So Unicorn Overlord is out in less than a month. this one really crept up on me. Looks like it might be kind of neat.

So Unicorn Overlord is out in less than a month. this one really crept up on me. Looks like it might be kind of neat. Got an Ogre Battle thing going on.

UFOs Are A Psyop Shirt $21.68

DMT Has Friends For Me Shirt $21.68

UFOs Are A Psyop Shirt $21.68

  1. 4 months ago

    Vanillaware's non-action games are all slow as molasses, repetitive to death and just plain boring, considering that OB was already like that in the first place it's not looking good. Plus it seems like their art is worse this time around, and almost like they (over)used AI to make it all.
    The setting looks super generic too, it's definitely no futuristic kaijuXmecha stuff of 13 Sentinels or cute witch school of GrimGrimoire.
    So overall I'm still interested because at the end of the day it's still Vanillaware, but I am rather skeptical for this one.

    • 4 months ago

      >and almost like they (over)used AI to make it all
      wait, are you telling me the only thing worth a shit about these tacticslop is made by AI? can you back that up?

    • 3 months ago

      >13 Sentinels is slow
      That shit flew by so fast for me. Was surprised that I'm already nearing the end as there's just something happening every time. Fun times. Wish I could forget everything about it and be able to experience it again.

    • 3 months ago

      >13 Sentinels

      have that actually coming in the mail 2+ days after only ever playing the PS2 version of Odin Sphere,was it true it's more along the lines of a VN then action game?

      How long is it around 50 hours?

      • 3 months ago

        Took me around 50-60 hours, it's half a point and click adventure and half a tactics battler
        It's excellent and if you like sci-fi, anime and anime sci-fi you'll love it

    • 3 months ago

      >Shills saying you should play this slop because of the ART and the WAIFUS
      >Is literally AIslop

      • 3 months ago

        Hey look, another AItard without a brain.

    • 3 months ago

      >Shills saying you should play this slop because of the ART and the WAIFUS
      >Is literally AIslop

      >and almost like they (over)used AI to make it all.
      No evidence they used AI, frick off

      • 3 months ago

        Look picrel moron

        >Shills saying you should play this slop because of the ART and the WAIFUS
        >Is literally AIslop

        • 3 months ago

          Frick off moron

  2. 4 months ago

    >Bland protagonist who looks like a b***h
    >Cheap porn-tier waifu bait to hide the fact you have 0 remarkable companions
    >Pathetic backstory about your useless mother
    >Tacticslop with 0 roleplaying or story
    Looks mediocre

    • 4 months ago

      based moron

      • 4 months ago

        he's not wrong tho

    • 4 months ago

      By roleplaying you mean having sex with your companions right? That is ALL you BG3 players thinks about. Same kind that thinks roleplaying in tabletop is acting with funny voices.

      • 3 months ago

        By roleplaying it means having doctrines and policies that shape your army beyond recruit beastman/human choices and some railroaded moral choices ala ogre battle

        Think Wartales or Battle Brothers where personality traits and backgrounds lead to personality clashes with both the population and the army. But UO feels like it's going to be your typical good army vs baby eating evil empire

        • 3 months ago

          >Think Wartales or Battle Brothers where personality traits and backgrounds lead to personality clashes with both the population and the army.
          this is massively overstated to the point of dishonesty. these events in battle brothers were pure rng about whether they came up and you had little to no control over them. it's a superfluous element that took even more control out of the player's hand in a game that was already very high in variance due to lots rng rolls being glorified coinflips and there being very few of those rolls in any given combat round.

    • 3 months ago

      Frick off obvious warpig troony

  3. 4 months ago

    I'm pumped for this game, it looks pretty good, assuming from all the footage thusfar.

  4. 4 months ago

    I saw the newest trailer. I liked when Gandalf said: use your force, Harry, and play missions in any order you want. Now, the question is, if the game allows you to go wherever you want, will they allow you to go right into strong fight and die like a dog because you deal 0 damage, or will the game's difficulty scale with your levels? (meaning, a map close to your starting position would be much harder if you decide to do it way way later in the game)

    • 4 months ago

      A bit of both, if I had to guess. There probably will be some scaling both ways, but non-linear and with taking some sort of base map level into account.

  5. 4 months ago

    I adore Ogre Battle, I'm irritated Vanillaware is practically forcing me to pirate it by continuing to snub PC though. I stopped buying consoles after last generation and although I love their entire catalog I'm not buying a console for one game.

