So what happens to TOW now?

>Go to Warhammer World for the anniversary
>TOW is a single shelf full of product
>Nobody is buying any
>Its smaller than the shelves for Necromunda, Blood Bowl, HH or even Titanicus
>Its 4 times smaller than MESBG
>Ask one of the clerks as i ring up my FEC how the old worlds doing
>He makes a face and says "It had a bit of buzz launch week but after that we haven't really shifted anything, i think the old guard are sticking with 6th edition and the modern crowd has Age of Sigmar"
>Cathay and Kislev are scrapped
>Appears to just be reselling Tomb Kings, Brettonians and square bases/movement trays for AoS models

So is that it? its just a flash in the pan flop? because i don't see how this is going to get long term support if this is it. It seems like a 5th GW wargame system when 4 with Horus Heresy was already pushing it hoping nostalgia would bring people in but lack of WHFB army support has killed that in the crib and this hasty redesign of the original sold idea of the empire at war with itself is not drawing in the numbers a game requires to thrive. I get the impression the game has shockingly underperformed and GW is downscaling the product in importance the same way they did Aeronautica Imperialis.

Surely if thats the case its not going to be making enough money to validate expansions, new books and sculpts for other ranges and then what? we just get this wierd moment in 2024 when TK and Brets came back with a blue rulebook people use as much as the Rogue Trader or Realm of Chaos ones i saw a lot more people buying and by a lot more i mean 3 or 4 versus 0?

What do you think GW does with The Old World going forwards?

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  1. 3 months ago

    What do you get out of spamming this thread over and over again?

    • 3 months ago

      The anniversary event was yesterday, are you okay?

      • 3 months ago

        Go outside. Frick’s sake.

        • 3 months ago

          Get well soon bro, remember the meds are not poison those are to stop the voices.

        • 3 months ago

          I did, but you weren't there.
          Afraid of getting your ass kicked?

    • 3 months ago

      He is either autistic and thinks it's funny or autistic and lives in one of those age of sigmarxism discords (probably full of trannies) who thinks he can kill the old world by obsessively posting here.

      • 3 months ago

        are the transpeople in the room with you right now?

        • 3 months ago

          It's weird that you asked that 5 days later but since you're clearly upset about it I'd wager you're a troony. So yeah.

          • 3 months ago

            This is a really stupid mindset.
            >if you get annoyed that your neighbor keeps screaming about birds, you must be a bird

    • 3 months ago

      The same thing grogs get out of spamming "Age of Shitmar" every hour on the hour

  2. 3 months ago

    AOS is just better. And even for WFB people never stopped buying from recasters so there wasn’t a huge demand for the models.

  3. 3 months ago

    the simple issue is that the Tomb Kings look like hot garbage. Break it down how it went in my store.

    1. A few randoms preordered a few items for the launch.

    2. Both of the Bretonian boxes sold quick along with the Bad Guys books.

    3. One of my regulars figured out that he could use his Chaos Beasts in TOW, so he bought both standalone books.

    4. Then nothing until yesterday when I sold my last good guys book (i only had two of each of the books and starter boxes

    5. Then, at least from my perspective, GW basically abandoned the line. DOA or at least pretty close to it it seems. Haven't seen anyone try to play it in store either.

    Those Tomb Kings look like such utter crap that I'm probably gonna get asked by GW to destroy them pretty soon (aka open the box, build the old AF mini, slap them with skeleton horde then put them in the display case.

    • 3 months ago

      I've yet to see anyone play it. Even in Warhammer World they just had a chaos army and a small mounted bret force in one case on the lowest shelf below all the Blood bowl and Middle Earth stuff. Anyone who knows GW and how they treat store footprints like Shonen Jump treats chapter order for their manga performance stats knows which way the winds blowing. This isn't doing End Times numbers and that killed WHFB.

      • 3 months ago

        GW had already deiced to kill WFB before the Endtimes even started

        • 3 months ago


      • 3 months ago

        I've seen it played at my local but it was guys dusting off their High Elf and Dwarf armies, and I'm pretty sure half the Dwarf army was Oathmark models.

  4. 3 months ago

    what the frick.

    I wish this was the case, i cant get any of the TK models I want. Who write this drivel.

    • 3 months ago

      if you come over to the UK and pay the UK price I can get them for you they are available on the GW webstore

    • 3 months ago


      >pay the UK price

    • 3 months ago

      Do you live in south africa or something? in bongland this shit aint moving nobody wants it.

      • 3 months ago

        In uk, there is at least twice the amount of old minis in circulation than in the rest of the world combined.
        Those who wanted these already ebayed them at a reasonable price.

        Elsewhere, our situation is different. not enough minis around for the demand, yet the deemand will not equal aos, tow takes too long to play comparatively.

        making it compatible with warcry would have been smart, but alas, gw2024....

      • 3 months ago

        Grail pilgrims, grail knights, yeomen, the new resin characters and the starter set were out of stock for the first 3 weeks. When they came back in stock they went out of stock again by the next day. Only now can you buy it freely. The new stuff sold out this weekend. Why do you lie? Are you a homosexual?

    • 3 months ago

      Call your local Warhammer store, they will have piles of the Tomb King boxes left. The guy working there will hold it for literally months as long as you call and pay for it ahead of time.

    • 3 months ago

      Everyone's saying this is just in the UK but I live in the UK and nowhere I've seen has any left.

    • 3 months ago

      Only having two factions be available is fricking stupid. What's even more stupid is having said factions be the model lines that previously sold so poorly that they got squatted. What's the most stupid is not rectifying the issues with said model lines and instead adding some unnecessary garbage. I'm not criticizing the concept of bringing back Warhammer Fantasy here, mind; I'm shitting on GW for being incompetent.

