Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds Expanding Fronts just released a new version.

How does the Trade Federation play in the mod? Yet to try them.

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A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

  1. 12 months ago

    I like they are adding carbon collection to give water play deep.
    Wish they went an update without 90% of the changelog being "scenario units lol"

  2. 12 months ago

    Sorry OP, /vst/ only plays Civ and asiaticclick now, real strategy games need not apply

  3. 12 months ago

    Imperial Remnant is fricking unbeatable on a map with islands

    • 12 months ago

      this alpha centauri graphics overhaul mod sure looks nice

  4. 12 months ago
    • 12 months ago

      I almost wish the Empire wasn't so good so they would actually do something special for them.
      20 years and I still feel the Dark Trooper is the most boring UU in the game.
      >OOOOh, is a mech destroyer you can build in the fortress!
      >Meanwhile the actual Dark Troopers are in the scenario editor

      • 12 months ago

        Why not make it target both ground and air units?

        • 12 months ago

          Bad idea

        • 12 months ago

          They already have Assault Mech that can do that.

      • 12 months ago

        I feel they're in an okay spot rn. Their training time's been cut in half. The Empire is such a good generalist faction I can't think of anything that'd be a good replacement. Their AT-ATs are basically a UU in themselves.

    • 11 months ago

      Disney civs are actually pretty good

      • 11 months ago

        I'm okay with them, outside of Yuuzhan Vong and Trandoshans, there wasn't any other civ I wanted anyways.

  5. 12 months ago

    does the mod make the game high resolution?
    Because man playing SWBG with a widescreen is ugly as shit

    • 12 months ago


      Did they fix the campaign to add in the new custom stuff?

      Yes actually, just this last patch I believe.

  6. 12 months ago

    Did they fix the campaign to add in the new custom stuff?

  7. 12 months ago

    Why not replace the Dark Trooper UU with the one from the editor instead?

    • 12 months ago

      Empire is already top tier, they don’t want to rock the boat, also something about not wanting to change things from vanilla without a very good reason

  8. 11 months ago

    I really hope they do a complete campaign overhaul of all the factions and add in editor units in certain missions. Having ARC troopers and clone commandos appear on certain missions would be kino as hell.

  9. 11 months ago

    I got a strange feeling the next faction they add in after Trandoshans would be the Pentastar Alignment as a way to use Episode 3 clone stuff in skirmish. They could even have the soldiers wear Phase 2 armor as well.

    • 11 months ago

      Pentastar didn't use clone armours for their troops, it was all not-imperial-army/navy and stormtroopers.
      PA being a "the best of the clone wars" is a Thrawn's revenge-ism, and even there they never used clone armour.

  10. 11 months ago

    How peculiar that one of their updates added in both a light and heavy AT-AP, and both of them have the exact same stats as their Mech Destroyer counterparts.

    Now I know that they said many times they didn't want to change vanilla units, but that didn't stop them from replacing the clone fighters or the entire Confederate faction either.

    • 11 months ago

      >Now I know that they said many times they didn't want to change vanilla units
      I am pretty sure they also said they won't add Disney factions because there wasn't that much to use and they added them before the New Republic and Imperial Remnant anyway. In the end, they do whatever they fricking want.

    • 11 months ago

      From what I understand, people keep b***hing about the Republic roster to where they're considering adding a configurator toggle to swap out the Republic's mechs for those.

  11. 11 months ago


    • 11 months ago

      My favorite of the new factions, even if they're really more Dark Empire than Remnant

    • 11 months ago

      Now I wonder, will we get an Imperial faction that uses those funny TIE prototypes from Alliance

      • 11 months ago

        IMO the IR basic fighter and bomber should've looked like those weird prototypes with the Dark Empire TIEs as the advanced variant.

  12. 11 months ago

    Whats the point of killing herded animals when you can put them in a Nursery instead?

    • 11 months ago

      Hold over from base AoE 2 behavior. You can't put animals in mills there.

    • 11 months ago

      You get food faster by killing them, that's about it.

  13. 11 months ago

    Shouldn't the Wookiee campaign have the Imperial Remnant as the main antagonist since it's set after Episode 6?

    • 11 months ago

      No. The Empire didn't really become a Remnant until after Dark Empire.

      • 11 months ago

        What abut that bonus mission where you play as the New Republic attacking Courscant? Shouldn't you be the New Republic fighting the Remnant then?

        • 11 months ago

          Yes, 100%.

        • 11 months ago

          Not too sure about that, depends on what the mission is using as setting.
          If it's wedge antilles and rogue squadron infiltrating coruscant it would be too early, 6 ABY.
          If it's the reconquest after the imperial civil war and palpatine's death it would just barely fit into the imperial remnant era, although technically none of the units are part of the remnant.

        • 11 months ago

          New Republic vs Empire would be the best match.

