
Can people even fathom what they are about to experience?

Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

  1. 10 months ago

    nintendies, larianqueers and soulshitters cope and seethe at that image

  2. 10 months ago

    It's just fallout 4 but in space.

    • 10 months ago

      >It's just fallout 4 but in space.

    • 10 months ago

      Get some new material that hasn't already been disproven months ago. Holy Christ

      • 10 months ago

        >citation needed

      • 10 months ago

        >not fallout 4 in space
        >they show off the gameplay
        >it’s literally just fallout 4…in space

        • 10 months ago

          >dumb guy confused his oversimplified understanding is oversimplified
          Yeah. You probably HUH? pretty often, don't you

          • 10 months ago

            >gameplay shows very simple gameplay in the game
            >very simple perk system
            >very simple combat system
            >99% identical outpost building
            >99% identical radiant quest system
            >very simple "spaceflight" system not even the lowliest arcade dogfighting game would touch
            >"you're oversimplifying things"

            • 10 months ago

              Yes, genuinely. You've been wearing your PSVR a little too tight I think

      • 10 months ago

        can we get some new gameplay footage or do we have to wait for release to be proven right? again.

    • 10 months ago

      Nice. GOTY here we go.

    • 10 months ago

      You played fallout 4 on ps4

    • 10 months ago

      That plus 70% of the people who are able to run Fallout 4 (with mods as well) won't be able to play this game

      • 10 months ago

        I'm so pumped I finally built a top of the line pc. I'm going to be able to run it at max no problem. my dick is so hard

        • 10 months ago

          Sure you are toddbot.

        • 10 months ago

          All games since like 2008 are all optimized for console if multiplat it really doesn't matter unless you can utilize reshade mods etc texture packs. Skyrim needs all that as an example or looks like ass.

          • 10 months ago

            I do use reshades and texture packs for skyrim and fallout. I run cyberpunk on absolute max with no problem too. starkino is gonna be glorious on my rig

            • 10 months ago

              Aye if the game supports modding and tools.

    • 10 months ago

      Sweet can't wait for some kino then

    • 10 months ago

      No it's LITERALLY skyrim with guns in space

    • 10 months ago

      You say that like it's a bad thing. Like frick man that's exactly what I hope this game is

    • 10 months ago

      >it's gonna be the space version of the last game which is just the guns version of the game before that which is just the sword version of the game before that

      You mean those games I have at least two thousand hours in all total?
      Oh no.
      How dreadful.
      If only there had been a sign over the last couple of decades that Bethesda would release the same game constantly, then I wouldn't have been so flim-flammed, bamboozled, hornswaggled and japed.

      • 10 months ago

        >Yeah Bethesda is creatively bankrupt, luckily I have shir taste and 2000 hours in all their games
        Weird admission but good to know.

        • 10 months ago

          I have 2000 hours in mods, and you know that was the point I was making you disingenuous c**t.

          • 10 months ago

            >i ate shit for thousands of hours, but it was modded shit

            • 10 months ago

              >shit analogy
              good morning sir

              • 10 months ago

                It is not an analogy.

              • 10 months ago

                saar it is not an analojy saar
                it is my culchaar saar
                do the needful and respect my culchaar u blody bich basterd

    • 10 months ago

      Great! Had my waifus in apocalyptic world, now I will have them in space. That's all I wanted!

    • 10 months ago

      I'm okay with that, sure Fallout 4 is a shitty fallout game, but the gameplay was fun enough. The space theme will carry it hard tho.

    • 10 months ago

      It’s Fallout 76 and No Man’s Sky without multiplayer. With even more cutscenes than ever before.

  3. 10 months ago

    >what they are about to experience
    cyberpunk 2077 tier buggy garbage.
    NPCs of Ganker should realize that the more a game is hyped the shittier it gets.

    >inb4 elden ring

    • 10 months ago

      >the more a game is hyped the shittier it gets.
      totk was hyped to high heavens though

      • 10 months ago

        And ended up being shit.
        6/7 dev time on top of BotW assets should have delivered much much more.
        Totk is a dlc, qnd you paid $70 for that garbage.
        Have some god damn selfrespect

        • 10 months ago

          >And ended up being shit.

    • 10 months ago

      this game isn't that hyped outside a small minority of hardcore bethesda fans. Way less so than any other AAA release this year. Most people expect another fallout 76

      • 10 months ago

        >Most people expect another Fallout 76
        Then most people are fricking morons. BGS had absolutely NOTHING to do with 76 beyond Todd writing the setting. Every game Bethesda has released has been GOTY material. Has every BGS game been incline? No, but when they're the ones setting the bar it's more difficult for them to exceed it. Name a better open world RPG than Bethesda's worst game (Fallout 4, Fallout 3 only eeks out ahead of Fallout 4 because it actually still has skills).

        • 10 months ago

          How the frick has F4 "set the bar". FNV set the bar. Skyrim set the bar.

          >paid mods only
          You baiting or are you genuinely this moronic?

          Do you fail at reading comprehension?
          Just take a look at the nexus page for skyrim and then take a look at the F4 page. Go through the categories. Do you notice that one game has hundreds of gameplay mods that overhaul and fine-tune every aspect of said game if you want to? Do you notice how F4 has a fraction of those mods?

          If you want to go a step further go ahead and actually play them. Then you can realize the difference.

          Housemods, shipmods, armors and clothes plus a thousand retextures. a couple nifbashes if you're lucky. But you're not gonna get gameplay overhaul mods.

          • 10 months ago

            Sim Settlements for Fallout 4 is unironically more impressive than any Skyrim mod

          • 10 months ago

            Yeah there’s a reason why fallout 4 has no big overhaul mods, it’s called a voice protag killing most fan quests and really hamper modding possibilities. That’s why the only mods are combat, crafting, base building, clothing. Skyrim has no depth beyond skill perks, magic(which starfield also has somehow lol), and maybe dual wielding I guess, but it did have a silent protagonist which means quest mods weren’t jarring as frick with only 4 options that didn’t work unless you downloaded a mod to add empty voice clips cause a dialogue choice won’t play in fallout 4 without an audio file. And the game has to be modified to accept more than 4 dialogue choices.

          • 10 months ago

            Sim settlements 4 is free and more extensive than any mod released for Skyrim

    • 10 months ago

      >cyberpunk 2077 tier buggy garbage.
      Yet all the leaks from preview copy holders say that it's surprisingly stable and polished.

    • 10 months ago

      2077 is great

      >cyberpunk 2077 tier buggy garbage.
      Yet all the leaks from preview copy holders say that it's surprisingly stable and polished.

      sunken cost fallacy

  4. 10 months ago

    I doubt you could even imagine it

    • 10 months ago

      Can people even fathom what they are about to experience?


  5. 10 months ago

    Just like 2077 was a shitty GTA
    Just like BG3 was a bigger DoS2
    Elden Ring/Armored Core — forced soul fromslopware etc etc
    It will bring NOTHING new to the table. You can't even fly the ship for frick's sake

    • 10 months ago

      >You can't even fly the ship
      and that's a good thing

    • 10 months ago

      >You can't even fly the ship for frick's sake

    • 10 months ago

      >cant even fly the ship
      Come on, man. If you want to be taken seriously at least try to appear honest. Why have a nice day in the foot so hard with dumbass lies?