      I'm in the middle of nowhere USA and there's a ton of TK stock at the stores I browse.

  5. 3 months ago

    it was an obvious pump and dump scam, and you fell for it

    • 3 months ago

      I already owned all the Tomb Kings i'll ever need from stupid impulsive ebay purchases jokes on them!

  6. 3 months ago

    >WHFB died because nobody bought models
    >Tomb Kings and Brettonians were the worst selling of the range.
    >Bring back WHFB
    >Only sell Tomb Kings and Brettonians
    >Its a complete and total flop

    • 3 months ago

      Yeah I get what they were trying to do bringing back the two factions who infamously got totally squatted in AoS, but looking around other places all I'm seeing is people lucky enough to have held on to old stuff using that, people biting the legacy faction bullet and using AoS stuff, or people holding off on playing it altogether until other factions get a release. Not a ton of people with TK/bret stuff, or at least not as much as you would expect from being the only two factions they're currently selling.
      They should have gone with like, Greenskins and High Elves or something.

    • 3 months ago

      The thing that confuses me is how they refused/failed to fix the glaring problems with the lines in question, whilst adding wholly unnecessary models for which no one asked. A lot of people wanted to see new Tomb Kings skeleton warriors; absolutely no one was asking for a new monster centerpiece.

    • 3 months ago

      >Brettonians were the worst selling
      In 8th.
      Beacause everyone had bought them starting from 5th.
      They simply reached saturation.

      • 3 months ago

        It's kinda like how they didn't make plastic sisters of battle until quite recently because the ancient metal models and thrown-together Inquisition list weren't selling like hotcakes.

        It's very corporatebrained thinking that demonstrates why normies and non-gamers need to be gatekept and games need to be outsider art.

  7. 3 months ago

    I do feel like a lot of people here(Midwestern USA) are waiting to see whether it's a good investment. I remember even in the 6th/7th glory days we'd see people playing in cliques that only really came together for tournaments and leagues. So hopefully someone tosses something together.

    Two LGS owners were really skeptical and under-ordered and are still out of product. The Zoomer son of the third LGS owner hadn't even heard about the game when I asked about it - really puts into perspective how long 10 years is when you're young. Ended up buying my starter and books from one of those overlooked little game stores that's mostly comics and Funkos.

    The TOW FB group is full of weirdos making ugly chaos dragon conversions or arguing about the lance formation.

    >Its 4 times smaller than MESBG

    I'd be okay with the game basically being in maintainance mode like LOTR if everyone had a semi-balanced list to play with and we got an occasional hero model(ala the plastic Witch King). MESBG is pretty much my perfect game aside from Rivendell infantry looking awful and the Hobbit era stuff being hideous WoW pauldroncore shit and/or overly powerful.

    • 3 months ago

      >wo LGS owners were really skeptical and under-ordered and are still out of product.
      It's the exact opposite near me. The guy who owns the one store within a 50 mile drive fully bought the hype, picked up a lot of stock, and has sold almost nothing. He's straight up said it was the biggest mistake he's made in the close to 20 years he's been open.

      • 3 months ago

        Wild, my LGS sold out.

      • 3 months ago

        One shop near me only sold a couple of things in a week, while another one a few hours further south has sold out multiple times.

        • 3 months ago

          >wo LGS owners were really skeptical and under-ordered and are still out of product.
          It's the exact opposite near me. The guy who owns the one store within a 50 mile drive fully bought the hype, picked up a lot of stock, and has sold almost nothing. He's straight up said it was the biggest mistake he's made in the close to 20 years he's been open.

          its... its almost as if wargames survive on what the local community plays and that can change depending on the local player base?

          if people cant sell stock they can simply put their shit on ebay and it will sell out there since GW cant keep it in stock either.

          My LGS sold out of TOW but it's an old store with an older player base

          • 3 months ago

            I've been to 3-4 LGSs in two cities and everything for TOW was sold out.

  8. 3 months ago

    >start a thread with a post full of falsehoods
    >anons respond as if this is the reality
    I feel as though the quality of bait used to be higher than this.

    • 3 months ago

      everything was better in the past anon

    • 3 months ago

      I went to Warhammer World yesterday and can confirm nobody was buying any TOW product and it is in fact on a little shelf to the right of the store entrance completely abandoned. Nobody was interested. You came in, showed your qr ticket to a women dressed like a sister of battle at a counter downstairs by the tyranid diorama, go up the winding stair and its 40k and aos on the left, specialist on the right and the only place that wasn't packed shoulder to shoulder was the TOW shelf. Its over. Everyone ignored it even while queueing where we got a backpack, novella, three different coins, a neoprine dice tray and a metal measuring angle in a felt box for spending dosh yesterday.

      Its true. All of it.

      • 3 months ago

        This is not true they dont give away backpacks you fricking liars you are just made shitmar is about to die to the CHAD return of WHFB

        • 3 months ago

          Bad news copecake.

          • 3 months ago

            What the frick

      • 3 months ago

        What bonuses do I get for buying boxes of stuff at warhammer world instead of online?

        • 3 months ago

          Usually just coins and a novella this was because it was the 30th anniversary of the place opening so they also had shit like lasgun lasertag and many, many thots in bad SoB cosplay. Most of them forgetting to shave their 5 o'clock shadow.

  9. 3 months ago

    I was really hyped about TOW but I'm starting to adopt the Doomer perspective.

    The hand weapon bonuses are really weird and not every faction gets them. Was it really that game-breaking to just give +1 armor or a 6+ ward for the sword/board combo to contrast a bit with other weapon options?

