So we got 5e planescape. Is it any good? How badly were things butchered?

So we got 5e planescape. Is it any good? How badly were things butchered?

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  1. 7 months ago

    It was Planescape was never good.

    • 7 months ago

      I may agree but that's not a reason to make it worse.

      • 7 months ago

        It was Planescape was never good.

        I'm hearing a lot of ''but I didn't bring extra character sheets, you're supposed to make a hug box where nothing bad could ever actually happen to my character''.

        You homosexuals need to grow the frick up and play some motherfricking ADnD.

    • 7 months ago


      Planescape 2e is a cool piece of fiction and a great coffee table book, but it's not a good RPG play aid.

  2. 7 months ago

    the art was good.

    • 7 months ago

      >art was good.
      yes, some of that was indeed good

    • 7 months ago

      I still remember how some sperg tried to prove to me that they couldn't hire DiTerlizzi because he's too expensive for WotC lmao. Get fricked you cretin. I love such moments so much.

    • 7 months ago

      Not even 10 illustrations are good, the rest is shit like picrel. The very few that are good really are tho...

      • 7 months ago

        That feels like repurposed art from Wilds of Eldraine considering that set has rats and desserts turned into monsters as themes. Certainly does not read as Planescape from a glance that's for damn sure.

      • 7 months ago

        that’s what the b***h from lazy town looks like now?

        • 7 months ago

          made me giggle

          • 7 months ago

            Jesus. That fricking show.
            >adult women, sexy strong and fit as hell, dressed as and pretending to be a little girl.
            Fricking hell that show was so, so, so VERY wrong.

      • 7 months ago

        For context, I'm only aware of Planescape because Torment exists and I've never played it on the tabletop. But how the frick are these two things from the same setting?

        • 7 months ago

          >But how the frick are these two things from the same setting?

          Because of about 25 years of cultural change, and the face that D&D is now owned by Wizards.

          Planescape was...not exactly "edgy", but fairly new and original. Part of the problem with Planescape 5e is that you can never recapture the magic of something new's not new anymore. But another part is that every single thing Wizards puts out is focus-grouped into banality. that's till better than all of the shitty editing and fact-checking from all the smaller companies though

          • 6 months ago

            Yeah, Planescape is a very 90's D&D setting which I personally enjoy but other people can find grating and WotC is entirely unable to replicate either deliberately or via lack of talent.

            • 6 months ago

              My biggest gripe with Planescape is that it's too self-referential for its own good. It only really is parseable to a fan of D&D

        • 7 months ago

          As far as the collective consciousness is concerned, Planescape is a video game setting, and some errata.

  3. 7 months ago

    it was trash when it came out, text could not be read due to color the language was bad and the whole setting of course, and will be a nightmare from the depths of tartatus as a modern setting. Parades of homosexuals, but in sigil.

    • 7 months ago

      >the language was bad
      Do you mean the made-up jargon that they wrote it in to confuse the readers?

      • 7 months ago

        The confluence of all paths and doors in the Multiverse can stand to have some confusing slang.

        • 7 months ago

          But we don't love in the confluence of all paths and doors in the Multiverse. Presenting setting information in-universe is very cringe. Imagine if history textbooks were written in Middle English.

          • 7 months ago

            It's not hard to understand. It's just harder to understand, with lower useful information density and quite cringeworthy. Like some Lovecraft stories have segments in them written in the hillbilly dialect. I can read that, but it's not a pleasure.

            It's incredibly cringy shit and only failed writers who want to write novels instead of encyclopaedias write like this.

            You have to be 18 to post here, kid. Get a better vocabulary, you tool.

            • 7 months ago

              Cringe is a regular English word that is very appropriate in this case.

      • 7 months ago

        I was 14 when I first read the Planescape 2E books and I didn't have any problem understanding the text.

        • 7 months ago

          It's not hard to understand. It's just harder to understand, with lower useful information density and quite cringeworthy. Like some Lovecraft stories have segments in them written in the hillbilly dialect. I can read that, but it's not a pleasure.

          • 7 months ago

            >and quite cringeworthy.
            Ah, I wish you had led with this. Would have saved me some time.

            • 7 months ago

              It's incredibly cringy shit and only failed writers who want to write novels instead of encyclopaedias write like this.

              • 7 months ago

                I don't engage with zoomers.

