Star Fox 2

Is it significantly better than the original? I've played that and 64, but much prefer the latter.
Is it retro according to the rules? It was completed in 1995, but not released until 2017. By any reasonable standard, it should be given a pass... but only way to find out!

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  1. 6 months ago

    Yes it's retro, yes it's better than og starfox. HEED my warning. You will probably get bombarded with heinous posts
    It's been that way for like a week with Nintendo threads, just be ready anon

  2. 6 months ago

    It's kinda shitty imo. 64 > SF1 > Command > rest

  3. 6 months ago

    Well, it sure was ambitious, but 1 and 2 are very different, so it comes down to personal taste, really.

  4. 6 months ago

    Is it even a full game? I know they fixed some things up when they released it on the mini NES but I'm guessing they only patched up what was already there.

    • 6 months ago

      The 2017 release on snea mini and switch are the final versions

    • 6 months ago

      I thought the exact same thing when I first played it, but it's internally dated from September 12th 1995. For comparison, the near-final build that got fan-translated is from June 22nd 1995. For years I figured that the final build would be drastically different, because I read that interview from back when Command was coming out where Dylan Cuthbert said that they were playing 2 for gameplay inspiration, and he mentioned that the final build he had access to was very different from the builds he saw on the internet, with "additional rogue-like elements."

      In hindsight that interview comes off as pretty scummy, him practically taunting, "The final version sure is cool! It's way different and more complete than anything you've seen so far! It'd be nice for everybody to get to play it, if not for those darn Legal Issues™. You'll just have to take my word for how super cool it is." But I digress.

      Considering how radically different the Aeon Genesis build was from stuff previously shown to the public, such as the WCES '94 build (six months before AG build), it was feasible that the game still could've evolved quite a bit before the final release (three months after AG build). The final version is probably 90% identical to the translated prototype though, which means c**tbert was either lying through his teeth for some reason or else somehow unaware of the translated build, although Aeon Genesis had released it in 2004, almost two years before Command.

      • 6 months ago

        Having played the Beta extensively, the biggest difference in the final release is polish and balance - Expert in the Beta is laughably easy while it absolutely kicks your ass in the full game. There's a bunch of small QoL stuff in general that makes the official release the best version to play

        • 6 months ago

          I was wondering about that. I used to play the crap out of the beta. Is it true they got rid of lock-on attacks in the final version?

  5. 6 months ago

    Adventure is still the bet Star Fox game

    • 6 months ago


      adventures sucks more than egorapter hates skyward sword.

      • 6 months ago

        >eceleb worship
        You don't belong here, zoomer.

      • 6 months ago

        That anon's a gay, but you're an even bigger homosexual.

  6. 6 months ago

    >Is it significantly better than the original?
    They are entirely different genres, comparing them is a rather moot point.
    SF1 is a rail shooter, SF2 is half RTS, half exploratory shooter.

  7. 6 months ago

    SF2 is a very cool game when you get into it and learn it's mechanics. Playing on the default difficulty makes the game quite simple, so after you play that to get the basics, make sure you play on higher difficulties so you can get the full effect. I don't know if it is better than Star Fox 1. Overall, I'd say I had more fun with SF2 because of its score attack nature. SF1 has a maximum score and it's not too hard to get. But SF1 is definitely worth playing and it is quite fun; it's a rail shooter and one of the best I'd say. I actually like the gameplay of SF1 a little bit over SF64, but SF64 makes up for it with a nicer overall package.

    • 6 months ago

      2 is a very interesting game because of the new styles of gameplay. It's impossible to really say which is better because they have a lot of differences.

      Favorite game in the series. I understand why some people don't like it, the way it's laid out means that much of it consists of bite-size mission scenarios you can beat in like a minute instead of proper levels, but all the same, I think the strategy elements exhibited in this game and Command go a long way to bolster the series' otherwise barebones arcadey flight shooter gameplay and should be brought back for future titles. At the very least being able to pick your character/ship is a fricking no-brainer and should've been one of the concepts they copied for 64. Half of the appeal of the setting is the colorful animal characters, people would appreciate being able to play as their favorite member of the team, and getting to experiment with different stats and see different dialogue would increase replay value exponentially.

      thanks for clearing that up. it definitely sounds worth playing based on those new elements.