      • 10 months ago

        well, can you?

        • 10 months ago

          Yes, you can. You a moron or something?

          • 10 months ago

            you can’t fly your ship. you can enter it and hold X to see a cutscene, after which you’re in space, after which you can select a landing zone, cutscene, leave the ship. wouldn’t call it flying

            • 10 months ago

              You can get into dog fights though? How would you fight with another ship if you couldn't fly it? Seems like you're just guessing at this point

              • 10 months ago

                you can only dogfight in space, at which point it’s not actually flying in any meaningful capacity, more like playing an FPS but you can move in 3D

              • 10 months ago

                You can literally fly in space. Dog fights are encountered during space flight. The menu is for grav jumping

              • 10 months ago

                you can fly in a specific zone of space near a planet. you can't actually fly through space, explore it, or fly from planet to planet. once you leave the zone you are taken to a map to select a planet to fast travel to. it's shit

              • 10 months ago

                You grav jump the empty spaces between planets and POIs you still control the ship to fly around the zones

              • 10 months ago

                So you can fly in the only places that would logically have interesting things to explore. There is nothing to explore in the space between planets or stars. Anything of note is going to be in the planet's orbit, which is the area you can fly.

              • 10 months ago

                no, anthing of note is going to be on the planet, the space where yo cannot fly. and I can almost guarantee you that flying in “space” won’t be free either, and you’ll have to teleport to any POI in space

              • 10 months ago

                >I can almost guarantee you this absolutely false thing is true
                Lol. Okay there buddy

              • 10 months ago

                >I want to spend 10,000 years manually flying from one star system to the next
                Have fun with that

              • 10 months ago

                >moving the goalposts

              • 10 months ago

                oh frick off, that’s like saying that there are cyberware installation animations in Cyberpunk, because it happens once in a scripted cutscene

              • 10 months ago

                Space is basically the same as planet side moron
                You get random encounters, find locations, fight enemies etc

                It is an entire other layer to the game, not some simple 5 second thing

              • 10 months ago

                >Space is basically the same as planet side
                yeah, and the planets are fast travel simulators as well. you wanna know why? BECAUSE YOU CAN’T FLY YOUR STARSHIP IN ATMOSPHERE. and there aren’t any ground vehicles either.
                you are right though, space is basically the same as planet side, moron.
                it’s basically the same in that the single coolest thing you can do in space is larp like in

                You park your spaceship in the middle of space. Nothingness for thousands, if not millions, of miles spans you in all directions. You exit the wienerpit, entering a room filled with companions you've met in your travels. Your waifu is patiently waiting for you somewhere in the ship as well. You are bathed in a sense of comfort. Even here, in the middle of space, Todd's grace has touched you and your comrades, blessing you with Kino

                nothing more nothing less. you won’t “find” a space station - you’ll fast travel to it. as for abandoned spaceships - sure, you’ll “find them” in “free flight” (moving about in a tiny cell, when it randomly spawns near you).
                good thing they at least made docking possible, or at least. I think so

              • 10 months ago

                >you won’t “find” a space station - you’ll fast travel to it


              • 10 months ago

                all those space scenes are basically after you take off from a planet right? Thats what it looks like compared to the gameplay leaks.

              • 10 months ago

                Uhh yeah I guess, you take off from planet as a cutscene then it loads the space area which you can fly around in as shown there. Probably there would only be anything of interest near or around a planet but you could fly out into nothing if you felt like it, and then you can grav jump to another planet or star system using the map

              • 10 months ago

                >you could fly out into nothing if you felt like it,
                need a receipt for that one chief. What does that mean? Hasn't it been established that if you're in orbit around mars you can't fly over to venus but you have to menu fast travel there? So what are we talking about here? Flying into an invisible wall at x km from mars? is that your "flying out into nothing"?

              • 10 months ago

                I dunno if you could fly from mars to venus but the thing is it would take a frick long time anyway even if you could so why not just jump there and forget about it?

              • 10 months ago

                >What does that mean?
                As for that what Imean by flying into nothing is that you just keep going and there's juts more nothing. I don't know if this is how it works yet but you wouldn't need invisible walls, just more nothing. So you keep flying away from the planet 1000km, 2000km, 10000km etc. All the POI, space stations etc is long behind you and you're just flying into more nothing, indefintely,with the model of the planet getting smaller and smaller in yoru rear view mirror. it may be that you could never actually arrive at another planet this way but then even if you could it would take like a month of flying so no one is ever going to bother

              • 10 months ago

                it's not long before you, you just teleport to the border of the cell, before it stops you in space.
                it seems like you are going further and further away, but you can spend 10h flying one way, and return to the "playable" area in 2 minutes

              • 10 months ago

                No if you flew away for 10 hour it would take 10 hour to get back, its just coodinate position, theres nothing it needs to do except make some dots whizz past to make it look like you're moving

              • 10 months ago

                What is this moron smoking lmao

                How has Todd totally fricking mind broken these clowns?

              • 10 months ago

                Fast forward a few replies and this dipshit will be saying because Todd didn't include a fully functional actual space ship with the base game, that's what he meant by not being able to fly your ship.

              • 10 months ago

                yeah, and Call of Duty Cold War is a fully functioning RPG because it has perks and dialogue choices

              • 10 months ago

                You aren't going to be 'actually flying' a real spaceship either, since computers are better at it. And what, do you think space has things in it between PoIs to go look at anyway?

                Play Star Citizen if you want to slowboat in deep space for months at a time.

              • 10 months ago

                I think that a space exploration game that doesn't allow you to fly ships in atmosphere and relegates spaceflight to just shooting around and going from marked point A to marked point B shouldn't really be called "space" and "exploration".

              • 10 months ago

                >space exploration shouldn't be called space exploration because you can't explore planets with your ship, i.e. NOT space
                Are snoys really this desperate lmao

              • 10 months ago

                >exploration is when you are moving from marked point A to marked point B in a straight line
                holy shit, I can't explore the tracks in Motorsport!!!

              • 10 months ago

                When you are in outerspace and in a system, there is complete free flying wherever you want you fricking moron

                Where the frick do you think you are finding those derelict ships or asteroid bases?

              • 10 months ago

                randomly generated within a cell, obviously.
                you aren't actually traveling any distance, you are just pressing WSAD, Shift and Ctrl. and yeah, sure you can claim you're "flying" within a cell but that "flying" is functionally identical to walking, except the theory is that if you continue walking in Starfield, you'll actually end up in the same place, whereas with starships you will definitely not reach another planet's orbit or another system. flying isn't a mechanic or a possibility in Starfield - it is a minigame.
                even better if you leave the random abandoned ship and go planet side and then "space" again, you will not find it. if you change something about a that spaceship, go planet side and return to "space", you will not find that changed spaceship, but if you "fly" around some more, you'll "find" (it will generate before you) the same, unchanged ship

              • 10 months ago

                and doom was essentially 2d
                what is your point moron?

