So Linda Cube got a translation patch.

So Linda Cube got a translation patch. It's a classic "English translation never ever!" game, so I thought there'd be more people posting about it. Nobody's playing? It's really good, and Linda is very goddamn cute.

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  1. 4 months ago

    Buy an ad. The game was fricking garbage and not even geting publicity via journos shilling it was good enough for you? The fact that the patch maker/troonslator used the project as a platform to push a political agenda is enough for me to declare it slop, but the fact they released it in an unfinished state with errors/mis-TLs/freezes/soft locks should be enough for ANYONE with a brain to dismiss it.

    • 4 months ago

      I've put it aside for now, since I'm replaying Persona 3 FES. Will definitely give it a go once that's done though.

      have a nice day

      • 4 months ago

        >charity donation begging in a translation patch for a fricking video game

        • 4 months ago

          I do not fricking care dude. I repeat, have a nice day

        • 4 months ago

          it's just basic b***h virtue signalling, anon. what do you expect? no one who isn't autistic would translate a 30 year old japanese rpg.

        • 4 months ago

          Is anyone else confused by how that last sentence trails off?

        • 4 months ago

          it makes israelites seethe so i don't mind

    • 4 months ago

      >charity donation begging in a translation patch for a fricking video game

      Oh, so it's not getting discussion because it's got dedicated schizoposters, got it. What kind of person do you have to be to take personal offense at "if you're able to give to those who are in need, please consider doing so"?

      I've put it aside for now, since I'm replaying Persona 3 FES. Will definitely give it a go once that's done though.

      have a nice day

      Yeah, it's really something special. I'm not that far into it yet but I can really see why it's got such a great reputation.

      • 3 months ago

        Less than 10 posts into this thread and already the most homosex comment of the year. How much worse is this going to get as I scroll down?

    • 4 months ago

      Goddamn man I think even if you were deep throating a troony right now there would be no way for them to take any more space in your head

      • 4 months ago

        Learn how the world works. Troons are the endstate of a non-differentiated nerd. Total rejection of reality for the online persona. Replacement of the ego with the object of desire. Pornographied anima possession.

        • 4 months ago

          it sounds like you think a lot about this troony stuff. Bit weird if you ask me.

        • 4 months ago

          You aren't as smart as you think you are.

          • 4 months ago

            neither are u lol but that guy is definitely closer to how smart he thinks he is than you are to how smart you think you are

            • 4 months ago

              >that guy

              • 4 months ago

                >green text

              • 4 months ago

                oh good, you know basic lingo.
                Good job, anon.

              • 4 months ago

                >sassy homosexualry

              • 4 months ago

                cope and, uh, seethe there, m8.
                sorry I hurt your feelings.

              • 4 months ago

                >epic chadpost
                for kekistani my friend

              • 4 months ago

                It's alright, anon. I'll stop being mean for your sake.

              • 4 months ago

                concession accepted. i won't hold a grudge. your forgiven for your stupidity

              • 4 months ago

                What a silly, braindead, anon.

        • 4 months ago

          i agree with you, but what do you mean by "non-differentiated"?

          • 4 months ago

            nerds who haven't had their behavior challenged by interaction, such as those who have their whims infallibly validated.

      • 4 months ago

        I've put it aside for now, since I'm replaying Persona 3 FES. Will definitely give it a go once that's done though.

        have a nice day

        As a troony I hope that

        Buy an ad. The game was fricking garbage and not even geting publicity via journos shilling it was good enough for you? The fact that the patch maker/troonslator used the project as a platform to push a political agenda is enough for me to declare it slop, but the fact they released it in an unfinished state with errors/mis-TLs/freezes/soft locks should be enough for ANYONE with a brain to dismiss it.

        And people like him continue to patrol fricking wiener garbling homos ruining my Japanese fun times with their propaganda. I don't need constant cringe references to mental illness in all my video games.

        • 4 months ago

          "As a troony" is a new one.
          Funny enough, after I finished playing through scenario A I watched a streamer play through the translation of A, and I can confirm that the translation is untouched.

