So if I understand correctly, the concept involves scanning a planet and having a few landing areas with procedurally generated landscapes.

So if I understand correctly, the concept involves scanning a planet and having a few landing areas with procedurally generated landscapes. To visit another location, you would need to return to space and land there, essentially using quick travel. This would result in a universe composed of scattered patches. A quest would follow this structure:
>Start on patch 2P39 and receive a quest
>Fly (fast travel) to patch 5U26 and eliminate pirates
>Encounter an invisible barrier while exploring
>Fly (fast travel) to patch 8S63 and obtain loot
Sounds like shit

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  1. 11 months ago

    I guarantee you 1000% without a doubt that the game will be trash.

    • 11 months ago

      No matter how many threads do you do homosexuals it will be goty anyway.

      • 11 months ago

        Noone cares about your pretend award shows

      • 11 months ago



      • 11 months ago

        It won't beat tears of the kingdom

        • 11 months ago

          snoys will whine it to death even if the game is 9/10 masterpiece

      • 11 months ago

        And they hated him because he spoke the truth.

        • 11 months ago

          Of course it will "goty." That's how the industry and professional reviews work. Microsoft is pleased.

          • 11 months ago

            >professional reviewers
            Who gives a frick what they say? He said it will be GOTY, as in the best game of the year. He didn’t say journalists would given it their inane awards.

    • 11 months ago

      No matter how many threads do you do homosexuals it will be goty anyway.

      So, from what I've heard, 90% of the game will be just you dicking around 900 barren, procedurally generated planets, while doing procedurally generated quests like "kill 10 space bears"? Is that it?
      It sounds fricking riveting.

      Because it's expensive. It's easier to create 2000 barren planets, so you can wow the fans with your marketing spiel than actually create some meaningful content. And Bethesda ALWAYS had this "quantity over quality" mentality.

      I WILL laugh at you seething shillBlack folk
      I WILL purchase a copy of Starfield at launch
      I WILL fully immerse myself in its exceptional and fun gameplay
      Stay mad. Glory to Todd.

    • 11 months ago
    • 11 months ago

      Every Bethesda game is trash. That's why they're good.

    • 11 months ago

      It is bethesda, only redditors expect otherwise

  2. 11 months ago

    Who tf said there will invisible barriers

    • 11 months ago

      think about it. The game has no vehicles and no in-planet flying. That means that either:
      >you're expected to run at a snail's pace for kilometers on end if you want to fully explore a planet
      >each "planet" is just a flat landscape that can be explored on foot. Main planets may have more than one flat landscape to fast travel to

      • 11 months ago

        Why would they build an algorithm to make globes then build another one to make flat landscapes?
        You know they don't expect or incentivize you to explore every inch of a planet right? You're just scanning flora, fauna, and minerals while hitting random POIs in between.

        • 11 months ago

          so you're supposed to just stay in the flat landscape?

          • 11 months ago

            No, there isn't a flat landscape

      • 11 months ago

        The planets rotate creating day night cycles. If you have the time and autism you can walk all the way around a planet back to your ship.

        • 11 months ago

          There is no evidence of that. If the planets were fully explorable after a single big loading screen, then naturally they could do atmospheric flight also.

          • 11 months ago

            That is Todds claim. Once again you don't have an issue with me about the physics of heavenly bodies. I am merely providing what has been stated.

          • 11 months ago

            The only modes of transportation in any bethsoft game are horses and now a spaceship. Just because they continued a trend doesn't mean they're abandoning their open world dna

      • 11 months ago

        There seems to be a limited amount of water sources too. Zero rivers. It's bizarre to look at green biomes with no obvious water sources anywhere.

        • 11 months ago

          This is one of my only issues. I don't think they even showed an ocean, which they presumably have. I understand why they didn't do rivers or underwater stuff, but it's a bit of a bummer. It's tough to chastise them for not making Fallout, ME, NMS, AND Subnautica all in one.

          • 11 months ago

            They showed a beach resort on Jemison and the city built on an oil rig in the middle of the ocean.

            • 11 months ago

              A beach isn't an ocean, but I did forget the rig city was on water. I kinda was hoping for a closer look at it.
              Regardless, I already knew it had oceans (you can see them on the planet screen). I'm just miffed you can't explore them. But again, that's a big ask to recreate subnautica too.

        • 11 months ago

          > They have shown 20 of the 1000 planets and despite the beach front scenes I can only assume there is no water anywhere on any planet.
          Well if I ever commit a crime I hope you are the detective on the case.

          • 11 months ago

            Rivers are suspiciously absent, and unless they built tiles specifically for the 10% of planets with life that have contiguous riverbeds, I highly doubt that they are in the game.

      • 11 months ago

        >this game sucks, I can’t even spend 5 months driving a dune buggy to the other side of the planet!

        • 11 months ago

          yes. Todd is talking about exploration as one of the game's best features but so far it just sounds like the same exploration as every other Bethesda game but spread around 5 or so "planets"

          • 11 months ago

            It isn't at all.

            >quick travel.
            Yep. Fast travel. Todd skimmed over this real quick, saying that exploration now is a little different. What an understatement. Starfield completely eliminates exploration outside walking a short distance to "discover" some bandit hideout from your landing spot. Any real travel - the one that feels like going anywhere, is skipped unlike in previous Bethesda games. And this won't be realized by most critics until they have played the game. At this moment, prior to the launch, you need some serious foresight to understand the changes to the open world philosophy. Bethesda basically took the worst elements (quest markers and fast travel) and made them the gameplay mechanics.

            And you also missed the part when Todd said that this time exploration is going to be a little different.

            Of course the vast majority of you didn't even try to decipher that message. You are all happily going along for the slaughter.

  3. 11 months ago

    rather have some scattered patches with actual RPG content than a muh space universe sandbox tech demo

    • 11 months ago

      What is actual RPG content?

      • 11 months ago

        quest that can actually be completed in multiple ways depending on builds?
        Starfield just seems to be even more of the
        cycle of fallout 4

        • 11 months ago

          > builds
          Have you never played a Bethesda game before?

          • 11 months ago

            ive played a few of them and they dont really qualify as ''RPG''
            if Fallout 4 is a RPG then so is Borderlands

            • 11 months ago

              > They don't count as RPGs
              They also don't qualify as a sports game. Not sure what you are going for with that point

              • 11 months ago

                Fallout 4 is an RPG no matter how much you seethe about the matter


              • 11 months ago

                >All the other fallout games have this loop as part of the gameplay
                So they are also looter shooters. Good to know.

              • 11 months ago

                good to know Bethesda fans cant read

            • 11 months ago

              Fallout 4 is an RPG no matter how much you seethe about the matter

  4. 11 months ago

    He said they made a system that wraps tiles around a planet, so there are no invisible barriers or endless terrain, you can walk around a whole planet if you wanted to, and it keeps generating the terrain and random encounters/locations as you go.

    However, the scale of the planets is such, and I'm guessing that random locations found that way so rare, that it's going to be ass. Instead, Todd wants you to scan for points of interest, look around a little, then repeat the process somewhere else.

    • 11 months ago

      >He said they made a system that wraps tiles around a planet,
      That does not actually mean anything at all. It's a statement so vague and stupid, done by a man legendary for lying and misleading, that it's fricking HILARIOUS that you people take it seriously.
      This was literally stated in the same interview where he claimed they did not implement orbital flight because "players would get bored of it eventually".
      Todd lies, and when he isn't straight up lying, he is making deliberately manipulative and misleading claims.

      • 11 months ago

        >It's a statement so vague and stupid, done by a man legendary for lying and misleading, that it's fricking HILARIOUS that you people take it seriously.
        He described exactly how it works, and wrapping the map back to where it starts isn't exactly rocket science, so I see no reason to lie about it.

        Besides, Todd will get absolutely assblasted if his game has invisible walls or infinite terrain in 2023. The guy wants his games to have the BIGGEST MAPS, there's no way he's copping out on that.

        > You are an idiot.
        I am just going by interviews. They claim , I know they lie, the planets themselves are the same for everyone. There are random events that happen on them but the planets themselves are the same for everyone

        >I am just going by interviews. They claim , I know they lie, the planets themselves are the same for everyone. There are random events that happen on them but the planets themselves are the same for everyone
        I've only watched the big Starfield Direct thing recently, but I got the opposite impression, ie. that everything is randomized on every playthrough.

        ...not that it's going to make much of a difference. The proc-gen terrain very likely extremely boring and samey.

        • 11 months ago

          >He described exactly how it works, and wrapping the map back to where it starts isn't exactly rocket science, so I see no reason to lie about it.
          How old are you? Just read the damn thread, you'll find all the answer have been already posted, namely here:

          an invisible barrier while exploring
          Wrong. The whole point of proc-gen is to create effectively unlimited amount of content ON THE FLY.
          Meaning the game can and will keep adding more and more cells to the location in the direction you go. So in THEORY, you can spend an infinite (or near-infinite, depending on how the game handles relativity to orbital grid coordinates) time exploring one single individual location, just going further and further away as the game adds new tiles in front of you, and purges those behind you from memory.

          So outside of the obvious spots like major settlements or setpiece locations, the game has no need for invisible walls.

          In reality, there are two problems to this.

          1) is whenever the game handless each landing site as entirely independent instance (which is by far the most likely case) or not.
          If it is the case, the player won't be able to actually "trully" change his locations relative to the orbital map, meaning you will not be able to even leave whatever biome you got loaded into. Effectively, the game would put you on an infinite threadmill - endless generating more tiles of the same exact biome where you landed. You would not be able to transition between biomes, or walk from POI to POI.

          The other option would allow you to actually more relatively to the planet's orbital map, do things like cross biome boundaries. But it's unlikely to be the cause because:

          2) The game purposefully does not give you any tools to traverse larger distances comfortably. No atmospheric flight and no vehicles means that you will be stuck exploring at your base walking speed. This will be a soft restriction of your exploration radius on it's own. Nobody is going to spend hours and hours just walking for dozens of hours JUST to see if the biome ends or not.

          So: No invisible walls, there is no need for them, but your exploration is going to be restricted by more soft and indirect means.

          Screencap for posteriority if you want

          >My understanding is that both the landscape and the POIs are randomly generated and placed
          Well, first of all the game will very obviously feature two separate types of POI's. Ones that are entirely proc-gen, and ones that are hand-crafted.

          The handcrafted ones will be most likely used to provide setpieces for actual handcrafted quests and story-line relevant moments. These will be ones you will need to learn about (e.g get coordinates from a story-trigger), and will be almost certainly only accessible from the orbital map as an icon.
          But then there are almost certainly going to be non-hand-crafted POI's, which are going to be simply part of the proc-gen terrain generation. These will be probably used as small random "dungeons" you can come across while exploring the surface, or maybe part of some kind of low-importance proc-gen quest system.

          As for the terrain to be random... well most of it is random, yes, but it's not "just" random, it's procedurally generated based on a seed. Meaning that it will CONSISTENTLY random. Visiting the same locations will always give you the same placement of objects, even if two different players each on their machine happened to land at the same exact planet and coordinates.

          So while not made by a human, the world will act kinda like as if it was pre-made in that the results will be same across different playthroughs for any given spot.

          >The game itself is not generating planets as needed. The planets are already done.
          You are an idiot and you have no clue how this works. See above.

          >You are clearly getting emotional over this .
          Kid, you are angry that people don't like this trash, and you are wasting my time as well as yours. Get over it, or frick back to your creepy circlejerks on reddit, because you are less than worthless here.

          Argue with them. They are the ones claiming the planets themselves are the same for everyone.
          I don't have a dog in this fight. Just passing along info

          >Argue with them. They are the ones claiming the planets themselves are the same for everyone.
          They argue that because that is what Toddy has clearly confirmed, and also something that is not only technically possible, but is also the easiest way to do things.
          You are not passing any info, you just don't understand the basic mechanics here. Even after they have been explained to you.


          Eh, OK? Who exactly were you aiming that post at?

          • 11 months ago

            Shartfield is not procedurally generated, moron all the map tiles are fixed, the only thing that changes is the location of whatever Resource X you have to mindnumbingly collect

            • 11 months ago

              wtf are you on about
              of course it's procedurally generated you buffoon
              there is no way they could put the geometry data of all the tiles of all the planets into a game

              • 11 months ago

                >he fell for the 1000 planets meme
                It's like 5 planets with repeating assets lmao

              • 11 months ago

                In the direct alone, they showed like 15 different looking planets.

              • 11 months ago

                So you think the game will be generating terain as you walk? You think a game on consoles will be able to do this You believe everyone will be playing on PCs capable of this?

              • 11 months ago

                Yes. This isn't even hard to do anymore. No Mans Sky does it and runs on consoles and PCs.

              • 11 months ago

                Is it like the crowd in the Saints Row game where it gets deleted when it isn't seen anymore or does it become persistent once generated?
                If it is just a treadmill it could work. I think persistence is the issue you are not taking into account.

              • 11 months ago

                If the world isn't editable, which I don't think Starfields world is (I'm talking like Minecraft) then persistence isn't even an issue. It's procedurally generated using a predefined seed, therefore everytime it's generated it will always be the same.
                It's technically not randomly generated since the input and output never change, but it uses the exact same method as random generation (without the randomness).

                And yes, pretty much all 3D open world games work similar to a treadmill. The player doesn't move and instead the world moves around the player. This prevents floating point precision errors.

              • 11 months ago

                If you move a fork a foot in a Bethesda game the game will remember. Have you ever played a Bethesda game? Persistence is important to them.

              • 11 months ago

                That isn't difficult to save though. It is 3 (or 6 if rotation is included) numbers. 3/6 numbers being saved is bytes at most, you can have millions of pieces of data like this and it still wont become a problem.

              • 11 months ago

                >The player doesn't move and instead the world moves around the player.

                Only a handful of games do this. The vast majority dont because the map size of a typical game is nowhere near large enough to need it and it complicates everything else.

              • 11 months ago

                This shit was done twenty-five years ago with Daggerfall which is still the reigning champion of game with the largest scale map.
                It's a fixed seed.
                Nothing is being randomly generated on the fly, and it's not going to be "infinite." The planets have their layouts pre-determined. An extremely small amount of data determining the placement of assets, models, objects, terrain heightmaps, etc.

              • 11 months ago

                >Nothing is being randomly generated on the fly,
                I don't think you have any clue how this works. EVERYTHING is randomly generated on the fly, you moron. It was in Daggerfall too.
                Seed means the generation is consistent, but it does not mean that the terrain isn't generated randomly. It just means that it will always spit out same results for the same coordinates.

                But it is still being generated randomly and on the fly. And yes, this can be easily done infinitely, which is almost certainly the direction in which this game goes.

              • 11 months ago

                So it's random but it's always the same

              • 11 months ago

                You are moronic.
                If you were able to change the seed, everything would change.
                But you can not change the seed. It is not random. It is all pre-determined.
                Every player is going to see the same exact identical planets as one another.

              • 11 months ago

                You're wrong. Just think about it - why the frick would they waste resources re-generating the world every time when the seed never changes? It makes much more sense to generate it once in house, and then package the finished product in the game. If you're not making any changes to the terrain there's no reason to proc gen it on the user's system.

              • 11 months ago

                >Just think about it - why the frick would they waste resources re-generating the world every time when the seed never changes?
                Holy shit you people are idiots.
                You do it to SAVE RESOURCES you moron. The process of generating 100 tiles is incomparably more easy than the process of generating 1000000000 of them, saving them all in memory, and then accessing that memory and scanning for the 100 you need at the moment. When 99.99999999 of those 10000000000 tiles will be never seen by anyone ever?!

                Fricking hell again: WHY DO YOU TALK ABOUT SHIT YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND?! You think Space Engine has the exact specific surface of it's several BILLION planets saved in memory, you cretin?! You think ELITE and NMS have?!
                What is wrong with you?

              • 11 months ago

                You don't have to have it all in memory moron. You have the assets on your hard drive, and it streams the content as needed. Why do you think the game is a bajillion gigabytes?

              • 11 months ago

                >You don't have to have it all in memory moron. You have the assets on your hard drive,
                Holy shit child, just fricking stop.
                This is embarrassing. What is wrong with you?


                The game has not KNOW where there is a peak, or a slope, or where those assets - rocks, trees, etc., are actually placed? That information about the shape of the terrain, literally every single peak, valley, slope, stone and crack, has to come from SOMEWHERE. You do understand that, right?
                How the frick do you think the game knows that?

              • 11 months ago

                Excel spreadsheet. ez

              • 11 months ago

                >Excel spreadsheet. ez
                That is wrong, and also: For 1000 planets. Each of which is at least hundreds of square miles of terrain, which is detailed to the resolution of centimeters. All of that saved in a spreadsheet tab.
                You are completely fricking moronic.

                For the record - normally, you would use a heightmap, also known as "grayscale". Which is an image, often simple .pgn, in which each shade of grey represents different elevation.
                However, again, creating individual heightmaps - again with resolution of hundreds of millions of pixels - for each individual one of 1000 planets, is absolutely riddiculous and also, ENTIRELY pointless.

