>SRPG. >have over 12+ characters. >can only bring 5 into battle

>have over 12+ characters
>can only bring 5 into battle
often there's no shared xp

This is the real reason SPRGs are shit

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  1. 2 years ago

    That's why I like games where you control squads instead of single units. That way you can start out with a bunch of generic units in your squads and gradually replace them with actual characters as you progress.

    • 2 years ago

      What game is this? Looks cool.

      • 2 years ago

        The Last Remnant

        • 2 years ago

          That's why I like games where you control squads instead of single units. That way you can start out with a bunch of generic units in your squads and gradually replace them with actual characters as you progress.

          >interested in the game for some time
          >PC version is the outdated one, not like SqEx wants anyone to play it as it's no longer available for sale
          >no PS4 or Switch and emulation isn't reliable yet
          >my phone may or may not support the Android port, haven't tried, but regardless I'd like to play on something that doesn't have a minuscule screen
          Pain peko
          Maybe PC through Android emulator?

          • 2 years ago

            the pc version is superior to the remaster, they changed some attack skills for the worse

          • 2 years ago

            >>PC version is the outdated one, not like SqEx wants anyone to play it as it's no longer available for sale
            You can still buy Steam keys directly from SE on their EU online store.

            • 2 years ago

              Instead of a Buy option, there's a Waiting List button for the direct download.


    • 2 years ago

      >In the original console release, unique units could only be squad leaders, the rest of the party had to be generics
      I still dunno what the frick they were thinking considering you can easily fill an entire army with nothing but uniques by midgame.

  2. 2 years ago

    good, that means I can pick the characters I like instead of getting forced to use every lame loser that joins my party

    • 2 years ago

      p.s. I hate Black folk

    • 2 years ago

      >that one chapter later on that forces you to use frickboy mcneedledick but you never leveled him

  3. 2 years ago

    So instead you're always doing a setup just to level up specific characters and really hoping you don't crit or counterattack. Adds to the tedious aspect of the games.

  4. 2 years ago

    specifically frick triangle strategy for doing this shit, especially when you actually need to use nearly all your characters for the true ending

    • 2 years ago

      I don't know, it felt kinda good cause the way that ending went all of the main cast gets divided up, so each one was pretty balanced for my playthrough with a mix of under leveled people sure, but also max lvl full equip units capable of working/building the comp around

  5. 2 years ago

    They're not even RPGs, boomer XCOMs mog the shit out of those. The only saving grace of "SRPGs" are its art direction.

  6. 2 years ago

    Are you playing Utawarerumono or something? Play a real SRPG for big brain players.

    • 2 years ago

      >Play a real SRPG for big brain players.
      This is true for most of them since they like bigger party rosters but since they're turn-based having a bunch of characters playable on the field slows the game down to a crawl.

  7. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      I have this game and put in 198 hours into it and I have no idea how far along I am, but I know I'm not done.

      It's gotten to the point where a single level takes multiple hours to get through and you either die early or set up a meat grinder and keep it like that for the next couple of hours.

      I also have no idea how this company functions, cause this seems to be their only game, and they keep updating it despite it only having a one time purchase of 20 bucks.

      Also alot of optional side systems like beast taming nd droid creation, loot and skills are pretty complex systems (to me at least)

      Basically it's an insane amount of game

      • 2 years ago

        Anon, you don't even know half of it. Not only do they do weekly, if not daily, major updates but did you know that they added an epilogue that is 20 hours for free? On top of being really good. A few months ago they were actually dishing out patches like twice a day to the point that people started complaining that they were spamming their steam feed and they ended up putting a public post apologizing for the inconvenience and that they will try to bundle them up before sending them out in the future.
        On top of that, they are still making yet another FREE epilogue for it before they release Season 2 (the sequel). It's already known that they're struggling to keep the lights on and if you look at the forums there are people begging to let people buy something extra, like an extra OST pack or something, so the devs can sustain themselves.

        • 2 years ago

          ye that's another thing, I think their korean but if I didn't know better I'd say their Canadian with how much apologizing they do, every few weeks I would see a thing saying sorry for being behind update schedule or simply not having one.

          Also fellow troubleshooter, you use the online systems at all? I keep mine offline since this isn't the type of game I imagine want online interaction for.

          • 2 years ago

            They're South Korean.
            No idea about online systems cause I always play offline. I finished it but I have no idea what the online does lol.
            Here's a tip, though: Have the company policy be the one that gives you masteries.
            Only important early and very very late game (if you want to craft powerful equipment without having to grind missions). This is because high level materials take a lot of low level ones to craft, they don't drop as often and are absurdly expensive
            It's good, but I don't think it takes precedence over masteries. Especially because you might want to swap around who is bonded to whom, and also there's a cap for that regardless
            The game actually distributes so that the lower level units gain more %-wise, so they'll catch real quick if you just bring them along.
            This is the meat and potatoes. Provided you're not playing on easy, you'll want to have a good build for late game, and the crafting of them becomes very important, and grinding for them is a soul sucking experience. Thankfully I've never had to because I set my policy to Mastery and just never changed it, so at late game I had like 50+ of useless masteries of each category that I could just distill into the good ones and I was able to respec and build my people at will.
            >Leftover equipment
            There are weapons in the game that nobody actually uses like pistols, assault rifles, hatchets and some other shit. Those are to be sold or turned into materials, don't hog them. Also don't feel the need to craft anything until you're at the level cap, you'll be getting good equipment from missions anyway.

            The Lion and the Witch DLC that added Alisa and Bianca wasn't intended to be free, but they released it for free anyway to apologise for the shitty state of the game at launch.

            The upcoming Bloodwalker Story DLC which will add Misty won't be free.

            >upcoming dlc won't be free
            I sincerely hope so, because every time people talked about it they said it would be. And yeah, at launch the game was just super fricked. I expect more kino because they managed to take a character I actively disliked and made her rise to one my favorites.

        • 2 years ago

          The Lion and the Witch DLC that added Alisa and Bianca wasn't intended to be free, but they released it for free anyway to apologise for the shitty state of the game at launch.

          The upcoming Bloodwalker Story DLC which will add Misty won't be free.

          • 2 years ago

            I hope misty is a rogue, I think that's like the one class who's skills I can't do anything with besides use as crafting material

            • 2 years ago

              Yeah Misty is going to be a rogue class. Her weapon is a knife and her ESP type is water.

    • 2 years ago

      BASED. It's fricking crazy how they let you bring 10+ people in late game

    • 2 years ago

      I honestly feel bad about the amount of value I've gotten out of this game vs the amount I paid for it. Solo panda godmode ftw.

  8. 2 years ago

    >Largely just use my favorite characters the entire game
    >Final boss expects me to use my whole party
    >Most of my characters are underleveled as frick
    To be fair I haven't reached the end of FF8 since I was a teenager. I'm sure even my good characters weren't built very well since I'm pretty sure I just spammed GFs the entire game.

    • 2 years ago

      Levels don't matter too much in FF8. You can also compensate a lot with the junction system.

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