        • 4 months ago

          nobody cares what a self hating mentally ill freak thinks.
          The fact that you added that thinking it would add to your post in any way proves that you don't have an opinion that matters in the first place.
          I would tell you what I told the other anon, but you'll actually do it so there is no need.

    • 4 months ago

      translator already has trans in it, the connection is implicit

  2. 4 months ago


    • 4 months ago

      Maybe you could play Linda Cube while you wait for MM4.

      • 3 months ago

        Already put it on my vita.

        You aren't as smart as you think you are.

        I am way smarter than you, reality denying moron.

        i agree with you, but what do you mean by "non-differentiated"?

        Entire self is constrained by self-selection of media or activities. A real person exists by a balance of the internal and external.

    • 4 months ago

      Not happening
      They lost their only troonslator one year ago(at 75% translation lmao) and now only jerkoff eachother in their discord

  3. 4 months ago

    You frickers will do literally anything but talk about video games, huh?

    • 4 months ago

      What interesting insight can you offer? Game's interesting, wanna try? Game's really medioce outside of premise and story, ignore?

      There is nothing else to talk about here - there is no character building to attract autists, there are no in-game faction philosophies to side with and to flame others for, there are no childhood memories gathering enough nostalgiagays to gush about it. Linda^3 is just 3 stories re-using 80% of assets to tell the same "Noah's Ark in Space" but switching good guys and bad guys around.

      • 4 months ago

        Gameplay Mechanics: This includes the core mechanics of how the game is played, such as movement, combat, puzzle-solving, resource management, etc.

        Storyline and Narrative: Linda Cube features intricate storylines and narratives that can rival those of movies or novels. We can discuss the plot, characters, world-building, and any twists or themes present in the game's narrative.

        Graphics and Visuals: Video games often push the boundaries of graphical technology, so we can talk about the art style, graphical fidelity, animation quality, and overall visual presentation of the game.

        Sound and Music: Sound design and music play a crucial role in creating immersive experiences in video games. We can discuss the game's soundtrack, sound effects, voice acting, and how they contribute to the overall atmosphere.

        Game Design: This encompasses the overall design philosophy behind the game, including level design, progression systems, difficulty balancing, and player feedback mechanisms.

        Technology and Development: Behind every video game is a complex development process involving software engineering, design, art, and more. We can talk about the technology used to create the game, development challenges, and the evolution of gaming technology.

        Cultural Impact: Video games are a significant part of popular culture and can influence society in various ways. We can discuss the cultural impact of specific games, including their reception by players, controversies, and broader societal implications.

        Personal Experiences and Reviews: We can provide insights based on personal experiences playing the game or offer a review based on critical analysis and popular reception.

        These are just some examples, but there are many more aspects of Linda Cube we can explore depending on your interests and preferences! If you have a specific topic in mind or a particular part of the game you'd like to discuss, feel free to let me know.

        • 4 months ago

          >Gameplay Mechanics:
          It's a common JRPG that tasks you to capture pokemon that you don't use at all, culminating in you not doing even that but hunting for cutscenes to progress the story.
          >Storyline and Narrative:
          Linear mindfrick for the sake of mindfrick.
          >Graphics and Visuals:
          MSX game
          >Sound and Music:
          >Game Design
          Open world with linear segments.
          >Technology and Development
          >Cultural Impact:
          Cared about only by Ultra-Weebs like SilentPyramid, and even she got over it immediately after writing the article.
          >Personal Experiences and Reviews
          Cool to look at, not very fun to actually play.

          >there are many more aspects of Linda Cube we can explore
          We don't. The story is intriguing at best, pretentious at worst. The game itself is only mediocre. "Garage: Bad Dream Adventure" is leagues better as a RPG despite being a deranged fishing simulator.