              • 7 months ago

                Being wrinkly and smelly doesn't make you a better person.

      • 7 months ago

        Pike it, berk!

      • 7 months ago

        They pretty much just used wienerney rhyming slang which made some sense as Sigil was somewhat based on Victorian London.

  4. 7 months ago

    Planescape is gonzo fun and people here are too stuck on their own asses for it, they only talked about it in the past because it was old so pretending to like it gave them "gamer cred"

  5. 7 months ago

    It's pretty hard to butcher something that was slop in the first place.

  6. 7 months ago

    It mostly focuses on the gate towns rather than the planes, with a medium amount of info on Sigil and the factions therein. Art was pretty good, rules were awful, all the slang and grimy Victorian atmosphere got dropped, and it reads like a [Current Year] corporate-approved diversity marketing brochure.

    5/10 read the originals instead

    • 7 months ago

      Did we get any moronic revisions like turning Falkovnia into a generic zombieland?

      • 6 months ago

        More like nostalgic revisions, with factions and factols back in Sigil operating as such, ignoring the stupid faction war metaplot’s ending of 2e. Which isn’t really a bad thing.

        • 6 months ago

          >stupid faction war metaplot’s ending of 2e

          >People insist that Monte Cook is a good designer
          >Talk about all how he created Planescape
          >Not only did he have nothing to do with Planescape's creation, he only worked on stuff at the end of the line, which included completely forgettable supplements and the two worst adventures ever written.

          Oh, and for those arguing about the Lady - the climax of this adventure hinges on the players realizing that the Lady of Pain could never be beaten in a fight.

    • 7 months ago

      Sounds like they didn't learn their lesson from Spelljammer

      • 7 months ago

        God, that was so egregious.
        >Space Ship combat setting
        >No actual ship combat rules

        • 7 months ago

          Uhhh... you can make a Sleight of Hand check to steer the ship, anon!

        • 7 months ago

          WotC has been like that for the past decade. 5e books are fricking bereft of mechanics and new content and people still go
          >maybe this new book will add more rules and mechanics to the game!
          and then it doesn't and everyone who paid for that shit feels ripped off and thinks stamping their feet will make WotC change. Then they see the new book announced and think
          >maybe this new book will add more rules and mechanics to the game!
          And it happens to them AGAIN and they still don't learn.

          • 6 months ago

            i'm almost convinced they've cut nearly all budget from playtesting and "development" because that is hard to run in parallel.

            the writing model is a team of freelancers who each get a slice of the total content. if they introduce too many actual rules, that would require playtesting and someone to smooth those rules out across all of the chapters. so we don't get AD&D where every subsystem gets its own logic.

            but playtesting requires more time and effort than write --> edit --> art --> publish. and that's very hard from a project management perspective where you have HARD deadlines to reach because of printers in china and distribution dates.

    • 7 months ago

      This implies that it's completely and utterly average. It's not. It's 2/10 at best. Even if you're desperate for Planescape and somehow enjoy 5e and so on and so forth, it's still only maybe a 3/10 or 4/10 precisely because the old books exist.

      In no universe is it 5/10.

    • 6 months ago

      I’m annoyed as hell that Ravnica has a better faction system than planescape. Was it that hard to copy it over? The Ravnica book felt like they were just trying to use it to replace planescape with more mtg shilling anyway.

  7. 7 months ago

    Don't lump me in with you, 5aggot.
    >Is it any good?
    Of course it isn't. It's nu-era Wankers of the Coast.
    >How badly were things butchered?

    • 7 months ago

      5e board

      • 7 months ago

        >implying 5e is a game

        • 7 months ago

          Is is THOUGH

        • 7 months ago

          Is is THOUGH

          5e is a way of life. It transcends concepts of game in a way that breaks down barriers and beings people together.

          • 7 months ago

            No, it's a shitty product that isn't even intended for use for its advertised purpose and has a shit-ton of false marketing and a cavalcade of defenders ready to cry in vehement rage when anyone says anything bad about it.
            The only "way of life" it embodies is the way of suckering morons out of their money.

