So like when playing through Alundra I've noticed some pretty wicked changes that tots make the game bodacious instead of like a drag.

So like when playing through Alundra I've noticed some pretty wicked changes that tots make the game bodacious instead of like a drag. Localization is b***hin’, anyone who thinks characters should remain total barney's instead of righteous bros is a total lame-o square in my book you dig? What do my brosifs on /vr/ think? No need to go aggro just chillax

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  1. 2 years ago

    Localizers are the scum of the earth

    • 2 years ago

      are inaccurate localization teams Ganker janitors? found out at 11

    • 2 years ago

      >be translator
      >japanese is a gay language literally incapable of subtlety because every emotion and intent is autistically telegraphed through grammatical change
      >present the script as though it were written by an englishman, for englishman
      >self-hating anglophones (who are probably huns) screech online about how you denied them true art

      • 2 years ago

        >get payed to translate things

        • 2 years ago

          It's accurate when the intentions of the text are communicated in a way appropriate for the target language. That is why Kefka – an insane clown – was depicted the way he was in English.

      • 2 years ago

        >>self-hating anglophones (who are probably huns) screech online about how you denied them true art

        based, also they're absolutely correct

    • 2 years ago

      It’s better than the original Japanese.

      You’re confusing modern SJWs for actual creativity and making the best out of bland Japanese writing.

      • 2 years ago

        Localizer detected

        • 2 years ago
          • 2 years ago

            scum of the earth

    • 2 years ago

      These days, they are honestly worse than journalists.

      >be translator
      >japanese is a gay language literally incapable of subtlety because every emotion and intent is autistically telegraphed through grammatical change
      >present the script as though it were written by an englishman, for englishman
      >self-hating anglophones (who are probably huns) screech online about how you denied them true art

      You don't know japanese.

    • 2 years ago

      Localization is fine if it's taking something that would sound awkward in whatever language they're translating it to and recontextualizing it in a way that retains what the source material was going for. This extreme all or nothing approach is a symptom of g(&$r g&$e nonsense.

    • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago


      >says this on an english-localised version of a Japanese messageboard
      >in english

      • 2 years ago

        >uncensored, unapologetically japanese/cartoony/cutesy futaba
        >an*me is allowed
        >Ganker and not 4bigbrudders
        not localized enough, dry literal translation, reeks of weebery, inflammatory drive-by trash, would go back to resetera

        begone, resetera troony, your axe wound will never be localized

  2. 2 years ago


  3. 2 years ago

    >be working designs
    >some nips ask you to translate their literal who game that never would have seen a western release otherwise
    >translate the important stuff, give characters extra personality for the fun of it, not like anyone who buys the game in the west is even going to know, right? maybe the player will get a kick out of it, either way they'll prpbably just shrug and move on
    >also make game harder since it was originally made for japs with small penisu who suck at their own games
    >fast forward 20 years
    >a few fat homosexual autistic blobs online get triggered because a character makes a weed reference and spend the rest of eternity shitting on one of the few companies who managed to translate games without "HE DON'T" tier engrish and even went the extra mile to make the games more challenging and funny, all because they wish the games had retained the aocially moronic, sterile, rigid dialogue that japs are known for, because video games are very srs business
    the funny thing is, this character in particular is so memorable for the very reason you hate him, and in the jap version he's a completely forgettable nobody. you guys are fricking moronic. working designs is based and you should feel bad for getting upset about this stupid shit. if you really care so much, learn to read dumpring speak, play the JP version and shut the frick up.

    • 2 years ago

      You're not fooling anyone, Vic.

      • 2 years ago

        >muh vic
        yeah frick me for actually enjoying the game and not having an autistic meltdown over a guy with a blonde mullet mentioning weed one time

        • 2 years ago

          Ok, Vic.

    • 2 years ago

      Imagine reading some Tolkien book, but instead of the real story and real characters you get some random shit made up by the translation team, is that okay for you?

      • 2 years ago

        It would be okay for him if he wasn't a Tolkien fan in the first place, and if it was someone else reading it and getting bamboozled.

      • 2 years ago

        Isn't there a translation of Dracula that was just made up and people didn't realize it for like half a century?

        • 2 years ago

          A lot of American publishers did that to foreign authors, in particular some 1853 translations of Jules Vernes sci-fi books (2000 Miles Under The Sea, etc) where the author had a ton of grief how that was handled. For European comic books there's the Tintin series where all black people were airbrushed as white people, not because the original depiction is racist but because the American publisher was heavily pro-segregation.

          Anything from the Middle East, African/Asian folklore, India... was handled by bona-fide racists who had a foregone conclusion ("America/British Empire morality is the most superior one on Earth, this means other systems of morality are outrageous cruel savagery") and they'd do everything in their power to create that conclusion, including rewriting characters to be less sympathetic and relatable, and inserting reprehensible character flaws and self insert comments where the author interrupts the narrative with hateful tirades.

          American translators approach any work they touch with two goals, furthering the political position of their home country and then something about "maximizing profits" by substracting anything "foreign" from it (even foreign sensibilities to concepts of beauty and describing natural landscapes are replaced with a new third-rate prose fabrication from another book).

          • 2 years ago

            Translation classifications used to include stuff now described as "localization".
            Literal Translation (word by word, grammar be damned) is only useful for language learners (with dubious success, at that)
            Translation of the meaning is what anyone sane expects.
            Adaptation includes REWRITING or EXPLAINING cultural concepts foreign to the local audience. Its goal is conveying MORE information that a normal translation would miss, not LESS.

            Rewrites discard the original text, and in its place put something completely unrelated.
            They're frowned upon. Even for conveying the author intent, translators warn against adaptation turning into a rewrite.