                Because you would generate those billions of pixels worth of images through a process of random generation in the first place.
                which is simple, and cheap to do processing-power-wise.

                So why the frick not just generate the specific slice of terrain when and ONLY WHEN it is actually needed?

                Once again. NMS, Elite, Space Engine, Space Engineers, Stationeers, and a few hundred thousands of other games have been doing this, for decades now.
                Space Engine literally contains billions of planets, each detailed to the same fricking scale - as this piece of shit will. You can literally pick any random planet, anywhere in the Virgo Cluster (consisting of millions of GALAXIES), and fly down and explore it from on-foot perspective.
                The whole program used to have like 2 gigabites of size. It ran on low-end computers back in 2012.

                You just do not have any fricking clue about any of this. You are endlessly talking out of your ass.

              • 11 months ago

                >You just do not have any fricking clue about any of this. You are endlessly talking out of your ass.
                Yeah I realized that after your 2nd post but it was fun watching you seethe and now I learned something. Thanks!

              • 11 months ago

                Well at least you admit it, that makes you better than most. Happy to be of some use, I guess, but for the next time: You can JUST ask, you know. I'll happily actually explain these things, in a far less agitated way, if you just do that.
                I can explain the whole process, quite specifically for this game in fact.
                Starfield's approach to proc-gen is one of the more simple ones, because it only really generates two separate topographies that don't need to be further sub-divided, unlike other similar games like Elite or Space Engine.

              • 11 months ago

                there isn't a world seed in minecraft sense, likely each planet got it's own "seed" for ease of production which is then regulated by devs to something precentable but basic parameters like what the star is how far planets are from it temperature and the like is determined by the dev
                relief is the only thing that is proc generated within those parameters
                even geography is like done same way they do it in SC with a "paint brush"

              • 11 months ago

                Daggerfall was perfectly flat with Minecraft tier tiles being laid out. They were also the same exact tiles.
                You should play Daggerfall to actually see how unimpressive it actually is.

              • 11 months ago

                Tech evolves over time you dimwit

              • 11 months ago

                You can store hundreds of heightmaps in a megabyte anon.

              • 11 months ago

                those heightmaps + color/material maps would quickly add up to a VERY large size if you stored them and if they're generating full planet-sized planets, then there's going to be a LOAD of tiles
                but if you're pre-generating the tiles before hand, why the frick wouldn't you just do it procedurally on-the-fly in-engine?

              • 11 months ago

                >those heightmaps + color/material maps would quickly add up to a VERY large size if you stored them
                No, lmao. They are a few hundred KB to make a hightmap of earth. A colour map is a few hundred KB more.
                in 125gb game like starfield the hightmap data for the planets is going to be less then a fraction of the data in that game.

              • 11 months ago

                >No, lmao. They are a few hundred KB to make a hightmap of earth. A colour map is a few hundred KB more.
                At what resolution, you idiot?

              • 11 months ago

                please tell me you're baiting, i can't believe someone is this moronic

              • 11 months ago

                There is an anon that thinks the game is generating planets ad hoc.
                You better believe there are people that moronic.

              • 11 months ago

                Games have been procedurally generating planets for decades now
                It's a solved issue, and it's not hard to do yourself.
                Why the frick would they generate the tiles externally, save them as images, load those images in engine to generate the terrain, instead of just using that algorithm you used to generate the tiles directly in the game itself?

              • 11 months ago

                Argue with them. I justvpassed along what they have said.
                When you land on a planet in your game you will see the exact same thing I see when I land in the same spot.
                I don't know why they did it that way just that is what they claim

              • 11 months ago

                ah sorry i misread your post

              • 11 months ago

                > Large file size
                Have you downloaded a game in the last decade? It is going to be a large file. Like fricking massive.

            • 11 months ago

              >Shartfield is not procedurally generated, moron all the map tiles are fixed,
              You are completely wrong and completely moronic. The procedural generation is literally the game's biggest and most important marketing ploy. Holy shit how are you this fricking stupid?

              So you think the game will be generating terain as you walk? You think a game on consoles will be able to do this You believe everyone will be playing on PCs capable of this?

              >So you think the game will be generating terain as you walk?
              Yes, of course you idiot.
              >You think a game on consoles will be able to do this You believe everyone will be playing on PCs capable of this?
              Yes, you absolute fricking moron, yes. We literally have this tech since Elite. And I mean the original Elite. In 1987. How fricking stupid are you? How do you know THIS FRICKING LITTLE about game industry?

              • 11 months ago

                >The procedural generation is literally the game's biggest and most important marketing ploy
                Emphasis on "marketing ploy" you moronic israeli wiener gobbling transvestite, you can say whatever you fricking want when you market your game and given Bethshitsdas rep it's 100% guaranteed that they're talking out of their ass

              • 11 months ago

                You are severely mentally disabled, are you aware of that fact? There is literally no reason for them to fricking lie about this, because it's actually the easiest and laziest way of doing things.
                Again, this tech is fricking TRIVIAL. It has been around for 30 years. It's been systematically used in some of the by-far most popular games of all time.
                There is a simple 2 gig program made by one russian guy in his spare time, called Space Engine, that literally generates every single planet in the greater Virgo Cluster like this. It has been first released back in 2010, it runs on fricking calculators.
                Bethesda themselves already used the same exact tech for their Daggerfall. In 1996s.
                Elite did it first of simple wire-frame models in 1987, then for full 3D polygonal graphics in 1994.

                You are just an idiot, utterly and completely clueless about basic technology involved.

                So it's random but it's always the same

                >So it's random but it's always the same

                You are moronic.
                If you were able to change the seed, everything would change.
                But you can not change the seed. It is not random. It is all pre-determined.
                Every player is going to see the same exact identical planets as one another.

                >If you were able to change the seed, everything would change.
                Who the frick said you will be able to CHANGE the seed you moron?

                >But you can not change the seed. It is not random. It is all pre-determined.
                You don't know what the term random means.

              • 11 months ago

                Go eat some fricking crayons moron

              • 11 months ago

                What the everloving frick are you even talking about? You claimed that use of proc-gen would not be technically feasible. People have given you thousands of examples of how this is not only technically feasible, but has been a common practice for decades.

                You are just completely ignorant of basic reality of the industry. That is all. You were wrong, and you have absolutely nothing else to say.

                Just admit it and frick off.

              • 11 months ago

                >You claimed that use of proc-gen would not be technically feasible
                No I didn't, moron

              • 11 months ago

                You are the person who posted this, aren't you?

                So you think the game will be generating terain as you walk? You think a game on consoles will be able to do this You believe everyone will be playing on PCs capable of this?

                If not, what the FRICK are you doing in this discussion, and what the FRICK are you actually saying, you autistic moron?

              • 11 months ago

                You got confused again. Stop multi quoting you responses.

              • 11 months ago

                >You are the person who posted this, aren't you?
                No I'm not, you do realize there's more than one person on Ganker, right?
                >If not, what the FRICK are you doing in this discussion
                Telling you that Bethesda is too cheap and they will cut corners doing some lame shit while claiming they're making some extreme next gen technological advancements, you know, what they've been doing for the past 20 years

              • 11 months ago

                >No I'm not, you do realize there's more than one person on Ganker, right?
                Holy shit kid, how moronic are you? If you reply to a post responding to specific response, and make ZERO attempt to clarify that person isn't you, then it's on you. You are incapable of communicating like a human.

                >Telling you that Bethesda is too cheap and they will cut corners doing some lame shit
                This IS the cheapest and lamest way to do this, you absolute moron. And we have JUST established this is incredibly old tech that Beth themselves DID FRICKING USE 30 YEARS AGO.

              • 11 months ago

                lmao, this isn't reddit, moronic homosexual, not even gonna read the rest of your post

              • 11 months ago

                > My inability to distinguish arguments is your fault.
                It is actually yours. Stop multi quoting.

              • 11 months ago

                Your inability to distinguish your posts is your fault.

                Y'know, that guy way back was right, you do seem like you're in crisis. This level of emotional attachment to a game isn't healthy.

                >This level of emotional attachment to a game isn't healthy.
                More literal nonsense? What is the point of posts like these? You can always leave, if the discussion of this game makes you this uncomfortable...

              • 11 months ago

                Not sure what you mean. Do you think we've spoken before?

                If you didn't sound upset and emotional, people wouldn't comment on it. Just don't sound mad bro.

        • 11 months ago

          One of Todd's interviews stated the planets were created by proc gen studio side and then polished by hand.
          It isn't like Daggerfall where you get tiles created as you move. Consoles and most PCs would become slide shows.

          • 11 months ago

            No need to explain shazam trannies won't listen

      • 11 months ago

        >done by a man legendary
        Correct Todd is a legend.

      • 11 months ago

        You’ll get bored of it because “oh let me land on that planet…initiating 15 minute orbital decay and 20 minute atmospheric entry procedures”
        This isn’t a Star Wars.

        • 11 months ago

          SC got it somewhat correctly, sadly SC isn't a game and barely a tech demo

        • 11 months ago

          SC got it somewhat correctly, sadly SC isn't a game and barely a tech demo

          on second thought, elite landing feels great, but god it gets annoying on 50th hour of the game

      • 11 months ago

        >That does not actually mean anything at all. It's a statement so vague and stupid
        you must be incredibly stupid to not grasp the concept of "procedural generation over a limited size map"

    • 11 months ago

      I hope you can have your outpost settlers continue scouting the planet then. How asanine that a space man would just land on a new planet and only document a couple kilometres

    • 11 months ago

      >a system that wraps tiles around a planet
      yeah just like any JRPG with a world map

  5. 11 months ago

    >having a few landing areas with procedurally generated landscapes
    Wrong, where did you see this?

  6. 11 months ago

    So, from what I've heard, 90% of the game will be just you dicking around 900 barren, procedurally generated planets, while doing procedurally generated quests like "kill 10 space bears"? Is that it?
    It sounds fricking riveting.

  7. 11 months ago

    I wish AAA devs could focus on creating semi-linear slash semi-open worlds that are smaller in scale but contain tremendous amount of details.
    Gothic 2 world design is the best I've ever seen in a 3D RPG game, yet games like these are almost nonexistent.

    • 11 months ago

      Because it's expensive. It's easier to create 2000 barren planets, so you can wow the fans with your marketing spiel than actually create some meaningful content. And Bethesda ALWAYS had this "quantity over quality" mentality.

    • 11 months ago

      it's really hard to balance shit like that. there's so many games out there with amazingly crafted levels and creatures and quests that you end up leveling right past and skipping. I think the witcher games manage it the best but even still has problems where you go to skellige and then miss out on half of novigrad quests because when you come back you're scaled way past them.

    • 11 months ago

      Your God of War is showing.

    • 11 months ago

      gothic 1 and 2 is pure open world.

    • 11 months ago

      Yea im just seeing how todd would create the massive hype on e3 by saying "10 times less size!"

    • 11 months ago

      It's because open world is a marketing gimmick that is very effective. It doesn't matter if the execution is shit, audiences are attracted to the idea, the feeling.
      Just look at Zelda.

      • 11 months ago

        >Just look at Zelda.
        it's like saying "just look at fifa" "just look at cod"

        • 11 months ago

          Huh? Did you even read what I posted?
          Why do so many of you frickers have the worst reading comprehension? Too many ESLs?

      • 11 months ago

        >It doesn't matter if the execution is shit, audiences are attracted to the idea
        I agree, and even if the execution isn't shit it's often times just...mediocre. I'm burnt out on open world and while I don't really go out of my way to play open world games, a lot of series I enjoy are turning to that format.

  8. 11 months ago

    an invisible barrier while exploring
    Wrong. The whole point of proc-gen is to create effectively unlimited amount of content ON THE FLY.
    Meaning the game can and will keep adding more and more cells to the location in the direction you go. So in THEORY, you can spend an infinite (or near-infinite, depending on how the game handles relativity to orbital grid coordinates) time exploring one single individual location, just going further and further away as the game adds new tiles in front of you, and purges those behind you from memory.

    So outside of the obvious spots like major settlements or setpiece locations, the game has no need for invisible walls.

    In reality, there are two problems to this.

    1) is whenever the game handless each landing site as entirely independent instance (which is by far the most likely case) or not.
    If it is the case, the player won't be able to actually "trully" change his locations relative to the orbital map, meaning you will not be able to even leave whatever biome you got loaded into. Effectively, the game would put you on an infinite threadmill - endless generating more tiles of the same exact biome where you landed. You would not be able to transition between biomes, or walk from POI to POI.

    The other option would allow you to actually more relatively to the planet's orbital map, do things like cross biome boundaries. But it's unlikely to be the cause because:

    2) The game purposefully does not give you any tools to traverse larger distances comfortably. No atmospheric flight and no vehicles means that you will be stuck exploring at your base walking speed. This will be a soft restriction of your exploration radius on it's own. Nobody is going to spend hours and hours just walking for dozens of hours JUST to see if the biome ends or not.

    So: No invisible walls, there is no need for them, but your exploration is going to be restricted by more soft and indirect means.

    Screencap for posteriority if you want

    • 11 months ago

      > Nobody would

      Supposing someone travels for hours and hours and the biome does change. What is gained by this? This is a non issue unless you are looking for reasons to be offended.

      • 11 months ago

        >Supposing someone travels for hours and hours and the biome does change. What is gained by this?
        That is precisely why I'm like 99% convinced that the instanced, landing-sight coordinate-locked approach is what the game will feature. Precisely because making the player location also relative to the orbital map is a lot of extra work which nearly NOBODY would actually see in practice. And Beth rarely invest in shit that can't be slapped on the marketing program.

        >This is a non issue unless you are looking for reasons to be offended.
        I'm not looking for anything, I'm simply stating facts that we know, and assumptions we can make very reasonably. The game looks like absolute trash even without these obviously lazy solutions, in fact it's trash because it's made by Bethesda in the first place.

        But OP made some very incorrect statements, and I corrected them. If you want to delve into what is the REAL problem with this whole concept, that is for a slightly different discussion, one that explores why the entire CORE IDEA of this extremely wide, proc-gen based universe is just inherently a shit idea, down to the core, regardless of it's execution.

        • 11 months ago

          You not liking things is not the issue you imagine it to be.

          • 11 months ago

            >You not liking things is not the issue you imagine it to be.
            I have no clue what the hell are you trying to say there, buddy.

            • 11 months ago

              What confuses you?
              You not liking something is not the crisis you imagine it to be.

              • 11 months ago

                >What confuses you?
                You constantly brining up something about some "crisis"? The frick are you raving about?

              • 11 months ago

                This you

                >Supposing someone travels for hours and hours and the biome does change. What is gained by this?
                That is precisely why I'm like 99% convinced that the instanced, landing-sight coordinate-locked approach is what the game will feature. Precisely because making the player location also relative to the orbital map is a lot of extra work which nearly NOBODY would actually see in practice. And Beth rarely invest in shit that can't be slapped on the marketing program.

                >This is a non issue unless you are looking for reasons to be offended.
                I'm not looking for anything, I'm simply stating facts that we know, and assumptions we can make very reasonably. The game looks like absolute trash even without these obviously lazy solutions, in fact it's trash because it's made by Bethesda in the first place.

                But OP made some very incorrect statements, and I corrected them. If you want to delve into what is the REAL problem with this whole concept, that is for a slightly different discussion, one that explores why the entire CORE IDEA of this extremely wide, proc-gen based universe is just inherently a shit idea, down to the core, regardless of it's execution.

              • 11 months ago

                You are still making negative sense. Are you having a panic attack or something?

                The post clarifies my position, and the reasoning behind my post. OP made some incorrect assumptions about how the game handles exploration, I corrected them and provided overview of what are the most likely actual design dedisions they went for.

                When you accussed me of claiming that these lazy decisions are the just an excuse for me to dislike the game, I corrected you, stating that my reasons to dislike the game are different.

                That is it, kid. After that, you started raving literal nonsense about me talking about some "crisis", which is something I never even remotely mentioned.

              • 11 months ago

                You were not having a clinical discussion of features. You seem to be emotional about a minor feature. You getting upset over something is a crisis for you and you alone.

              • 11 months ago

                >You were not having a clinical discussion of features. You seem to be emotional about a minor feature.
                That is a lot of projection child. Unlike you, I broke down the situation clearly, corrected misconceptions and explained the basic tech behind it.
                What have you contributed so far, beyond literal nonsense and whinning because you can't stand people who don't share your cultish creepy love for Bethesda also discussing their games?

                I might dislike this game, and the studio, but I can 100% guarantee to you I know more about it than you do, and can discuss it in a more ballanced fashion than you do. Get over it.

