so what would Smash 6 look like with a different director?

so what would Smash 6 look like with a different director?

If so Sakurai doesn't come back(which I doubt, he'll atleast be a supervisor) I think Harada of Tekken would be most likely given how he was involved in 2 smash bros already, a solid candidate at that

Another interesing candidate imo is Kamiya with how he is great with action, character , soulful references and easter eggs, plus Viewtiful Joe is similar to a platform fighter

For a dark horse, I can honestly say Next Level Game although a western studio would obviously cause a shitstorm but I think it would offer a radically different vision but in a good way, also they may not have the best track record so obviously have extra ninty supervision, but they are great at handling Nintendo characters in Mario Strikers, Luigis Mansion and Punchout they handled the boxers great and everyone recognizes Doc Louis by his Wii depiction which was by them

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  1. 10 months ago

    It will probably be way better than ultimate tbh.
    Sakurai is way older than he looks, and is probably staid on certain things like shiggy. His subordinates might have a George Lucas complex, hesitant to suggest anything new and accepting everything sakurai says.
    I imagine, though, he will be able to identify a good idea when he sees one.

  2. 10 months ago

    If HACKurai is gone then maybe we will actually get iconic characters like Goku now instead of FEslop.

    • 10 months ago

      funny you posted Goku since if Smash came from Nintendo EAD we would probably see 4 Marios like Fighters Z has like 4 Gokus

      which I wouldn't even mind, Metal Mario and cat Mario would be kino as semi clones

      • 10 months ago

        also one of my top suggestion for a "Yoshi" character is a Baby Mario & Luigi that functions as a front for having a Superstar Saga style duo resized as toddlers

        • 10 months ago
      • 10 months ago

        Metal Mario except they lean way hard into his terrifying slow-walking Smash64 boss iteration. That'd be kino.

    • 10 months ago

      not vidya thoughever

      • 10 months ago

        If Sakurai isn't there they'll open the floodgates and turn Smash into mugen.

        • 10 months ago

          Any character NOT by nintendo is a big win.
          How do you reckon Sam&Max will play.

    • 10 months ago

      Goku definitely seems inevitable, since he's essentially the last "hype" fighter out there and that Bandai helps out with Smash development since Smash 4.
      Only Sakurai is clockblocking from Goku joining the roster at this rate.

      • 10 months ago

        yeah he is an enforcer for the no non-vidya rule although Kid Icarus is sorta loophole but I digress, Ninty doesn't seem to mind if itself with how Mario Kart has tracks based on irl cities and had a fricking Mercedes Benz as a car

        • 10 months ago

          >Kid Icarus
          This is what Ganker has come to, huh.

          • 10 months ago

            shit like Hades and Medusa did not originate in a vidya so they are exceptions to the rule

            • 10 months ago

              >Hades and Medusa in Smash
              Did I miss another wave of DLC?

              • 10 months ago

                but they are in Smash Bros as characters who technically did not originate in video games. Palutena is pretty much Athena and Pit being Icarus but you can argue that is like saying Little Mac is Jake Lamotta although that is not as similar

            • 10 months ago

              Those versions did. Are you moronic?

              • 10 months ago

                thats what I mean you mung, is sort of a loop hole to the non-vidya origin rule, and theres Dracula

            • 10 months ago

              thats what I mean you mung, is sort of a loop hole to the non-vidya origin rule, and theres Dracula

              Medusa and Hades are not the Greek mythology characters rather anime-style interpretations of the characters. Same with Dracula, he has only a superficial relationship to the book. They're not equivalent at all, it's not like Castlevania or Kid Icarus are building on Bram Stoker's novel or Greek myths.

