Sonic the Hedgehog

>I leave the rest to Shadow. Seek him out... if what you seek is for despair to fall over the world.
Best vidya villain.

A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

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A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

  1. 4 months ago

    Why didn’t GUN destory the equation he wrote? Shadow wouldn’t have been able to reprogram the ark without it

    • 4 months ago

      Because they’re a government agency, Sonic’s universe probably has a cold war of its own and they want to use it against russia or something

      • 4 months ago

        >project shadow was started as a cold war weapon

    • 4 months ago

      His scribbles on the wall? It's a solitary confinement prison, if no one is getting paid to do that it's not gonna get done, and no one is gonna pay anyone to clean off wall scribbles. Besides it looks cool

  2. 4 months ago

    >All of you ungrateful humans, who took everything away from me, will feel my loss and despair!
    His final words in that scratchy video on the ARK with only this image is unironically the most chilling moment in the Sonic franchise. The uncannyness of his face and shape of his head, the goofy Robotnik moustache, the single cracked eye lens, the weariness in his voice, the iron chains tied around him, and the single spotlight shining on his face in front of this black wall with chalk drawn all over it paint a creepy enough image. Now, couple this with the understanding that, less than a minute later, he's gunned down and executed. The last words of a formerly kind old man sent to his death bed are about how he's going to damn all of humanity.

    Gerald is probably the best villain in any Sonic game, arguably in any game rated E or E10+

    • 4 months ago

      True, this looks like a Taliban beheading video crossed with a creepy "anti piracy" meme screen
      >"for those of you in the West who would use the power of the Chaos Emeralds for selfish luxury... rather than to the glory of the one true father Allah and his people. For that I say, we show no mercy and shall rain down this Eclipse Cannon to purge the heretics from our Father's world. Allahu Akbar."

    • 4 months ago

      Cast him.

      • 4 months ago

        Danny Devito

      • 4 months ago

        Christopher Lloyd

      • 4 months ago
      • 4 months ago

        JK Simmons

      • 4 months ago

        Gilbert Gottfried

        • 4 months ago

          The voice vs. dialogue tonal whiplash would be epic.

    • 4 months ago

      There was a lot of potential for military conspiracy shit to feel out of place in a game about furries who fight some fat guy but they really did nail it in SA2, it's a miracle it turned out as good as it did

      • 4 months ago

        sonic's always had a nature vs. tech theme so it doesn't feel too crazy.

        • 4 months ago

          You know who could lean into that a bit more? Crash Bandicoot. They got the tech antagonism part down

        • 4 months ago

          GUN and the human side of things in retrospect made the world seem way more interesting. Especially when you realize that the president around the time of the ARK incident was trying to become immortal
          They made for a really good alternate faction outside of Eggman too.

          • 4 months ago

            >specially when you realize that the president around the time of the ARK incident was trying to become immortal

            • 4 months ago

              It's in a report from Rouge in the Japanese manual.

              >President writes a letter to Gerald asking him to research the key to immortality
              >Gerald originally refused but did it in order to cure Maria of her illness
              >Entire staff thought it was reckless as shit but thought "frick it, it's Gerald what could go wrong"
              >Biolizard was the prototype (can regenerate and restore itself) but it had too many problems
              >Whole thing got leaked to GUN. Top Brass did not like this shit and wanted to shut the whole thing down.
              >They raid the whole thing and you know the rest

              Whole thing is here:

              • 4 months ago

                >the in-universe reason for the naming of "Project: Shadow" is because everyone involved thought the goal was impossible to create, similar to how you can't create a shadow
                >Biolizard eternal life theories for lizard regeneration are correct
                >Biolizard is the reason for the ARK getting wiped out, not necessarily Shadow himself
                >the pink balls you homing attack in the Biolizard fight are its literal eggs; Shadow is killing his unborn nephews
                >Gerald evacuated alongside Shadow and Maria but went in the opposite direction to avoid putting extra attention on them both
                >more theorybuilding that SA2 Shadow and onwards is actually a clone
                >all this started because the president at the time wanted eternal life
                >the plots of both Adventure games happen because some old leader wants to cheat and attain more power than he has any right to

                Building off the clone Shadow bit, I always did appreciate that Heroes and even ShTH to an extent built off this. There's a lot of ambiguity over whether Shadow is the same one from SA2, although Eggman confirms such in the Devil Doom fight. It adds a lot more mystery and tragedy to an already cool character. I wish we got to see more of this plot point, even if ShTH killed any chance of that

                >ancients aka proto chaos
                I think its a good opportunity to reintroduce the history of the Echidna ancestors and the Gizoids which can be argued are connected to the ancients' technology and a stand in for the Nocturnus clan that is a lot less like the Dark Legion so Penders can't sue again.

                If the big leak about Adventure remakes leading up to SA3 is true, Id kill for the old Echidna lore to make a comeback.