              • 11 months ago

                Once again

                >Supposing someone travels for hours and hours and the biome does change. What is gained by this?
                That is precisely why I'm like 99% convinced that the instanced, landing-sight coordinate-locked approach is what the game will feature. Precisely because making the player location also relative to the orbital map is a lot of extra work which nearly NOBODY would actually see in practice. And Beth rarely invest in shit that can't be slapped on the marketing program.

                >This is a non issue unless you are looking for reasons to be offended.
                I'm not looking for anything, I'm simply stating facts that we know, and assumptions we can make very reasonably. The game looks like absolute trash even without these obviously lazy solutions, in fact it's trash because it's made by Bethesda in the first place.

                But OP made some very incorrect statements, and I corrected them. If you want to delve into what is the REAL problem with this whole concept, that is for a slightly different discussion, one that explores why the entire CORE IDEA of this extremely wide, proc-gen based universe is just inherently a shit idea, down to the core, regardless of it's execution.

                This you?

                You are clearly getting emotional over this . Bethesda dorsn't make games you like and that is ok. On the flip side you are just one of 8 billion people who aren't going to play it.

    • 11 months ago

      Why would Bethesda — a company notorious for not re-inventing the wheel (vertibird dragons + train-head NPC etc) — implement full seamless planets if you're never going to realistically experience it because they're not adding atmospheric flight or vehicles?
      >inb4 they're lazy
      that's true, but they have multiple studios that have dealt with vehicles to consult; iD (Rage) and Playground Games + Turn 10 Studios (Forza) for instance

      • 11 months ago

        >implement full seamless planets if you're never going to realistically experience it because they're not adding atmospheric flight or vehicles?
        They probably won't, that is my point.
        There is no real reason for it. That is why I said the threadmill instance approach is by far the most likely.

      • 11 months ago

        Those are examples of metaphorically reinventing the wheel. You don't understand that phrase do you?

    • 11 months ago

      This is just a new flavor of those shitty never ending quests from Skyrim

    • 11 months ago

      >Nobody is going to spend hours and hours just walking for dozens of hours JUST to see if the biome ends or not.

      i bet you a dozen people will be doing exactly that and streaming it live on release. bethesda autists know no bounds.

    • 11 months ago

      Todd on that podcast has said there are multiple biomes on the planets.

      • 11 months ago

        >Todd on that podcast has said there are multiple biomes on the planets.
        Well, yeah, I know, the post pretty much hinges on that fact.
        The question is not whenever there are multiple biomes. The question was how the game handles relative positioning of the player within it's world, which will determine things like whenever it is possible to pass from one biome to another on foot. If they go for the instanced threadmill approach, you will need to always revisit your ship if you want to move from one biome to another.
        It also has further implications for things like whenever you can - at least theoretically, move between POI's on foot or not.

      • 11 months ago

        he said there were SOME planets with multiple biomes. And those are almost certainly going to be a subset of the 10% of planets with life.

    • 11 months ago

      No you stupid twat the planets aren't being procedurally generated on the fly. Where did you get that idea? Proc gen was used for speeding up their design them but each planet's explorable area will be set in stone by the time the game launches. Only mods / DLC will ever change the layout

      • 11 months ago

        >No you stupid twat the planets aren't being procedurally generated on the fly. Where did you get that idea?
        From Todd. When he stated - repeatedly, that they are procedurally generating these plants. Everything keeps boiling to the same problem, over and over and over.

        You do not know what procedural generation is.
        So these questions apply to you as well:

        Yes the planets were procedurally generated and given a once over already. The planet you see is exactly the planet I will see.
        Nothing will be procedurally generated in game.
        According to Todd anyway. Once again your argument isn't with me.

        What exactly is wrong with you?

        Low quality posting is against the rules. Please refrain from your vapid antics. It's childish. Just present your opinions clearly without the tantrums. I literally have no clue at this point what your concept of the game is.

        >Low quality posting is against the rules.
        Your first day on Ganker, you fricking pathetic redditor?
        Again, I'm saying more relevant facts than you will ever say. You are just crying because somebody said some harsh words, hurting your fricking fee-fees, you absolute joke.

        You have been giving your opinion to be sure. When you get corrected you tend to indulge in histrionics.

        >When you get corrected you tend to indulge in histrionics.
        I just want to point out that you have been posting that word in every single post you in these threads made for the last three weeks. I get that you are proud of a word you just recently learned, but for frick sake, kid. Stop. Do you not realize this? Do you not realize how fricking childish this makes you look?

        • 11 months ago

          >From Todd. When he stated - repeatedly, that they are procedurally generating these plants.
          it doesn't mean they do it on the fly for each player
          planets are procedurally generated with mdoeration from artists, they have POIs that are random
          but the landmass is procedural but not NMS procedural, everyone is confused by this for some reason

          this guy actually got it more or less

          • 11 months ago

            >it doesn't mean they do it on the fly for each player
            That is literally what it means.

            >this guy actually got it more or less
            Why are you posting a video that proves me right, you mongoloid?
            As for "moderation from the artist", what the frick do you think that means.

            You fundamentally don't understand what they mean when they say they're using procedural generation to build planets. The same planet will look the same to every player.

            >You fundamentally don't understand what they mean when they say they're using procedural generation to build planets. The same planet will look the same to every player.
            I've told you this.
            Can you tell me what the term "Seed" in the process of procedural generation means, you fricking shitstain?
            I asked you people like six time. Does not a single person here knows what a seed is?!

            You seem to think Todd is mistaken in how he made the game. You aren't arguing with me. I don't have a dog in this fight. I can only point out what Todd has claimed

            DO YOU THINK.
            IS A SEED?!

            • 11 months ago

              there is a huge difference between procedural generation during gameplay and procedural production
              all planets in game will be same planets for each player except for POIs that will be random

              • 11 months ago

                At this point they are just being willfully ignorant. The only argument they can make at this point is Todd is lying about how they made the game.

              • 11 months ago

                why are you being stupid on purpose? watch the video, the guy got production part right

              • 11 months ago

                >At this point they are just being willfully ignorant.
                Says the kid who still can't answer the question "what is a seed and what role does it play in procedural generation?"

                Answer that question, you idiot prove that you are not the fricking ignorant cretin, and then we can continue that debate.

              • 11 months ago

                >there is a huge difference between procedural generation during gameplay and procedural production
                No, there is none. In fact, the only real point to employ procedural generation is to make your development significantly easier and lighter on resources.
                AGAIN. You do not actually know what procedural generation is, why or how it is being used in game development. Proc-gen is used here to save the game insane volumes of data that would otherwise need to be saved.

                If you use on-the-fly procedural generation, you only need to handle the data specific and unique to the bubble surrounding the player at any given time.
                Why the frick would you procedurally generate an entire planet, save hundreds of thousands of miles of topography - for thousands of planets, only less than 1% of which will be ever seen by any player - if you can just generate and handle data for the SPECIFIC INSTANCE the player is in right now?

                Why would you ever do that?

              • 11 months ago

                >Why would you ever do that?
                because nobody wants to play NMS again with same looking biomes and landscapes multiplied by several million "planets"

              • 11 months ago

                >because nobody wants to play NMS again with same looking biomes and landscapes multiplied by several million "planets"
                That does not answer the question even fricking remotely you moron. Try again. The question remains the same.

              • 11 months ago

                play empyrion to understand how starfield will work, it has similar systems
                game is just low budget and clunky, but system idea is exactly like betehsda described it

            • 11 months ago

              you are genuinely moronic, I await this game's release so you can come back here and apologize for pounding the keyboard so hard over nothing

          • 11 months ago

            Interesting video. That is how I understood Bethesda's explanations because it is what makes more sense.

            The problem with all of this is the execution though. This is where most of the problems are going to come from.

            • 11 months ago

              execution si always a problem, the only thing that worries me is how many POIs they made
              NMS got like 20 buildings in whole game
              Starfield needs to have 150-200 to be interesting, well mods will fix it but it will take quite a while

              • 11 months ago

                >execution si always a problem, the only thing that worries me is how many POIs they made
                >NMS got like 20 buildings in whole game
                >Starfield needs to have 150-200 to be interesting, well mods will fix it but it will take quite a while
                I completely agree anon, to me it is baffling that on NMS when you find a piece of broken machinery regardless of where you are in the universe it is the exact same piece which it is not part of any ship. And that is a small detail, the entirety of NMS is a giant tech demo.

                Starfield is going to be a horrible technical mess like all Bethesda does, but chances are they might have built something fun to explore.

        • 11 months ago

          > You have been posting that word for three weeks.
          Stop indulging in histrionics if you don't want to see it.

        • 11 months ago

          You fundamentally don't understand what they mean when they say they're using procedural generation to build planets. The same planet will look the same to every player.

  9. 11 months ago

    The concept is that you play a whole rpg and then if you want to keep fricking around you can.

    But you no man's sky morons know this don't you.

  10. 11 months ago

    i have no doubt i'll get this eventually, i just want to how it all works when its finally out. i hope the planets are massive and there's no 'item budget' for the amount of stuff you can build on a planet or in a set area. i hope the build mode will be efficient under the hood so you can really your imagination run wild without tanking the framerate.

    • 11 months ago

      There’s clearly a build limit in the demos they’ve done. It’s eating into the limit at the bottom left. I think it’s build budget.

      I’m just hoping that’s a console memory limit.

  11. 11 months ago

    Yeah, I can't wait to do this shit for 1000 hours. It was such a riveting pastime in ME1.
    Only without a Mako, you know, because Bethesda can't program in a space buggy.

    • 11 months ago

      And that's good because Mako sucked massive dick

  12. 11 months ago

    also i hope if you have a bunch of npcs in your settlement/city/base that the pathfinding is better than fallout 4 where they constantly got stuck.

    • 11 months ago

      It's the same engine, so I doubt it. NPC pathfinding has been a plague since Morrowind.

  13. 11 months ago

    We just don't know, they're being tight lipped about the specifics of how it works

    it's also unclear if the map is random for each player or shared between players but the buildings on them are random

    • 11 months ago

      They used procedural generation to create the planets. The planets will be the same for everyone. The points of interest may be randomized but the planets themselves are set in stone.

      • 11 months ago

        My understanding is that both the landscape and the POIs are randomly generated and placed

        • 11 months ago

          The game itself is not generating planets as needed. The planets are already done. Everyone will have the same planets to explore. The stage is built.

          • 11 months ago

            The terrain will be the same, yes, but the (proc-gen) POIs are placed uniquely to each playthrough.

            • 11 months ago

              the planet is proc gen (the same for everyone) the poi's are handmade and randomly placed (different for everyone).

        • 11 months ago

          >My understanding is that both the landscape and the POIs are randomly generated and placed
          Well, first of all the game will very obviously feature two separate types of POI's. Ones that are entirely proc-gen, and ones that are hand-crafted.

          The handcrafted ones will be most likely used to provide setpieces for actual handcrafted quests and story-line relevant moments. These will be ones you will need to learn about (e.g get coordinates from a story-trigger), and will be almost certainly only accessible from the orbital map as an icon.
          But then there are almost certainly going to be non-hand-crafted POI's, which are going to be simply part of the proc-gen terrain generation. These will be probably used as small random "dungeons" you can come across while exploring the surface, or maybe part of some kind of low-importance proc-gen quest system.

          As for the terrain to be random... well most of it is random, yes, but it's not "just" random, it's procedurally generated based on a seed. Meaning that it will CONSISTENTLY random. Visiting the same locations will always give you the same placement of objects, even if two different players each on their machine happened to land at the same exact planet and coordinates.

          So while not made by a human, the world will act kinda like as if it was pre-made in that the results will be same across different playthroughs for any given spot.

          The game itself is not generating planets as needed. The planets are already done. Everyone will have the same planets to explore. The stage is built.

          >The game itself is not generating planets as needed. The planets are already done.
          You are an idiot and you have no clue how this works. See above.

          Once again
          This you?

          You are clearly getting emotional over this . Bethesda dorsn't make games you like and that is ok. On the flip side you are just one of 8 billion people who aren't going to play it.

          >You are clearly getting emotional over this .
          Kid, you are angry that people don't like this trash, and you are wasting my time as well as yours. Get over it, or frick back to your creepy circlejerks on reddit, because you are less than worthless here.

          • 11 months ago

            > I am not getting emotional you fricking piece of shit bastard frick.
            Take a breath. it's ok to disagree with people. No need to get all worked up and angry.

          • 11 months ago

            > You are an idiot.
            I am just going by interviews. They claim , I know they lie, the planets themselves are the same for everyone. There are random events that happen on them but the planets themselves are the same for everyone

            • 11 months ago

              >I am just going by interviews. They claim , I know they lie, the planets themselves are the same for everyone.
              How the frick do you people not understand the concept of a seed? Even after I literally explained it for you?
              Have you never played ANY game with a proc-gen element to it in your life?

              • 11 months ago


              • 11 months ago

                Argue with them. They are the ones claiming the planets themselves are the same for everyone.
                I don't have a dog in this fight. Just passing along info

          • 11 months ago

            you're in every starfield thread calling it trash, calling people "kids"
            you can't wait to play it kek, so tsuntsun

            • 11 months ago

              I don't WHY anon hates Bethesda just THAT anon hates Bethesda.

  14. 11 months ago

    Just pirate the game. There is ZERO reason to spend your money on this unless you are some sort of diehard Bethesda simp. Just pirate it and see if it's any interest to you, then spend your money on it if you like it. Or they need to put out some sort of demo where you start on a random planet with some random gear and you can play for like a few hours to see if you enjoy it.

  15. 11 months ago

    No I think the concept is Skyrim with guns in space anon.

  16. 11 months ago

    I feel like not actually being able to seamlessly land on planets is what kills the experience.

    • 11 months ago

      That was the single most important thing to you? What an unfortunate turn of events.

      • 11 months ago

        Indeed Todd dropped the ball here. Even No Mans Sky has this feature and it's a shitty game.

        • 11 months ago

          This feature not being in game is a dealbreaker. It is that important.

          Also you
          The game that has this feature also sucks.

          Are you beginning to see a pattern?

      • 11 months ago

        >That was the single most important thing to you?
        Not him, but in a game that is all about exploring space, one that actually prides itself on subordinating "fun" to that space-explorer fantasy (see the "yeah we know most planets being nothing but cold lifeless rocks may not be the most fun idea, but it fits the exploration of desolate space" line), yeah: Getting to actually explore space feels like pretty important thing to get right.

        It's the devs that are pushing this idea. I think a lot of people would be entirely satisfied with much smaller universe, without the space exploration elements and greater focus on smaller, but more detailed scope. Nobody missed the mako driving in ME1.

        But if they chose to commit to the "real space exploration" element, they should fricking commit to it, not completely half-ass it like this.

        • 11 months ago

          >not completely half-ass it like this.
          It's Bethesda. Half-assing is what they are doing. People will buy the game on hype alone and mods will fix it, so why should they bother?

    • 11 months ago

      Wait until you realize there’s loading screens when you enter a building.
      You’ll poo your pants!

      • 11 months ago

        I think they will use directstorage extensively, not sure it will even go black screen, still pressing a button is a bit annoying

        remember how you enter caves in skyrim? you just walk through, they could set it up same way with transition areas but due to modern tech it would be smooth enough
        they can't drop loading screen like witcher 3/rdr2 or 2077 do it because of plugin nature, they would have to drop mods support the way we sued to in bethesda games and that's a huge negative

  17. 11 months ago

    The setting looks boring as frick too with no intelligent aliens and boring as frick human factions which boil down to Space America, Space Cowboys and Space Vegas.

    • 11 months ago

      Just like Fallout NV, then.

    • 11 months ago

      Then don’t play it.
      Pretty simple.

  18. 11 months ago

    still better than the outer worlds trannie trash

  19. 11 months ago

    how many season passes do you think this game will have?
    there's probably going to be at least 4 different dlcs just for adding bits to base base building and ship building

  20. 11 months ago

    You are at best making assumptions without doing your research first.
    At worst you're deliberately lying about things we KNOW about the game already (like that you can land anywhere you want on the planet, not only at already discovered locations, this was stated AND demonstrated outright in the direct).

    • 11 months ago

      >like that you can land anywhere you want on the planet, not only at already discovered locations, this was stated AND demonstrated outright in the direct
      I dont remember this. I just recall the player being on a ship and being allowed to choose a landing location from a premade list

      • 11 months ago

        They have said multiple times you can land anywhere. Well not on the side of a cliff but if the ship can possibly land you can land.

        • 11 months ago

          They probably have predefined landing spots on tiles and they just pick the closest one to where you click

      • 11 months ago

        What you might be thinking of is the PoI that popped up after a scan of the planet. That wasn't the designated landing spot for that planet

  21. 11 months ago

    It's No Mans Skyrim but smaller, with less content and even less soul if you'd believe that is possible.

    • 11 months ago

      The Govt agency that measures soul has Starfield at the 7th most soulful game of the decade. Yes this is just an initial finding but a good start. Once it releases it could have a wild swing one way or another.

      • 11 months ago

        Well my own readings indicate it's the 7th most soulless game to ever exist. I'd trust my own readings over some faceless shill governments.