              • 10 months ago

                wow, did you just discover that games aren't actually set in 1:1 recreations of their worlds?
                the issue with doom isn't that it faked 3D, the issue would be if all the demons behaved and worked exactly the same, and so would all your weapons. the issue is that the core part of the setting and gameplay is being faked, and you're buying a Fallout 4 reskin with a space shooter minigame on top of it

              • 10 months ago

                >whereas with starships you will definitely not reach another planet's orbit or another system
                planets yes you can
                they are simulating the distances between the planets. the rest of the planets aren't just a backdrop and you fly around in infinite space. it gives the distances so if you wanted you could fly there
                >even better if you leave the random abandoned ship and go planet side and then "space" again, you will not find it
                you are unironically moronic if you think this

              • 10 months ago

                >they are simulating the distances between the planets
                I'm sure they are, I hope to be proven wrong when the game releases
                >you are unironically moronic if you think this

                >No level cap (he thinks)
                wonder how they are doing rewards on level up then after you maxed out the perks and skills

                Creation Club credits lol
                if you level up you get 0.000003 CCCs

              • 10 months ago

                I'm not entirely sure what you're gibbering about but they have said once a POI is generated, it will be persistent and always there from that point on.

              • 10 months ago

                >once a POI is generated, it will be persistent and always there from that point on.
                >we will have save file bloat like in skyrim

              • 10 months ago

                because huge things like ships that are abandoned and can't move obviously won't disappear when you leave the area like a bandit from skyrim clearly would

                why the frick do you think it would disappear?

              • 10 months ago

                jesus, you really think games work by simulating their worlds in real time 1:1, don't you?

              • 10 months ago

                It is a Todd game

              • 10 months ago

                >you aren't traveling, the objects are moving closer to you
                >it's like walking, but in 3 dimensions
                Holy shit, I didn't know this level of pants on head moronic delusion was possible

                >if you do this, that will happen
                You have zero idea about how such a situation would be handled. You are literally trying desperately to come up with bullshit on the fly because you said something dumb and are too obstinate to retract.

              • 10 months ago

                well, if you consider not actually getting anywhere (but pressing buttons) "flying" then I have to concede. you might be completely moronic, but within your definition starfield's "flying" is indeed flying (as in you sit in your spaceship and pretend you're actually moving through space).

                I'm not entirely sure what you're gibbering about but they have said once a POI is generated, it will be persistent and always there from that point on.

                what kind of POI? a star station, or every single abandoned spaceship, asteroid and other bullshit that's in space?
                does "it will always be there" mean you will be able to reach it from any other point in space or that you will be able to fast travel to it?
                why is it always the case that when a fricking game dev shills their fricking game using imprecise language, you people always assume the best case scenario? it. never. fricking. is. otherwise they'd be showing it off every 10 seconds.

              • 10 months ago

                >imprecise language
                Its quite simple. You wander about, you discover a base or a cave or whatever, that has been procedurally placed there. You go somewhere else and go back to the same place at any time and that thing is still there.

              • 10 months ago

                yes, but not really.
                with the planets, Todd and Co. said they were pre-generated (procedurally) and placed in the game. this way things are the same for all the players. there might be some things that get generated randomly for each playthrough, but that doesn't concern us right now.
                as for space, we were not told how things work, and we were not shown actual gameplay of a situation like described. it stands to reason that space is therefore not pregenerated, and will be different for each player and each playthrough.
                the way they most likely solved issues like not encountering an important space station is that, because space is completely faked, it will just appear after some time you spend pretending you're flying around. after you find it, you will be able to fast travel to the space around it like you would to any POI on the planet.
                things like ships and asteroids are not persistent, because they don't have to be (and shouldn't due to save bloat), and will therefore disappear after leaving the cell that is "space" and won't reappear on reentry.

              • 10 months ago

                >it will just appear after some time you spend pretending you're flying around
                How moronic are you my guy.

              • 10 months ago

                Space is just space man, its just a big black empty area of nothing, but it will have coordinates, you will be simulated moving your simulated ship in simulated 3D space from one coordinate position to another. I'm not entirely sure what you are saying but there would be specific hand-made, hand-placed things in specific coordinates of space that would always be there, and some random things that are spawned at random coordinates different for each playthrough, but once that random thing is spawned its always there and if you travel to those same coordinates of space in that same system then it will still be there. Or something.

              • 10 months ago

                space is just space, but it's exactly because of its vastness and emptiness that it has to be faked. you physically cannot expect every thing that could be found in space to be logged to visit later. they couldn't do that in any other of their games that were vastly more narrow in scope.
                because space is so big and empty it's also dumb to assume they'll just hide stuff in it - you will never fricking find it in the first place unless there's a quest/marker pointing to it, even if its place within the environment is consistent across playthroughs.
                the most logical way that they've done "space" is by putting you in a cell with a space-themed skybox with different planets depending on the planet you "took off" from. within that cell they will randomly generate stuff like abandoned ships, asteroids and major points of interest like space stations. the smaller stuff like ships and asteroids will disappear after leaving the cell, because it's unlikely you'd ever want to return to them again.
                major POIs on the other hand will just become fast travel points off-planet, and maybe, just maybe you'll appear in the area around them rather than on the space station itself. it's basically a reverse RNG dungeon - the dungeon is persistent, but the world around it isn't.

              • 10 months ago

                >you physically cannot expect every thing that could be found in space to be logged to visit later.
                What is there to be logged that will need a quantum computer here? It is space so it is probably less than planetside or even previous games
                >they couldn't do that in any other of their games that were vastly more narrow in scope.
                They literally do that in all their games moron
                >the most logical way that they've done "space" is by putting you in a cell with a space-themed skybox with different planets depending on the planet you "took off" from
                that is literally MORE work than creating simple 3d models of the planets and simulating a consistent black void between them you fricking moron

              • 10 months ago

                All you gotta do is give things coordinates in relation to each other, like the planet is 0,0,0 and you fly aways from it in x, y, z direction and the space staion is at 100, 100, 200 postion

                sure, now store that information for every space station, asteroid, abandoned ship, space junk, random bodies, shit floating around the ships, satellites, lost cargo and quest items.
                now include data on items stored within/on those and their position.
                now include anything the player can put into space.
                and now include the effects of any encounter the player might have with the baddies in space.
                light work, truly (that's on top of all the other data the game has to store and load by the way).
                >they do that in all their games
                no they don't. having a bandit's body stay in the same place (not even same position) for 4h is not the same as having 100000 bandit bodies in different places on the map for the entire playthrough.
                >it's more work
                maybe, but it's far less taxing on the hardware, especially the XBSX

              • 10 months ago

                >sure, now store that information for every space station, asteroid, abandoned ship, space junk, random bodies, shit floating around the ships, satellites, lost cargo and quest items.
                So stuff that gets saved in all their games?
                If you are already able to build giant settlements on a thousands planets how is any of that any more of a challenge to store in the save?
                >no they don't. having a bandit's body stay in the same place (not even same position) for 4h is not the same as having 100000 bandit bodies in different places on the map for the entire playthrough.
                You aren't talking about a blown up space ship that will obviously be removed from the game after a short amount of time like always. You were talking about massive POIs like abandoned ships

                Fricking moron

              • 10 months ago

                I mean you could store a shit load of things with a code for the thing and x, y, z coordinate in a fricking text file its not rocket surgery. The cell thing is its just rendering those things in the cell at that time, but it knows where all the things in the other cells are too

              • 10 months ago

                All you gotta do is give things coordinates in relation to each other, like the planet is 0,0,0 and you fly aways from it in x, y, z direction and the space staion is at 100, 100, 200 postion

              • 10 months ago

                have you never fricking played a bethesda game?
                object persistence is like half the fricking point

                they don't need to show it off because they assume people aren't moronic
                a mistake obviously

              • 10 months ago

                sure, object persistence in settlements or over three days in a particular cell. bold of you to assume you will be loaded into the same cell every time you go into "space"

                What is this moron smoking lmao

                How has Todd totally fricking mind broken these clowns?