  6. 4 months ago

    cant wait for FEgays (read: 3Hgays) to play this for a week, get bored, and then go back to complaining about how FE isn't epicly mature and morally grey enough like unicorn overlord, just like with triangle strategy and tactics ogre

    • 4 months ago

      Frick you, obsessed anon. I'm getting this game day one. Tactics Ogre is great, Triangle not really.

      • 4 months ago

        >I'm getting this game day one.
        that's stupid
        no i'll be playing the game myself and honestly, i would love nothing more than for unicorn overlord to be both extremely good and successful. maybe then people with giant sticks up their asses who want the creators of Paper Mario/Warioware to make Gritty Realistic Medieval Fantasy SRPGs like literally everyone else who still makes SRPGs not named disgaea would frick off and let me enjoy the nintendo moronation and bright colors, but i doubt it

      • 4 months ago

        >Triangle not really
        Frick you, Triangle was the best thing to happen to the genre in the recent years.

        • 4 months ago

          I will tolerate your obvious bait.
          Unless you start praising Octopath as well; then I'm gonna be really mean toward you.

          • 4 months ago

            >obvious bait
            As if. I'm completely serious.
            >praising Octopath
            I won't, but only because it's in an entirely different genre that has no relevance to this conversation.

          • 3 months ago

            Octopath 2 was actually good

            • 3 months ago

              It was better.

            • 3 months ago

              1 was okay too

              • 3 months ago

                One was ok, but had some of the worst fricking decisions I saw for a JRPG in a long time.

              • 3 months ago

                >some of the worst fricking decisions I saw for a JRPG
                Such as? Aside from having 8 separate stories thing, I get that me liking it is an unpopular opinion.

              • 3 months ago

                Grinding was a b***h and a half. You can only level up members in your party, and the only way to significantly boost exp gain was through the random effect of one class.

              • 3 months ago

                >Grinding was a b***h and a half.
                The way I played it I don't remember having to do any grinding at all. Maybe like 1 hour (in a 55-hour game) near the end to get a bit more JP for different strats. Though, granted, I almost never ran from encounters either.

                >the only way to significantly boost exp gain was through the random effect of one class
                I did find that class before switching to the second party so that helped. And also an accessory that does the same and stacks with the class passive. There's also a similar class passive + accessory for JP, too.

        • 4 months ago

          I still haven't really sat down with Triangle. I've had it since launch.

      • 3 months ago

        tactics ogre was good until the end. slogging thru potd is gay af. random drops are gay af. needing a guide to see what drops where is gay af.

        • 3 months ago

          I mean it is all postgame shit not really integral to seeing the game proper, I don't see why you'd do it if you didn't like it.

          • 3 months ago

            >not really integral to seeing the game
            that's where you're wrong kiddo

            • 3 months ago

              CODA is a meme

  7. 4 months ago

    I wouldn't buy or play tactics ogre again. I wouldn't play FFT again without cheats.
    I will play this game though.
    They're different games.
    Matsuno isn't coming back.
    The SRPG genre as a whole isn't going to follow his slow lead.
    He stole money.

    Vanillaware can steal my money as long as they don't touch my virginity.

    • 4 months ago

      Sir, this is Ogre Battle

      • 3 months ago


  8. 4 months ago

    Doesn't have a PC port which means it's practically dead on arrival.

    • 4 months ago

      >This is what PeeCee gays honestly believe.

      • 4 months ago

        It's true thoughever.

        • 4 months ago

          Yeah no, the nintendo version is going to dominate.

          • 3 months ago

            >tendies buying something that isn't their infantile first party slop
            I doubt it.

            • 3 months ago

              Switch version will sell more than PS5 version.
              And when it does, you will change the tune and say that "it's because tendies buy shit games".

  9. 4 months ago

    In this game everything is connected on one vast field and it's up to the player to decide where they go next. The reason for this is that I wanted to avoid writing such as "This is why we came here, and then we must move on to our next destination because of some such reason". Instead, if the player makes the decision of where to go next, the reasoning for their decision will already be laid out within themselves. This is another element present in older RPGs.