              • 10 months ago

                they are ultimately videogame versions of characters that didn't originate in videogame

                but yeah is not that simple, you can't just add a videogame version of Goku and be like heres goku, the formers also have a different source material rather than a simple adaptation, Castlevania is its own own pretty much rather than an adaption, likewise Kid Icarus, but I think the original NES version is closer to the Icarus story idk, I may remember it wrong, idk if Hermes was the hero that killed medusa rather Icarus

              • 10 months ago

                Xeno Goku is 100% applicable

              • 10 months ago

                Kid Icarus is not related to the story of Icarus at all. It's a name only thing.

              • 10 months ago

                Kid Icarus is not related to the story of Icarus at all. It's a name only thing.

                Also Goku is not an original character either. He's based on Sun Wukong (literally Son Goku in Japanese).

            • 10 months ago

              There's a Son Goku in smash as well

    • 10 months ago

      Keep dreaming, /dbspic/

    • 10 months ago

      Based. Sakurai is shit. Goku deserves a spot over all that other trash

  3. 10 months ago

    Kamiya’s a pretty inspired choice. He has the passion and enthusiasm to lead smash development, say what you will about his work but he pours his soul into his projects. Prior commitments aside, he’s so notoriously bullheaded that I don’t think they’d ever let him touch it. He’d also make the dude from Space Harrier playable, so frick him.

    Next Level Games has amazing animators but they’re nowhere near equipped for a project as big as a Smash game. They’d be a great studio to contract out for character animations, though.

    • 10 months ago

      whats wrong with Harrier?

      • 10 months ago

        Im just tired of Kamiya putting space harrier in every single thing he does

  4. 10 months ago

    Learn to shower

  5. 10 months ago

    we get (more) mario suits as characters maybe even a peach suit also an extra splatoon and animal crossing guy and finally a zelda newcomer

    we get Wonder Red and if Capcom complies, amaterasu, Viewtiful Joe and Dante, and ofc Harrier

    Kazuya and Pacman are safe from being cut and we get King, Yoshimitsu and Nightmare, maybe Lloyd Irving

    we finally get Waluigi, Daisy is decloned and we get King Boo, King Hippo and possibly Sylux

    Which one do you pick?

    • 10 months ago

      I don't think kamiya or harada would be so self centered as to instantly pump the IP full of their own creations

      • 10 months ago

        I wouldn't mind if they are, they have some good babies, but they are 3rd parties but it assumes that the studio would join but not for Kamiya's case with being locked to Capcom but I assume that Ninty would like Megaman again

        also Kamiya would probably get 2B in there being a sexy woman thats already with platinum, also just learned Harada was a super visor for Project X Zone 2 so he already has experience with crossovers

    • 10 months ago

      >The new guy will just throw in a bunch of their own properties
      That's a dumb mindset, especially since Smash didn't get another Kirby rep until Brawl and didn't get anything else since.

      • 10 months ago

        >especially since Smash didn't get another Kirby rep until Brawl and didn't get anything else since.
        Isn't that because of Sakurai bias?

  6. 10 months ago

    Nomura is a possible candidate as much as I wouldn't like it but no doubt Sakurai would pass him the torch after having 3 Nomura characters in Ultimate

  7. 10 months ago

    what if they just didn't make another smash bros

  8. 10 months ago

    Hopefully something better than brawl 1 2 and 3.

    • 10 months ago

      I would love a Melee Remix getting a Sonic Mania treatment

  9. 10 months ago

    you just know half the FE cast would be axed without Sakurai protection

    • 10 months ago

      >Hero is not honorary Nintendo despite Dragon Quest having most of its games on Nintendo consoles
      >Snake and Ryu/Ken are guests despite having their infancy on Nintendo consoles
      >Bayonetta is not honorary Nintendo despite now being a Nintendo exclusive franchise
      >Richter, famous for a PC-Engine game which got a sequel for the PSX and a remake for the PSP, is an honorary Nintendo character despite his only two Nintendo games being a shitty port and a secret boss fight

      • 10 months ago

        right now yeah Bayo is pretty much a Nitendo character at this point but something feels missing idk what it is, Hero if is Erdick is more comfortable since it was premier NES/SNES game, plus theres a handful of great spinoffs/remakes on handhelds