                >doesn't know about the leaks

              • 10 months ago

                A big selling point of Bethesda games is object persistence

                Yes the abandoned ship you encounter isn't going to suddenly disappear the moment you leave the cell you fricking gigantic homosexual moron

                Even things like killed enemies that get cleaned up pretty quickly by the game stay for at least a few days

              • 10 months ago

                yeah, items and bodies stay on the ground in the same place for 3 in-game days (about 3-4h). containers get wiped when they are unloaded.
                this will certainly be the case on the planets, but you will not be returning to the same cell in "space" each time you take off, therefore no object persistence.
                and if you think having a house be in the same place on the map every time you drive (walk in case of starfield) by it, then it's not really a revolutionary or uncommon thing.

                The entire planet is walkable
                What are you talking about?

                I dare you to walk all the way from New Atlantis to Outpost Buttfrick Nowhere #56 that's 23000km away.

              • 10 months ago

                > but you will not be returning to the same cell in "space" each time you take off, therefore no object persistence.
                There is no evidence for this and creating skyboxes that have to rotate perfectly around the player for literally a 1000 planets is vastly more work than some black void and simple 3d models of the planets in that void

                You are literally too fricking stupid to see that by thinking Bethesda didn't do something, you are actually saying they did WAY more work to do what you say they are doing

              • 10 months ago

                yeah, and every player model in the new CoD has six gorillions triangles of detail. after all, why would they retopo that shit? that's literally more work!

              • 10 months ago

                The entire planet is walkable
                What are you talking about?

              • 10 months ago

                No game has flying. You are sitting on your chair

              • 10 months ago

                Starfield isn't a space exploration game, it's an RPG set in space.

              • 10 months ago

                I think this is the part that people don't get.
                Starfield's "spaceflight" is browser-game level ace combat. It's not a big part of the game. it's like the lockpicking minigame. a few seconds of pointing and clicking to get some resources.

                The one thing that's gonna be interesting if spaceships actually behave differently depending on size/speed or if it's all just for looks and a behemoth cargo ship turns at the same rate as a tiny fighter.

              • 10 months ago

                >Starfield's "spaceflight" is browser-game level ace combat. It's not a big part of the game. it's like the lockpicking minigame. a few seconds of pointing and clicking to get some resources.
                Everything they have shown says this isn't the case

                Instead everything they have shown is that they are replicating the Bethesda experience but in space
                So like in Skyrim or on a planet in Starfield you can find locations, encounter enemies, meet people etc, you can do the exact same thing in outer space in Starfield

                Nothing they have shown has said it is just some quick get some resources kill a few other spaceships then fast travel to the next solar system type of thing

                People really don't get what Todd has achieved lmao

              • 10 months ago

                I have seen every gameplay reveal and the gameplay leak and all i've seen is some variations of pointing the center of the screen at enemy spaceships. the only depth I've seen was being able to target subsystems with a special perk. I haven't seen anything about small fighters being faster than lumbering freighters. All I've seen is a point system where presumably every ship can get boosted (presumably to the same min and max speeds) by putting in points.

                Coupled with the rock-paper-scissors approach to combat (lasers le good against shields, missiles le good against unshielded) I don't believe it's unfair to bring up browser games as a comparison. I guess since it's 3D I'd concede that it's probably more like a mobile game?

                Either way. I predict waving your mouse around and clicking is not gonna be fun for more than a couple fights.

              • 10 months ago

                Yeah and morons thought there would be invisible walls on the planet too
                When that never made any amount of sense

              • 10 months ago

                It's on par with Ratchet and Call for the PS2.

            • 10 months ago

              You know you can fly around in space right?

            • 10 months ago

              Just frick off, moron. I know you think you're being clever by pretending flight and combat gameplay doesnt exist but all you're doing is making actual criticism of the game look just as dishonest. Like I said, shooting yourself in the foot. You are too stupid to see you're only helping the game when you prove yourself a dumb liar kek

              • 10 months ago

                >combat gameplay
                where did I say anything about combat (even though if it’s anything like FO4, it’s going to be shit)

                you can only dogfight in space, at which point it’s not actually flying in any meaningful capacity, more like playing an FPS but you can move in 3D

                there is no actual flying your ship anywhere. you are confined to a small space with nothing but maybe some obstacles within it and a couple of enemies. I genuinely expect space stations and abandoned ships to be POIs in space, to which you also have to fast travel

              • 10 months ago

                Ship flying combat, dummy. What you're saying right now disproves what you claimed before. Figured you were another screeching Snoy exaggerating everything once again but now I see you really are just dumb and have no idea what you're even talking about kek

              • 10 months ago

                jesus fricking christ. you flying your ship doesn’t fricking mean anything you lobotomised moron. it’s LITERALLY the same as all the zero-g shootouts shown in the gameplays. IT’S THE SAME THING - IT COULD LITERALLY BE SWAPPED OUT gameplay-wise. that’s what I’ve been saying all this time. there are no planets when you’re “flying” your ship, you can’t “land” on anything while you’re “flying” your ship. it’s literally CoD infinite warfare zero-g gunfight, but instead of a gun, a full wienerpit is rendered on top of the “space”.

                Oh, you're a smoothbrain. Now it all makes sense.

                >Starfield is the first new universe in over 25 years from Bethesda Game Studios, the award-winning creators of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim and Fallout 4. In this next generation role-playing game set amongst the stars, create any character you want and explore with unparalleled freedom as you embark on an epic journey to answer humanity’s greatest mystery.
                >award-winning creators
                >set amongst the stars
                >unparalleled freedom
                this one is especially funny
                >embark on an epic journey
                you buy this shit. screenshot this post, return to it in 3 years, die of embarrassment

              • 10 months ago

                The only buzzword in that excert that is completely separate from what anyone is talking about is "next gen" and maybe "award winning" so they still managed to use less buzzwords than you

              • 10 months ago

                >the only
                >gives 2
                if you think that “unparalleled freedom” and “epic journey” aren’t buzzwords, you are moronic and may be eligible to disability money.
                the best part is that I arguably used one or no buzzwords in that post, that being “betheslop”. consoomer isn’t a buzzword

              • 10 months ago

                unparalleled freedom isn't a buzzword. Epic could be, but it is used appropriately in this context.
                Consoomer is 100% a buzzword.

