Space Architecture

Everyone makes fun of 40k Catholic Space Churches, but wouldn't people eventually make their space stuff a bit fancier and less utilitarian?

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  1. 1 month ago

    No, because no one will be looking at it from the outside.

    • 1 month ago


      • 1 month ago


        • 1 month ago

          Let's see if you still say that after I tongue your anus.

  2. 1 month ago

    Why isnt it a tube

    • 1 month ago

      Because if it's not in the shape of a church, wandering space satans will eat it.

    • 1 month ago

      >Why isn't it a tube
      Because, if it was shaped like a tube, Zeon would drop it on Australia.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Daily reminder that real Zeon has never been tried.

  3. 1 month ago

    Probably yes, people try to embellish their dwellings all the time, no reason for them not to do it in space in case of a space civilization

    • 1 month ago

      Gringos imported all the workers and construction materials for their embassy in my third world country.
      The thing is stupidly big, like mall size big, compared to other embassy that are at best a large house.
      If a Civilization can do space travel and materials transportation is as easy as transporting it on sea. I'd be surprise if space installation do not end looking like actual cities.

  4. 1 month ago

    I remember when Star Wars tried to get on the 40k train with Pius Dea, but it turned into a israelite fantasy. Floating cathedral ships used to purge the unclean xeno in the name of the Goddess.. unless you paid the church regularly and often.

    The mighty goodguy forces of the Jedi and the DMV rolled up together to kill them. Weird shit.

    • 1 month ago

      >The mighty goodguy forces of the Jedi and the DMV rolled up together to kill them. Weird shit.
      What did you expect? The glorious magical chosen ones to lose to the poo people?

    • 1 month ago

      Is that from Disney Wars?

      • 1 month ago

        Very late EU and comes from one reference book.
        Never seen it mentioned elsewhere.

    • 1 month ago

      Catholic Space Churches aren't a trope Warhammer 40k invented, it's something they ripped off 😐

      >when Star Wars tried to get on the 40k train with Pius Dea
      How is putting space crusades in a science fantasy setting with space knights (that's older than warhammer 40k) trying to get on the 40k train? Is science fantasy the eminent domain of games workslop? No, it isn't. Frick off.

      • 1 month ago

        Because Star Wars didn't try to do the whole cathedral ship thing until 40k got popular and started siphoning off fans.

        • 1 month ago

          >Because Star Wars didn't try to do the whole cathedral ship thing until 40k got popular and started siphoning off fans.
          Right, they totally did it because of warhammer and not because it looked cool or because the sci-fi universes star wars commonly rips off (dune and heavy metal) also did it. I'm sure the biggest sci-fi franchise on the planet in 2005 cared immensely about a few people leaving for warhammer. And the evidence for this is... oh wait you don't have any. This is going right next to the other moronic baseless 40kid claim like "starcraft is a warhammer game" and "event horizon is a prequel to warhammer because the writer likes warhammer and mutant chronicles"

          • 1 month ago

            Uh oh, Star Wars fans melty

          • 1 month ago

            >mutant chronicles

            Was always a smidge better imho

            • 1 month ago

              I liked the movie. Never got into anything else.

  5. 1 month ago

    people make fun of 40k because the size of the ships are ridiculous, not because they're gold-tipped.

  6. 1 month ago

    every time someone says "catholic" in regards to 40k they are trolling.
    Theres no catholics or christians in 40k, they died, a long time ago.

    • 1 month ago


    • 4 weeks ago

      Catholic just means Universal. So it's not Catholic on the grounds that the Imperial Cult is expressly exclusive to humans. You are not allowed to convert to the Cult of the Emperor. If you are not already part of the Cult of the Emperor, the only "Conversion" they're interested in is converting you into corpse starch. The Imperial Cult does not practice evangelism, except insofar as it de jure considers all humans to be laymen already on dint of being human.

      This is pretty radically divergent from Christianity in general and that's just one obvious part. The reason that people perceive it as Catholic is that it is dramatically appropriate that the Emperor spend all of this energy trying to stomp out religion, but we are specifically shown The Last Church, and thus, the Emperor finally defeating Christianity, but to then zoom forward 30,000 years and see cathedrals everywhere is basically pissing in Emps' face, and it's one of the only genuinely funny satires in 40k.