            Enter "localization".
            Censored rewrites under the veneer of adaptation, using a translation as a base. The quality of the base translation whether literal or meaning based doesn't matter, in fact pursuing better translations (faithful to the og meaning) is discouraged.
            If anything goes bad, blame the author and source material for "bad writing" (classic example: the writing of Other M which was mostly Treehouse's fault). Otherwise, take credit for it all.

            Localization is trying to pass itself to translators as "not a translation" ("don't hold me by your standards"), to developers and publishers as "maximizing the target audience" (provably false, many notable franchises harmed by horrible localizations), to audiences as "not a word by word like "translations" " (here the "localization" wants to replace all other practices: all translations are "trash literal translations" unless made to satisfy a marketing team or ideological agenda, that's when they become "good localizations", even cases like Skies of Arcadia where the JP text wasn't looked at once.)

            Same old thing, same old cultural supremacism. It strangely fits with America's current idea of "rebellion", as a faithful drone enforcing corporate and political agendas to the letter everywhere.

            • 2 years ago

              >"All the translations are done by racists" source: my ass
              >referring to things as "isms"
              You sound like you're regurgitating something you heard in university. Just because your teacher or source can point out a few examples does prove that they were all racist, and there definitely was just as much of a genuine interest in understanding other cultures in the past as there is now. You should stop trying to make the vast chaotic world try to fit into these gay little political frameworks that aren't even your own thoughts.

              • 2 years ago


              • 2 years ago

                >reductio ad absurdum
                Found the americuck. You will never be a real translator.

            • 2 years ago

              excellent post

              • 2 years ago

                No it's fricking moronic drivel by a weebtard too dumb to learn nipponese

              • 2 years ago

                >posts english FFT PS1 screenshot

                WD had stellar writing compared to the utter garbage translations common at that time, plus they brought over games nobody else would - they were nerds, just like us! And they made jokes that resonated with their target audience. Anyone who gets mad at them just wasn't there to experience it when the times were right. And so they seethe, having been denied a magical experience of yesteryear by the ruthless march of time, never to come again. But for us it's a time capsule filled with memories and new discoveries of things we have not understood back then. Pity, but YWNBAWorkingdesignsenjoyer.

                >Sucking Dieck
                >stellar writing
                still celebrating shame month late huh

              • 2 years ago

                >posts english FFT PS1 screenshot
                How dense are you that you don't get why I posted a shitty literal translation?

              • 2 years ago

                You posted a localization.

          • 2 years ago

            Even French cookbooks were changed during translation. Some dude replaced mayonnaise with hollandaise sauce in a major book on French cuisine, and it took more than a century for people to notice the discrepancy.

          • 2 years ago

            > American translators approach any work they touch with two goals, furthering the political position of their home country and then something about "maximizing profits" by substracting anything "foreign" from it

            They still do this to impose liberal ideology on foreign works. I always call that shit out.

        • 2 years ago

          Icelandic version of Dracula.

      • 2 years ago

        If it suits the target language... You need to convey the themes in a way natural in the target language or else it will sound moronic.

        Last year, NEO: TWEWY did an excellent job with localisation and was hated by weebs because of it. It's a game about zoomers drippin' so the English version naturally depicted zoomies saying Among Us memes and UwU'ing. This perfectly captures contemporary youth for a western audience, but apparently this is a shit translation because it didn't have illogical Japanese idioms presented word-by-word

        • 2 years ago

          have a nice day Black personhomosexual

          • 2 years ago

            >english version masterfully conveys the intention of zoomers and drip
            >I am a Black personhomosexual and should kms

        • 2 years ago

          >game about zoomers drippin'

          I guess one should insert references to medivel European society into games about Edo Japan, and references to Ancient China into games about Ancient Rome; after all if events are contemporaneous one is allowed to mix them freely.

          • 2 years ago

            The game is about zoomer drip. The English version eloquently conveys this

            • 2 years ago

              And games about Edo Japan are about peasants and warriors armed with swords.

              • 2 years ago
            • 2 years ago

              what in the frick is "zoomer drip"? 18 year old kids doing heroin?

              • 2 years ago

                If you don't know what drip is, you don't have it

              • 2 years ago


          • 2 years ago

            Big difference between a period piece and a game set in the modern day.
            Would it be wrong to Americanize Pokemon Red/Blue the way they did? Because it was set in modern Japan too.

            • 2 years ago

              Yes it was, but at least it has the excuse of it being intended for six year olds. (Excuse which shouldn't be granted due to how "jelly donuts" is rightfully ridiculed.)
              Alundra is aimed at an older audience than Pokemon.

              • 2 years ago

                At least you're consistent, lol. I'll let the absurdity of getting mad over localizing Pokemon speak for itself.

              • 2 years ago

                What do you think about "jelly donuts"?

              • 2 years ago

                Red & Blue didn't do that, that was the anime. There's a reason why I specified those games: because its localization was a lot more professional than just calling a Japanese food something it obviously wasn't. You know that griping over calling Kasumi "Misty" would make you look like a giant sperg so you have to refer to the most embarrassing example of localization to make your argument look better.

        • 2 years ago

          >Last year, NEO: TWEWY did an excellent job with localisation and was hated by weebs because of it. It's a game about zoomers drippin' so the English version naturally depicted zoomies saying Among Us memes and UwU'ing. This perfectly captures contemporary youth for a western audience,

          Probably because we had the first game in 2007 free of such obvious references in its translation.

          • 2 years ago

            The 2007 game had the millennial culture of 2007 such as wiggers and RAWRing. This was due to the fact the game was about millennials roflmao'ing

          • 2 years ago

            Yeah anyone who hates bro's localization is just upset they're old. The old game is filled with just as much youth culture shit. It's just that it was the youth culture we grew up with

            • 2 years ago

              >youth culture shit
              You mean the same g*mers who are all being toxic problematic little shits that need constant ban hammer monitoring and all kinds of restrictions of online chat features, are the ones represented by the weird "modern" localization choices where characters speak like terminally addicted californian political drones constantly viewing friendly banter and dungeon crawling through the lenses of critical theory?
              food shops that talk about cultural appropriation (why yes, everyone cool sees a nacho when hungry and a mexican cook daring to dress in unfamiliar garb and immediately thinks about political problematics), flirting reduced to misogyny, characters going against the system but extremely terrified about talking about romance in direct terms... There's someone going "how do you do young fellows" and it's not the audience, and unlike even Wrecking Designs, "modern localization" is instantly dated the instant they mailed the script outside their writing room.

