So, what's the consensus? Better than Diablo II or basically another shitty reskinned D3?

So, what's the consensus? Better than Diablo II or basically another shitty reskinned D3?

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  1. 12 months ago

    I have a better question: was considering playing the Diablo 2 remaster, is it worth it? Or was D2 one of those games that "you had to be there" and hasn't aged all that well?

    • 12 months ago

      it doesnt have the hand holding modern games have where they explain every single thing to the player or where they have a timer where they throw cool stuff every 5 minutes like a social network to keep you engaged.

    • 12 months ago

      d2 doesn't become fun until you complete your characters

    • 12 months ago

      Having played D2, D3, PoE, and D4. I can safely say that ARPGs where never good. These gays are more delusional than MMObrains.

      • 12 months ago

        trying to hard

      • 12 months ago

        Correct. Diablo 2 was the first nu-fun game.
        If it came out today, you could've fooled me that it was a Korean mmo.
        'Just keep grinding so you can beat the same shit but with bigger numbers'
        Also, act 1 is the only good act

    • 12 months ago

      I just played it for the first time this year and loved it. Just do yourself a favor and look up a build guide before you play and spec accordingly. Respecs are very limited and It's easy to make a bad build if you're not careful.

      • 12 months ago

        >look up a build guide
        zoomers are frickin hilarious

    • 12 months ago

      Has potential underneath but blizzard will never realise it because they don't understand how to design a game

      D2R is good, but modded D2 is leagues better.

    • 12 months ago

      The real meat of the game starts after you beat the base difficulty. You probably won't find it that great unless you try and get through Nightmare and Hell as your build starts to come into its own, the itemization opens up, and you will need to hunt specific upgrades to get past certain parts of the game. You will do a lot of farming/ resets to do this. If all that that sounds fun, go for it.

    • 12 months ago

      definetely one of
      >you had to be there
      things. nostalgia carries that one hard. Unless you are one for israelite simulator engaging in trade ecosystem d2 isn't all that great.

    • 12 months ago

      D2R and PoE moving through the entire story at your own pace is the best way to first time experience the game. If you have a friend or two that move at your pace and don't mind slowing down and going back to town to talk to npcs when their dialogue trees change, then go that route.

      If you don't care about the story, adventure and atmosphere and just want to minmax to the end, then don't play ARPGs at all.

      • 12 months ago

        >If you don't care about the story, adventure and atmosphere and just want to minmax to the end, then don't play ARPGs at all.
        But like 2/3 of ARPGs are exactly that.

      • 12 months ago

        Poe story was shite

    • 12 months ago

      it's fricking trash.
      d2 is the type of game propped up by nostalgia.
      it's spamming the same skill over and over and using manapots. it's fricking boring as frick.
      even diablo immortal would be better than 2.
      just play 4 it's good.

  2. 12 months ago

    diablo 3 with le gritty reshade + shitty mmo gameplay with everything spread 5000 miles apart to justify the moronic mount system

  3. 12 months ago

    The Open world mmo'ish stuff are amazing.
    Story telling is the best probably on any arpg

    However, as much as i wanted to love it, tbh its like the gameplay is almost as good as d3 (modern not the mess it was at launch) and the skill trees are trash (at least rogue necro and barb which tried).

    It needs a Reaper of Souls tier expansion to fix the game like D3 had. But the foundations are much better than D3 so it has the potential to be amazing.

    • 12 months ago

      >Best storytelling of any ARPG
      Notbeven remotely.

      • 12 months ago

        ok sure what game is better, please not PoE. PoE story telling is the worst thing ever

        • 12 months ago


          • 12 months ago

            >Only saying that because the game is old and he thinks everything old is good for some reason

    • 12 months ago

      >The Open world mmo'ish stuff are amazing.
      >Story telling is the best probably on any arpg

    • 12 months ago

      >He thinks Blizz is ever going to try to "win back" fans instead of milk whales ever again.
      The battle pass sealed this game's fate as a FOMO machine.

      • 12 months ago

        >don't pay decent wages
        >pay megan fox for a weird marketing tik tok thing

    • 12 months ago

      >mmo'ish stuff are amazing
      shut up. please just shut the frick up

    • 12 months ago

      >The Open world mmo'ish stuff are amazing.
      >Story telling is the best probably on any arpg

      What the frick are you on, those are the absolute worst parts of the game.

    • 12 months ago

      >The Open world mmo'ish stuff are amazing

    • 12 months ago

      I gotta take notes from posts like this to conjure up some high-grade bait in the future inevitable "diablo 4 sucks" threads.

    • 12 months ago

      Well nobody plays ARPGs for story or MMO content, so what you're telling me is it's unmitigated trash?

      I assumed so.

      • 12 months ago

        It was a masterclass in storytelling. Having 90% of the story delivered via Starwars holograms was genius! You have to experience it for yourself.

    • 12 months ago

      >Story telling is the best probably on any arpg
      >incel angel
      >mommy demon uwu
      Wow great storytelling, dickhead.

    • 12 months ago

      This is a shill. Story and overworld content is the weakest shit it offers

    • 12 months ago

      >, tbh

      are you fricking moronic? how can a tbh come after a comma?
      you failed at english and japanese simultaneously you misshapen mistake
      unejaculate yourself out of your mothers eggs

      • 12 months ago

        He got hit by the filter moron.

      • 12 months ago

        >ze doesnt know

      • 12 months ago

        fricking christ, the people who come on this shithole basket weaving site

        • 12 months ago

          >ze doesnt know

          He got hit by the filter moron.

          I stopped going on Ganker after 2009 when the newbies took over
          I dont give a single frick about your newbie memes

          • 12 months ago

            no you didnt Black person you're just a new homosexual

      • 12 months ago

        fricking newbie.You're not wrong though.

    • 12 months ago

      literally the worst parts of the game. what the frick is wrong with blizzdrones

  4. 12 months ago

    the entire series is shit and you're a moron for considering a slot machine game

    • 12 months ago

      Opinion discarded.

      • 12 months ago

        frick off shill

      • 12 months ago

        He's right though. The main selling point of Diablo 1 is making enemies "walking piñatas"

  5. 12 months ago

    Campaign was fun enough, Donan's death was so stupid it defies belief. Endgame is shit. Lots of odd design choices. Itemization is boring.

    • 12 months ago
      • 12 months ago

        so fricking stupid holy shit.

      • 12 months ago

        all the scenes in the entire game were just as shitty as this one

        this dumb take reminds me of GoTS08, where suddenly everyone realized at the same time that the show was shit, even though it had easily been shit since tywin died. though at least got had the benefit of starting out as not shit, unlike d4 which starts out pure shit from the first second. and dolan and his worthless son are horribly unlikable characters. not to mention how the entire "story" plays out like a wow raid, where you beat the shit out of everything and then the NPCs show up to do things for you. why the FRICK are they even there? get these shitty buttholes out of my face

      • 12 months ago

        Why's he hanging out with wall skelly?

        • 12 months ago

          Look closer at the wall skellys skull. It's someone he knows.

          • 12 months ago

            I haven't even touched the game.

          • 12 months ago

            Wait, can't tell if bullshitting.

      • 12 months ago

        >facetanks ashava no problem
        >dies from one slap from a tormented soul
        i was expecting it to be a fakeout but no they actually did that

        • 12 months ago

          It's just like how all the bosses in the game(aside from Uber Lilith) are an absolute joke that you can just tank'n'spank while never dropping below 90% HP, meanwhile some Moon Clan Shaman or Ghost Bow can literally oneshot your character in 0.1 seconds.

          At least they are consistent.

      • 12 months ago

        Imagije getting killed by this gay ass thing. Embarrassing

      • 12 months ago

        which one is more embarassing, this or deckard cain's butterflies?

        • 12 months ago

          Cain was just some old dude. Getting zapped by a demon is pretty reasonable even if it's anticlimactic.

        • 12 months ago

          Griswold, dude who tanked butcher and dragged wounded dude back to town through Horde of demons, being killed offscreen by low tier fallen in diablo 2

        • 12 months ago

          Definately the butterflies.
          That was just insulting and stupid. Donan's was just stupid.

      • 12 months ago

        I laughed, such an interesting character that has actual growth throughout the campaign killed by a random ghoul, lol.

        • 12 months ago

          That didn't kill him, he got injured even more off screen while we were in the nightmare

        • 12 months ago

          Well yeah, he is black

      • 12 months ago


      • 12 months ago

        blizzard moment

    • 12 months ago

      >Donan's death was so stupid it defies belief
      first time?

      • 12 months ago

        The only crime D3 committed was not letting my Nephalem wiener penetrate Leah's diablussy.

        • 12 months ago

          tru dood

  6. 12 months ago

    I enjoyed it but at the same time I enjoyed Diablo 3 quite a bit more. I think it's safe to say that it is worth waiting a few seasons to buy.

  7. 12 months ago

    i played the beta, playing the game was serviceable to good, the skill tree is a huge letdown though
    paragon almost seems like it mite be cool
    do uniques make up for it or am i safe in assuming whatever next dlc comes out will be the real game

  8. 12 months ago

    the game is aggressively mediocre and the level scaling sucks shit. i finished act 1 and got bored with it.

  9. 12 months ago

    8/10 if youre a gamerdad and play at homeophatic doses
    5/10 if you try anything hardcore/take day off to play all day, endgame is trash

  10. 12 months ago

    Solid foundation, but seasons will make or break the game. Right now there's "only" 200 hours worth of content in the game and once you reach that mark, there's literally nothing else to do in the game. Zero replayability other than rolling an alt and doing the exact same things again.

  11. 12 months ago

    This will inevitably be taken as being in bad faith as I'm mentioning a competitor game, but honest question, as someone who plays Path of Exile what does Diablo 4 offer me over it?

