
What is the appeal of this franchise? Granted it's got 2 or 3 decent games, but why do it's fans stick to it expecting greatness every release? Why are there so many furries? Etc.

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A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

  1. 9 months ago

    Most games in it are decent-to-good, and there's a huge array of playstyles that can appeal to anyone.

    • 9 months ago

      There are zero good sonic games

      This guy is autistic and moronic

      • 9 months ago

        I wish I was schizophrenic enough to make a shitpost as quality as this

        • 9 months ago


          • 9 months ago

            Wojak website.

      • 9 months ago

        >um that's not what trinity means, sweetie. Read a book
        top kek

      • 9 months ago

        >I anticipated your criticism therefore it's invalid
        It's sad how many people think this

    • 9 months ago
      doodle guy

      I have only played a few of these, but I would think most would agree that the majority are ranked to high.

      • 9 months ago

        >makes a post
        >deletes it
        >makes the same post again
        >spells "too high" as "to high" both times
        Namegays I swear lmao

        • 9 months ago
          doodle guy


      • 9 months ago

        >brainless ESL types stupid shit

    • 9 months ago


      There are zero good sonic games

      This guy is autistic and moronic

      kys autist in denial

    • 9 months ago

      What's the difference between worth playing and worth trying? You mean worth playing through?

      • 9 months ago

        >worth trying
        Just playing it to see if you like
        >worth playing
        Playing it to completion

        • 9 months ago

          Some of them are a torture to play to completion. 2 on the MS/GG, Tails Adventure, Advance 2 (if you want to get to the super sonic stage, it's alright if not), Rush (Adventure is surprisingly alright) suck dick. Also CD should be in worth trying, Generations in worth playing and Riders needs to frick out of here

          • 9 months ago

            >Also CD should be in worth trying

          • 9 months ago

            maybe that was the wrong word, i didn't meant it as a 100% but more as a "try to finish the game"
            Also riders is fun what are you on about.

          • 9 months ago

            >2 on the MS/GG
            I agree that Sonic 2 on Game Gear can be quite a pain, especially that 1st boss that filtered pretty much everyone back then... but Master System's version is quite good, due to the resolution issue being solved, probably my favorite of the whole 8-Bit lineup.

            • 9 months ago

              1 on the Master System is one of my absolute favorite Sonic games and yet I hate 2, even the Master System version

              I see, well the originals are probably peak Sonic, so if those didn't do it for you, I don't have many other ideas, though there is more good stuff still left to play if you're interested.

              Sonic 1 (Game Gear/Master System): A lot of fans prefer this one to the Genesis classic, so you can be one of those too, we'll never know unless you play it though, but I definitely recommend this, I especially love how the emeralds are hidden on the levels themselves, and special stages serve to get lives and continues only, it makes exploring more fun, even with its simpler level design.

              Sonic 2 (Master System): Avoid the Game Gear port, as its resolution hurts this one quite bad, but the Master System version is a lot like the original, but with all new original levels, if we're talking about Game Gear I play the 1st one, no doubt, but Master System? I think I prefer this one, though you can't go wrong with either of them, they're simpler than Genesis, but well made platformers.

              Sonic Chaos/Sonic Triple Trouble (Game Gear/Master System): We see the return of special stages here, a playable Tails and an expanded move set, so they're closer to the Genesis stuff, but since you didn't enjoy those much it's not too likely you'll enjoy these, but still worth a shot for being good Sonic titles.

              Sonic Advance/Rush (GBA/DS): A couple of Sonic series made by DIMPS at their peak, and they're really fun, with Rush especially giving people that exhilirating feel with the boost for the 1st time.

              Sonic Unleashed/Colors/Generations: Here we have the exhilirating and fast boost gameplay, but in 3D, and these are all fantastic, probably 3D Sonic at his best, definitely recommend them if Adventure/Adventure 2 and Heroes on Game Cube didn't do much for you with 3D Sonic.

              Sonic Mania: It's just like the Genesis trilogy, but longer and more modern, it's a 50/50 chance of you liking it or not I think.

              Sonic Frontiers: 3D Sonic in an open world, a great concept and well executed.