              • 2 years ago

                Sounds like you played a different game than me

              • 2 years ago

                Not even scratching the tip of the iceberg and not willing to. There's a ton of damning screenshots even among the other noise about stylistic choices.

                Brought to you by the same localizers bragging in interviews that yes, it's a deliberate choice that everyone is rewritten to be a sassy jerk or an unlikeable b***h because the original characterization is too mellow, dry, bland, whatever. With variations of the same practice seen in works of Treehouse, Square Enix, 8-4.

                Surprisingly enough those characters supposedly written to appeal to Americans end up the biggest blemishes on their respective games, like the headphones guy who's the main protagonist of Advance Wars Dual Strike, rewritten from a "audiophile kewl generic nice guy" (jp) to "bitchy whiny pretentious homosexual with zero redeeming features who's being an butthole to everyone who should be court martialed yesterday" (english)

              • 2 years ago

                That's pretty clearly just a joke

              • 2 years ago

                What's that thing called when satire and reality are undistinguishable?

              • 2 years ago

                Grimm's Law

              • 2 years ago

                The game depicts an annoying gluten free b***h as an annoying gluten free b***h

              • 2 years ago

                I hope you like them annoying gluten free b***hes because some american localizers consider them one of the only allowed ways to write characters in english, because "problematic tropes" and "cultural differences". Or learn another reliable language where that's somehow not a problem.

                Don't consume their culture then homie
                On such a contrarian website as this you would think people'd be happy that the masses eat up American stuff whereas you are the esoteric holder of true art

                >their culture
                self demonstrating example

      • 2 years ago

        Tolkien published a translation guide specifically because he knew LoTR would be challenging to render in other languages and he enumerated exactly which words should remain untranslated and which ones could be translated with hints as to what words to use. He was a philologist and went the extra mile.

    • 2 years ago

      >pick a game that wants to add more adult themes to a vidya game formula Nintendo made for kids
      >plots of loss and death
      >add shit tier changes to characters to make it omfg lol funny
      >doesn't actually come off as funny and ruins the very tone the game set out to create
      This is shit, no way around it, it was a shit localization. Working Design is the 4Kids of video games that took projects that were fine as they were and added a bunch of shit that goes directly against the flow of the game. Should have just added a laugh track and slide whistle with occasional tom and jerry screams. There is a reason localization companies like this went out of business and is one of the very few things modern games did right. Guarantee this would have been picked up by another localization company eventually, it's a shame it got picked early

    • 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      This guy thinks it's a good idea for common enemies (slimes) to require five hits from your starting weapon.

      They made enemies into unnecessary HP sponges and it messes with the pacing of the game.

      • 2 years ago

        kek imagine getting filtered by spooge. maybe try bombing them or not even wasting time with them until you get a sword upgrade if 5 hits is too much for you to deal with.

        • 2 years ago

          Nobody is getting filtered. I have played Alindra at least four different times. It's the sentiment of making basic b***h enemies requiring more then two hits to kill. Everything in the game takes too many hits to kill. Inflating HP values doesn't make a game harder just more tedious.

    • 2 years ago

      lol you're definitely one of the people /vr/ complains about. there's no way you attribute this much an emotional response to this topic based on nothing, you've been burned before by criticism from randos online and it stung. it shows in your moron rage.

    • 2 years ago

      >you guys are fricking moronic

      lol you're definitely one of the people /vr/ complains about. there's no way you attribute this much an emotional response to this topic based on nothing, you've been burned before by criticism from randos online and it stung. it shows in your moron rage.

      >lol you're definitely one of the people /vr/ complains about. there's no way you attribute this much an emotional response to this topic based on nothing
      you sound like such a homosexual right now. read that back.
      >you've been burned before by criticism from randos online and it stung.
      this desperate anon is really trying make it make sense to him

  4. 2 years ago

    Only a zoomer would hate it to the point of obsession, bad localization or not it's all we had back in the day, good luck even knowing about it if not living in nipland so frick you

    • 2 years ago

      it's soulless, humorless weeb automatons of all ages who want to live vicariously through a blonde twink and are angry that some chads in the 90s not only had the talent to translate a game (a talent that they, themselves, lack) but modified the originally-intended dialogue and made the game harder. this triggers the weeb because in addition to causing them emotional pain, they also suck at video games and cannot cope with the difficulty spike.

      • 2 years ago

        >but modified the originally-intended dialogue
        So you're saying they didn't translate it then.

        • 2 years ago

          if they didn't translate it they wouldn't have been able to change it to begin with moron.

      • 2 years ago

        I don't give a shit, 8 year old me definitely didn't, 8 year old me didn't even read most dialogue but I got to play it and have fun and it's become one of my favorite games of all times because of that childhood experience. SO FRICK YOU zoomer or hairy manchild, the 90s were rough unlike how easy and accessible everything is now

        • 2 years ago

          yeah... you're agreeing with me.

          • 2 years ago

            Yes, I agree with you
            Honestly didn't read your entire post so apologies for the crossfire.

            • 2 years ago

              it's okay anon, we've all done a moronic here and there

      • 2 years ago

        Anybody that was able to become proficient in Japanese in a pre-internet era had to have been a goddamn genius and deserves at least a little respect.