    Some of the rules seem cool at first but just clutter things up and don't actually change the results that much. The variable initiative bonus for charging for instance, why not just stick with chargers going first unless the target has ASF?

    And if they were committed to the game why prime the pump a little bit with a skirmish/Mordheim reboot a couple years ago to get people painting warbands that could be expanded into armies later?

  10. 3 months ago

    People that play Warhammer games don't want to use strategy, lists are built on highly optimized tournament lists and they want to optimize to the best of their ability without the need for flanking attacks, tactics, etc.

    • 3 months ago

      Some want that stuff. But they already have Necromunda and the baffling resurgence of Middle Earth Strategy Battle Game already. You can get a £40 MESB battleforce of like Isengard or Mordor and buy one other box and have a full army for like £60 or less. Its just more affordable for the tacticool greybeard crowd.

  11. 3 months ago

    Kinda doubt some GW worker drone at a Warhammer convention would openly be straightforward and honest about whether or not TOW is flopping

    • 3 months ago

      The Warhammer World employees are very different to the GW store employees. That whole stalking vampire "so what brings you in today haha" behaviour doesn't really happen. But according to folks like Peachy its because at WW people are always coming to make a larger purchase but your local GW might see people going in just for paint and they have to upsell to make quotas so they behave very differently.

      Last time i was in warhammer world the clerk gave me and my friends a very long interesting talk about who actually buys the titan stuff and said "yeah its pretty overpriced but that doesnt matter when most of the people buying are from australia or new zealand, they come over because even the plane ticket included is cheaper than buying or shipping so one guy comes over and buys for friends or to resell".

      I figure they don't give a shit when you are minimum going in to drop like £200 on whats probably £8 worth of mold injected plastic. They know you are locked in for the duration so why would they care about some other system you arent dropping money on having a bad perception? probably dont say it to the one guy that buys it.

      But then again i do remember going there for Mordheim stuff in the 2000's and right after buying my Witch Hunters i went "so how often to people play it here?" they just said "oh nobodys played it for years mate".

      At the end of the day they are a minatures company, the games and rules are a tertiary affair. Its all about you buying plastic and paint. Thats literally the reason citadel minatures came to be.

      -Also they are english not american so being miserable trumps upkeeping the brand for the corpo.

      • 3 months ago

        >At the end of the day they are a minatures company, the games and rules are a tertiary affair.
        a very Tom Kirby mindset there.

        • 3 months ago

          He was vindicated in the end, that's how this shit works

          • 3 months ago

            No he wasn't, that idiot almost tanked the company.

          • 3 months ago

            Modern GW does the opposite of Kirby in almost everything and makes way more money. Kirby was wildly out of touch and did not understand the market he was selling to.

          • 3 months ago

            The guy who almost tanked the company, the company that than blew up in popularity right after him and his ideas were ousted is proven right by the company continuing to be wildly successful in his absence?

        • 3 months ago

          The only real thing thats changed was Kirbys stance that GW ip's turning into games would "harm model sales" which of course was moronic and has proven to be moronic.

        • 3 months ago

          It is right tho

          • 3 months ago

            Why has GW been making more money since they abandoned that philosophy and started making games again?

            • 3 months ago

              because games aren't tertiary. they're primary.
              they're the cornerstone upon which marketing is built. gw minis aren't good enough to sell on their own merits. they can't be "just a miniatures company" because they don't have the expertise anymore to compete with companies that do that. their power is in the pipeline, in how games can be used as a tool of social engineering to keep customers buying product far in excess of their needs or means.

              • 3 months ago

                It's a luxury watch kind of thing. You're not just buying the object, you're buying the feeling that it'll make people around you react in a certain way. GW's job is to convince you that the incredibly overpriced bit of plastic isn't a collector's item or a playing piece or even a modelling and hobby project, it's a fricking DRAGON and friends and strangers will, on some level, fear and respect its power and therefore fear and respect you.

            • 3 months ago

              They didn't? It's all about selling miniatures, game design be damned. Most customers buy their minis and barely play their games. Kirby was right.

    • 3 months ago

      I seriously doubt they know anything for a fact. The only people who might tell you whether or not it was a flop are the actual managers who have access to all the global sales data. Even their public financial statements won't help you since they just publish aggregates and none of the detailed stuff.

  12. 3 months ago

    >a guy at gw told me tow is a disaster!
    meanwhile half the range is out of stock online
    really makes u think

    • 3 months ago

      Thats an issue with their website. A bunch of the MESBG is listed out of stock online but you go to Warhammer World and that shits stocked to capacity on the shelves.

      • 3 months ago

        People who think the website is the most telling part of sales for GW are probably the same people who never actually play games. If they did they would probably be in their LGS occasionally. Near me TOW got barely any stock and still struggles to sell shit and we have fairly large 40k, AoS, and MESGB communities on top of decently sizes Conquest, Legion, and ASOIAF players. The only people I see playing it are 40+ year olds using their same models from before which isn't good for sales.

        I don't give a frick about GWs profits, but if TOWgays want to keep it supported then GW wants their money.

        • 3 months ago

          They should have sent that shit out to web sellers then, so people could actually buy it. I was looking to get both the army boxes, but Wayland games got like eight in total, and I refuse to fight over the right to spend money on overpriced toys.

        • 3 months ago

          >People who think the website is the most telling part of sales for GW are probably the same people who never actually play games.
          so if I don't take your "guy at whw told me" FUD at face value I'm nogames?
          you're transparent
          2/10 I replied

  13. 3 months ago

    I loved Fantasy back in the day and am still mad at what happened to it. I think GW fricked themselves over with the End Times and AoS being Fantasy's replacement. It's been almost 10 years since then and the old player base of Fantasy has scattered or died off. Some went to AoS, some gave up entirely, some to 9th Age and some stuck with whatever other version of WHFB they liked like 6th. Bringing it back almost a decade later with a scattered player base wasn't going to work no matter how popular Warhammer: Total War is. It's a shame but sometimes it's best to let things rest. The only good that came from this is I got a Necrosphinx and Tomb Guard out of it. I don't see them adding much more to ToW sadly.