    • 12 months ago

      same thing d3 does, it handles a lot better. that's literally it. unless you're into the really shitty story and want to spend a lot of time listening to NPCs slowly dumping tedious dialogue into your face

      • 12 months ago

        Diablo 3 plays better than 4.

    • 12 months ago

      Why don't YOU tell ME what PoE offers ME over IT? No really, I'm thinking of trying PoE.

      • 12 months ago

        >No really, I'm thinking of trying PoE.
        Wait for PoE2.

      • 12 months ago

        Well, since I haven't played D4 that's hard. But I've heard that leveling up makes you feel weaker in D4 because of the level scaling. In PoE you always get stronger and stronger until you are heinously overpowered. There is also definitely far more character customization. To the extent that to plan your builds you need to use 3rd party resources to nail down all the shit you need for a complete build. Very appealing to autistic chimpanzees who like numbers go up.

        >No really, I'm thinking of trying PoE.
        Wait for PoE2.

        Is the same game with a different campaign and some reworked features. It's more like a big expansion than a sequel, no point in waiting for it.

        • 12 months ago

          >Is the same game with a different campaign and some reworked features. It's more like a big expansion than a sequel, no point in waiting for it.
          That's what it was, but they have obviously changed their plans a lot. The recent teasers show that they are likely attempting to strike some sort of hybrid between PoE autismness and D4 casualness.

          • 12 months ago

            The trailers didn't show that at all. It showed a unkitted character running through a new campaign area, using new skills and activating a boss. It commented exactly nothing about the greater extent of the content of PoE2.

      • 12 months ago

        Poe has tons of depth, from farming to making a character, you can even spec what your endgame feels like in a sense since that also has a skill tree
        Plus it is ever-evolving with many years of dev time, D4 currently only has the echo fight and gear optimization for the endgame but poe has several bosses endgame bosses, chase items. There's also way more ways to craft an item granted crafting in poe is frustrating since its very random
        As for negatives
        >cosmetic mtx is overpriced
        >you will want a few stash tabs, likely will cost you a bit less than the price of d4 for a complete feeling amount of qol (wait for a stash sale)
        >progression has layers upon layers of rng.
        >game is designed with you putting in a jobs worth of time for you to get anywhere
        >easy to hit a wall, respecs aren't that cheap when you're starting out

    • 12 months ago

      why would someone subject themselves to playing something like PoE?

    • 12 months ago

      It doesn't require unemployment.

  12. 12 months ago

    Why do people think a GaaS is going to get better with updates? Have you never seen WoW? Overwatch? Hearthstone?

    The focus is on wringing as much cash out of chump as possible and keeping people playing via extrinsic motivators.

    • 12 months ago

      >Why do people think a GaaS is going to get better with updates?
      D3 launch was in a 100x worse state than D4, and they managed to turn that game around with a team that was a skeleton crew compared to what they have on D4.

      >The focus is on wringing as much cash out of chump as possible
      Yes, which means that they need to update the game regularly. If they don't, then people stop playing, and Blizzard doesn't get money.

      • 12 months ago

        >D3 launch was in a 100x worse state than D4
        D3 wasn't GaaS. It was a normal ass game with a RMAH scheme stapled on. When they had to remove it due to legal pressure, they fell back on making Diablo 3 an ACTUALLY GOOD GAME because their only way to generate revenue was sales of the base game and the expansion/DLC.

        D4 is designed around being a live service game, far moreso than D3 ever was. Its entire goal is to grab enough whales to wring dry. It isn't going to focus on a smaller number of updates that make the overall game experience better. It's going to focus on FOMO and constant content updates to make players feel like they can't leave. It is intrinsically stuck doing the opposite of what D3 did: bandaids instead of overhauls, gradual clutter instead of adding systems, and perpetuity over player engagement.

        • 12 months ago

          D3 had frick-all meaningful updates and suffered for it.

          • 12 months ago

            Loot 2.0/RoS changed it from a piece of shit to an actually competent video game. The second expansion got cancelled but we ended up getting most of its content anyway. They shouldn't have abandoned it so fast, but still, it was given necessary fixes to address the backlash of launch.

            4 isn't going to be getting that because the game is "fine" and the monetization scheme isn't tied to player quality perception.

            • 12 months ago

              >The second expansion got cancelled but we ended up getting most of its content anyway
              did they add a single zone post launch of ros?

            • 12 months ago

              >4 isn't going to be getting that because the game is "fine"
              They already have dedicated teams that are working in tandem to create 2 seasons at a time, plus they also have teams actively working on 2 expansions for D4.

              D4 is pretty fricking meh right now, but it would be foolish to assume that Blizzard isn't going hardcore in on this game.

              • 12 months ago

                >They already have dedicated teams that are working in tandem to create 2 seasons at a time, plus they also have teams actively working on 2 expansions for D4.
                This is exactly what I'm talking about. Making a game better doesn't consist of just stapling content to something. Diablo 2 wouldn't be better if you gave it an Act 6, 7 and 8. Hellfire made Diablo 1 worse!

                This is the same shit World of Warcraft does. Do Blizzard fans have no pattern recognition skills?

              • 12 months ago

                yeah there should just be one tileset in d4

              • 12 months ago

                >Ignores argument, replies with a non-sequiter
                Moron or a shill.

              • 12 months ago

                >Diablo 2 wouldn't be better if you gave it an Act 6, 7 and 8.
                Dunno. Maybe it would. Act 5 made the game better. LoD was just stapling shit on.

              • 12 months ago

                Act 5 worked because base 2 was blatantly unfinished and the regular ending sucked. Most of LoD was adding and refining gameplay systems.

              • 12 months ago

                >blatantly unfinished and the regular ending sucked.
                Bullshit. You beat Diablo in a climactic fight. You think just because it ended with the reveal that Baal was still out there meant the game was unfinished? Then was Diablo 1 unfinished because it ended with the reveal that Diablo was possessing the warrior?

                And they could still 'add and refine gameplay mechanics' with additional acts.

              • 12 months ago

                No, I think it was unfinished because they managed to get it out to market in less than a year and said as much years later.

              • 12 months ago

                >Diablo 2 wouldn't be better if you gave it an Act 6, 7 and 8.
                I'm pretty sure 9/10 D2 players would have loved more acts after LoD.

              • 12 months ago

                D2 players liked D2 tho. Not sure D4 players like D4 all that much if people want it 'fixed' already.

              • 12 months ago

                wow they're working on two battle passes full of shitty cosmetics at once? the game is saved

              • 12 months ago

                They are doing PoE-styled seasons. 1 big game mechanic, a new zone, new storyline to introduce the mechanic, some new legendaries/uniques, some new paragon boards/glyphs, etc.

              • 12 months ago

                it's funny that you believe this after how vague they've been

              • 12 months ago

                >after how vague they've been
                What I just wrote is exactly what they have said in multiple dev interviews.

              • 12 months ago

                They just did a stream where they were the opposite of vague

              • 12 months ago

                >didn't show anything
                first blizzard game?

              • 12 months ago

                They completely glanced over every major issue the frick are you talking about. The whole thing was just a bunch of fricking newspeak with clearly no design direction or goals in mind

          • 12 months ago

            You are smoking crack. Loot 2.0 and the Kanai Cube update completely turned it around.

        • 12 months ago

          >Make GaaS game driven by microtransaction (macro) cosmetics and battle passes with allegedly mostly cosmetic rewards.
          >Make every single class customization range from barely passable 5/10 to ugly as frick so no one cares about playing dress up with them.

          They really fricked up if that was their goal.

          • 12 months ago

            just wait until the rainbow shit comes in (it will)

        • 12 months ago

          You're talking to someone who bought a Blizzard game after Warcraft Reforged happened.

        • 12 months ago

          Unfortunately most zoomers grew up on this stuff and don't understand stuff like this. More stuff = better game to them.

          • 12 months ago

            The game sucks

  13. 12 months ago


  14. 12 months ago

    Diablo Immortal has a better campaign and its fricking free.

    • 12 months ago

      Diablo Immortal lets you change your class as well if you're not happy.

    • 12 months ago

      Seriously? I was bored out of my mind playing it and quit after the Elder Rift tutorial. Is 4 really even worse?

  15. 12 months ago

  16. 12 months ago

    >Get all aspects for your build by level 50.
    >Get the one (maybe two) legendary useable for your build by level 60.
    >No overpowered legendaries that only drop from the hardest content to drastically alter your build or enable completely new ones to look forward too.
    >Your build is now fixed. You will never change the way you play from 60 - 100. All item upgrades from here just make your numbers larger. All paragon points just make your numbers larger. Even legendary paragons slots are just numerical upgrades.

    Did Blizzard just forget how to make an ARPG's end game exciting?

    • 12 months ago

      My dude Diablo 2 was just "baal runs753" and "cows u make"

    • 12 months ago

      bro if you get the other uniques you can always respec
      respeccing is not hard or expensive
      lots of class builds have synergy with other builds so you don't have to fully respec
      quit bein a b***h

  17. 12 months ago

    It's already better than D3 ever was so there's definitely potential here.

  18. 12 months ago

    Are they already in a loop of constant, drastic nerfs/buffs that frick up your build every goddamn week?

  19. 12 months ago

    well the endgame barely exists and is an unfathomable slog so you tell me

  20. 12 months ago

    D2R > D2 > D3 vanilla > D4 > D3RoS

    • 12 months ago

      Dangerously and extra-based. I really liked D4 vanilla (AH I didn't care for, I just sniped cheap shit to flip) I liked how legendaries were actually rare and A LOT of noobs got filtered. I wish we had more ARPG that were actually slow and difficult--at all. They're all giga easy nowadays.

      • 12 months ago

        I also really like not proof-reading.