            • 7 months ago

              Actually, as someone who actually ducking plays, 5e is the closest Fighter has come to ADnD fighter in forever. Battlemaster is the fricking breasts.
              Rogue X Bard quadruple? Quintuple? Expertise makes skillmonkeying mean you don't have worry about losing out on skills. And, as ever, wizard and cleric now have some really neat utility spells you really do want to take and keep prepped so that your casters aren't ever just boring ass losers AOE NUKE HURR DURR.
              Freely using higher spell slots also makes some 'basic' spells obscenely devastating.

              No one wants to go near a higher level 5e cleric thanks to inflict wounds. Cast that fricker with a high level slot and watch the target fricking melt.
              5e allows every class to shine.
              So long as the DM isn't a HUGBOXing homosexual.
              If you actually track the shit you are supposed to track, wizards etc aren't running the shit, because they actually have to husband their slots and components carefully, making them much closer to BOOK wizards in classic fantasy. And while long rest is needed for the casters, the fighter get to shine while the party is getting pressed, refreshing over short rests.
              Yes. It's 'simple'. But that doesn't necessarily follow that it's BAD.

              HELL MY FAVOURITE VIDEO GAME RIGHT NOW is solasta. And that's pretty much straight 5e SRD.

              • 7 months ago

                Tell us how your personal anecdotal experience with a good DM doing good things for your good group disproves the existence of morons who give D&D credit for the personal edits they/other people made (false marketing), and the fact that its creator went on record saying "you don't even need the books" in the context of being a DM (product isn't intended for its advertised purpose), because those two things were the points of the post you decided to spill your subjective guts to.

              • 7 months ago

                Logical fallacy. 5e provides a good toolkit to make good games.
                A SHIT GROUP and a shit DM will ruin ANY toolkit. And game.

                This sounds like a You Need Better Friends problem.

              • 7 months ago

                "My ability to flip flop on my standards whenever I want" isn't an argument, and it doesn't disprove anything I said. If you believe a bad DM doing things badly with a bad group doesn't make D&D bad, then you shouldn't espouse that a good DM doing things well with a good group makes D&D good. D&D is either responsible for its alterations or it isn't, so frick off with switching your stance when it's convenient.
                What has factually happened in the D&D environment as a whole isn't changed just because you had a good experience with it. But keep vehemently crying in a rage just because someone dares point out something negative with your precious product.

              • 7 months ago

                Has no battlemaster right? Frick SRD.

              • 7 months ago

                Solasta fricking sucks and so does the Battlemaster.

              • 7 months ago

                >Cast that fricker with a high level slot and watch the target fricking melt.
                Oh boy, I sure do love doing 50 damage to monster with 210 HP. That's melting them alright.

            • 6 months ago

              the gap between marketing and product for 5e has been growing over time. spelljammer and dragonlance were egregious examples of this.

    • 7 months ago

      Why should anyone take your butthurt post seriously when you didn't present a single actual gripe with the new book. You're like that annoying schizo who used to spam the shark from AoS.

  8. 7 months ago

    Setting book is utter trash, we lost so much for the caker guild (who thinks reality is a cake, whatever that means), no more brothel of slacking intellecutal lusts, hello gastrognome, the restaurant where the chef is a gnome (if at least it was a place where you can eat the shitty brats...) Goodbye Quentil Paracs, hello succubus mayor (?) who wants to destroy the ribcage (??) to serve hell's plan (???)

    2/10 (I'm feeling generous because some of the art is good)

    Campaign : Ahahahahahahahahah!

    It is utter trash, it reads like someone who knows nothing about the setting applied for the job, got it and read a few wiki to cram as much easter eggs as possible while microwaving the most generic sandbox campaign. Oh and the bit about everyone complaining about campaign ending around level 10-12? No lie, the campaign goes to level 10,you touch a mcguffin, get 7 level, fight the boring boss, the end.

    1/10 because 0 would be a blank page.

    Bestiary : meh, I don't play enough 5e to have a gameplay opinion, lot of the art is trash, some of it is good.

    • 7 months ago

      Slight correction; the Brothel for Slaking Intellectual Lusts was never canon in the 2e tabletop. It was invented for Planescape: Torment, and I don't think it ever got explicitly referred to in 3e... maybe in 4e, but I can't be sure.

    • 7 months ago

      >lie, the campaign goes to level 10,you touch a mcguffin, get 7 level, fight the boring boss, the end.