              • 10 months ago

                unparalleled freedom is definitely a buzzword. it means nothing and is thrown around as a more evocative replacement for open-world.
                epic isn't used appropriately, as the journey can hardly be called grand in scale (just because it takes place across space doesn't mean much if traveling between solar systems is like driving to the nearest city). granted, I might be wrong on that front because the game hasn't released yet, and the story might actually be "epic".
                "consoomer" isn't a buzzword, it's a pejorative way to describe someone overly dedicated to consumerism. the same way "Black person" isn't a buzzword - it means exactly what it means

              • 10 months ago

                Let me help you further, you absolute drooling dumbfrick.
                Thats what the conversation was about. You're fricking moronic kek

              • 10 months ago

                >I can't get anywhere but it's totally flying
                good one, gotta remember that one

                Pete Hines Q&A summary:

                - “The game doesn’t really start until after the main quest”

                - Says it’s his favourite Bethesda main quest ever

                - He once accidentally got sucked into the vacuum of space because he boarded an enemy ship and the pilot took off

                - Multiple passive POI’s across the galaxy to find. An example he gave was a set of farms where the people give resources to the people of other planets

                - Modders will be able to create planets

                - Certain companions will get annoyed with you if you do bad things. Even companions who are really close to you

                - Lots of settlements with their own people and quests to find outside of the major cities

                - New game plus relates to the main story so he couldn’t say a word on it. Says it’s different from most new game plus mechanics and is rather “special”

                - Doesn’t know if you can fly from planet to planet as Grav Driving is much quicker (Only takes a few seconds apparently)

                - Weapon mods combined with skills are really diverse. Said that he felt like Iron Man at one stage

                - You can get bounties put on you but there are ways to undo them

                - Museum on New Atlantis explains the lore of the game. The colony war, what happened to Earth etc.

                - Says the boost pack skill is really important and fun

                - Adoring fan can not become a robot (LOL?)

                - There’s an enormous amount of creatures. He has no clue how many are in the game

                - Also has no clue how long it would take to 100% the game. Says after 150 hours he isn’t even slightly close

                - Lots of mod support post launch

                - Mission boards can ask you to build outposts on planets.

                - He gave a hilarious example where the mission board gave him a quest to take two people across to a different planet (space taxi?). After 5 hours he found the 2 people still on board his ship and realised he had completely forgot to take them to their destination.

                - Lots of Easter eggs as you’d expect across the game

                - No level cap (he thinks)

                the only quality post here.
                >“The game doesn’t really start until after the main quest”
                bullshit, unless the main quest just ends on you having to explore space in search of alien life
                >He once accidentally got sucked into the vacuum of space because he boarded an enemy ship and the pilot took off
                what? how would that even look? he was inside the enemy ship and it just spit him out?
                >Modders will be able to create planets
                yeah, the whole idea for the game is to release a framework in which modders can provide content that isn't dogshit (porn and maid uniforms)
                >Certain companions will get annoyed with you if you do bad things. Even companions who are really close to you
                actually cool
                >Lots of settlements with their own people and quests to find outside of the major cities
                riiight, I'll believe it when I see it. remember that only 10% of the planet's supposed to have any life on it
                >New game plus relates to the main story so he couldn’t say a word on it. Says it’s different from most new game plus mechanics and is rather “special”
                sounds cool. you probably touch the alien artefact and get timetravelled back to the start of the game. the main quest goes differently though because you can skip it entirely
                >Doesn’t know if you can fly from planet to planet as Grav Driving is much quicker (Only takes a few seconds apparently)
                you can't
                >Says the boost pack skill is really important and fun
                yeah, because they could think of 1 unique mechanic for the entire game. it might be fun though
                >Also has no clue how long it would take to 100% the game. Says after 150 hours he isn’t even slightly close
                >Lots of mod support post launch
                see modding planets

              • 10 months ago

                >only 10% of the planet's supposed to have any life on it
                That just meant the indigenous wildlife. The planets without wildlife can stil have content

              • 10 months ago

                you're likely right, but it's still probably limited to a random outpost somewhere, or a tiny settlement.

                >actually cool
                Also extremely basic and something present in every non-Todd game RPG.

                meh, not really, but it is pretty basic. still good to have.

                I don't get how the guy could forget about the taxi mission mid-way. like, what else could you be doing if not flying these people to their destination? how can you get lost mid-quest (of this type)? personally, I smell bullshit

              • 10 months ago

                >you're likely right, but it's still probably limited to a random outpost somewhere, or a tiny settlement.
                For certain planets you’re right, but during the direct they confirmed seemingly barren planets off the beaten path still have small settlements and unique hand crafted content. Maybe not every single one, but a lot of them.

              • 10 months ago

                New Vegas did it

              • 10 months ago

                >how can you get lost mid-quest
                Really dude?
                >playing skyrim
                >going to whiterun
                >wait is that a bandit hideout? i'll go check it out real quick
                >kill bandits and get back on the road
                >oh is that a cave? i'll check it out real quick
                >clear cave, now you're on the other side of it
                >is that an abandoned house in the middle of nowhere? i'll go check it out real quick
                >kill old hag in the house
                >okay now let's go ba- wait what was I doing again?

              • 10 months ago

                >actually cool
                Also extremely basic and something present in every non-Todd game RPG.

              • 10 months ago

                >flying in space? That isn't flying! Good one!
                Genuinely moronic. You're writing novels and saying nothing with them kek What a fricking waste of time to exist as you do

              • 10 months ago

                >It’s another “10% of planets support life=therefore humans can only be on those 10%” moron again
                The fricking beginning of the game that leaked shows a mining base on a barren moon. Come on

              • 10 months ago

                I addressed it in a response to a very similar comment.
                2 mining bases on a moon in Beta Delta Frickgolrian system doesn't constitute "life" or "content" on an otherwise barren planet. especially if they only exist to allow you to quickly sell your shit or refuel.
                it's an oversimplification, but you get my point.

                No if you flew away for 10 hour it would take 10 hour to get back, its just coodinate position, theres nothing it needs to do except make some dots whizz past to make it look like you're moving

                and from the gameplay perspective it would do that, because? it would literally be punishing the player for flying where they shouldn't, because there isn't anything. the player would fly for 15 minutes hoping to find something, they wouldn't, and upon trying to return, they'd waste another 15 minutes

              • 10 months ago

                You are a gigantic fricking homosexual moron and I can't wait to see you fricking have a nice day when Starfield releases and proves you are completely wrong and making up complete nonsense that doesn't even make any sense from a game design perspective

                "stopping the player in space" doesn't even fricking make sense
                It takes VASTLY more work to create the kind outer space you imagine it to be, than a simple coordinate system and 3d models of planets
                Fricking moron

              • 10 months ago

                >doesn't even make any sense from a game design perspective
                nah, simulating the world 1:1 makes much more sense. that's why we had full ray tracing in 1993, you just had to code the engine once and let it simulate in real time - bam, photorealistic game. I remember lara croft's breasts being made up of 10M polygons, that way they didn't have to retopologise anything, and they looked nice and realistic.
                I did hear they wanted to make an infinite staircase in mario 64, but "it just didn't fricking make sense"

                Cinnamon roll got eaten by a wolf
                >why. wouldn't. they?
                Because they said they wouldn't?
                How bout this, the abandoned spaceship is a procedural ship asset with a seed that can be stored as a number, randomly placed at x,y,z in system #whatever and it remembers that position and if you go back to that position it remembers there was a ship with seed# at positon x, y, z

                >wolf with a sweet tooth
                I too explain bugs or game design in RPG games by pretending something happened in-game. it's a good cope and improves immersion. that's not sarcastic by the way.
                you can store the spaceship as a seed, and they likely are, but you also have to account for all data like a random crate floating inside that the player moved, or what the player looted, or whether there was a gun that the player picked up, or if the player destroyed something, or if the player scrapped a part of the ship etc. etc.
                it's a lot of data to store. not because there's one abandoned ship, but because over 150h or whatever, there will be plenty.