        • 10 months ago

          Every DQ character in Smash is on a Nintendo console. The one most far removed from Nintendo is Eight who debuted on the PS2 and was ported to the 3DS years later, everyone else debuted on Nintendo

    • 10 months ago

      nobody gives a shit about these and you can boil the rest of the list down to just
      >xenoblade 2/3 rep
      >bayonetta (cereza from origins)
      >fire emblem rep
      nearly that whole list outside of must have tier are nobodies

  10. 10 months ago

    Given the track record of every other Nintendo franchise, the most likely outcome is no one will notice the director changed and people will keep saying "Sakurai this, Sakurai that" when talking about the directorial decisions made with the game, for decades after he retired from the position.
    Most people both on and outside Ganker still believe Miyamoto and Aonuma are directors of Mario, Pikmin, Zelda etc. I've seen anons who think Sakurai is the one making new Kirby games to this day.

  11. 10 months ago

    hopefully Nintendo isn't stupid enough to hire a western director, it would basically become like Fortnite except as a Platform fighter

    • 10 months ago

      idk, Ninty would never give anything as big as smash bros to westerners but other projects been a success with western handling
      >Donkey Kong, twice with Rare and Retro
      >Metroid, twice with Prime and Dread
      >Punchout with NGL
      >Luigi's Mansion also with NGL

      I guess it works well with Ninty since most of their IPs have mass appeal that translates western sensibilities well

  12. 10 months ago

    >westerntroony op and thread wanting smash to get worse than it already is by being more western
    the absolute state of Gankertroonyera

    • 10 months ago

      >more western

      whats so westerm, adding guys like Diddy Kong, K Rool and Dark Samus?

  13. 10 months ago

    Lazy. It’ll be the same exact game as ultimate but half the roster with some newcomers and Nintendogays will defend it.

    • 10 months ago

      hey 80 characters is very abnormal for a roster, possibly a record breaker, but then again Smash kits are typically simpler relative to most fighters

    • 10 months ago

      theres a lot thats easy to cut without second thought plus a lot of guest characters that understandably can't show up if so, you can easily make a 60 character roster that feels fresh while keeping the staples. plus games like Pokemon have a rotating roster anyways so why not do that in smash for them aswell aside from Pikachu, because is Pikachu

  14. 10 months ago

    Finally, more Zelda characters
    >inb4 BotW/TotK only

    • 10 months ago

      I wouldn't mind BoTW Trilogy Impa replacing Sheik, or semiclone with sheik staying whatever she already is a sheikah ninja plus she can the trilogy sheikah tools to the kit with the naruto shit she does in age of calamity,

      my homie

  15. 10 months ago

    Every homie in this thread talking about what characters would get in but all I care about is who would actually give the series good gameplay.

    • 10 months ago

      people said Kamiya would give it good gameplay

  16. 10 months ago

    >so what would Smash 6 look like with a different director?
    >less Fire Emblem and Kid Icarus
    >new Kirby and Zelda reps
    >Waluigi will probably get in
    >Sonic maybe won't be misrepresented and get new reps
    >Gameplay that panders to competitivegays
    >new story mode with cutscenes the new director won't get pissy about being uploaded to YouTube

  17. 10 months ago

    Smash ruined every game
    The series should be ended

    The problem with Smash. is that there are a certain number of people who build up so much hate for a character they don't like that they end up hating the original game in which that character appears
    Don't hate me if you haven't even played it

    Smash kids criticize the characters and the series itself just based on their impressions of Smash.
    It's very harmful

    They even get involved with people who normally enjoy the original game and criticize it.
    I want the series to end with sp(Ultimate)

    • 10 months ago

      It won't be and complainers will have to cope

    • 10 months ago

      whoa, they are just like us

  18. 10 months ago

    didnt Sakurai specifically say recently he felt like Iwata and Miyamoto in that once he veered away from his opus he started to wonder if there was anyone else who was fitting to take over?