          • 4 months ago

            Ohhhh, so you haven't actually played the game. I find the combat to be really interesting, personally. Or maybe less the combat and more the game progression. Trying to quickly do enough damage to capture animals, but not doing so much that they get killed, is really fun and interesting to me. There have even been times where I've taken off my weapon, put away my dogs, and gone solo to try catching especially weak animals that I didn't find till I wax too strong to catch them with a regular approach. The game is full of fun and weird moments like that.
            As for "cutscene hunting," it's always pretty clear what you should be doing, and when you don't have a goal, it's because you're waiting for a phone call (eg: you've been given downtime to catch animals between story beats). Your post reads like it was written by someone who read the hg101 article and didn't play the game. And why even namedrop Garage when it isn't even an rpg? To get le hardcore creds? You're not on /vr/.

            • 4 months ago

              >Ohhhh, so you haven't actually played the game. I
              Ah boy, here we go.

              > I find the combat to be really interesting, personally.
              Ah, so you don't play a lot of RPGs.
              >Or maybe less the combat and more the game progression
              >The game is full of fun and weird moments like that.
              Fricking "Men At Work 2" mogs "Linda^3" in the whole monster capture department despite it being designed for 1 character only there and not being the story focus, as well as doing every "weird" trick Linda does in gameplay segments, and when you lose to a low effort eroge you know you fricked up.

              >And why even namedrop Garage when it isn't even an rpg?
              Cause it's a much better experience than Linda^3 will ever be, it even scratches the RPG itch despite not primarily being the RPG. There is no reason to waste your time on Linda.

              >Good, informative post.
              It's pretty obvious from the first line that the dumbshit who made that post hasn't played the game though. Maybe you should play it yourself and see, especially if you're not an EOP you have no excuse.

              Keep seething. Linda can't stand on its own and desperately needs you to simp for it.

              • 4 months ago

                >still no direct criticism, just "axually it's bad bc i say it is"
                Just calling a spade a spade. But if you're the type of person who compares actual video games to eroge in earnest, you probably can't be swayed to enjoy anything that doesn't have porn in it.
                If you want to have a conversation about this game, and you must since you keep checking this thread, I'd recommend you play it first.

              • 4 months ago

                >I'd recommend you play it first.
                Keep dismissing.

                >who compares actual video games to eroge in earnest
                When your game fails to beat one in gameplay department? Always.
                >you probably can't be swayed to enjoy anything that doesn't have porn in it.
                So you desided to latch on onto that fake "gotcha". Somebody call Anton, I want to place a call on "Twitter or Reddit".

                >still no direct criticism

                >Gameplay Mechanics:
                It's a common JRPG that tasks you to capture pokemon that you don't use at all, culminating in you not doing even that but hunting for cutscenes to progress the story.
                >Storyline and Narrative:
                Linear mindfrick for the sake of mindfrick.
                >Graphics and Visuals:
                MSX game
                >Sound and Music:
                >Game Design
                Open world with linear segments.
                >Technology and Development
                >Cultural Impact:
                Cared about only by Ultra-Weebs like SilentPyramid, and even she got over it immediately after writing the article.
                >Personal Experiences and Reviews
                Cool to look at, not very fun to actually play.

                >there are many more aspects of Linda Cube we can explore
                We don't. The story is intriguing at best, pretentious at worst. The game itself is only mediocre. "Garage: Bad Dream Adventure" is leagues better as a RPG despite being a deranged fishing simulator.

                What interesting insight can you offer? Game's interesting, wanna try? Game's really medioce outside of premise and story, ignore?

                There is nothing else to talk about here - there is no character building to attract autists, there are no in-game faction philosophies to side with and to flame others for, there are no childhood memories gathering enough nostalgiagays to gush about it. Linda^3 is just 3 stories re-using 80% of assets to tell the same "Noah's Ark in Space" but switching good guys and bad guys around.

                Learn to read.

              • 4 months ago

                It's pretty pathetic to be obsessed with a game you vehemently despise and go into a thread about it just to start an argument. Most people who dislike games just ignore them, not become frothing at the mouth at the mere idea of other people discussing them.
                You must not have a lot going on in your life.