        If there's some obscure slang word I come across that not even the online dictionaries have, I can still google it and find an explanation (in Japanese) without any trouble. Every single aspect of grammar you could imagine is explained online. There's endless amounts of video on Youtube you can use for listening comprehension.
        How the FRICK did people git good at Japanese without the internet, short of spending a decade living there?

        • 2 years ago

          Pic: google translate around 10 years ago vs today. It's crazy how much better it has become.

        • 2 years ago

          Not only that but this was in an era where Japanese media was scarce in the West which meant there were less motivations to even learn the language.

          Come to think of it, it might be why most translations back in the day were so awful, they were probably enlisting boomers that hardly gave a shit but they were the only ones that knew Japanese.

  5. 2 years ago

    I wonder how Bonaire's character was translated into German, French, Italian etc.

    • 2 years ago

      The Spanish one is always the best one.

  6. 2 years ago
  7. 2 years ago

    BTW theres a fan made "un-working designs" patch for this game that restores the damage values and fixes the awful translation.

    • 2 years ago

      Sadly only restores the difficulty but keeps the script the same.

    • 2 years ago

      They dont change the translation bro, thats too hard. They just hex edit a couple numbers and make it easy again.

  8. 2 years ago

    Oh sweet, the schizo got bored of making Saturn threads and is back to Working Designs threads this week

  9. 2 years ago

    Video games have junk writing 99% of the time so I don't care if the localizers have fun with it. Someone compared Working Designs to 4kids and I don't think that's on the mark because 4kids outright skipped episodes, a better comparison would be like the original Persona 1 localization which cut an entire sidequest and heavily modified the artwork. But even then, I think the 4kids dubs of Yugioh are a more entertaining watch than their original counterparts. It's a campy gag dub vs a stock forgettable shonen.
    I remember when SMT1 finally got an official localization, /smtg/ was annoyed with how bland and wooden it was compared to the fan translation. Turns out thats just how the script really is in Japanese, the fan translation was that much more entertaining with its modifications to the script.

    • 2 years ago

      >I think the 4kids dubs of Yugioh are a more entertaining watch than their original counterparts. It's a campy gag dub vs a stock forgettable shonen.
      >I remember when SMT1 finally got an official localization, /smtg/ was annoyed with how bland and wooden it was compared to the fan translation. Turns out thats just how the script really is in Japanese, the fan translation was that much more entertaining with its modifications to the script

      And here it is, the worst kind of apologia, normalization of the bad.

      You just got assimilated, thats what really happened, hence why WD was able to get away with their lunacy.

      I mean, geez, i am old enough to remember a time that we use to call these, bastardizations

      • 2 years ago

        After the horrible '80s dub of Princess Mononoke, Studio Ghibli sent Miramax a katana with the words "No cuts" etched in. I've never heard of a story like this for vidya.
        In other words, it's normalized because in most cases no one gives a frick, not even their own creators. Because they didn't see themselves as making art, but children's toys to make money. This board gets mad over people treating video games as art as opposed to light entertainment, and then turns around and seethes when they get translated without the respect that art deserves.

        • 2 years ago

          As an aside, the Yugioh VRAINs dub actually has a cult following in Japan because the original Japanese script was that hated, kek

        • 2 years ago

          >After the horrible '80s dub of Princess Mononoke, Studio Ghibli sent Miramax a katana with the words "No cuts" etched in
          Extremely based if true.

        • 2 years ago

          I thought it was good flavor to the text. Made it interesting and added to the desire to converse with everyone after every significant event.

          I heard it was for Nausicaä of the Wind Valley that got cuts which the legend goes sent Mirimax the sword to explain their position on cuts. Ghibli animations has a very slow pace to them, which does not match the style more acceptable these days.

          • 2 years ago

            nobody talks about alundra 2 for a reason

            • 2 years ago

              It looks alright. It is a more silly tone than the first though. Miss the pixel art.


              So I'm not a weeb or self-hating or any of that stuff. Just a neutral guy who notices things. Why is it that every single fricking time a foriegn studio has to interact with an american business and/or marketing team its always a negative interaction? Segas fighting itself. Nintendo wanted twilight princess to be something else but every single time the american branch would come back with 'make it more like OoT. its what the fans want.'

              Literally every single fricking time our business guys are always strong arming people and making weird assumptions for no fricking reason. even as a kid I wondered why so many of the kids cartoons i was seeing were just shit or confusing. i started watching anime and playing japanese games without even knowing that shit was japanese.

              It was kind of the personalities of those in the business of the days. If you ever listen to Ken Lobb of Rare/Microsoft, or the leaders at US Sega, or US Capcom branch they seem to have that self-aggrandizing attitude which may clash with the business culture of Japan. The butting of these strong personalities were a necessary process of the time, since marketing to a different culture/location required to make foreign things a success. Those critical decisions in their collaborations were probably for the best as you can see how it has progressed to how things are now.

        • 2 years ago

          Nausicaa, not Mononoke. Mononoke didn't. Even exist as a concept yet.

        • 2 years ago

          >After the horrible '80s dub of Princess Mononoke, Studio Ghibli sent Miramax a katana with the words "No cuts" etched in
          Extremely based if true.

          I thought it was good flavor to the text. Made it interesting and added to the desire to converse with everyone after every significant event.

          I heard it was for Nausicaä of the Wind Valley that got cuts which the legend goes sent Mirimax the sword to explain their position on cuts. Ghibli animations has a very slow pace to them, which does not match the style more acceptable these days.

          Nausicaa, not Mononoke. Mononoke didn't. Even exist as a concept yet.

          So I'm not a weeb or self-hating or any of that stuff. Just a neutral guy who notices things. Why is it that every single fricking time a foriegn studio has to interact with an american business and/or marketing team its always a negative interaction? Segas fighting itself. Nintendo wanted twilight princess to be something else but every single time the american branch would come back with 'make it more like OoT. its what the fans want.'