              >Sonic 1 (Game Gear/Master System): A lot of fans prefer this one to the Genesis classic
              They do? I fricking love it, maybe a bit more than the actual Sonic 1, yes

    • 9 months ago

      >Most games in it are decent-to-good
      I've been playing Sonic since 91 and lol no.

    • 9 months ago

      Wii colors is a mediocre game, DS colors is bretty good

      • 9 months ago

        >Wii colors is a mediocre game
        Opinion discarded.

  2. 9 months ago

    Basically autism
    The games typically arent good, and the best ones are just mediocre at best but the autism in people causes those to defend the series honer with their life and look past any and all flaws.
    Unironically this level of delusion should be studied, i dont know any other series that carried entirely by delusion and autism. At least not on the level Sonic is.

    • 9 months ago

      >What is the appeal of this franchise?
      A superb character design, being bundled in with Genesis back then alongside very competent marketing from SoA, and starting off with a bang with 4 masterpieces in 4 years that left a lasting impression to all of those that played it back then.

      >Granted it's got 2 or 3 decent games, but why do it's fans stick to it expecting greatness every release?
      It has way more than just 2 or 3 "decent" installments, especially if you consider the early Master System/Game Gear ports too, which were excellent, the Advance and Rush series, Mania... the fans expect greatness because Sonic, as a concept, has so much potential, which we all saw in the original trilogy and hope to see it again, especially in 3D when SEGA gets it together.

      >Why are there so many furries?
      Sonic's an anthropomorphic animal, having furries in the community, either because they gravitate towards Sonic, or because Sonic makes people get into furries, is to be expected with things like this, especially since Sonic, for some reason, has a lot of autistic fans, and the autism community seems to relate to the furry community.

      >The games typically arent good, and the best ones are just mediocre at best but the autism in people causes those to defend the series honer with their life and look past any and all flaws.
      As I've mentioned earlier, this isn't true and most people know this, the original trilogy, alongside CD, were acclaimed back then and still are today, Mania was acclaimed just a few years back, Adventure and Adventure 2 were well received on launch, same for Colors and Generations, the Advance and Rush titles, and now Frontiers, this franchise is way above average and a couple of disasters don't take away from all of the good stuff, stop rewriting history.

      If speed is the appeal why do so many sections slow the player dawn, have bad Fram or draw distance. Etc.

      Speed is a huge appeal, but it's still a platformer and, while level design often favors speed, it still has to be earned, which is what makes it so fun when it happens.

    • 9 months ago

      > i dont know any other series that carried entirely by delusion and autism
      Kingdom Hearts 1 is great but the rest of the franchise is complete dogshit, like all of the games are garbage

    • 9 months ago

      Maybe the reason there are so many Sonic fans is because the games are legitimately appealing and they continue to captivate new fans to this day. What a wild take, right?

      • 9 months ago

        >Maybe the reason there are so many Sonic fans is because the games are legitimately appealing [to autists] and they continue to captivate new [autistic] fans to this day. What a wild take, right?

        • 9 months ago

          I don't think any Sonic fan can get to your level, off yourself.

  3. 9 months ago

    >What is the appeal of this franchise?
    You go fast and the appeal is learning the levels so you can get better at going fast, fans just want games that feed that same loop.
    But the fact the foundation is built on repeating, of course it's gonna attract massive autismos, which also explains the furries since 90% of them are autismos.

    • 9 months ago
      doodle guy

      If speed is the appeal why do so many sections slow the player dawn, have bad Fram or draw distance. Etc.

      • 9 months ago

        Because sega fricking sucks at understanding it's own damn franchise.
        But if we talk about the slower platform bits in between the stage they alright, work towards that skill ceiling since you wanna get them done faster next time to keep the speed going seamlessly.

      • 9 months ago

        You're getting slowed down because you're bad at the game. If you're good, you go fast.

        • 9 months ago
          doodle guy

          Getting good requires lots of memorization in order to go fast. Most of the time the game does not require or encourage you to do so.

          • 9 months ago

            >Getting good requires lots of memorization in order to go fast.
            Not really. Just play the level a couple of times and you get a grip on it pretty quickly. I can play a Sonic fangame that I've never touched before and go pretty quickly because of my experience with previous games.
            >Most of the time the game does not require or encourage you to do so.
            You get more points, which is how old games encouraged you to play at a higher level. More recent games have ranking systems to encourage it as well.