    • 12 months ago

      Dangerously and extra-based. I really liked D4 vanilla (AH I didn't care for, I just sniped cheap shit to flip) I liked how legendaries were actually rare and A LOT of noobs got filtered. I wish we had more ARPG that were actually slow and difficult--at all. They're all giga easy nowadays.

      >Shitty, slow, inferior Diablo 2 > Schizo Action Game
      This is the stupidest shit I've ever heard.

      • 12 months ago

        what did he mean by this
        I know that Gankertards like to talk in loose riddles but even this is impressive

  21. 12 months ago

    D2 sucks ass. Saying this as someone who has played pretty much every ARPG in existence, but isn't a huge fan. So I'm not some PoE incel or D3 homosexual.

    I loved it as a lad, but it's fricking terrible now. It's not like Mario 64 or DOOM, it fricking aged like milk. In fact, I cannot think of a game that has aged worse. Shit like Ultima Underworld holds up better.

    D2 has terrible gameplay and the items are boring. The low-tier indie knockoffs from 15 years ago like Fate and Torchlight 1 utterly mog it. D2 is possibly the worst game when it comes to nostalgia-gays.

    • 12 months ago

      >Torchlight 1
      Torchlight 1 is better than the entire Diablo series except *maybe* D1.

    • 12 months ago

      >D2 is possibly the worst game when it comes to nostalgia-gays.
      Calling a spade a spade. I've been saying this for years, D2gays are part of a cult they act like members of the Triune in Diablo lol.

  22. 12 months ago

    most skills and builds are very boring. Rogue feels like a straight downgrade from D3 dh. WW barb and druid seem like the most popular classes at endgame BY FAR. They're just simple and fun to play. I think sorc, rogue, and necro are all really bad and unfun to play.

    • 12 months ago

      WW needs removing from the game.

    • 12 months ago

      Necros fun. Blood just sucks ass but as someone who has every class to 50 literally nothing compares to necro.
      Barbs the most boring homosexual class so ur taste confirmed to be terrible. Every build is just rawr i shouted 4 ill do my spender! Its moron shit.
      Druid is sorta cool i guess.

      T. 84 necro

  23. 12 months ago
  24. 12 months ago

    people that think d4 launch is bad have memoryholed d3 launch and its entire vanilla too
    its not possible to be worse than d3 launch/vanilla

  25. 12 months ago

    They confirmed they're adding the ability to teleport to nightmare dungeons so that's my biggest complaint solved.

  26. 12 months ago

    Looks real pretty
    Fun until level 50, after which it drops off a cliff
    Countless bugs and issues
    Half-baked with completely idiotic systems and unimplemented mechanics

  27. 12 months ago

    damn necro pets are frickin worthless just like wd pets on d3 launch cause all these big telegraph attacks just annihilate them instantly
    guess i gotta go sacrifice build and be a worse sorc for now

    • 12 months ago

      Necro pets now are way better than WD pets were, which were bad even in a fresh campaign at the lowest difficulty. At least necro pets work fine while working through the campaign at WR2.

      • 12 months ago

        depends on the encounters, poison enchanted or any enemy with combo attack animations will shred your shit cause multiple hits overcome the passive that limits how much damage they can take in a single hit
        i had to respec completely against the second phase boss in the temple of rot because the poison on half the arena made keeping any pets up impossible and i couldn't kill the fly swarms fast enough to kite the multihitting combo insect boss. or his leaps that chunk 70% of your health and he can chain em.

        wd pets in d3 vanilla fell off instantly as soon as you reached nightmare, they not only died instantly but did zero damage. at least d4 necro pets are glass cannons currently, they can do some damage.

    • 12 months ago

      Have you tried raising new skeletons from the 9001 corpses on the ground you make during any fight, moron?

  28. 12 months ago

    The story seems cool. The storytelling itself is kinda bleh and does the D3 convenient "ghost thing explains shit for you" at a lot of points, which is weird because they already have a built in "Lillith petals"-thing that they can use to explain things you wouldn't otherwise know.

    Atmosphere is better. But you can see a lot of D3-isms throughout. That said, it's an improvement over D3 in pretty much every way, at least BEFORE end game (I'm not quite there yet).

  29. 12 months ago

    PoE probably shouldn't've done such a dogshit league over the time that D4 launched. Like, there's not trying to actively compete with the launch and then there's handing over a bunch of their playerbase because they didn't want to spend more than a weekend developing the current league.

    • 12 months ago

      Don't most people bounce around ARPGs anyway? I always did between PoE and D3 for seasons I hated. Maybe it's just me. It's what I like about seasonal stuff, you can just pick it up and start fresh every time and there isn't really a penalty.

  30. 12 months ago

    Wouldn't know. I don't give money to blizzard.

  31. 12 months ago

    Bad endgame

    Mostly because the XP curve skyrockets at 50/60 and continuously more and more. Unlike POE where you start feeling it around 80-90.

    XP and map density are really poor atm and there's a Lv100 pinnacle boss and more paragon points to grind for on the way to 100.

    It feels terrible.

    • 12 months ago

      The leveling curve is designed around encouraging the player to fast track the time gated battlepass to get ash/leveling exp increases.

  32. 12 months ago

    It's a sidegrate from D3 but paradoxically worse endgame.

  33. 12 months ago

    Grim Dawn's story is better than D4
    Grim Dawn's gameplay is better than D4
    Grim Dawn's class building is better than D4
    Grim Dawn's sense of discovery is better than D4
    D4 only has cool armor, sfx/vfx, and a better character creator

    • 12 months ago

      Grim Dawn combat is worse then D4. I fricking loathe the "1 button meta" that both GD/TQ/POE goes for.

      • 12 months ago

        grim dawn
        >press a bajilion buttons while dancing between 100+ movements for boss fights like a real good fight before you win
        >press 4 buttons and win while face tanking a boss
        which wey wyt man?

        • 12 months ago

          What bajillion buttons? The game directly incentivize you to pump points into 1 skill, and focus on that skill only. Its good enough if you have some debuff skill for enemy, or maybe a buff that you need to recast on yourself. Same shit as POE

      • 12 months ago

        >I fricking loathe the "1 button meta" that both GD/TQ/POE goes for.

        pic related

        • 12 months ago

          It's funny how this dogshit skill became the meta for Rogues when it was absolute garbage in the closed beta. Flurry used to be what twisting blades is now, at least one thing hasn't changed and that is that ranged is still pretty bad all around. I still don't understand what the frick they were thinking with some of these channeling abilities. I was really hoping Rogue played more like DH from D3 than shitassin of D2.

          Hopefully they address some of these issues in the future because I don't want to play redditblades.

          • 12 months ago

            Penetrating shot's pretty fun, haven't tried barrage or rapid fire but I hear barrage is good until you have to fight bosses then it falls off a cliff

            • 12 months ago

              penetrating shot is also bad against elites/bosses unless you have extremely good gear. Ranged rogue is bad and twisting blades is carpal tunnel simulator and its unfun.

          • 12 months ago

            You can literally play pen shot, flurry and rapid fire
            Twisting blades is only better than those in dps, when you outgear the game it can allow you to play a subpar skill that feels better

        • 12 months ago

          It's funny how this dogshit skill became the meta for Rogues when it was absolute garbage in the closed beta. Flurry used to be what twisting blades is now, at least one thing hasn't changed and that is that ranged is still pretty bad all around. I still don't understand what the frick they were thinking with some of these channeling abilities. I was really hoping Rogue played more like DH from D3 than shitassin of D2.

          Hopefully they address some of these issues in the future because I don't want to play redditblades.

          Twisting blade is pure fun you dumb Black folk
          absolute kino ability

      • 12 months ago

        I will unironically take that 1 button over the 2 builder-spender + CD spam

      • 12 months ago

        >bone spear is best necro build
        >twisting blade is best rogue build
        > ice blade sorc
        >whirlwind barb
        >tornado druid
        Literally all one button builds you cretin

    • 12 months ago

      >D4 only has cool armor
      uhh anon most of the armor looks like levelling gear from a mid 2000s mmo. They all suck except for necro.

      I agree the video and audio effects are well done

      >a better character creator
      Ehh, its kinda barebones and only 4 facial options? Really? And they all just boil down to

      >black face
      >asian face
      >indian face
      >white face

      its pretty bad, especially with trend setters like BDO and Lost Ark showing that more customization is always a good thing.

      • 12 months ago

        the tattoos are kinda cool though

    • 12 months ago

      Grim Dawn is a piece of shit, and is a prime example of people liking it to be contrarian on here.

      • 12 months ago

        You’re right. Wolcen mogs GD and d4 in every way anyway. Wolcen is the real king of arpgs

        • 12 months ago

          Stop trying to trick people into playing that piece of shit.

          • 12 months ago

            Wolcen summoner abilities mog d4 in every way
            >skeleton archers
            >perk that creates rats from corpse explosion
            >item affixes that let you summon snipers with staff build
            >parasite control prophets that summon their own zombies
            All of that at the same time. D4 utterly embarrassed and shamed

    • 12 months ago

      If this is true, I understand why people are saying questionable things about D4's endgame. GD is good, but like all ARPGs I did get a bit bored of the endgame grind and fell off. Still a great game and I enjoyed playing through the story with multiple characters.

      • 12 months ago

        arpg's are only fun until you reach the end game lol. the longer the progression, the better it is. otherwise all end-games for arpg just suck in general. d2, d3, torchlight, gd, titan's quest.

  34. 12 months ago

    How long does it take to make it to end-game tbh? I'm looking for a good arpg to kill time with. Not interested in the battleshart/cash shop shit though. I like to explore and smack stuff, D3 gave me that nice hit. Spent about a good 80-90 hours on it before I got bored.

