing really well with respect to those issues.

    • 2 months ago

      Do WAACgays really think anyone else buys armies based on how "powerful" they are in the current ruleset? Get a grip man, they sell like shit because the models look awful (whether or not that's because they have distinctly AoS features is up for debate) and because nobody cares about the lore. Timmy isn't begging mom to buy anything from that anemic line, he wants Space Marines or Orks

      • 2 months ago

        For a new army with no lore, yes. Yes, that is exactly why they sell. You either have a dynamite aesthetic (Tau battlesuits) or perform very well, or at least consistently. (Tau also did this).
        Votann aesthetics are... interesting, at least, but not exactly gundams in 40k, and they're piss on tabletop.

      • 2 months ago

        Surely its a combination of the two. The different archetype of magic players (Tommy, Spike, Vorthos, etc) more or less apply to games like 40k as well. You have people who pick armies based on aesthetics or lore, but also some players who will inevitably be swayed by a given army being 'stronger' than other factions in the current meta if for no other reason that 40k is a game you play against other players and some people are very competitive.

        LoV is in a sour spot where its aesthetics are not very popular unless you really liked Lego Ice Planet as a kid, and its not going to be winning you many games. And they have basically no lore, even compares to other tiny factions like the Kroot. So whats the draw?

        • 2 months ago

          I consider Leagues to have more of a NASAPunk aesthetic. It's pretty cool in isolation, but it feels somehow awkward in 40k when Squats are supposed to be human offshoots. Thematically it just doesn't work that the AdMech wouldn't have declared like a thousand crusades to take their shit if it's all closer/purer to the DAOT originals.

          OP isn't that wrong either about how there was no additional marketing for the League. Horus Heresy was winding up, Indomitus Crusade had gotten a reboot, and where were the League supposed to slot in in any of it? They'd never been brought up or hinted at in any BL work unlike, say, Q'orl, so there was nothing for players to latch onto besides
          >They're nu-Squats
          and they got nothing afterwards to give Timmy types the lore, characters, and context for their armies.

          • 2 months ago

            the nasapunk look is actually kind of what they have going for them. It's a unique, clean aesthetic. They are supposed to be the direct descendants of us; our time and technology. They were normal humans with normal atheist technology and AI and manufacturing before they all got eaten. 35,000+ year old tech in 40k would look way different than Indominus era stuff. Informally, they fit in way better than Tau which are basically done in a different artstyle essentially.

            • 2 months ago

              >talks about unique, clean aesthetic
              >posts a space wolf manlet with psuedoceltic goobers plastered all over it

            • 2 months ago

              The aesthetic problem they have - and they always have - is the attempt to mesh two (arguably 3) fairly different looks in the one line. You've got the outlaw bikers/frontiersmen of the Guild, and then the regular army (now spacesuits) which also wants some ornate Nordic bling cos dwarfs=viking.
              Personally I lean more to the Guild models but even then the range leaves me a bit cold; I don't DISlike them, but they just don't flip that switch in my head to even want one or two for a painting exercise.

              • 2 months ago

                Pretty much this. The only good looking votann models are that new killteam and even then I wish they'd scrap all the dwarves entirely and just give me a whole army of beep boops in dusters.

              • 2 months ago

                These badass motherfrickers should have just been the basis of the faction. I would for sure have built an army of these guys instead of Starcraft 2 midgets.

              • 2 months ago

                why would a robot wear a fur coat?

              • 2 months ago

                >keeps the dust out
                >keeps his joints from freezing
                >because fur-lined dusters have been calculated to be the mathematically objective peak aesthetic
                Take your pick

              • 2 months ago

                >Rhetorical query: what is the essential difference between this unit and meatbags?
                >Self-satisfied answer: this unit makes this shit look good.

                I've said this before, but I would've been all over LoV if they looked like the Squat bounty hunters in Necromunda rather than the NASApunk shit.

                Honestly, that's a damned good model but perhaps the design team might have felt it wasn't sufficiently distinct to carry a whole range. Or whatever internal assessment they have had more likes for what we got.
                Honestly, I don't mind the spacesuits, but the exo-armour is too chunky in comparison (which is accurate to the original walking egg I suppose), and the not-slayers just look a bit daft.