        • 11 months ago

          Show your math then.

          • 11 months ago

            1+1 = 2

            Simple as.

            • 11 months ago

              1 what? Do you know how math works? It isn't just random magic symbols.
              No wonder you don't think it has soul. NPCs don't have a soul themselves.

              • 11 months ago

                The math is settled lad. Can't argue with it. Starfield is soulless.

              • 11 months ago

                On the contrary. All the experts give it high marks in soul.

                Look at the passion it generates even here. Souless games can't do that. That is just one part of the formula. It is proprietary so I could get in trouble for revealing even that much.

                Rest assured Starfield is shaping up well in the soul dept.

              • 11 months ago

                Just give it up lad. Can't argue with math, that is why it's math. 1+1 = 2 is as true as Starfield being soulless.

              • 11 months ago

                You don't understand how math works. At great risk to my self I have shown part of the algorithm the top scientists use to determine soul quotient.

                Starfield may end up ahead of Oblivion. Oblivion is the most soulful game in history by a large margin.

              • 11 months ago

                There is no way that Starfield will be as soulful and comfy as Oblivion anon don't be crazy.

              • 11 months ago

                Lad Oblivion is so soulless you have to wear a rosary to even play it otherwise it'll suck your soul straight out. It's like a blackhole for soul.

              • 11 months ago

                Now I know you are damaged.

              • 11 months ago

                >Oblivion is the most soulful game in history by a large margin.
                Good evening!

    • 11 months ago

      no man’s sky literally doesn’t even have content, Starfield at least has cities and characters

      • 11 months ago

        No Mans Sky has a multiplayer hub, space stations full of NPCs and you can even make and run settlements.

        • 11 months ago

          >and you can even make and run settlements.
          as you can in starfield
          >space stations full of NPCs
          copy paste boring garbage procgen NPCs compared to hundreds of hours of handcrafted content in starfield
          NMS does all that inferior

    • 11 months ago

      Regretting buying that PS5 that much?

  22. 11 months ago

    >invisible barriers
    This game was made by Bethesda, not Obsidian.

    • 11 months ago

      ? Bethesda’s last 3 games all have invisible barriers. Fo4+76 and skyrim.

      • 11 months ago

        Are you conflating the edge of the map being a hard boundry with Obsidian using them to herd the player?

  23. 11 months ago

    Todd's a fricking genius i'll buy his game on a jiffy, i'll buy my friends without PCs the game too.

  24. 11 months ago

    I don't understand why they can't just copy No Mans Sky and add better graphics and the Fallout combat system.

    All the work is already done...

    No Mans Sky has seamless flying/landing on planets, low-orbit flying, vehicles. No Loading Screens Ever.

    Why would anyone pay $100 for this when No Mans Sky is like $20.

    • 11 months ago

      Leaving a planet makes the screen go white. Bro….that’s your loading screen.
      Taking off from a planet would just mean holding W for 3 minutes. If it means that much to you, just hold W for 3 minutes before you open the map to fast travel.

      • 11 months ago

        >hurr durr what's the difference between a turn based jrpg and real time rpg?

    • 11 months ago

      >No Loading Screens Ever.
      Try turning around

  25. 11 months ago

    I'll just pay 10 bucks for a month of gamepass and check it out. Might be cool I like space

  26. 11 months ago

    >Everything Bethesda says is a lie
    >But I must also analyse every word out of Todds mouth to understand Starfield
    >A game that has a 4000% chance of being utter dogshit
    >But that I must post about every single day on an obscure knitting enthusiasts forum.
    How do you people live?

  27. 11 months ago

    sounds kinda fun. whats the problem? do people not like the idea of being a privateer in space?

  28. 11 months ago

    Are people seriously claiming that Daggerfall was not technically impressive?

    • 11 months ago

      Are you claiming it was?

  29. 11 months ago

    I don't know why you guys think that cyb- Starfield will be shit. It will be fun, immersive, and perhaps the greatest game of all time. Has CDP- I mean Todd ever let us down?

  30. 11 months ago

    That's not how it works. Every planet has pre-suggested landing zones but you can land anywhere you want and the game has radiant quest like shit that can spawn in, including structures and "dungeons".

  31. 11 months ago

    All the different opinions in this thread undermine how they are beating around the bush. Todd is hiding something- again

    • 11 months ago

      >Todd is hiding something- again
      What would you imagine he could be hiding?

      I don't think he is hiding anything, it's just that a lot of people either straight up don't understand the first thing about games, or don't know how to read between the lines. And Toddy will gladly capitalize on that.

      Otherwise, I think if you aren't a moron, it's very, very obvious how things are.

      >Nobody is going to spend hours and hours just walking for dozens of hours JUST to see if the biome ends or not.

      i bet you a dozen people will be doing exactly that and streaming it live on release. bethesda autists know no bounds.

      >i bet you a dozen people will be doing exactly that and streaming it live on release
      Emphasis on "dozen", out of tens of millions of people who bought the game.
      And even then, they will do it for 4 hours and then give up because... your viewers will get bored. Because in the grand scheme, this is not something most people will care about. At all.

      lmao, this isn't reddit, moronic homosexual, not even gonna read the rest of your post

      I accept your concession. Next time, just bow out of the thread silently, please. Have some dignity.

      • 11 months ago

        A concession only works if one has an argument, which you don't, moron

        • 11 months ago

          >which you don't, moron
          You literally admited you haven't even read my post, kid. You don't get to make that conclusion. Again, have some dignity. Don't keep drawing attention to your own failure.

          • 11 months ago

            I don't need to eat shit to tell it's shit, meanwhile you keep sticking everything brown in your mouth assuming it's chocolate, since you're too much of a moron to tell the difference

            • 11 months ago

              Look, child, I understand that you are really mad that you lost an argument. But for frick sake, this is just making it worse for you.
              You said something really dumb. Multiple people called you out on it. You failed even basic principles of conversation.
              And you have nothing else to add to this discussion. You are just desperately threading water now.
              If you don't have the capacity for a discussion, just don't participate in them. It's that simple.

              Pathetic seething after you yourself admit you you are too insecure to even READ what the other person is saying is just... really fricking sad. Why would you keep reminding us all about it?

              I promise - if you just leave, wait for 20 minutes and then come back, everyone will have already forgotten the dumb shit you said. You are literally making this worse for yourself now.

              • 11 months ago

                TL;DR you're moronic
                >your face when

              • 11 months ago

                Look, I can't stop you from continuing to humiliate yourself. I'm just telling you what other people see when you do it.

              • 11 months ago

                Everyone's laughing at you not with you moron

              • 11 months ago

                Keep digging that hole of yours, child.

              • 11 months ago


                are you patrick tomlinson

              • 11 months ago

                Keep digging that hole of yours, child.

                I don't which one is which but the idiot that thought they are going to generate planets ad hoc player side is the idiot.

              • 11 months ago

                >but the idiot that thought they are going to generate planets ad hoc player side is the idiot.
                Kid. Beth has stated this, and re-confirmed this, about a thousand fricking times.
                Why do people who clearly don't understand what proc-gen is keep coming to these threads?
                It's fine to not know, but for frick sake, ask, or just read and learn.

                Not sure what you mean. Do you think we've spoken before?

                If you didn't sound upset and emotional, people wouldn't comment on it. Just don't sound mad bro.

                The funniest part is that I don't even know what your mental breakdown is about. Are you seething because I don't respect the game? Are you seething because I don't disrespect it enough?
                You literally answered to a post that had zero emotional charge what so ever, seething and screeching about how I'm the one weirdly emotional here - but I have absolutely zero idea what your actual point is to begin with.

              • 11 months ago

                I understand and respect your opinion. You still sound mad tho.

              • 11 months ago

                > I have explained how I think it will be.
                Todd has told you how it is going to be. Your argument isn't with me.

              • 11 months ago

                >Todd has told you how it is going to be.
                Yes. He confirmed it's procedurally generated. You just literally don't understand what those words mean.

              • 11 months ago

                Yes the planets were procedurally generated and given a once over already. The planet you see is exactly the planet I will see.
                Nothing will be procedurally generated in game.
                According to Todd anyway. Once again your argument isn't with me.

              • 11 months ago

                When was this explained?

              • 11 months ago

                Find any interview procedural generation was discussed. There is no shortage.

              • 11 months ago

                >Nothing will be procedurally generated in game.
                Holy shit you are fricking stupid.
                Again. If you literally do not understand even the most BASIC fricking nature of the concept of procedural generation, why are you posting this shit?
                Seriously. How do you do this. You see these words "procedural generation". And you have never heard them before. They do not mean anything to you, it's complete and utter gibberish.

                And your first response is to go online and start telling everyone how they are wrong about this concept that might as well be words from foreign language? How? How the frick do you justify that mental process?

                Did your prostitute of a mother not tell you that talking out of your ass is wrong? Was she too busy sucking Black person wieners to give you even the most rudimentary life lessons?

                The planet you see is going to be the same as the one I see because they use the same SEED for the generation, you absolute mongoloid. Do you know what that means? Of course you fricking DON'T.

              • 11 months ago

                That time of the month sweety? You are a bit to emotional to have an actual discussion little lady.

              • 11 months ago

                Thank you for your concession of defeat, you failed abortion.

              • 11 months ago

                I wasn't arguing a point little lady.

              • 11 months ago

                >I wasn't arguing a point
                True, you are just shitposting about stuff you don't understand, child. That was my point in this context.

                Stop shitposting dude, it's annoying. I can't even follow y'alls discussion because your posts are so low quality they are like 90% schoolyard insults and 10% actual ideas.

                I'm actually literally the only person who is posting actual facts and useful info about this game, shitstain. The fact that you don't like how it always ends up in you homosexuals utterly humiliating yourself is a problem on your fricking side, not mine.

                Stop acting like absolutely mentally deranged c**ts and idiots, and people will stop treating you as such.

              • 11 months ago

                Low quality posting is against the rules. Please refrain from your vapid antics. It's childish. Just present your opinions clearly without the tantrums. I literally have no clue at this point what your concept of the game is.

              • 11 months ago

                You have been giving your opinion to be sure. When you get corrected you tend to indulge in histrionics.

              • 11 months ago

                >When you get corrected you tend to indulge in histrionics.
                When exactly did ANYONE here managed to correct me? Show me one case where somebody corrected me in this thread.

              • 11 months ago

                You seem to think Todd is mistaken in how he made the game. You aren't arguing with me. I don't have a dog in this fight. I can only point out what Todd has claimed

              • 11 months ago

                Stop shitposting dude, it's annoying. I can't even follow y'alls discussion because your posts are so low quality they are like 90% schoolyard insults and 10% actual ideas.

              • 11 months ago

                That is anons schtick. He gets a kick out of derailing threads.

              • 11 months ago

                That's not what they said. They procgened ~1km tiles and touched them up and designed a system that knits them together and wraps them around a sphere. This knitting and wrapping is done when you approach a planet, probably in the planet scan screen. While there is some nuance in the wording used, the implication is that my planet and your planet will have different terrain and POI but the same biomes.

              • 11 months ago

                The planets were generated then given a once over to make sure there were no lakes in the sky.
                What you see at whatever coordinates on a planet will be exactly the same in both of our games.
                The only caveat is the landing zone may be a special cell that overides the existing cell.

              • 11 months ago

                That's not what they said at any point. It's possible that they are using the term "build" to simply mean "render", but it seems far-fetched. They essentially flat out said they weren't going to hand craft 1000 planets, which includes touching 1000 planets up by hand. WAY too much work given the scale. These planets are absolutely massive, there is no way they went through and touched them up in post.

              • 11 months ago

                >They procgened ~1km tiles and touched them up and designed a system that knits them together and wraps them around a sphere. This knitting and wrapping is done when you approach a planet, probably in the planet scan screen.
                I'm not going to go back and check, but this sounds like what I remember Todd saying in the Starfield Direct thing.

                It would also make the most sense, that is, if they've already gone to a lot of trouble to design and tweak a procedural generation system, WHY would they limit every game to use the same terrain? It's like if you could only ever play one map in Minecraft.

                There are some reasons I can think of (eg. their map generation is still so crappy it creates a lot of mismatched terrain, and they have to manually go over all of it), but that doesn't sound like the case.

              • 11 months ago

                >This knitting and wrapping is done when you approach a planet, probably in the planet scan screen.
                half the thread multiple people told you that is not how it works you deaf moron.

              • 11 months ago

                What people say in a thread on Ganker is irrelevant. This is how it is described by the developers.

              • 11 months ago

                The issue you seem to have is then WHEN of it.

              • 11 months ago

                >This is how it is described by the developers.
                yeah, on production stage, not gameplay
                gameplay stage only random element to it is POI you find on surface
                they make a planet, put POI cells on it at various spot, but what you find at those spots is random
                that's whole system, nothing too complicated you think it is
                if it was like you said it would have infinite planets for the hell of it

              • 11 months ago

                They probably built POI cells into their tiles that they feed to the algorithm. They didn't literally hand place them on separate planets.
                Todd pretty much said they didn't do infinite planets because he wanted to name them and give them world levels.

              • 11 months ago

                would be fun if this system will be given to modders in SDK

              • 11 months ago

                I'm curious how modding works in this system. If the planets are seeded does that mean you cannot make a alien harem planet?
                I don't know shit about the intricacies of seeding or modding.

              • 11 months ago

                planets aren't seeded, stop listening to that moron
                it's fixed planets with similar cell system like other bethesda games just more complicated on engine side, if you want to put object on a planet at specific spot it will be there.

              • 11 months ago

                So when they said they build the planet when you approach they just meant render? Sounds weird, but that french guys wording was wacked out all around. Guess it'd have to be fixed to build bases on it? Or maybe the base stuff can still sit there on the mesh as the seed builds under it.

              • 11 months ago

                >So when they said they build the planet when you approach they just meant render?
                look at

                All you morons had to do is post this one picture

              • 11 months ago

                I have no idea what concept that picture is trying to convey

              • 11 months ago

                There is no planet to build. The planet has already been procedurally generated, in development, with procedurally generated tiles that have been stitched together. When you approach, they generate POIs like in that picture, on predefined spots around the landscape. That's it.

                I don't understand why there's still any debate about this shit, or why people fall for weak-ass bait like OP's (which I guess I took hook line and sinker by replying here) but the information has been out there since the deep dive and Lex Fridman interview.

              • 11 months ago

                Probably because one of the devs literally said they build the planet as you approach and Todds comments in the interview don't explicitly rule that out? Closest thing Todd said was they could change the number of planets they create when they "hit the button".

              • 11 months ago

                Check the Lex Fridman interview when Todd said they came up with a way to create procedurally generated tiles. There's an image higher up in this thread.

                >I don't understand why there's still any debate about this shit,
                Because you are still wrong, and you still don't understand what procedural generation is?

                The planet is only generated when and ONLY WHEN you approach it. It hasn't been "made before and stitched together", it's literally just an algorithm that has the capacity to spit out a bunch of tiles on demand, according to a number of very simple numerical parameters, and it does so when you approach the planet and when you land, it adds more if move away from your original point of entry, and purges the ones that aren't currently in use.

                I literally just caught you lying twice in two sentences, why would you continue to post, you deranged lunatic?

                You'll have a stroke if you keep being that mad, my guy. I'm not whoever you were arguing with earlier. Also, I'm an actual software developer so I probably know better than you what procedural generation is.

                Whether the planets are stored as a seed or not is pure speculation and I wasn't arguing with you about it. Knowing Bethesda, they have many ways of fricking this up, so I wouldn't be surprised if there's no seed.

                The problem with generating planets on the fly is persistence. Sure, you've re-generated the planet tiles from a seed. Will you persist data about each and every tile "touched" by the player in the savegame? Will you place vegetation randomly every time so you don't have to do that? Because I'm sure you can generate terrain from a seed, but placing large number of smaller bits isn't trivial in terms of computation power. What if the player drops something on a tile? Do POIs respawn like in the other Bethesda games? What if you place an outpost, what do you save about that particular tile?

                Also, since presumably you can create a planet in the Creation Kit, how will you handle procedural generation from a seed? Especially if you handcraft significant portions of the planet, like the story-related ones? This calls for something a bit more complicated than regenerating from a seed.

              • 11 months ago

                I posted that image. I'm just saying that he doesn't explicitly say they already generated all the planets and they aren't seeded.
                Either they used an algorithm and generated planets or they generated a seed so the algorithm pops the same stuff out player-side. I don't know the nuances of the difference, but I assume it takes less space to do the latter and thus that was their method.

