Software Development Projects

Been working on making games with unity for the past year. C# is my main language so far and I've touched java a few times before when i just started to learn programming but didn't get serious until a year ago. Going to college in 6 months for Computer Science. Doing research I'm pretty sure banking on a game development job isn't safe.. What i also hear
CS + no experience = Get fricked
CS + 2 yrs Experience = Gd jb security + $
CS + Strong portfolio and dedication = maybe a job for shit pay
Gimme some projects that will get me well rounded some beginner and some intermediate preferably something that will make me problem solve. theirs already enough people who copy paste. gonna get good at C# first and then try and learn as many languages as I can. Whatever will get me started with IDE and all that other shit i still don't know yet

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  1. 4 years ago

    nobody wants to play your shitty games made with unity

    being a game dev is like being an artist, a lottery determines who is successful. you could make the perfect game but nobody would hear about it. Or you could make a shit game and make billions.

    But the likelihood that you'll be an unemployed game dev working on the same shit after your CS degree is high.

    • 4 years ago

      To OP:
      See the "indiepocalypse". A spanish youtuber explained that most indies dont are succesful, mainly because bad marketing and bad releasing time (ex: when a new game goes viral)

      Hope this helps, good luck!

  2. 4 years ago

    Yea that's the problem i see so i guess being on the boat of no experience CS Majors is safer then being in the fricked brainlet group of unity devs. That or i should consider something more my Iq range degree wise. but I do like programming and wouldent even mind working for shit pay. I just want somthing i like to do. I dont intend to find a game developing job. More so learn the skills to land a entry level or jr developer job making software.

  3. 4 years ago

    The one thing i got is time. I have 4 years to try and learn how to be at least half competent. Whatever'll help me get on the right track i'll take. I also don't wanna get advice from reddit hence why im looking here

  4. 4 years ago

    Thnks for the advice. Programmings definitely what i wanna do even though i'd prefer making games. I've been trying extra hard to learn shit and not end up homeless with a libtard meme degree so hearing a CS degree will teach me some of the things i need to know is good. I'll keep up with the personal projects and try to see what else i can do. I'll look elsewhere for good projects to work on but surfing Gankers still a good timekiller. thanks for replying i'm probably gonna retire for the night i got tests tommarow. ty anon

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