              • 2 months ago
                Emperor Calus

                >and the not-slayers just look a bit daft.
                They need to have their pants removed and given two axes. They should be newly minted clones seconds into their lives when sent into battle.

              • 2 months ago

                The cyberslayers were the dumbest idea possible. They should've made them lightly armored (but still armored) shipbreakers or something that use axes, hammers, etc to dismantle ships thus got used to fighting with them instead of shirtless miners that for some reason are bussed out to battle.

              • 2 months ago

                I've said this before, but I would've been all over LoV if they looked like the Squat bounty hunters in Necromunda rather than the NASApunk shit.

            • 2 months ago

              And the reason why that's a problem is the notion that the Dark Age version of us was a bright clean "nasapunk" aesthetic is only a few years old and sucks shit. Warhammer 20K is fricking Dune(book/Lynch/TV miniseries version not Froggy's Brutalist Funtime Hour), not The Martian with laserguns. The whole point of 40K is that they're figuratively squatting in the ruins of their own past, nothing is their own *not even their aesthetic*, everything is just a less functional imitation of what came before or a priceless relic from an age undreamt of. That fundamental through line doesn't work anymore if "what came before" looks like a fricking saturday morning cartoon toy line instead of basically what they have but functional and with fewer skulls.

              And yes, there are like, two examples previously of STC tech being described as sleek and minimalist. By ignorant BL authors afflicted by the same juvenile, surface level, "if the present is grim and dark the past must have been bright and shiny Muh Contrast hurr durr" mentality.

              • 2 months ago

                I don't even mind the "sleek and clean" take on the DAoT, but I think the votann failed spectacularly on that front outside of the buggies and maybe the hoverbikes. Compare the the designs of Admech Kastellans and UR-025 to the lumpy, blocky tortoiseshell armor of votann and its honestly just disappointing.

              • 2 months ago

                This might just be headcanon, but I’ve been reading the Leagues as the most primitive version of spacefaring humans, not something from the heights of the DAoT. It makes sense to me at least that they’re a bit more Duplo compared to other Men of Iron

              • 2 months ago

                I don't care the justification, I just think it looks comparatively awful. Not to mention they're supposed to be innovators.

        • 2 months ago

          >Lego Ice Planet
          Now that you've said that they look kinda more appealing. Not that I like of care about Lego, but I never noticed the ice explorer quasi theme.

          • 2 months ago

            Paint schemes based on Lego sets are the only meme that latched on with Votann.

            • 2 months ago

              I'd heard about TMNT but somehow missed this one

            • 2 months ago

              Guilty as charged

              • 2 months ago

                >hairy counter
                I'm assuming that's from a pet?
                I sincerely hope that's from a pet.

              • 2 months ago

                Nah it's my pubes.

      • 2 months ago

        90% of the nu-40K player base are WAACgays. No decently minded person would continue to play this increasingly arcadey garbage

  4. 2 months ago

    Votann have arrived.

  5. 2 months ago

    only 40k fans would just want basic "muh diggy diggy hole I FRICKING HECKIN HATE ELVES LOL DA BOOK!!!! I LOVE BEARDS AND WHUSKY IM A MAN" and begin to cry when GW didnt just copy the basic archetype for once.

    The time of the dwarf is over. Elves are superior.

    • 2 months ago

      Spindly fingers typed this

      • 2 months ago

        EVERYONE has 'spindly fingers' compared to a dwarf though.

    • 2 months ago

      All Tolkien races are shit tier world building, and I refuse to believe that a real human soul with creative force took part in creating the LoV abominations. They were likely designed by a committee or by typing "nordic nexoknights" to an image generator AI.

      • 2 months ago

        I agree. Bungie Workshop had been uncreative for decades. It's no wonder they decided to make an extraction shooter.

        • 2 months ago

          Marathon honestly has a more interesting story than Halo.

        • 2 months ago
  6. 2 months ago

    Go back. They got a new thing recently.