    • 3 months ago

      I do feel like I had mostly found closure and buried WHFB. EG by doing other games like Bolt Action and Malifaux.

      Total War getting me all fired up about WHFB again was so cruel.

  14. 3 months ago

    >lotr license expires
    only reason TOW is there beyond undermining Oathmark, KoW, whatever

    • 3 months ago

      even that is up for debate since Embracer is imploding right now so who knows what will happen to the Tabletop Rights

    • 3 months ago

      Which is odd because right now LotR is exploding in popularity. Even the specialist games generals talking about it and posting minis for the first time in what feels like years. Meanwhile i can't tell you without looking if we even have a TOW thread on /tg/ anymore.

      • 3 months ago

        The wfg general (where tow is at) is much faster than the aos general at this point. It got to the point where TIW was going through multiple 500+ threads a day.
        That's a lot of attention for any thread on this board

        • 3 months ago

          A quick glance at the state of /wfg/ makes me think that isn't a good thing.

          • 3 months ago

            It was nice at first, when TOW first released. But yeah, its now just sad in there.

          • 3 months ago

            Past few threads have been a couple of morons shitting around, and not many are purifying the area with models or games.

            • 3 months ago

              >past few threads
              /wfg/ has been the worst general for years basically the first port of call for all gw malcontents.

        • 3 months ago

          >The wfg general (where tow is at) is much faster than the aos general at this point.
          They seem to be arguing about AoS for half the thread in WFG.

          • 3 months ago

            When the thread is full of Sigshits who rush to the defense of AoS at the slightest hint of criticism, it's hardly surprising is it?

            • 3 months ago

              Sunken cost fallacy. Gays of Shitmore is a flop so they have to cope over the fact GW grifted them with a shitty 40k clone

            • 3 months ago

              The thread image is an AoS model.

          • 3 months ago

            When even the thread pic is an AoS miniature, you know how fully over it is for them
            Are there even any genuine wfb fans left? Are the mind-broken morons the only thing that exists in there?

      • 3 months ago

        gwsg has had discussion about mesbg and posting models consistently as long as it has existed. What are you on about?

  15. 3 months ago

    >So is that it? its just a flash in the pan flop?
    Everyone with half a brain saw that coming a mile away. I bought a second hand zombie dragon to kitbash into a mount for a ghoul king in my FEC army. I’m sure plenty of people are doing the same or just falling for FOMO and adding to their pile of shame

  16. 3 months ago

    i asked the guy in my lgs and he said they had sold like 200 bret/tomb king boxes but i was literally the first one to buy the royal pegasus bsb kit.

    so...probably not doing too hot.

  17. 3 months ago

    I just hope tow lives long enough for me to buy the orcs.

  18. 3 months ago

    Fake and gay because OP is a gay.

    • 3 months ago

      You sure showed him, you showed everyone!

  19. 3 months ago

    >tfw all of my old gaming friends have refused to play kow, oathmark, or literally any other rank and flank (including wfb) for the last four years because "tow is coming out soon"

    • 3 months ago

      do they at least play TOW now?

      • 3 months ago

        With what armies?
        Everyone I know is waiting for their army to be released.
        Who knows when that is though.

        • 3 months ago

          and thus the cycle continues.

        • 3 months ago

          They lumped the army books together so now it's just good vs evil. They might release army books proper if sales do well but for now you'll have to just get stats from the generic book

          • 3 months ago

            >They might release army books proper if sales do well but for now you'll have to just get stats from the generic book
            Why would they?

      • 3 months ago

        does mindlessly buying everything at release then doing absolutely fricking nothing with it count as "playing"?

        • 3 months ago

          it does to GW at least

    • 3 months ago

      I would have loved to have an Oathmark group to play with. Those dwarves have some real sovl.

  20. 3 months ago


  21. 3 months ago

    I've played 5 games of tOW at my local club, and I haven't spent a penny on GW, I got the rules PDFs off the internet for free and my armies are all recasts, third parties, second hand or shit I bought decades ago, HAHAHA

  22. 3 months ago

    >Bring back a failed product
    >Start with the worst lines of such failed product
    >Nobody really likes rank and flank trash
    >20 years old models at 2024 prices
    >Horrible production and conservative investment

    WHFB always were a failed trash and this just confirms grogs dont buy models.

    • 3 months ago

      so is it a scam or should grogs be buying it? pick an angle and stick with it you stupid homosexual

      • 3 months ago

        Was a fricking scam since the beginning stupid moron but also a chance for showing GW that the playerbase of WHFB was alive

        But the lack of support from the "target customer" is proof that grogs will never be able to revify WHFB because they just can't buy even if the setting depends on it. Ashes to ashes rest in pepperonis the failure of WHFB

        • 3 months ago

          >lack of support from the "target customer"
          "Lack of support" is now "every product from the least popular armies in WFB history sells out on release"
          The siggy piggy copium is getting quite absurd

        • 3 months ago

          >target customer
          If they wanted my money they should maybe start selling dwarfs again.