          Literally every single fricking time our business guys are always strong arming people and making weird assumptions for no fricking reason. even as a kid I wondered why so many of the kids cartoons i was seeing were just shit or confusing. i started watching anime and playing japanese games without even knowing that shit was japanese.

          • 2 years ago

            Because Americans are cultural imperialists. Some countries like China will directly scam you, but Americans is different. The point is to make your success their own because nothing but American culture should be relevant and everything should be regurgitated through their filters.

            • 2 years ago

              Don't consume their culture then homie
              On such a contrarian website as this you would think people'd be happy that the masses eat up American stuff whereas you are the esoteric holder of true art

              • 2 years ago

                Fun fact about these threads, the presumption they're made by typical white middle class weebs who wish they were Tyler-sama is usually wrong. The most militant weebs for some reason are usually poor spics, huemonkeys, and various other third worlders who never get translations in their native language and seethe eternally about having to play American versions since everyone knows at least a little English.
                This is why all these threads are more anti-american than pro-japanese, and why all the other types of script changes and censorship in other countries mentioned here are ignored.

              • 2 years ago

                >unironically trying to appeal to nationalism to defend californian localizers
                It's as if everyone hates your guts or something

              • 2 years ago

                Hispanic translacions scene is miles ahead from the english one, the weeb density in South America and Spain is way higher that in the USA and they don't have that cultural baggage so they just make the mike they should.

              • 2 years ago

                Is he the reason for bad Western translations?

              • 2 years ago

                >Why are you complaining about America? Just pretend it doesn't exist, bro!
                Alright, wait a minute, I'm going to unlearn English for a start.

              • 2 years ago

                Tell you what mate
                I'm an Australian, there's definitely shit about American popculture I dislike, and that we speak English has spread a lot of that here. But why should I sympathise with morons? Bygones will be bygones

          • 2 years ago

            And the idiotic name swapping in Street Fighter II.

            • 2 years ago

              That had to be done because of legal problems with Mike Tyson possibly suing them, there was also Poison because they were afraid feminists would sue them over violence on women, and it had something to do with how some of their games were registered as Capcom USA trademarks.

              But localizations nowadays are more likely to cause audience hostility and legal issues and glitches than anything. Pic very much related. Something about the game of Go being too complicated to explain so writing in a legal problem AFTER the correct translation is a good idea.

              The quality of Lunar game translations is also very dubious, the translation is very shitty and doesn't get a lot of the game's story right and a layer of memes on top of that doesn't exactly help the issue one bit. A lot of the game's bad writing is directly caused by the English text being an inconsistent mess that doesn't gel with what's going on in the story or what other NPCs talk about, and it seems WD realized that and paraphrased the hell of the minor character lines to the bare essentials and added tons of extra nonsense to hide their basic lack of reading comprehension. Lunar 2 on the PlayStation is just the Sega CD text copy pasted and plastered even where it doesn't belong, creating the illusion of a worse product that's a direct port rather than a remake with extra content (all removed from localization). It's more blatant when clues needed by the gameplay are mistranslated. Even when defending that localization, its shills start from the assumption the game and its writing is shit to the point even poop jokes are better. That's not exactly convincing anyone that the English text isn't absolute shit.

              • 2 years ago

                >legal problems with Mike Tyson
                The thing is, I wonder why they couldn't just change M. Bison's name instead of pilfering Vega's and Balrog's names. When Street Fighter Zero came out, Nash's name was changed to Charlie.
                Maybe just drop the M. and call him Bison, or The Bison.
                As far as Working Designs is concerned, I liked their releases back in my young and ignorant days, but when I got the internet and discovered their perfidy (this was around when Silhouette Mirage was tampered with), I lost respect for them. Sunlight indeed.

        • 2 years ago

          There was this director who was ok with trannies translating tsundere as "fragile male ego" and then he got mad when those trannies refused to localized his game because female characters have inward knees. He deserved all that shit.

  10. 2 years ago

    I started to play this and the dumb translation stuff is funny. It's funny that it pisses of nerds and was probably just some guy at a cubicle who didn't care

    • 2 years ago

      It's not funny, it's painful to read. Same for putting anal sex jokes in a children game (Rayearth). That shit was only "fine" back then because we didn't know any better.
      And please don't act like it was some random nerd fricking around, we all know that company screwed with the games on purpose.

      • 2 years ago
        • 2 years ago

          >Someone made sn english patch for japanese version.
          >Is just an US script slap patch hackjob
          >Same with the atrocious SotN port

          Why even bother with Saturn Hacking

        • 2 years ago

          Wait what

      • 2 years ago

        >Same for putting anal sex jokes in a children game
        I beg your pardon

        • 2 years ago

          It was "fine" because only adult nerds would buy a Saturn anime game in the US.
          But if you think about it more than half of a second, the optics are horrendous.

  11. 2 years ago

    I really feel totally apathetic and have no string feelings in either direction about dubs and subs or localization. I think people who do care are weirdos. I can watch one episode subbed and the next dubbed no issue. Same with 'true translations' and localizations

  12. 2 years ago

    From what I gather about Japanese in general, localization that takes liberties is pretty much a necessity to prevent the work from being viewed as total horseshit for a Western, English speaking audience. Obviously taking too many liberties is absurd and is an insult to the audience and the work itself, but sometimes, it can just werk.

    No need to shit your pants about it, anons of /vr/.

    • 2 years ago

      >pretty much a necessity to prevent the work from being viewed as total horseshit
      i could explain why but i'd get banned

  13. 2 years ago

    Working Designs is cool. I realize this does nothing to the translations, but aren't there patches for several of the games they localized that at least revert gameplay changes to be more like the Japanese versions?
    It's been said before but if this kind of shit really upsets someone this much then they really should be studying Japanese themselves.

    • 2 years ago

      There are patches indeed of which Working Design fans harass the author to remove for reasons.