  7. 2 months ago

    GW employee here, they sell aight I suppose. Not distinctly worse or better than anything else; I'd say they're probably on the tier of Tau. They outsell AdMec and Aeldar by a bit it seems and theyre much more of mainstay armies compared to new votann. The biggest problem is that GW is sabotaging them by not keeping a full range in store. No one buys admech, yet they have a full two shelf wide vertical. If I could keep all of the Votann in my store instead of their comparatively smaller spot, they would move. Their boxart goes really hard with the purple and space dwarves are kind of an easy concept to understand for noobies. The problem is that they are one of like 17 different factions to pick from and new players don't understand that no one ever plays ever so they feel like they aren't allowed to sample things from other factions besides their own super deluxe value box marines or tyranids.

    • 2 months ago

      also GW (not store staff)
      I found your comment about tau tier amusing - did you know that when Tau have powerful rules, they shift to one of the top selling factions?

      This effect happens with other armies too, but none as dramatically so as tau. Food for thought

  8. 2 months ago

    >turns out people like the /idea/ of dwarves more than actually playing them
    L M F A O

    Seriously, nobody actually plays dwarves in any game or in any format. How do companies keep falling for it and wasting money on their inclusion?

    • 2 months ago

      In D&D or other things like that, it's honestly like, 75% low movement speed.
      That's a CRIPPLING drawback to give to any casual player, who thinks they are single handedly responsible for worsening the group's travel rules they don't realize are being ignored and so on. That, mixed with fears of being outranged and kited and so on is just icing.

      And any player laid back enough to NOT worry about those things is picking silly races or smashy cavemen at first.
      Then habits set in and before you know it, nobody really plays dwarfs except the odd powergamer.

      • 2 months ago

        Being slower is generally a feelsbad, its true. But there's also the fact that dwarves are sort of the weakest part of the generic fantasy toolkit. In most stories they are the filler fantasy race, not good at anything that matters and most of the time being easily ignored or replaceable by a generic character with nothing lost in the process.
        Hell, even in Tolkien the big point of dwarves is that they, in the most literally and cosmological sense, do not matter. Are ontologically incapable of mattering. They were not supposed to exist at all, the god that made them was big sad about being told his cool and original little dudes were off-script and he had to delete them, and out of PITY the overgod made some on the fly edits to work them into the song of creation so they could be included so long as they waited their turn and didn't change anything already scripted to happen.
        That last part is important. Every major event in Middle Earth, from the beginning of time to the end of days, plays out EXACTLY the same way whether or not Dwarves exist. They have zero impact on anything important, because they are a cosmetic addition to the world to make one particular guy happy.
        This is why every major dwarvish settlement gets destroyed by some calamity, why they are destined to dig too greedily and too deep and to fade away from the surface world as they just retreat further and further into the earth. Any accomplishment they make has to be ultimately trivial compared to everyone else and their entire species cannot have a long term impact on anything, by divine agreement.
        Is it really a surprise that people don't want to play the designated unimportant npc race?

        • 2 months ago

          >One god-bothering closet case wrote dwarfs in one way, so that's dwarfs now always and forever
          >By the way I have long hair and pointy ears and have an abiding fondness for penis
          >Also I'm trans btw don't know if that matters

          • 2 months ago

            >>One god-bothering closet case wrote dwarfs in one way, so that's dwarfs now always and forever

            Well, yes. Dwarf as a fantasy race comes directly from Tolkien. Dwarves existed in a mythological sense before that, but mythological dwarves have nothing in common with generic fantasy dwarves as you understand them except when filtered through the lens of Tolkein singlehandedly established genre tropes.
            Pictured: a famous mythological dwarf from a popular and oft-referenced legend.

      • 2 months ago

        >who thinks they are single handedly responsible for worsening the group's travel rules
        Do you think newbies even pay attention to that shit? It's simply that no one wants to play dwarves in dindy when you can be a half-orc or goliath instead. The only people who like dwarves are meme spammers that most people find insufferable.

  9. 2 months ago

    I like the Votann when they look like pic.

    • 2 months ago

      I will defeat your Loyalists with pic.

    • 2 months ago

      Does this new votann mini please op?

      I will defeat your Loyalists with pic.

      The hell are these things even from? Are these poor 3D prints or do the models just look like that?