        • 3 months ago

          >it's so bad I'm calling it a scam but fans should performatively buy it anyway
          I'd find this too undignified to do to get (you)s, if you're earnest I expect if you have a moment of clarity you'll resolve to have a nice day before the fog descends once more

        • 3 months ago

          Naw, we are just happy either playing 6th ed with the armies we already have, or are buying much better and cheaper models from other companies. We have better discernment than the usual target customer GW tries to hook in (mindless consumer), as well as just not trusting the frickers at GW anymore with their short term profit driven tactics. They threw WHFB under the bus and this was a feeble and failed attempt to draw us back in to the pointless churn. Blame GW, not us, we are still happily playing the game they abandoned. They lost out, not us.

      • 3 months ago

        Its a scam but a half hearted one so the grogs stick with kings of war, a song of ice and fire or, may the valar forgive me, middle earth strategy battles

    • 3 months ago

      >Nobody really likes rank and flank trash
      This isn't really the issue. I've seen nothing but good reactions about the rules. The issue is they axed half the factions, did zero marketing and refused to sell anything but Tomb Kings and Brets and even then they refuse to sell most of their kits for months. A game can't sell if you refuse to sell its products.

      • 3 months ago

        > I've seen nothing but good reactions about the rules
        Gyro/Gryph Spam
        Where are you looking?

        • 3 months ago

          I know your point is that bad reactions exist, but at the same time none of these are very valid criticisms and can just be ascribed to the backlash you will always get from the 'old good new bad' clowns.

          is a meme and is useful only for weak expendable units to get off more attacks which are going to be insignificant anyway.

          the only legitimate complaint but they are a widespread unit and make some factions more viable, they haven't even been proven to dominate the game at tournaments thus far.

          >gyro/grph spam
          gyros are only a problem if you don't tailor for handling them, any flying melee unit can deal with them or sufficient ranged and even spells and items which ground them. Gryphs being strong is hardly a problem in perhaps the weakest faction in the game and again, no evidence to suggest they single handedly make empire overpowered in tournies.

          • 3 months ago

            I know you're just providing a counterpoint and to a large extent I agree with you but you are wrong about some things.
            >they haven't even been proven to dominate the game at tournaments thus far.
            I've seen some tournament winning lists and they all feature a suped up lord on as large a mount as they can take, and all the lists take 48%-50% of their points as characters.
            >gyros are only a problem if you don't tailor for handling them
            If you have to tailor your list to deal with something instead of it being beatable by a general all-comers style list then that's a problem imo, and no they have a 4+ AS and a couple of alright attacks, not all Melee flying units can deal with them and shooting them is pretty pointless too.
            I do agree that Linehammer is a mostly overblown meme though although it can be fricking nasty if done right.

  23. 3 months ago

    >TOW dead on arrival
    is a fricking shame because overall i think a lot of people like fantasy and TW was good at bringing new people

  24. 3 months ago

    >TOW failed
    And? People who loved Fantasy already were playing Fantasy even without GW support, what's the matter? GW lying AGAIN at their customers?

  25. 3 months ago

    A year and a half ago I said that TOW was going to flop, when they started shifting away from new factions that might actually get people to drop money on the game, to focus on the already existing factions that many people already have. Couple that with the one of the primary barriers that existed even in the old WFB namely time cost of assembling and painting an army. It's little wonder that TOW wouldn't sell well.

  26. 3 months ago

    I keep seeing people complain that Rank and Flank sucks. ToW is my first experience in playing these sorts of games and the rules feel great.
    What's the deal? What's the actual criticism of this kind of system?

    • 3 months ago

      >What's the actual criticism of this kind of system?

      Some people just really hate having to use strategy in a strategy game. They'd rather just smash everybody in the middle of the board in a giant frickball and whoever rolls the more dice wins.

      • 3 months ago

        >smash everybody in the middle of the board in a giant frickball and whoever rolls the more dice wins
        A perfect description of rank and flank and a primary reason why it tends to suck really fricking hard
        It is more akin to an analog auto-battler, less a strategy game

        • 3 months ago

          >smash everybody in the middle of the board in a giant frickball and whoever rolls the more dice wins
          >A perfect description of rank and flank and a primary reason why it tends to suck really fricking hard
          You can also smash everybody in the middle with round bases too. Your argument is moot.

          • 3 months ago

            The difference is that FB is incapable of being played differently, units cant move drasticly away from where you deployed them. there are no proper objectives, basic move is fricking 4"

        • 3 months ago

          This was only 8th, and the entirety of AoS. People were complaining the fiddlyness of moving around was gone from FB when 8th started, and those manoeuvres were actually way more fun that just rolling dice.

        • 3 months ago

          >rank and flank
          warhammer, let's be real
          and even then that's more to do with GW players being morons wanting that sort of thing than the system itself

    • 3 months ago

      The complaint isn't necessarily about rank and flank, but 28mm rank and flank.
      There's a number of scales (6, 8 and 10mm being the best) where you can have numbers close to a real historical ranked formation, have smaller unit footprints and thus more room for tactical maneuver on your table, employ multibasing to make maneuvering and changing formations far less fiddly, collect armies on a much more sensible budget, store and transport them in less space and get amazing painting results with much lower time investment.
      28mm minis are best suited to RPG and skirmish games, as demonstrated by the hideous workarounds employed in Warhammer: movement trays and unit fillers. Why does Warhammer Fantasy use an RPG and skirmish scale mini? Because, as is well documented, the gane was created so that GW could sell RPG figures in boxes of 30 rather than as single figures or small boxed sets. It's nothing to do with practicality, quality of game or aesthetics; those things were bent to fit around the desire to Sell More Shit.
      Don't get me wrong, you can still have fun games of 28mm rank and flank and I myself am putting together a square based force. It's just that you can have more tactical options, and more epic battles in a smaller space and with less money and time investment and less fiddling to just make shit work by playing rank and flank in smaller scales, or playing more suitable games with 28mm minis. So while I am painting up my Warriors of Chaos right now, it's because my 28mm squad scifi stuff, my 28mm skirmish stuff, my 15mm English Civil War stuff and my Epic Armageddon force are all close to hand.

