So what happens when you get trapped in a soulgem? Are you going to remain conscious for the rest of eternity?

So what happens when you get trapped in a soulgem? Are you going to remain conscious for the rest of eternity?
Does your soul/consciousnes get transfered to an item if someone uses it for enchanting? What's it feel like being the shoe of some person?

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  1. 2 years ago

    I think soul gem enchantment doesn't actually use your soul but the energy of it, the actual "ego" just goes to that gay oblivion plane from the Skyrim DLC. I may be making this shit up though.

  2. 2 years ago

    Isn't there a quest in Skyrim where you literally go inside a soul gem? I think it was for the Azura's Star quest.

    >Are you going to remain conscious for the rest of eternity?
    Even if that was the case, from my understanding the universe in TES doesn't always last that long. Each kalpa lasts for maybe 20.000 years or so? Tamriel is about 8.500 years old. Then Alduin eats everything and the universe resets itself.
    20k years sure sounds like a lot, but at least there's an end in sight eventually.

    • 2 years ago

      There's also a quest in Dawnguard which does that if you're not a vampire.

      • 2 years ago

        Yeah but you don't actually get sucked in a soulgem when you enter the Soul Cairn.

        • 2 years ago

          Yes you do. You have to get it back before leaving the cairn. The process isn't clear and we are not told how it was transfered there or maybe it's just BS to find an excude to had quest content but there's really a soulg gem filled with your soul.

          • 2 years ago

            >You have to get it back before leaving the cairn
            What? When? Nothing you do inside the SC has you trying to get your soul back. Everything you kill is so you can advance the plot and disable the force field around the big fortress where Valerica is.
            As far as I'm concerned, the whole trapping thing was just a handwave and a throwaway line as to not have people b***h at Bethesda for ignore yet more of their own lore. They handled it pretty boringly and with the least amount of effort.

            • 2 years ago

              You're told to get it back (if you're not a vampire) after you kill the dragon.

              • 2 years ago

                Weird, I don't think I've ever done that. I'm pretty sure you can enter and exit whenever you want without doing it. Are you running at like lower health until you do that or something?

              • 2 years ago

                When you enter the cairn you have a debuff called "weakened soul", I didn't try to exit without doing it because obviously it can only be nefast.

                I just checked online and apparently it decrease your 3 resource bars by 45 while in the cairn so it shouldn't be a problem on Tarmriel. That's weird because your soul in techincally still trapped inside.

              • 2 years ago

                Yeah again, this makes no sense. So aside the Dragonborn being an exception, whenever someone is soultrapped and dies his "soul energy" goes into the soulgem to fuel it magically (eventhough it's simply called "soul"), but the ego or consciousness of that person goes into the Soul Cairn? Is that it?

    • 2 years ago

      Nah. Alduin was supposed to eat the kalpa a long time ago. Something is fricky this time around. I mean, you fricking kill him. You ended the world eater.

      The dude cannot believe his own death because he is literally not meant to die, ever. Unlike other dragons.

      • 2 years ago

        Doesn't Paarthunax talk about "the next world" even in the event of Alduin dying? By the time the dragonborn fights Alduin, Nirn was already living on borrowed time because the ancient Nords postponed Alduin's death nom even way back. From the context is sounds like either Alduin will show up again or the universe will kill itself eventually through some other mean.
        Otherwise this would be the first iteration of the universe that is actually permanent. That'd be weird.

        • 2 years ago

          >or the universe will kill itself eventually through some other mean
          Not with Todd Coward on the helm it won't.

        • 2 years ago

          Paarthunax doesn't know what lays in wait. He cannot see past times end. It might be the towers getting destroyed that resets the universe this time.

        • 2 years ago

          Isn't there a quest in Skyrim where you literally go inside a soul gem? I think it was for the Azura's Star quest.

          >Are you going to remain conscious for the rest of eternity?
          Even if that was the case, from my understanding the universe in TES doesn't always last that long. Each kalpa lasts for maybe 20.000 years or so? Tamriel is about 8.500 years old. Then Alduin eats everything and the universe resets itself.
          20k years sure sounds like a lot, but at least there's an end in sight eventually.

          This kalpa business never made sense to me. So the point of TES is everyone is living in a shared hallucination (a dream) that is being dreamed by a sleeping godhead. Why does the universe reset itself in the first place? Why does the new universe that follows always end up almost like the previous one but with minor differences? What happenes if the godhead wakes up? And if CHIM is understanding that you are part of the dream and surviving the realization you are no technically real, why doesn't the dreamer notice you as a rogue element in your dream and either get rid of you or wake up?

          • 2 years ago

            The kalpa ending is when the godhood wakes up. It resets itself when he goes back to sleep.

          • 2 years ago

            Nobody knows lol Michael "MK Ultra" Kirkbride never elaborated on it.

          • 2 years ago

            what the other anon said basically, but also if you are able to understand CHIM basically it's changing your own "story" rather than the entire dream directly.

            it's kind of like how when you're in a dream, you don't really process the lives of everyone and everything in your dream, some things are just out of your control - and if such actions being changed result in some differences, you probably wouldn't be like "oh what the frick", you'd just continue dreaming. waking up the dreamer is more specific, but there is always the risk anyways that the dreamer wakes up due to your actions.

            also, it isn't a dream exactly, the dream is just the name for it (which is stupid), but the dream analogy kind of works (which is also stupid), some people say it's more so like a song or a storyline, but the real answer is according to kirkbride "the godhead doesn't want to wake up"

            • 2 years ago

              >the dream analogy works
              >but it's stupid
              Which one is it?