  35. 12 months ago

    are people forgetting that the endgame of d3 on launch was smashing your face into the brick wall that was inferno and that was literally it

  36. 12 months ago

    Why are Andariel and Duriel such jobbers?

    At least Belial and Azmodan in D3 actually had sufficient presence for being one of the 7 evils.

    • 12 months ago

      one is a giant slug the other is a minor woman character in a actiblizzard game

  37. 12 months ago

    No one talks about this but D4 has a great OST this time around.

  38. 12 months ago

    Let me do a small "review"

    So first I'm a lore gay so I'll sum up to story of D4 in a sentence.
    We're retconing Diablo 3 and everything thats existed by resetting the world to the start of Diablo 2 but replacing Diablo with Mephisto and the dark wanderer with an Asian girl and her stupid demon dog.
    The story literally goes nowhere, nothing is done, and nothing happens to the world to change it. They also introduce shit that shouldn't exist because their own lore contradicts it. You have 2 fricking games and the world of sanctuary didn't move 1 fricking inch. The only thing they show is how Ball destroyed the Barbarians and thats it really. Again the world didn't move on from D2:LoD....
    The entire fricking story about how the world was created is sort of ignored and they make shit up like the Tree of Whispers because LOL IT'S COOL.

    The story is dogshit.

    Now for the gameplay.

    They made a decent gameplay loop up until endgame. They have no idea what to do with the endgame yet, they didn't give it though and they basically just slapped something together that would take the casuals some time to get to but would not even come close to satisfying anyone that played this game 4~5 hours a day.

    The balance is shit, the loot progression is shit, the endgame ideas are decent but not well executed.

    This is a game for casuals, for your dads and old D2 gays that have now grown up and can play D4 10 hours a week and not more.

  39. 12 months ago

    It's good, it will continue to be good if Blizzard keeps fixing the stuff that needs to be fixed and doesn't shit the bed like they did with Diablo 3. Looking at their track record I won't hold my breath. If the first two seasons are solid this might be the first game since WoW launched that is actually a strong mainstay.

  40. 12 months ago

    >always online
    always a red flag, and a dealbreaker for me, especially if i just want to play comfy single player
    which i can get just doing classic d2 and d3 on the yuzu

  41. 12 months ago

    >necro has zero mobility
    >cannot fulfill class fantasy of army of the dead cause of dogshit minions
    >only build that works is lame ass bone spear.
    I bought Last Epoch and good lord it's 10x more fun than this dogshit game.

    I genuinely though they were going to add skills after beta, either by expanding trees or paragon trees. Absolute joke of a game.

  42. 12 months ago


    • 12 months ago

      Sounds good to me.

  43. 12 months ago

    It's Diablo 2-2
    So garbage not worth playing when better and free alternatives exist

  44. 12 months ago

    Neyrelle is a cutie and I hope we save her.

    • 12 months ago

      Neyrelle is a textbook Poochie
      You were not the protagonist, she was

  45. 12 months ago

    I like it more than 3, less than 2.

  46. 12 months ago

    D4 can't match up to the PATRICIAN's choice, CHRONICON.

  47. 12 months ago

    Waiting on Season 1 to decide.

  48. 12 months ago

    good game, better than diablo 2 (not a hard bar to clear, remove the nostalgia goggles, boomers), WAY fricking better than diablo 3, but whiny reddit zoomer gays are whining and might get it ruined just like d3 is with their incessant b***hing

  49. 12 months ago

    Why didn't we get the chance to side with Lilith?

    • 12 months ago

      b***h lookin like she wants to make a coat out of 101 Dalmatians.

    • 12 months ago

      >Why didn't we get a Lilith sfm sex scene

    • 12 months ago

      I feel like they missed a GIGANTIC opportunity with D4's PvP. They could have had "Angel/Inarius faction" vs "Demon/Lilith faction" where people could choose who they wanted to align with, and then there could be world/zone PvP between faction, and the people within each faction had to work together to repel the other faction and capturing strongholds and shit like that.

      • 12 months ago

        Yeah, the game is unfinished. Just like how there's no end game.

      • 12 months ago

        >Ruining the point of the story for glorified wow pvp

        • 12 months ago

          The story had a point?

        • 12 months ago

          What's the point of the Fields of Hatred then? If it's going to be in the game, flesh it out at least instead of just hurrr this is zone is when PVP flag turn on.

          • 12 months ago

            It's a useless feature, the time should've went into endgame and got added years later

      • 12 months ago

        That's... actually a really fricking good idea. Maybe if we all beg Blizz, they will implement this down the road.

    • 12 months ago

      Too many reddit atheists would have sided with her.

      Imagine being duped by a literal demon who spends her time in Sanctuary mind raping innocent people and causing utter havoc. You can tell she really cares about humans LOL

      • 12 months ago

        Well your choices in this game are be a demon simp or follower of Black Jeanne d'Arc. Both pretty terrible fates.

    • 12 months ago

      She spent the whole game trying to speak with the manager of Hell

    • 12 months ago

      why would you want to side with her or Inarius? they are both moronic, we are taking the based option and siding with a Prime Evil

    • 12 months ago

      Because then it would've been too obvious that the game is massive anti-male and anti-christian propaganda.

  50. 12 months ago

    I'm 34 and never played a Diablo game but decided to get D4. Once again I feel like it's another game that didnt need an open world. The amount of different currencies remind me of those stupid mobile games and that you cant go 1 minute without getting some sort of reward, which is good for people who cant play for long and probably shit for people who like rewarding progression. Theres no real strategy just run in and nuke everything down while blowing all your cd's over and over. Randomized dungeons are lame. The amount of customizable items, skill trees, paragons. Etc seem deep but now that I'm at WT3 theres pretty much a meta you have to play even tho theres alot you can do to min max. Also the story was boring as frick and started just skipping the cutscenes half way through. I cant stop playing it tho. Got all the alters and almost done doing renown before I focus mainly on leveling. I think I want to make a hardcore character next

  51. 12 months ago

    I don't understand how people can say there is no endgame.

    I've been staying up days at a time running nightmare dungeons. They go up to tier 100 and I doubt anyone in the world can push that yet. On top of that there is PvP, Helltides, World Bosses. This is already fantastic, but it's only going to get better. Saying there is no endgame is a flat out lie. I play necro and so many unique drop I have about 5 of each collecting dust in my storage. One thing they need to do is add more unique that support various builds.

  52. 12 months ago

    battlepass mmorpg made by and for casual console morons

  53. 12 months ago

    So far Diablo 2 has better loot and enemy variety, and before someone's that most of the items in Diablo 2 are trash that's not what I mean. What I mean by Diablo 2 having better loot, and for some reason no other APRG has really done this that I know of, is that it's not "simply get bigger number". items can be very useful in their own ways. White items can be runewords or have good skills on them, blue items can have 3-4 sockets + skills/resist/charges/etc, rare items can be better than lot of uniques, uniques have fixed things with variations, set items are great when the set is completed. You don't disregard any tier of loot and it's a shame no other ARPG manages to do that.

  54. 12 months ago

    Renown grind made me want to eat a chocolate gun. It's so unfun

    • 12 months ago

      Well good news! You'll only have to regrind 80% of it each season.

  55. 12 months ago

    shit I wish it was d3 reskinned, its significantly worse. The combat is slow as frick with extremely simplified abilities and one button combos. Its LITERALLY a game made for aged 40+ gamers.

    • 12 months ago

      Funny because if you had slow combat, you'd want more complex/impactful skills. Or if you had fast combat, you'd (generally) want simpler skills. D4 failed at both.

  56. 12 months ago

    lost all will to play at level 60 and i have really low standards for games

  57. 12 months ago

    The story made no sense at all.

    • 12 months ago

      It's classic nu-video game slop writing. It's like they know gamers demand a long story these days so they cram as much shit in their as possible which ends up drowning out whatever overarching plot or message they might have had to begin with.

  58. 12 months ago

    who plays this shit for the story?
    It's always been
    >go into the random generated dungeon and kill the thing with various different character builds
    IDK where you homosexuals come from but you aren't Diablo fans. Back to your walking simulator sony shit. FACT!

  59. 12 months ago

    I am a console player so I prefer D3 over D2 because D3 was made to be played with a controller, unlike D2(R). So, if D4 is closer to D3, I'm getting it.

    Not to mention how I have to play D2 in certain "dark conditions", aka I need to cover my windows, because othervise my eyes hurt like hell.
    I can understand the hate for D3 if you are an autist who likes to get rare/unique item every 2 hours (since D3 drops them like piñata), but there is absolutely no excuse for the movement speed in D2, need4stamina, and other shit which in reality make D2cat least five times slower in terms of gameplay compared to D3.

    >only 3 difficulty settings

  60. 12 months ago

    Good game but it's going to be ruined by redditors constantly complaining.

  61. 12 months ago

    This is what peak game design looks like.

    • 12 months ago

      This has nothing to do with game design though. This is just indicative of how zoomers play games. The majority of people playing these games refuse to do any type of self discovery and will google "OP meta builds" before they kill their first Fallen.
      Metaslaves truly are sad little creatures.

    • 12 months ago

      LITERALLY mmo tier
      total garbage devs

    • 12 months ago

      Bro, these zoomies aren't; going to play something unless youtubeman tells them to.

      I'm doing my own storm druid build with no shapeshifting and it is fine.

      • 12 months ago

        Okay, but not going wolf leaves an absolute frickoad of damage on the table for no gain, and no, using the 'human' glyph is not really a gain at all.

        • 12 months ago

          Why is that important if the game allows that playstyle?

  62. 12 months ago

    Member how D3 launched incomplete, buggy, with terrible itemization?

    yeah, it's like that. Maybe it'll be up to D3 level after an expack and a few years of patches.