      As for the second point imagine commissioning an artist to paint a lush green landscape but they decide to add a clown, a massive pile of shit, and Bob Marley's ghost into the painting and when you confront them about this their response is "Well if you don't like it maybe you should just learn to paint yourself." Like no shit I could but it doesn't change how shitty of a job you did with this painting. There is a game they did where they changed the power of a fairy who controlled wind to the power of flatulence and you needed to collect an item to withstand the stench. Like its obvious you did your job poorly and you should be criticized for the shady work you did.

      • 2 years ago

        >There are patches indeed of which Working Design fans harass the author to remove for reasons.
        Why does the option of choice bother them that much?

        • 2 years ago

          Your guess is as good as mine but you can see some of it here

          >be working designs
          >some nips ask you to translate their literal who game that never would have seen a western release otherwise
          >translate the important stuff, give characters extra personality for the fun of it, not like anyone who buys the game in the west is even going to know, right? maybe the player will get a kick out of it, either way they'll prpbably just shrug and move on
          >also make game harder since it was originally made for japs with small penisu who suck at their own games
          >fast forward 20 years
          >a few fat homosexual autistic blobs online get triggered because a character makes a weed reference and spend the rest of eternity shitting on one of the few companies who managed to translate games without "HE DON'T" tier engrish and even went the extra mile to make the games more challenging and funny, all because they wish the games had retained the aocially moronic, sterile, rigid dialogue that japs are known for, because video games are very srs business
          the funny thing is, this character in particular is so memorable for the very reason you hate him, and in the jap version he's a completely forgettable nobody. you guys are fricking moronic. working designs is based and you should feel bad for getting upset about this stupid shit. if you really care so much, learn to read dumpring speak, play the JP version and shut the frick up.

          or if you look into forums that even remotely criticize WD localizations, its like a cult for a company that hasn't existed for over a decade that can't accept some people just don't want grade school humor added to translations.

          • 2 years ago

            People are fricking obsessed with nostalgia and get upset if you attack the things they loved as a kid, even if it's rewritten fanfic trash and fricks with the game balance.

            Working Designs fanboys are like the Robotech fanboys of vidya. They can't bring themselves to admit that what they liked was a bastardized version of a better existing product.
            Case in point.

            >Scrubs think dry nip writing is sacred text that shouldn’t be altered
            >Scrubs can’t beat WD games and need patches to neuter the difficulty
            O’ I am laffin’.

        • 2 years ago

          People are fricking obsessed with nostalgia and get upset if you attack the things they loved as a kid, even if it's rewritten fanfic trash and fricks with the game balance.

      • 2 years ago

        >There is a game they did where they changed the power of a fairy who controlled wind to the power of flatulence and you needed to collect an item to withstand the stench.
        What game

        • 2 years ago
          • 2 years ago

            A visible improvement.

          • 2 years ago


            • 2 years ago

              You see wind is like gas so to make it funny we make her power flatulence so that your whole party has to wear this specific mask or you'll die because her farts just smell so terrible. Fricking kek its genius.

          • 2 years ago

            How does this make the game worse?

            >get payed to translate things

            Could you imagine grinding on translating a japanese copy cat game of another japanese copy cat game of an American animated Tolken knockoff story. Let's thank god that they at least put some spice on these bland rinse and repeat JRPGs.

          • 2 years ago

            Gross and unfunny.
            And yeah, I've played the game, it is otherwise pretty good. One of the better exclusives for the system.

          • 2 years ago

            Weebs will tell you this isn’t based.

            There's no such thing as a WD game, they are not developers despite what you and they might wish. Also you have no idea if the Japanese version is "dry" since you can't read it.

            >You don’t speak Japanese
            Neither do you, that’s why you’re malding over translations. And I do have an idea of what the Japanese text is like, because you homosexuals post comparisons constantly.

            • 2 years ago

              You do realize that this statement
              >Neither do you, that’s why you’re malding over translations.
              and this statement.
              >And I do have an idea of what the Japanese text is like, because you homosexuals post comparisons constantly.
              are contradictory.
              Congratulations on invaliding your own argument, moron.

              • 2 years ago

                You’re trying too hard for a gotcha moment. Just because you repost an image someone made comparing the localized script with the original doesn’t mean you yourself can read Japanese.

              • 2 years ago

                >doesn’t mean you yourself can read Japanese.

          • 2 years ago

            This is amazing
            How do people have a problem with this?

  14. 2 years ago

    >Scrubs think dry nip writing is sacred text that shouldn’t be altered
    >Scrubs can’t beat WD games and need patches to neuter the difficulty
    O’ I am laffin’.

    • 2 years ago

      Now that's the quality posting you expect from a Working Designs asslicker.

      • 2 years ago

        There's no such thing as a WD game, they are not developers despite what you and they might wish. Also you have no idea if the Japanese version is "dry" since you can't read it.

        Working Designs fanboys are like the Robotech fanboys of vidya. They can't bring themselves to admit that what they liked was a bastardized version of a better existing product.
        Case in point.[...]

        • 2 years ago

          Gigachad and Wojak, totally not stale memes or anything.

          • 2 years ago

            On a board all about the old and stale, they fit quite nicely.

    • 2 years ago

      There's no such thing as a WD game, they are not developers despite what you and they might wish. Also you have no idea if the Japanese version is "dry" since you can't read it.

    • 2 years ago

      Out of all the stupid opinions in this thread, this is by far the worst.
      Japanese writing is "dry"? How the frick would you know?
      You don't have the right to criticize Japanese writing you can't fricking read!

      I understand if people don't want to learn Japanese. It's a big commitment, especially if the only reason you're doing it is to have a better experience when enjoying Japanese media.
      I also understand if people get a kick out of bad translations. I've hate-watched dubs before, it can be a fun time.
      But don't turn around and shit on the people who made the games you love because you have sour grapes. If you don't respect the creator enough to be even vaguely interested in what they were trying to say, you don't deserve to play the game they made.