      • 3 months ago

        Small scales are for /hwg/boomer-tier autistics and I’m tired of pretending otherwise. Might as well be playing with chits like some board game . The entire point of minis is for me to see and enjoy the AESTHETICS

        • 3 months ago

          >The entire point of minis is for me to see and enjoy the AESTHETICS
          I agree, which is why 20 minis representing a ranked-up formation all crammed together on a board with a bunch of other football team-sized units doesn't do it for me.

  27. 3 months ago

    My two buds are going to come over to my place tomorrow, drink beer, say Black person out loud and play old world and 40k w drinking rules. Boomers, homosexuals with no friends and troons who can't paint need not apply to OW. 99% of OPs problems are because he has no friends.

    • 3 months ago

      Holy fricking based. I wish I had friends like your group.

    • 3 months ago


    • 3 months ago

      God imagine having to choose between Cletus here and Sigmarxism perverts. Hell really is other people.

      • 3 months ago

        grim how you can post the most low-effort garbage and immediately get three "based" replies nowadays
        it used to be that you had to actually impress people to get positive replies here

        >t. gif rel
        Enjoy your (you), homosexuals kek.

    • 3 months ago

      grim how you can post the most low-effort garbage and immediately get three "based" replies nowadays
      it used to be that you had to actually impress people to get positive replies here

  28. 3 months ago

    Copper harder Siggy Piggy, the real game is back, and it’s all sold out in North Idaho.

    I’d you encourage to sell your Stormcast on eBay while they still have some value, put that money towards your Neo-vegana fund and a good dilator.

    • 3 months ago
    • 3 months ago

      >its back
      >in the land that time forgot
      ironic. Do you people still use dial up there?

    • 3 months ago

      stormcast literally never had any value

  29. 3 months ago

    Modern table top gamers don't want to include things like strategy or tactics into their game. They want to buy 20 expensive models that each have no formation and have insane stats. The truth is wargaming died out. AoS and 40k are basically card games at this point due to it being more focused on individual heroes than a battle.

  30. 3 months ago

    Do I have to rebase my minis to 25 mm bases for casual games? I play a lot of 6th edition skaven and want to dip my toe in ToW but don't want to have to rebase everything again if this flops

    • 3 months ago

      no you can buy movement trays or simply not bother. You can also just work it out that if you have 5 models in base contact then you actually only have four models in base contact etc.

  31. 3 months ago

    >>He makes a face and says "It had a bit of buzz launch week but after that we haven't really shifted anything, i think the old guard are sticking with 6th edition and the modern crowd has Age of Sigmar"
    So why are ushabti still sold out, c**t?

  32. 3 months ago

    For what it's worth there has been way more games of tOW at my local club than AoS, although that might be because people are a bit bored of AoS3

  33. 3 months ago

    They would unironically generate a lot of interest putting out a few starters that are about the size of Kill Team...

    >Wood Elves versus Beastmen... couple of units of 8 archers, 8 dryads and a mage versus 2 x 8 satyrs / ungors, 8 heavy beastmen/bestigor and a minotaur lord...
    >Dwarfs versus Orcs... 2 units of 8 rangers with crossbows and a unit of 8 heavy clean veterans with 2 handed hammers, and a dwarf lord in a pony drawn mining cart with a mounted harquebus vs 8 black orcs, 8 orcs with double handed weapons, 8 orc archers and a sorceror lord on a small wyvern
    >Empire vs Undesd... 8 halberdiers, gunners and swordsmen, with an engineer lord on horse with minigun pistol and 24 or whatever awful homosexual shit Tomb Kings get (seriously tho Y not Vampire Counts)

    Then they need to do a Heroquest style or Warhammer Quest style hex game with a sampling of each, with additional weapon types.

    • 3 months ago

      2 hand weapons for the orc boys soz
      Yung uns dual wield
      Olduns wear a spear and shield
      Blackuns tale two handers to the field

      Also the sculpts will be monopose pvc plastic and there will be expansions and the scultping style will go more into a proto Empire /Maximilian Imperial style with strong Celtic and Norse influences on the Elves and Dwarves, the Orcs becoming regimented and Romanised and Tomb Kings finally having some Sea People ghouls.

      THE EXPANSIONS will lean more into other eras and tech levels for all fantasy raves, tapping intor Bronze Age and even Pike and Shot aesthetics

    • 3 months ago

      Or they could bring in 6th Ed style Warbands and then you could have both enough stuff for skirmish and the starting point for an army.

  34. 3 months ago

    I'm pretty confused at why they released the game the way they did. The rules are very nice, the game actually looks like the team poured a lot of love into it and, while some rules are a bit weird, the game works.
    But releasing old models at 2024 prices and releasing 2 armies and going completely silent after feels like they weren't sure about their own game and wanted to dip their toes and see what happened. Imagine someone wanting to get into TOW. He can choose either french cavalry army or egyptian skeleton army. Or get into 2nd hand market and get models for 5x their price. Not releasing everything at once was a mistake. I want TOW to be good, but I think it's going to be another HH where they release the game with artificial hype, let it sleep and wake it up again some time later because 'hey kid, HH 2.0 just happened and y'know what? It's the new shit'

    • 3 months ago

      >Or get into 2nd hand market and get models for 5x their price.
      You mean 1/5 the price? 3d prints absolutely mog GW drivel

    • 3 months ago

      It definitely feels like a project that the higher ups lost faith in/changed management halfway through. Most likely, how it went down was the initial announcement was more of a panic response after seeing how badly they fricked up the change to AoS and how popular the TWW games turned out to be. So they gave it to their B team to work something up. In the time between then and release, things changed and the higher ups saw that AoS had decent payback, and GW was going through rough, but profitable, times as the brand grew past what they were able to handle. So they probably put the plans for TOW on the backburner until recently, when there was a lot of turbulence with the AoS brand (massive set flops, luke warm to no response to tie-in games and merch). Enter hitting the panic button and pushing up the release of TOW before the line was ready to be brought back. That or someone in charge is trying to wiener-block TOW, despite the bad response to AoS lately. There's plenty of times petty execs killed or ruined a project because they didn't like it.