              • 10 months ago

                I have no idea how its gonna work to be perfectly honest, I'm talking out my ass. All I know is, its gonna just work, and its gonna be great.

              • 10 months ago

                it's not gonna work, but it's not going to matter.
                I'm arguing only because there are hyper-morons here who think this game will be the end-all-be-all for all video games ever created.
                it will not be.
                to me the game has much deeper, and more important issues than whether NASS Buttfricker's rear chute was left open by the player 15 hours ago

              • 10 months ago

                >it will not be.
                But what if it is?

              • 10 months ago

                I honestly hope it is.
                but it's not.

                2077 is great

                sunken cost fallacy

                it's not sunken cost fallacy. it's the "game reviewers are objective" fallacy. before CP77 launched every single game reviewer bar one creamed themselves at how super duper amazing the game was, because thats what the people and the publisher wanted to hear.
                relying on game journos in 2023 is just naive

              • 10 months ago

                How is a marginal increase in saving the locations of abandoned ships a complete simulation of the world

                Ships can be like any other object the game saves which is already huge settlements or other things the player saves on planets

                Fricking have a nice day and stop polluting the gene pool

              • 10 months ago

                >it would literally be punishing the player for flying
                You fly away for 10 hours, realise theres nothing there, then frickin grav jump to another planet.

              • 10 months ago

                Nothing is punishing because you can just grav jump anywhere if not just open the system map and fast travel
                Like holy frick you are moronic

                and the player would want to grav jump because?
                how do you know they wouldn't want to return to something they encountered in the same cell before?

              • 10 months ago

                >and the player would want to grav jump because?
                Because the alternative is flying back for 10 hours? Or just jump back to the planet you were flying away from...

              • 10 months ago

                and if they fly for 10 million hours they'll die in real life. if you think anybody is actually going to fly for that long for anything else than a meme or a sped up youtube video you are mentally deficient. most people will just fly for 5-10 minutes once, notice there's nothing there and turn around. now, despite my gripes with bethesda, they probably aren't morons, and won't want the player to become bored after spending 10-20 minutes looking at an empty screen (not to mention the fact that increasing coordinates mean increasing resources if you want to do this with any precision), they'd make it so the game teleported you to some point, some distance away from the absolute border of the cell. that way you could fly for 10 minutes, decide to turn around and return to the gameplay area in 2 minutes.

                How is a marginal increase in saving the locations of abandoned ships a complete simulation of the world

                Ships can be like any other object the game saves which is already huge settlements or other things the player saves on planets

                Fricking have a nice day and stop polluting the gene pool

                >it takes vastly more work to create the kind of space you imagine it to be
                A. no it doesn't it's actually far simpler, although it requires a different approach
                B. you were talking about putting 3d models in space and giving them coordinates, also probably the correct dynamic lighting accurate in relation to other planets etc.
                well that takes up a frickload of resources believe it or not. at the very least, it's not a marginal increase. maybe if all the program aimed to be was a simulation of our solar system with great detail and redundant persistence it could be excused, but there's actual interactivity planned for starfield.
                I can promise you ships won't work like settlements, nor would you want them to work like that from the player's perspective.
                in the end, the game will release, you'll see I was right, you're going to be butthurt for about an hour and then you'll forget about it for the rest of time.
                chuck, sneed, suck my wiener.

              • 10 months ago

                >increasing coordinates mean increasing resources
                homie you dumb its just x = x + 1 for 10 hours then x = x - 1 for 10 hours to get back, or fricking jump

              • 10 months ago

                >B. you were talking about putting 3d models in space and giving them coordinates, also probably the correct dynamic lighting accurate in relation to other planets etc.
                >well that takes up a frickload of resources believe it or not.
                You LITERALLY don't know how games work
                There is a difference between what is being RENDERED
                and what is being STORE IN MEMORY as an object at a specific location that the player doesn't see because they are in a different cell or whatever

                Again just fricking have a nice day

                well, at least you got the basics right.
                in any case, I hope you guys are ready to admit I was right when the game finally releases

              • 10 months ago

                I'm keeping receipts of all the doubters

              • 10 months ago

                >B. you were talking about putting 3d models in space and giving them coordinates, also probably the correct dynamic lighting accurate in relation to other planets etc.
                >well that takes up a frickload of resources believe it or not.
                You LITERALLY don't know how games work
                There is a difference between what is being RENDERED
                and what is being STORE IN MEMORY as an object at a specific location that the player doesn't see because they are in a different cell or whatever

                Again just fricking have a nice day

              • 10 months ago

                I addressed it in a response to a very similar comment.
                2 mining bases on a moon in Beta Delta Frickgolrian system doesn't constitute "life" or "content" on an otherwise barren planet. especially if they only exist to allow you to quickly sell your shit or refuel.
                it's an oversimplification, but you get my point.
                What are you even saying. Pete says you can see tons of different people and settlements out there and you said you didn’t buy because only 10% of planets support life. moron, a planet doesn’t have to support fauna to have a settlement there, people can survive on space stations in the game. You can find a human settlement on the other 90% planets

              • 10 months ago

                Nothing is punishing because you can just grav jump anywhere if not just open the system map and fast travel
                Like holy frick you are moronic

    • 10 months ago

      >calling elden ring forced soul
      >unironically using the term forced soul at all

  6. 10 months ago

    i cant believe its almost here. its already being hailed as the Game of the Generation

  7. 10 months ago

    There should be more gameplay leaks so we can go in prepared.

    But not story leaks please.

    • 10 months ago

      >not story leaks please
      Not a leak but I’m 100% betting there’s a time loop thing.
      That watch they give you? That’s a hint at the theme

  8. 10 months ago

    at least use the onimai picture if you're gunna post about this slop

  9. 10 months ago

    >moggs starflop

    • 10 months ago

      >shitty game with nothing to do on the ground barely has to load anything in
      totally the same

      • 10 months ago

        >shitty game with nothing to do on the ground barely has to load anything in
        but why are you describing starfield?

        • 10 months ago
      • 10 months ago

        >replies to the obvious irony

    • 10 months ago

      download Seamless Flight Transitions mod
      might be hard since you're a tendie and don't get mods though

      • 10 months ago

        >implying arthmoor won't frick it like he fricked open cities

    • 10 months ago

      yeah it's trash.

    • 10 months ago

      >the atmosphere is less than 10 miles

      • 10 months ago

        Yep. But then again, Shorthand>Cheating.

    • 10 months ago

      naw this looks cooler, its got a cinematic animation

      • 10 months ago

        Great, I can stare at that fricking bullshit ship panel for a thousand times. Do any knobs or switches or displays show anything. Nope. We just thought it looked cool and now you have to think about it's uselessness a 1000 times as you watch this load screen. Frick that.