    (Continuation from the above) So that's why you created a system with a high degree of freedom that allows the story to be experienced in any order
    A (Noma): Since the entire in-game world is connected on a single map, and the field itself is vast it becomes impossible to "lie" about it to the player. For example, if you just show a map and say "There are 100,000 soldiers in this grassland so we must avoid them" the scene still works even if the soldiers don't actually exist in the game. However, in this work you can actually go to that location and you'd find there aren't actually 100,000 soldiers there (laugh) so the story had to be constructed without using expressions like that which was challenging.
    (Still continued from the above two) Even so, you still settled on a system that allows you to traverse the game's regions and attack them in any order you'd like?

    A (Noma): Personally I enjoy RPGs with a high degree of freedom. The way the player decides to move around the map is part of the story they are creating for themselves. If a player thinks "Lets move south first and then attack from there, moving northward" that will be an experience unique to them. With that in mind, I thought it would be easier and more natural to create a story where we focused on the characters and events of a given region, allowing them to be completed in any order. Of course, there may be situations where you'll be asked "This area may be tough, are you sure you want to proceed?"

    • 4 months ago

      Other things from this interview
      >No perma death
      >Possible to recruit all characters in one run
      >Some characters' recruitment is conditional, but no mutual recruits and none with super obscure "secret" type condition recruitment

      • 4 months ago

        well that's assuring to know.

      • 4 months ago

        meant to type mutually exclusive recruits

    • 4 months ago

      Seems they did at least think about the open world aspect, I did worry that it was just slapped on.

      Other things from this interview
      >No perma death
      >Possible to recruit all characters in one run
      >Some characters' recruitment is conditional, but no mutual recruits and none with super obscure "secret" type condition recruitment

      >No perma death
      Good, it really isnt necessary.
      >Possible to recruit all characters in one run
      Also good, I like to get all recruitable characters in games like these in one go, especially if the playtime is high.
      >Some characters' recruitment is conditional, but no mutual recruits and none with super obscure "secret" type condition recruitment
      No examples on these conditions? Obviously there will be "You need X person in your army to get this character" kind of stuff but I'm curious how strict the requirements are for some of them.

      • 4 months ago

        >No examples on these conditions?

        I imagine it's going to be largely stuff like
        >Help me stop these bandits!
        >Bring me X amount of Y!
        >I don't hang around with weaklings below level #

      • 4 months ago

        >Seems they did at least think about the open world aspect, I did worry that it was just slapped on.
        They say that the overall story doesn't change depending on the order you go in but there will be lite reactivity depending on characters being present or not/overall progress so yeah it sounds like they thought about it.
        >No examples on these conditions? Obviously there will be "You need X person in your army to get this character" kind of stuff but I'm curious how strict the requirements are for some of them.
        They were intentionally vague other than the one example they did give which was "Obviously if you want to recruit a character but you didn't recruit the person that was necessary to recruit them you won't be able to".

        More stuff
        >Alain's ring and its companion ring are very important to the plot but they refused to go into details
        >When asked if there was romance in the game like past Vanillaware games they were intentionally coy with a "There's a lot of characters in this game so for now let your imagination run wild and you might hear more about this in the future" type answer.
        >While they've shown side-scrolling like cutscenes there's no element of being able to actually navigate scenes like this in gameplay ala 13 sentinels or Odin Sphere. They're solely for story telling purposes
        >In terms of amount of unique assets this is the most work they've ever done on a game, characters, there's some expressions and poses players might not ever even see but they put a lot of effort into them. Characters requiring mounts basically took twice the work because they needed to make double the assets for them.

        • 4 months ago

          Part of me actually really wants to go into this with more blindness. I'd really like to be able to actually be surprised by what's there.

        • 4 months ago

          >On the world map there's no random battles but there are enemies that may block your path that start combat (Not the simulation/strategy type) right away. In cases like this you need to defeat the enemy in one "battle" to clear them off the map or else they just heal to full. This is also what they use as a way to let the player know if they may be too weak for an are
          >If you were "advantageous" in these battles the enemy won't disappear and will still heal but you'll be able to pass through them to the other side if they were blocking you (Will require you to fight again to cross back).
          >The field map has a day/night cycle and some events only trigger during one time or the other
          >There's map attacks like super robot wars that can influence the battlefield on a macro level like AoEing units before combat starts or a tornado that disrupts movement
          >There's a fame mechanic for the army but they didn't go too much into it, TBA later
          >Noma (Artist & Lead for this project) says he loves strong females and Yamamoto (Atlus Producer) says he personally loves the beastwomen especially
          >Since the game was being developed at the same time as 13 sentinels there's probably some stylistic overlap in their design in terms of the map combat

          • 4 months ago

            the game was being developed at the same time as 13 sentinels there's probably some stylistic overlap in their design in terms of the map combat
            That long? So they've been at it a while then.

