So I'm replaying Chrono Trigger for the first time since more than a decade, and I decided to do a playthrough where I fight as few battles as po...

So I'm replaying Chrono Trigger for the first time since more than a decade, and I decided to do a playthrough where I fight as few battles as possible to keep my levels low, since I recall it being pretty easy otherwise. So far it hasn't been too bad, but now I'm at Magus with characters around levels 14-16 and he's absolutely stomping me. Should I just bite the bullet and level up some more, or do I just have to be super patient and whittle him down while healing every turn?

Talk about Chrono Trigger in general, too, I guess.

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  1. 8 months ago

    I don't think there's any counterplay to massive boss AoEs other than "have enough hp to survive it".

    • 8 months ago

      All my characters can survive his AoE spells. The problem is he spams them like crazy, so if they're not up to full health, they go down after a second spell. I do remember Frog's Heal or whatever it was called was especially useful for this, but I don't have it yet.

  2. 8 months ago

    Chrono Ayla Frog BEST COMBO

    • 8 months ago

      strong trio, I always liked Chrono Frog and Robo however

      • 8 months ago

        Oh yeah, that is a good one too!

  3. 8 months ago

    >I'm going to go up against the most powerful human magician that has ever lived with mere pups
    It's going to bleed you. It's supposed to be nearly impossible because that's how it should be.
    Magus is as powerful as the Three Gurus, if not more, canonically. You wanna beat him, you're going to work at it.
    It's possible, but you might pull your teeth trying.

    Good luck!

  4. 8 months ago

    Rely on Marle's Haste spell and you might be able to heal enough to make it through his attacks and whittle him down. Haste is underrated as hell and actually one of the best spells in the game. If I remember right it basically doubles the turns you get.

    I played with ATB on though, if you're playing differently I don't know how Haste affects things. But consider Haste.

    Let us know how it works out.

  5. 8 months ago

    >i tried to play the game underleveled and it's too hard, what do I do

    I don't understand the mental fricking moronation on this board. How are people this absolute fricking stupid.

    • 8 months ago

      Yet you are the one making stupid pointless posts.

      • 8 months ago

        He isn't. This is a dog shit thread. OP's desire to add novelty to an experience that does not need it subtracts value from his playthrough.

        In addition, OP is bad at Chrono Trigger. There are children who despite being as underleveled as OP were still able to complete this boss battle. It's a solved fight and there are multiple solutions and OP can't adapt because he lacks the creativity even children possess.

        What a fricking loser.

        • 8 months ago

          You are a worse poster than OP and most likely worse at videogames which is all the more shameful because you seem to care more about that than anyone else.

        • 8 months ago

          >OP's desire to add novelty to an experience that does not need it subtracts value
          Not at all, if anything it adds value. I've finished FFVIII probably 20 times or so since 1999, and about five years ago I did my first run where I didn't junction magic to stats and it was the most fun I had playing the game since 1999. Likewise, I've done FFVII runs where I run from all random encounters and finish the game in about 12 hours at around level 40. It's fun as frick.

    • 8 months ago

      He isn't. This is a dog shit thread. OP's desire to add novelty to an experience that does not need it subtracts value from his playthrough.

      In addition, OP is bad at Chrono Trigger. There are children who despite being as underleveled as OP were still able to complete this boss battle. It's a solved fight and there are multiple solutions and OP can't adapt because he lacks the creativity even children possess.

      What a fricking loser.

      Get fricked. I managed to do it without any more levels. Just had to keep healing with Mid Potions, then when he enters his second phase, I made use of the Barriers I had available to tank his Dark Matters and just unleashed Hell with double techs.

      • 8 months ago

        Nice LARP, but you can't get Barriers before Magus. Please have a nice day.

        • 8 months ago

          You get two Barriers in that very same dungeon. Now kindly GTFO.

          • 8 months ago

            I stand corrected. I assume Marle was the one without the Barrier.

            • 8 months ago

              Indeed she was. There's no way for anyone to tank Dark Matter without one at such a low level.

              • 8 months ago

                Was Haste really valuable enough to not be able to cover all elements against him?

              • 8 months ago

                I didn't even have Haste. I just increased both Chrono and Frog's Speed stat as high as I could (I actually maxed out Chrono's, thanks to the Slasher and Speed Belt). It was all a matter of patience. I had like 50 Mid Tonics, and was left with like 7. Basically every time he did a big AOE attack, I used Mid Potions on everyone, then kept rolling for Water weakness so I could use Ice Water (preferably after a Masamune hit) for massive damage until he began to cast Dark Matter, at which point I just went balls to the wall with my strongest techs, waited until he was about to cast it, then used the Barriers to tank, healed, then back to using my best techs, using an Ether or two as necessary.

              • 8 months ago

                Well Lucca would've probably been a better choice just to hit every element.