        • 10 months ago

          Cry about it.

          • 10 months ago

            I am. Haven't you read my posts.

        • 10 months ago

          You weren’t even going to buy the game

          • 10 months ago

            You're going to buy it?

            • 10 months ago

              Already have

              • 10 months ago


              • 10 months ago

                To play it

              • 10 months ago

                Obviously but why did you buy it?

              • 10 months ago

                and before release nonetheless

          • 10 months ago

            I have gamepass. It's my first bethesda game I'm skipping. So I would of, and might still, if like I said, the freedom is felt from cumulative planet visits.

            • 10 months ago

              Then stop being a thread schizo and actually try it out when it’s released.

              • 10 months ago

                IDK. That seems like a lot of work. I think I'll just write another 1,000 words on a website forum.

                If it's good I'll play it.

                They made a better game

                It's too different to call it better. My buddy hated 3 because of what it lost in the conversion. I never got into the original.

                >If I don't see it before release it isn't in there
                Fricking moron logic kek

                Games lead with their hook. This game has no hook. It's better logic than, buy the game they are obviously just hiding all the good stuff so you can enjoy it.

                >she thinks an animation loop has to do with game engines

                How the game handles npcs is part of the game-engine. What am I missing? All games are fakery, you aren't really flying in space. But I don't want my npc's to be just a visual layer on top of the video game itself. That is fricking 20 year old trick shit that I was happy to enjoy then. Not anymore.

              • 10 months ago

                >games lead with their hook. tHiS gAmE HaS nO hOoK
                You must be a zoomer who has never been alive for a Bethesda game release kek Stop wasting your time mass replying because everything you're saying is just dumb to read. You're simply a dumb person. Sorry.

  10. 10 months ago

    depth is for down
    altitude is for up
    space is up not down
    (for any pedantic anons no you cant just go through the earth obviously you would go around it and then up, frick you)

  11. 10 months ago

    I'm hyped. Zelda was great. Armored Core comes out in a few hours. Starfield right around the corner. Its been a good year.

    • 10 months ago

      2023 unironically one of the best years of gaming in a long time

  12. 10 months ago

    It's my most anticipated game in years. I remember how great it was to get my hands on Skyrim, and Starfield will be the same.
    Holy FRICK bros, I'm going to enjoy the shit out of this game.

    • 10 months ago

      I played Fallout 4 but I haven't been this excited for a Bethesda game since Skyrim. I think the Sci Fi setting is just more exciting than the post apocalypse

      • 10 months ago

        Yeah, I skipped FO4 at launch because I had other things going on. With Starfield I'm at a comfortable place in life, ready to relax, and I'm certain Starfield is a major improvement from both FO4 and Skyrim. Getting into a new Bethesda game is always awesome, even after all these years and other games.

  13. 10 months ago

    >no land vehicles confirmed
    >no seamless landing to planet and taking off confirmed
    >dead fricking animations
    >literally looks like fallout 4 modded to shit
    >will have 9k bugs
    >meanwhile new FREE No Mans Sky content update
    starshitters and star shitizens in ruins

    • 10 months ago

      >>no land vehicles confirmed
      I'll admit that's disappointing
      >>no seamless landing to planet and taking off confirmed
      Don't care
      >>dead fricking animations
      looks like fallout 4 modded to shit
      >>will have 9k bugs
      new FREE No Mans Sky content update
      Imagine defending No Man's Slop. Go watch your Internet Historian vid again gay

      • 10 months ago

        imagine shilling fallout in space.

      • 10 months ago

        How about:
        >game mechanics are a basic b***h shooter with crafting (TM)
        >factions are non-exclusive
        >radiant quests
        >there is no conflict between factions
        >half of the companions are black

        • 10 months ago

          >>game mechanics are a basic b***h shooter with crafting (TM)
          are non-exclusive
          hen just don't do them, tard
          is no conflict between factions
          >>half of the companions are black


        • 10 months ago

          >>half of the companions are black
          First person you see in the game is a bug person

    • 10 months ago

      Literally none of those are important

      Only concern I have is there might not be any rivers

    • 10 months ago

      >>no land vehicles confirmed
      I'll admit that's disappointing
      >>no seamless landing to planet and taking off confirmed
      Don't care
      >>dead fricking animations
      looks like fallout 4 modded to shit
      >>will have 9k bugs
      new FREE No Mans Sky content update
      Imagine defending No Man's Slop. Go watch your Internet Historian vid again gay

      I'm not paying full price for this shit but if modders can implement vehicles on fricking Gamebryo you just have to wait a bit until the CK comes out.

    • 10 months ago

      You had it until you praised No Man Sky. Completely invalids your post. No ones playing that game.

  14. 10 months ago

    Pete Hines said he has 150+ hours and has barely scratched the surface. I'm not ready bros, they need to delay again

  15. 10 months ago

    My brothers... Todd has done it again... This time we head to the STARS. Thank you MR HOWARD I will buy your creation credits as a reward for your hard work

  16. 10 months ago

    i can
    >planets are heightmaps with rocks, ground fog, recycled pine_tree_01 with different colored leaves
    >shitty procedural quests "dangerous (insert enemy) have been disrupting our (insert job) please stop them for us, we'll be in your debt"
    >stealth space archery is optimal, every other choice is suboptimal and would be for aesthetic / rp reasons
    >moronic enemy ai, bumping into shit and often confused
    >can stand in the middle of gunfire and never die, game designed for you to win, hard mode just swaps it, npcs become god like you, you become npc
    >mission boards are varied and probably fine
    >dogfighting designed for you to basically win, enemy ships spread their cheeks wide for your space missiles
    >perks are essentially, do more number to specific thing! could still beat game without caring about them
    >cities are designed like disney theme parks, tasteless urban architecture and interior design
    >doughy eyed lifeless npcs standing around, bumping into walls and each other
    >gross texture wrapping, modelling and shading errors everywhere, many models are bevelled cubes with boolean operations
    >moronic looking lod and constant pop-ins
    >and much much more

    • 10 months ago

      Do you have a release copy with you

      • 10 months ago

        i don't need a release copy to use my eyes and notice trillions of red flags in every frame of every gameplay video they have released. i'm not getting cyberpunked again, neither should you. let it go, this game is going to be mid jank at best.

        • 10 months ago

          So you never played it and are hallucinating this game okay

          • 10 months ago

            yea i am hallucinating the literal garbage presented to us in the gameplay video. no im using my eyes, you're pumping gallons of copium in your veins because you desperately want a good game to release but let me tell you.. it isn't happening, the game industry is going to get more shit until it eventually crashes down.. wake up!

            • 10 months ago

              You are desperately coping with your novel-long posts trying to pick apart insignificant thing inside a game you will never play as if NMS' janky boring approach was actually some kind of hallmark of quality to aspire to kek Get some self awareness

              • 10 months ago

                how am i coping? i am simply existing in the truth, you aren't denying that what i picked a part is true? exactly, because it's true that what i said was jank is jank. also if you consider what i wrote a novel post, you must have low brain energy. sorry. its over starfield will flop just accept it.