              • 2 years ago

                it's both - it works but it shouldn't because it doesn't accurately explain it, but it helps you get to a reasonable level of understanding in a reasonable amount of time

          • 2 years ago

            >Why does the universe reset itself in the first place? Why does the new universe that follows always end up almost like the previous one but with minor differences?
            If the universe is only an emmanation of the conscious of one and the same being every time, why wouldn't it be? You can only dream about something you know. Even your weirdest, most nightmarish "out there" dreams still consists of the basic building blocks of your reality, i.e. houses, streets, brick walls, animals, people etc.

          • 2 years ago

            >And if CHIM is understanding that you are part of the dream and surviving the realization you are no technically real, why doesn't the dreamer notice you as a rogue element in your dream and either get rid of you or wake up?
            It's heavily implied the godhead has absolutely zero influence over what happens in the dream, if he's even aware he's dreaming at all.

          • 2 years ago

            what the other anon said basically, but also if you are able to understand CHIM basically it's changing your own "story" rather than the entire dream directly.

            it's kind of like how when you're in a dream, you don't really process the lives of everyone and everything in your dream, some things are just out of your control - and if such actions being changed result in some differences, you probably wouldn't be like "oh what the frick", you'd just continue dreaming. waking up the dreamer is more specific, but there is always the risk anyways that the dreamer wakes up due to your actions.

            also, it isn't a dream exactly, the dream is just the name for it (which is stupid), but the dream analogy kind of works (which is also stupid), some people say it's more so like a song or a storyline, but the real answer is according to kirkbride "the godhead doesn't want to wake up"

            • 2 years ago

              Meds, now.

      • 2 years ago

        Previous adventurers already sent him "back" to the future, this might not be the first time and maybe he will keep on poping from the past.

  3. 2 years ago

    >the only thing morally wrong about this is the act of killing someone to put them in a soulgem
    >zero moral qualms about using a soul gem you just found somewhere that already has that soul in it

    • 2 years ago

      6 million imperials were systematically exterminated to create soul gems for the altmer. Never forget. There is a reason why it's wrong.

      • 2 years ago

        Good. Frick globohomos.

    • 2 years ago

      Not sure what the oddity is here. Necromancy is common and even accepted across lots of places. Trapping souls into objects is a normal thing. People in Tamriel don't go to to Christian/israeli/Muslim churches/synagogues/mosques to learn teachings that their souls will roam some kind of heavenly afterlife. In fact, most of them learn that their souls will be tortured by Daedra. Why do you think anyone would be upset to learn that their idea of afterlife was being changed from being raped to sleep every night by daedras composed of spikes and flame, to becoming a sword that shoots lightning?

  4. 2 years ago

    >So what happens when you get trapped in a soulgem?

  5. 2 years ago


    Weird, Russia seems like the one place where denying the Holohoax would be ok.

  6. 2 years ago

    God I want a cute girl to trap my soul, then use it to enchant her underpants or her shoes.

    • 2 years ago

      You really, desperately need to have sex.

      • 2 years ago

        I have. 3 different girls, 6 times.
        I would still rather my soul be bound to a cute girl's shoes, socks, or underpants.

        • 2 years ago

          >he still counts his number of times he got laid

          • 2 years ago

            You don't because it's 0?

          • 2 years ago

            ok bawd

          • 2 years ago

            It's few enough times that I can remember all of them. It ain't rocket science, dipshit.

  7. 2 years ago

    Lowly races of men are not meant to understand the works of the superior mer. Magick is too much for your kind, I recommend sticking to chopping wood for now.

    • 2 years ago

      I guess you elves would know best about these unspeakable EVIL magic, after all..

      That's right, I said it, the Gods hate elves or perhaps not hate, but they surely do not give a shit about them. Let's see some interactions of the Gods with humanity, huh?

      >when Atmora's descendants of Skyrim were under the tyranny of Alduin, Kyne herself reaches out to Paarthurnax and together they give the ancient nords the ability to use the Thu'um.
      >When the Ayleid empire had humanity enslaved, saint Alessia reached out to Akatosh and he answered by giving her his own divine blood in the Amulet of Kings
      >Shezarrines? Dragonborns? All the relevant ones were MEN that destroyed elves left and right.
      >Most recently the Last Dragonborn was of an unspecified race, yet the events clearly point out he was of men allegiance. Not even mentioning the Talos mantling stuff.

      But what of the elves? Altmer claim to be the splitting image of Auri-El, yet, are they loved by him?
      >When Trinimac gets DESTROYED and the altmer split due to daedric influence, the Aedra do not react.
      >When the daedra influence the destiny of dunmer and orsimer, they stand silent.
      >When snow elves are being wiped out by the men of Atmora, they watch.
      >When snow elves are tricked, betrayed and enslaved by the dwemer, Auriel is flossing in the background.
      >When the chantry of Auri-El asked for help, they get massacred by their own brethren who are now being controlled by a former high priest of Auri-El, which had contracted vampirism and couldn't simply cure himself by touching the shrine like all regular people do on the daily!

      ELVES ARE A DOOMED RACE, FORGOTTEN BY THEIR FATHERS. In a world shaped by the whims of gods, the mer are destined to be extinct or bend themselves to dark forces to survive!
      Humanity is the Chosen race!

      • 2 years ago

        >perhaps not hate
        The whole man vs mer conflict started because the human gods started bullying the mer gods lol, yes they absolutely hate elves.

      • 2 years ago

        I will not read your useless man drivel. Learn hygiene first before you dabble into magick, milk drinker.

  8. 2 years ago

    All fricking necromancers must fricking hang.

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