Space Marines now canonically shit themselves

Space Marines now canonically shit themselves

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POSIWID: The Purpose Of A System Is What It Does Shirt $21.68

  1. 7 months ago

    If I'm getting this right it's Horus at his peak of corruption, right?

    • 7 months ago

      yes he has a "true form" now too like the emperor

  2. 7 months ago

    I'm an English teacher and I don't think I could give this level of writing a B- in good conscience.

    • 7 months ago

      Most nerds paying for those books don't see substantial difference between good writing and good enough writing.

    • 7 months ago

      Most nerds paying for those books don't see substantial difference between good writing and good enough writing.

      does anyone read 40k books for high literature?

    • 7 months ago

      What is wrong with it? It is hard to believe that this is below college level writing

      • 7 months ago

        >It is hard to believe that this is below college level writing.
        This is a joke, right? This is something I'd expect out of a C-grade high school student at best. It's basically fanfic-level.

        Space Marines now canonically shit themselves

        Next big rapper for sure.

        • 7 months ago

          Other anon here. I can believe you it's bad ok but tell us why it's bad.

          I don't ask it for contrarian purpose i'm legit wondering. I'm not native english so my experience with the langage is mostly people on the net and movies sub i dont read english literatture. What is wrong with what is written here ?

          • 7 months ago

            NTA. There are/were some genuinely good writers in the GW stable but the problem with doesn't establish details; a few sentences are close to run-ons; it tells you how to feel (it happens a few times, but the bit about how it would be pitiful if it weren't chilling) instead of showing you what is happening and letting you come to your own conclusions. A lot of the writing is disorganized. It's not terrible but it's easy to fix to be better, too.

          • 7 months ago

            NTA. There are/were some genuinely good writers in the GW stable but the problem with doesn't establish details; a few sentences are close to run-ons; it tells you how to feel (it happens a few times, but the bit about how it would be pitiful if it weren't chilling) instead of showing you what is happening and letting you come to your own conclusions. A lot of the writing is disorganized. It's not terrible but it's easy to fix to be better, too.

            Abnett is actually pretty good at using metaphors and similes to describe scenes most of the time, plus good use of themes and other literary devices he learned at Oxford. Much better than your typical GW writer, high school student, or Tolkien/Asimov copycat anyways.

            The problem is though that none of GW's writers have been able to handle the Emperor and the Primarchs without just resorting to non-stop superlatives and minor characters being reduced to gibbering idiots by their awesomeness

        • 7 months ago

          He asked you why and you doubled down on the hyperbole. You may not like the content of what's written [in a tiny excerpt], but the vocabulary is above 'C-Grade High School student,' and the technicalities correct.

          Take a step back, and try, again, to use those words you intended to use before you gave up and became a teacher.

      • 7 months ago

        The flow is terrible, as soon as it gets going
        >he turns to the sound of the voice
        >he has found something
        >abaddon aproaches
        It reads like a greentext/movie script but without the formatting. It makes it impossible difficult to tell when the author is switching between abaddon's and a third person's perspective, and what the subject of each sentence is going to be. Is the subject abbadon who is aproaching? Is sycar stating that abadon aproaches? Is the screen the subject showing abadon aproaching?

        I cant tell until i reach the end of the sentence and process it as a whole, which is just uncomfortable to read

    • 7 months ago

      Those who can't, teach. Not that you do that either mind.

  3. 7 months ago

    Have you already forgotten that Imperial Fist ceremonially mummify their shit?

  4. 7 months ago


    >if a teenager turned this in they'd get great marks.
    An American teenager maybe.

  5. 7 months ago

    Chaos marines never had And They Shall Know No Fear, as far as I'm aware.

  6. 7 months ago


    I'm going to argue against your first point since this is clearly an excerpt from something, so the setting has likely already been established prior
    The rest still stand though

  7. 7 months ago

    What are you talking about? I see no mention of shit in this passage.

  8. 7 months ago

    Only when fighting Tau

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