              • 4 months ago

                >Maria calls him a Shadow watching over the world

              • 4 months ago

                thats so fricking kino

              • 4 months ago

                Makes me sad Sega can’t make kino like this anymore

              • 4 months ago

                Reminder that SA2's stage select establishes South Island, Sonic 1's setting, as being a small spot just outside City Escape

                I think Frontiers is a step in the right direction that they might be able to again someday, but yeah; those days are gone. The only thing Sega can do is try new things based on what works and hope they'll be as celebrated as SA2 is

              • 4 months ago

                sonics map was never consistent like that

              • 4 months ago

                >Reminder that SA2's stage select establishes South Island, Sonic 1's setting, as being a small spot just outside City Escape
                I think it's only there because its a bonus stage and they couldn't make a whole map in relative to the rest of the setting. It's probably not right outside Not!California

                Better than Forces where it pretends that Green Hill, Seaside Hill and Chemical Plant are on one landmass

      • 4 months ago

        Its been said to death but I think the reason it works so well is because SA2 plays it completely straight.
        Talking anthros are a part of the setting, there lived advanced civilizations of bipedal echidnas thousands of years ago, there lives a fat mad scientist with a cartoonish Teddy Roosevelt stache, and they all coexist alongside a native human population capable of modern real-life technology and culture. There's no camera wink or anything like that; this is the setting, this is how it is.
        Shadow, Professor Gerald, and Maria are all the natural byproducts of this unique setting, and the writers take full advantage of it.

        • 4 months ago

          very well said

      • 4 months ago

        Sonic Adventure 1 laid the groundwork for sonic having serious stories
        If they somehow went straight from sonic and knuckles to Sonic Adventure 2 story then yeah I would understand the claims of it being some extreme whiplash.
        But as we live in the universe where SA1 came first I don't really understand why people get up in arms about it. SA2 is a fairly natural evolution, and the series eased into the SA2 tone with grace.

        • 4 months ago

          >SA2 is a fairly natural evolution, and the series eased into the SA2 tone with grace.
          Buh? You mean, going from an almost fairytale-esque:
          >long ago an ancient monster nearly wipes out a tribe of echidnas who brought said destruction unto themselves via their selfish actions but is sealed away by the daughter of the chief of said tribe, and then thousands of years later is revived by the villain and the protagonist and friends must band together to stop him from bringing the ancient monster back to its full strength
          >so anyway yeah here's a government funded orbital scientific research facility that researches possible cures for space AIDS with the ulterior motive of developing bioweapons for the army who upon learning of the creation of a massively powerful creature decide to pull the plug (despite that being the entire purpose of the facility?) by trying to cover it up by killing everyone on board including children, except for the head scientist, the consequences of which bearing fruit 50 years after the fact as the scientist wend mad and tried to use the aforementioned massively powerful creature as a means to carry out his posthumus revenge on humanity
          ISN'T a bit of a stretch? I mean for god's sake, the premise of the game takes twice as long to explain. But more importantly, how would you describe going from "an ancient water monster threatens to destroy the world" to "deadly governmental cover-up from 50 years ago regarding bioweapon lab experiments in space leads to one of the experiments attempting to destroy the world as revenge for said deadly cover-up" as a "natural" evolution? And no, incorporating elements from the previous game's story (Gerald's research into ancient echidna lore and other references) as background fluff does not necessarily smooth this very noticeable speed-bump between these two stories' tones.

          It doesn't automatically make it bad per se, but nothing about the transition between SA1 and 2's stories is natural.

          • 4 months ago

            >ut more importantly, how would you describe going from "an ancient water monster threatens to destroy the world" to "deadly governmental cover-up from 50 years ago regarding bioweapon lab experiments in space leads to one of the experiments attempting to destroy the world as revenge for said deadly cover-up" as a "natural" evolution?
            Don't you mean "an ancient water monster threatens to destroy the world because his family got genocided by a bunch of powerhungry buttholes that wanted power"

            Chaos and Shadow have very similar motivations, You could argue that Adventure 1 treated the matter way more seriously as it outright showed the Echidnas killing the chao in the final story (The cutscenes obviously look crude as hell but that's clearly what's happening). The tones aren't really all that different especially when you're accounting the rest of SA2.

            Now that I think about it, the "dark turn" in both these games only ever takes place in the final story. The most you can really say is actually different is how SA2 feels more like a B movie as opposed to a collection of short stories that happen to coincide with one another like in SA1 but that isn't really tonal either.