              • 4 months ago

                >It's pretty pathetic to be obsessed with a game you vehemently despise and go into a thread about it just to start an argument. Most people who dislike games just ignore them, not become frothing at the mouth at the mere idea of other people discussing them.
                Go post your threads on reddit instead if you want circlejerking.
                >You must not have a lot going on in your life.
                Getting this mad because someone didnt upvote your thread definitely screams you have a lot going on in your life yup definitely not projection.

              • 4 months ago

                That wasn't op, I'm op. I responded to your shitposts and you have nothing left to say. Frick off sissy.

              • 4 months ago

                I am going to download and play this game because of how much of an enormous homosexual you are. Congratulations.

              • 4 months ago

                you're actually going to download and play it because of how much of an enormous homosexual you are. just saying.

          • 4 months ago

            Good, informative post.
            >Linear mindfrick for the sake of mindfrick.
            >story is intriguing at best
            I've played a lot of untranslated vidya and every time I saw Linda when I was looking for something to play it struck me as one of those games that tricks EOPs into thinking it's something deep and interesting when it's none of the above. I never see anybody talk about it in the japanese retro vidya space, and those guys bring up obscure stuff like Daikaijuu Monogatari and Sansara Naga all the time.

            • 4 months ago

              >Good, informative post.
              It's pretty obvious from the first line that the dumbshit who made that post hasn't played the game though. Maybe you should play it yourself and see, especially if you're not an EOP you have no excuse.

              • 4 months ago

                My excuse is that I have many far more interesting games (and other hobbies, too) to spend my time on than something that always gave me the impression of only being known because it's "weird" and has a few "shocking" moments. Being that I haven't seen or heard anything to convince me otherwise, I have no reason to waste time playing it. Hell, one of the reasons I even entered this thread was to see if anybody had anything convincingly good to say about it that would make me change my mind and give it a try.

              • 4 months ago

                To be fair, this thread has about 2 on-topic posts and the rest are just shrieking about completely unrelated nonsense. But if you'd like my pitch as someone who didn't even know about this game til recently:
                >Extremely unique setting with worldbuilding that you discover via talking to NPCs, it's all very free-form and natural
                >Plot that knows when to be surprising/subvert expectations but also when to give you exactly what you wanted
                >Combat is satisfying and does a good job making you think about what gear you're using
                >Progression is fun and comes in many different formats: powering up by putting animals in the ark, crafting gear, leveling, buying/training new dogs, is all really fun and they flow into each other well
                >in-game time limit gives you a sense of urgency AND contributes to the setting: npcs talk about how they're spending their last days on the planet, what will happen to them after they leave, how people treat the planet now that it's become "disposable" to them. also you can make the time limit more or less strict as a difficulty setting
                >the battle system is very flavorful, if that makes sense. you can get surrounded in all 4 directions by enemies (which makes it much scarier when they call reinforcements), the human characters have very different capabilities that are also thematic to their personalities
                >there's a lot of neat subsystems involving selling, butchering, or crafting with unneeded animals
                >the anime cutscenes are neat
                >linda is very cute

                >despite the battle system being pretty well-detailed, it's still mostly a numbers game: you're not gonna beat a high level animal if your numbers aren't good enough
                >the overworld is super desaturated and kind of bland to look at, visually
                >plot beats of scenario A are a little repetitive

                It's definitely not just purely carried by its edgy moments, but ymmv I guess. I think it's genuinely a really special game and I hope more people will try it eventually.

              • 4 months ago

                >I think it's genuinely a really special game and I hope more people will try it eventually.
                That's fair. I have a few games I feel that way about but most of them come with "but" disclaimers. It certainly sounds more unique that I gave it credit for. I think what would make or break it for me is how much it actually plays into the dystopian future(?) setting. One of my favorite JRPGs for that is Phantasy Star 2, so if it's anything like that I may be interested.

              • 4 months ago

                I don't have a full picture on the setting yet (there's still a huge portion of the world I haven't explored yet despite being done with the first scenario), but so far there's been at least one town that I'd say is absolutely dystopian and fricked up, some NPCs with very concerning things to say about how the government is handling mankind's evacuation from the planet, and some very fricked up treatment of the planet's indigenous Beastman people. I haven't played PS2 but if it's got a neat setting I'll have to put it on my list and bust out the graph paper.