              • 11 months ago

                >Will you persist data about each and every tile "touched" by the player in the savegame?
                This is what Bethesda has done historically (they persist for like 30 in-game days or so) and it's why Skyrim ran like crap on PS3 which didn't plan for save files to work like this. Yes, Bethesda games are computationally intensive, that's probably why they couldn't make this game until new consoles came out with halfway decent processors. The PS4/Xbone generation blew off CPUs entirely.
                >Also, since presumably you can create a planet in the Creation Kit, how will you handle procedural generation from a seed? Especially if you handcraft significant portions of the planet, like the story-related ones? This calls for something a bit more complicated than regenerating from a seed.
                As a software developer who didn't skip math in college, you should look up what an inverse function does. Take the state file of the custom planet, run it through the inverse of the procgen function and voila, you have a seed that can regenerate the custom planet.

              • 11 months ago

                True. I wasn't even considering Bethesda of all companies to do that, though, since historically they are shit at optimization.

              • 11 months ago

                >Also, I'm an actual software developer so I probably know better than you what procedural generation is.
                Again with this shit. Are you the same guy who claimed "I totally do with like 3D graphics and shit?"

                >Whether the planets are stored as a seed or not is pure speculation and I wasn't arguing with you about it.
                It's not a speculation, and you don't "store a planet as seed you absolute fricking clown. ONE SENTENCE and you already prove that you actually don't know ANYTHING about procedural generation, you moron.
                ONE. SENTENCE. And I already caught you lying too.
                You beth drones are fricking mindboggling.

                The seed does not "store planet data" you moron. It has NOTHING to do with that.
                >The problem with generating planets on the fly is persistence.
                Second sentence, second claim that is entirely fricking moronic and proves you have no clue what you are talking about.
                Literally every questing you are asking is answered by "seed".

                >but placing large number of smaller bits isn't trivial in terms of computation power.
                It absolutely is trivial, you idiot. Not only you are not a software developer - I doubt you can count to ten, you mong.

                >What if the player drops something on a tile?
                This is such a basic fricking problem it's laughable, holy shit. The AUDACITY of you pretending to know ANYTHING about software development here - it's mindboggling. Do you have NO SHAME WHAT SO EVER?
                Solution 1) save the coordinates of the object (it's just a grid on a grid on a grid associated with a code).
                Solution 2) delete all physics objects once the tile is purged from memory.
                Solution 3) store the object data up to a certain count, then start deleting it once that count is exceeded (or after some time of not being used) so save memory space and save file space.

                This is TRIVIAL. Fricking MINECRAFT has a solution for this, you mong.

                >Also, since presumably you can create
                Again. HOLY. FRICK. You are fricking clueless.

              • 11 months ago

                Are you okay? Why are you so mad?

              • 11 months ago

                >Are you okay? Why are you so mad?
                Because I'm dealing with people who literally do not understand the concept of "Not lying about shit they don't understand?"

                Why is "Don't make up shit, don't lie" such a fundamentally alien concept to you people? In real world, lying like this gets you locked in an asylum for frick sake.

              • 11 months ago

                are you supposed to be a child? you're very convincing

              • 11 months ago

                lmao how can one troony be so mad and wrong at the same time
                absolutely unhinged

                I love how your only reply is "U MAD" after you been caught lying through your teeth.

                >The seed does not "store planet data" you moron. It has NOTHING to do with that.
                Separate anon, but I'm not sure I agree with you here. I get that you're trying to make a distinction between a formalized state file and a seed but technically you can think of a seed as a kind of hashing compression because it's entirely possible to create a seed from the world state with an inverse of procgen function like I said in another post.

                >Separate anon, but I'm not sure I agree with you here.
                Seed is a single, simple value - it literally could just be 1 for all we know, that is universal to the whole game.
                It is used as a starting point to generate further, much longer strings of numbers, that are then use as a basis for the process of random generation.

                You can't store data through seeds. Seed isn't unique to a planet. It's a SINGLE SHORT STRING OF NUMBERS used and applied EVERY TIME the game needs to generate content on a probabilistic basis.

                It has nothing to do with data, or data compression. It just means that whenever the game needs a new string of random numbers, that string will be always consistent for that particular instance.

                That is it. It does not contain any information about anything. It's just a mathematical tool that ensures consistency of pseudorandom generator. And if that confuses you, then look up basic info on the subject. All "random" generators you have ever used in your own life are pseudorandom generators in technical terminology, because REAL randomness is actually really fricking hard to obtain, you literally need very specialized hardware for that.

                True random values are literally a commodity in which you can trade, believe it or not.

              • 11 months ago

                >I love how your only reply is "U MAD" after you been caught lying through your teeth.
                Are you drunk or something? I just asked why you're so mad cause it seems unhealthy to be seething this hard at game discussion.

              • 11 months ago

                >I just asked why you're so mad cause it seems unhealthy to be seething this hard at game discussion.
                Because dealing with people so fudamentally mentally twisted and broken that they compulsively lie in literally every single sentence they utter is a very frustrating and frankly, horrifying experience.

                Being mad at people being utterly and completely intellectually and mentally broken is a pretty fricking normal reaction.
                The question here should be: Why are you fricks so profoundly broken?
                How do you beat any semblance of human dignity or common sense out of a fricking FANBASE worth of people?

                I just randomly thought up a 3. What commodity market can I sell it on?
                It is not your run of the mill 3 either. Should be able to 50 bucks for this baby.

                Are you 10 years old?

              • 11 months ago

                Hey I have a number too. It's 12. Can I sell it to the same market as the other anon?

              • 11 months ago

                >Hey I have a number too. It's 12. Can I sell it to the same market as the other anon?
                So you really are fricking children, aren't you. This whole time, I was bullying literal shortbus population, huh?
                For the record:
                You could have actually learned something today.

              • 11 months ago

                I don't see a quote in your post. I'm sure I can sell my number for more than 50 bucks.

              • 11 months ago

                Chill out kidposter. Take your blood pressure meds

              • 11 months ago

                And more literal "U MAD"... holy shit you people are just pure trash.
                I might be mad, but you are a lying sack of shit, literally a person whose death would be a net positive for this planet, drone deprived of any dignity or humanity.

                Yeah, I take being made over being you.

              • 11 months ago

                anon, you really need to quit feeding them
                each time you reply with a post like that you just encourage people to press you further
                just stop replying to them

              • 11 months ago

                He literally can't stop. He thinks everyone is out to get him.

              • 11 months ago

                >just encourage people to press you further
                And every time they "press further", they also prove my point.
                And it is fascinating for me to see just how much humanity are they willing to throw away.

                Remember that shitstain that tried to pretend that he is totally a software developer, who thought seed is used to "store data about a planet"?

                Yeah, it may be infuriating, but it is also morbidly fascinating. And that person will be forced to live with himself atfter posting that shit, and being IMMEDIATELY called out.

                Plus, I make sure to interspace it with actually informative posts. Believe it or not but in almost every one of these threads, someone in the end said that he learned something interesting or useful from me.

              • 11 months ago

                >someone in the end said that he learned something interesting or useful from me
                Why do you feel the need to lie?

              • 11 months ago

                >Why do you feel the need to lie?
                In this thread:

                >You just do not have any fricking clue about any of this. You are endlessly talking out of your ass.
                Yeah I realized that after your 2nd post but it was fun watching you seethe and now I learned something. Thanks!

                In previous threads, I've seen several people repeating what I told them about how proc-gen works, verbatim, even stating "as one anon explained it." You can actually find it in the archives if you really need it.

                I'm not like you, child. I don't lie. Despite everything, I'm happy to actually discuss this subject, despite how shit you people are, I'm happying to help you understand this.

                I might have short temper, but unlike you, I'm not a piece of shit. I always deliver the actual useful information.

              • 11 months ago

                >I don't lie.
                Another lie. Why must you keep doing this when people already called you out for doing so?

              • 11 months ago

                Anon just likes eerailing threads.
                Typical exchange goes something like this.
                > I like cake
                > Derailer The oven gets to hot.
                > I still like cake
                > Why are you ignoring the heat from the oven.
                > It has nothing to do with me liking cake
                > So you won't answer like a coward. Yiu are a piece of shit.
                > I still like cake
                > Fricking moron still talking about cake. Frick you you fricking moron. I am telling you facts and you keep dodging.

                If you recognize him just stay focused on one point. He gets confused easily.

              • 11 months ago

                >Anon just likes eerailing threads.
                The hilarious irony is that not only did my very first post correct OP's misconceptions about the game, but I'm the only one who actually still sticks to the original subject.
                You keep claiming I derail threads, while in reality, I just come here to talk about how the game works, and the rest of you is relentlessly freaking out, screeching at me, or lying about the game, in the end just devolving into pure U MAD shit.

                If you go through this thread, 90% of all posts DIRECTLY pertaining the game, and the technology and terminology involved, are from me.
                You c**ts are the ones who derail shit.

              • 11 months ago

                >My misconceptions are correct!
                >Any challenge to these are intentional lies by fans rather than actual corrections!
                Lol, lmao

              • 11 months ago

                I've proven every single one of my points.
                You homosexuals meanwhile continuously proved to not know what a seed is.
                Show me a single "misconception" I had in this thread. I can show you a thousand times you people either failed to answer my questions, or provably were wrong.

                Can you do that even once for me? Can you shit.

              • 11 months ago

                You know exactly where you were wrong and exactly where people corrected you. You get mad and bluster to avoid facing those facts.

              • 11 months ago

                Do you think Todd was lying about how they did planets? I think he would be in the loop.

              • 11 months ago

                >Do you think Todd was lying about how they did planets?
                Sometimes he does, sometime he doesn't, a lot of it is claims too vague and too meaningless to ensure plausible deniability.

                Like the "wraps around the planet" statement.
                One, he uses "we sort of wrap it around" which is unclear. Second of all, he is absolutely, 100% aware that given the game's traversal means, this will be never possible to actually confirm, or deny, because the process would be so insanely tedious (even if there isn't some kind of additional soft-gate like power reserves on your suit).
                And if someone is insane enough to really test it, and it proves to be a lie, then he can always change gears and say that he was talking about the OTHER map, the orbital one, which is indeed, a bunch of tiles wrapped around a sphere. It just so happens to be the part you don't get to navigate.

                Every other formulation is exactly this fricking weasely at best. Plus - let's not forget. Todd LIES. Todd lies about every single game he directed. Because he knows that Beth drones are too stupid to really call him out.
                Even now, people actually pretend his claim's about Skyrim's dynamic economy "totally wasn't lies, it was just a cut feature!" Or people claiming Oblivion's claims about dynamic, need-governed A.I. was not a lie because "it actually is in the game, you just don't understand the programming."

                Todd is an absolute snake. But if you have even basic comprehension of the tech here, it's extremely easy to filter out the bullshit.

              • 11 months ago

                Mostbof Todds lies are people willfully misunderstanding his statements.
                You can climb any mountain comes down to if you think Todd meant climb as on ropes and handholds.
                Most of his lies aren't. He has been wrong but no proof he was intentionally misleading.

              • 11 months ago

                >Mostbof Todds lies are people willfully misunderstanding his statements.
                No, they are not.
                Most of his lies are just that, brazen lies.
                The rest is weasely formulations that he knows he can easily get out of. He misleads people, very deliberately. Sometimes directly, sometimes by being intentionally vague. It does not matter. We all know he is dishonest when marketing his games.

                >You can climb any mountain comes down to if you think Todd meant climb as on ropes and handholds.
                This is YOU willfully misunderstanding the situation. Nobody ever thought that "you can climb it" statement was a lie. It became a meme, people make fun of it because it became a symbol of how vacuus Bethesda's world-building is. You can indeed climb any mountain in the game's boundaries.
                They are all just completely fricking boring, there is nothing there.

                That is why people make fun of that claim.
                The "16x times the detail" claim falls into the "deliberately extremely weasely" category, and the "dynamic economy" falls into the "I'm brazenly lying because you people are morons."

              • 11 months ago

                >that "you can climb it" statement
                the funny thing regarding that statement is that todd never actually said 'climb'
                the actual quote was;
                >you can walk all the way to the top of that mountain

              • 11 months ago

                Yeah, I guess, it may be mandela effect.
                Unlike Oblivion, whose pre-release footage I used to watch and analyse almost religiously, I honestly haven't paid any attention to the Skyrim stuff, that one trailer with the dynamic economy was enough to make me laugh and ignore the rest.

              • 11 months ago

                Todd def lies. It's probably mostly unintentional and about cut features, but they are still technically lies. He just never gets credit for his lies. People just meme his true statements because they are better buzzcore

              • 11 months ago

                Bethesda games are part of their ego. First you hurt the game, but then when they had nothing to defend it with, they still felt like defending their ego in order to not "lose", so naturally it had to devolve into U MAD.

                That's the kind of people posting here.

              • 11 months ago

                Top tier projection.

              • 11 months ago

                It wouldn't even make any sense since it's been decades since I said anything positive about Bethesda.

              • 11 months ago

                You've been angrily posting about Bethesda for decades? Way to prove my point. It's part of your ego.

              • 11 months ago

                The ego always crafts another layer in order to fool that the ego is not in control. It doesn't matter what you SAY or WRITE, you are not going anywhere with that.

                Bethesda games are part of their ego. First you hurt the game, but then when they had nothing to defend it with, they still felt like defending their ego in order to not "lose", so naturally it had to devolve into U MAD.

                That's the kind of people posting here.

              • 11 months ago

                No. He's literally mad. Literally nothing he said implied Bethsoft pr Statfield aren't good. You're just trying to troll more.

              • 11 months ago

                Words are just symbols with a very limited capacity to explain our thoughts. And by thoughts I don't mean the ceaseless voice in your head which is just the ego speaking.

                If we both get quiet and meditate and just be real with what is, then we both know. No more manipulation.

              • 11 months ago

                >You're just trying to troll more.
                Actually I did mention a good few times that I think Bethesda are incompetent c**ts, and that I think the whole core direction of Starfield is terrible on multiple levels.

                But I did make it clear that these statements are separate from the actual FUNCTIONAL discussion - e.g. the simple objective claims we can make about the tech and proceses involved in how it generates it's planet.
                Because truth be told, I don't think the way they use proc-gen is the problem.

                I just use these discussions - especially when I see shit like OP who is very clearly completely wrong (there really is absolutely NO reason to assume the game will use invisible walls or otherwise hard-restrict the player's exploration), to help people to know what exactly to expect.

                I don't hide my dislike for Beth or the game, but the shit I say about the proc-gen? That is just solid info, and anyone can make their own conclusions from it.

                You are arguing past people. I have steadfastly stated Todds explanation on how they created the planets. You don't care about that. You have locked onto the tangent you have decided will derail the thread the best.
                It worked. You are very good at this.

                >I have steadfastly stated Todds explanation on how they created the planets.
                And you have steadfatly proved that you don't understand the meaning of the words he used, and then when I proved that, you literally changed the formulation and started lying through your teeth.

                Your argument is that I'm wrong because Todd stated the planets will be the same for everyone. Becaouse in your absolute, PERFECT ignorance of the subject, you did not realize that proc-gen can and does generate consistent results.

                And when I pointed that out, you changed your own claims.
                I'm not talking past people, I'm talking to clinically insane people, who literally do not even comprehend the difference between truth and lies anymore.

              • 11 months ago

                I have never stated an opinion on you being right or wrong. Your bad habit of multi quoting causes you to be confused.

                I have pointed out how Todd said they did it. You need to argue with Todd. I am just a messenger.

              • 11 months ago

                That's what I was saying. I know you don't like the games due to poor taste, but the substance of the discussion had no inherent implications on the qualitu of Statfield. That guy was trolling because he was suggesting that people were disagreeing because they were defending Starfield instead of the actual reality of people disagreeing because they thought you were inaccurate.

                I think the whole discussion is largely irrelevant, but their clearly using procedural generation and likely just using seeds to build the planets upon arrival.

              • 11 months ago

                >people were disagreeing because they were defending Starfield instead of the actual reality of people disagreeing because they thought you were inaccurate.
                Most people who disagree with me do it because they defend the game, actually. What I'm saying does not have necessary negative, or positive implications, but these people need to desperately defend an EXTREMELY POSITIVE image of the game in their head, so news that are merely ambivalent are already a threat to them and their self-esteem.

                Most people attack me because admitting that Bethesda has not spend 25 years painstakenly hand-currating 1000 fricking planets square km by square km is already too much of an "attack" on the game.
                That is why they so vehemently oppose the claim that beth is using on-the-fly proc-gen. It's not just that they think I'm innacurate, it's because it contradicts their unrealistically high expectations of the game.

                That is the core of majority of angst I invoke here, unfortunately. That is why these people pretend they understand proc-gen even though they don't.
                That is why they LIE so obsessively.
                They do it to defend this unrealistic vision they conjured in their heads.

              • 11 months ago

                How can you defend a game that isn't out yet? How can you criticize a game that isn't out yet.

              • 11 months ago

                >How can you defend a game that isn't out yet? How can you criticize a game that isn't out yet.
                What kind of question is that?

              • 11 months ago

                What do you think of TES 27?