            • 4 months ago

              >powerhungry buttholes that wanted power
              Say it ain't so, anon

          • 4 months ago

            I mean, they're both themed on the idea of Eggman digging up the past coming back to frick up the present.
            There's a fun parallel to them, an ancient myth and an old but still modern conspiracy, Tikal and Maria, Pachacamac and Gerald, Perfect Chaos and the Finalhazard

          • 4 months ago

            SA1 added cities and other humans, setting up the setting as Sonic just being a normal part of a mostly human world. This bridges the gap between the setting of the genesis games where really any characters besides the main cast don't exist, let alone actual cities and SA2 where the setting is completely human centric.
            It started the plots being more complex, of course SA1 plot is simpler than SA2, but it's not as basically nonexistent as the genesis games.
            Adds in serious elements and darker elements to the series, the funny thing is, SA2 isn't even particularly different from SA1 in that regard.

            Chaos literally genocides the entire echidna race besides just enough that knuckles ends up the last remaining member, which is honestly edgier than GUN killing everyone aboard the ARK. Tikal and the chao are killed in the crossfire in the same way Maria is. As for the scale of destruction in the end Chaos drowns the entire city of station square in his rage, much like Gerald, which is actually better than SA2 considering they stop anyone from getting killed or anything from getting damaged. Except Shadow I guess.

            The plot in SA2 is more complex but I mean that's my point it's a sequel game and part of the evolution of the plots getting more complex in the series. It should be twice as complex as SA1

            Another thing, stuff like the space aids is not in sa2, it's supplemental material or it's in shadow.

            • 4 months ago

              >As for the scale of destruction in the end Chaos drowns the entire city of station square in his rage
              Actually they all survived that by climbing onto the city rooftops

            • 4 months ago

              The environmental storytelling thing is especially funny because what they describe, nearly every game up to 06 also has this to some degree and the story for Sonic 3 and the history behind Angel Island is all in the manual

            • 4 months ago

              wouldn't the "neuro" in NIDS imply its a neurological disease and NOT an STD anyway? or am i just moronic?

    • 4 months ago

      Did they really need to shoot him?

      • 4 months ago

        >story inspired by US military coverups and conspiracies

      • 4 months ago

        >story inspired by US military coverups and conspiracies

        tbf the guy was actively collaborating with genocidal space aliens, he'd built a giant Death Star laser that could destroy the entire planet if he ever decided to use it, and Shadow and the Biolizard were borderline WMDs
        and iirc they "only" arrested Gerald and forced him to work for them after the ARK incident, they only decided to execute him after he went insane

    • 4 months ago

      i like how they actually had the balls to straight up blow his brains out

    • 4 months ago

      >unironically the most chilling moment in the Sonic franchise.
      That's not a high bar...

    • 4 months ago


      tbf the guy was actively collaborating with genocidal space aliens, he'd built a giant Death Star laser that could destroy the entire planet if he ever decided to use it, and Shadow and the Biolizard were borderline WMDs
      and iirc they "only" arrested Gerald and forced him to work for them after the ARK incident, they only decided to execute him after he went insane

      Mad scientists are cool. The modern wizard, if you will.

    • 4 months ago

      The one thing I don't get is who the frick was recording his last words?
      He literally tells his plan to destroy the Earth step to step in front of someone and he even goes "nah I got nothing else to say" and no one does anything about it or the Ark?

      • 4 months ago

        They probably kept the Eclipse Cannon around in case any asteroids or comets came by to frick the Earth's shit up

  3. 4 months ago

    Gerald's retcon about working with Black Doom was sort of a letdown.

    • 4 months ago

      I've always been divided on it. The idea that Gerald needed extra help to go from Biolizard to Shadow isn't bad conceptually, but him working with literal devil aliens and building the Eclipse Cannon to beat them jumps the shark. It explains why the Cannon exists to begin with, but it still undermines his original character

    • 4 months ago

      I disagree. It doesn't change much. Back before he went nuts because he worked so hard to save Maria and GUN killed her, he was approached by an alien and pretended to cooperate with them, making Shadow to stop them.
      Then when he went nuts he repurchased Shadow to destroy instead.

      • 4 months ago

        I've always been divided on it. The idea that Gerald needed extra help to go from Biolizard to Shadow isn't bad conceptually, but him working with literal devil aliens and building the Eclipse Cannon to beat them jumps the shark. It explains why the Cannon exists to begin with, but it still undermines his original character

        My problem is it tries to explain science with mystisism magic. Not the first instance, and Sonic the franchise certainly isn't immune to that (look at Chaos in SA1) but as anon said it felt very "jumping the shark", felt lazy. All effort went into the style and none into how well it fits into Shadow's established SA2 lore went. Feels like a hodgepodge, especially since Shadow when he does have his memories in SA2 never once even alludes to Black Doom or the Black Comet creatures despite remembering Gerald perfectly.

        • 4 months ago

          >My problem is it tries to explain science with mystisism magic.
          Not really any different from real life. If you know you know
          >Black Doom or the Black Comet creatures despite remembering Gerald perfectly.
          That's just because that whole black alien shit was a retcon

          • 4 months ago

            Do you think with frontiers having ancients aka proto chaos, there is chance black arms can make another appearance in future games?(renamed of course, sega will always ponder to the west)

            • 4 months ago

              >there is chance black arms can make another appearance in future games?
              Anon, Black Doom is literally the main antagonist of the next Sonic game.