                Ugly Art = Ugly Game = Do not Play

                Good thing Linda Cube's art is frickin cool!

              • 4 months ago

                >I haven't played PS2 but if it's got a neat setting I'll have to put it on my list and bust out the graph paper.
                It's a hard game to recommend, your enjoyment will depend heavily on how much your imagination can work with minimal dialogue, as the game feels more like an NES era JRPG than a SNES one (despite being on the Genesis) in terms of how much text there actually is. The premise is basically a future after ~500 years of humanity being coddled by an AI supercomputer that takes care of everything for them, including the climate. Then, when the AI starts to behave strangely and begins producing hostile mutant wildlife, the majority of humanity is now too weak and clueless to do anything about it. The game has a metallic, oppressive soundtrack and quite a high level of difficulty even for the time (the latter of which I once saw somebody describe as appropriate considering that, in the setting, humanity really has declined, including your party members) which really adds to the atmosphere. There's also some text adventure spinoffs that cover the backstories of each of your party members prior to them joining your party.

                Anyway, I'll put Linda on the list. What version, though? iirc one of the versions had extra content, but was also censored in some ways, or something.

              • 4 months ago

                Yeah that sounds super interesting, damn. No worries on it being simplistic or having less text, some of my favorite JRPGs are NES games so I'm plenty partial to letting my mind run wild with the details. Plus it's been way too long since my last time playing a dungeon crawler.

                For Linda, I did a little research and came to the conclusion that Saturn's the way to go if language isn't an issue. It's got a few extras, and allegedly some of the violence is a little censored on the PS1 version (and that having been said, I've checked out a few of the violent scenes on youtube for comparison and even then, the censorship isn't much). There doesn't seem to be too huge of a difference, though. PS1 and Saturn both have the extra content.

      • 4 months ago

        >no character building
        Other than all the different beast modes you can get, the different ways you can equip your character with the insane amount of gear, the variety of dogs you can get, and don't get me started on routing the game to collect as many species as possible as efficiently as you can to 100% it at the fastest difficulty rating, sure, there's no autism.
        >no in-game factions
        Are you just an asshurt WRPG player? Because this is what an asshurt WRPG player would cry about.
        >nothing to be nostalgic about because nobody played it as a kid
        Time to make new memories then.
        >re-using assets but switching sides
        You can boil any game down to this extent. The scenario system lets you see all of the characters in a much more multi-faceted light than the average game.

        You've read an article or two about it, but it's very clear from your posts that you haven't played it.

        • 4 months ago

          Ope, got my posts mixed up.

          >I'd recommend you play it first.
          Keep dismissing.

          >who compares actual video games to eroge in earnest
          When your game fails to beat one in gameplay department? Always.
          >you probably can't be swayed to enjoy anything that doesn't have porn in it.
          So you desided to latch on onto that fake "gotcha". Somebody call Anton, I want to place a call on "Twitter or Reddit".

          >still no direct criticism
          Learn to read.

          Do you want me to pick your greentext responses apart one by one? Sure.

          >Gameplay Mechanics:
          It's a common JRPG that tasks you to capture pokemon that you don't use at all, culminating in you not doing even that but hunting for cutscenes to progress the story.
          >Storyline and Narrative:
          Linear mindfrick for the sake of mindfrick.
          >Graphics and Visuals:
          MSX game
          >Sound and Music:
          >Game Design
          Open world with linear segments.
          >Technology and Development
          >Cultural Impact:
          Cared about only by Ultra-Weebs like SilentPyramid, and even she got over it immediately after writing the article.
          >Personal Experiences and Reviews
          Cool to look at, not very fun to actually play.

          >there are many more aspects of Linda Cube we can explore
          We don't. The story is intriguing at best, pretentious at worst. The game itself is only mediocre. "Garage: Bad Dream Adventure" is leagues better as a RPG despite being a deranged fishing simulator.