          • 9 months ago

            >Imagine getting filtered by Sonic
            Well, jokes aside, as (

            >Getting good requires lots of memorization in order to go fast.
            Not really. Just play the level a couple of times and you get a grip on it pretty quickly. I can play a Sonic fangame that I've never touched before and go pretty quickly because of my experience with previous games.
            >Most of the time the game does not require or encourage you to do so.
            You get more points, which is how old games encouraged you to play at a higher level. More recent games have ranking systems to encourage it as well.

            ) said, literally all you have to do is replay it a few times and you'll get it, you don't have to memorize everything, just the parts you fail at the most, which you'll memorize naturally since your brain will manage to recognize it on its own, no real effort needed besides paying at least a little attention. If you could just turn on a Sonic installment, go fast all the time and win by never ever getting stopped or hit... it'd be dull, and would get boring really fast, all video games require getting better at them to enjoy them fully, especially retro ones, and that requires actually investing time and effort into them, instead of seeing them as just an experience you pick up, beat and leave to go to your next dopamine hit... which is how most people do things now.

            • 9 months ago

              >all video games require getting better at them to enjoy them fully, especially retro ones, and that requires actually investing time and effort into them, instead of seeing them as just an experience you pick up, beat and leave to go to your next dopamine hit... which is how most people do things now.
              This. I don't know how some gays can say that video games are their "hobby", but at the same time they don't want games to "feel like work" or ever replay them. Any hobby of any worth requires effort. If you're just sitting down and going through it mindlessly, it's not a fricking hobby, it's mindless consumption. It's like saying that watching TV is your hobby.

              • 9 months ago

                A game with an ending (even when it's pretty arcadey like Mario or Sonic) should feel good on your first playthrough

              • 9 months ago

                I think you're missing that point that, especially back then when we didn't have full access to all guides and videos we could dream of, we never really got to the ending on a 1st playthough, it wasn't the point and most video games were so short that, to justify the price, they needed to make the player struggle and getting sent back to the title screen was common, and you know what? It's fine, that worked on their favor in the long run, because it makes it so much more of a real reward. I still do my best to avoid stuff like guides, and when I pick up a new Sonic title I've never played before, my playthroughs don't go very far and I often get filtered by a specific part, then on the next day I try again and again, and suddently I've mastered all of the parts that used to give me so much trouble and can beat the whole thing in less than an hour, going at those exhilirating Sonic speeds we all know and love, for most of the time at least, keeping the flow going and doing well... it's so rewarding and fun to me... and it's what retro video games are all about, you're supposed to already be somewhat good at what you're playing before you finally see the ending for the 1st time, and it's special when you finally do.

                Good take, but Sonic just never clicked for me. Have speed ran other games, but just thought the decent sonic games I played only lasted as quick experiences and nothing more. Maybe it's that upbeat music...

                It's fine,I myself have played many acclaimed franchises and they never really clicked, wheter we like it or not, even if something is objectively good and many love it, that doesn't guarantee that we'll do too, because personal preferences and experiences are still what matters most at the end of the day... heck, many people struggle to get into entire genres sometimes, and again, that's fine. I hope a Sonic title manages to click with you at some point though, when Sonic does click... it's always special. Which ones have you tried so far, OP?

              • 9 months ago
                doodle guy

                Originals, some GameCube and a few others. Only owned a few mostly played other people's.

              • 9 months ago

                I see, well the originals are probably peak Sonic, so if those didn't do it for you, I don't have many other ideas, though there is more good stuff still left to play if you're interested.

                Sonic 1 (Game Gear/Master System): A lot of fans prefer this one to the Genesis classic, so you can be one of those too, we'll never know unless you play it though, but I definitely recommend this, I especially love how the emeralds are hidden on the levels themselves, and special stages serve to get lives and continues only, it makes exploring more fun, even with its simpler level design.

                Sonic 2 (Master System): Avoid the Game Gear port, as its resolution hurts this one quite bad, but the Master System version is a lot like the original, but with all new original levels, if we're talking about Game Gear I play the 1st one, no doubt, but Master System? I think I prefer this one, though you can't go wrong with either of them, they're simpler than Genesis, but well made platformers.

