Sony bros...

Sony bros...

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POSIWID: The Purpose Of A System Is What It Does Shirt $21.68

  1. 3 years ago

    There's no such thing as a "Sony bro." There are customers, that's all.

    • 3 years ago


    • 3 years ago

      fpwp you gays are worse than tendies

  2. 3 years ago

    idorts will always win.

  3. 3 years ago

    >snoy boss seething at the thought of competition

  4. 3 years ago

    >Console users all migrate to PC gatekeeping their games on different shitty stores.

  5. 3 years ago

    Playstation can no longer satisfy Sony. They need PChads to come in and do the work.

  6. 3 years ago

    I knew he was a microsoft plant.

  7. 3 years ago

    More like the niglet is reacting to Phil's every-device-is-an-xbox strategy and Amazon going balls deep into cloud gaming
    Apart from the old gang that buys PlayStation like no matter what, Sony is in a really bad place right now, reacting to others moves
    To add to the injury, PSNOW RUNS ON AZURE aka Phil's house of cloud

    • 3 years ago

      Why are they copying two things that weren’t successful or as successful as PlayStation at the time?

      • 3 years ago

        Because no matter what the audience want, if Amazon/Microsoft/Apple believes the future is cloud, it will be cloud
        Sony first went full blown "we are the same exclusive powerhouse" on PS5 launch, to lure the same people again, but now surprise, of ports studio, steam ports and now Jim Ryan going full blown moron on "we want everyone" when his fanbase based their purchase on exclusivity

      • 3 years ago

        because now those things are based and leaving Snoy behind.

  8. 3 years ago

    glad i'm not the only one who finds it frustrating
    stop holding souls games hostage c**ts

  9. 3 years ago

    He's seething because the PS5 has a shit attach ratio.

  10. 3 years ago

    Dude is making me less likely to buy a playstation with comments like that.
    Well whatever he just wants to make more money and there's nothing wrong with that.

  11. 3 years ago

    He knows.

  12. 3 years ago


  13. 3 years ago

    rent free

  14. 3 years ago

    Sony is just trying to destroy the second hand market at this point. Steam is a fantastic platform for Playstation games because Steam user do not give a frick about owning physical copies and are very likely to pay full price for licenses for digital games. This is good for them because it eliminates the second hand market and ensures they get more money.

    • 3 years ago

      Yeah, but instead of getting 30% cut they should be giving it.

  15. 3 years ago

    he's going to mindbreak sonygays at this rate

  16. 3 years ago

    >100s of millions
    His expectations are unrealistic, even Nintendo games cannot sell that much. At best, like 20-30 million copies but it's probably impossible to exceed that unless you re-release your games in the future.

    • 3 years ago

      >have sony smart TVs come with remotes that can function as controllers
      >have psnow pre-installed on them
      >sell them worldwide
      There, solved it. Maybe they could put all sony movies on it and rebrand it into a multimedia streaming service.

  17. 3 years ago

    This is Jim Ryan talking to boomer investors, promising they are ready for the future, when it's obvious they are way behind
    Meanwhile Phil and Amazon are putting their cloud apps on smart TVs for xmas
    Literally a Netflix of games just purchasing a gamepad
    Inb4 stadia, as they fricked up the business model selling you games a not vault access

    • 3 years ago

      >Inb4 stadia, as they fricked up the business model selling you games a not vault access
      it's one thing to have a cloud service, but to make you 'buy' games for the cloud service as well is just pants on head moronic, not sure how google thought people would stomach that

  18. 3 years ago

    How long did consoletards expect to keep exclusive games in a business climate where every game is expected to turn $20B in profit?

  19. 3 years ago

    People still haven't got PS5s and ourguy Jim here is saying he hates the fricking thing already.
    Absolutely Mattrick -tier move there Jim.

  20. 3 years ago

    I read the interview and comparing his answers here with his previous interviews is quite telling.

    >Gran Turismo 1 is ancient who the frick would want to play that shit lmao
    >Ah yes, I did enjoy a spot of Jumping Flash, the classic game from Japan Studio, which we recently shuttered down, how nostalgic

    What a disingenous frick, why does he even try to pretend he's anything but a businessman?

    • 3 years ago

      Phil Spencer is at least good at pretending to be a gamer.

  21. 3 years ago

    Phil has been 3 steps ahead since he came on

    • 3 years ago

      Yes he was way faster at porting everything to PC.

  22. 3 years ago

    Playing on PC is the losing battle

    • 3 years ago

      That depends.
      If you want to actually own your games and maybe sell them or lend them to others then consoles are the way to go.
      If you don't care about that and are willing to pay for licenses for digital games, then PC is the way to go.
      Of course you can also more easily pirate games on PC which is also a huge fricking win for the platform.

      • 3 years ago

        Multi monitor
        Higher graphical fidelity
        Higher fps
        Numerous varying input devices
        Mouse and keyboard
        Cheaper games
        Free games

        There is no reason to play games on console in 2021 other than if you're too poor to be able to afford a pc.

  23. 3 years ago

    i'm such a contrarian that the endless doomposting on Ganker is almost pushing me to buy this piece of shit

    • 3 years ago

      I bought one and I feel really stupid now.

  24. 3 years ago

    can't wait to get my free game from based jimmy

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