CRIME Shirt $21.68

UFOs Are A Psyop Shirt $21.68

CRIME Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      >english translation

    • 2 years ago

      >old animu garbage
      >new animu garbage

    • 2 years ago

      >soulless english fanfiction
      >soulful japanese

  2. 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      this tbh

      • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago

        Black Mesa Xen was worse than Half Life Xen
        Not only does it drags itself for even longer, but it also has shittons of issues with making you figure out where to go and makes you platform in minuscule platforms.
        Half of the maps are also generic swamps when Xen is supposed to be very Alien and pretty barren due to the Combine.

        They cut down On a Rail despite it being pretty good, because it wasn't linear enough for brainlets, and then do this shit.
        Fricking hilarious.

        • 2 years ago

          >Black Mesa Xen was worse than Half Life Xen
          >They cut down On a Rail despite it being pretty good
          You are literally moronic and should have your video game license revoked.

        • 2 years ago

          Are we being this fricking contrarian now? Xen was the worst level in Half Life. Everyone talked about how shit it was. Did you really want them to recreate that awful shit?

          • 2 years ago

            they made it better, but the last chapter drags out too long and makes it take up literally half the game

            • 2 years ago

              >they made it better
              Absolutely fricking not, it has some improvements, but the whole package manages to be worse than the original.

      • 2 years ago

        Black Mesa Xen was worse than Half Life Xen
        Not only does it drags itself for even longer, but it also has shittons of issues with making you figure out where to go and makes you platform in minuscule platforms.
        Half of the maps are also generic swamps when Xen is supposed to be very Alien and pretty barren due to the Combine.

        They cut down On a Rail despite it being pretty good, because it wasn't linear enough for brainlets, and then do this shit.
        Fricking hilarious.

        Oh yeah, they turned Nihilanth into a fricking Nudoom boss, which was completely offputting despite being a better boss battle than the OG.

    • 2 years ago

      Both look good to me, the issue with the bottom is too much fog to the point it obfuscates the skybox, but that was likely to save up on resources for performance since 90s FPS is the minimum required for VR if you don't want to puke your guts out.

      If you want to see a game that looks like absolute shit with bad lighting look no further than Fallout 4, Watch Dogs 2/3 or any modern Assassins Creed.
      Lighting looks completely broken

      Also, this meme is shit and you're a low IQ homosexual.

      HL2 City 17 looks and feels like a real Eastern European city, albeit through the graphical limitations of the time.
      HL:A City 17 looks like some sort of steampunk parody of the original environment. Instead of being Eastern European, it just feels like a fantasy Nowhere Land like what you had in Dishonored.

      The difference is stark because during development the HL2 team had sent someone to Serbia/Bulgaria to take reference photos. In HL:A they obviously just used HL2 as reference, or invented shit out of whole cloth.
      (That's not to mention the sheer lack of vision displayed in recreating the same old City 17 environment 15 years after the fact. Modern Valve can't really come up with anything new and just reused Viktor Antonov's old sketches and ideas for everything.)

      • 2 years ago

        That's because this guy wasn't the art director this time, though it still came out pretty good, it still looks like a Eastern European city, just doesn't have as good art design I feel, and VR probably constrained that well.
        Biggest issue with HLA is the shitty ending though.

        >old animu garbage
        >new animu garbage

        Issue isn't even the character portrays, the Vita ones actually have decent shading despite being digital and with a different artstyle, the issue with the Vita port is the complete removal of textures.
        They even removed the rug

        >Black Mesa Xen was worse than Half Life Xen
        >They cut down On a Rail despite it being pretty good
        You are literally moronic and should have your video game license revoked.

        Are we being this fricking contrarian now? Xen was the worst level in Half Life. Everyone talked about how shit it was. Did you really want them to recreate that awful shit?

        They made the original Xen somehow worse you mouthbreathing moron, learn to read.

  3. 2 years ago

    Both look good to me, the issue with the bottom is too much fog to the point it obfuscates the skybox, but that was likely to save up on resources for performance since 90s FPS is the minimum required for VR if you don't want to puke your guts out.

    If you want to see a game that looks like absolute shit with bad lighting look no further than Fallout 4, Watch Dogs 2/3 or any modern Assassins Creed.
    Lighting looks completely broken

    Also, this meme is shit and you're a low IQ homosexual.

  4. 2 years ago

    I'm sick of new games not showing what my eyes would actually see. I don't get fricking lense flare when I'm walking outside so why the frick does a first person view act like I'm playing it through someone recording it.

  5. 2 years ago

    alyx screen has more obviously copy+pasted buildings.

    • 2 years ago

      Yeah, you can actually see the same apartment 5 fricking times.

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