    i dont think youre going to get a [NEW DIRECTOR] in the sense the entire project will be under someone else- its going to be the same team with a lead being supervised by Sakurai. what kind of mental gymnastics do you have to do to think Nintendo would straight up GIVE Smash to someone else

  19. 10 months ago

    Hopefully with less of an emphasis on dragging the same shit from game to game and more of an emphasis on new things. A lot of characters have had boring kits since they were first introduced and they never get significantly changed because SSB seems to like tweaking shit slightly more than actually coming up with anything new. It took them four iterations to get Ganondorf to use any weapons, they only used a single sword for a few smash attacks, and they kept his same Captain Falcon moveset for basically everything else anyway. Similar shit for Ness having two useless specials that have been useless in every game that they have been in. Similar shit for Sonic having two spindashes and winning most of his matches by timeout.

  20. 10 months ago

    Whoever is taking lead, they need to have some pro players on the payroll, there's too much on the line to be rolling out huge changes with community-killing risks

    • 10 months ago

      Pro smash exists because Smash is popular, not the other way around.

    • 10 months ago

      >pro players
      >party game
      No,No,No, and NO
      So many games have died bacause devs listened to "pro players" which are like only 1% of the total player base.
      No casual player takes their time to boot up melee to play only 3 different characters on 2 different stages

    • 10 months ago

      >comp nerds destroying another game
      Frick off

    • 10 months ago

      Pro players need to be executed and ignored completely. We need more items, wackier stages and super moves. Every game should be a roll of the dice to see who wins so everyone playing can enjoy themselves and hypercompetitive homosexuals all die from aneurysms.

  21. 10 months ago

    I dunno bro but I just want to see my favorite FE player character in the next Smash game as playable, that's all I need.

  22. 10 months ago

    >I think Harada of Tekken would be most likely
    No. You don't know what Harada's current position is, do you? He is too far up the corporate ladder.
    >Another interesing candidate imo is Kamiya
    You are just mentioning japanese names you know, without knowing where they are or what they do.

  23. 10 months ago

    Sakurai probably isn't coming back. Notice how he made the video claiming only he can make Smash and then a few days later, there were reports of Switch 2 dev kits. He knows Nintendo is already working on one and isn't asking him to make it, so the video is just Sakurai being Passive aggressive.

    Also, it not going to be made by Bandai Namco. Not after what happened with Metroid Prime 4. Most likely, they are going to give it back to HAL Labs since they are the original creators of it and some people are still there. After the success of Prime Remastered (when Retro hadn't touched the game since 2007), Nintendo will probably feel this is the best call as the next thing they could do is just made a new internal team. The next game's roster will be much more Nintendo focused. Sakurai had a lot of connections that could make Ultimate work, and a new developer isn't going to want to ask Daddy Nintendo to shell out for Rayman or Dante. Nintendo probably also wants to port the games in the future, but can't with how Smash has become. The only game to be re-released was Smash 64. Brawl never came out on the Wii U Virtual Console unlike a lot of other Wii titles. Ultimate Deluxe will never happen since it has a lot of DLC contracts and about 20% of the roster is owned by third parties.

    • 10 months ago

      I feel like is too soon, Smash feels more special when it feels like a revisit to major past game but Ninty had yet to make a new 3D Mario so they would have to showcase Odyssey again but is no Biggie since Melee had the same deal

      • 10 months ago

        If the next Switch is coming late 2024, then Smash would be out by 2025. Given it will probably take 3 years, they'd have to start working on it now. Also, people forget Ultimate came out in 2018. Its been 5 years already, so we're about due for a new Smash Bros.

        Next 3D Mario is probably going to be out with the Switch 2. There are probably a lot of games that are being made but we wont see them until its time to talk Switch 2.