                Sonic Chaos/Sonic Triple Trouble (Game Gear/Master System): We see the return of special stages here, a playable Tails and an expanded move set, so they're closer to the Genesis stuff, but since you didn't enjoy those much it's not too likely you'll enjoy these, but still worth a shot for being good Sonic titles.

                Sonic Advance/Rush (GBA/DS): A couple of Sonic series made by DIMPS at their peak, and they're really fun, with Rush especially giving people that exhilirating feel with the boost for the 1st time.

                Sonic Unleashed/Colors/Generations: Here we have the exhilirating and fast boost gameplay, but in 3D, and these are all fantastic, probably 3D Sonic at his best, definitely recommend them if Adventure/Adventure 2 and Heroes on Game Cube didn't do much for you with 3D Sonic.

                Sonic Mania: It's just like the Genesis trilogy, but longer and more modern, it's a 50/50 chance of you liking it or not I think.

                Sonic Frontiers: 3D Sonic in an open world, a great concept and well executed.

              • 9 months ago
                doodle guy

                I would probably play the 3d one on switch, but most likely would just think was decent. Maybe newer 2d also but probably same. If anything would say if there was anything at all that sticks is I think some sonic animations and memes are pretty good, but that's about it.

              • 9 months ago

                I see, well that's alright, Sonic's a weird case where he's massive, especially now with the movies, but also niche, not really everyone's cup of tea, though you gave it a chance and went into it with an open mind looking into enjoying them, which is already more than what a lot of people do, sadly it didn't click, but I hope maybe a future title can do it, and if now, then I hope you can have your fun playing the other franchises that you do enjoy.

                Cheers, OP!

              • 9 months ago

                It's still pretty fun even on a first playthrough, it just gets more fun the better you get at it.

            • 9 months ago
              doodle guy

              Good take, but Sonic just never clicked for me. Have speed ran other games, but just thought the decent sonic games I played only lasted as quick experiences and nothing more. Maybe it's that upbeat music...

          • 9 months ago

            that is kinda the point anon, you are supposed to clear a zone and go "damn, i could have gone faster" so you come back later.

          • 9 months ago

            >or encourage you to do so
            Going fast is its own reward.

            • 9 months ago
              doodle guy

              If you only drive fast in a car how do you appreciate all the things along the way?

      • 9 months ago

        >why do so many sections slow the player dawn
        Because you're bad. Good players never slow down hence why you never see people who actually play the games make this complaint
        >have bad frames or draw distance
        they have slowdown and the worst it gets is 06 levels of slowdown. Frontiers is the only one with bad draw distance

  4. 9 months ago

    The music is fricking amazing even in the worst games

    • 9 months ago

      Excluding dark brotherhood, only sonic game I can think of with a bad ost
      Very good track record

      • 9 months ago

        There was also Forces which had lots of mediocre and a few bad tracks but overall it wasn't too bad. Had a few bangers to make up for it, not sure I'd call it a bad OST but it's certainly way below par for a Sonic game.

  5. 9 months ago

    Sonic has the best 2D platformers ever made.

    • 9 months ago

      >missing the good future

      • 9 months ago


  6. 9 months ago


  7. 9 months ago

    When it's good it's pretty good. Most of the time it's mediocre or shit but i still like it. That being said, Sonic is an autism magnet so that probably has something to do with it.

  8. 9 months ago
    • 9 months ago
      doodle guy

      Ok nice cut scene, but only superficial. Also not crazy about how sonic rides dragon ball Zs coat tail.

  9. 9 months ago

    As a kid it was the thrill of speeding through obstacles and junk and exploring with Knux and Tails. I swear there was always a new secret I haven't found. As a teenager, my mom knew I liked sonic as a kid and kept buying me the games. As an adult.... Stockholm syndrome. No new Sonic game will reach the levels of joy I got from SA2 or S3&K, but I keep holding out for some reason.

  10. 9 months ago

    A lot of my attachment to Sonic games comes mostly from the modern era and it's music. Good music adds a lot of emotion to games that would not otherwise be there. Same situation with Kingdom Hearts. If Simple & Clean, Sanctuary, etc were not so good, I probably would not think so highly of series.