      • 3 months ago

        I feel like it's less that TOW was rushed and more that they just got cold feet with it halfway through and scaled back massively. Probably looked at the less-than-stellar reception TWW3 got and started having second thoughts, even though the issues with TWW3 really have nothing to do with them.
        Right up until the release of TWW3 in Feb 2022 the WarCom TOW articles were talking about Kislev and Cathay, then TWW3 came out, we got nothing for 8 months and they stopped talking about Kislev entirely and went fully for the TK/Bret angle.

        • 3 months ago

          The rushing thing just feels more like how the actual release went. The change of plans was definitely a cold feet thing, hence like you said, them dropping all mention of Kislev and Cathay, despite putting them in the main rulebook lore with the other core armies. They may have been further along with the Kislev and Cathay plans, saw TWW3 didn't do well, then had to pivot to something more reliable. Trying to change face and launch a new product line in what, a year and some change, is pretty rough, even if its just re-releasing an old line, all while trying to recover from a 3 or 4 year global slow down.

          • 3 months ago

            According to CA GW created rules for Kislev and Cathay and that's where they based the stats in-game off of.
            TOW will do fine if they just accept it as something on the side and not their main flagship. I think the time investment needed for getting into and playing TOW means that it won't be as popular as AOS.

  35. 3 months ago

    Is there any hope for TOW at all? It seems to be fully DOA

    • 3 months ago

      Its over. West has fallen.

  36. 3 months ago

    It might just have gone better if they'd released more than 2 armies on launch, and didn't leave those 2 armies only half supported.

    I know many people still have WHFB armies, but some people sold theirs off, some people converted them to AoS, some people just held off when it was clear that the original system was dead, so it's not as helpful as you might think to have these new rules for armies I can't really buy models for.

    • 3 months ago

      Yeah assuming you could get the right bases you can only really build Warriors of Chaos and Beastmen with models you could reasonably buy in a store. Maybe if you're lucky Dwarves and Empire if your store still has older kits when the latter was grandfathered into Cities of Sigmar and the former had a start collecting box ages ago.

      • 3 months ago

        I had the same thought about WoC and Beastmen, then got frustrated at the increased extra expense of all the bases and held off, expecting to maybe have heard something new by now about release schedule. And with the new WoC models, only about half the line actually fit on squares anyway.

        • 3 months ago

          >release schedule
          Yeah they majorly fricked up by not even giving a road map for releases. We know Orcs and Goblins are coming next but beyond that, nothing about how soon that will be or anything else

          • 3 months ago

            Innit. I was interested in O&G too as it was always an army I thought was cool, but was limited by cash when I was younger. That announcement article with all of the future releases came out on the 20th of Jan and nothing at all since.

            • 3 months ago

              >release schedule
              Yeah they majorly fricked up by not even giving a road map for releases. We know Orcs and Goblins are coming next but beyond that, nothing about how soon that will be or anything else

              It feels like GW is killing it, rather than it being dead. Playing a game, Dwarfs vs HE tomorrow.

              • 3 months ago

                Slow releases happen. Current edition of AoS had to wait 3 months for its launch factions to get full ruleset and all models weren't out until 7 months later. For the launch factions

              • 3 months ago

                They massively underestimated demand. Releases need to be spaced out, but they've been spaced out a little too much because GW just didn't expect people to care this much.

    • 3 months ago

      And if those two weren't the worst selling WHFB armies after the chorfs. Who they didn't even bother making army books for after the compilation of WD articles they put out during 5E.

  37. 3 months ago

    Do people actually believe the OP when stuff gets instantly sold out every time they refill it?

    • 3 months ago

      We have noidea how mcuh is being sold online compared to usual GW stock and people have been posting boxes laying around in actual stores, so it's not like they're launch Cursed City tier

  38. 3 months ago

    Should have just gone with Empire vs. Orcs for launch, dunno why they decided to cuck themselves out of it by doing Cities of Sigmar instead (did AoSissies really want that anyway?)

    Launching with the two most famously unpopular armies was definitely a masterstroke in moronation - the only way they could have done worse is if they went ahead with launching with Kislev and Cathay.

    • 3 months ago

      >Launching with the two most famously unpopular armies was definitely a masterstroke in moronation
      Shit's completely sold out so... looks like it worked?

  39. 3 months ago

    I care not for the re release of the old world and am even coming around to the odd sigmsr model (stupid fricking game) but the speculation and drama is hilarious.

    It's for people that reeeally wanted it, and they're getting it, and that's fricking great. When you have enough d00ds to choose from to play a six nation campaign then figure out whether or not the die hards kept it alive or not.

    The rules look like caca and already people are metachasing which is not the point of such a game, the models are criminally overpriced, like frick me... but let people enjoy their Old World pie.

  40. 3 months ago

    I met up with my bro to play TOW this evening.

    I'm pretty happy. For the first time my beastmen felt like a horde of goat demons swarming out of the forest and not just weak brown orcs.

