
Is this really that bad? I have nothing to play until Dragon's Dogma 2 and I just want a fun game. I don't care if it's a masterpiece. I just want something fun.

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  1. 5 months ago

    as someone who has 100hours in it it's not fun and i would have dropped it after 3 hours if it wasn't a bethesda game. play far cry 5/ new dawn/ 6 if you want an open world shooter or play phantom liberty if you want an open world shooter with an engaging world

    • 5 months ago

      But what if I already beat all those games?
      Is there any mods that can salvage vast emptiness of the game?

      • 5 months ago

        No creation kit and why would modders bother with such a shit game?

      • 5 months ago

        The game's so aggressively mediocre that some of the bigger modders are straight-up quitting modding it.

        • 5 months ago

          >working on mods for a game before you know if you like it or not
          sounds moronic tbh

          • 5 months ago

            Sounds like a bethesda fan.

        • 5 months ago

          Only one moron did this and its a fricking multiplayer zoomer so nothing of value is lost. Actual modders are just waiting for the CK.

    • 5 months ago


    • 5 months ago

      >GAME BAD!
      what did he mean by this?

      • 5 months ago

        some games have a very nice introduction to its core gameplay, mechanics and add-ons but if nothing new ever gets introduced past a certain point it becomes repetitive and you just drop it at some point because there's not much else to do in it.
        Starfield is also plagued of time wasters like unorthodox exploration methods: you have to go through about 10 loading screens to go from one end of the map to another to then enter your ship, get in the pilot's wienerpit, then turn on your ship, exit the planet's atmosphere, enter space, travel to another planet, enter atmosphere, land and then leave your ship. this shit adds up (specially because a lot of quests involve talking to someone then going back to inform that person about what they said) and robs you of minutes you could have spent doing something else.
        planets are also awfully massive and barren and there's no proper vehicles to move around it quicker, you have to waste your stamina and jetpack fuel to go to a copypasted location to do something then return.
        all of this shit drags on. the first few times it's ok at best to do but you eventually get sick of it, drop the game and then you realise Todd has tricked you once again into playing another shittier version of Skyrim for the third time in a row

        • 5 months ago

          >you have to go through about 10 loading screens to go from one end of the map to another to then enter your ship
          no you don't

      • 5 months ago

        >play 2 hours
        >you didn’t play enough
        >play 10 hours
        >it’s going to get good soon
        >play 50 hours
        >bro your almost there
        >play 100 hours
        >if you played that long how can you say it’s bad
        This was memed before and during release are you fricking serious?

  2. 5 months ago

    Cyberpunk 2077 is currently the best open world realistic sci-fi game. Has a good story, fun gameplay, and amazing graphics.

  3. 5 months ago

    play this rpg if you haven't

    • 5 months ago

      >mouse cursor on screen all the time in a first person 3D game
      what the frick is this shit, I can tell the controls will be complete Black person aids like daggerfall

      • 5 months ago

        that's only when casting spells or using the inventory

      • 5 months ago

        Zoomie zoomie

        • 5 months ago

          no homosexual. daggerfall is garbage, get over it

  4. 5 months ago

    It's not worse than usual bethesda games, but without the usual fallout/elder scrolls propping it up it becomes very obvious just how mediocre their game and quest design is.

    • 5 months ago

      It IS worse than the usual Bethesda game because the lore in the Elder Scrolls and Fallout settings carry the games. In Starfield there's just nothing. It's like a unity asset flip with one thousand times the budget spent on canned outsourced content with no unifying vision or style.

    • 5 months ago

      >It's not worse than usual bethesda games
      its worse
      so many little things that make the game feel alive are gone

      • 5 months ago

        >there's not even a splash sound effect when you land in water
        did bethesda ship a pre-alpha build of the game or something? what went wrong?

        • 5 months ago

          Lack of design document meant none of these frickers ever talked to each other and just assumed well i did my job who cares how it interacts with the rest of it. And since they dont have the old games docs they cant copy paste the shit that worked.

    • 5 months ago

      The quest design, writing and exploration are all in fact worse than those games.