  11. 9 months ago

    what time is the DLC dropping?

    • 9 months ago

      Here you go anon.
      I hope you live inside of america 🙂

  12. 9 months ago

    If you think pinball games and Tony Hawk is also shit games, then sure you can say the idea of Sonic is also bad. But since the execute and ideals are two separate things, I'll just say no 3D Sonic game has mastered the ideal of a good Sonic game yet.

    • 9 months ago

      >no 3D Sonic game has mastered the ideal of a good Sonic game yet.
      that's fair

  13. 9 months ago

    >Le speed Sonic is le Speed bro
    Speed is not a gameplay style. Platforming is.

    • 9 months ago
      • 9 months ago

        Dogshit zoomer. All these sold worse than 90s era, worse ratings that 90s era, is only shilled by zoomers and creampedos.

        • 9 months ago

          Sold more than Gaynia.

          • 9 months ago

            Keep coping zoomertrannie.

            • 9 months ago

              >shifting the goalpost to Forces

              • 9 months ago

                Advance trash never sold more than any mainline game which never sold more than 4 million, even Frontiers.

              • 9 months ago

                >moving goalposts again
                Advance? Sold more than Mania. You? Coping.

              • 9 months ago

                >Advance? Sold more than Mania. You
                Try to prove it cuck, you can't. I don't recall the billions of fan games and 9.5/10 scores that came from Advance's """success""". FFS the fist complaint with Advance 1 was "it's too slow, fix it" then directly after it spawned boostshit, which everyone hates, and spawn dimps pits of death, which everyone hates.

              • 9 months ago

                There's no boost button in Sonic Advance 2.

              • 9 months ago

                >Le button
                Naruto running is boostshit, cope and dilate.

              • 9 months ago

                >Reaching top speed
                >Reaching top speed (with effects)

              • 9 months ago

                top speed via level design naturally like a ball on a hill would do
                top speed (with automation) and exploitation the devs never expected the player to preform

              • 9 months ago

                >Reaching top speed via level design naturally like a ball on a hill would do
                I agree, Sonic Advance 2 is good

              • 9 months ago

                Except the level design makes it worthless.

              • 9 months ago

                >multiple routes
                >hidden areas
                What's the problem with this level?

              • 9 months ago

                I like it, it's fun to play.

              • 9 months ago

                >I don't recall the billions of fan games and 9.5/10 scores that came from Advance's """success""".
                Advance was received well by critics and audiences alike. Its sprites were used universally in mid 2000s sprite animations and flash games. A fan engine recreating its gameplay style was just released at this year's Sonic Amateur Games Expo. It also sold more than Mania.
                >spawn dimps pits of death
                >boomer baby can't handle bottomless pits in a platformer

                I simply cannot imagine who thinks this looks good or is fun.

                Everyone thinks it looks good and fun except old gays.

              • 9 months ago

                I simply cannot imagine who thinks this looks good or is fun.

  14. 9 months ago

    The games are for people who are totally swagged out all of the time and just generally pretty fricking cool dudes. Sonic > Mario 32 years and counting

  15. 9 months ago

    Anyone remember trying to get the emblems in this zone? Has to be the most excruciating experience I've ever had in a Sonic game, legitimately worse than that water level from Blast

    • 9 months ago

      I got all the emblems a couple of months ago to unlock Amy. It was indeed cancerous but Sky Canyon wasn't the worst. For me it was Music Plant.
      There's a rom hack that makes it so you only need 5 emblems to get to the special stage, and more emblems are added throughout the level so it's easier to get them.

      • 9 months ago

        > to unlock Amy
        Don't you have to get the emeralds with ALL of the characters to unlock her? Genuine question, why did you put yourself through this? Not even trying to meme right now

        • 9 months ago

          >Don't you have to get the emeralds with ALL of the characters to unlock her
          Yeah. You do it once, it's not hard to do it four times. You'll have the token locations memorized mostly.
          >Genuine question, why did you put yourself through this?
          I am a Sonic fan, I am profoundly autistic. I did it twice btw, once on my GBA and second on the emulator.