    • 3 months ago

      How did you run them anon? I'm looking at getting into Beastmen

    • 3 months ago
    • 3 months ago

      I still want to know your list anon

      • 3 months ago

        Scratched together 1K at the game store but it was:

        Great Bray shaman with flying carpet and hagfree fetish

        6x3 Gors with full command

        6x2 Gors with champion/musician

        5x2 Gors ambushing in skirmish formation

        10 ungors with bows

        3 Dragon ogres

        5 centigors(ambushing)

        Dragons ogres are all around great.

        Gors were fun to ambush with but not great for frontal assaults. Guess I'd like to see them go head to head with conventional infantry(eg so I'm not judging them on how well they eat cavalry charges).

        Kinda want to experiment with chariots or single razorgors to flank charge or chase off other chaff. (Never bought either because I didn't like the GW models)

        • 3 months ago

          Thanks anon for your thoughts

        • 3 months ago

          The pew pew fetish can be fun, think a chariot would work better than the carpet for the shaman? Gives him a little more survivability in exchange for the ease of fly.

          • 3 months ago

            I did order a 3D printed chariot to play around with.

            I kinda hope GW has a plastic chariot they've been keeping under wraps all these years.

            • 3 months ago

              Weird, I'm just about to starting painting the first character in my Beastmen army as an albino

  41. 3 months ago

    Why bother about pricy minis when TW:W exist ?

    • 3 months ago

      Miniatures gaming snares people because it's so multifaceted. The lore, building, and painting keep you thinking of the game when you're not playing. This is why pre-paint games are always insanely popular for a year or two and then nosedive(X-Wing, Mageknight, et al). A lot of us have pointless email jobs in the late-stage American Empire so we get a dopamine hit from creating something tangible.

      Video games appeal a different part of the male brain: our desire for order and fairness. You do all the quests and you get the achievement, it doesn't get assigned to the boss' incompetant nephew. You court Shadowheart properly and she's your girlfriend, there's no chance she ghosts you and starts fricking her abusive ex-boyfriend.

      • 3 months ago

        don't get why GW wants to make the TK so one-note and evil in TOW when it's not really a perspective the fanbase seems to like for Tomb Kings

      • 3 months ago

        Partly related to this is creativity.
        Firstly, I can do what I want to my toys. Paint them whatever colour I wish, model variants (I added drawing pin heads as bucklers to some Dark Elf crossbows, for instance) and generally dick around. As this anon says, they're MINE from then on.
        Another bit that's overlooked is creativity in the game. Be it Total War, Field of Glory or whatever digital world I fire up, all I will get is the equivalent of 2000 points Pitched Battle on pregenerated or a perfunctory and generic procedurally generated 'tabletop'. No special scenarios, no quirky little options, just the same old thing every time. And frankly as the RP element of wargaming has retreated, so has the 'pull', for me at least.

    • 3 months ago

      I don't own TWW. In fifty years, it'll only be playable through emulators and fan servers.
      Meanwhile, my Eldar miniatures will still exist and be paintable and playable. I can give them to my kids. Real objects are better than digital objects in that way

      • 3 months ago

        >Meanwhile, my Eldar miniatures will still exist and be paintable and playable. I can give them to my kids. Real objects are better than digital objects in that way
        Enjoying your Ynnari lore loyal customer?

        • 3 months ago

          I think you need to reread my post.
          Why would I give a frick about the latest fluff or the latest releases? I've got my collection, enough for a fully functional and playable army, and my minis (especially the metal ones) will outlive me. b***hing about ynnari is for you peasants.

        • 3 months ago

          Ynnari were cool for two seconds, then they decided to mercilessly cull that storyline and make the Eldar take the most pathetic losses imaginable.

    • 3 months ago

      Different experience.
      TWW one of the best fantasy strategy games, but you cannot make it about your dudes (come on CA, add the fricking army painter).

  42. 3 months ago

    The only thing online retailers sell are boxes of knights of the realm and temple guard. Wayland hasn't stocked the bretonnian starting box since launch date.

  43. 3 months ago

    The armies I'm interested in are, in order:
    #1 Skaven
    #2 Chaos Dwarfs
    #3 Tomb Kings
    My first and second choice aren't going to be properly supported, and half the range for the third one looks like dog ass. I would have jumped in with both feet if any of that wasn't the case. GW can't execute a launch for shit, and it sucks that they're going to take that as a reflection of the setting.

  44. 3 months ago

    I am quite sure we will see at least the next wave of miniatures announced soon, most likely again a double of a good and a evil faction. Considering GW's logistic is as agile as a freight truck I doubt they will stop the second wave because everything is most likely already produced and maybe partly shipped. Depending on how sales really perform, especially as we all only have anechdotal information, GW will decide what to do with ToW. I doubt they will give it up so easy, thou.

  45. 3 months ago

    >Warhammer brought back as ToW
    >ToW is literally 'Horus Heresy' for Age of Sigmar
    >ToW demands rebasing miniatures or use special movement trays
    >everyone rejoices

    I'd rather continue playing 6th or 8th edition. or any old edition of WHFB. I'm disgruntled about ToW because of two reasons.

    First, rebasing, I get it some miniatures are an absolute pain to rebase. I know you can buy special movement trays without rebasing. Why do I need to do either one to play ToW?? It makes no sense.

    Second, WHFB fans rejoicing by saying "I'm just glad that I can play Fantasy again." What do you mean? You always could play Fantasy long after GW stopped supporting the fricking game. It was your dumb ass that threw a tantrum and shelved your army.

    • 3 months ago

      You underestimate the power of a unified or at least 'official' edition. Also, the last edition being 8th made it hard to play again, because that's what caused most of the scene to die at the time.

  46. 3 months ago

    It really doesn't help when there's better made models from 3D printers nowadays, compared to GW doing a rerun for 30+ year old models.

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