              • 4 months ago

                >another generations
                I mean cool, but it won't be canon, just a flashback level, I bet they won't even include a single 06 level this time, although I'm surprised sega didn't memory holed Black Arms.

              • 4 months ago

                Maybe Iizuka finally woke up that nobody likes his "sealed characters" perspective. People only ever cheer when they break through that.
                >Mighty and Ray well received
                >Fang well received
                I guess he can learn.

              • 4 months ago

                So when do the Classic Chaotix come back?

              • 4 months ago

                Probably never because Iizuka's headcanon is that Knuckles Chaotix is non-canon and the Chaotix crew were "reimagined" for Heroes.

            • 4 months ago

              >ancients aka proto chaos
              I think its a good opportunity to reintroduce the history of the Echidna ancestors and the Gizoids which can be argued are connected to the ancients' technology and a stand in for the Nocturnus clan that is a lot less like the Dark Legion so Penders can't sue again.

        • 4 months ago

          >Shadow when he does have his memories in SA2
          You homies keep fricking things up with the lore and it's pissing me off
          >Gerald is working to create ultimate life form
          >Gets contacted by ayylmaos and agrees to give them the chaos emeralds in exchange for their dna
          >Makes biolizard and shadow (This is why shadow and lizzy can chaos control)
          >Shadow and the eclipse cannon are built to stop Black Arms invasion
          >Future GUN commabder rats out gerald's connection to ayys
          >Government steps in, Maria dies
          >Gerald is allowed to continue working on Shadow unter surveillance
          >Messes with his memories so he wants to destroy the world, because Gerald has frickin lost it
          >Sonic Adventure 2
          >Shadow's full memory only comes back at the very end of the game

    • 4 months ago

      I remember people saying the original implication was meant to be sonic was the actual OG creation of gerald, and shadow was just a facsimile he made under military custody. And while that is cool, and it seems there is a lot to support that, it begs the question: if shadows memories are all fake implants by Gerald, how the frick was he able to remember Maria's real wish?

      • 4 months ago

        Shounen anime powers

      • 4 months ago

        I don't think I've ever heard that idea before, I've always seen things like Shadow being based off the Super Sonic mural, but that's still kind of an interesting idea

        • 4 months ago

          It always struck me as a bit of a stretch, but still an interesting thought. Their powers being similar, rouge's dialogue, shadow's dialogue that plays during the finalhazard fight if you wait it out long enough.
          >Sonic, its YOU! You're the ultimate lifeform!
          But my favorite piece has to be in shadow's own theme.
          >There is a window with a view you've never seen, get there no matter how long it takes.

          • 4 months ago

            , its YOU! You're the ultimate lifeform!
            This always struck me as a quiet confirmation that Shadow was in fact based off the Super Sonic mural. The idea that Shadow was always designed as an imitation of what Sonic is at his absolute strongest is a fantastic counter to the former's arrogance towards Sonic throughout most of the story. It also can be used to explain why he struggles to maintain his Super form and ultimately "dies" in the end; Sonic is a literal child of destiny naturally linked with the emeralds whereas Shadow is in Sonic's shadow

            • 4 months ago

              You're more than probably right. Like that other guy was saying, it would have been a really weird choice to have that be the case and have sonic also not really give a shit about the ARK, Gerald, or Maria at all

      • 4 months ago

        >I remember people saying the original implication was meant to be sonic was the actual OG creation of gerald, and shadow was just a facsimile he made under military custody.
        I could kinda see the latter, I could never see the former. Sonic conveniently not knowing a thing about the ARK, Maria, or anything involving Shadow's past during SA2 and not seeming all that interested is a major wrench in it unless he just happened to have surprise amnesia.

        I don't think I've ever heard that idea before, I've always seen things like Shadow being based off the Super Sonic mural, but that's still kind of an interesting idea

        said, Shadow being based off Sonic's mural is the one I've seen all the time, and I think its the strongest theory as far as his original creation goes. Sonic being the original creation is kinda neat, but I dont think it works in context of everything

        Why didn’t GUN destory the equation he wrote? Shadow wouldn’t have been able to reprogram the ark without it

        They didnt know any better

        • 4 months ago

          >They didnt know any better
          The old guy is literally spelling out his doomsday plot on video right of front of them

          • 4 months ago

            >This insane old man we have trapped in custody scribbling random math jargon on the walls thinks he can blow up the earth after we kill them. Lol. Anyway, lets wrap this up, my kid needs picked up from school in an hour
            Also, Im pretty sure modern GUN during SA2 had no idea who or what Shadow was by the time Eggman released him. It was probably forgotten about long ago

            • 4 months ago

              How do you forget about the “ultimate life form”

              • 4 months ago

                Biden administration took over

            • 4 months ago

              shadow was top level classified shit. i dont know government jargon but you get the idea. most of the soldiers & police who were after sonic probably didn't even know he was being framed.