    • 5 months ago

      >no established lore to build off of and drive conversations and arguments
      >game's setting is based entirely on a "realistic" view of the future with 0 actually cool things minus the Starborn powers, which is literally just Dragonborn shouts
      >entire main plot is 99% fetch quests and half-assed attempts at trying to get players to feel about an npc they might've only interacted with once
      >no cool or unique tech like the Fallout shenanigans
      >like five alien types and they're all just animals
      >hamfisted in FO4 settlement mechanics, but worse
      >giant empty squares of nothing for 99.99999% of the game's maps
      >only a small handful of actually handcrafted places to go
      >horrifically failed attempt at "realistic" human characters, which just makes Bethesda's shit animations look worse
      >90% of the guns look like shit
      >90% of the guns sound like shit
      >literally 100% of the weapons, minus the mining laser, are just point and shoot stuff weapons with no fun quirks or weird gameplay mechanics
      >90% of the perk tree is useless/redundant
      >hamfisted NG+ mechanic that actually makes the game worse because you have to do the whole game again and redo a lot of shit, and it barely changes anything minus a couple easter eggs on some runs
      >busted crafting mechanics nobody uses, a straight downgrade from FO4 because it takes 10x more grinding and perks to get any use out of it
      >melee and hand-to-hand are garbage-tier, despite the game being built on the Skyrim v200000 engine
      >no real karma system, just a bounty that fricks your ass by making grinding worse
      >railroaded plot you barely have control of
      >one of the worst intro scenes a Bethesda game's ever had (haha mining wooooooo...)
      >more glitches than usual

      • 5 months ago

        and hand-to-hand are garbage-tier, despite the game being built on the Skyrim v200000 engine
        ..but.. Skyrim's melee and hand to hand are also garbage tier

        • 5 months ago

          Skyrim's close-quarters combat was serviceable, and you could at least pull off an H2H build if you get creative. Starfield, there's like two ways to up H2H damage by a couple points and even the mining laser still does more damage.

        • 5 months ago

          Skyrim's close-quarters combat was serviceable, and you could at least pull off an H2H build if you get creative. Starfield, there's like two ways to up H2H damage by a couple points and even the mining laser still does more damage.

          I'm hating Starfield like everyone else, but to be fair Hand-to-Hand build is harder in a gunfight.
          Starfield still not shaped right to make it relevant.

          Funny thing:
          Space station are going to be so fragile that future space warfare might require melee weapon.

          • 5 months ago

            yeah to be fair if you are adding hand to hand combat to a game you either need cool sci-fi gauntlets, magic or some sort of huge mutant/orc type character to have it make sense if it's as powerful as regular weapons

    • 5 months ago

      I have NOT played it.
      But from what I saw and heard...

      To get around the limit of their engines they've switched from
      >one big map with several loading screen for submap
      >one spaceship, few handmade/contractormade landing zone, most landing point are procedural generation

      And instead of a
      >Main quest with subquest and a closed-ending
      they did
      >Main quest have an open-ending that let you redo every other quest as alt universe.

      >It's not worse than usual bethesda games
      But it is better?
      For a company who made so much money from the sales of their extremely hyped franchises TES/Fallout, you'd have expected at least a full engine change (post Oblivion) to overcome all the limit of the previous game.

      Also it seem clear they still use very basic game design in an era where everyone expect more.
      Still gonna bet they intend to sell many QoL and expected features as DLC/paid mods.

    • 5 months ago

      you may be right-i played skyrim before starfield launched and it was so mediocre

      It’s a good game. Just not the great revolutionary game that it was hyped up to be.

      play more ubisoft games, then say that. "less immersive and polished than ubislop" is not where you want to be

      its a game, the systems function but there is nothing to make you actual want to engage with them. It's the most mediocre game you could possible imagine, If you asked AI to make you a game this is what it would make

      >the systems function
      if your reference point is far cry 2, then sure. it's not functional by the standards of a 2015 ubisoft title

  5. 5 months ago

    No, it's worse.