              • 8 months ago

                Eh, I had the same thought, and I did try to fight him several times with her, but her magic isn't actually that strong at that level, only doing around 150 damage at best, while Ice Water did around 370, and that's without a Masamune hit, where it goes up to like 570. I didn't even attack with Chrono's Lightning when it was his turn to go up. I much preferred to use his super speedy turns to use potions.

              • 8 months ago

                Ice Water is typically just your first AoE spell, so it's interesting to know it has utility in low level.

    • 8 months ago

      >I powerleveled and the game became easy for babies and it sucks
      is some genius shit? If you're playing a game with enemy movement patterns in the overworld map and you're purposely crashing into them at every turn, you're playing it wrong. CT especially gets this dumb reputation for being too easy and not making people feel like they have big PP for beating it after they purposely engaged every fight they could. It's stupid.

      • 8 months ago

        >CT especially gets this dumb reputation for being too easy
        It's baby's first JRPG. There's maybe three skills in the entire game that inflict status ailments, and those are part and parcel of a well-balanced JRPG.

      • 8 months ago

        How is it a dumb reputation? You have cheap, plentiful, unlimited healing items in addition to having cheap healing moves on much of the party, and all statuses can be recovered with one cheap, readily available item. Even without ever grinding it's a pretty easy game.

    • 8 months ago

      You are hated because you spoke the truth. JRPGs whole gameplay is based around leveling up to advance. OP is moronic, and so are the ones attacking you.

    • 8 months ago

      The developers make it possible by not having some kind of gatekeeper boss fight or by failing to ramp the enemy difficulty and XP to anticipate the kinds of challenges the next boss will bring.

      Some games like Morrowind for example, will more or less ensure you stay the frick away from dangerous areas by having monsters who can easily kill you in one hit all around there and show no mercy. But they're aimed at a more adult crowd than JRPGs.

  6. 8 months ago

    OP here. I got my ass handed to me by Dalton's Golem. Thankfully you don't actually have to win that fight, but I do believe you fight them again later, no? That's gonna be fun.

    • 8 months ago

      you can get the elemental vests/mail by that point and cheese them if you want though

  7. 8 months ago

    Majunior Pupura

  8. 8 months ago

    Frick. I am stuck on the password door after the robot boss fight when you first go to the future.
    Shitty windows won't seem to let me 'hold l and r then press a".
    Do I have to use auto hotkey or something?

    • 8 months ago

      Did you try another emulator? Are you using a keyboard or controller?

      • 8 months ago

        Keyboard. Guess ill try another emulator. Bsnes seems great.

        • 8 months ago

          Could be a key rollover issue. Try this test and see how many simultaneous key presses it registers:

          Mine goes up to 6.

          • 8 months ago

            Yeah It only registers when I hold C + D (l and r).
            When I press X (a) while holding down C and D it does not recognize it.
            Thanks anon.

          • 8 months ago

            I GOT IT! That website let me figure out my keyboards circuits so I was able to rebind a few keys and get it to work!
            Thanks again anon don't let anyone break your stride.

  9. 8 months ago

    anyone else try that Chrono Trigger Plus hack?

  10. 8 months ago

    >anons really dont understand the appeal of doing a low level run of a game you’ve played before
    It’s fun to feel like you have mastery over a game by being able to get through it with minimal resources. You also learn the game’s systems in and out this way since you have to maximize the potential of every resource, ironically people who do this often end up with a better understanding of the game than people who have access to everything and barely use most of it.

    Grinding is a way to offset how bad you are at the game. A low level run is the opposite, for players seeking a greater challenge from an old favorite.

    • 8 months ago

      It kind of depends on the game and just how low level you're willing to, though. Some time ago I decided to try a low-level run for FF6, so I briefly skimmed a low-level FAQ to get a sense of what the lowest possible end-game levels were. Turns out you can beat it at levels hovering around 6, but not only do you have to miss certain equips because getting them triggers a battle, but at such low levels a lot of the late-game battles apparently boil down to sitting there spamming Rasp for half an hour nonstop to prevent a boss from doing certain attacks that are sure to wipe you, and that didn't sound fun at all. I still ended up running away from most battles, but I fought a few here and there, including some that were required to get certain items, and I ended up at around level 20, which I felt pretty good about.

      • 8 months ago

        Oh sure, and that's a perfectly reasonable example of a minimum level playstyle just not quite working for the game you tried it on. Sounds like you still had an okay time doing a low level playthrough though.

        It doesn't work for every JRPG, not even every great one. But the basic appeal of the idea shouldn't be hard to grasp.

        ya, surprised how many people here do not understand this

        Yeah I would assume these people were just trolling if I hadn't actually met people who can't seem to process the idea. Some people get real buried in the idea of a 'right' way to play a game and can only see anything else as wrong. It's weird.

    • 8 months ago

      ya, surprised how many people here do not understand this

  11. 8 months ago

    what episode of DBZ is this

    • 8 months ago

      The Halloween episode where Bejita dresses up like a vampire.

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