          >It's a common JRPG that tasks you to capture pokemon that you don't use at all
          The animals you capture are required to beat the game, power your characters up, give them new attacks, give your human characters new forms (which can be powered up by gathering certain additional animal types), and said forms also perform differently based on the terrain you're fighting on. And the ones that you don't give to the ark are used via the crafting systems as both equipment and healing items.
          >culminating in you not doing even that but hunting for cutscenes to progress the story.
          You capture monsters between story beats, and you're never "cutscene hunting." The game always tells you what you should be doing when there's something urgent, and other than that you're free to go wherever and do whatever you want.

          >linear mindfrick for the sake of mindfrick
          There's nothing "mindfrick" about the plot. It's weird and violent, with a good spread of strange, funny, and sincere moments. Also "linear" isn't a bad thing in games, especially not for stories.
          >MSX graphics
          Flat out wrong.
          >Music and sound are basic
          No, the soundtrack has a lot of personality to it, especially the battle theme with all the animal cries in it. There's also a neat feature where when you're called on the phone by a character, you can hear the BGM that plays in the location they're calling from. It's very carefully made in this regard.
          >open world with linear segments
          What does this even mean? What are you calling "linear segments"? The dungeons? The ones that are 99% optional?
          >outdated technology
          It's from 1997.
          >only cared about by ultra-weebs
          Perfect for the type of person that randomly brings up eroge nobody played, then?

          Anyway you're a fricking moron. Stop posting about shit you haven't played.

          • 4 months ago

            >The animals you capture...
            Yay, progression. How uncommon for a JRPG. How many of the captured roster do you get to use in batlle, make team composition and develop your playstyle? Zero? Yeah, that' what I thought, it's just padding.

            >you're never "cutscene hunting."
            The very next sentence
            > The game always tells you what you should be doing when there's something urgent
            No cutsecene hunting to progress events the story, yeah.

            >There's nothing "mindfrick" about the plot.
            The very next sentence
            >It's weird and violent
            Maybe those scenes have greater significance? No, it's just shock value made to confuse the player, it reveals nothing.

            >Flat out wrong.
            Flat out right. Cheap spriting made with outdated MSX techniques with subpar overlaying and detailing.

            >No, the soundtrack has a lot of personality to it, especially the battle theme with all the animal cries in it.
            He says about the soundrack built of basic b***h secondary track loop overlayed with non-harmonised main instrument. Even the botched soundwise DOS port of Waxworks has more personality that this OST.
            >It's very carefully made in this regard.
            Changing background track has never been an noteworthy achievement.

            >What does this even mean...
            Yes to all.

            >It's from 1997.
            Yes, the year FF7 was released.

            >Perfect for the type of person that randomly brings...
            That's rather hypocritical for you to say. Also, a single mention of an eroge buckbroke you? Kek.

            >Stop posting about shit you haven't played.
            Keep saying this to yourself.

            It's pretty pathetic to be obsessed with a game you vehemently despise and go into a thread about it just to start an argument. Most people who dislike games just ignore them, not become frothing at the mouth at the mere idea of other people discussing them.
            You must not have a lot going on in your life.

            >to be obsessed with a game you vehemently despise
            So you didn't read

            What interesting insight can you offer? Game's interesting, wanna try? Game's really medioce outside of premise and story, ignore?

            There is nothing else to talk about here - there is no character building to attract autists, there are no in-game faction philosophies to side with and to flame others for, there are no childhood memories gathering enough nostalgiagays to gush about it. Linda^3 is just 3 stories re-using 80% of assets to tell the same "Noah's Ark in Space" but switching good guys and bad guys around.

            >Most people who dislike games just ignore them
            Why should I ignore a moron trying to present the game for what it isn't?

            I am going to download and play this game because of how much of an enormous homosexual you are. Congratulations.

            A single post from that anon is what triggered you? Linda^3 is cursed to attract idiotic fans, it seems.