    • 12 months ago

      >D3 level after an expack and a few years of patches.
      i played d3 last year for the first time with the xpack and all the patches and it was just boring and felt like a game for children. everything felt meaningless and unimportant and i just lowered the difficultyand rushed through after the second act to get it over with.

  63. 12 months ago

    My wife, my girlfriend, my wife's boyfriend, and I all love the game up until after level 70 when the endgame content got stale doing over and over again. We will come back for season one play it but until then, we are back to playing FFXIV.

    • 12 months ago

      >wife's boyfriend

  64. 12 months ago

    it's mid

  65. 12 months ago

    Okay but what actually are the best arpgs I'm very much in the mood to play one right now and I want to play it on my Deck.

  66. 12 months ago

    We got separated... M-my friends were cut down, I won't last on my own!

    • 12 months ago

      >runs past you and ignores you

  67. 12 months ago

    >yfw that whole Meshif section

    • 12 months ago

      >Now sounds like some moronic middle easterner
      Literally what the frick were they thinking

    • 12 months ago

      >Now sounds like some moronic middle easterner
      Literally what the frick were they thinking

      there was literally nothing wrong with meshif section, the game is like 60+ years after diablo 2, it makes perfect sense for meshif to go from chad seafaring captain to 100 year old delusional schizo, especially after seeing the world get annihilated by mal'thael

      • 12 months ago

        I'm the original poster and that wasn't my intent. I was enjoying hanging out with my bro one last time and was sad they had to do him like that. That's all I was getting at with the cheetah image.

        • 12 months ago

          oh no worries anon, please continue

    • 12 months ago

      the sandstorm part gave ptsd from that fricking breath of fire game

  68. 12 months ago

    Can someone gift me Diablo IV? I'm poor and living in russia.

    • 12 months ago

      you can just go fight in your war and live in hell everyday

      • 12 months ago

        But I don't want to play HC. Just nice loot.

  69. 12 months ago

    I'm only lvl 36, but so far I'd say it's a 5 or 6 out of 10.
    Not bad, but not really that good either.
    For me, the worst part is how there is a complete lack of sense of progression in almost everyting.
    In D2, or even PoE, each area are distinct and thematic with fitting enemy types spesific to each area. You actually feel like you are progressing through a story. In D4 everything just seems like the same. The enemy variety, the dungeons, the overworld and even the items and skills. Playing the game after 10+ hours feels the same as the first 5 minutes.
    And moving into another area or dungeon doesn't feel different either.
    It feels less like you're progressing through a story, and more like you're just completing tasks.

  70. 12 months ago

    The most boring game I’ve ever played. None of the missions ever change, the approach to fighting is always the same regardless of your level, and the equipment gets into such high numbers and degrees of decimal points that unless you have the highest form of mathematical autism, it’s impossible to perceive any real variance and none of it again changes which buttons you’re going to mash. My wife is obsessed with this game and I don’t understand it. Usually I can tolerate and make do with whatever game she wants to play but I could not wait for us to be done playing Diablo for the hour we played it and will never go back to it.

  71. 12 months ago

    How is co-op play? Well supported? More fun than grinding alone? I want to play with my wife

  72. 12 months ago

    I liked it, solid game 8/10

  73. 12 months ago

    I've been taking my sweet time with this so tell me the enemy variety improves after Act 1. I'm so sick of phantoms, ghouls, wargs, skeletons, and whatever else.

    • 12 months ago

      You know the answer.

      • 12 months ago

        Get the frick out of here how is it skeletons and bandits until the endgame

        • 12 months ago

          Because nightmare dungeons are just normal dungeons you are doing right now but with modifiers.

          • 12 months ago

            No, it can't be just ghouls and bandits in the desert and jungle areas. You're lying

            • 12 months ago

              >jungle areas
              Jungle? You mean the Louisiana Swamp biome?

              • 12 months ago

                No pygmies? Those gorilla Black folk? No cool new enemies and bosses at all? Do we fight any of the prime evils?

              • 12 months ago

                The guy you are talking to is gaslighting you. The enemy variety isn't anything excellent, but it's not as bad as that guy makes it out to be either. It's somewhere in between.

              • 12 months ago

                >No pygmies? Those gorilla Black folk?
                Tell the man about the pygmies though. Are there pygmies?!

              • 12 months ago

                The variety comes in the form of nightmare dungeons. Affixes in those are better and more interesting than affixes have every been.
                Then you've got stuff like the buff enemies that increase defense and stuff and you end up having to tackle fights in a lot more different ways.

  74. 12 months ago

    Game had 2 memorable boss fights.

    How can a game like this be good?

    • 12 months ago

      Because a good game don't need bossfights at all. The reason why Dark Souls 1 is still the best souls game is the journey and traveling, not the boss fights.

      • 12 months ago

        DS1 had incredible boss fights though. More than 2 I mean.

      • 12 months ago

        But the journey in DIV is shit...
        The "journey" is just doing the same activety in the same enviroment against the same enemies over and over with only very minor variety.

        • 12 months ago

          Enemy design and variety in Diablo has always been immaculate. How did this happen?

  75. 12 months ago

    nobody ever put it at anything but the end of a sentence tbh
    have a nice day newbies tbh

  76. 12 months ago

    I made it to 50 then made an alt to 33 and gave up
    the game feels way too much like doing chores in an MMORPG rather than an actual arpg like previous diablo games

  77. 12 months ago

    Ran into the butcher in the quarry dungeon and he beat my twisted dagger rogue in like a minute. How has everyone else done against him?

    • 12 months ago

      I've seen him once in a T14 dungeon and I just ran out of potions. Died after getting him to around 30%.
      In retrospect I was pissed because there were two shrines right near me if I just ran a different way.

  78. 12 months ago

    Diablo 4 is a single-player campaign game with a good campaign. Anything after the campaign is boring and a waste of your time. The items suck. The drop rate is catered to your character, so if you go into Nightmare, you'll get your next BiS weapon, and then that's it. Basically you will never find an upgrade because you will get your next best items in zero time flat, as the drop rate is catered to where you are in the game. From a lottery game/RNG loot fest/gambling POV it's trash.

  79. 12 months ago

    Got it gifted to me, played it for like an hour coop and was bored as shit and uninstalled

    Contacted support and had them refund the game back to the gifter

  80. 12 months ago

    I'm gonna play D2 on SlashDiablo, but I wish there was a server to play Resurrected on. Is Resurrected dead to bots on

  81. 12 months ago

    Resurrected is a masterwork of gaming, just like the original, but more improved and quite fascinating to look at

    • 12 months ago

      Is it true it's always online

      • 12 months ago

        It is but there is cracked version if you don't wanna pay or use blizz malware

    • 12 months ago

      >no TCP/IP
      Literally dead on arrival.
      It's a neat graphical upgrade but an inferior version in every other way

      • 12 months ago

        the performance improvement to fps alone makes it a much better experience
        going back to d2 at 20 fps after playing d2r at 144hz is a joke

        • 12 months ago

          There are mods for playing D2 at higher fps though, that isnt a great example.

      • 12 months ago

        >but an inferior version in every other way
        Wrong. D2R has tons of QoL shit that's amazing and is overall an upgrade in every single way, except for not allowing TCP/IP and mods.

        • 12 months ago

          It is truly amazing. It took Diablo 2 to the max level. I don't think there's any game better than D2R. Not even PoE

          • 12 months ago

            in terms of ARPGs I mean

          • 12 months ago

            Nah they fricked up few things, for example they should make uniques great again while nerfing/reworking existing runewords but what they did instead? They added completely broken mosaic build.
            Also every class should have hard time in hell difficulty like for example druid.

        • 12 months ago

          You mean the QOL that has been a part of modded D2 for decades? D2R is just a pretty D2 with plugy installed.

    • 12 months ago

      I wish with resurrected they brought back the regional chatrooms. I miss meeting new aussie players who were just chilling.

  82. 12 months ago

    can't wait for last epoch 1.0 and poe2

  83. 12 months ago

    Feels like you get a lot of good skills early on and later levels just adds some minor buffs to your class. It just seems boring to level up because there is nothing to look forward to. I've been stuck with the same skills most of the game because I found items that increased skill ranks.
    Also, I hate how everyone speaks so slowly, just like in WoW. It's like they think the audience is too moronic to understand character speaking basic dialogue.

    • 12 months ago

      Nah frick that gottagogogo shit, I like the non-American VAs. Why do you homosexuals always larp as captains of the industry lmao, you ain't got nowhere to be dude don't front

      • 12 months ago

        I'm pretty sure Blizzard slow down voices in post production. No one talks like that in other games, FFXIV uses english VAs and they don't talk this slowly

  84. 12 months ago

    here's one thing I'll be 100% honest about
    the gameplay feels significantly WORSE than diablo 3
    I don't know how they managed to do it
    streamers said the gameplay was less clunky
    it isn't
    it feels WORSE than diablo 3
    rogue feels ass to use most abilities
    just feels like dogshit. not good, like there's some sort of lag or something

    • 12 months ago

      It feels fine zoom zoom, go play your gacha pachinko games or whatever

  85. 12 months ago

    On a feminist score it is a 10/10.

    WHO FACEMOGS OLD Black folk


  86. 12 months ago

    reddit complains that it isn't more like D3 apparently. its too slow, takes too long to get to dungeons, bad destiny, bad skill variety and build, takes too long to lv100 now with tons of nerfs.

    storywise i haven't heard anyone talk much about the story like the way souls gays do with elden ring so assume the story is lukewarm, but probably still better than d3

    • 12 months ago

      I love how this revisionism always happens. People shat on D3 for fricking years yet all I'm hearing is positive reception now after D4 came out. There has been more praise for D3 in these D4 threads over the past few weeks than there has been in the last decade D3 has been out.
      It's so bizarre how new entries in a series always do this.