            • 4 months ago

              Yeah, 13 sentinels development was a documented shitshow that went way over its projected timeline
              That's why they included the Unicorn Overlord teaser with 13 Sentinels

          • 4 months ago

            >Field map has a day/night cycle
            Do some npcs show in the field map? I hope the quests markers will still show up if you’re in the wrong time. Having to cycle day and night just to see the sidequests were annoying in other games like Xenoblade

            • 4 months ago

              Supposedly there will be differences in day and night with some NPCs only showing up in one or the other.

  10. 4 months ago

    I hope there'll be a demo
    Feel like this is one of those games that would benefit a lot from one

    • 4 months ago

      I do wonder about that. There's been those videos being released showing off the mechanics, but we've only gotten one main trailer. And the amount of previews is pretty small. Maybe that rumored Nintendo Direct has the next trailer and a Demo announcement.

  11. 4 months ago

    Chloe is a ruffle muffin

    • 4 months ago

      >Voiced by Nao Toyama

      • 4 months ago

        Ah man she's going to lose lose lose.

    • 3 months ago

      chloe my waif

  12. 3 months ago

    >Leadership skills
    >Active skills
    >Unit programming a la FF12 gambits
    >FE style supports
    >Interspecies marriage with kemono girls

    Yeah, we be GAMING

    • 3 months ago

      This game is stuffed with things and mechanics, I'm impressed. But I do hope that vanillaware hasnt bitten more than they can chew. There's way more moving parts in this than your average VW game.

    • 3 months ago

      Most importantly
      >True successor to Ogre Battle gameplay
      Fricking finally

      • 3 months ago

        >slow as frick watered down RTS with autocombat is apparently something to be excited about
        oh how the tastes have fallen

        • 3 months ago

          You were filtered and don't get it

          • 3 months ago

            >no actual argument
            as expected

            • 3 months ago

              You didn't present anything that would warrant an argument

    • 3 months ago

      If I can give the wedding ring to my almost dead butler just like in Engage, I will buy 3 copies of this game.

  13. 3 months ago

    It's getting overshadowed by FF7R.

    • 3 months ago

      I dont think those two games have any real audience overlap, maybe in terms of coverage but it's on
      which helps

      • 3 months ago

        >which helps
        Because 7R isn't on Switch. There's massive overlap for JRPG players.

  14. 3 months ago

    Why won't vanilla ware make arpgs anymore? Why can't we have nice things?

    • 3 months ago

      what ground is there left to cover in that genre for them after Muramasa, DC and Odin Sphere?

      • 3 months ago

        Might as well retread some old ground, I definitely wouldn't mind a sequel (even if only spiritual) to any of those games.

      • 3 months ago

        Might as well retread some old ground, I definitely wouldn't mind a sequel (even if only spiritual) to any of those games.

        They already did it 4 times. George is probably already tired of the genre.

  15. 3 months ago

    so close

    • 3 months ago

      >The generic protagonist doesn't even appear in the promotional material
      Lmao, JRPG protagonist went from edgy chads to literally who's that are not even important on their own game. Also they're going with the """open world""" route to hide the fact the game has 0 engaging content, like an actual cohesive story or quest design. Instead they will let you go around doing "free missions" (spoiler: kill trash mobs) while the cuck protagonist throws shit lines.
      Tactics is such a shit genre.

      • 3 months ago

        He was in the first artwork they showed you dumbass. These are countdown artworks showing different characters.

        • 3 months ago

          Lmao sure he was posted in another promo art while this one features the two female leads, are you sure you're not deluded tacticsloppper?
          >This is the new fire emblem tactics ogree new final fantasy tactics
          Man you just know the game is going to be downright terrible when shills can't be more evident

          • 3 months ago

            You can just go play the demo right now and if you don't like it, that's okay.

  16. 3 months ago

    Being able to organize, use any item and swap close units before a fight is extremely generous for a game without permadeath.

    • 3 months ago

      Played a few hours of the demo. I am very much vibing what the game is selling.