            • 3 months ago

              >game gives you animals to capture
              >assume that it simply MUST work like pokemon
              >get absolutely mindbroken by the fact that it doesn't, ignore all the gameplay benefits that the system gives because "BUT IT ISN'T POKEMON"
              Okay dweeb lmao

            • 3 months ago

              >So you didn't read

              What interesting insight can you offer? Game's interesting, wanna try? Game's really medioce outside of premise and story, ignore?

              There is nothing else to talk about here - there is no character building to attract autists, there are no in-game faction philosophies to side with and to flame others for, there are no childhood memories gathering enough nostalgiagays to gush about it. Linda^3 is just 3 stories re-using 80% of assets to tell the same "Noah's Ark in Space" but switching good guys and bad guys around.
              No, I did. I just correctly guessed that nobody who thinks a game was mediocre would get this pissed off that someone was talking about it. You can pretend all you want, anon. The truth is obvious and only becomes more obvious the longer you sit here and seethe in this thread.

  4. 4 months ago

    I was waiting for a translation for that game for a long time but when it finally came out it did so at a time I just so happened to have a lot of games on my pipeline and I don't really feel like playing a JRPG so soon. I'll still eventually play it though.

  5. 4 months ago

    Ugly Art = Ugly Game = Do not Play

    • 4 months ago

      I unironically thought this game was made in the west for how "western" the drawing is

  6. 4 months ago

    So I heard there are 3 scenarios in this game but that scenario C is some sort of speedrun mode with a lower time limit. Does the last scenario exist solely for the challenge or does it actually form an overarching plot with the other two?

    • 3 months ago

      No, scenario D is the speedrun one, which you unlock after beating Scenario C. Scenario C is basically pure open world with no real plot besides "get the animals". You have some sidequests with a small plot each time (you will receive calls from time to time to unlock the quests), but not really an overarching story like the first 2 scenarios.
      Each scenario is self-contained when it comes to story. Events in Scenario A are retconned in Scenario B, which is retconned in C, they're like parallel universes or whatever. But the world of the game has a consistent lore, and Scenario C is where you really get to explore and discover more about it. Some stuff from Scenario A and B make more sense after playing C, but don't expect a typical overarching plot.

  7. 4 months ago

    I literally only found out about this game today, anyone else?

    • 4 months ago

      Its a obscure japan only title from 1995 for the TurboGrafx-16 console(what the frick even is that?) that didnt get even a fan translation until 2024.
      Everyone besides op is hearing about it for the first time(and probably the last time) today.

      • 4 months ago

        I've heard of it before.

      • 4 months ago

        The game got a decent amount of coverage in Japanese mags from back in the day, especially the Saturn port (probably also the original PCE version but I haven't checked out many PCE mags) and it's been on the list of "JAPAN ONLY UNTRANSLATED RETRO JRPGS" for a long time now so if you're even somewhat in that scene you've heard of this game before.

  8. 3 months ago


    >the point is that it's padding that doesn't contribute to the gameplay loop's diversity
    I've already explained quite a few times in this thread how the animal capturing system significantly contributes to the "gameplay loop's diversity," you're just shitposting because you're a schizo.

    • 3 months ago

      >you're just shitposting because you're a schizo.
      So you're at the"currently projecting" phase now. Cool.

      >I've already explained quite a few times in this thread how the animal capturing system significantly contributes to the "gameplay loop's diversity,"
      No, you gave a list of static/conditional/situational upgrades expected of like 99% of JRPGs.

      • 3 months ago

        Nope! In Linda, each new monster you find is an opportunity for
        >a new weapon, which could have a unique effect
        >three new pieces of defensive gear, each of which could have unique resistances
        >new types of meat, which could provide different benefits during battle
        >a stat boost for each new species registered
        >potentially unlock a new skill for either ken or linda
        >potentially unlock a new beast form for either ken or linda
        >potentially power up an existing beast form for either ken or linda
        >an opportunity to take it to the butcher to see if it's got anything inside of it
        >if it's a dog you can register it and raise it, and dogs have their own stats and abilities
        >some of them require specific approaches to capture and some of them have unique methods to make them appear
        >unique sprites, behaviors, and stats for male and female animals
        On top of having some pretty cool designs. Compare that to the standard JRPG where there's literally no difference if you're fighting a Slime or a RedSlime and it's pretty obvious that every new encounter in Linda is exciting.
        But you'd know all of this if you'd played the game!