              • 4 months ago

                meant for

                How do you forget about the “ultimate life form”

            • 4 months ago

              Why wouldn't they have just cleaned the graffiti as normal process? Instead they leave it up for decades and even kept other prisoners in that cell yet never scrubbed the fricking walls?

      • 4 months ago

        It always struck me as funny that Eggman had no reaction to the fact that Gerlad had set the cyrochamber Shadow was left in's password to Maria. What if Maria wasn't real and artificially implanted from the beginning? It does run contrary that despite Gerald's change in opinion of the military and scoiety he still has one strong force in his head defending humanity and saying life of humans shouldn't be thrown away so frivilously.

        • 4 months ago

          It's not like we saw when eggman found out the password, we just saw him enter it. You're not gonna show any emotion to entering a password.

  4. 4 months ago

    >Sonic and shadow are both placed in the same scenario yet Sonic rises above because of his determination not to give up while Shadow fails and gives in to vengance going against Marias wishes

    • 4 months ago

      I think there was some subtext that Sonic himself was built modeled after Shadow, hence the parallels and Sonic being able to Chaos Control. But that was all abandoned and never hinted at again and we're not getting a Sonic Origins game so it doesn't matter outside of cool ambiguity

    • 4 months ago

      >Shadow was put in the capsule to sace him, out of love from an innocent girl
      >Sonic was put in the capsule to kill him by an evil villain
      Yep, it's ludo kino

      • 4 months ago

        Shadow was put in the capsule because his fart smelled so bad.

  5. 4 months ago

    So what was the reason in SA2 for the existence of a planet busting weapon anyway?

    • 4 months ago

      No real reason. Retconned for total Armigger destruction but in SA2 the reason i think was for planetary defence against asteroids and meteors

  6. 4 months ago

    I'm just happy that Sega and the fans are finally embracing the series' edgier moments after over a decade of self-deprecating post-irony "lol those games sucked, Green Hill is le heckin awesome, Baldy McNoseHair amirite" nonsense

    • 4 months ago

      Pontac era games were truly a brand disaster, to think such iconic and cool character as Sonic would be lowered to shitty sitcom level of wittiness and the rest of supporting cast including eggman would be regarded as obvious character stereotype cardboard cutout for 12 years. Americans game writers deserve to be lynched in public.

      • 4 months ago

        The problem is Sonic Team's complete lack of nuance. I wouldn't have minded them making a more lighthearted smaller scope main game but it coming at the cost of the integrity of the characters and the identity of the series (for all its issues) was a much worse deal in the end.

        People might want to say "Oh but 06" and "Colors saved the series" but hindsight is a thing as much as people want to deny that and people realized that Borderlands/Adventure Time writing style of early 2010s media is arguably more insufferable than any of fhe worst edgewank from the mid to late 2000s

        • 4 months ago

          >People might want to say "Oh but 06" and "Colors saved the series" but hindsight is a thing as much as people want to deny that and people realized that Borderlands/Adventure Time writing style of early 2010s media is arguably more insufferable than any of fhe worst edgewank from the mid to late 2000s
          I genuinely have no idea who that style of writing was aimed at. Even as a kid I thought it sucked. I was literally the target audience, and I thought what was being pushed in front of me was terrible. Every YouTuber I watched at the time was telling me how great Colors's writing was and how it was "just like the old AoSTH cartoon!" No, AoSTH was actually funny and full of slapstick; Colors had lame jokes, an apathetic Sonic and Tails, and a pathetic Eggman (his literal introduction has him going, "I know I ALWAYS say I'm gonna win this time, but I know this time I'll win! For sure!"). Was I supposed to laugh at the jokes or laugh at the people who wrote the jokes? It just seemed like the only praise was coming from these quarter-life crisis boomers who only saw Sonic as a Blue Furry Mario.

          • 4 months ago

            The problem is Sonic Team's complete lack of nuance. I wouldn't have minded them making a more lighthearted smaller scope main game but it coming at the cost of the integrity of the characters and the identity of the series (for all its issues) was a much worse deal in the end.

            People might want to say "Oh but 06" and "Colors saved the series" but hindsight is a thing as much as people want to deny that and people realized that Borderlands/Adventure Time writing style of early 2010s media is arguably more insufferable than any of fhe worst edgewank from the mid to late 2000s

            Pontac era games were truly a brand disaster, to think such iconic and cool character as Sonic would be lowered to shitty sitcom level of wittiness and the rest of supporting cast including eggman would be regarded as obvious character stereotype cardboard cutout for 12 years. Americans game writers deserve to be lynched in public.