          • 9 months ago

            >I did it twice btw
            Holy frick, I only got all of the emeralds once just to unlock the final stage and I swore to never touch Advance 2 ever again

  16. 9 months ago

    >Real Sonic
    Uses momentum to platform.
    >Santiago Sonic
    >Platforms with zero momentum but without pointless speed
    >Fake Sonic
    Speedshit with zero fun to platforming

    If Sonic is Flash to you you don't like Sonic.

    • 9 months ago

      Every Sonic game has platforming. You need to take your meds.

      • 9 months ago

        >Every Sonic game has platforming.
        But only real Sonic users momentum TO platform, moronkun, learn 2 read.

        • 9 months ago

          >But only real Sonic users momentum TO platform
          Yes, even boost Sonic does this. You don't know what momentum means, moron.

          • 9 months ago

            A select cherrypicked section that doesn't reflect how limited the programming is does not make boostshit real Sonic, Black person.

          • 9 months ago

            You literally feel like a tank with rockets, that's not good gameplay.

            • 9 months ago

              I agree, boost is not my ideal, but to say that it lacks "momentum" is moronic. Sonic carries momentum and his interaction with slopes is sound.

              • 9 months ago

                >but to say that it lacks "momentum" is moronic.
                It has "momentum" like Rayman 1 has "momentum" in Band Land. Doesn't make it a Sonic game. "momentum" isn't a binary term, it has different contextual meanings between non Sonic games and Sonic games, or in this case, classic Sonic gameplay and non classic Sonic gameplay .

              • 9 months ago

                Classicgays' autistic definition of "momentum" has been ignored by Sonic Team for 20 years.

              • 9 months ago

                Then why does Superstars and Mania exist, homosexualrannie?

              • 9 months ago

                Because that form of 2D Sonic is good and SEGA wanted to do it again. Doesn't mean that Adventure, Rush, etc., are "not Sonic games" because some retrocuck said so.

              • 9 months ago

                Don't know what you guys are arguing about but Rush is a very fricking bad game. It's downright infuriating to play

              • 9 months ago

                Rush is fine. If you didn't get all the S-ranks you didn't beat the game btw.

              • 9 months ago

                >Doesn't mean that Adventure, Rush, etc., are "not Sonic games"
                Why, because you grew up with them?
                Sonic had one identity, anything post that is non Sonic. Do you think Titan's Crash or Skylanders Spyro is real Crash/Spyro?

          • 9 months ago

            This shit will never be classic Sonic, trannie. It's like comparing Tetris to Puyo Puyo.

        • 9 months ago

          >uses the terrian to interact with secret paths that naturally blend into the terrain

          >But only real Sonic users momentum TO platform
          Yes, even boost Sonic does this. You don't know what momentum means, moron.

          >Just fly over the level design bro don't engage
          Why did Utopia get shat on for this exact shit but when modern shitnik games do it it's ok? Do moderngays just hate whenever anyone defends fan games doing it with more thought involved than just exploiting the programming?

          • 9 months ago

            >skillfully using the terrain to jump higher and reach an area faster is "flying over the level design"
            have a nice day moron.

            • 9 months ago

              >Just jump bro after a x2win exploit

  17. 9 months ago

    I only played the 2012(?) karting game and it was fun as frick
    Probably the best karting game ever made now that I think about it

  18. 9 months ago

    Why do threads that basically boil down to "Who the hell still cares about Sonic?" always go big?

    • 9 months ago

      Bait. Glorious Bait.

    • 9 months ago

      This OP is an exception but these kinds of threads are mostly made by Sonichads to bait discussion about the series. I do it all the time.

      • 9 months ago

        You're not wrong since I'm also guilty but I feel sad now.

        • 9 months ago

          Why feel guilty or sad? It's based. You should samechad the threads too for more bonus points.

    • 9 months ago

      Shitters that got filtered by adventure KINO and can't conceptualize the insanely high skill ceiling these games have.

  19. 9 months ago

    >effortlessly mogs every 2D game

    • 9 months ago

      it's so weird that they've never made a good sonic game before or since

  20. 9 months ago

    sonic is objectively one of the most well designed fictional characters and the universe oozes charm and wonder

  21. 9 months ago

    The Sonic comics made under Archie have more interesting stories than the games, for better or worse.