      • 12 months ago

        I dont like D3 either but D3 went through many changes and in some respects is a much different game than it was on release, and people like the game D3 became.

      • 12 months ago

        The game sucks and so did Diablo 3. It's hired Blizzard community outreach people posting positivity

      • 12 months ago

        People praised D3 when RoS hit and it actually changed the game to become much better with loot 2.0, GRs, adventure mode, etc. That was back in 2014.

        • 12 months ago

          Are they gonna do that again?

          • 12 months ago

            D3 only got those changes because the RMAH had to be scrapped (removing the main revenue scheme) and reception of the game otherwise was very, very negative.

            D4 reception is lukewarm and it has to s of whale-based monetization. It's Blizzard. What do you think is going to happen?

          • 12 months ago

            Hopefully. Back with D3 they basically just had a skeleton crew working on the game because the higher-ups had zero confidence after the removal of RMAH. They didn't think the game was gonna make any money.

            With D4 it has already been officially confirmed that they have 2 expansions in the works currently, and they are actively working on 2 seasons at every moment of development too. So that means that they likely have 3-4 teams working on D4.

            • 12 months ago

              Bring back the RMAH and improve items. They suck. They could literally make this better than PoE, but they choose not to. They make it shit by choice

            • 12 months ago

              >So that means that they likely have 3-4 teams working on D4.
              Anon, that means Diablo 4 is less likely to get good updates. Do you not get how game development works? Only one of those teams can actually meaningfully change the underlying game and the others are going to have to try and coordinate around them.

      • 12 months ago

        Very few people like launch Diablo 3.
        A significant number of people like current Diablo 3. It's a weird ass game but it decided to do its own thing.

      • 12 months ago

        >I love how this revisionism always happens.
        >proceeds to pretend like launch D3 reception was the same as RoS and "Wyatt saved the game!" memes
        You, you sure DO love revisionism KEK

    • 12 months ago

      >but probably still better than d3
      That just means it isn't a complete failure.

    • 12 months ago

      The story is alright. There is a little bit of fan service with some minor characters from previous games reappearing. The story sets up a fight with Mephisto in DLC. I thought the way they incorporated Mephisto into it (plus the way you backstab him) was pretty well done. There are some interesting, fun characters and stories in the side quests. My favorite is the eccentric merchant who is possessed by a weird demon.

      My biggest complaint with the campaign is all the story boss fights are easy as frick. There are some challenging fights against side quest bosses and dungeon bosses but you can faceroll the campaign bosses. It feels like that was deliberate so scrubs wouldn't get stuck on the campaign and give up.

  87. 12 months ago

    Game is fun, finally got to do my build a few days ago at 71.
    I am done until season 1 though; I do not want to push to 100 and then do it again right away. I will play harder in season 1.

    All in all, much better than I expected. End game is a little limp. PoE, as bad as its been this last year, is still better and will still be my main game. Imagine being a tribalistic moron on Ganker lmao.

    • 12 months ago

      Upgrade your ring, anon!

      • 12 months ago

        I am pretty sure in this shot I had just picked up a new upgrade one and slapped it on

    • 12 months ago

      >PoE, as bad as its been this last year, is still better and will still be my main game. Imagine being a tribalistic moron on Ganker lmao.
      My dream is that PoE2 and D4 seasons will be staggered, so that you can constantly bounce between them and be playing one or the other with fresh new content.

      • 12 months ago

        That's how it was with D3, with the D3 season being 2-3 weeks before PoE and being my 'appetizer' for a week

    • 12 months ago

      >This game was great!
      >But this free game, even at its worst, is better.
      Then why would I waste my time with the $70 game?

      • 12 months ago

        >you are only ever allowed to play one game and it has to be better than every other game or it's a waste of time
        What a weird mentality to have. Have you ever considered to just play multiple games...?

        • 12 months ago

          you shouldnt need to play multiple games
          thats an indication that none of them are really satisfying you

          • 12 months ago

            >you shouldnt need to eat different kinds of goods
            >thats an indication that none of them are really satisfying you
            >you shouldnt need to watch different kinds of movies
            >thats an indication that none of them are really satisfying you
            >you shouldnt need to drink different kinds of tea
            >thats an indication that none of them are really satisfying you
            >you shouldnt need to go on vacation to different places
            >thats an indication that none of them are really satisfying you
            LOL there's still time dumb Black person; just claim you were 'merely pretending to be moronic'!

            • 12 months ago


              • 12 months ago

                You're on the internet, on fricking Ganker's VIDEO GAMES board. Who are you trying to kid that you're some off the grid lumberjack, moron?
                Frick off

              • 12 months ago

                >n..noo dont point out the horrible psychological flaw we share, stop waking up! go back to sleep and consoooooom!

              • 12 months ago

                >n..noo dont point out the horrible psychological flaw we share, stop waking up! go back to sleep and consoooooom!

              • 12 months ago

                you're still a fricking idiot, moron.
                >heh my time is so valuable so let me post on Ganker

                >The shill recoils and shrieks.

          • 12 months ago

            >what GaaS models does to someone's brain
            You poor soul. Just buy another battle pass, I guess.

            • 12 months ago

              >He says defending a GaaS with battle passes, literally designed to waste your time.

        • 12 months ago

          >I only play one game ever and it has to the THE BEST ONE and nothing else
          actual softheaded moron opinion lmao

          >I play two versions of nearly the same game, both of which are designed to be 1000 hour eternal games I keep coming back to.
          Why? If it's a 4 hour game, 10, even 20, I'd understand. But both of these games are endless timesinks and neither is terribly unique. Why play a $70 version of a free game that's worse than the nadir of said free game? If you really need another game like this, why not play one BETTER than the worst the free game has to offer??? Braindead consumer behavior.

          • 12 months ago

            you're still a fricking idiot, moron.
            >heh my time is so valuable so let me post on Ganker

          • 12 months ago

            Its because he does not actually enjoy playing either of them. He enjoys the fantasy of playing the games he has constructed for himself. Playing the game actually damages that fantasy so he has to go play something else while he rebuilds the fantasy.

            He hates both games, but thinks he likes them.

            • 12 months ago

              Yep. He has an attachment to them. Buddhist psychology

              • 12 months ago

                >Yep. He has an attachment to them. Buddhist psychology

            • 12 months ago

              nice projection, mentally ill Gankertard
              >I hate video games and yet keep posting about them so EVERYONE else must be a mentally ill baseball helmet wearing paint eater like me!

              • 12 months ago

                >posting on an mental illness board on a mental illness website
                the other anon is right. these games are designed to be infinitely playable, there is no reason to stop playing one if you want to play that kind of game. if you are bouncing between two very similar ones, its because you don't actually want to play either but just think you do

              • 12 months ago

                >the other anon is right. these games are designed to be infinitely playable
                nobody does that except for streamers, moron
                PoE leagues die in month 2 and d3 seasons died after 2 weeks every time moron

              • 12 months ago

                and everybody back when they actually made these games good.
                Yeah but these are both arpgs that adopted the 'lets make a shit game but attract people back a few times a year' strategy. They are part of the nuarpg, created by people who were playing d2 wrong due to their mental illnessess and created entire games meant to make their constant dissatisfaction a feature and not a bug. Now you don't have to even assess whether the game is good or not because you are just coming back to check out the new content before quitting.

              • 12 months ago

                >Yeah but these are both arpgs that adopted the 'lets make a shit game but attract people back a few times a year' strategy. They are part of the nuarpg
                hey zoomer moron
                Want to guess where seasons and ladder resets came from, you fricking moron? Adding a bit of new content to that reset was PoE's contribution, moron, but your claim it's a new thing is some moron zoomer revisionist history shit, moron

              • 12 months ago

                Why do the zooms on Ganker do this? I constantly see them make ludicrous or stupid claims that fly in the face of reality and that easily proven wrong.

              • 12 months ago

                Ladder was blizzards attempt to remove hacked items out of closed bnet.
                The first reset was just something they tried to see if it could attract people back. It did

                Long after people were tired of playing d2 however ladder resets brought people back not because "oh wow i cant wait to play the ladder!", but because it made the news that ladder was resetting and people remembered liking d2 in the past so they went and checked it out.

                This was mistaken by moronic players and suits as "players really love ladders!", and now we have entire games based around embellishing ladders

                I'm sorry to break it to you, but anyone who enjoys D2 (no matter how they play it) has mental illness. All ARPGs by design capitalize on gambling addict behavior.

                i know, im just grumpy because i cant have a bottomless glass because capitalism wants to keep selling me battlepasses

              • 12 months ago

                I was surprised I even got a new mount drop in D4 as I thought they'd relegate all of that to the cash shop / battlepasses
                They really make me assume the worst because of how awful they've become in games recently. I'm really not looking forward to the percentage of new shit they add in D4 to be locked behind a battlepass.

              • 12 months ago

                and to prove this just look at the d2 ladder history.
                In the beginning ladder would last 1-2 years!
                They only reset it when enough changes to the game were accumulated that they wanted to provide a fresh start not as some player competitive meme, not as a feature in and of itself, but just because the game was so different due to updates they decided it would be sensible.
                That is WAY different from games that are designed around constant seasonal resets

                In d2 you played when you felt like playing d2. In these nuarpgs you may as well not start playing if its mid ladder season. And you are not playing for the game, as you were in d2, you are playing to see the unique seasonal characteristics.

                Seasons exist to distract you from the fact that the game is shit and you do not actually like it and you need the hype train + novel gimmicks to get you to play it. You are being psychologied on, manipulated. And not in the wholesome way of addicting you to having fun. No, something far more sinister.

              • 12 months ago

                >something far more sinister
                Dude I'm just running some maps before I make dinner while listening to some music.

