So what happened to piratesnoys saying Nintendo "can't do anyhing legally" to fight emulation?

So what happened to piratesnoys saying Nintendo "can't do anyhing legally" to fight emulation?

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  1. 3 months ago

    They're seething hard now that Nintendo made up 2.4m in revenue out of it while they were morons LARPing as lawyers

  2. 3 months ago

    they still can't aslong as the creator(s) isn't moronic about it

  3. 3 months ago

    People are in denial, and don't understand de-facto precedent.

    This DOES make emulation illegal. Even completely separate projects like dynarmic shutdown out of fear.

    If I sue you for breathing air, the courts would instantly deny/dismiss this lawsuit because breathing air is legal.

    If you can easily be sued, and the court accepts the lawsuit, and you're forced at gunpoint to accept a massive settlement because you're guaranteed to lose at trial, then it IS illegal.

    • 3 months ago

      >de-facto precedent
      moronic third worlder. This isn’t Schrödinger’s cat. Either something is illegal, or it isn’t. Without a court decision (ie, settling doesn’t count) no legal precedent is made.

    • 3 months ago

      The Yuzu devs were moronic and had shit behind paywalls and it was rumored that they had secret channels in Discord to get ISOs from. Want to know why Nintendo didn't go after Ryujinx too? They didn't do stupid bullshit like that.

      • 3 months ago

        >they had secret channels in Discord to get ISOs from
        It's 100% this that got them in trouble.

      • 3 months ago

        discord gayness strikes once again

    • 3 months ago

      Here in freedom land, the Courts are rarely gatekeepers. That's your job with a motion to dismiss.

    • 3 months ago

      I get what you're trying to say, but this case doesn't create any precedent for that. It was already true.

      • 3 months ago

        People are in denial, and don't understand de-facto precedent.

        This DOES make emulation illegal. Even completely separate projects like dynarmic shutdown out of fear.

        If I sue you for breathing air, the courts would instantly deny/dismiss this lawsuit because breathing air is legal.

        If you can easily be sued, and the court accepts the lawsuit, and you're forced at gunpoint to accept a massive settlement because you're guaranteed to lose at trial, then it IS illegal.

        This doesn't set precedent becaise there is no ruling, the case was settled. The only ruling we have ever had was Bleem! versus Sony, which Bleem won but then had to fold because of lawyer fees.
        No emulator is going to go head to head with a multi billion company

    • 3 months ago

      >because you're guaranteed to not have the capital to outlast a giant company at trial, then it IS illegal.
      No pablo, that's not how it works. The Bleem case didn't make emulators illegal either.

    • 3 months ago

      They can't. They can threaten, but anyone can threaten anyone legally for any reason. It's just Yuzu devs being morons and their patreon supporters being grifted.

      Our legal system doesn't work this way, you're just an imbecile just like

      They're seething hard now that Nintendo made up 2.4m in revenue out of it while they were morons LARPing as lawyers

    • 3 months ago

      SLAPP Suits, read up on them since you're moronic.

    • 3 months ago

      Dynarmic was developed by the yuzu developers and was used in yuzu
      It's probably just collateral damage because they had to remove ALL the yuzu code
      Reuse of dynarmic outside of emulation is probably fine even though it's been removed from github

  4. 3 months ago

    Nintendo is the most evil and greedy company in video game history, and it's not even close

    • 3 months ago

      Trying too hard to push a false narrative. Nintendo is the main protagonist of gaming. They're the only one with the perfect balance of being an ally to their fans and producing profit. Anyone that betrays or tries to antagonize them has been with karma fueled failure in the end

      • 3 months ago

        corporations aren't your friends and products are gifts

        • 3 months ago

          PCvegans and snoys will never know what their company being an ally to them feels like, that's precisely why desperately seethe at Nintendo so often

          • 3 months ago

            >JP EA

            • 3 months ago


          • 3 months ago

            True. The are mostly jealous that I we still able to be excited over new games, while their interest in vidya boils down to nothing more than evangelizing their shitty PC only politics and hating nintendo.

      • 3 months ago

        Then why do they hate Smash tournaments?

        • 3 months ago

          Because disgusting smash tards wanted to run an official tournament, during covid lockdowns, using a pirated copy of smash bros, while mocking nintendo on twitter.