  8. 6 months ago

    2 is a very interesting game because of the new styles of gameplay. It's impossible to really say which is better because they have a lot of differences.

  9. 6 months ago

    why was she ignored?

    • 6 months ago

      She's a b***h

      • 6 months ago

        I like proverb biscuits though

    • 6 months ago

      She's not. She's the second most popular female Starfox character behind Krystal.

    • 6 months ago

      Honestly I think it's just because she and Miyu weren't created by Takaya Imamura. He's basically the daddy of the franchise; he designed the majority of the characters (including redesigning Krystal from her Dinosaur Planet appearance), he wrote all the Jap canon lore (most of which we never got to see, only recently learning from fans going out of their way to translate old Jap interviews and guidebooks), and he singlehandedly wrote the entire plot of Command. He probably doesn't care to incorporate any characters or plot details he didn't have a hand in making himself.

      Looking at Star Wolf, Imamura was the one who came up with the characters for inclusion in 2, but the actual developers decided to turn the 4th member from a monkey into a lemur/tarsier instead. Come 64, made by different developers and with Imamura having greater involvement, and he was back to being a monkey. Miyu and Fay don't have any drawn concept art, and were seemingly created by the actual in-game graphics designers. The gigaleak revealed that they did a lot of brainstorming trying to come up with the two newbies.

      • 6 months ago
    • 6 months ago

      Made for Bill Grey
      >whut about Wolf??
      Made for furjos.

  10. 6 months ago

    I don't know if I'd say significantly better but I think it has a lot of cool ideas that make up for its short comings.

  11. 6 months ago

    Favorite game in the series. I understand why some people don't like it, the way it's laid out means that much of it consists of bite-size mission scenarios you can beat in like a minute instead of proper levels, but all the same, I think the strategy elements exhibited in this game and Command go a long way to bolster the series' otherwise barebones arcadey flight shooter gameplay and should be brought back for future titles. At the very least being able to pick your character/ship is a fricking no-brainer and should've been one of the concepts they copied for 64. Half of the appeal of the setting is the colorful animal characters, people would appreciate being able to play as their favorite member of the team, and getting to experiment with different stats and see different dialogue would increase replay value exponentially.

  12. 6 months ago


    I was wondering about that. I used to play the crap out of the beta. Is it true they got rid of lock-on attacks in the final version?

    >Expert difficulty isn't available from the start; to unlock it, you must achieve at least a B rank on Hard without letting Corneria take any damage
    >by default, Miyu and Fay no longer start with twin lasers (more later)
    >by default, charge shots no longer lock onto enemies (more later)
    >Corneria takes different amounts of damage from different enemy types; fighter squadrons now deal less damage, but carriers and missiles deal more
    >enemy space squadron AI makes a better effort to attack you
    >nova bombs actually function (and are very useful)
    >Meteor level has different "skybox"
    >engaging a space enemy in the asteroid belt portion of the map has a different "skybox," and now actual big asteroids spawn, which hurt you pretty badly upon collision
    >end-of-game results screen looks completely different; a letter grade is issued instead of various amounts of stars, best rank is now 1 star instead of a medal of Mario's face
    >collecting every General Pepper coin on a particular difficulty level unlocks a secret bonus stage for future playthroughs on that difficulty; this Secret Base contains multiple powerups, chiefly a unique upgrade which restores the homing ability of charge shots
    >collecting every Pepper coin in the game (and thus unlocking the Secret Base on every difficulty) permanently changes the main title screen to display Fox's face instead of Andross
    >getting the best rank (star) in a playthrough will permanently award twin lasers to the two pilots you used; for every future playthrough, regardless of difficulty, they will always start with twin, needing only 1 upgrade for hyper
    >unlocking default twin lasers for every character permanently changes the music of the pilot select screen to the music of the Corneria stage from the original Star Fox

    • 6 months ago

      thanks anon

  13. 6 months ago

    I just started this, after having never looked at videos or anything all these years and wow...this really is an incomplete beta isn't it? Hearing how it was "mostly complete" then Nintendo "finished" it, I was expecting something like Starfox 1. But It looks and runs worse, only has like 5 "levels" which are just empty squares.