              • 12 months ago


              • 12 months ago

                Absolutely based analysis. A lot of games try to enforce ways of playing upon players instead of letting them play.

                >something far more sinister
                Dude I'm just running some maps before I make dinner while listening to some music.

                >"Dude, I'm not even engaged in the game, lol!"
                That kinda proves the point. It's not meant to actually be fun to invest in. It's meant to be an empty habit.

              • 12 months ago

                >it's not actually fun
                This will always be one of the funniest things I see brought up on this site so often as it's such a meaningless argument.

              • 12 months ago

                >Fun to invest in = fun, broadly
                Why even reply if you're going to make up a strawman?

              • 12 months ago

                >says moron who's argument is, "You're not actually feeling what you say you're feeling, you're feeling what I say you're feeling"
                lol even

              • 12 months ago

                Again, making up a strawman saying shit I didn't even imply.

                It's a video game. If you view all games as an investment, you already lost.
                I play video games to have fun. Simple as.

                If you are already seeing it as a time investment over anything else then that's a personal problem where you see your time as too valuable for video games in the first place.

                >If you view all games as an investment
                Nobody said anything like this.
                I said that you brushed concerns about design aside with "lol I just click and chill while listening to something else before dinner." Playing it as a chill out game is fine, but the context you stated it in is a statement of being disengaged with the game, which is the point anon was making. That these later Blizz games focus on just getting you in for the sake of being in rather than coming to games because you're actually interested and engaged with it.

              • 12 months ago

                >Again, making up a strawman saying shit I didn't even imply.
                >It's not meant to actually be fun to invest in. It's meant to be an empty habit.
                so you don't know English and thought you said something else?

              • 12 months ago

                >Insists that "not being fun to invest in" = "not fun"
                >Says someone else has a poor grasp on English

              • 12 months ago

                >"not being fun to invest in" = "not fun"
                what did the moron mean by this?

              • 12 months ago

                But that is just your head canon.
                Just because I play the game casually doesn't mean I'm disengaged. I'm still enjoying the game, I'm just doing it in a way you personally don't find acceptable.

              • 12 months ago

                >Just because I play the game casually doesn't mean I'm disengaged.
                I literally said exactly that. I'm talking about the way it was used in your argument. The way you play isn't a problem.

              • 12 months ago

                >never said you weren't engaged

                Absolutely based analysis. A lot of games try to enforce ways of playing upon players instead of letting them play.

                >"Dude, I'm not even engaged in the game, lol!"
                That kinda proves the point. It's not meant to actually be fun to invest in. It's meant to be an empty habit.

                >"Dude, I'm not even engaged in the game, lol!"
                I feel you're having a hard time following your own posts.

              • 12 months ago

                said you weren't engaged
                >Has to green text a fake argument AGAIN to make up a new excuse to avoid discussion.
                Truly the most dishonest gay in this thread.

                Playing a game casually does not make you disengaged. As I said, the way you play isn't the problem. The context your example was used in your argument positions it as a form of disengagement.

                Are you going to make up shit I didn't say YET AGAIN, or are you done?

              • 12 months ago

                >I'm a huge homosexual
                You do you, anon. I won't judge.

              • 12 months ago

                I'm sorry that you have terminal wienersucking disease. Hopefully we'll find the cure some day.

                Probably not.

              • 12 months ago

                said you weren't engaged
                >Has to green text a fake argument AGAIN to make up a new excuse to avoid discussion.
                >Truly the most dishonest gay in this thread.
                >Playing a game casually does not make you disengaged.
                >The context your example was used in your argument positions it as a form of disengagement.
                These are contradictory statements and the fact you don't realize it and are pretending like I'm putting words in your mouth shows just how much of a waste of time it would be to continue this.

              • 12 months ago

                >Playing a game casually != Lack of engagement
                >Going "Dude, I don't even care, I just play before dinner" shows a lack of engagement.
                It's mentality, not playstyle.
                I'd ask you to show me the contradiction, but you already pulled the "conversation over" card.

              • 12 months ago

                It's a video game. If you view all games as an investment, you already lost.
                I play video games to have fun. Simple as.

                If you are already seeing it as a time investment over anything else then that's a personal problem where you see your time as too valuable for video games in the first place.

              • 12 months ago

                >where you see your time as too valuable for video games in the first place.
                no, just too valuable for battlepass mmo GAAS shit like dildoblow 4

              • 12 months ago

                I'm sorry to break it to you, but anyone who enjoys D2 (no matter how they play it) has mental illness. All ARPGs by design capitalize on gambling addict behavior.

              • 12 months ago

                I enjoyed the story and cinematics, have a nice day

              • 12 months ago

                >All ARPGs by design capitalize on gambling addict behavior.
                I like Diablo 1 as a spooky dungeon crawl and D3 as a ridiculous action game, try again.

              • 12 months ago

                >the other anon is right. these games are designed to be infinitely playable
                well they better do a better job because the very idea of seasons means they are NOT 'infinitely playable', dumbfrick, or you wouldn't need a reset

              • 12 months ago

                >the very idea of seasons

                and everybody back when they actually made these games good.
                Yeah but these are both arpgs that adopted the 'lets make a shit game but attract people back a few times a year' strategy. They are part of the nuarpg, created by people who were playing d2 wrong due to their mental illnessess and created entire games meant to make their constant dissatisfaction a feature and not a bug. Now you don't have to even assess whether the game is good or not because you are just coming back to check out the new content before quitting.

            • 12 months ago

              I'd get it if they were shorter games or the paid game was way better, but this just sounds like endless ARPG purgatory.

          • 12 months ago

            I just don't view ARPGs as that way. I probably only have 200ish hours in PoE which is on the low end of what I see here.
            If I don't like the season, I play something else.
            Id the season is cool, I'll play for a bit.
            Simple as.

            • 12 months ago

              I mean fair enough. I just don't see the sense shelling out $70 for a lesser experience. Maybe I'm moronic.

              • 12 months ago

                You're not moronic. I won't pay $70 for Diablo IV considering what it offers right now.

                But I do prefer playing other Diablo games than other ARPGs. Maybe brand recognition, being used to them for years. And I also think others are too complicated.

              • 12 months ago

                >too complicated
                That's my issue with PoE. For that niche, I'm sure it's great. People can go hyper autistic with builds and crafting. But for me is much prefer a middle ground of time investment vs. time to enjoy.
                Every time someone recommends me to play PoE it's always "oh just play for 100 hours and your build really gets fun!"
                I'd rather just have fun right away.
                Just hop on and do some chaos sanc runs
                Hop on and do a rift or two

              • 12 months ago

                >People can go hyper autistic with builds and crafting
                crafting yes, as the high end is pretty much the realm of TFT and similar cartels/rich players.
                Builds? Not really. PoE is a lot more simple than it looks and is basically D4's paragon board: Find node you want, find the best way to path there, repeat

              • 12 months ago

                Xanadu Next was really fun, but it may be too unga bunga for most.

            • 12 months ago

              you're talking to actual apes who can't begin to understand what you're talking about. They have that MMO mental illness where they need to feel like they can spend their entire useless lives playing it or they can't bring themselves to bother.
              The idea of playing a new PoE season like this last one with the item trees for a few days and saying, "I do not like this one, I will return in 3 months" is completely alien to them. In their minds, this means the game is dead and you will never play it again.

              • 12 months ago

                Well if the season is shit instead of playing a different game, I'll just shitpost online about how dead the game is for 3 months. That's the same way to handle it.

              • 12 months ago

                Oh, I DID shitpost on pooegg and Ganker about how shit Crucible was. Have an entire folder of these. I liked D4, I will play it, but I still think PoE is better when it isn't busy fricking up.

              • 12 months ago

                I already explained that's not the stance I was taking. Why lie about it?

          • 12 months ago

            Who are you trying to convince that PoE is free, us or yourself? moron

      • 12 months ago

        >I only play one game ever and it has to the THE BEST ONE and nothing else
        actual softheaded moron opinion lmao

  88. 12 months ago

    Its not fun, but they dressed it up so that you really hope its fun and you try to pretend its fun untill you cant anymore.
    Very nice art direction
    basically everything else is bad.
    The world design is bad, the activities are bad. Level scaling is bad. Nothing feels satisfying. Making an alt feels horrific because you have to go back and do all the bullshit. Unironically the skip campaign button is like a joke, since playing through the campaign again would be much more preferable than playing through everything else you have to do again.
    Too many side activities and none of them are fun.

    There is basically nothing fun to do in this game at all. Once the levels slow down and you are forced to process being stuck in your current state of existence for a while instead of the hope that things will improve and 'its fine for it to feel bad for now im still building my character!' stops being a viable excuse, you are left with an empty desolation. The game just sucks and its a real shame because its aesthetically amazing.

    Dont buy it, i wish i could refund.

    /v/, please. do not play a video game unless you are having fun playing it. Dont play for imaginary fun, the expectation of fun. Its a game, they could have made it fun.

    Blizzard wants you to hope this is good, quit to lower their bandwidth but then come back every new season for like 2 weeks and buy all the new cosmetics then quit again. They are a horrible company doing really scummy things to you, all AAA are. Play only if you are having fun.

    • 12 months ago

      didnt read
      im having fun

    • 12 months ago

      >Dont play for imaginary fun, the expectation of fun.
      Pretty much why I dropped Diablo Immortal fast.

  89. 12 months ago

    It's shit! It's FRICKING SHIT and I'm not afraid to say it and I'm not delusional

    My nephew and I played it yesterday and quit after about 30 minutes. It just sucks. It's boring and awful and not fun

  90. 12 months ago

    It has the frickin' Breath of the Wild curse. For some reason zoomers love finding things and collecting little things around the world, and that's fun to them. It's not good game design and that's why I hated Breath of the Wild and found it boring even compared to Skyward Sword, and I didn't even like that one too much.