      • 2 months ago

        They're Votann

        • 2 months ago

          Those who can see the truth look upon the nuSquats and see those.

          So they're so shit you can't even bring yourselves to name them, got it.

      • 2 months ago

        Those who can see the truth look upon the nuSquats and see those.

      • 2 months ago

        It is one opulent army fat with strength, another less opulent but with potential, then some random xenos.

  10. 2 months ago

    Reddit 40k lore subreddit is a shit hole, frick every person who posts there. And frick votaaan too.

    • 2 months ago

      Why? What's wrong with it?

  11. 2 months ago

    Squats aren't woke, just shit. If you start calling everything woke for no reason, you'll just water down the term, like the leftists and puritans are doign with racism, nazism and pedophilia.

  12. 2 months ago


    >be rightoid
    >hate black people
    >somehow think you understand black ppl slang
    >keep repeating said African American slang as if you were (your mind's idea of) a black person
    Flawless logic.

  13. 2 months ago

    >So did the nu Sqauts/Votann utterly flop?
    Yes they have. They seem to be on life support with a pity Kill Team sent out the door to remind the 40k fanbase that they're still here.
    Is it poor sales or GW not giving the Votann much support? I think it is both.

  14. 2 months ago

    caring about sales is gay
    have a nice day

  15. 2 months ago

    I like the Leagues. I find the core idea of them being dark age of technology "artificial humans"/clone offshoot of mankind that kind of evolved to do their own thing in the galactic core really neat. Plus their aesthetics look cool to me, especially their vehicles

  16. 2 months ago

    All they had to do was release space dwarves, not...whatever the frick came out.

    • 2 months ago

      DAoT demand. And original squats were borderline ratlings.

  17. 2 months ago

    >It FLOPPED!
    >It's a HUGE GLOP!
    >GW is done, the new product FLOPPED!
    >hnnngggghhh I'm gonna FLOOOOOOOOOOP!
    Jesus christ you people are insufferable.

  18. 2 months ago

    From an outsider perspective they don't fit with the 40k aesthetic. I don't think the people at GW know or care what their own aesthetic even is anymore. Clean stylish sci-fi isn't the 40k aesthetic. It works well enough for Tau because they're aliens and their armies have a cohesive look that isn't too sleek and clean, but Votann just have nothing going for them.

    • 2 months ago

      I love when people talk about the 40k """"style""""" like it's any one thing. You have Egyptian stargate terminator ripoffs in one corner, Australian mad max squig ate my baby fantasy orks in another, you've got space elfs that look like power rangers, space elfs that look like power ranger bad guys, Geiger alien ripoffs, literal world War 1 and 2 tanks and infantry, great value off brand gundams, Baskin Robbins 21 flavors of space marines, Leonardo DaVinci ornothopers and mechanical horses.

      • 2 months ago

        This is my point. Votann don't stand out or have anything going for them.

        • 2 months ago

          Astronauts nasa

          • 2 months ago

            Yeah so, not interesting and not anything any human being would associate with "space dwarves."

            • 2 months ago

              I enjoy your bait and say the same about. Eldar, Tau, etc.

              • 2 months ago

                Anon I don't care if any given 40k army flops or sells like hotcakes, I don't play the game and wouldn't give GW my money with a gun to my head. I'm just pointing out that Votann are fricking boring.

            • 2 months ago

              >he doesn't know

            • 2 months ago

              They're abhumans too. That's what Squatw were from the beginning.

            • 2 months ago

              I disagree completely and utterly, I actually think the combination they did for LoV was perfect and exactly what they needed to not just be "dwarves in space I guess" which was exactly what got them booted out of the setting in 2nd ed while Orks and Eldar found their place as more than just "space orcs" and "space elves".