              • 11 months ago

                I'm a huge bethdrone and think Starfield will be the best game in a decade, but the devs have repeatedly said they are using procgen and given the insane scale of the planets there is no way they are handcrafting them. I'm more than happy with them having more handcrafted content that their previous games, I don't need 1000 planets more.
                But I'm not completely sold they are just arguing due to what you imagine. A good bit of it is your churlish demeanor.

              • 11 months ago

                >but the devs have repeatedly said they are using procgen and given the insane scale of the planets there is no way they are handcrafting them.
                Good for you to be this sensible. I'm afraid a lot of your colleagues here don't see things the same way though.

              • 11 months ago

                And on the other side of the coin some people seem to think they'll just spit out a square tile floating in space whenever you land

              • 11 months ago

                >And on the other side of the coin some people seem to think they'll just spit out a square tile floating in space whenever you land
                Well technically that is most most probably solution here.
                We don't know exactly how the on-foot world will relate to the orbital map. There are two ways it can go, both described here:

                an invisible barrier while exploring
                Wrong. The whole point of proc-gen is to create effectively unlimited amount of content ON THE FLY.
                Meaning the game can and will keep adding more and more cells to the location in the direction you go. So in THEORY, you can spend an infinite (or near-infinite, depending on how the game handles relativity to orbital grid coordinates) time exploring one single individual location, just going further and further away as the game adds new tiles in front of you, and purges those behind you from memory.

                So outside of the obvious spots like major settlements or setpiece locations, the game has no need for invisible walls.

                In reality, there are two problems to this.

                1) is whenever the game handless each landing site as entirely independent instance (which is by far the most likely case) or not.
                If it is the case, the player won't be able to actually "trully" change his locations relative to the orbital map, meaning you will not be able to even leave whatever biome you got loaded into. Effectively, the game would put you on an infinite threadmill - endless generating more tiles of the same exact biome where you landed. You would not be able to transition between biomes, or walk from POI to POI.

                The other option would allow you to actually more relatively to the planet's orbital map, do things like cross biome boundaries. But it's unlikely to be the cause because:

                2) The game purposefully does not give you any tools to traverse larger distances comfortably. No atmospheric flight and no vehicles means that you will be stuck exploring at your base walking speed. This will be a soft restriction of your exploration radius on it's own. Nobody is going to spend hours and hours just walking for dozens of hours JUST to see if the biome ends or not.

                So: No invisible walls, there is no need for them, but your exploration is going to be restricted by more soft and indirect means.

                Screencap for posteriority if you want

                Either they just generate a bubble around the player, infinite (or near infinite) in diameter as the game can just keep adding more cells in the direction you are heading, but basing them still entirely on the properties of your point of entry.
                Which is very close to being a "square in the space" - it's just one with infinite boundaries.

                Or they somehow do keep track of your location relative to the orbital map, which means you can actually move from biome to biome, from poi to poi, and in THEORY you could even walk around the whole planet. That is possible, but it is also extremely unlikely.

                We don't know for sure which one of these two options it is. But common sense really, REALLY supports the former, not the latter.

              • 11 months ago

                It makes much more sense for bethesda to just do the former
                if they were to do the second one, there would have been no reason for them to no include vehicles and atmospheric flight
                not to mention it's much easier to implement into the game

              • 11 months ago


              • 11 months ago

                You are arguing past people. I have steadfastly stated Todds explanation on how they created the planets. You don't care about that. You have locked onto the tangent you have decided will derail the thread the best.
                It worked. You are very good at this.

              • 11 months ago

                dude you're on Ganker
                talking about a video game
                please for your own sanity, stop replying to them
                it's not worth getting this worked up over

              • 11 months ago

                Moving the goal post to this just being trolling is asinine. He was right from the get-go. There is no need for any secondary nonsense that no-one is even going to remember.

              • 11 months ago

                fanbase... that's because when you go back to the word fan, it means fanatic. Of course fanatics act fantical. You are encroaching on their tribe, and their fight mode kicks in. But these people are not self-aware of their behavior, thus can't observe it from an objective position.

              • 11 months ago

                >they compulsively lie
                Paranoid schizophrenic?

              • 11 months ago

                Don't hold back on this random numbtet market. The three is one of those fancy one that are straight at the top with an angle leading into the curve at the base.

                > What are you 10?
                I know how dare anyone try to have fun here.This is serious business here.

                Pull the stick out of your ass you joyless frick.

              • 11 months ago

                >I know how dare anyone try to have fun here.This is serious business here.
                Being purposefully obnoxious because you can't fricking deal with being blown the frick out isn't funny, it's just sad and desperate.

              • 11 months ago

                Once again the lack of self awareness is stunning.

              • 11 months ago

                >caught lying
                yes anon, everyone is lying deliberately just to make you seethe lmao

              • 11 months ago

                I just randomly thought up a 3. What commodity market can I sell it on?
                It is not your run of the mill 3 either. Should be able to 50 bucks for this baby.

              • 11 months ago

                anon, you are correct in regards to proc-gen, but holy frick you're easy to trigger
                you should try taking a break from posting

              • 11 months ago

                I know what you're saying, but you're being a bit pedantic. All data is 1s and 0s. A seed is just a more meta example of that. So yes, while it isn't technically 'stored' in a general sense it is still stored in the sense the seed represents the panet and is kept in the code.

              • 11 months ago

                >I know what you're saying, but you're being a bit pedantic. All data is 1s and 0s. A seed is just a more meta example of that.
                It's not being pedantic to differenciate between a seed and a fricking data compression.
                In fact, the entire shitshow of a discussion all the way up till now is entirely predicated by the fact that 99% of people posting here about Starfield literally don't understand these terms, which leads to make up abhorently detailed bullshit, straight up lie for hours.

                I'm pretty sure saying "You fricks have an entirely wrong idea of how this game works because you literally do not understand the single key term the devs used" isn't pedantic, it's pretty fricking relevant.

              • 11 months ago

                >Seed is a single, simple value - it literally could just be 1 for all we know, that is universal to the whole game.
                >You can't store data through seeds. Seed isn't unique to a planet. It's a SINGLE SHORT STRING OF NUMBERS used and applied EVERY TIME the game needs to generate content on a probabilistic basis.
                >It just means that whenever the game needs a new string of random numbers, that string will be always consistent for that particular instance.
                I understand this, I'm trying to get you to think more abstractly. In certain cases a file can be compressed down to just 1, e.g. an image file with a single color #000001 pixel. Fundamentally decompression and procgen are both making assumptions about the file format and interpreting the result based on that. You can think of a seed as a very niche format with loads of assumptions baked into it.

              • 11 months ago

                Based guy who actually knows what he's talking about.

              • 11 months ago

                >I understand this, I'm trying to get you to think more abstractly.
                Look that kid literally claimed to be a fricking software engineer, being exact in terminology was not an unwarranted fricking expectation.

              • 11 months ago

                lmao how can one troony be so mad and wrong at the same time
                absolutely unhinged

              • 11 months ago

                >The seed does not "store planet data" you moron. It has NOTHING to do with that.
                Separate anon, but I'm not sure I agree with you here. I get that you're trying to make a distinction between a formalized state file and a seed but technically you can think of a seed as a kind of hashing compression because it's entirely possible to create a seed from the world state with an inverse of procgen function like I said in another post.

              • 11 months ago

                >I don't understand why there's still any debate about this shit,
                Because you are still wrong, and you still don't understand what procedural generation is?


                >My point is You are hung up on the finer points of proc gen and I am just telling you what Todd has said.
                Basic functionality of proc-gen is not a "fine point" and you are wrong.
                Kid. It's INCREDIBLY simple. The most FUNDAMENTAL PROPERTY of procedural generation is that it can be set to create repeatable results.
                A tool called "Seed" is used to ensure the same string of random numbers is used every time for each specific instance.
                The game takes a set of basic starting data: The properties of the planet and of the biome to select the right asset libraries and textures, then it takes the basic coordinates of the spot, then it adds a pre-set value that makes sure the string of random numbers used to determine the possition of of everything, is always going to be the same for that given coordinates.

                Meaning the game - on the fly, randomly - generates a spot unique and consistent for that location (those coordinates).

                There is no contradiction in what I said. There is no need to generate the terrain ahead of time. There is one, extremely simple mathematical value and operation that makes sure the planets will be the same for everyone, even though they are generated on the fly, and using a purely random, probabilistic distribution.

                It's the SAME EXACT tech they used in NMS, in Elite Dangerous, in Space Engine, and even in fricking OG Elite all the way back from mid 80's.

                You merely did not understand what Todd is talking about when he said the planets will be the same for everyone. Because you did not know a simple tech, "seed", is used to ensure that without ANY need to actually generate the world first sand save it down.

                You are an idiot. An absolute cretin, shitstain who just wasted hours upon hours LYING OFF HIS ASS, because you literally can't help it, it's compulsive.
                You cannot fricking stop yourself from lying and speaking bullshit. You are sick. You are genuinely mentally ill. Fundamentally so.

                >Excel spreadsheet. ez
                That is wrong, and also: For 1000 planets. Each of which is at least hundreds of square miles of terrain, which is detailed to the resolution of centimeters. All of that saved in a spreadsheet tab.
                You are completely fricking moronic.

                For the record - normally, you would use a heightmap, also known as "grayscale". Which is an image, often simple .pgn, in which each shade of grey represents different elevation.
                However, again, creating individual heightmaps - again with resolution of hundreds of millions of pixels - for each individual one of 1000 planets, is absolutely riddiculous and also, ENTIRELY pointless.

                Because you would generate those billions of pixels worth of images through a process of random generation in the first place.
                which is simple, and cheap to do processing-power-wise.

                So why the frick not just generate the specific slice of terrain when and ONLY WHEN it is actually needed?

                Once again. NMS, Elite, Space Engine, Space Engineers, Stationeers, and a few hundred thousands of other games have been doing this, for decades now.
                Space Engine literally contains billions of planets, each detailed to the same fricking scale - as this piece of shit will. You can literally pick any random planet, anywhere in the Virgo Cluster (consisting of millions of GALAXIES), and fly down and explore it from on-foot perspective.
                The whole program used to have like 2 gigabites of size. It ran on low-end computers back in 2012.

                You just do not have any fricking clue about any of this. You are endlessly talking out of your ass.

                The planet is only generated when and ONLY WHEN you approach it. It hasn't been "made before and stitched together", it's literally just an algorithm that has the capacity to spit out a bunch of tiles on demand, according to a number of very simple numerical parameters, and it does so when you approach the planet and when you land, it adds more if move away from your original point of entry, and purges the ones that aren't currently in use.

                I am not discussing proc gen. I am telling you when Todd said it was used.

                I literally just caught you lying twice in two sentences, why would you continue to post, you deranged lunatic?

              • 11 months ago

                You confusing two anons because you won't stop multi quoting is a you problem.

                I will clarify. Any post not saying some variation of " I am just telling you what Todd said in interviews" is not me.
                Hope that helps sort shit out for you.

                If you stop multi quoting you will get confused far less often

              • 11 months ago

                The landscape of the planet was made by procedurally generating a bunch of tiles during development. Those tiles are then combined to create a planet, and then they went over them to make sure it all worked out. This base planet will be the same for every player.

                The locations on the planet are randomly generated per tile. Each tile will have locations where something can be spawned, without clipping into a mountain or lake. What generates on these locations are random and loaded when you load the planet or tile for the first time. This is different for every player and play through.

                This is exactly how they described they made the planets in interviews and the Direct. What you're insisting on is not what they said they've done, you're just describing a method that CAN be used based on its applications in previous games. You have absolutely NO proof that Besthesda used what you described here

                >My point is You are hung up on the finer points of proc gen and I am just telling you what Todd has said.
                Basic functionality of proc-gen is not a "fine point" and you are wrong.
                Kid. It's INCREDIBLY simple. The most FUNDAMENTAL PROPERTY of procedural generation is that it can be set to create repeatable results.
                A tool called "Seed" is used to ensure the same string of random numbers is used every time for each specific instance.
                The game takes a set of basic starting data: The properties of the planet and of the biome to select the right asset libraries and textures, then it takes the basic coordinates of the spot, then it adds a pre-set value that makes sure the string of random numbers used to determine the possition of of everything, is always going to be the same for that given coordinates.

                Meaning the game - on the fly, randomly - generates a spot unique and consistent for that location (those coordinates).

                There is no contradiction in what I said. There is no need to generate the terrain ahead of time. There is one, extremely simple mathematical value and operation that makes sure the planets will be the same for everyone, even though they are generated on the fly, and using a purely random, probabilistic distribution.

                It's the SAME EXACT tech they used in NMS, in Elite Dangerous, in Space Engine, and even in fricking OG Elite all the way back from mid 80's.

                You merely did not understand what Todd is talking about when he said the planets will be the same for everyone. Because you did not know a simple tech, "seed", is used to ensure that without ANY need to actually generate the world first sand save it down.

                You are an idiot. An absolute cretin, shitstain who just wasted hours upon hours LYING OFF HIS ASS, because you literally can't help it, it's compulsive.
                You cannot fricking stop yourself from lying and speaking bullshit. You are sick. You are genuinely mentally ill. Fundamentally so.

                >Excel spreadsheet. ez
                That is wrong, and also: For 1000 planets. Each of which is at least hundreds of square miles of terrain, which is detailed to the resolution of centimeters. All of that saved in a spreadsheet tab.
                You are completely fricking moronic.

                For the record - normally, you would use a heightmap, also known as "grayscale". Which is an image, often simple .pgn, in which each shade of grey represents different elevation.
                However, again, creating individual heightmaps - again with resolution of hundreds of millions of pixels - for each individual one of 1000 planets, is absolutely riddiculous and also, ENTIRELY pointless.

                Because you would generate those billions of pixels worth of images through a process of random generation in the first place.
                which is simple, and cheap to do processing-power-wise.

                So why the frick not just generate the specific slice of terrain when and ONLY WHEN it is actually needed?

                Once again. NMS, Elite, Space Engine, Space Engineers, Stationeers, and a few hundred thousands of other games have been doing this, for decades now.
                Space Engine literally contains billions of planets, each detailed to the same fricking scale - as this piece of shit will. You can literally pick any random planet, anywhere in the Virgo Cluster (consisting of millions of GALAXIES), and fly down and explore it from on-foot perspective.
                The whole program used to have like 2 gigabites of size. It ran on low-end computers back in 2012.

                You just do not have any fricking clue about any of this. You are endlessly talking out of your ass.

                You have no code to point to, you have no interviews to point to. You've decided that this is how they've done it, with no evidence, and insisting everyone except you is mentally ill.

              • 11 months ago

                >The landscape of the planet was made by procedurally generating a bunch of tiles during development.
                >Those tiles are then combined to create a planet, and then they went over them to make sure it all worked out. This base planet will be the same for every player.
                If you think someone is going through every square mile of hundreds if not thousands of square miles of each of those 1000 planets you absolute moron, that literally defeats the point of proc-gen and is PHYSICALLY IMPOSSIBLE TO DO.
                No. It's proc-gen. Each planet is defined as an algorythm. See
                >You have no code to point to, you have no interviews to point to.
                Yes I do. The first interview, on release. Todd confirms literally everything I said. The planets are not handcrafted, they are procedurally generated. He even explicitly states it's the same process used in Daggerfall, you mongoloid.

                Once again, you just don't know what procedural generation is.

              • 11 months ago

                >He even explicitly states it's the same process used in Daggerfall
                No, he says:
                >Well, you mentioned Daggerfall, we go back to some of that.
                Which is about as non-commital as saying "Yeah we do some of that proc-gen thang yknow"

              • 11 months ago

                You can. The same reason you won't get randomly generated POIs in the cities will most likely be the same reason you can make a custom planet. In the modding tools/creation kit whatever they call it these days, you'll most likely be able to toggle the spawning for a particular radius or cell to make sure nothing spawns in the location used for the mod. We'll have to see when more information comes out regarding the tools, but Todd's recent comments about mods are promising.

              • 11 months ago

                Ah, cool. Thanks for illuminating that. Didn't realize that's how such a system works

              • 11 months ago

                It's a combination of a different sources, mainly the technical producer in the direct and Todd from the two podcast interviews.

                The only real question is if planets will be different game to game. The wording they use supports both spontaneously generated planets created before landing or seeded planets. I believe the wording suggests the former since the technical producer says the planet is "built" not just rendered.

                We do know that
                >planets are made of cobbled together tiles that were themselves generated and touched up
                >you can land anywhere
                >POIs are unique to each player and pretty randomly placed
                The heavy implication is you can circumnavigate. It is ambiguous if POIs are generated upon landing or as you approach on foot.

