So is there a way to get past zombies in the halls without getting bit and using ammo or are you just supposed to run around taking note of everything...

So is there a way to get past zombies in the halls without getting bit and using ammo or are you just supposed to run around taking note of everything until you die and then actually try to get where you're going after you reload?

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  1. 8 months ago

    The window to dodge zombies is very narrow but they're fragile enough to go down from a few bullets, if you're that desperate to save ammo work on your knife skills, it's only slightly weaker than the handgun.

    • 8 months ago

      Well its 3 or 4 bullets to take down a zombie and even then they only stay down for a few seconds. I wish you could stomp on their heads or something when they're down. How are you supposed to take them down with a knife without getting bit? It seems like your knife range is barely bigger than their own.

  2. 8 months ago

    I played REmake first, and it’s way easier to juke zombies in the PS1 original. You just have to bait them into grabs and dart around. Sometimes they just step out of your way for you.
    Regardless, handgun ammo becomes worthless in the second half. Just kill zombies in the narrow hallways and outside of safe rooms. Hell, sometimes just killing one zombie in rooms with groups of them makes it a lot safer to return to.

    • 8 months ago

      This is good advice, and other anon said use the knife, use the knife. There's a rhythm to knifey knifey stab stab, git gud with your tank fingers and feel the rhythm xx xy both Chris and Jill knife like a boss, but Chris has a large, thick blade, not like Jill's feminine penis of a swiss army dildo.

    • 8 months ago

      >I played REmake first, and it’s way easier to juke zombies in the PS1 original
      They are way easier to dodge in the remake. This is even without using the 3D controls or whatever they call it. You also get knives and grenades to further avoid taking damage from the zombies.

      • 8 months ago

        Yeah they have some weird behavior in the remake. I haven't played it lately but I remember they sometimes do a completely fake lunge that won't do anything even if it hits you.

      • 8 months ago

        I found PS1 RE a lot easier in general. Zombies are easier to juke because they're slower to respond, and less items meant way less backtracking, at least before the guardhouse. I only used the alternate controls for the boulder and double statue puzzle in the sliding wall room. Self defense items are nice though, you're absolutely right about that.

  3. 8 months ago

    Make a save with a few herbs.
    Go into a hallway with a zombie and practice. Should take you less than an hour to figure out how to do it.

  4. 8 months ago

    you supposed to do no damage run

  5. 8 months ago

    Anon, you CAN shoot zombies in spots that are hard to dodge. It's not like there's only 3 handgun magazines in the entire game

  6. 8 months ago

    Lure them.

    OG RE1 zombies can't be button mashed away, so they're especially annoying.

  7. 8 months ago

    You can easily get past the enemies in some hallways, others, well, you might not be so lucky. Figure out how to dodge past enemies, it's generally less time consuming than trying to knife them.

  8. 8 months ago

    Sorry to disappoint you OP, but on the first three RE games, you have enough ammo to kill everything if you don't waste shots on the walls or something.

    It's the remakes that made it so you don't have ammo to kill everything anymore.

    • 8 months ago

      which remakes?

      • 8 months ago

        REmake 1 and Remake 2.

        • 8 months ago

          Yeah but on which system? Gamecube?

  9. 8 months ago

    About juking zombies, in the REmake, you have to stay within grab distance, until they extend their arms towards you. Back away slowly until they miss their grab. They'll sorta throw their arms down, like saying "You're no fun!". When they're in this animation, you can run past them and they won't grab you.

    On both games, you can use some of the stairs to dodge them. If they're lower or higher than your level, they'll just vomit instead of grabbing.

  10. 8 months ago

    about to replay this for halloween season. you’ll find so much ammo if you take your time rooms that you don’t need to always run. watch out for dinosaurs, they kill in one bite

  11. 8 months ago

    Director's Cut had the worst soundtrack. Hence why I bought the original.

    • 8 months ago

      It's only the Dual Shock ver. that has the meme music.
      Regular DC is fine.

  12. 8 months ago

    I get a Mandela effect reading about RE on /vr/ because I swear when I played Director's Cut back in the day we always killed every creature we came across. The only ammo saving thing I remember even doing was when they dropped supplementing damage with the knife when possible.

    • 8 months ago

      You can absolutely murder everything in the three original games. People are conflating those games with their remakes.

    • 8 months ago

      You can kill everything (non counting infinitely respawning enemies) but you need to know the proper methods to kill each enemy efficiently and to know where to find the ammo. In RE1 most of the ammo is hidden or out of the main path.

      In RE1, the start of the game also doesn't have enough ammo for every enemy you come accross, forcing you to dodge those enemies for the time being. This is where the game's psychological design comes into play: the very start of the game is genuinely tight on supplies and you will have to dodge enemies or take hits if you suck at it, thus putting the player into the mindset that the entire game is like that.

      • 8 months ago

        >the very start of the game is genuinely tight on supplies and you will have to dodge enemies or take hits if you suck at it, thus putting the player into the mindset that the entire game is like that.
        It sucks that today's defacto "hard" games are soulslike exercises in memorization rather than this type of resource management or whatever you'd like to deem it.

  13. 8 months ago

    Depends if you want to sacrifice health or ammo. It’s situational depending on your supplies. Ideally you should be able to bait them to one side of the hallway then run around them on the other.

  14. 8 months ago

    Hijacking this thread to ask a question that I'm sure has been asked here 1000x

    I've never played RE1. RE3 is the only RE I've beat. I was thinking of playing through the series in order, but there seems to be a lot of versions of RE1 and there's also remake. What is the best choice to go for?

    • 8 months ago

      Just go with the original PSX version, each version has its pros&cons. Original longbox PSX version has the western difficulty which is how it should be first experienced

      • 8 months ago

        Man... those doors 10sec for each on this period of time... i dont know
        Maybe you should tell him about pc "sourcenext thing"... i didnt have my pc and want to try that version ... man... those doors.... 10sec each... how many doors the game have? Just think about it

    • 8 months ago

      Director's Cut.

    • 8 months ago

      Director's Cut is the "definitive" version of the game, since it allows you to play Original or Arrange Mode.
      Dual Shock came later, but it only adds support for analog sticks and swapped the soundtrack for the infamous one (look up "Mansion Basement" on youtube if you dare). Every other version added a bunch of bells and whistles, but there's no version that has ALL the stuff.

  15. 8 months ago

    Mash back on the dpad when you're in front of one and eventually it'll spin around and start walking into a wall, then you can just run past it. If you're a huge b***h you can cut it with a knife then pause and unpause and run past it while it's recovering from the slash.

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