              The classic dwarf tropes of being miners, artisans, and engineers with more advanced tech than humans (usually they have guns and cannons and shit like ornithopters in Fantasy settings while humans are still using crossbows) flows naturally into being industrialist free capitalist strip miners with advanced space tech, and in 40k with the whole theme of being a decaying age where older is better, the advanced tech then flows naturally into classic dwarf tropes of ancestor worship, reimagined as AIs that run their society which flows into cyberpunk megacorp territory which flows back into the hyper capitalist territory that goes with being greedy industrious miners. The DAoT connection then lends itself to tying in perfectly with the Stone Men / Iron Men lore which suddenly makes even more sense even from just a NAMING perspective because Stone Men = Dwarves is just fricking, c'mon. And several of those themes flow to the NASApunk space explorer aesthetic that 40k has been missing. And anyone who gives me that newbie secondary shit of "b-but it doesn't FIT 40k" is a moron who doesn't understand 40k. The point of the setting is it makes everything fit in one setting so you can smash your giger alien toys into death metal album cover daemons and space knights and mad max orcs and gundams. It's the very essence of pulp sci-fi where conan the barbarian looking dudes that are mostly naked oiled muscles in fur loinclothes use plasma axes to cleave open lasergun-toting lizardmen on mars. Of fricking COURSE it needs a NASApunk faction.

              • 2 months ago

                >which was exactly what got them booted out of the setting in 2nd ed while Orks and Eldar found their place as more than just "space orcs" and "space elves".
                Honestly I agree
                Imagine eldar coming out today and people b***hing how Muh Elves don't have Photon Longbows and Spaec Entz (besides wraithknights) or something

              • 2 months ago

                >which was exactly what got them booted out of the setting in 2nd ed while Orks and Eldar found their place as more than just "space orcs" and "space elves".
                Honestly I agree
                Imagine eldar coming out today and people b***hing how Muh Elves don't have Photon Longbows and Spaec Entz (besides wraithknights) or something

                >Photon Longbows
                Unironically a good idea.
                Reaper Launchers should've been big fricking energy bows.

              • 2 months ago

                >which was exactly what got them booted out of the setting in 2nd ed while Orks and Eldar found their place as more than just "space orcs" and "space elves".
                Honestly I agree
                Imagine eldar coming out today and people b***hing how Muh Elves don't have Photon Longbows and Spaec Entz (besides wraithknights) or something

                I've seen these exact posts multiple times. Is this some sort of discord troony raid?

  19. 2 months ago

    I think making a thread on /tg/ should release a poisonous gas from your keyboard that renders you completely and permanently paralyzed.

  20. 2 months ago

    Does this new votann mini please op?

  21. 2 months ago


    only 40k fans would just want basic "muh diggy diggy hole I FRICKING HECKIN HATE ELVES LOL DA BOOK!!!! I LOVE BEARDS AND WHUSKY IM A MAN" and begin to cry when GW didnt just copy the basic archetype for once.

    The time of the dwarf is over. Elves are superior.

    This is my point. Votann don't stand out or have anything going for them.

    >he doesn't like being Fat with Strength
    You mistook my joy for weakness. You understood nothing of who I am.

    • 2 months ago

      Being fat is not a theme for a faction. You can have fat IG ar admech, and Nurgle typically is pretty fat.

      • 2 months ago

        >Being fat is not a theme for a faction
        >just fat
        >not with strength

      • 2 months ago

        I see you missed the second part. Don't worry anon, your Red Legion ilk naturally fails to understand opulence.

  22. 2 months ago

    Nu-squats are completely creatively bankrupt, which is clearly visible in how they lack a coherent visual theme beyond a hodgepodge of 'aesthetics' ripped from the internet. It's a bit like if the Tau instead of having a coherent look just copied some mecha designs and threw in gaudy samurai references all over the place. Furthermore the squats don't have any interesting lore which is why they're permanently stuck as "humanity but better", which not only is boring but they actually make all the other factions less interesting in their boring mary sueness.

  23. 2 months ago


    >complaining about anime here

  24. 2 months ago


    Post the pic

    • 2 months ago

      >complaining about anime here

      >Photon Longbows
      Unironically a good idea.
      Reaper Launchers should've been big fricking energy bows.

      Your combined IQ is less than a hundred.

      • 2 months ago

        >he who knows nothing about 40k or anything /tg/ is also a newbie

  25. 2 months ago


    >They're straightforward
    >But they're nothing people would think of when thinking space dwarves
    Make up your mind. Or are you exclusively communicating with copypastas?

  26. 2 months ago

    The Cabal has won.