              • 11 months ago

                >It is ambiguous if POIs are generated upon landing or as you approach on foot.
                In the direct they said they are generated as the player approaches the planet, so I'd assume they're loaded into the game when you land in during the landing cutscene (one of the reasons why SSD is a requirement). Like the Anon going crazy about seeds, I'm assuming there's a seed for the physical planets the same for everyone, and a different individual seed for all the POIs.
                Unless it's a story location, it's safe to assume that all the planets will be blank slates and the fast travel locations for the POI will be added to the map as you discover them. Assuming you can circumnavigate the planet, I'd then assume they're also gradually generated along with the adjoining cells when you're a certain distance away, presumably far enough to avoid obvious pop-in.
                If you can't circumnavigate the planet, that means if you choose the "wrong" location on the map without any POI spawns and you're confined to the cell until you fast travel and choose another landing location which I highly doubt they'd do.
                Pic related, I'm assuming that if you land at a random location on the map you'll still be able to walk on foot to the other previously discovered locations visible such as the civilian outpost in the same way you discovered them in the first place.

              • 11 months ago

                They said the world is built as the player approaches the planet and POIs come as the player explores. I have a feeling POIs viewable in the planet view screen are all handplaced and random ones are generated planetside. I'm assuming their tiles have POI cells placed on them that can potentially generate POIs as you walk around depending on the seed.

              • 11 months ago

                I think the POIs on the planet screen have to be discovered locations, hence their nondescript names. I can't see them handplacing Industrial Outposts and Civilian Outposts, the names are too generic and scream generated. It wouldn't make sense if you can't fast travel back to a randomly generated location you previously discovered for the loot in case of a full inventory, especially given how large the map is and lack of coordinates on the screen. I'm also certain in the direct they showed "Cave discovered" etc as the player approached locations, I doubt they'd have those pop-ups if they weren't saved to the map for posterity to travel back to later.

              • 11 months ago

                I didn't say they weren't saved. Just that they were randomly generated if they weren't viewable from the planet screen. I think the names are non-descript because nothing is named except things other humans have discovered. Any of these is possible, though. Just seems that since we see multiple POIs in a km in one clip but most planet views have like 3 locations shown on the whole planet that they aren't showing discovered locations 1to1 on the planet screen. This is all conjecture though.

              • 11 months ago

                It's a combination of a different sources, mainly the technical producer in the direct and Todd from the two podcast interviews.

                The only real question is if planets will be different game to game. The wording they use supports both spontaneously generated planets created before landing or seeded planets. I believe the wording suggests the former since the technical producer says the planet is "built" not just rendered.

                We do know that
                >planets are made of cobbled together tiles that were themselves generated and touched up
                >you can land anywhere
                >POIs are unique to each player and pretty randomly placed
                The heavy implication is you can circumnavigate. It is ambiguous if POIs are generated upon landing or as you approach on foot.

                You guys missed the part where the large female producer talked about how each playthrough will be different, and then there was a panover of a landscape with different poi's in the same location, implying that terrain will be the same, but locations(POIs) will be different.

              • 11 months ago

                Sounds vaguely familiar. Do you remember where she said that?

              • 11 months ago

                The random events will certainly be different.

              • 11 months ago

                Found it. She doesn't say that.
                She says "...everytime you step out on a planet it's a unique experience". But yes, the general implication of cumulative quotes is that each playthrough will be slightly different.
                Not sure why you said I missed it, though, since I said the POIs are unique to each player and, by extension, each playthrough.

              • 11 months ago

                >Yes. He confirmed it's procedurally generated.
                Procedurally generated tiles of terrain that wrap around a planet. But some of y'all keep arguing Todd-sama can't be trusted

      • 11 months ago

        Y'know, that guy way back was right, you do seem like you're in crisis. This level of emotional attachment to a game isn't healthy.

        • 11 months ago

          The one that was getting emotional was insulting everyone and everything. I haven't seen much histrionics since it got pointed out.

    • 11 months ago

      >team explains multiple times how the game generates a globe when you approach
      >imbeciles get confused by words
      How could you be hiding something by overexplaining it?

    • 11 months ago

      >1 of the 1000 planets is just an alien / monster girl brothel planet

  32. 11 months ago

    The concept is Death Stranding in space with more bugs and zero soul

  33. 11 months ago

    I don't know why people who want an in-depth space sim don't just play empyrion.

  34. 11 months ago

    Sounds kino to me

  35. 11 months ago


  36. 11 months ago

    You're right, but the masses will happily swallow the goyslop anyway.

  37. 11 months ago

    Is there a way I can donate money to Bethesda without actually buying any games or investing in MS shares? I'm a big fan of their works and want to show my appreciation.

  38. 11 months ago

    I feel legitimately bad already for anyone with hopes about this game

    • 11 months ago

      >feeling bad for people who will enjoy themselves
      Weird priorities for your emotional state, but ok

      • 11 months ago

        You don't inderstand. Once people realize they are enjoying a game anon does not like they will be devastated. It is called empathy chud.

        • 11 months ago

          Sorry. I'm a sociopath and forget we're supposed to receive our fulfillment directly from anons opinions. Forgive my mental disability

          • 11 months ago

            Why without anons guidance we would be running around having fun willy nilly.

  39. 11 months ago

    >Sounds like shit
    Everything Todd produces is quality with 16 times the detail and 4 times the map size and everything just works. Also in the case of Starfield on-foot exploration is great. Todd never uses hyperbole.

    • 11 months ago

      None of that was hyperbole. Those were accurate statements

      • 11 months ago

        >Those were accurate statements
        Exactly my point.

        • 11 months ago

          Sounded like sarcasm

          • 11 months ago

            >Sounded like sarcasm
            Who me? noo, I don't trust anybody in the modern AAA gaming industry, but I trust Todd.

  40. 11 months ago

    Its not going to feel like space. Its going to feel like cell after cell after (loading screen) cell. Real tired of that format, bethesda. It’ll feel even more disjointed than ever without a base world to connect everything to.

    • 11 months ago

      >It’ll feel even more disjointed than ever without a base world to connect everything to.
      That we don't know.

      Look the game will likely be a technical mess and the story probably makes no sense, however when it comes to gameplay is going to be on the level of a more polished F4 and if they haven't done anything terrible like making online mandatory, denuvo or atom shop modders are going to have a field day.

      Its just that there is no way is not going to be a mess at launch. It will be a true miracle.

  41. 11 months ago

    we don't know that exactly yet, it gives this impression from trailers
    but considering what they told you likely can circumvent the planet on foot

  42. 11 months ago

    >Sounds like shit
    But thats not going to matter, whats shit to you is pure gold to morons. In their fricked up minds the bare minimum is pushing the limits of the whole medium because they have standards or expectations.

  43. 11 months ago

    > So if I understand correctly
    Let me stop you there.

  44. 11 months ago

    >he does not have a platform to properly play the game so he must seethe

    Ah, to be a child. I remember console wars when I was a young whippersnapper too

    • 11 months ago

      Uh oh.
      Anon is going to have the thread nuked out of pettiness.
      Take the L with some dignity.

  45. 11 months ago

    Stop questioning and give your money to Todd (Phil (Nadella))

  46. 11 months ago

    this shit looks like a much much worse Elite Odyssey and that expac bombed spectacularly

  47. 11 months ago

    Tell it to them

    • 11 months ago

      >Tell it to them
      NMS is the very definition of poor and shallow planning. A full universe where there is literally nothing to do and there is no purpose (other than base building if one likes that)

      • 11 months ago

        Theres is a lot of things to do and theres is purpose, the major and minor quests

        • 11 months ago

          the purpose is to mine rocks to upgrade gear to mine even more rocks

          • 11 months ago


        • 11 months ago

          >Theres is a lot of things to do and theres is purpose, the major and minor quests
          There isn't I have 500+ hours in NMS, in my opinion nothing you do on NMS has any purpose.

          There is barely any consequence for anything (unless you play perma-death) there is no fun in exploring after a while, there is no point in spending more than 5 mins on a planet, there is no sense of danger, no consequences for piracy, you can escape any encounter, poor combat, interaction with NPCs completely broken (there are bits and pieces of old dialogs that lead to nothing) the settlement management is poor, etc. I stopped playing shortly after Frontiers because I was royally bored and got fed up with the ever growing list of bugs.

          • 11 months ago

            Everything you wrote gonna be applicable to starfield aswell

            • 11 months ago

              Starfield will have more indepth systems,factions ai, and npcs/companions.

          • 11 months ago

            There are consequences for piracy besides the immediate possibility of being killed

  48. 11 months ago

    one of the problems this game is going to have is they probably went for a semi-realistic depiction of planet type distribution, will justify it as a nod to realism, but probably did it to reduce the amount of content needed for the game. The vast majority of planets in the universe being barren airless rocks is realistic, but realistic anything in a space game is not a source of fun.

    • 11 months ago

      >but probably did it to reduce the amount of content needed for the game.
      Of course they did, do you have any idea how much more work it takes to make even a single, sparsely inhabited planet compared to making a 50 variants of a ice or rock planet?

      Then again, the issue here isn't really in them being "lazy", even 100 planets with life on them is way too tall order, but the real issue is "why the frick did they set their scope on 100 planets in the first place?" Because that was the core bad decision here.

      It's just that at this point, the game design docs at bethesda are written by the marketing team, not by actual designers.

      you are genuinely moronic, I await this game's release so you can come back here and apologize for pounding the keyboard so hard over nothing

      Why did you avoid the question, child?

      play empyrion to understand how starfield will work, it has similar systems
      game is just low budget and clunky, but system idea is exactly like betehsda described it

      >play empyrion to understand how starfield will work, it has similar systems
      Unlike you, I have no problem understanding how procedural generation works. It's you who is utterly and completely confused here.

      • 11 months ago

        >I have no problem understanding how procedural generation works.
        you have trouble understanding how it was integrated in this particular game, anon

        • 11 months ago

          >you have trouble understanding how it was integrated in this particular game, anon
          You do not know what a seed is. Meaning you do not know what procedural generation is.
          It's that simple.
          And it's incredibly simple to prove me wrong. And the fact that you failed to do so is undeniable evidence that I am right and you are wrong.

          You cannot talk about how proc-gen is implemented in Starfield without knowing what proc-gen IS. This is not a point you can fricking deny.

          >how procedural generation works.
          Like any other tool in the right hands it can produce great results, I'm not going to pre-order but I'm giving them the benefit of the doubt. IMHO Starfield looks like an in-space evolved F4 to me.

          >Like any other tool in the right hands it can produce great results
          That is not a subject of this discussion, at all.

          • 11 months ago

            >That is not a subject of this discussion, at all.
            You gave me the impression it can't produce good stuff.

            • 11 months ago

              >You gave me the impression it can't produce good stuff.
              No, that is not even remotely what I said. Though I am 100% confident Bethesda can't produce good stuff, but that is also not the subject of this discussion.

              The discussion is about how procedural gen is used in this particular game, about the specific implications of it's use on certain subjects. Or it was, before an army of absolute idiots who literally don't know what the words mean started saying minboggingly stupid shit and straight up lying about the game.
              Now it's mostly about what kind of deranged mental cesspool of a mind drives people to insult others and make grandiose claims about term they literally don't understand.

              • 11 months ago

                The lack of self awareness is stunning.

              • 11 months ago

                >The lack of self awareness is stunning.
                What is a "seed" in context of procedural generation, child?
                As long as you can't answer this question, I am right and you are talking ENTIRELY out of your ass.

          • 11 months ago

            The person you need to argue with is Todd. He may very well be lying about how they made the game.
            From what he has said you are wrong.

            • 11 months ago

              >The person you need to argue with is Todd. He may very well be lying about how they made the game.
              What exactly did Todd say that proves me wrong, you failed abortion?

              • 11 months ago

                They created the planets using proc gen and gave them a once over. All planets are the same for each player.
                There are enough interviews that touched on proc gen so you should have no trouble finding it if you care.
                I suspect you will cry about me not spoon-feeding you though.

              • 11 months ago

                >They created the planets using proc gen and gave them a once over. All planets are the same for each player.
                What is a "seed" in context of procedural generation, child?
                Again. Without being able to answer this question, you cannot BEGIN comprehending what procedural generation is.
                Thus you cannot make ANY GUESSES on how it is implemented in this game.

                If you don't answer it, you are PROVEN WRONG. It is that fricking simple. If you don't know what procedural generation is, you can't fricking be right on your moronic fricking speculation.

                You do understand that? You do understand that you need to know what proc-gen is, to make judgements about how it can be used, right?

                Can you answer at least that question, you mongoloid?

                Yes or no question, child. Can you at least answer that?

              • 11 months ago

                The when of things is confusing you. Go find Todds email and argue with him.

              • 11 months ago

                >The when of things is confusing you. Go find Todds email and argue with him.
                You are such an unbelivable pussy, such an insane coward, that you can't even say:

                "Yes, you have to understand the subject to be able to talk about it."
                This is a statement you can't in all honesty make. That is how pathetic you are. That is how much of a spineless, brain-dead shitstain you are.

                When Todd said that the planets will be the same for everyone, it does not mean what you think it means.
                Because you do not understand what procedural generation is. You do not understand that what a seed is.

                It's that simple. I'm not arguing with Todd, I'm arguing with you because you have no idea what Todd actually said, because you talk about subject you cannot be more clueless about.

                Todd saying that all the planets are going to be the same for every player does not contradict my claim, that they are procedurally generated on the fly. There is no contradiction there, me and Toddy are 100% on the same boat for once.

                It's purely you who is moronic, spineless c**t, mentally deranged shitstain who KEEPS TALKING OUT OF HIS ASS.

              • 11 months ago

                Why would I have to undestand some random point you are making?
                Are you saying Todd never made the claim they procedurally generated the planets and they will be the same for everyone?

                Your argument isn't with me.

              • 11 months ago

                >Why would I have to undestand some random point you are making?
                Are you seriously asking me why would you have to understand proc-gen - while you are talking about the use of proc-gen in a videogame?

                Are you seriously asking me "why should I understand this subject matter we are talking about?"

                >Are you saying Todd never made the claim they procedurally generated the planets and they will be the same for everyone?
                Can you not read, you mongoloid?

                Holy shit you people are broken.

              • 11 months ago

                My point is You are hung up on the finer points of proc gen and I am just telling you what Todd has said.
                I don't have a dog in this fight. I am just passing along what Todd has said in interviews.

              • 11 months ago

                >My point is You are hung up on the finer points of proc gen and I am just telling you what Todd has said.
                Basic functionality of proc-gen is not a "fine point" and you are wrong.
                Kid. It's INCREDIBLY simple. The most FUNDAMENTAL PROPERTY of procedural generation is that it can be set to create repeatable results.
                A tool called "Seed" is used to ensure the same string of random numbers is used every time for each specific instance.
                The game takes a set of basic starting data: The properties of the planet and of the biome to select the right asset libraries and textures, then it takes the basic coordinates of the spot, then it adds a pre-set value that makes sure the string of random numbers used to determine the possition of of everything, is always going to be the same for that given coordinates.

                Meaning the game - on the fly, randomly - generates a spot unique and consistent for that location (those coordinates).

                There is no contradiction in what I said. There is no need to generate the terrain ahead of time. There is one, extremely simple mathematical value and operation that makes sure the planets will be the same for everyone, even though they are generated on the fly, and using a purely random, probabilistic distribution.

                It's the SAME EXACT tech they used in NMS, in Elite Dangerous, in Space Engine, and even in fricking OG Elite all the way back from mid 80's.

                You merely did not understand what Todd is talking about when he said the planets will be the same for everyone. Because you did not know a simple tech, "seed", is used to ensure that without ANY need to actually generate the world first sand save it down.

                You are an idiot. An absolute cretin, shitstain who just wasted hours upon hours LYING OFF HIS ASS, because you literally can't help it, it's compulsive.
                You cannot fricking stop yourself from lying and speaking bullshit. You are sick. You are genuinely mentally ill. Fundamentally so.

              • 11 months ago

                I have no interest in proc gen as a tool at all. I am simply pointing out Todd said they used to create the planets on their end. The planets will be exactly the same for each player.
                Don't blah blah about proc gen. It is a non factor to me. I am merely passing along what Todd has said. That is it.

              • 11 months ago

                >I am simply pointing out Todd said they used to create the planets on their end.
                No, you are a compulsive mentally deranged lier. You just did it again. You literally lied in that post too.
                You did not claim that Todd said the planets were "generated on their end". That is a lie, that was not what you were saying.
                It's also a lie because Todd never said that in the first place.

                What Todd said, and what you have been claiming up till now, is that the planets are the same for every player.

                You lied TWICE in the span of 15 seconds and two sentences, you absolute freak.
                How the FRICK are you not locked up? Seriously, you are fricking dangerous to your surroundings.

              • 11 months ago

                I am not discussing proc gen. I am telling you when Todd said it was used.

      • 11 months ago

        >how procedural generation works.
        Like any other tool in the right hands it can produce great results, I'm not going to pre-order but I'm giving them the benefit of the doubt. IMHO Starfield looks like an in-space evolved F4 to me.

  49. 11 months ago

    Nobody is hyped for this. Bethesda seem so out of touch trying to push this as some great return to form when most people see it as Fallout 4 in space, which it totally is btw.

    • 11 months ago

      Literally the most hypes game on the board.

      • 11 months ago

        Everyone is hyped for this. Kneel.