    • 12 months ago

      Like, the Renown system is a fricking joke. It's terrible. It's a chore. It's lazy game design. It takes you out of the immersion unlike Diablo 2

      • 12 months ago

        d2 was perfect, it had a few side quests per act and they mostly completed themselves if you played through the game

        this game sends you running around all over the place, probably just to justify mounts existing so they can sell you horse cosmetics.

      • 12 months ago

        That's not new, even for Blizzard games. You ever spend months farming rep in WoW?

  91. 12 months ago

    lvl 72 druid here

    It's like a 6 or 7 out of 10 game right now, maybe higher if the season is good.

    Campaign portion is better than D3 because they give you some freedom to explore the areas and progress the story the way you want. The gameplay loop of some side quests, dungeons to collect aspects, and some story is better than the linearity of D2 and D3.

    The "end game" portion is not so great, and it's basically some legion invasions from WoW, recycled open world events (6 or so in total), WoW style easy world bosses, and greater rifts renamed to nightmare dungeons.

    They spent alot of time making a comfy world, that feels lived in, now they have to do something more interesting with it besides the 5 or 6 open world events and very very easy strongholds (that were actually more interesting at lower levels with less gear).

    The shame about the game is that it's really fun if the encounters are hard and the bosses can withstand your damage. They need to focus on that. Too bad you only feel this a few times during the campaign when the scaling makes strongholds difficult, and maybe in the 2 capstone dungeons at uber lilith.

    TLDR: Worth 70 dollars if you think you'll enjoy the diablo story, semi open world aspects, and haven't really touched greater rifts in D3 before. Might be worth even more if the season is good, we'll know more about that in like a week or 2.

    • 12 months ago

      The strongholds I did while going through the campaign in T2 really pushed me and it was fun. The cannibal temple stronghold in particular was brutal. I died a few times just clearing the trash and it took me 6 or 7 tries to kill the boss. I liked it because that boss fight forced me out of my comfort zone and made me learn through trial and error new tactics that would kill him because what I was comfortable doing kept getting me killed. I did probably half the strongholds while leveling and saved the rest for T3, thinking they would get harder. Instead I ended up getting better gear and aspects and I just raped them all with zero challenge.

      The level scaling does not keep up if you know what you're doing. I'm an ice shard sorc in the 60s and no matter what I'm fighting now I don't even need to heal unless I'm not paying attention and I'm standing in fire for a long time or I get hit by a bunch of suicide bombers. If I pop CDs I kill elites in 5 seconds max and I nuke dungeon bosses to 50% in 10 seconds.

  92. 12 months ago

    It's a trash console reskin of Diablo 3, with zero endgame and all competitiveness stripped.

    'Seasons' don't have anything to reset and is no different than you deleting your character.

    No Leaderboards to reset
    No Paragon to reset (capped at 100)
    No Economy to reset (no trading)
    Nightmare Dungeons (rifts) cappped at 100, no ranking, no timer, you can't fail.

    The only thing seasons are for in D4 is to reset the Premium Battle Pass and anyone thinking of playing 'seasons' is an idiot.

    Also update to the D4 incompetent developer list:

    Druid incorrect unique loot table, planned fix date: Season 1 (3 months)
    Scroll of Escape not working - planned fix date: Season 2 (6 months+)
    Necromancer aoe screen spam - reported in beta, planned fix date: 2 months...
    Gem storage - reported in beta, planned fix date: Season 2
    Resistances not working at all - planned fix date: Season 2
    Nightmare dungeons giving worse exp and loot that normal dungeon - planned fix date: Season 1

    So much for the 'live service'.

    oh, here's a bonus that confirms the D4 Token; If you die on HC, you don't lose gold.

    • 12 months ago

      >'Seasons' don't have anything to reset and is no different than you deleting your character.
      Isn't that how D2 handles ladders?

    • 12 months ago

      >If you die on HC, you don't lose gold.
      Are you implying that you people who pretend to like HC don't make backup saves?

  93. 12 months ago

    It's garbage and if you buy it you'll regret it

  94. 12 months ago

    I enjoyed d1, 2 and 3 and diablo 4 imo is a dogshit, low quality game, just a marketing bait to waste money. Everything about the game is shit - story, gameplay, even the music and sounds are nothing like the previous games and might as well be from a random cheap indie game. I could barely push myself to finish the stupid and boring campaign and uninstalled right away. Some of the worst 70 euro i've ever spent but i learned an important lesson, never gonna give money to blizz again.

  95. 12 months ago

    >game has been out for 10 days (2 weeks if you're a moron)
    >people already feeling they're done with it
    So much for blizzard's biggest fastest release or whatever useless metrics developers keep using to obfuscate reality.

    • 12 months ago

      I think most players zoomed through the campaign and are now waiting for seasons to start because they don't want to burn out too soon.

      • 12 months ago

        PoE at least got people playing all the time during beta/release. People have gone straight into league grinding mode in D4 aka play for 1 week when a new season start and then wait for next season some months later.

        • 12 months ago

          PoE has infinite theorycrafting to keep the autists busy. Also the more people experience the model of seasons and battle passes the more they will adjust their behavior accordingly. We didn't have years of battle passes crammed down our throats when PoE launched so people weren't scheduling their play time around that.

          so they know the game is so fricking shallow that they want to keep some content for the season release that won't add anything worthwile either
          sounds reasonable
          you are dumb

          I'm not saying seasons are good, I'm just saying what people are likely doing. Battle passes wouldn't exist if they didn't work. Everyone knows seasons are coming so why go balls deep right now when you're just going to have to reroll soon?

      • 12 months ago

        so they know the game is so fricking shallow that they want to keep some content for the season release that won't add anything worthwile either
        sounds reasonable
        you are dumb

        • 12 months ago

          Oh, then I suppose PoE's one month events get a fraction of the players is also because "they want to keep some content for the season release that won't add anything worthwile either", huh, moron?
          In actuality, for people without Aspergers (so not you) 3 months is enough of a break to come back and enjoy the game again with a fresh feeling. 2 weeks is not.
          It's really not rocket science, autist.

  96. 12 months ago

    its diablo 3 but they added an overworld so you see other players wearing cosmetics that they sell in a shop
    worse than d3 in many other ways but it's still addicting

  97. 12 months ago

    I'm just gonna install Path of Exile. I'm not gonna play it yet. Just gonna install it 🙂

  98. 12 months ago

    still shit. same as when you asked yesterday

  99. 12 months ago

    Reskinned D3 but actually a decent launch to build off of. D3 had nowhere to go because of no skill trees, so they HAD to go sets. Now why the frick is D4 still revolving around uniques for most builds plus sets are being added later, who knows.

  100. 12 months ago

    I'm really enjoying the overall vibe and the game but I wish I didnt roll necro
    need to rush story with necro now to get the horse but even at level 10 rogue is more fun

  101. 12 months ago

    Diablo 1 is the only good Diablo.

  102. 12 months ago

    Where's the point in levelling up my character when all the enemies adjust to my level as soon as I do?

    • 12 months ago

      Not everything scales down. Some stuff you need to level up to be able to beat.

  103. 12 months ago

    I don't get the main appeal of APRG.
    >You deal 10 damage on a 50 hp enemy, taking 5 hits to kill it
    >20 lvl later, you're dealing 100 damage on a 500 hp enemy, taking 5 hits to kill it
    >Grind for more levels and get more weapons
    >Now you're dealing 1000 damage on a 5000 hp enemy, taking 5 hits to kill it
    It's the same fricking shit, why are you guys so addicted to it?
    Is the big numbers appealing to your monkey brains?

    I have nothing against people that are trying different characters out and check how they play differently.
    I only question the players that keeps trying to grind for a "better" items with bigger numbers so they can do the same shit that they are already doing.

    • 12 months ago

      >why build a fancy car if a shitty one can also get you to your destination
      I always viewed it like that. The act of building the character is a lot of the enjoyment. Getting that rare drop to further along your build.
      I won't pretend it isn't autistic as all frick and primarily driven my dopamine hits. But I just like getting the loot for the thing I'm trying to do.

    • 12 months ago

      Depends on the game.

      Diablo 1 gets by on being a shallow but enjoyable enemy kiting sim with great visuals and music and a good, simple core story. Diablo 2 is a cool frick around simulator. Diablo 3 is a weird isometric action game with stupid ass loot.

    • 12 months ago

      >>You deal 10 damage on a 50 hp enemy, taking 5 hits to kill it
      >>20 lvl later, you're dealing 100 damage on a 500 hp enemy, taking 5 hits to kill it
      for more levels and get more weapons
      >>Now you're dealing 1000 damage on a 5000 hp enemy, taking 5 hits to kill it

  104. 12 months ago

    Diablo 1 (Good normal game) >
    Diablo 2 (Games made with the purpose to make people addicted, instead of making a good game) >
    Diablo 3 = 4 (Sequel of D2 made with the same mindset but with worse everything)

  105. 12 months ago

    so where's the mmo part on this shit game?
    i never see more than 1 or 2 players

  106. 12 months ago

    What's the point in beating wt4 before season 1 starts? I have other games I want to play but if it benefits me to endgame the frick out of eternal before s1, I'll do it. I usually just play seasons in most arpgs.

    • 12 months ago

      The only stuff I'm doing before season one is
      >Beat the story
      >get all Lilith statues
      >Explore map
      That way I have all that shit ready to go for any new character.

      • 12 months ago

        its that the only thing that carry between seasons?

        • 12 months ago

          I believe so. We still kind of just don't know but they did confirm Lilith statues stay.
          It sounds like the map won't be revealed but if you've explored it, it'll show all the way points in the fog of war. A lot of weird decisions for what they've talked about

          • 12 months ago

            wish we keep those passive powers too too

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