      I wish everyone could grow a pair and admit the D&D levelling system is shit and should be collapsed to 10 levels max. They've butchered or removed so many other "iconic" pieces of D&D already, why not change the one thing almost everyone agrees is wrong with the system? Half the classes don't have enough content to fill out 20 levels to begin with and would struggle even with 10, and you can still have your 9 levels of spells. The game would immediately improve in every regard if they just made it 10 levels max. It's such an easy solution and every single table I've run loves it. There's no reason it can't officially be a 10 level system besides legacy shit nobody cares about anymore anyways.

      • 6 months ago

        4e tried that with it's heroic/paragon/epic tier system, but as with everything deemed "4e" it got buried.

        >ummm she's super strong and super invincible and stronger than any other character that ever existed or ever will exist and she's so fricking amazing and nobody can beat her!
        >bro it's not like she's not overpowered or anything she's just symbolic and stuff!
        Symbolic of what? Girl power?

        Sigil's independence from the planes as a whole. She exists to be the reason that Sigil isn't the frontline of every war between non-adjacent planes while at the same time being a planar nexus.

    • 6 months ago

      the scenario does feel very paint by numbers while also trying to be a new take on "great modron march."

      and the actual events in the gatetowns are mostly an outline as opposed to an actual adventure. everything reads like they were given a page limit and told "you cannot exceed this much content."

  9. 7 months ago

    The Lady of Pain was always a moronic Mary Sue girlboss for submissive men to fap over. The kind of gross "male feminist" degenerate that likes to get pegged and stepped on. Ick.

    • 7 months ago

      Lady of Pain was none of that. She was intended to be a force of nature rather than an entity to be interacted with.

      • 7 months ago

        The Lady of Pain is simply a contrivance to help explain why gods are kept out of Sigil. She's explicitly made unknowable as part of her role and never supposed to be an actual character outside of being a symbol.

        >ummm she's super strong and super invincible and stronger than any other character that ever existed or ever will exist and she's so fricking amazing and nobody can beat her!
        >bro it's not like she's not overpowered or anything she's just symbolic and stuff!
        Symbolic of what? Girl power?

        • 6 months ago

          Are Gods overpowered in your opinion?

          • 6 months ago

            >Are Gods overpowered in your opinion?
            You mean the gods that compete with each other? No. The BADASS BOSS b***h that can stomp all of them combined single handedly? Yes.

            4e tried that with it's heroic/paragon/epic tier system, but as with everything deemed "4e" it got buried.

            Sigil's independence from the planes as a whole. She exists to be the reason that Sigil isn't the frontline of every war between non-adjacent planes while at the same time being a planar nexus.

            >Sigil's independence from the planes as a whole. She exists to be the reason that Sigil isn't the frontline of every war between non-adjacent planes while at the same time being a planar nexus.
            That's dumb and gay.

            • 6 months ago

              >Are Gods overpowered in your opinion?
              >You mean the gods that compete with each other? No. The BADASS BOSS b***h that can stomp all of them combined single handedly?
              I don't see the point of making up fallacious claims about Planescape in a thread where everyone already knows about the setting. Are you really just looking for a reply?

        • 6 months ago

          Ganker secondary get ye gone

    • 7 months ago

      The Lady of Pain is simply a contrivance to help explain why gods are kept out of Sigil. She's explicitly made unknowable as part of her role and never supposed to be an actual character outside of being a symbol.

  10. 7 months ago

    Regardless of this particular implementation, I'm glad to see Great Wheel cosmology return as the default.

  11. 7 months ago

    Tfw no aasimar gf

  12. 7 months ago

    >there's an untouchable god in the setting
    >interaction with said god implies game over
    >see??? god is girlboss?! mommy dommy?!?!?!
    jesus christ some people here are mentally handicapped

  13. 7 months ago

    The nerfing of the factols in the 5e Planescape books is exceedingly unsatisfying to me. They suffer the indignity of using preexisting statistics blocks. Factol Terrance of the Athar goes from being a 19th-level priest in AD&D 2e to a mere challenge 5 with middling skills and magic. Factol Rhys of the Transcendent Order goes from being a 15th-/15th-level fighter/mage to just a challenge 8 with mediocre skills and no magic. And so on and so forth for the other factols.