            I'm just happy that Sega and the fans are finally embracing the series' edgier moments after over a decade of self-deprecating post-irony "lol those games sucked, Green Hill is le heckin awesome, Baldy McNoseHair amirite" nonsense

            Just a reminder no matter how much worse Sonic gets, you are all still the ones to blame for accentuating Sonic downfall starting on 1999 and forwards to begin with. You and your generation of rabid pathetic Hispanic homosexuals, shamelessly desperate on revisionism history to appropriate the actual Dark Ages and pretending all of you didn't encourage into the bullshit Sonic suffers with nowadays, will never be acknowledged as anything more or less than the demoralizing catharsis on evoking morons at SEGA to reinvent the wheel over and over.

            I'm sorry for bursting through your little ape circlejerking, but you might have a better time on /sthg/. Legit sad as frick we've come this far enough to be bombarded with muh ambition rhetorics and """kino""" parroting for praising fricking 06.

            • 4 months ago

              >mad classicgay voices his irrelevant opinion
              We get it, old good, new bad. Still, it was better than stupid shit we had during 2010's. You can wallow in your tears about glory days long gone, we want Sonic to be cool again.

            • 4 months ago


            • 4 months ago

              ... as a WEREWOLF? WHAT WERE THEY THINKING?!
              Because Sonic isn't Mario.

              ... with a SWORD? WHAT WERE THEY THINKING?!
              Because Sonic isn't Final Fantasy.

              They are valid because you homosexuals keep making Sonic into what he literally isn't at all, especially Mario because he's at the very core, meant to rival with him.

              Sonic was always intended to be a shonen character. The cute little blue Mickey Mouse was never the image SEGA nor the original creators wanted for the character. Its the entire reason they redesigned him with SA1. You have had twenty years to cope.

            • 4 months ago


            • 4 months ago

              dudebro chill surferdude sonic is always going to be the best sonic

            • 4 months ago

              t. tendie with negative media literacy who doesn't understand the media other than felix that inspired sonic in the first place

            • 4 months ago

              Why can't Sonic be more like that nice boy Mario?

        • 4 months ago

          I think what makes Colours - Forces so frustrating is how they got a pretty solid tone in games like Unleashed and Black Knight, it's not overly edgy but it doesn't feel like some weird sanitised kids cartoon

          • 4 months ago

            Sorry anon, but any positive qualities from those games are shut down with the following sentences:
            >Sonic... as a WEREWOLF? WHAT WERE THEY THINKING?!
            >Sonic... with a SWORD? WHAT WERE THEY THINKING?!

            • 4 months ago

              Which is kinda annoying because it totally gives Sonic Team the wrong ideas about what's wanted

            • 4 months ago

              ... as a WEREWOLF? WHAT WERE THEY THINKING?!
              Because Sonic isn't Mario.

              ... with a SWORD? WHAT WERE THEY THINKING?!
              Because Sonic isn't Final Fantasy.

              They are valid because you homosexuals keep making Sonic into what he literally isn't at all, especially Mario because he's at the very core, meant to rival with him.

              • 4 months ago

                >especially Mario because he's at the very core, meant to rival with him.
                What does this really have to do with anything?
                I didn't like these gimmicks either but you have to be pretty moronic to think that they were going to be mainstays of the franchise especially with the shovelware Storybook games

    • 4 months ago

      Pontac era games were truly a brand disaster, to think such iconic and cool character as Sonic would be lowered to shitty sitcom level of wittiness and the rest of supporting cast including eggman would be regarded as obvious character stereotype cardboard cutout for 12 years. Americans game writers deserve to be lynched in public.

      2010s were the true Dark Ages of Sonic. Any lore and character writing that the series had? Thrown out the window. Good games? Generations, All-Stars Racing, and Mania; one mainline, two spinoffs not even exclusively Sonic, and one by a guest developer. The series reputation? Down in the gutter, laughed at, degraded by even its biggest fans. Bad games? Objectively worse than 06.
      I am so happy that Frontiers happened because every bit of Sonic news since has been seemingly nothing but good news. All we need now is Maekawa to come back as the main storyteller and kino will be back on the menu.

      • 4 months ago

        I still think that 06 was what started the Dark age but I would say that it never really ended and that 2013-2017 were far worse for the franchise.
        Colors, Generations and SASRT were just kind of the wool being pulled over everyone's eyes, like we didn't see the actual problems with the franchise. Colors looking back isn't really that good, Generations was great but way too limited in content for what it was worth (people forgot it was $60 on release and only 2 hours long) and SASRT, while it was a good racing game was bound to show its age at some point.

        • 4 months ago

          >I still think that 06 was what started the Dark age but I would say that it never really ended and that 2013-2017 were far worse for the franchise.
          I think that's a fair take. 06's impact on the franchise is undeniable; there's a reason its still talked about even today. It was definitely the event that catapulted the death of Sonic's identity as a brand and a series. The devs creating Sonic had a much different vision of the blue hedgehog than a lot of fans in the west did, and 06 forced the devs to see this and go into an identity crisis.
          At the time, a lot of people were arguing that SA1 was the beginning of the Dark Ages for Sonic, which I always saw as the most moronic take imaginable.