  6. 5 months ago

    Go play New Vegas, Baldur's Gate 3 or anything really. This game is THAT bad and unfun. I wouldn't play some hours of Starfield unless I was being paid

  7. 5 months ago

    I got it for "free" from gamepass and this thread is convincing me to uninstall it (downloaded it but haven't played it yet).
    it's just sitting there taking up 120gb and I don't have the willpower to even give the game a fair chance lmao

    • 5 months ago

      It's genuinely not worth it. I put around 50 hours in it. The early game is exceptionally bad. Even the big Bethesda moment at the beginning where the world opens up to you is a pathetic wet fart. After that it does get better, and you feel like there's a fun game in there. You play a few more hours until that illusion comes crashing down when you realize that the game isn't hiding anything, and all you've seen in the first few hours is all you actually get. Even though I only had 1 faction quest and the main story ahead of me, I felt absolutely 0 desire to go back to it. It's not often the case where I feel no desire whatsoever to try a game again.

    • 5 months ago

      Same, i torrented it on release and never touched it lol

  8. 5 months ago

    It’s pretty good. Try it in game pass if you have it. The game isn’t difficult but it doesn’t hold your hand in anyway so Ganker naturally got filtered

    • 5 months ago

      No post Morrowind Bethesda game has ever filtered anybody.

    • 5 months ago


  9. 5 months ago

    >trillions of games available
    >considering playing the sloppiest of slop

    kys Black personbrain

  10. 5 months ago

    If you want an actual good space game, just play x4. The base game and all xpacks are on gog-games, so go on lad, this ones on me

  11. 5 months ago

    You know you can just play some classics in that time instead, right? You don't just have to play new games

  12. 5 months ago

    Moronic turds are browsing Ganker and unironically considering buying this.
    Let that sink in.

    • 5 months ago

      I don't like Saarfield either but this guy is fricking insufferable. He's like if Ganker was a real person.

    • 5 months ago

      this guy isn't funny enough to narrate over this or clever enough to tear into it in an entertaining way. it's like hearing cargo cult Ganker humor

      • 5 months ago

        I don't like Saarfield either but this guy is fricking insufferable. He's like if Ganker was a real person.

        I don't care about that homosexual. The game's footage speaks for itself. Stop shitting the streets, Pajets.

    • 5 months ago

      you motherfrickers really can't have an original opinion and have to rely on eceleb-driven agendas to justify hating on the game.
      absolutely pathetic

  13. 5 months ago

    It’s a good game. Just not the great revolutionary game that it was hyped up to be.

    • 5 months ago

      >Just not the great revolutionary game that it was hyped up to be.
      all people want is skyrim but slightly better and they completely fail to deliver on this time and time again

      • 5 months ago

        Starfield just needs a bit more POIs and you've basically got it.

      • 5 months ago

        >all people want is skyrim but slightly better
        so just play modded skyrim then. why would anyone waste time and effort making an entirely new product if people just want to keep eating the same slop over and over? todd is a genius for re-releasing skyrim dozens of times, he knows his audience

        • 5 months ago

          I'm bored of skyrim though.
          Want a new game map with new POI's and whatnot and new weapons and armors and a better magic system.

    • 5 months ago

      its a game, the systems function but there is nothing to make you actual want to engage with them. It's the most mediocre game you could possible imagine, If you asked AI to make you a game this is what it would make

  14. 5 months ago

    i never really liked fallout 4, but after starfield it felt good. Starfield has no gameplay its bizarre, so far between in load screens and menus. fallout, you just find shit

  15. 5 months ago

    There's more to life than video games. Do something else with your time.
    You don't really languish from video game to video game, do you?

  16. 5 months ago

    Archealund, early access is in a couple of days

  17. 5 months ago

    Imagine if the game had sentient Aliens with bizarre culture and architecture.
    Imagine if the game had zero gravity combat in space
    Imagine if the game had hoover bikes, buggies etc
    Imagine if the game had fully customizable mechs with mechs on mechs combat and space mech combats
    Imagine if there was more than four factions

    • 5 months ago

      >Imagine if the game had sentient Aliens with bizarre culture and architecture.
      >Fantasy scifi game #3983274834
      Yawn, no thanks

    • 5 months ago

      >Imagine if the game had sentient Aliens with bizarre culture and architecture.
      >Fantasy scifi game #3983274834
      Yawn, no thanks

      Starfield don't have sentient alien?
      Who made all those artifacts then?