    • 3 months ago

      >Nintendo is the most evil and greedy company in video game history, and it's not even close

    • 3 months ago

      >Nintendo is the most evil and greedy company in video game history, and it's not even close

      Sorry but valve earned the top spot

    • 3 months ago
    • 3 months ago

      EA is still worse, those gays killed Westwood studios and showed how shitty monetization can go.
      Nintendo was in the right in this situation anyways.

  5. 3 months ago

    >So what happened to piratesnoys
    They're beckpedaling and malding about Nintendo as usual

  6. 3 months ago

    >run donation channels directly tied to your emulator
    >gate numerous features, settings, and fixes behind donating, effectively turning it into a product
    Nintendo can get fricked but you'd have to be a moron to think Yuzu wasn't literally setting themselves up for this.

    • 3 months ago

      At this point, everyone with an iq above 30 realizes that nintendo is basically a wild animal, like a tiger. Big, dangerous, you don't know exactly what it's gonna do, but it's not entirely unpredictable either. It's one thing to be angry at a tiger for stalking and killing a person, it's another to be angry at a tiger that killed the village moron that poked it with a stick through the bars to rile it up and went inside its cage in a lady gaga suit of raw meat. Now, imagine if this village moron borrowed your wallet. We'll call this wallet "the tenuous legality of emulation". When the tiger ate this moron, your wallet got shredded. Imagine being more mad at the tiger for destroying your wallet than the fricking moron who constantly provoked it and went into its cage with it.

      • 3 months ago

        >run donation channels directly tied to your emulator
        >gate numerous features, settings, and fixes behind donating, effectively turning it into a product
        Nintendo can get fricked but you'd have to be a moron to think Yuzu wasn't literally setting themselves up for this.

        Nintendo is the most evil and greedy company in video game history, and it's not even close

        Your samegay is showing, Ericsnoy.

        • 3 months ago

          >calling people who are defending nintendo eric

    • 3 months ago

      >gate numerous features, settings, and fixes behind donating, effectively turning it into a product
      It's entirely legal to sell an emulator, it's just that nobody does it.

  7. 3 months ago

    I wonder how all the patreon donators feel now that all their money went straight into Nintendo's pockets

  8. 3 months ago

    I don't mind ryujinx, but yuzugays deserved do be jailed for shit they pulled.
    But because nintendo failed to make example out of them, more developers will pull shit like hiding behind patreon latest updates.

  9. 3 months ago


    The frick does this even mean

    • 3 months ago

      Exactly what they are

  10. 3 months ago

    Don't feed the snoy.

  11. 3 months ago

    >New fork of Yuzu starts
    >New devs remove the ability to play encrypted roms (so the DMCA violation claim is no longer true)
    >Some other, unrelated dev has a fork that just adds the ability to play encrypted roms back in
    >All of this flies under Nintendo's radar because they don't have a website filled with instructions nor a Patreon
    >All the instructions on how to find and use roms and decrypt are easily found on Youtube
    In the long term, Yuzu being shut down will have little effect on Switch piracy.

    • 3 months ago

      >>New devs

      Are the new devs in the room with us right now?

  12. 3 months ago

    Legally they can't, but companies have since learned that they don't need to because just filing the suit alone is enough to ruin people's lives with legal fees.
    It's fricked.

  13. 3 months ago

    >Nintendo fans pretend to be idorts for years to have something over the snoys
    >Nintendo files an injunction against one emulator
    >suddenly all of them reveal that they hate PC games and think PC users are vegans

    And so the mask comes off.

    • 3 months ago

      >owning a PC means you're a PC vegan
      Lol no

      • 3 months ago

        Why would you own a PC? You said it doesn't have any games, and that people who emulate are "ugly pc neckbeard vegan losers". You also shat on any multiplat that wasn't on the Switch. So why do you have a PC?

        • 3 months ago

          >Why would you own a PC?
          PCs are basically necessary tools for adults.
          >You said it doesn't have any games, and that people who emulate are "ugly pc neckbeard vegan losers".
          That's crazy how you follow me around thread to thread just to tell me lies. Are you capable of honesty or is an even playing field a disadvantage to you?

          • 3 months ago

            >That's crazy how you follow me around thread to thread just to tell me lies.
            Well, you have you reason to call people PC vegans then.