        • 4 months ago

          >Generations was great but way too limited in content for what it was worth (people forgot it was $60 on release and only 2 hours long)
          How the frick could someone unironically have this mentality when talking about what went wrong with Sonic? The rise of this mentality is singlehandedly the biggest thing that went wrong with Sonic. Sonic 2 cost $60 and had two hours of gameplay too. 60 dollars in 1992 money at that.

          • 4 months ago

            >Sonic 2 cost $60 and had two hours of gameplay too. 60 dollars in 1992 money at that.
            You just answered your own question.
            You could wipe your ass with $60 back in those days. We literally saw Sega try this shit with Superstars less than a year ago and don't give me the "MUH GRAPHICS MUH DENUVO" When the complaint from the vast majority of normalgays that don't even know or care about either was the asking price. Generations simply did not have enough content to be considered worth $60 or are you going to tell me that Forces was worth the $40 it went for too?

      • 4 months ago

        How is Frontiers on PS4? I'm without a PC for the foreseeable and I've been thinking about picking it up on sale

        • 4 months ago

          Its the best 3D Sonic game released in at least a decade. While thats not a very high bar, I had a lot of fun with it. Its definitely a game that requires you to sink time into it before it gets really good; the last DLC was where I had the most fun. Expect some slogs here and there before then, particularly on island 3, but its the most fun Ive had with 3D Sonic in years. Also, play around with movement controls ASAP

  7. 4 months ago

    >A Stranger appeared on the ARK today. He offered me his blood, and in return I owed him Chaos.

  8. 4 months ago

    Why the frick did the soldiers gun down an unarmed girl in cold blood? What did they think that would accomplish?

    • 4 months ago

      No loose ends.

    • 4 months ago

      When you're fabricating a conspiracy to make your evil act seem like it was morally justified, you have to quiet anyone that would potentially upset the narrative

      • 4 months ago

        Yeah but this isn't just any random civilian. She was Gerald Robotnik's granddaughter. Did they not think her death would negatively impact the old coot?

    • 4 months ago

      In Sonic X the guy who shot her was specifically trying to stop her from pulling down the hatch that would send Shadow to Earth and he pulled the trigger when she did it anyway

  9. 4 months ago

    >meanwhile Tails and sonic are not even from the same planet, the whole "mobian" race doesnt exist at all

  10. 4 months ago

    Today I woke up to a Sonic X Shadow Generations dlc, what the hell is this

    • 4 months ago

      sonic generations port with a shadow campaign, black doom is the villain

      • 4 months ago

        Why does it have the LGBT+ tag on it?

        • 4 months ago

          sonic fans are weird

        • 4 months ago

          because they're going to shove their sexual beliefs down you're throat whether you like it or not.

        • 4 months ago

          Sonic's reddit page has had the modern lgbtq+ flag for years now. Probably those gays thinking theyre funny

        • 4 months ago

          Sonic fans are eiher gay, autistic or both.

        • 4 months ago

          Sonic X Shadow

      • 4 months ago

        kind of annoys me that they didnt just do a full remake of shadow the hedgehog instead.

        id rather have that over a generations remake with a couple of shadow levels tacked on.

        • 4 months ago

          >a generations remake
          it's not a remake

    • 4 months ago

      episode shadow for generations

  11. 4 months ago

    Is shadow part israelite? Does he qualify as a israelite's golem

  12. 4 months ago

    Seriously how the FRICK was SA2 so good?

    • 4 months ago

      The devs were under the very real possibility that this was the last Sonic game ever due to the death of SEGA as a console brand. They wanted to go out with a bang

  13. 4 months ago

    You WILL buy Sonic X CHADow Generations.

  14. 4 months ago

    Honestly SA2 has such a good story. Biolizard is another example since it's what Shadow's prototype. It's probably a mangled up reanimated Masd destruction corpse doing everything in its power to fulfill Gerald's dreams, much like how the finalized Shadow is doing the complete opposite for Maria. The lyrics for SA2 even further this idea. Unironic peak Sonic storytelling we can't get back.

  15. 4 months ago


    • 4 months ago

      The canon explanation is that It turned so the undamaged side is now facing the earth kek

      • 4 months ago

        I honestly preferred the Sonic X subplot where Eggman fixed it himself. It's crazy how there was never an idea to make the moon into an Eggman base after Advance

        • 4 months ago

          How do you fix the moon…?