      • 5 months ago

        It's left a mystery but suggests it's some sort of God intelligence

        • 5 months ago

          >God intelligence
          Sound like a sufficiently advanced alien to me.

          To-do-list: DLC where you discovers a tribal alien civilization and they mistake you as a god

  18. 5 months ago

    You can ignore the flaws up to a point and get a few dozen hours out of it if you enjoy Bethesda games in general, but it eventually becomes obvious how little content there is and how poorly the systems mesh together if at all. There's really nothing long term worth doing, and the NG+ loop mechanic is largely pointless. Mods won't save it, the game is only salvageable if Bethesda comes in with some major updates, and I can see them cutting their losses and just going full throttle on TES6 at this point.

  19. 5 months ago

    i put like about 50 hours into it when it was on gayass and realized frick this game with how much of it was so boring to play through.
    i could ignore the main quest up until a point where id rather just drop the game after doing all the very shitty side quests
    like the paradiso quest was just...go back n forth in loading screens and talk to people. thats it. the game never lets you do anything interesting. its always just do this or do that.

  20. 5 months ago

    >Bad Steam reviews
    >Countless threads on v/
    >Bethesda after FO4 and FO76
    >A billion People repeatedly stating that it is fricking boring, soulless garbage
    OP, are you moronic? have you ever read any comment, even from idiots defending this steaming pile of shit, that Starfield is "fun"?

  21. 5 months ago

    How many truly bad real games (as in games made to be played, not stuff like the ten thousand click here for trophies games on PS) are there even if you take away internet bandwagoning? If something isn’t completely broken it’s boring at worst.

  22. 5 months ago

    If you've played any other Bethesda game you should know what to expect, I would personally play Elden Ring instead, it's not an amazing game, but it's solid enough to entertain you for a playthrough.

  23. 5 months ago

    we've had over 9000 threads discussing how trash this game is already and if you've missed all of them then you need to go back to re ddit

  24. 5 months ago

    If it was a bad game it would be worst experiencing just to see how bad it was. It's not. It's a painfully mediocre game.
    It's a colossal waste of your time. You would have a better if not the exact same experience playing any other Bethesda game.

  25. 5 months ago

    The honeymoon phase is almost non existent compared to other games
    Once you spend a few hours and realize that 99% of the planets and moons share the same 9 prefabricated, procedurally generated outposts and generic quests then you realize it's over
    And the curated sections aren't that good either. Normally in past bethesda games atmosphere or features like VATS and all the jank made things charming but not here. It's the definition of soulless

  26. 5 months ago

    I put 295 hours in it and even tho I only played it as a time waster game it was really disappointing dogshit

  27. 5 months ago

    it's fallout 4 in space so by default it's better than most modern games for literally copy pasting systems from a decade ago into a modern game

  28. 5 months ago

    >Is this really that bad?
    No, it's the most innovative game of last year.

  29. 5 months ago

    let me save you some time with an objective perspective. what is it you want out of starfield?

    >if you go in there to quest, and immerse yourself in the universe
    you will love it
    >if you go in there to wander around aimlessly, just shooting and looting
    you will hate it

    this is the simple truth the hivemind doesnt want you to hear.

  30. 5 months ago

    I just want moon base alpha but with guns.

  31. 5 months ago

    It's useless to ask that question here because of the number of obsessed haters and e-celeb bandwagoners on it. I'd put the game between vanilla FO4 and Skyrim in terms of quality. But VANILLA. A lot of people aren't prepared for how barebones Bethesda games are at launch before all the DLCs and mods shake out.
    There's no rush. It will only improve over time. Buy it if you really want to play a Bethesda-like in space right now. If you're iffy about that or don't like their games, then don't, wait for the special edition and everything else.

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