      • 2 years ago

        Sorry, but Japanese writing is dry.
        Ten centuries of litterature and they still use しょうがない? Sad!
        Thank God we can fix this by giving everyone British accents.

  15. 2 years ago

    If Working Designs were so good, how come they never made their own games? Checkmate, Atheists.

  16. 2 years ago

    >I need the absolute 100% accurate 1:1 script of Japanese anime video games.
    why don't you just learn Japanese?
    if it's about those, why are these threads never about the ridiculous censorship in some European games? Why is it never about the sometimes full script changes that some titles receive in other countries especially south America? Why is it never about some American games having violence, character models, or even full on levels removed, or altered, in Japanese releases?
    Answer: Because everyone who makes these threads are actually fat, maladjusted weebs who care nothing about any of these things unless they involve anime breasts. They are outrage farming bots, who would not know anything was ever changed without looking it up because the changes are inconsequential and they can't understand the source material to begin with.
    >uh I'm actually a 17th level Nipponese black belt and-
    Awesome, then you're just concern trolling like a homosexual because none of these changes should actually affect you, given your ability to read the source material, and you don't actually care about artistic integrity or censorship as previously established.
    Remember to call me a troony, a israelite journalist, and/or Vic Ireland while you seethe over being called out for the attention whoring homosexuals that you are

    • 2 years ago

      Frick off Vic.

    • 2 years ago

      >I am a translator whos job is to translate but instead I add poop fart jokes and lazy pop culture references to other peoples work because I'm actually an untalented shit writer who can't be successful without the help of someone else's work
      IF YoU WAnt aN AUThenTIC SCRipT LEarN JaPAnESE
      Geez what a take, why don't other people use that same excuse I wonder?
      >You got my order wrong I wanted the chicken not the pork
      MAyBE YoU SHouLD LeARn tO CoOK iF yOU WaNT tHe RiGHt OrDUr
      >Are you sure we don't need a few more support beams?
      YOu ShOULd LeArN COnTrUStruCtiON iF YoU WaNT iT DoNE RiGHt
      >I dropped off my computer earlier is it done yet
      CoMPuTEr WoRK is HUrD MayBE LeARN tO DO it YoURSeLF
      Oh that's why people don't, because it not only makes you look moronic but is a poor excuse for shit work.

      • 2 years ago

        take meds

      • 2 years ago

        >weeb who doesn't eat anything besides fast food, doesn't know how to repair his chair when it finally gives out after supporting his fat ass, and has no idea how to do anything with technology besides use a VPN to look up animated child porn thinks these things aren't routinely learned and done by normal people
        Many such cases

        • 2 years ago

          >Doesn't have a proper retort because their initial point was moronic
          Yep definitely sounds like your typical WD fan, why not add an accent or stereotype next green text to enhance it you nailed the terrible writing style

  17. 2 years ago

    >working on a book on behalf of a resetera/neogaf-adjacent website that idiolizes maliciously incompetent translators as an instrument of californian cultural imperialism?
    How do people let their brains get this melted, and why does it have an almost 100% crossover rate with being a weeb?

    • 2 years ago

      weebs are socially outcast, terminally online, and usually on the low end of the gene pool, both from a physical and mental standpoint. They're basically the perfect storm to be a target of radicalization by fringe groups. This is why so many trannies and commie LARPers are massive weebs as well. It's just a matter of which side gets to them first or that they personally take to more

      • 2 years ago

        >posts on notoriously radicalized website known as Ganker

  18. 2 years ago

    as an actual translator (no, not for japanese, though I do speak it), this thread gives me the giggles

    • 2 years ago

      Too many monolinguals trying to pass themselves off as language/translation experts.

      • 2 years ago

        i mean... i understand where they're coming from, but they don't really understand how important localisation actually is in translation work. i've explained it here multiple times in the past that you sometimes have to localise /for the same language/ because of cultural differences in, say, spain vs bolivia or even the uk and north america.

        • 2 years ago

          Yeah, but they don't. It's just one big american version for everybody, or maybe a rare uk dub. Love to have obscure jap baseball gags translated into american baseball gags, both of which are equally unknown to me. They also frequently use the american subs as the basis for other translations anyway, so you get a translation of a translation.

  19. 2 years ago

    I’m alright with a little stylistic interpretation, it’s necessary when translating any two languages, but how the frick does this even happen?

    • 2 years ago

      It was another time and was harder for people to know without knowing the first language and playing the game in its language of origin. I don't think many people are against some liberties being used when things just don't translate well or have obscure references to things people of a different cultures wouldn't know but indeed thankfully Working Design like translations died and are gone.

      • 2 years ago

        >Working Design like translations died and are gone.
        to me that's kind of sad and makes me cherish the WD games even more. You're not going to find games like those around anymore

        • 2 years ago

          Fortunately, most games they would have localized don't go untranslated these days. The majority of Japanese publishers have their own western branches to do in-house translation now or partner with someone, with few exceptions. I fricking hate how long Falcom's games take to get localized because they are stuck in the early 90s mindset of not letting their western licensees start translating the game until it's out in Japan already.

  20. 2 years ago

    >recover a lost work of one of the ancient greek plays
    >anglos decide to localize it because it doesn't cater to their gay ideology
    Utter fricking barbarians

    • 2 years ago

      you are either a self-hating anglo, a Hispanic, or a hun. In any case, you're a homosexual. Homosexuality ADJOURNED.

      • 2 years ago

        Don't you have some english kids to abuse you fricking paki.

  21. 2 years ago

    i kinda don't care.
    these localizations happened way too long ago for me to get worked up about it now, and i only really want retranslations for games that never had them, or games that really need one like wild arms 2
    i'm more worried about upcoming games really, because the things happening now are honestly much worse, and you can't exactly depend on fan translations to be any more accurate.