        Something artificial about these posts.

        • 11 months ago

          Paid shills

        • 11 months ago

          Paid shills

          I don't need to be paid to shill Todd's greatest triumph yet

          • 11 months ago

            Boy have I got a bridge to sell you.

        • 11 months ago

          > Someone disagrees with me? Must be shills.
          Or you have shitty taste in games. Occam's razor

          • 11 months ago

            >Occam’s Razor
            I don’t think you know what that means.

    • 11 months ago

      Everyone is hyped for this. Kneel.

  50. 11 months ago

    Why the frick do you brainlets think it's such an impossible lift to wrap tiles around a planet? Literally just load in cells from one side of the map when the player approaches the opposite edge. Boom, a seamless open world planet using the exact same technology as fricking Minesweeper's wrapped mode. Anyone CompSci freshman should be able to understand it.

    • 11 months ago

      Nobody is saying it is impossible. They are saying that isn't what they did.

      • 11 months ago

        In an interview with Lex, Todd has said they wrapped the planets. Based on everything we know about Bethesda and what they've said about the game and how technically trivial wrapping planets is, we should assume they're using wrapped planets. What's happening right now is an ongoing gaslighting campaign because some losers based their entire gaming identity around "Bethesda bad" and are undergoing an identity crisis because the showcase looked awesome.

        I gotta say as someone who always thought Bethesda were great developers, thought CDPR were corporate hacks, and thought Obsidian were well-intentioned but kind of lacking in technical talent; I feel entirely vindicated.

    • 11 months ago

      Nobody is saying it is impossible. They are saying that isn't what they did.

      In an interview with Lex, Todd has said they wrapped the planets. Based on everything we know about Bethesda and what they've said about the game and how technically trivial wrapping planets is, we should assume they're using wrapped planets. What's happening right now is an ongoing gaslighting campaign because some losers based their entire gaming identity around "Bethesda bad" and are undergoing an identity crisis because the showcase looked awesome.

      I gotta say as someone who always thought Bethesda were great developers, thought CDPR were corporate hacks, and thought Obsidian were well-intentioned but kind of lacking in technical talent; I feel entirely vindicated.

      You cannot seamlessly cover a sphere in squares, it's geometrically impossible.
      >Literally just load in cells from one side of the map when the player approaches the opposite edge.
      What a goofy thing to say. This works for a prism (an extruded regular polygon approximating a cylinder), but not for a sphere.
      For a sphere, you represent the world as a tiled cube and then project the cube onto the surface of a sphere if necessary (i.e. to show the world as a sphere from space). This causes some area distortion but it's not any more noticeable on the surface of a large cube than the lack of curvature.

      • 11 months ago

        >You cannot seamlessly cover a sphere in squares, it's geometrically impossible.
        Oh my god, shut up. I know. I was describing a torus planet to keep things simple, but it's the same basic principle for any tileable shape.

      • 11 months ago

        >You cannot seamlessly cover a sphere in squares, it's geometrically impossible.
        Look, it's really not hard to map 2D surface to a sphere, there is a number of very basic mathematical tools to do that.
        You are focusing entirely on the wrong thing here. "Wrapping" tiles around the planet is not a technical impossibility, it just does not really mean what people think it means. There is no reason to do that in the first place.

      • 11 months ago

        >You cannot seamlessly cover a sphere in squares, it's geometrically impossible.
        Anon... There is no sphere. The earth is flat. Moving from one edge of a rectangular tilemap to the opposite is trivially easy.

        • 11 months ago

          That is why they use triangles for rendering purposes.

  51. 11 months ago

    I will be happy with this game if they provide some actual good incentive to build good bases and spaceships. Obviously "good" can be subjective, but in this case I want there to be at least some level of pressures in game on you building things that sort of make sense.
    For example, having enough weaponry vs armor vs shield generation capacity vs speed vs ect to make it through the dangerous Meteor Belt Alpha Rex (or whatever.)
    Similarly with bases it would be cool if they were subject to dangers of getting raided by NPCs and potentially many different types of NPCs with different difficulties based on your actions in game and where you chose to build the base.
    For example, you can build at the ass end of nowhere on the outer rim but you have to spend so much of your resources just making the place habitable that while you virtually never get attacked by anyone and are safe you also make almost no money with any enterprises there.
    Vs building in some hot to trot area that is expensive and competitive where you get people attempting to rob or bullshit you all over the place and have to deal with it but can eventually rise above it by crushing your enemies and becoming top dog of the area with your mega base with tons of well-equipped staff and guards etc.

    • 11 months ago

      I also wish they would add more city management city builder elements to outpost/settlement system
      but I strongly doubt it, bethesda like to think of their playerbase as toddlers that can't handle more than two variables in the system
      hope they give modders more scripting freedoms without additional tools

      • 11 months ago

        As long as they go the sim settlement route and you can put it on autopilot if you don't care about building I would be fine with that
        If they expect me to build every fricking thing like Fallout 4 they can go frick themselves

        • 11 months ago

          sim settlements is pure scripting, making randomly generated outpost building itself would be too taxing for consoles if it has no size limit

          • 11 months ago

            Sim Settlements 1 and 2 are on the Xbox.

            • 11 months ago

              and they are scripted, it's not random
              making a system that would build itself at any spot you wish is a bit more complicated

              you can solve this with designating spots for specific buildings, not build it yourself but like in city builders you set this building here and it builds itself with insides and all
              I also wish for immersive city builder sim, the only hope is bethesda opened up scripting side of engine more considering how popular scrip extenders are.

              • 11 months ago

                I don't care how it builds itself. I care that it builds itself.
                I want to be as hands off as possible with the building aspect. I don't care if they use voodoo.

              • 11 months ago

                what is the point then? it removes you from any choice.
                I actually have no idea why would anyone want to build anything on a planet when you got buildable ship that is your home and is interactive inside.

              • 11 months ago

                The choice I want is to ignore it while still benefitting from it. If that is not an option I will ignore it as much as possible.

  52. 11 months ago

    the concept involves having the same old incompetent team make another sandbox simulator, with C- tier writing, abysmal AI and masquerading as a RPG while having no meaningful choices. Also running on the same decrepit old piece of shit engine, because the same incompetent team refuses to learn new tricks, so we get a jerry-rigged ghoul with lipstick and a wig.

    Get ready for the same slapstick bullet-sponge combat, "unique" quests and planets that are actually less unique than if they randomly generated them.

    Once again they're completely bankrolling on the idea that modders will make the world feel less sterile than the surface of the sun

    • 11 months ago

      This is the only game that will compete with zelda this year for goty.

  53. 11 months ago

    All you morons had to do is post this one picture

  54. 11 months ago

    "Let me get this straight"
    >says a bunch of wrong things
    "Yep this will be shit"

  55. 11 months ago

    Who the frick was asking for procgen? No one has ever played skyrim and thought the experience would be improved by making the world even more samey and bland.

  56. 11 months ago

    >quick travel.
    Yep. Fast travel. Todd skimmed over this real quick, saying that exploration now is a little different. What an understatement. Starfield completely eliminates exploration outside walking a short distance to "discover" some bandit hideout from your landing spot. Any real travel - the one that feels like going anywhere, is skipped unlike in previous Bethesda games. And this won't be realized by most critics until they have played the game. At this moment, prior to the launch, you need some serious foresight to understand the changes to the open world philosophy. Bethesda basically took the worst elements (quest markers and fast travel) and made them the gameplay mechanics.

    • 11 months ago

      Source: your ass

      • 11 months ago

        What's wrong?

        • 11 months ago

          You can go anywhere (that's not underwater)

    • 11 months ago

      > Other than the exploring you can do you can do no exploring.
      Well you aren't wrong.

      • 11 months ago

        Well, in all Bethesda games besides this, you could seamlessly go a anywhere in the overworld. Going from one city to another on the opposite sides of the map felt like travel.

        Now there is no travel. It's like an American suburb: you hop into a car and drive to the nearest parking lot. Once you are there you get out of the car and walk around a bit, go buy your McDonald's or whatever, but, you can't walk too far from the parking lot because the roads aren't designed for pedestrians. Even the cops will start asking questions if they see someone walking next to the road or in the fields. People aren't supposed to walk anywhere in America. You go to your designated parking lot and "fast travel" by car. I know because one of my friends visited the country and they found it weird that he wanted to walk somewhere.

        • 11 months ago

          >It's like an American suburb
          Oh so that's why reddit hates the game so much

        • 11 months ago

          Source: Your ass.
          Why do you people keep spouting this headcanon?

          • 11 months ago

            What's wrong?

            • 11 months ago

              What is the point in saying it? You ignore anyone calling you out.
              You aren't limited to a portion of the planet, you can circumnavigate.

              • 11 months ago

                No-one called me out, and you didn't have any real message worth talking about.

              • 11 months ago

                As predicted: Called out and completely ignores the point. Stop trolling. It's pathetic

              • 11 months ago

                No. You can point it out. Only you replied with basically nothing.

              • 11 months ago

                So it would be easy for you to refute "basically nothing" yet you shrink away from what I said like it'll burn you to face it directly. You have no rebuttal and just flaccidly claim you didn't see it. I'll say it again. Try not to wet yourself.

                You aren't limited to a portion of the planet, you can circumnavigate.

                And more literal "U MAD"... holy shit you people are just pure trash.
                I might be mad, but you are a lying sack of shit, literally a person whose death would be a net positive for this planet, drone deprived of any dignity or humanity.

                Yeah, I take being made over being you.

                This is a perfect example. You have no clue as to whether I agree or disagree with you or what I think about anything besides I can tell you are upset. You say I'm a liar with absolutely zero clue about any claim I made besides you being mad, which you acknowledge is true.

                All I said is you need to chill, not that you were wrong. Even though you are likely pretty close to the truth, your absolute sperg state of posting makes no one take you seriously.

                Knowledge is pointless if no one will listen because you lack tact. Then you fall into a cycle of thinking everyone is inferior for not listening which makes you act more arrogant causing people to not listen more. Being smarter than everyone means nothing if no one can recognize it and your knowledge doesn't affect those around you.

              • 11 months ago

                >You have no clue as to whether I agree or disagree with you
                You are being an obnoxious piece of shit, that is all I need to know. And you are being obnoxious because you are insecure, and you are being insecure because I said things that prove your previous beliefs wrong.
                That is why you need to "get back at me" by being obnoxious and shitposting.

                You know this, I know this, there is no need for any pretense. If you were not a pile of absolute fricking human feces, you would be grateful that someone actually understands this subject, and shares it with the rest of people. You would not need the obsessive desire to antagonize them and annoy them.

                I made you feel insecure, and you don't know how to cope with it. You would not feel insecure about what I'm saying if you weren't guilty of the shit I accuse you off.

                That is how I know exactly where you stand. If you were not the absolute pile of SHIT, literally human waste, we would not have to have this discussion.
                Your problem with me is a proof of my point. Now please, make your parents happy for once and have a nice day.

              • 11 months ago

                Trying to be an armchair psychologist while you're mad as frick isn't going too well for you.

              • 11 months ago

                Lol. Case in point.
                I never disagreed with you, so proving me wrong means you were wrong. Strange paradox there.

                Jesus, you're dumb.

              • 11 months ago

                >I never disagreed with you, so proving me wrong means you were wrong.
                No, you are too much of a coward to do that. You are pussy, a pathetic little fricking worm.
                You cannot disagree with me, but you are still hurt and frustrated by what I said. Which is why you shitpost, and continue to be relentlesly obnoxious.
                My point still stand. You are a dishonest, obnoxious pest.

              • 11 months ago

                You okay there anon? If I'm getting replied to, I like people to actually respond to my points. You did no such thing.

                I don't care if the source of what I said is my ass, because my ass will prove to be right after the game launches.

              • 11 months ago

                You obviously can't read. I used 12 words that responded to your point. They are in your screencap. Literally the same 12 you already ignored and are ignoring now. So you don't have a point. You are merely trolling. And poorly.

              • 11 months ago

                No. This discussion is nonsensical because you never wanted to talk about my points. I don't take partake in board meta ego battles.

              • 11 months ago

                Then why are you here trolling?

              • 11 months ago

                It's of no importance to me.

              • 11 months ago

                Important enough to fill out multiple captchas just to troll with a statement you admittedly pulled directly out of your anus. It's just hilarious that you claimed to be above ego posting, but trolling isn't really above jerking off your ego with unhinged sperg posts.

              • 11 months ago

                I don't care about trolling. I'm posting to you because you apparently have a difficult time understanding where I'm coming from.

              • 11 months ago

                I know where you're coming from. Your own ass. You made that clear. And you do care about trolling, that is why you do it. But keep it up though, it's mildly entertaining.

              • 11 months ago

                You know he bought a pass.

              • 11 months ago

                I actually thought of that when I posted

              • 11 months ago

                If you put that much effort into trolling you ain't got no time for no fricking captcha.

              • 11 months ago

                I'm just shocked it's not in cruise control

  57. 11 months ago

    Have you tried waiting for more details rather than get disappointed in your own schizo theories?

  58. 11 months ago

    get this: oblivion, skyrim, and all the bad fallouts were made with procgen landscapes

    you pigs will eat your slop and love it

    • 11 months ago

      > Haha you like games I don't.
      We shall endeavour to persevere.

  59. 11 months ago

    t. brainlet. Each planet is rumored to be the size and scale of Skyrim.
    Moreover, 90% of the planets wrre deliberately left bare and empty for modders. So modder 1 could make a quest / guild/ city mod on planet 1, and modder 2 could make a quest / guild / city mod on planet 2, and modder 3 could.....and so on. This ensures maximum compatibility between mods.

    • 11 months ago

      Everyone knows the planets are big, you just don't understand the way they will actually work. Start by reading this thread.

      Modders can't change the core mechanics. They will just clutter the orbital map with fast travel points. Maybe they will work around some mechanic to fast travel from the ground level to another location, but there is no probably no seamless in-game travel from one location to another.

  60. 11 months ago

    The only 3D games that have done procgen well are Minecraft and Deep Rock Galactic (both mining games, curious)

  61. 11 months ago


    Based anon who actually knows what he's talking about.

    • 11 months ago

      He doesn't tho, but go off queen

      • 11 months ago

        >go off
        You have to go back.

        • 11 months ago

          They aren't sending their best and brightest anymore.

  62. 11 months ago


    That's not their words. You should look up what they said because you seem to have misunderstood.

  63. 11 months ago

    Will it be safe horny or forced soul?

    • 11 months ago

      Have you seen the vistas and wildlife? It's soulcore

  64. 11 months ago

    this is without a doubt the most autistic thread on Ganker today.

    • 11 months ago

      kidposter gets like that. I just hope he is showing his family love

  65. 11 months ago

    It's just a modular landscape with invisible walls like they've always done. Remember Skyrim and Solstheim? Same deal with each POI for a planet. They're each independent maps.

    The "procedural generation" is the same as it was in Oblivion when they bragged about it then:
    >used a landscape generator; the "procedural generation" in question
    >then added hand-placed props and POI to make it seem less soulless
    The engine that runs the game does not generate landscapes procedurally.

    The game is going to be fricking huge in size because of all the map data, but not huge in scope.

    • 11 months ago

      >The "procedural generation" is the same as it was in Oblivion when they bragged about it then:
      Except when they talked about the procedural generation in Oblivion, they were specifically talking about a handful of selected tools used by hand in the process of creating the environment.

      Back in the Oblivion trailers, one of the biggest marketing points was how the forests, and greenery in general looked.
      And bethesda making a huge deal of how technologically advanced they are, by using procedural generation to achieve such lush and highly detailed environments.

      Which was actually fair. What they were talking about, is a software plug-in that can auto-place trees, grass, plants and stones on any terrain, dynamically. You just use it as a brush, you pain the area you want forested and bam! - the forest is there. No need to place each tree individually, the brush will place them by hundreds, in a randomized pattern.
      At the time, it was quite a new invention, and it is - technically it is a form of procedural generation.

      Nowdays, folliage brushes are used literally in every terrain editor ever.

      But that really can't be compared with what they are doing with Starfield. That was a brush that, while still guided by human hand, greatly reduced the amount of time needed to place each tree individually.
      Starfield generates entire fricking PLANETS. That is a big fricking difference.

      • 11 months ago

        >"Starfield generates entire fricking PLANETS." That is a big fricking lie.

        You've eaten an unhealthy amount of hype about a game made by people who've been repackaging the same experience for the last 2 decades.

        There is no world generation. Every bit of it is pre-designed and loaded on request.

        Feel free to screenshot my post and re-read it after pirating the game and seeing for yourself.
        Pirating; because no sane person buys a Bethesda game on launch or believes Todd's lies, and I want to believe you still retain some sanity even after posting that.

    • 11 months ago

      >The engine that runs the game does not generate landscapes procedurally.
      yes it does

  66. 11 months ago

    It's an Xbox game. It not being bad would be a surprise ngl

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