  27. 2 months ago


    I too am a different anon from everyone here. I say this because I can be trusted to not samegay.

  28. 2 months ago

    I accept my Cabal overlords.

  29. 2 months ago


    >anti-cabalgay just happens to not belong here

  30. 2 months ago

    Black person what the frick are you on about?
    did you even read the post in your OP pic?
    Space Marine Wank is an entirely different thing from THE LE WOKE, and it's a problem not of Votann, but of Space Marines, and specifically that GW is staffed almost exclusively by morons who jerk off about Space Marines all day every day.

    • 2 months ago

      >THE LE
      Must be an election year in America...

  31. 2 months ago

    I just wanted the flak jacket guys from necromunda to get a spot in the main army.

    • 2 months ago

      me too. I wanted an army of short bearded ratlings without advanced tech and power armor. i

  32. 2 months ago


    >They load the entire model line with female dwarfs, no bearded dwarfs, and their entire aesthetic is super science.
    Every 10-squats squad has 21 head options, 1 is a robot, 6 are female, all 14 male heads have facial hair, 9 of those have a beard.

    • 2 months ago

      6 too many
      Also 'facial air' is not a space dwarf beard

  33. 2 months ago

    I wanted Cabal. I want more Cabal. I want all the Cabal. I will have more Cabal.

  34. 2 months ago


    >which was coined by the left to describe the same things it's used by the left [right] to describe
    Not really, the 'right' currently uses woke in a far far broader context than the 'left' used it. A 2014 tumblrina would have never described Captain Marvel or The Little Mermaid remake as woke. iirc it was more a racial thing, like a gay couple wouldn't be described as woke.

    But yeah, the left stopped using it because the right used it far more frequently and in a much more perjorative context. "Woke" today does not mean the same thing it meant 10 years ago; that's not hypocrisy (or w/e you're getting at), that's how language goes.

  35. 2 months ago


    "stay woke" was about the man keeping black people down or something along those lines, not whether a woman in a cartoon shaved the sides of her head or the dwarves in the sci-fi game looked too sci-fi

  36. 2 months ago

    The models suck ass and the lore is complete shit, I have no idea why people say they like the models. At best they look like autistic walking eggs, at worst they're unholy blender files that were never meant to be put on a tabletop. Somehow, GW decided to steal Mantic's designs for miniatures one-for-one, and actually put out models that look worse than Mantic's 20 year old space dwarf line.

  37. 2 months ago

    Woke is a pretty specific concept that doesn't necessarily include everything that's lame and gay.
    Votann is lame and gay because they hedged their bets and made another obvious good guy faction like the Tau.
    But with the Tau, you have two lurking forms of grimdark. One, even if they really are noblebright, awesome and perfect, they are a tiny empire that's just waiting to get wiped out as just another minor xenos footnote empire to get crushed and forgotten. There have probably been literally 100s of similar spacefaring races roughly similar to the Tau, and now they're all gone. Two, the mind control angle everyone is familiar with.
    The Votann though? They just have perfect STCs, their society is awesome, they're mega strong and have a huge empire with a great territory that's unassailable, aren't considered xenos by the imperium so they won't be attacked, their gods are becoming le quirky with age without a major loss of effectiveness, I could go on.
    They're just better than everyone else, and the fact that they have like zero lore integration to expand upon them and add context doesn't help.
    Theoretically they can be cool with some minor retcons, some problems, and some character lore to expand upon them, but they're not getting it.

    • 2 months ago

      >obvious good guy faction
      >believes they own all resources and gladly invade former trade partners if they feel it's more efficient
      >grinding planets for resources without caring for who's on them
      >aggressive capitalist practices
      >mfw lorelets

    • 2 months ago

      Votann debts are hilariously grimdark. It may be funny to read about how off the cuff remark led to a millenia long feud, but take a step back and imagine how truly horrifying that is. Some serf on your planet 600 years ago sneezed in the presence of a Kâhl. Today, out of nowhere, their craft descend from the sky and blew up your home, your neighborhood, the whole continent. And on the League's end, debts drive them past all rational thought. They're being sent to die because of a feud that happened centuries before they were born, which has no effect on their own lives, which can have the stupidest possible cause.