      It's still appreciated all the same.

  17. 3 months ago

    Demo's fricking great but I'll b***h a bit anyway
    >story is completely forgettable
    >let's set the stage, you're a hopelessly outnumbered remnant of the old kingdom faced with overwhelming odds saving the world from oppression, or worse
    >also here's your klutzy fiery tempered red head sidekick and his caretaker who follows him around and wipes the drool from his face
    >some female designs could have maybe split the difference between wearing a literal bikini and garterbelt with something more practical
    >everything fire emblem
    >babby's first army starts out with like 4 guys in 2 units total
    I was ready to start army building right away, but by 3-4 hours in I had 4 squads with 3 mans each. So the rate at which your options expand grows pretty quickly. There's going to be lots of fun customizing your squads, sculpting the AI orders and swapping units around to make the 'perfect' units. The rock paper scissors balance is not that big of a deal, because you can shore up weaknesses by e.g. putting a fighter in squads of griffon knights to catch arrows for them, or you can lean on their strengths and forego the fighter to better capitalize on their speed and power
    The movement types seem well balanced, flyers get less stamina so they'll still have to retreat behind your meatwall sooner or later
    I would have liked different actives based on the row you're in. As it is, there's gonna be a lot of juggling units every fight to make sure the right guys are tanking damage, there's no downside to swapping melees to the back or anything, but meh

    Personally I would have preferred they take everything inspired by fire emblem by the root and ripped it out. Rapport system is gay, having some moron to recruit every mission is gay, I just want to hire guys from forts to have full customization of my army
    Game's still probably going to be a 10/10 if you like srpgs though

    • 3 months ago

      What are your thoughts on consumables, were you using them a lot? I'm usually the worst hoarder you've ever seen, but in this game the fights really drag on if I have to send a unit to sit in a base for 4-6 hp per tick instead of just using a potion to heal 30 instantly. Is there any reason to be stingy with them at all?

      • 3 months ago

        You are capped on item usage to 10 per mission on expert so there's not much of a point to hoarding
        I used about 1-3 items per mission. Units did sit on bases to heal occasionally for me but you don't have nearly the time to keep doing this forever either. If I had bought and stocked more items I may have used them a bit more. Probably optimal play is to split the difference between spartan and hoarder. Also you can't buy infinite of any item because shops only stock a few of each item. Everything you do with money feels like you have to at least consider other alternatives because there are a lot of options competing for it (weapons, gear, consumables) and you aren't given enough money to just buy everything all the time.

        >I just want to hire guys from forts to have full customization of my army
        then do it moron, you can say no or die to like 80% of the recruits in the demo

        Yeah but I can't help but feeling I'm missing out on something even when I don't want to use a guy. Game says that some recruitment is based on earlier recruitment. I don't want to lose out on some hard ass mfer because his younger cousin i saw 2 chapters before was a screechy pasty faced b***h that I rejected.

    • 3 months ago

      >I just want to hire guys from forts to have full customization of my army
      then do it moron, you can say no or die to like 80% of the recruits in the demo

    • 3 months ago

      Give it to me straight. Is story really going to be as forgettable as The DioField Chronicle? What is it with SRPG stories that cannot get things to be interesting?

      • 3 months ago

        It's a 7 hour demo with not a lot of the "main" plot, so no one knows.

      • 3 months ago

        it's already much more interesting than diofield, vanillaware are pretty good at stories in general

        What makes an RPG? Fricking your companions and dialogues options?
        Really, what is the basis for calling It not an RPG and what is and RPG for you?

        nta but this is a strategy game
        for example, tactics ogre is an (s)rpg, ogre battle - not really

      • 3 months ago

        Demo's fricking great but I'll b***h a bit anyway
        >story is completely forgettable
        >let's set the stage, you're a hopelessly outnumbered remnant of the old kingdom faced with overwhelming odds saving the world from oppression, or worse
        >also here's your klutzy fiery tempered red head sidekick and his caretaker who follows him around and wipes the drool from his face
        >some female designs could have maybe split the difference between wearing a literal bikini and garterbelt with something more practical
        >everything fire emblem
        >babby's first army starts out with like 4 guys in 2 units total
        I was ready to start army building right away, but by 3-4 hours in I had 4 squads with 3 mans each. So the rate at which your options expand grows pretty quickly. There's going to be lots of fun customizing your squads, sculpting the AI orders and swapping units around to make the 'perfect' units. The rock paper scissors balance is not that big of a deal, because you can shore up weaknesses by e.g. putting a fighter in squads of griffon knights to catch arrows for them, or you can lean on their strengths and forego the fighter to better capitalize on their speed and power
        The movement types seem well balanced, flyers get less stamina so they'll still have to retreat behind your meatwall sooner or later
        I would have liked different actives based on the row you're in. As it is, there's gonna be a lot of juggling units every fight to make sure the right guys are tanking damage, there's no downside to swapping melees to the back or anything, but meh