    It stretches my suspension of disbelief how these people can successfully run an interplanar faction without being hopelessly outfought, outskilled, and outmagic'd by celestials, fiends, and other planar entities, let alone all the gods that Factol Terrance opposes. The new Factol Terrance has Charisma modifier +0 and no social skill proficiencies; a generic deva can outfight, outdebate, and outmagic the new Factol Terrance without a sweat. The new Factol Terrance does not even have Religion proficiency.

  14. 7 months ago

    Turn of Fortune's Wheel is a troubled adventure ( I would like to focus on one important aspect: the ending and how it intersects with player agency.

    During the middle act, the PCs are tasked with visiting several of the Outlands' gate-towns. They must record what they see of these, for lack of a better term, suburbs of Sigil. The DM is supposed to note whether these accounts are accurate, or skewed.

    At the end of the adventure, the PCs' account is uploaded to and disseminated across Mechanus's modron collective. The PCs were never previously informed that their account would be uploaded to and disseminated across Mechanus's modron collective. This is where things get unintuitive, because the consequences are foreshadowed absolutely nowhere.

    • Most likely, the PCs give a minimum-effort, yet ultimately accurate account. In this case, the Great Wheel's status quo is simply preserved.

    • If the PCs' account presents the gate-towns in a positive, optimistic, good-aligned light, all modrons across the multiverse take this as a sign that rebalancing is required. The modrons of Mechanus begin to besiege the forces of good across the planes.

    • If the PCs' account portrays the gate-towns in a negative, pessimistic, evil-aligned light, the converse happens. Modrons across the Great Wheel suddenly start to oppose fiends and other maleficent entities.

    • If the PCs depict the gate-towns as chaotic, then the modrons double down and even more vigorously oppose chaotic creatures.

    • If the PCs cast the gate-towns as lawful, then the modrons withdraw to Mechanus in such a way as to leave chaotic beings unaccounted for across the multiverse.

    • 7 months ago

      • The good/evil axis and the law/chaos axis do not seem mutually exclusive. For example, if the PCs somehow managed to describe the gate-towns as lawful evil, then the modrons could withdraw to Mechanus for the most part, except to strike out at fiends.

      • Even if you personally dislike the idea of getting modrons to fight fiends and other evil forces across the Wheel, many players would find such a scenario more palatable than the opposite: "And now modrons are opposing celestials and other forces of good."

      How would you adjust and foreshadow this to better respect player agency?

      In other words, yes, this is an adventure wherein being positive and optimistic gets you the bad ending, and being a pessimistic doomer earns you the good ending.

      Furthermore, it is not modrons that seek balance. That would be the rilmani, who appear in the Planescape 5e set, including the adventure.

      • 6 months ago

        it feels like a fundamental misreading of the modrons.

        the alignments/gods want to expand *their* perspective and get others to believe their approach. modrons are LN. they want LN to win, always.

        you are absolutely right that it is the rilmani who would be the arbiters of balance.

  15. 7 months ago

    This is why you pirate your literature before purchasing a hard copy.

  16. 7 months ago

    No one gives a crap about planescape until it had a cult CRPG. Dragon lance was the most popular D&D setting until the Drizzt books and Baldur's gate games made the forgotten realms the main setting.

  17. 7 months ago

    Original books are nice. I still have them. I have no desire to look at new age products anymore. They played on my heartstrings one too many times.

  18. 7 months ago

    I love this art but I don't actually know what it's depicting, or how it relates to the Inner Planes.

    • 6 months ago

      Dude is summoning a Giant Sphere of Elemental Water. That's it.

    • 6 months ago

      Always thought it was just cast off art from Dark Sun.
      Brom is the artist (The darksun main artist, and art director). Dark Sun and planescape overlapped time wise. And the style just looks so dark sunny.
      Even if Brom intentionally did make this for the express intent of being used in planescape, his style, and theming choices is just so different it doesn't mesh.

  19. 6 months ago

    For anyone who wants the real Planescape 5e pic related is what you want. It's written in the same style and with the same detail as the original setting. You can get its on DM's Guild or even the High Seas on NewVola right now.

    • 6 months ago

      Did you write it, you flaming fricking troon?

  20. 6 months ago

    if you buy it for the bestiary and Sigil politic books it's like 6.5/10 but the actual module is like 5/10. I just tore it up and made my own fun planescape adventure out of it.

    • 6 months ago

      >tear it up and make your own adventure
      Crazy 8s's advice is correct... for pretty much every RPG out there. Checked.

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