  22. 2 years ago

    Frick "Working Designe", there are Un-Worked Designe patches on nikos rom sites.
    It fixes the overall inbalanced shop that the LOC team fricked up on purpose (666 Gold for some shit - yeah no hidden meaning here) and what not encounter rate. All Working Designe suffer the same symptoms but the patches fix that, the only thing not fixed is the translation as such.


  23. 2 years ago

    Ill take that over the boring ass straight translations of the time like so2 and ill also be grateful i got to play these games young and with reasonable coherency. Are troonys ever gonna get over their seethe for working designs?

    • 2 years ago

      What's so2

      • 2 years ago

        Star ocean

    • 2 years ago

      Star Ocean 2 is a weird one. The JP script is already not the best in the first place, and then the Western release alternates between stilted direct translations and made up lines and censorship.

      • 2 years ago

        Typical Jeremy Blaustein translation.
        Square Enix redid some of it for the PSP version iirc (not the cut biblical references though)

        • 2 years ago

          Was he in charge of the translation? I hope they didn't pay him well. So much attempted direct translation without applying any of the original nuance like a bad machine translation, or condensing lines but skipping out on the most import of them.

    • 2 years ago

      >Are troonys ever gonna get over their seethe for working designs?
      Anon, trannies are the ones making the same shit with localization as working designs did, no way they would hate them.

      • 2 years ago

        of course the homosexual knows that. WD is beloved on his troon reset era boards.
        those subhumans are just innately dishonest and will deflect however they can.

      • 2 years ago

        trannies hate "dudebro" mentality and racial caricatures, both of which saturate WD's translations.
        they also love "authentic" japanese culture and hope to transition into cute japanese schoolgirls

        • 2 years ago

          >muh trannies boogeyman
          Typical Gankertard shit.
          If you look at real trannies on Twitter or Resetera, they absolutely love WD and dream to fix Japan's "problematic" games with their translations.
          They will never admit Working Design's translations were racists and misogynistic because it would open a can of worms by proving that their precious localization industry was always rotten and that they only support it to promote American cultural imperialism.

          • 2 years ago

            >cultural imperial
            mate, have you ever held one fricking job in your life?

          • 2 years ago

            Modern localizers are eager to topple their idols whenever it's time for a remaster and WOULD cancel their older peers eagerly when it's more useful to do so (they get paid for the relocalization and "ethics committee" job)

            Then the end result makes the incomplete original trainwreck seem like a good translation. A mix of the older translation with cut lines, memes, self inserts, and even "meta" jabs at their enemies (the audience, or even other translators like pic related)

            • 2 years ago

              that pic is actually funny and makes good use of the target language. English is a superior language to Japanese, so why shouldn't an Englishman's project embrace this?

  24. 2 years ago

    >localizerchomos now shitting up this board
    Frick off back to hg101.

  25. 2 years ago

    I feel like everyone has already brought up anything I could add. So I'll just echo frick Working Design and anyone who "translates" like them.

  26. 2 years ago

    Had some good laffs and back in the day nobody gave a frick where the game was from, only if it was FUN and had COOL GRAPHICS.

    • 2 years ago

      None of the homosexuals pretending to like WD shit ever played WD's translations.

      • 2 years ago

        None of the homosexuals pretending to hate WD were born before 2005.

  27. 2 years ago

    WD had stellar writing compared to the utter garbage translations common at that time, plus they brought over games nobody else would - they were nerds, just like us! And they made jokes that resonated with their target audience. Anyone who gets mad at them just wasn't there to experience it when the times were right. And so they seethe, having been denied a magical experience of yesteryear by the ruthless march of time, never to come again. But for us it's a time capsule filled with memories and new discoveries of things we have not understood back then. Pity, but YWNBAWorkingdesignsenjoyer.

    • 2 years ago

      That's sarcasm, right?
      I honestly can't tell.

      • 2 years ago

        None of the homosexuals pretending to like WD shit ever played WD's translations.


  28. 2 years ago

    I never got the appeal of Alundra.
    Landstalker is easily in my top 5 favorites games of all times, up there with DKC 2 and Majora Mask. It had the perfect balance between action and cryptic puzzle, only the crypt was too cryptic for me.

    Alundra is the opposite, the puzzles are downright impossible, there is no fun about spending 30 minutes trying to crack something all for a pretty bad game all things considered.

    The redeeming factor of alundra is that the music is rad and the game is pretty dark and mature.

    • 2 years ago

      literally and unironically filtered. the game is hard as frick, yeah, that's part of the appeal. if you couldnt beat it though, that's on you. dismissing a game because you were too shit to beat it is a terrible criticism. also there's plenty of down time, the overworld is huge and holds plenty of secrets so it'a not like you can't go explore and hack away at some monsters once in awhile if you're really getting that tired of puzzles

    • 2 years ago

      I don't remember Alundra being that inscrutably puzzling, execution was the hard part

    • 2 years ago

      I don't know anon I don't think the puzzles have been that crypt no more than any other puzzle game. They all practically spell themselves out "the sun rises in the north" put the sun on top etc. I get more thrown off by the isometric perceptive and miss jumps or miss timing on some of the reaction puzzles. They even have the fortune teller that spells out where you need to go.

      The only cryptic thing I can think of is needing to know you need to jump down that chimney to collect the item to allow trading the Falcons with the second shop owner, but everything else seems pretty well laid out for you.

  29. 2 years ago

    I love everything working designs did but in general hate when translations change too much. I admit my hypocrisy but I'd like to point out that I wouldn't mind the changes modern translators make if they were good. See Trails of Cold Steel for an example of a translator trying to get cute but just making it suck

  30. 2 years ago

    Does anyone have some examples of Japanese localizations for American games?

    • 2 years ago

      Sir Tech is Canadian, but the Wizardry games would probably the best examples of that. Wizardry was (and I think still is) big in Japan

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