            • 3 months ago

              Just pretend I'm calling you the master race. Wouldn't be the first time lying to yourself.

              • 3 months ago

                >I never called you a vegan!
                >yes you did
                >UM, THAT DOESN'T MATTER, CHUD!

              • 3 months ago

                >I never called you a vegan
                No I call you a vegan all the time. Why are you lying?

              • 3 months ago

                >lying when you made a post like this

                >Why would you own a PC?

                PCs are basically necessary tools for adults.
                >You said it doesn't have any games, and that people who emulate are "ugly pc neckbeard vegan losers".
                That's crazy how you follow me around thread to thread just to tell me lies. Are you capable of honesty or is an even playing field a disadvantage to you?

                oooof. Shills are really desperate right now.

              • 3 months ago

                I don't call people vegans because they emulate. I emulate. I call people vegans because they evangelize and politicize something enjoyable like video games, same as how vegans do that with food.

              • 3 months ago

                >I emulate
                How? You said all emulators were shit, and couldn't even start up NES games without glitches.

                Can you maintain a single straight story?

              • 3 months ago

                >How? You said all emulators were shit, and couldn't even start up NES games without glitches.
                How do you think that I came to this conclusion? By lying to myself or real life experience

              • 3 months ago

                >admits that he doesn't emulateSneed.

              • 3 months ago

                >instinctively lies when pressured

  14. 3 months ago

    Uhhh, nothing? Because I’m still pirating everything Nintendo releases hahahaha

    • 3 months ago

      Thanks for paying for Yuzu's Patreon, that money is deposited back into Nintendo. Call an emergency meeting with your local PC tribe leader, you must re-organize in your fight against console warriors. The PC tribal warriors kneel the battle but not the war.

  15. 3 months ago

    Call me once they actually start paying, because they’ll probably just not and see what happens.

  16. 3 months ago


    why won't my citra boot??

  17. 3 months ago

    Nintendo is dying. They wouldn't do this if they weren't.

    go check their annual revenue. $7b. now go check Sony/Playstation

    • 3 months ago

      What is the point of misleading people on the internet? Is being untrustworthy a point of pride for you?

  18. 3 months ago

    >You can't play Bloodborne on PC
    >You can't talk about Palworld as the Pokémon killer after January FOTM expiration date
    >You can't play Luigi's Mansion 2 HD on PC.
    >You can't enter the Ryujinx discord
    PC tribal warriors the biggest cry babies in all of gaming history.

    • 3 months ago

      >PC tribal warriors the biggest cry babies in all of gaming history.
      Love how that based term catched on, PC tribal warriors deserve to be called nothing else lollll

      >New fork of Yuzu starts
      >New devs remove the ability to play encrypted roms (so the DMCA violation claim is no longer true)
      >Some other, unrelated dev has a fork that just adds the ability to play encrypted roms back in
      >All of this flies under Nintendo's radar because they don't have a website filled with instructions nor a Patreon
      >All the instructions on how to find and use roms and decrypt are easily found on Youtube
      In the long term, Yuzu being shut down will have little effect on Switch piracy.

      >>Some other, unrelated dev has a fork that just adds the ability to play encrypted roms back in
      Are the other, unrelated dev in the room w/ us right now??

  19. 3 months ago


    mhmh not worst pone but still mid pone

    • 3 months ago

      Post your pone if she's so great

  20. 3 months ago

    >tell Ganker that emulators are illegal under DMCA
    >get told I'm a troony nintendo shill
    What now emutroons? WHO IS LAUGHING NOW?

    • 3 months ago

      You're still a troony nintendo shill so nothing has changed

      • 3 months ago
  21. 3 months ago

    Reminder that the reason this happened is because Yuzu devs fricked up. There is a reason they went after them and not Ryujinx etc. They just sat on their Discord and found incriminating evidence:
    >builds locked behind paywall
    >sharing pirated games/early games on Discord
    >paywalling serviced and shit like online play
    >actual case of them releasing a build supporting a game that wasn't released yet (Xenoblade)

    Yuzu devs were simply moronic trannies who flew too close to the sun.

    • 3 months ago

      Ryujinx also grants early testing through their highest patreon tier
      stop fricking thinking its about the paywall

      • 3 months ago

        testing =/= build release

        • 3 months ago

          >early access =/= early access

    • 3 months ago

      They did the last one for fricking Tears of the Kingdom.
      That one singlehandedly had to have fricked them over hard, having TOTK getting game specific upgrades for like two weeks prior to actual release.