    • 10 months ago

      >and a new developer isn't going to want to ask Daddy Nintendo to shell out for Rayman or Dante.
      And this is not a bad thing. Going back into the archive of Nintendo IP's and working with those is ideal over shelling a lot of money for a few characters. HAL getting the IP back would be cool too, and somehow I see Sakurai trying to weasel his way back into the company when he left HAL because he didn't like making sequels. Pretty poetic that he's only done sequels and a few one-offs.

      • 10 months ago

        >And this is not a bad thing. Going back into the archive of Nintendo IP's and working with those is ideal over shelling a lot of money for a few characters.

        It would be for the best. Smash was more fun when it was a celebration of Nintendo rather than the specific series with a character. Also, it would make discussion way less shitty (see

        Smash ruined every game
        The series should be ended

        The problem with Smash. is that there are a certain number of people who build up so much hate for a character they don't like that they end up hating the original game in which that character appears
        Don't hate me if you haven't even played it

        Smash kids criticize the characters and the series itself just based on their impressions of Smash.
        It's very harmful

        They even get involved with people who normally enjoy the original game and criticize it.
        I want the series to end with sp(Ultimate)

        ). Before it became about muh turd party, discussion about characters was more fun and people were generally excited about who got in. I think the ARMS hate is almost enterally from Smash gays. I think it helps that usually if someone likes a Nintendo game, they'll like the others too. Would also remove some of the tourist (i.e. Maximillion) who are only there for a specific series.

        >HAL getting the IP back would be cool too, and somehow I see Sakurai trying to weasel his way back into the company when he left HAL because he didn't like making sequels.

        More likely he'd just cope and seeth. Maybe make another passive aggressive video or tweet. I think his big problem is he's built his ego around Smash. If someone else can make a good Smash game, then he's no longer this special director who can make Smash, but just another Director is a larger IP. The series would become bigger than him, and he doesn't want that.

        • 10 months ago

          I said this in another thread, Ultimate isn't going to happen again because retaining Ultimate's roster with new licenses added is going to become incredibly expensive, no matter how successful the last game was. Scaling back to just Nintendo characters would also be a nice way to tell the 3rd partygays to shut the frick up without actually saying it. Imaging not giving a frick about Smash and then coming in the series with Ultimate and telling long-time fans that Nintendo characters aren't needed in the Nintendo crossover.

  24. 10 months ago

    Will someone please just frogmarch Sakurai onto a plane to Hawaii already? Dude's more than earned a vacation.

  25. 10 months ago

    Another Smash on the same console? What's the point?

    • 10 months ago

      Sounds familiar

  26. 10 months ago

    >"I'm retiring after Melee"
    >"Brawl will be the last one for me"
    >"I just don't see myself returning to Smash after Wiiu/3ds"
    >"I think Ultimate is the last one"
    Why do you all keep falling for this

    • 10 months ago

      This. As long as Nintendo keeps promising him a fortune in royalties he's not going to quit making smash sequels. Regardless of how much he wants to work on new games.

    • 10 months ago

      This. As long as Nintendo keeps promising him a fortune in royalties he's not going to quit making smash sequels. Regardless of how much he wants to work on new games.

      Iwata was the one that asked him to make the games, and he’s not around anymore. Even Sakurai admitted this arrangement is unusual. Other companies don’t have their multimillion franchise at the mercy of a freelancer and then have to fine a team for him. Smash is too important for this, so likely they’ll get something more permanent than Sakurai

      • 10 months ago

        Iwata only asked him to make Brawl. The other games were him wanting to do so

        • 10 months ago

          Iwata asked him to make all three, including Ultimate. Same is true for Kid Icarus.


    • 10 months ago

      sakurai loves being able to whine about how much work it is to make smash while using the world's biggest ips as his personal plaything, he'll return as long as he's able to.

  27. 10 months ago

    They would just have to cut the roster in half, if the thing
    Ultimate's "everyone is here" thing just doesn't seem sustainable at all
    And as a result they'd have to find a different selling point to try and still make the game look better than the last, and I don't know what that would look like.