      • 4 months ago

        hilariously dumb, they obviously just didn't consider it when making future games and made something up when asked, pretty funny

      • 4 months ago

        bravo izuka

        >SA2 is a fairly natural evolution, and the series eased into the SA2 tone with grace.
        Buh? You mean, going from an almost fairytale-esque:
        >long ago an ancient monster nearly wipes out a tribe of echidnas who brought said destruction unto themselves via their selfish actions but is sealed away by the daughter of the chief of said tribe, and then thousands of years later is revived by the villain and the protagonist and friends must band together to stop him from bringing the ancient monster back to its full strength
        >so anyway yeah here's a government funded orbital scientific research facility that researches possible cures for space AIDS with the ulterior motive of developing bioweapons for the army who upon learning of the creation of a massively powerful creature decide to pull the plug (despite that being the entire purpose of the facility?) by trying to cover it up by killing everyone on board including children, except for the head scientist, the consequences of which bearing fruit 50 years after the fact as the scientist wend mad and tried to use the aforementioned massively powerful creature as a means to carry out his posthumus revenge on humanity
        ISN'T a bit of a stretch? I mean for god's sake, the premise of the game takes twice as long to explain. But more importantly, how would you describe going from "an ancient water monster threatens to destroy the world" to "deadly governmental cover-up from 50 years ago regarding bioweapon lab experiments in space leads to one of the experiments attempting to destroy the world as revenge for said deadly cover-up" as a "natural" evolution? And no, incorporating elements from the previous game's story (Gerald's research into ancient echidna lore and other references) as background fluff does not necessarily smooth this very noticeable speed-bump between these two stories' tones.

        It doesn't automatically make it bad per se, but nothing about the transition between SA1 and 2's stories is natural.

        >It doesn't automatically make it bad per se, but nothing about the transition between SA1 and 2's stories is natural.
        Yeah, the surface level of "Ancient civilizations and angry godlike beings -> Resurfaced government conspiracies and space stations" feels very out of left field.
        That said, I do think there's solid ground to argue the stories are parallels of each other with the former focusing on the ancient past and the latter on the recent past. Shadow and Chaos as characters have plenty of similarities to each other for example, and SA2 has a lot of minor storytelling pieces regarding modern people trying to recreate history and oft missing the mark:
        >the Artificial Chaos on the ARK are based on Chaos, but they're all reduced to mere npcs and are just a fraction of the real thing's power
        >Gerald built a Master Emerald altar inside the deepest parts of the ARK implied to be based off the one on Angel Island
        >Shadow, theorized to be have had his creation based on the Super Sonic mural in S3&K, has an imperfect Super form that, unlike Sonic, he cannot control perfectly
        >while not intentional in-universe, Shadow and Chaos are both years old beings awoken from a long slumber and are obsessed with gathering the 7 Emeralds to enact vengeance
        Its schizo territory, but a neat detail in SA2

        I honestly preferred the Sonic X subplot where Eggman fixed it himself. It's crazy how there was never an idea to make the moon into an Eggman base after Advance

        How do you fix the moon…?

        IIRC he literally just had nanites or some kind of technology fill up the missing half of the moon

        >As for the scale of destruction in the end Chaos drowns the entire city of station square in his rage
        Actually they all survived that by climbing onto the city rooftops

        Chaos caused more damage than 9/11 idc

  16. 4 months ago

    bryan cranston egg grandpa

  17. 4 months ago

    The thing that bothers me the most about everything related to this is that we never see what Eggman thought about Maria.
    Did he ever meet her during his childhood? Her name being the password is the only moment he ever acknowledges her existence
    Even if he never got to know her, we never see what his feelings on her death were, and he seems more pissed that his grandfather was executed than anything about her.

    • 4 months ago

      >we never see what Eggman thought about Maria.
      We do in Frontiers.

  18. 4 months ago

    What did Rouge mean by this?

    • 4 months ago

      Consent is the secret ingrediant between fun and not fun

  19. 4 months ago

    This thread's reminded me that I still need to play Frontiers even though it's been in my Steam library for months.

  20. 4 months ago

    Does anyone remembee the Chaos 2 fight Knuckles has in the hotel in Station Square? What the frick was that room, one of those rentable event spaces?

    • 4 months ago

      I remember feeling bummed that we never got to see what Chaos 3 and Chaos 5 looked like because Eggman kept feeding Chaos two emeralds at a time.

      • 4 months ago

        Me too. I had to ground myself as a kid and realize it was designed for game progression and not autistically feel cheated that there wasnt a chaos of every stage.
        Remind me, did Froggy count as a digested emerald or was Froggy's body acting like a layer between him and Chaos 6 in being able to access it?

        • 4 months ago

          It's been over a decade since the last time I played Adventure 1 so I can't remember exactly

        • 4 months ago

          froggy ate chaos's tail or some shit which is why chaos needed froggy to be complete

        • 4 months ago

          Both. Froggy ate the emerald which meant it also took Chaos's tail

  21. 4 months ago

    ᵈᵉᵃᵗʰ ᶜʰᵃᵐᵇᵉʳ ᵈᵉᵃᵗʰ ᶜʰᵃᵐᵇᵉʳ ᵈᵉᵃᵗʰ ᶜʰᵃᵐᵇᵉʳ

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