        Personally I would have preferred they take everything inspired by fire emblem by the root and ripped it out. Rapport system is gay, having some moron to recruit every mission is gay, I just want to hire guys from forts to have full customization of my army
        Game's still probably going to be a 10/10 if you like srpgs though

        Man tactics game that like to stick with "war chronicles" usually are the most forgettable stories

        • 3 months ago

          Oh no, a game that doesnt waste its player time with shitty railroaded storytelling and instead lets you immerse yourself in its world and focus on the gameplay possibilities it offers.

          • 3 months ago

            >grinding trash mobs in an empty generic "open world" map
            I shiggy diggy

            • 3 months ago

              >grinding trash mobs
              this doesn't exist, there's no respawn of overworld mobs

            • 3 months ago

              Surely youd like It a lot more if you were instead grinding dialogue choices so that you could frick your frog waifu right?

              • 3 months ago

                unironically choosing what girl you want to frick would make this tacticslop more of an rpg than it actually is now

              • 3 months ago

                Petition to add sex to Unicorn Overlord.

              • 3 months ago

                Back to BG3 and other dating sims with you

  18. 3 months ago

    I buy games for their art and I'd do it again.

  19. 3 months ago

    dragonforce bros we are going home

    also should i emulate on ps4 before i get too far in? yuzu plays fine so far

  20. 3 months ago

    >Use Berenice to summon a wall of mercenaries
    >Works fine until they get to the boss and end up healing them because they can't get through the gladiator meatshield

  21. 3 months ago

    The demo was really fun.

  22. 3 months ago

    Played the demo, this truly is the Ogre Battle of our time. Fire Emblem gays need not apply

  23. 3 months ago

    Looks moronic. Seems appropriate for the demographic they are going for. Not an RPG too.

    • 3 months ago

      What makes an RPG? Fricking your companions and dialogues options?
      Really, what is the basis for calling It not an RPG and what is and RPG for you?

  24. 3 months ago

    >i love denuvo, please give it to me, atlus

  25. 3 months ago

    Tried the demo, loved it.

  26. 3 months ago

    Man this is one long ass demo, a bit over 3 hours in, just beat the fat hammer guy. Great game so far.

    • 3 months ago

      Yeah, I'm having fun with it. I told the thief with the sob story to frick off (lemme see your supposed sister first), don't know what that's going to do later.

      This is on the list now, but god, there are so many RPGs coming out this spring I have no idea when I'm going to actually play them all.

      • 3 months ago

        I did that too, but I also let the archer guy live at the church who was in the same organization and was trying to help the thief, I really wonder what's going to happen

        • 3 months ago

          I did that too. The thief sounded like he was lying, but the archer sounded like he just bought his buddy's story. No idea what will happen either.

          Man tactics game that like to stick with "war chronicles" usually are the most forgettable stories

          Yeah, the overarching plot so far is generic and forgettable so far, but wandering around the map getting into fights is fun, and some of the side stories are mildly interesting. Mostly I had a great time just painting the map blue.

    • 3 months ago

      the demo was nuts. I got over six hours of play time out of it and going by some of the threads it seems like I missed a lot. I'm really looking forward to being able to sink my teeth into it and take my time with things.

  27. 3 months ago

    level cap stats

  28. 3 months ago

    I don't have access to the demo right now, is it possible to recruit generic male wizard characters?

    • 3 months ago

      I havent played the demo but from what I understood from watching the footage of it, every base/fortress/whatever has a set amount of generics you can recruit. Like "In this fort you can recruit one generic thief, one generic soldier and one generic wizard." and you can obviously customise them as you wish. So yes you can recruit a wizard (and I think all wizards just happen to be male by default), if you find a fort-thing that gives you that option.
      Someone correct me if I got that wrong, I might have misunderstood the process, theres just so many systems in this game.