          Not too sure about that, depends on what the mission is using as setting.
          If it's wedge antilles and rogue squadron infiltrating coruscant it would be too early, 6 ABY.
          If it's the reconquest after the imperial civil war and palpatine's death it would just barely fit into the imperial remnant era, although technically none of the units are part of the remnant.

          It's around 7 ABY supposedly.

    • 11 months ago

      >Battle of Endor happens, the Emperor is dead
      >acting fast at my fortified outpost, within months, I have all my stormtroopers retired and replaced with army troopers
      >I scrap all those pesky AT-PTs, AT-STs, AT-ATs, in favor of TIE Crawlers, XR-85 tank droids, and X-1 viper droids (which have not been invented yet)
      >finally, I take care to replace my TIE fighters with TIE droids (which also haven't been invented yet)

  14. 11 months ago

    I found my games turned into grinding trench warfare as my fortress and shield generators crept closer to the enemy base and they threw wave after wave of mechs at me until I got Cannons and Air Cruisers and I just blasted them off the map.

    • 11 months ago

      What is the meta for this game? I didn't try Expanding Fronts, but a few months back nostalgia demanded of me to play through the original one. It was a childhood game, so I didn't care about the meta and played on easy, but on a real difficulty the game felt really weird.

      Its basically what said. It felt like some real WW1 / Stalingrad experiance. Seems like every single unit is a counter unit, just with rising tiers of its power:
      >Light Mechs slaughter infantry
      >But Grenadiers and Hvy Mechs slaughter them
      >Ass Mechs should counter everything, but they are extremely cost ineffective and are just Maus-tank tier of slow ass overpriced targets
      >Fighters slaughter infantry as well, but die instantly to the slightest gust of wind
      >Cruisers are like H-Bombs, except they also die from a slight breeze
      >Meanwhile Repeater Infantry, while basically being eaten alive by everyone else on the battlefield, starts dealing large enough damage to frick up specialist units like Hvy Mechs and Artilery, or to tickle aformentioned cost-inefective Ass Mechs to death
      Thus it feels like everything murders everything else and you just end up spamming a filler deluge of infantry while hoping your group of specialist units (re: Cruisers that I protect like my own eye) that you maneuver around properly turns the tide. At least this is so with the AI. A skilled player would obviously focus down those more important units as, as I said, everything counters everything.

      And thus I wonder - what the hell is the meta for this game? Is it simply about early raiding and decapitation strikes that happen before these trench warfare grindfests can start? Because the Age of Empires strat of comboing 2-3 units that compliment each other doesn't seem to work in such an enviroment as this, where 2-3 units just means you are easier to completely counter.

      • 11 months ago

        Meta seems to be generally about either doing mounted trooper rushes, strike mech rushes, or shield+turret advances.

      • 11 months ago

        Meta seems to be generally about either doing mounted trooper rushes, strike mech rushes, or shield+turret advances.

        this guy is pretty much right
        most of the time the game goes like this hardest/multiple hard ai
        turtle till you can death ball
        Troop center
        >early game only / mounted rush / cheap aa / stack in turrets
        >water maps / destroyers kill boats best
        Mech factory
        >strike and destroyer are the most useful units of your army
        >holocron collection not much else
        >interceptors / air transports have uses everything else is nonviable
        Heavy weapons
        >AA shits on air / Pummels shit on structures / arty in not great
        >uniques are situational / cannons are not great / bounty hunters wipe force users / air cruisers are mostly a meme
        Get relevant techs
        war center
        research center
        >Tracking/homing/ion/walls shield wall is very good
        these are big ones at T4
        >fortress automated processes 33% army build speed
        >power core efficient buildings 10% unit/research speed
        >self shielded units can trade extremely well if you micro them a little
        >fambaa op

        • 11 months ago

          >interceptors / air transports have uses everything else is nonviable

          Not even bombers?

          • 11 months ago

            Nta but just look at the next lines
            >Heavy weapons
            >AA shits on air
            That alone implies that bombers have a bad time unless your enemy doesn't know AA exists.

        • 11 months ago

          Micro'd Masters can win you the game outright if you're the right faction, otherwise pretty spot-on

          • 11 months ago

            to be honest I never really tried to micro masters (they are even worse in vanilla so i never picked them back up) though looking at the unique techs and ef rebalances I can definitely see that working

            Shitter here so probably wrong.
            But this makes it sound like grenadiers don't fulfill their role of anti-mech probably a combination of being unable to "pin them down" into place as spearmen in AoE2 do to knights, while also costing nova instead of being a trash unit like the trooper line, (mounted trooper seems to be basically a 1:1 on the AoE2 militia line). Doesn't help grenadiers feel like they want to be anti-building too.
            Jedi/Knights and arty have the problem of suffering from every unit going ranged, their main advantage in AoE2 is lost
            And the whole Air game is fricked because the whole thing is ultrahard counters, that can only be shoot at by AA, which means AA has to rape them in return. So they aren't worth the cost.
            Doesn't help that it also has units that seem questionable (IMO, Scout bikes should upgrade to strike mech like in AoE2), ground transports, and two types of antiair turrets. And of course, shields are too good.