    • 10 months ago

      Super Smash Bros. -Strive-

    • 10 months ago

      Nintendo will want to make sure the roster stays big since that was a major reason the game sold so well. The issue is the third party characters as that’s where the roster is really going to run into trouble. Most likely they’ll try and keep all the Nintendo characters and build off Ultimate (which is what they’ve done for every game since Brawl). The good thing with “Everyone is Here” is the characters were brought forward to a modern engine, so it will be far easier to add them in future titles.

    • 10 months ago

      As long as Geno gets added, 90% of the roster can be removed and it'll automatically be better than Ultimate.

  28. 10 months ago

    Sakurai only drinks coke zero and not water

    Can he really be trusted?

  29. 10 months ago

    >Harada makes a Smash Bros.
    >Smash 6 netcode becomes worse than Brawl's

    • 10 months ago

      Smash Ult already has like 50 frames of baked in input delay just like all namco games do even tekken 8 has baked in delay despite using rollback now

      Trying to just move through a platform in ultimate is impossible

    • 10 months ago

      >playing online
      Just invite your IRL friends over bro

    • 10 months ago

      >worse than Brawl's
      Let's not go that far

  30. 10 months ago

    If Smash 6's movement feels as bad as Ultimate and 4's I won't play it, simple as that.

  31. 10 months ago

    I just want fricking jump momentum and increased hitstun for non neutered combos again. That's all I fricking want. I don't need a huge revision or change to the mechanics, but the change I mentioned would make the feel so much better to play.

    Inb4 some homosexual cries about how better combo options in 64/melee made the game too "hard" for them.

  32. 10 months ago

    it's literally impossible for a smash game to be good ever again because nintendo demands that the skill ceiling be as low as possible

  33. 10 months ago

    >new director is somebody from Nintendo who doesn't have a history for everybody to make memes about
    >gameplay doesn't really improve in any significant ways
    >significantly smaller roster prioritizing characters featured in games currently on the console's market (Earthbound's gone without a single reference left) with new characters being selected in a similar fashion, otherwise there'll be one or two retro picks (90s) to make us think they're based
    >content is mostly the same as Ultimate's but much smaller in scope, there'll probably be at least one new mode that's a gimmick to use heavily in advertising and won't have any actual staying power
    >stages much smaller in number, BF/FD alts less likely to return, hazard switch has a 50/50 shot of staying or going
    >2-3 seasons of DLC, at least half of them are gonna be returning characters everybody says should have been in the base game (Captain Falcon and/or Ness coming in seasons 2 or 3), nowhere near as much third party reach as Sakurai could get, and would no doubt be shilling for recent games as well, barring maybe one who's just a fun character with a legacy, first party new characters added via DLC will be almost entirely characters repping a new game at the time that doesn't have any major characters already present (ie: another Fire Emblem)

    This is how I imagine it realistically going, and everybody's gonna be longing for the Sakurai days.

  34. 10 months ago

    >Smash 64 cuts
    Obviously Mario, Link, Pikachu all must remain. Update Mario and Link heavily. Captain Falcon is iconic to Smash but he's of a dead franchise, same with Ness and Fox, so it's up in the air. I feel like DK can remain but please switch up his moveset, maybe implement the other Kongs (or do that for Diddy). Samus can stay for she is the top 3 iconic female Nintendo character and her franchise isn't doing bad. Kirby can stay but cut Jigglypuff, one pink ball is good enough. With Yoshi they should either use baby Mario on his back or use his power ups from Sunshine and Galaxy. Luigi can easily be cut (crazy I know) but what have his games offered in terms of moveset potential that hasn't already been implemented in Smash?

    So for 64 I would keep these characters
    >Donkey Kong
    >Captain Falcon
    And this is being fairly generous, since Falcon and Fox are not relevant to gaming anymore, yet are celebrated to this day BECAUSE of Smash. Will do one for Melee and the rest when I feel like it.

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