      • 3 months ago

        Thank you, anon. I'm glad to hear that.

  29. 3 months ago

    Is putting melee units in the back reduce their damage output? Thinking of putting my melee characters behind the thief so he can tank everything

    • 3 months ago

      Try it and find out? Every fort has a guy that will fight you so you can test your strategies before a real battle.

  30. 3 months ago

    Who is best girl and why is it Nina?

    • 3 months ago

      Pony tail.

      • 3 months ago

        I really hate the big Hammer of this class. Its makes no fricking sense, zero verossimilitude

      • 3 months ago

        I love the aesthetic of small girl with big hammer

  31. 3 months ago

    why can my generic Knight just keep attacking forever?

    • 3 months ago

      They regain 1 ap every time they score a killing blow and this repeats forever

      • 3 months ago

        is this why Knights are better than Radian Knights?

        • 3 months ago

          radiant knight is a defensive support class
          knight is offense
          totally different roles

        • 3 months ago

          Yeah, sure, I think it's apparent in the demo that characters with lots of attacks or lots of aoe with an offensive focus are generally better than units that are more defensively oriented. Radiant knights have mdef as their highest stat which is not going to be useful at all unless they're eating magic attacks

          • 3 months ago

            Yeah, the strat seem to be just put a rogue in first, then absolutely load backrow with magic, axe, and bow users.

  32. 3 months ago

    do you get more damage out of volley assists if you have more Hunters/casters in that unit doing the assist?

  33. 3 months ago
    • 3 months ago

      >arrow pointing down
      you can clearly see he's looking directly at her face but you're trying to make it look like it's her breasts

  34. 3 months ago

    I hate how it's virtually impossible to discuss the game on Ganker now. Bunch of fricking lunatics over there.

    • 3 months ago

      Whats ruining the discussion over there? I cant be bothered to go and check.

      • 3 months ago

        Some autist on Ganker and twitter has been posting translation comparisons that show the English translation is super tryhard in rewriting all the dialogue to sound purple prose-y and "Shakespearean", with some people reposting them. This has caused some localizers and their defenders on twitter to throw a shitfit about chuds criticizing their translations, leading to more ragebait arguments over it on Ganker.

        • 3 months ago

          Jesus christ, thanks for telling me, I will avoid all discussions about the game until its out then. I swear, translation arguments make everyone flip their shit.

          • 3 months ago

            It's not that bad. The translation anon is usually ignored while people still discuss the game anyway. This is the current thread up


        • 3 months ago

          You're right, but it's basically all been contained to its own threads with the game's threads being left alone. Surprisingly.

        • 3 months ago

          The translation is blatantly tryhard, even in the demo, but that's sadly common nowadays. I think in ten years we'll probably get a backlash against that, just like we did against the kind of translations we got in the 90s.

          But the game is still fun, and that's the important part.

          • 3 months ago

            Probably not, we still have morons that defend modern Dragon Quest localization.
            Every day I wake up and thank god that I learned Japanese so I can laugh at everyone on both sides of the argument.

          • 3 months ago

            ppl wouldn't complain so much about it being tryhard if it took itself seriously and was executed competently. the ffxii localization is praised to no end. the problem is these hack wannabe writers have made the game worse rather than better. this all stems from them thinking they're
            A: funnier than they actually are
            B: more competent than they actually are
            C: superior to the creator of the original work
            So in the end, rather than presenting an eloquent localization they come off as pontificating their own flatulence.

        • 3 months ago

          I wonder what the Japanese writers think of this. I work as a writer for games and apparently one of the games I wrote was translated really terribly into Russian. It made every character swear excessively and talk like a gangster. Russians told me the entire tone of the game changed from dramatic to comedic because everyone - from children to professionals - spoke like a mobster. Personally, I thought it was pretty funny and I wish I could read it.

  35. 3 months ago

    I'm looking forward to the game being released. It might be a bad idea to completely avoid the demo, but I already know I'm going to love it. I hope the wizards have cool spells and that it's possible to have a wizard-only squad that exists for the sole purpose of exploding problems.

  36. 3 months ago

    I'm hesitant to even call this an RPG, much less a "tactics" game. Why does the autobattle system feel so shit to me?

    • 3 months ago

      Because you're too dumb to dig in and learn how to use it.

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