    • 9 months ago

      Wrong board

  22. 9 months ago

    People like to joke about it, but autism definitely plays a huge part in its popularity. There's just something about sonic characters that scratches an itch in autists brain.

    • 9 months ago

      Adventure 2 especially kickstarted the autism aspect I feel. There's no way the writer for Shadow isn't autistic himself.
      >I sometimes feel a stronger bond with [Shadow] than with my own relatives

  23. 9 months ago

    Why does this game make retrokeks so mad?

    • 9 months ago

      Advance games are officially retro now :^)

    • 9 months ago

      >slowly builds up speed while running
      >spin dash
      >rolls down hills to go faster
      How is this not a classic Sonic game, again? There's momentum and everything.

      • 9 months ago

        Retrogays are mentally ill, they would soiface at the game if it didn't have the Adventure redesigns.

        >Doesn't mean that Adventure, Rush, etc., are "not Sonic games"
        Why, because you grew up with them?
        Sonic had one identity, anything post that is non Sonic. Do you think Titan's Crash or Skylanders Spyro is real Crash/Spyro?

        The "identity" some sperg ascribed to Sonic on his own is completely irrelevant compared to the identity assigned to Sonic by the actual development team. The important parts of Sonic gameplay are preserved in Adventure, Rush, and even Shadow or the boost games.

        >mash anime moves, the game
        I know you like Frontiers, just frick off and stop trying to remove real Sonic (classic) with animeslop.

        >sperging about anime in a Japanese series
        Kek. I bet you like that shitty 90s cartoon.

        • 9 months ago

          >The "identity" some sperg ascribed to Sonic on his own is completely irrelevant compared to the identity assigned to Sonic by the actual development team.
          Ok shill, keep speaking nonsense while doing the same shit you call out.

          >Kek. I bet you like that shitty 90s cartoon.
          I like video game platformers with solid programming, not anime, automation and collection detection issues.

          • 9 months ago

            >I like video game platformers with solid programming, not automation

            • 9 months ago

              No one defended this shit and people didn't know this was going to get far far worse in the future.

              • 9 months ago

                I do defend it because it's completely skippable. You can see Sonic being carried over a bunch of rings and power-ups. It's a trap. The mere presence of anything automated doesn't instantly make a game bad and this is something classickeks don't understand.

              • 9 months ago

                >The mere presence of anything automated doesn't instantly make a game bad and this is something classickeks don't understand.
                You're disingenuous as FRICK because modern shitnik games make it MANDATORY AND UNSKIPABLE
                Stop being a fricking Black person and being all "Classicgays are EVIL!". They know better, frick off.

              • 9 months ago
              • 9 months ago

                This "one instanece" that predicted the worse to come with "the 99% common outcome playing this Sonic game" shit you're pulling is very very Black personish and you need to grow up already.
                The ratio to this in classic where it's literally unskippable is 1 to 100 compared to modern where it's 1 to 10 from SA1 to 1 to 1 in Frontiers.

              • 9 months ago

                >posting a cutscene in response to you posting a cutscene is Black personish
                It would appear it is YOU who is the Black person.

              • 9 months ago

                a cutscene in response to you posting a cutscene is Black personish
                You can jump and interact in that "cutscene" you fricking shithead, the DE rings is a better (but your only) example that actually compares to what is extremely common in Forces.

              • 9 months ago

                >You can jump and interact in that "cutscene" you fricking shithead
                You can "jump and interact" in every bit of "automation" in the Adventure games, too. A lot of the time it's faster to do so.

              • 9 months ago

                >compared to modern where it's 1 to 10 from SA1 to 1 to 1 in Frontiers.
                Congrats at not reading moron, understand what "diminishing returns" means. It literally gets worst and worse over time.

    • 9 months ago

      >mash anime moves, the game
      I know you like Frontiers, just frick off and stop trying to remove real Sonic (classic) with animeslop.

  24. 9 months ago

    Advance 2 has just as much automation as the Genesis games.