        • 3 months ago

          >lists static upgrades once again expecting different result.
          >it's pretty obvious that every new encounter in Linda is exciting.
          Now I'm starting to think that you didn't play it.

          • 3 months ago

            You said that the animal capturing system isn't significant, I explained the ways that it is. Are you ESL? Because it seems like you're having trouble following conversations, even ones that you yourself are a participant in. Either way, I'm done explaining to you like a baby what sets this game apart from other games.
            Hope you try the game out someday!

            • 3 months ago

              >I explained the ways that it is
              You mean affirmed that all the upgrades are static bonuses proving me right. You even got desperate and threw in sprite difference and AI behavior as something LITERALLY EVERY JRPG doesn't do.

              >Compare that to the standard JRPG where there's literally no difference if you're fighting a Slime or a RedSlime
              Keep gaslighting like all JRPGs do is make you you fight same script models like LInda^3 doesn't do the very fricking same.

              >Hope you try the game out someday!
              The 4'th post, huh.
              >Because it seems like you're having trouble following conversations
              Gaslight me more, will you?

  9. 3 months ago

    No link yet?
    The Dungeon Travelers gays always deliver. Medarot, SRW, EO, everyone
    Learn to promote your niche game, man

    • 3 months ago

      I don't expect the average person on Ganker to need a spoonfeed, simply get it on CDRomance.

      • 3 months ago

        it's not spoonfeeding
        promote your game
        make it easier for people to get into it
        instead of arguing with a raging autist who hasn't played the game yet has some sort of vendetta against it

        • 3 months ago

          he already gave the site name, that's like 50% of the work already done. You don't even have to patch it.

  10. 3 months ago


    I'm a different anon, moron. It's truly pathetic at this point.
    You just keep digging the hole deeper and deeper, dude. The more you engage in this shitflinging the more it shows how much you hate the game and the people who LIKE it.
    >this is normal here
    No it is not, you are an autist. Probably a LITERAL autist. Do not conflate other morons with the normal population of this board. It's bizarre that you think this is how normal posters react to so-called "mediocre" games.

    >lists static upgrades once again expecting different result.
    >it's pretty obvious that every new encounter in Linda is exciting.
    Now I'm starting to think that you didn't play it.

    Fricking reddit autist thinks he's a 'le ebin Gankerner'

    • 3 months ago

      >I'm a different anon, moron. It's truly pathetic at this point.
      Yeah, misreferencing on an anonymous forum. Truly, the consequences will never be the same. Seriosly though, I'll take my L, I seriosly though you the guy.

      >Do not conflate other morons with the normal population of this board.
      >the normal population of this board.
      Tourists are not the normal population, anon.

      >It's bizarre that you think this is how normal posters react to so-called "mediocre" games.
      It's bizarre that you think this is NOT how normal posters react to games on this board, both for good and bad games. Shitposting and b***hing about trivial shit is what makes things fun around here. Did you miss the whole Reanposting, Gothicshilling, Vegas(de)baiting and NotAnRPG-ing?
      >No it is not, you are an autist. Probably a LITERAL autist.
      Yep, you most likely did.

      >Fricking reddit autist thinks he's a 'le ebin Gankerner'
      Now to fling your idiocy right back at you,
      >You just keep digging the hole deeper and deeper, dude.

      • 3 months ago

        >hurr durr the shitposters are the normal population
        Honestly this is just the cherry on top.
        But you already admitted to being moronic, so I'll leave you be.

      • 3 months ago

        >Shitposting and b***hing about trivial shit is what makes things fun around here.
        people like you are what is making this site worse and worse every year
        The shit you did in this thread wasn't "shitposting"

  11. 3 months ago

    pretty shocked that this game mindbroke some anon. is it because the translator mentioned Palestine?

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