  22. 3 months ago

    $2.4M is dentist money. I see this as an absolute win for Yuzu.

    • 3 months ago

      They probably made way more than that in patreon and donations. We only saw patreon alone, but we miss how much they make in donations because it's not public. I could easily see donations matching patreon bux for a project that size.

    • 3 months ago

      They're seething hard now that Nintendo made up 2.4m in revenue out of it while they were morons LARPing as lawyers

      So what happened to piratesnoys saying Nintendo "can't do anyhing legally" to fight emulation?

      Thats' the funny thing, the entity who owns it is the company Nintendo sued, but that company is owned by one guy. It can declare bankruptcy and fold, and Nintendo doesn't see a nickle of it.

      Nintendopes don't understand that because most of them are in the third world and read "2.4M" and think lawyers arrive to their house to break their kneecaps if they can't pay it. Yuzu was smart to make a company to handle it as a project.

      • 3 months ago

        >and then it folds
        Nintendo wins again

        • 3 months ago

          >Gets nothing
          What did they win, anon? If they didn't get money, Yuzu is still downloadable, and Ryujinx is untouched, what did they win and why should any pirate care?

          • 3 months ago

            >Yuzu is still downloadable,
            They literally took down the download links
            >and Ryujinx is untouched
            For now...

            • 3 months ago

              >They literally took down the download links
              The download links are literally in this thread, Black person.

              >What did they win, anon?
              Clearly nothing. You won the only thing that matters to a PC vegan: the ability to complain and act like a victim

              I won something much more valuable: Your Black person tendie tears as you cope a

              • 3 months ago

                -and seethe
                ironically the download for citra interrupted my post.

                >he thinks they sued them for money
                The goal was to remove yuzu since they were profiting off the switch and were responsible for early leaks of new games weeks before their release date.

                Was it worth it? It'll just get forked and spring up again. as shit like fitgirl taught us: taking piracy down just lets other people get a crack at it, and they may have better ideas than the previous pirates and make way easier and better software to use.

              • 3 months ago

                >I won something much more valuable: Your Black person tendie tears as you cope a
                Looks like in your haste to call me mad you got filtered by an auto timer. Curious.

          • 3 months ago

            >he thinks they sued them for money
            The goal was to remove yuzu since they were profiting off the switch and were responsible for early leaks of new games weeks before their release date.

            • 3 months ago

              >The goal was to remove yuzu
              And get it forked and right back where they started with devs who're wiser from this incident. Good luck with the hydra nintendo.

          • 3 months ago

            >What did they win, anon?
            Clearly nothing. You won the only thing that matters to a PC vegan: the ability to complain and act like a victim

  23. 3 months ago

    Nintendo can't do if you're not too wienery
    - don't try to emulate any current system
    - don't try to make money on emulation of the current system
    - don't brag about "it's a better experience than on real hardware"

    • 3 months ago

      None of those things are illegal. Bleem! proved that you can even use the original platform as an advertising tool and they can't do shit.
      Yuzu likely only folded so

      Thats' the funny thing, the entity who owns it is the company Nintendo sued, but that company is owned by one guy. It can declare bankruptcy and fold, and Nintendo doesn't see a nickle of it.

      Nintendopes don't understand that because most of them are in the third world and read "2.4M" and think lawyers arrive to their house to break their kneecaps if they can't pay it. Yuzu was smart to make a company to handle it as a project.

      they don't gotta pay lawyers for it. They can fold, step away from the project, keep their patreon bucks.

  24. 3 months ago

    And everything is right in the world.
    Frick pirates.

  25. 3 months ago

    i can't wait for boomer judges to be replaced by zoomers

  26. 3 months ago

    oh come the frick, this thread is a waste

  27. 3 months ago

    Patreon straggots lucky they don't become indentured slaves to ninty

    • 3 months ago

      Why? Ninty sued an LLC. they don't work for that LLC and it won't exist after next week.

      • 3 months ago

        He's a turd world homosexual who saw the bowser case, which was literally some homosexual being too stupid to go through any of the legal countermeasures Yuzu went through, and thinks that means Nintendo can literally enslave people.

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