So what actually went so, so wrong? I know no King rules forever but still...

So what actually went so, so wrong? I know no King rules forever but still...

Also try not to devolve in to Culture War bullshit for at least a little while, please.

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  1. 10 months ago
    • 10 months ago

      Activision is cover for how shit blizzard was already.

  2. 10 months ago

    Shitty video games.

  3. 10 months ago

    I grew up on early Blizzard titles. It seems the talent left years ago and was replaced by mediocre or downright inept writers and developers.

    • 10 months ago

      most of the founders have already left or been fired

    • 10 months ago

      most of the founders have already left or been fired

      This. None of the guys who made Starcraft are left. They are only Blizzard in name by now. Same as Cspcom. A company is only as good as their talented employees.

      • 10 months ago

        Hey, do you know where all the Starcraft went?

        • 10 months ago

          OG Starcraft devs left and founded Arenanet and GW1

      • 10 months ago

        >Same as Cspcom
        itsuno is still there

  4. 10 months ago

    It starts with World of Warcraft.

    There's a goddam documentary about it, watch it:

    • 10 months ago

      why every israelitetuber need to show their ugly face

    • 10 months ago

      You could observe the change in real time with WoW, since there are no separate games, just updates where all the new things clash with the old.
      What hits you right away is how they changed from the soulful art style by Samwise inspired by Frank Frazetta, to the soulless run of the mill calart Disney/Pixar-like slop.

    • 10 months ago

      >it's a youtube video from some guy's basement

  5. 10 months ago

    Allowing addons in WoW

    • 10 months ago

      Good luck with that. Every single guild, no matter how casual, required them. If LFR was meant to ease the burden on new players, it failed miserably, because it heavily enforced add-ons.

      • 10 months ago

        >heavily enforced add-ons

  6. 10 months ago

    Success attracts parasites that eventually kill the host.

  7. 10 months ago

    They got too big and too corporate for their own good. The immense success ended up ruining them.

  8. 10 months ago

    You should really be asking what went so right with their early hits. The quality fell off a cliff so fast it makes the OG Diablo/Starcraft/Warcraft feel like flukes.

  9. 10 months ago

    Morhaime's fricking greed. The company traded hands between Activision, Vivendi, then a version of Activision which was just Kotick and his closest buddies investing heavily for ownership. Everytime the company was sold contracts and conditions became worse, while resources were reduced.

    That said, it's ironic that developers didn't want to unionize until long after all hope was lost, and most of the secondary team bailed.

    As far as WoW, the moment Ion Hazzikostas was put in charge.

    • 10 months ago

      >the moment Ion Hazzikostas was put in charge
      It's astonishing whoever manages him looks at the past couple of expansions and thinks Ion is doing a good job and deserves to continue acting as game director.

  10. 10 months ago

    It's run incredibly cynically by accountants and executives from food, beverage and unrelated industries. Under the last CFO all project meetings had to have someone of the finance department present.

    They pay entry-mid level workers so little, some have to live in cars and can't afford to eat at the cafeteria. There's a former product manager who posted about how they changed to Riot at the same level and doubled their salary, Blizzard pays so little.

    It's an incredibly employee hostile company, run to maximize profit. It's a wonder the produce anything good.

    • 10 months ago

      Considering the breast milk situation at Blizzard. It makes sense for the accountants to be cynical when it comes to beverages

  11. 10 months ago

    First post best post

  12. 10 months ago

    No one gives a shit anymore


  13. 10 months ago

    I can't speak on the company as a whole, but as a long time Overwatch player, I can say that games decline is
    >adding competitive mode and making an esports league when it was mostly played as a casual party game
    >Turning ana into a sacred cow hero who is never allowed to get a serious nerf despite having the 3 most broken abilities in the entire support roster. And having to design every subsequent support hero around her
    >copying the cattlepass cash shop model every other game has and actually doing it the worst out of everybody (Instead of having premium currency in the battlepass that you can buy the next one with, they literally made invented a second currency that is only used to buy items you already unlocked in overwatch 1) instead of improving it like they did with lootboxes
    >not updating the game for 3 years and then cancelling the PvE that made them stop updating it to begin with
    It's a shame, the new character is the most fun one they added in like 4 years, the new PvE missions are a lot of fun, the new gamemode is pretty cool, but the game as a whole will always be viewed as a clownshow