  25. 9 months ago

    Advance 2 > Advance 1 > Advance 3

  26. 9 months ago

    sanic is an icon simple as

  27. 9 months ago

    When are we going to admit this series is carried hard by Sonic as a characacter and nothing else?

    • 9 months ago

      When Sonic stops being the best platformer series ever made.

      • 9 months ago

        >claims to be the best paltforming franchise
        >posts clip of best game in the series from 20+ years ago


        • 9 months ago

          That's valid. S3K mogs every other platformer, especially SMB3 which some people have the gall to claim is superior. It's not even close.
          The age is irrelevant. After all, Mania mogged 2D Mario as well and it only came out 5 years ago. Superstars will do the same.

  28. 9 months ago

    WebmBlack person is just the Aispammer of Sonic threads
    No one cares homosexual your autistic seething isn't making Sonic look better.

    • 9 months ago

      >he's mad that I'm better at Sonic games than him
      >he cannot rebut any of my arguments

  29. 9 months ago

    It made a lot more sense in the 90s when most gamers were kids, very few gamers were older than 20s compared to today. People in their 30s in like, 1995 -may- have played pacman or some c64 games or something 10-15 years ago, but just did not think of games as something that could be like a main hobby to keep up with as an adult, because they were too simplistic and basic back then to really stick in your mind as mattering. To them it's be like thinking all games are angry birds and candy crush and not worth really caring about any more than board games or something.

    So tldr most gamers on SNES/genesis were kids, often little kids at that. Mario and Sonic were perfect for the actual-little-kid, 6-12 market. Very few mature games even existed and basically that would be Doom and Mortal Kombat cheesy gory stuff (really more appealing to teens) and many parents didn't want their kids playing these, anyway vs Sonic and Mario not being controversial. I mean,if you got a SNES or Genesis, Mario or Sonic were usually bundled with it. You'd possibly have Sonic even if you didn't look to get it specifically, so it was just ubiquitously known.

    All the above however is explaining why it -was- a big deal back in its heyday. Ever since Sega stopped making consoles, Sonic more and more has to reach for reasons to exist still as a single player game featuring a cereal box mascot type deal for a company no longer actually using it as a console mascot for fricking decades running now. All the tertiary shit with furries etc are just mold growing over the body of what it used to be, it never was popular in the 90s because of them or anything like that. Sonic was like the cooler Mario basically, not autistic shit like today. Why did he go that way when Mario didn't, I guess that just is not going to be avoided with talking animals and introducing a love interest for Sonic. Mario doesn't have a real love interest, he is just a Peach simp etc.

    • 9 months ago
      doodle guy

      I was born 91. Rember being blown away when first booted up Sonic at a friend's. Played it awhile and just thought it was OK, but would rather play Mario or something else. Have played originals a few times over years, but just think is OK and never got into it. There is castlvania metroid and so many other better retro games.

    • 9 months ago

      I am of the opinion that had they embraced the stupidity of talking animals doing cool shit and not tried to do melodrama crap like with Maria's story, Shadow or 06, the series wouldn't have regressed as it did.

      Sonic's Unleashed intro with Eggman piloting a giant robot with a minigun and going ful auto on Sonic is still the coolest shit to this day and is exactly what this series should have been about - Sonic beiing a cool fricker and blowing up machines at supersonic speed while platforming to the sound of hype music. Nothing more and nothing else. I'm 100% sure that if they had embraced that kind of cool tone, kept the confidence they had in the 90's and didn't cave in to ironic garbage or emotional slop, this series would still be considered on equal terms to Mario.

      Sonic Frontiers is a step in that direction, but they're still doing the horrid sadboy crap and not giving enough budget to hire actual talents who know what the frick they're doing.

  30. 9 months ago

    I saw a WebM of Sonic 1 this morning and ended up replaying the game because of it. Such a nostalgic game and was probably the first for many people.

  31. 9 months ago

    I don't about the games per se, I do care about that cute sissy bawd Tails and how he gets micro and macro molested by Sonic.

    • 9 months ago
      doodle guy

      God shit like this is why people consider this franchise cancer!

      • 9 months ago

        be the chemo you wish to see in the world.

  32. 9 months ago

    >Why are there so many furries?
    most are ironic furries that are strictly only into Sonic characters and do not frick with other shit outside of it

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