So what would a hypothetical Elric RPG be like?

So what would a hypothetical Elric RPG be like? A Witcher style open world game with more of an action combat system, or an isometric crpg? And if we go for the crpg route, what combat system would be more fitting? RTWP or Turn-Based?

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  1. 2 years ago

    Elrics whole deals are
    1. Ass-pull summons based on some ancestral contract.
    2. Variable strength or lethargy from the black sword's hunger/supply.

    In the books both of these are authorial fiat. So an accurately adapting game would be extremely linear, with each summons or energy-rush a scripted event as part of the plot and likewise, each lethargic need for a nap which lets his cousin escape would also be a scripted event.

    Would make a shit rpg.

    • 2 years ago

      It doesn’t have to be linear your character could have a magic stat of some kind just like any rpg. You are forgetting that half the time elric can’t remember the spell he needs or the gods don’t want to help him or the spell backfires. And falling back on his magic sword also backfires sometimes.

      • 2 years ago

        >sometimes tehy fail

        I said that in the post you're responding to.
        >authorial fiat
        Whether his sword works or not, he's flush with enough energy to fight all day, or so tired he needs to rest
        Whether there's a spell to eliminate an army or he has to run

        are whatever Moorwiener wants to happen at that time.

        • 2 years ago

          Yeah but those things don’t have to be scripted they can be turned into game stats.

        • 2 years ago

          That's how all books work.

    • 2 years ago

      >1. Ass-pull summons based on some ancestral contract.
      This could be like Shaman from the new Shadownrun games: you find the summons in specific spots, bu throw in some dialogue based on lore and have it be your ally for some time based on stats or story, etc;

      >2. Variable strength or lethargy from the black sword's hunger/supply
      Souls' game like: invest the souls you take to give you power, also, have you create and take potions too - making it like Shinobi: the Sword fricks you up if you don't feed it, maybe even hurt allies to quench it's thirst

      it can have a lot of role-play, especially with calling higher beings and asking for help, or even some political intrigue while invoking your status as prince or sorcerer; a relationship meter even

      Tanelorn could serve as a online hub for multiplayer: you visit a friend's Elric house, frick, could even be part of the Story, making an original story: the "others Elrics of Melnibonés" - even works lore-wise

  2. 2 years ago

    >RPGs with fixed characters
    Do we still think those classify as RPGs? Lmao

    • 2 years ago

      >role playing

      • 2 years ago

        Yes, are you implying it's a roleplaying role just because you play as a character?
        What the frick does this even has to do with D&D anymore? You think there could be a D&D module in which you could only play as one character? No? Then why do you accept that for RPGs?
        Frick you, no, for the last time, half life is not an RPG.

        • 2 years ago

          Going by your logic the Sims is RPG.

        • 2 years ago

          How many RPGs even follow D&D's example?

        • 2 years ago

          No one is saying that dimwit, yeah the character is set in this case but you have a lot of control over how that character may develop or grow, what they might do in the story. The set protagonist and setting is just like having a setting and character sheet already printed out for you, it's still your job to actually take control. This is completely different from say playing as John Master Chief in Halo because all you can do as the Chief is shoot aliens and finish the levels, that isn't roleplaying obviously, but no one made the claim that it was either.

  3. 2 years ago

    Have it take place in the past before elrics adventures (ignoring time travel shenanigans) when imyrr is at its peak and you play just as a normal guy looking for adventure in elrics world.

    • 2 years ago

      Hopefully not an RPG in the vein of the third Polish ripoff game. The supposed 2024 game is going to be a "narrative action game" and all the better. There doesn't need to be yet another trashy open world Ubisoft game.

      Maybe this, but you're the emperor or a close associate or agent in a time long before.

      • 2 years ago

        You play as dr tanglebones

  4. 2 years ago

    Just adapt Runequest to the computer?

  5. 2 years ago

    Elric is Geralt so an Elric RPG would be The Witcher.

    • 2 years ago

      Elric is a prince, Geralt is just some fricking mutant hobo

  6. 2 years ago

    Its kinda hard when the Witcher is just a Polish man's copy and paste version of Elric with few tweeks. I would suggest maybe have it be the Witcher with the edgyness of Malus Darkblade along with the brutality of classic God of War.

  7. 2 years ago

    The legacy of kain

  8. 2 years ago

    Have it be an rpg without linear, increasing power. Your abilities in different areas wax and wane.

    Basically make it Gauntlet on a grand scale. Your always losing something, the choice is what your willing sacrifice and what to keep for any given scenario.

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