    How do people say this is good, let alone better than any other SF game? Its a barebones game. It was canceled and you sure feel it

    • 6 months ago

      It's more likely Cuthbert has been bullshiting for years how "complete" the final build was, and in all likelihood it's meager content was one reason Nintendo canceled it.

      • 6 months ago

        Is it known what was added to the new "complete" version from the old incomplete rom from years past?

    • 6 months ago

      Different strokes for different folks. The entire first game is "fly down straight path shooting things," and 64 mixes that up with "travel on ground in straight path shooting things," and "fly in circles over flat plain shooting things." I like that 2 has actual levels to explore, even incorporating some basic platforming and puzzle-solving elements by using the walker to stand on switches or push objects.

      The appeal for me is that the whole game is basically one big time attack. It's meant to be replayed numerous times, same as SF1 or 64. You learn the level layouts, you learn how to anticipate when Andross has "event flags" and sends out the other battleships or takes over the other planets, and you try to do it as fast and optimally as possible. I like that management of the Lylat map itself is just as important as beating the levels. You've got some basic decision-making with your choice of pilot and wingman. You want a good time score, so you take one of the chicks to move faster. You're new and suck at the Star Wolf dogfights, so you take Slippy or Peppy to tank the damage. You want to avoid wasting time fighting the space squadrons, so you take Fox or Falco to immediately have access to their bombs and kill them all in two seconds.

      • 6 months ago

        >different strokes for different folks
        In principle, yes, but in this case just no. Star Fox 2 is barely a game. It runs like shit, looks awful, and all 5 levels are just copypasta grey squares that end in seconds

        I just can't accept someone thinking thinking this is a complete game, let alone better than others

  14. 6 months ago

    It's a 30 minute demo.

    • 6 months ago

      tried to savor it like a fine wine, one day I keep putting off playing it on every system Ive ever owned that can play it. 45 minutes in, and its done. Holy shit, the whole time I thought I was starting some massive campaign so I only played the first 5 minutes or so to test out SNES emulation, turns out its really that short. Still a great game tho' best starfox ever, really pissed that we could have had that decades ago and skipped it for lol n64. Its like if you found a good pokemon game for gamecube but it got cancelled to make space for pokemon DS in the market. Fuuuuuuuck that.

    • 6 months ago

      I really don't get this complaint, so is the original. 64 isn't much better, maybe an hour or 90 minutes. You play it more than once.

      tried to savor it like a fine wine, one day I keep putting off playing it on every system Ive ever owned that can play it. 45 minutes in, and its done. Holy shit, the whole time I thought I was starting some massive campaign so I only played the first 5 minutes or so to test out SNES emulation, turns out its really that short. Still a great game tho' best starfox ever, really pissed that we could have had that decades ago and skipped it for lol n64. Its like if you found a good pokemon game for gamecube but it got cancelled to make space for pokemon DS in the market. Fuuuuuuuck that.

      idk what difficulty you picked, but on the lowest level you only get two planets and two battleship interiors as your stages. On the medium level you get three planets and four ships, and on the highest difficulty you have to beat all six planets and four ships. The stage layouts and objectives also change on each difficulty level; for example, the easiest version of Meteor has a simple boss fight, while the hardest makes you flip roulette switches. You're not seeing everything if you don't play each difficulty.

      • 6 months ago

        >I really don't get this complaint
        I wasn't complaining. They had part of an unfinished game that they threw together to sell the nes mini. It's short because it wasn't a fully finished game. It's fun for what we got, but it is what it is.

        • 6 months ago

          It's not unfinished, that build is the end product. It's internally dated from 09/12/95, three months later than the leaked build that got a fan translation. I'm not sure how much more content you think they possibly could've included considering that it's a fully 3D free-roaming game stuffed into a goddamn Super Nintendo cartridge. The planetary maps and interior layouts of the bases/battleships are also completely different for each difficulty level, they didn't reuse them.

  15. 6 months ago
    • 6 months ago


  16. 6 months ago

    Star Fox 2 sucks my balls

  17. 6 months ago

    Gee Bill, TWO furry waifus?

    • 6 months ago

      >Caracal waifu
      in all fairness, we really don't get enough of those
      I know she's also been called a lynx, but she looks most like a caracal based on her facial markings

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