      A trace of the true self continues to exist in the false self. By denying the divine, and by orienting all of society towards this insane materialistic end, the Emperor created a colossal galaxy-sized vacuum of spiritual meaning and validation, and then he fricking died. What did he think was going to happen? Well presumably he hadn't considered that he might die, because if he had it would have been EXTREMELY obvious that this specific thing would happen. Because the Emperor did not ultimately understand human beings despite ostensibly being their champion, he ended up accomplishing the exact opposite of his desired society, right down to the aesthetics of his ancient enemy rising from the grave to assimilate HIM into its own arsenal. So there are no Christians in the 41st millennium--but you wouldn't know by looking.

      Someone once had a Dark Hersey game where the cult the players were investigating turned out to be Christians and nobody knew wtf they were, which is bretty funny.

      • 4 weeks ago

        I should expand on this by saying that the funniest way this could go would be for it to turn out that the Emperor is fully conscious and could just come back at any time, but he knows what will happen if he reappears and says "Hey guys I know I was dead for a while but I'm back now and I'm here to save you."
        So instead he's just been waiting, hoping that maybe someone else takes over and they forget about him so that he can get off of the throne and go back to being a sneaky manipulator.

      • 4 weeks ago

        >Catholic just means Universal.
        It's short for guilt, penance, and whatever else.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Yeah, last catholic in warhammer died in 30k.

  7. 1 month ago

    No because that is part of what drives the mystery and wonder and spectacle of life in the imperium. It has to have some of the real trappings of majesty to dazzle you and keep you toiling. Plus a lot of it is jnherited stuff that just lasts.

  8. 1 month ago

    Nemesis the Warlock did the same, and with better style. For you zoomers, Nemesis is the father of 40k.

  9. 1 month ago

    >but wouldn't people eventually make their space stuff a bit fancier and less utilitarian?

    There is a difference between fancy and stupid. Any ornamentation you add needs to not compromise functionality, because anyone living is space is going to be keenly aware of just how bad a very minor flaw can be and how quickly it can threaten the lives of hundreds or thousands of people.

    You would never, under any circumstances, make an actual stained glass window to the outside of your station or ship. Even if it was made out of magic space glass that is as strong as steel, it would still be a stupidly insane risk in terms of not just hull breaches but radiation exposure and all kinds of other spaceborne hazards. You would, at best, have fake stained glass windows with LCD screens behind them and several layers of hull behind that. The illusion of stained glass, but certainly not a real window of any kind looking out into space.

    • 1 month ago

      A stained glass window directly facing outer space is *exactly* the kind of things year 30k humans would be striving for

    • 1 month ago

      Black person these morons have had a Galactic civilization longer than we’ve had fire. I think they know how to build a stained glass window directly looking out to space.

  10. 1 month ago

    Wouldn't cosmic rays and micro-meteorites destroy any ornamentation of a spaceship?

    • 1 month ago

      You could design your ornamentation around such concerns, but yet. Anything too ostentatious is absolutely going to get wrecked by the realities of space travel.

      And as someone else mentioned, making the OUTSIDE of your ship fancy is largely a wasted effort, because to the vast majority of people you will never be more than a tiny dot on a radar screen or equivalent. Most people you interact with will basically never see the outside of your ship for any length of time. Its not like a car or a house where people are going to be looking on it with envy as they go about their day.
      It is in the inside of your ship that you make fancy as frick. And, in space, what counts as fancy is going to be different. Gold for example will be basically fricking worthless in space. Its not rare up there. You can drip by an asteroid belt and just grab as much gold as you want, literal fricking mountains of the stuff. Gold and platinum will be worth about as much as aluminium foil. But you know what WILL be valuable? Dirt. Wood. Shit that has to come from an active biosphere of some kind, because you can print starships off an an assembly line using raw materials gained from asteroid mining but is something thats surprising hard to make more of. You can't just scoop up some soil from mars and plant shit in it, because dirt as you understand it is the result of billions of years of active microbial activity.

  11. 1 month ago

    Anyone else think gothic O'Neil cylinders and Stanford toruses would look neat?

  12. 4 weeks ago

    >All these people
    >All these hamboigas
    The ships have shields, duh
    don't overthink the rockcrete cathedral shell
    This is ornamental for the purpose of awe and purely symbolic,k it's hubris
    You do not use a tube to exude the Imperium's authority, we have Aesthetic standards in this society

  13. 4 weeks ago

    Space doesn’t really allow for that. It’s brutal.

  14. 4 weeks ago

    Fancy Space Architecture only works with energy or void shields. Most space architecture with be protected.

  15. 4 weeks ago

    The OG Imperium is hideously oppressive Speer-tier Brutalism with only the faintest traces of religious heritage. Monotonous, prefabricated, and with lobotomized criminals hanging from the walls to act as CCTV cameras.

    Nu-Imperium is a lot more fantastical.

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