  14. 10 months ago

    companies don’t just just maintain the same quality standards by throwing an endless stream of gamedev students into the meat grinder. it actually takes a lot of concerted effort to be able to run a large company with a coherent brand that doesn’t just make by the numbers garbage & cash grabs. the reason disney was able to have a renaissance in the 90s is because the old guard spent the 70s and 80s directly training the new guard to do exactly what they do, the was a deliberate effort to make sure skills & knowledge were passed down and that the great animators would all have a direct successor in place before they died.

    • 10 months ago

      How the mighty have fallen.

  15. 10 months ago

    What went wrong can be boiled down to the company being taken over by crazed activist full of mediocrity on one end, and hand rubbing, yacht owning israelites on the other.

  16. 10 months ago

    Hot take: League of Legends and Fortnite making billions ruined Blizzard.

    They used to be fine with making fun shit like HotS and Overwatch 1. They put effort in, they made games people sincerely liked.

    Then we start seeing shit like "League earns 1.7 billion in skin sales worldwide". Activision execs are MBAs, not video game nerds. they smell money in the air. You can see it in HotS's history. "Here's an anime girl hero" "What game is she from?" "Heroes don't have to be from 'games'. Look she's a spunky anime brat. Buy her for money." The HotS e-sports tournaments weren't getting 5m views so they pull the fricking plug on it. Forgetting the game has a dedicated player base, it's very well made, it simply isn't getting the CEOs closer to their billion dollar goal so frick it. Dump it.

    Then they start to appeal to China (silencing people fighting for Hong Kong's freedom or anyone who so much as mentions Taiwan) for global money. They start selling more and more shit in the WoW shop. Diablo Immortal exists. They've completely restructured their company to ape the valuable games in an attempt to get the billions of dollars that they crave more than anything.

    • 10 months ago

      pretty good take, they crashed the company on the rocks of esport, seduced by the prospect of billions that never eventuated

    • 10 months ago

      >Then they start to appeal to China (silencing people fighting for Hong Kong's freedom or anyone who so much as mentions Taiwan) for global money.

  17. 10 months ago

    ESG makes you money in the short term but long term it destroys your company. Simple as

    • 10 months ago

      No it doesn't, you absolute moron. You market to more demographics and so you make more money. It's common sense.

      Inbred hicks from /misc/ see someone not from Alabama and start crying about funding. A fake boogieman takes the blame for poor direction. What about BG3? Oh, a privately owned company from Europe made that, so you can't apply your fake boogieman there.

      • 10 months ago

        Tell that to bud light and target

      • 10 months ago

        you don't sell more games by forcing gays, trannies and minorities into them and removing all semblance of sex appeal

  18. 10 months ago

    Bobby Kotisraelite and his inner israelite

  19. 10 months ago

    went woke
    got broke
    during MoP they went on a massive recruitment drive and attracted a lot of acronym people and the acronym people bullied out the talent

    • 10 months ago

      I remember how bad the following expansion was.
      You were the one playing, but the story was about some feminist and the dialogue was stupid stuff like "LITTLE GIRL", and then she'd beat up a bunch of orcs.
      There are no more people with morals and thinking capabilities left.
      Videogames are over. All we can do is come here to read bad news about the industry.

  20. 10 months ago

    The only game I ever cared about was Overwatch, since they updated it and called it a sequel, for some unknown reasons, I dropped it. That's it. I am not holding my breath for their games anymore, unless they will redeem themselves somehow. To me the only kings of the industry are Rockstar, Naughty Dog, Santa Monica studios, Insomniac Games. I picked my studios, if Blizzard wants to join, they would have to do better than this, if not, that's fine, someone will eat their slop anyway.

  21. 10 months ago

    The last diablo video where two trannies play D4 as bad as possible can tell you alot

  22. 10 months ago

    >Also try not to devolve in to Culture War
    But that's literally it. Doesn't matter how you want to spin it. Libtards killed gaming.

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