            you are pretty spot on mech just does anti mech better than grenadiers
            air is only viable if you play them like a moba
            see above for jedi
            wish more units were well balanced but fast ranged ground is the most efficient
            >also playing against gungans is really fricking hard fambaa is way to strong

            if your looking for a fun way to play use the computer expanded AI on medium or easy but have it be a 5-7 v 1 ie all ai on one team
            forces you to be very efficient without the ai cheating and swarming you with assault mechs

            one last thing this game does contain unwinnable settings ie 1v7 hardest even on arena
            the lower the starting resources the worse the ai plays

            • 11 months ago

              forgot one thing when using a lot of AI leaving them unassigned can frick you over if you lock teams all the ai will join the same team
              >in pic ai 4-8 will join team 2
              >inb4 i cant see grey on the minimap so 1v6

            • 11 months ago

              I tend to just hotkey some masters to Ctrl+1-5, then go through them and have them convert a bunch of shit at once. You can take the enemy's power core, shield generator, troop centers, mech factory, and adv. turret in one fell swoop if they aren't prepared, or just convert all their assault mechs in their army.

              forgot one thing when using a lot of AI leaving them unassigned can frick you over if you lock teams all the ai will join the same team
              >in pic ai 4-8 will join team 2
              >inb4 i cant see grey on the minimap so 1v6

              There's an option in the configurator to darken the minimap's gray. Very useful.

        • 11 months ago

          Shitter here so probably wrong.
          But this makes it sound like grenadiers don't fulfill their role of anti-mech probably a combination of being unable to "pin them down" into place as spearmen in AoE2 do to knights, while also costing nova instead of being a trash unit like the trooper line, (mounted trooper seems to be basically a 1:1 on the AoE2 militia line). Doesn't help grenadiers feel like they want to be anti-building too.
          Jedi/Knights and arty have the problem of suffering from every unit going ranged, their main advantage in AoE2 is lost
          And the whole Air game is fricked because the whole thing is ultrahard counters, that can only be shoot at by AA, which means AA has to rape them in return. So they aren't worth the cost.
          Doesn't help that it also has units that seem questionable (IMO, Scout bikes should upgrade to strike mech like in AoE2), ground transports, and two types of antiair turrets. And of course, shields are too good.

  15. 11 months ago

    SD-9s and SD-10s when?

  16. 11 months ago

    Trying to install Expanding Fronts, but it throws a trojan warning at me for EF Scenario Converter. Is it a false positive? I got the zip from moddb if that is important.

    • 11 months ago

      No they distribute a free trojan with the mod, didn't you know?
      Of course it's a false positive anon.

      • 11 months ago

        I mean, yesterday I found out that the most popular Dockers Postgres SQL image has/had a free trojan bitcoin miner, so I would not be surprised at all if a bunch of SW:BG fans got fricked like this because "well its a trusted source!"

        • 11 months ago

          In any case nah, all the files should be legit. Funnily I had my installation get fricked a bit ago because a literal text document was tagged as a virus.

  17. 11 months ago

    played around a bit more with jedi/sith
    master rush is indeed fun
    one thing I completely blanked on is firing/walking animation
    >Trade fed Vs Empire Strike/destroyer mechs
    makes a difference with pathing too much easier for hovering units
    thats all i got

  18. 11 months ago

    Here is my music replacer I've been using with this mod to get rid of the sequel trilogy music. Replace in ...Galactic BattlegroundsGameMUSIC
    mediafire (dot)

    • 11 months ago

      What does it replace it with?

      Are they doing Trandoshans next? Is that confirmed?

      Not necessarily next, but they're still in the pipeline. Them and Mandalorians and Mon Calamari.

      • 11 months ago

        It just skips the song to the next non sequel trilogy song in the music file, so it sounds more like the default game in that respect

  19. 11 months ago

    Are they doing Trandoshans next? Is that confirmed?

  20. 11 months ago

    are T5 infantry still carrying around E-Webs? That shit was moronic and irked me to no end, I'd actually play with tech limitations so I could play out rifle trooper battles like in the movies

    • 11 months ago


      The real question we should be asking is why is the STAP a Strike Mech and not a scout?

      Y not?

  21. 11 months ago

    The real question we should be asking is why is the STAP a Strike Mech and not a scout?

  22. 11 months ago

    What's your least favorite civ in the game anons?
    I used to restart every time I got Zann from picking Random, but nowadays I think I like Geonosians the least.

    • 11 months ago

      It'd have to be the Rebels for me

  23. 11 months ago

    If you select Alderaan as your map, there's a 1-in-20 chance it'll generate like pic related.

  24. 10 months ago


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