  38. 2 months ago

    >this whole fricking thread
    This is exactly why no one likes dorfwankers.

  39. 2 months ago


    That's not woke you stupid frick, you want woke? Go read any 40k book by Mike Brooks.

  40. 2 months ago

    "the space marine is more popular than our army!!! noooo!!!"

    thats kind of cute. I remember being like that.

  41. 2 months ago

    But goddamn yall, I don’t get people that say the Leagues aren’t bleak as all hell. Take on the perspective of a squat for a second.

    >You are a clone. Your god computer has spit you out at least a dozen times before, and a digital copy of all those past versions of you are judging you all the time.
    >Want to try out a new hobby? You get a dozen grandparents that are also yourself telling you frick that, you don’t have time for that, waste feeds the void.
    >you wake up in your micro-cube bed cubicle and clamber past your bunkmate. He greets you with a drowsy “the ancestors are watching”
    >you pass by the mess hall, a vid screen displaying your league’s Votann. It’s been twenty years since anyone’s heard it speak, which was a damned question. “Can the Greater Thurian League be trusted?”.
    >you approach the dispenser and get some thick morning Bru. No food, just Bru. At least it tastes like something called “Coffee” today. It’s your favorite of the artificial flavors.
    >you sit down next to a crewmate. She greets you with “The Ancestors are watching, Kin. Looks like we’ll grab the last asteroid worth anything today, and we’ll be moving on.”
    >the ship’s been “moving on” for nearly a century, ever since the void split open and demons invaded your home.
    >You choke down the rest of your Bru.
    >You grab your plasma grinder and head for the airlocks.

    A squat is a tool of a discarded tool, created to make galactic infrastructure for a form of Mankind that has been long extinct, fighting for their lives against demons, tyranids, and agents of the Imperium with a homeland that’s been cracked wide open by hell. Their “gods” are dying, and mostly dead. One of the big named Leagues , the most populated one (I forget which) is remarkable for having three functional Votann.

    But yeah the cyberslayers look pretty dumb, I like the shibreaker idea better, and we desperately need more lore

    • 2 months ago

      Because compared to the average Imperial citizen that's a fricking utopia. The only people in the setting who probably have a better standard of living are the tau and arguably orks since orks have all their Mazlov's Hierarchy met.

      • 2 months ago

        This. The leagues biggest complaint is that their god computers don't bother them enough. This is obviously distressing, but by the standards of 40 is a wonderful problem to have compared to 'god's calling, he wants you to kill 20 million of your own people. Don't ask why or we double the number."

    • 2 months ago

      >You are a clone. Your god computer has spit you out at least a dozen times before, and a digital copy of all those past versions of you are judging you all the time.
      Literal make-believe. The book describes that despite being clones, you're all unique. So being a clone is irrelevant since there are none of the existential drawbacks.
      >Want to try out a new hobby? You get a dozen grandparents that are also yourself telling you frick that, you don’t have time for that, waste feeds the void.
      See above.
      >you wake up in your micro-cube bed cubicle and clamber past your bunkmate. He greets you with a drowsy “the ancestors are watching”
      See above.
      >you pass by the mess hall, a vid screen displaying your league’s Votann. It’s been twenty years since anyone’s heard it speak, which was a damned question. “Can the Greater Thurian League be trusted?”.
      See aboive.
      You know what, I was going to argue with every single one of these "examples" but since all of them are wrong it's a waste of my time.
      It feels like you people read the book, smoked crack, misremembered all of the pertinent information, and then filled in the blanks with fanon.
      Shit, your description WOULD be better, but the problem is that you're wrong. If this was actually what we got you would have a point, but as of right now you're just a schizophrenic.

  42. 2 months ago

    >So did the nu Squats/Votann utterly flop?
    We'll probably never know the answers unless an insider explains it after a non disclose agreement expires or whatever the proper legal term is.

    But it is clear that GW has left the Votann to stagnate.

  43. 2 months ago

    It's amazing that jannies autosage this thread that, as shitposty as the OP is, is still related to traditional games rather than going after the dozens of fetish and bumpgay threads.

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