              • 10 months ago

                Heres a pro-tip, moron. When you have to pick something apart in order to complain about the screws holding it together, you have already lost. Especially when the thing you're desperate to discredit hasn't even released yet. You're complaining about screws that you can only speculate on as if its absolute fact. And yes, any sane person sees your massive post as the mentally ill, waste of time Snoy cope rambling that it actually is. A healthy normal person doesn't put that much effort into trying to make a video game that they claim not to care about look bad. You won't understand, for obvious reasons, but thats the fact you're missing kek

            • 10 months ago

              So you never played it and are hallucinating this game okay

              Each previous bethesda game had a powerful opening hook. The main storyline was your thrust to compel you. Starfield's main story opening may as well be a sidequest. It falls so fricking flat in comparison to even Fallout 4, which was their weakest as they already blew their load with Fallout 3's opening. gays pretending otherwise are delusional.

              • 10 months ago

                So you never played it and are hallucinating things to complain about

              • 10 months ago

                Morrowind is literally border patrol dude, Oblivion was a fricking sewer level

              • 10 months ago

                Both are memorable.

              • 10 months ago

                Fine, not the first mission exactly, but the feeling it gave you when you were first released. Maybe you had to be there. I fricking was, Gandalf. I was there 22 years ago when Morrowind launched. It's not the first mission. It's what you felt. Morrowind opens with a crazy fever dream, making your character in world with a chat, and then being let loose in that opening town. It was fricking MINDBLOWING. Oblivion had the lead up trailers showing off the oblivion gates and had jaw dropping fricking graphics. Leading the fricking Picard through the dungeon and then coming out of the cave into the open. Frick me. And all of that was presented before the game was released. You could sense the greatness in game trailers leading up to the game's release.

                That is not what is happening here.

              • 10 months ago

                I worked with schizophrenic people for a year and this post is giving me those vibes

              • 10 months ago

                Not an argument.

              • 10 months ago

                Yeah cause you saw it through a shitty phone camera being played by a braindead black who spent 8 minutes trying to figure out how to open his inventory to put his helmet on.

    • 10 months ago

      >stealth is optimal
      Just like in real life

      Rest of your post was just delusion

      • 10 months ago

        yea delusion not based on gameplay footage, leaks, using my eyeballs.

        • 10 months ago


          is optimal
          >Just like in real life
          Except in real life stealth takes a little more effort than just crouching and having your attacks magically do more damage as a result, rendering the comparison pointless.

          Stealth is optimal because attacking someone who isn't defending themselves from you does deal more damage. That's why nogs like to suckerpunch people.

          • 10 months ago

            >Stealth is optimal because attacking someone who isn't defending themselves from you does deal more damage. That's why nogs like to suckerpunch people.
            But again, that's only in the context of a sucker punch. Getting shot in the head with an arrow does the same amount of damage whether you see it coming or not. If attacking from stealth gave your attacks a decreased chance of being dodged/blocked then it would make sense. How much damage an attack does is based more on location than whether the target is aware or not.

            • 10 months ago

              Its an RPG buddy, its got RPG mechanics. Its representing the idea that you're taking real careful aim and hitting them right in the sweet spot, like a critical hit. Just don't use it if you think it sucks.

            • 10 months ago

              True to an extent. Flinching away can cause a graze, and if wearing armor of any kind a reactive movement could lessen the damage. If you're talking about how the animations wouldn't mean the damage is reduced then you are correct. It's mostly a mechanic to simulate the general efficiency of stealth as well as keep the pace similar between playstyles since stealth is generally slower overall.

      • 10 months ago

        is optimal
        >Just like in real life
        Except in real life stealth takes a little more effort than just crouching and having your attacks magically do more damage as a result, rendering the comparison pointless.

        • 10 months ago

          t. doesn’t have stealth archer perk in 2023

          >I can almost guarantee you this absolutely false thing is true
          Lol. Okay there buddy

          >this thing that I have no proof for is definitely true, while your thing you have no proof for is definitely false
          big brain betheslop consoomer take here. it’s almost as if I said “almost guarantee” to show my strong conviction despite lacking evidence

          • 10 months ago

            Oh, you're a smoothbrain. Now it all makes sense.

    • 10 months ago

      >moronic enemy ai, bumping into shit and often confused

  17. 10 months ago

    It's going to revolutionize gaming.

    • 10 months ago

      preordering just for her

    • 10 months ago

      oh lawdy

    • 10 months ago


  18. 10 months ago

    Premium pre-order chad here. Change my mind anti-shills, you won't.

    • 10 months ago

      I hate you because I ain't you

  19. 10 months ago

    I will machete space.
    I will take glorious meele combat to the stars.
    All will bow before my bladed combat techniques as I slice and dice my way through the celestial domain.
    When all is said and done, when the astral ocean has seen cold steel paint the stars red and leave nebulas filled with the dead I be finished.

  20. 10 months ago

    >Can people even fathom what they are about to experience?
    More Bethesda mediocrity held aloft by a criminally-undervalued and disconcertingly-subservient modding community. Call me when it's free™.

  21. 10 months ago

    the same game bethesda always makes but in space?

  22. 10 months ago

    >It doesn't HAVE to have ground vehicles
    >It doesn't HAVE to have planets with water falls
    >It doesn't NEED to have real directional lighting that effects the enviroment.
    >It doesn't need to have life on more than 10% of planets
    >It doesn't need a modern engine.
    >It doesn't matter that the dialogue is porn tier quality.
    >It doesn't need aquatic vehicles.
    >It doesn't need to have expressive dialogue animations.
    >It doesn't NEED to be more than 30 fps on consoles.
    >It doesn't need DLSS
    >It doesn't need flyable ships in a planets atmosphere.
    >It doesn't need playable alien races despite 10% of planets having life.
    >It doesn't need good gunplay.
    >It doesn't matter the collectors edition doesn't come with a disc
    >It doesn't need to have interesting world designs.
    >It doesn't MATTER that those 1000 worlds are all randomly generated.

    • 10 months ago

      No it doesn't

    • 10 months ago

      >>It doesn't HAVE to have ground vehicles
      >>It doesn't HAVE to have planets with water falls
      >>It doesn't NEED to have real directional lighting that effects the enviroment.
      >>It doesn't need to have life on more than 10% of planets
      >>It doesn't need a modern engine.
      >>It doesn't matter that the dialogue is porn tier quality.
      >>It doesn't need aquatic vehicles.
      >>It doesn't need to have expressive dialogue animations.
      >>It doesn't NEED to be more than 30 fps on consoles.
      >>It doesn't need DLSS
      >>It doesn't need flyable ships in a planets atmosphere.
      >>It doesn't need playable alien races despite 10% of planets having life.
      >>It doesn't need good gunplay.
      >>It doesn't matter the collectors edition doesn't come with a disc
      >>It doesn't need to have interesting world designs.
      >>It doesn't MATTER that those 1000 worlds are all randomly generated.

    • 10 months ago

      Your post illustrates that if they went the RDR2 route and used their sinful amount of Skyrim money that they could have made the next Witcher 3/RDR2. Especially since we don't have a good real space sim. Unironically EVE Online and Star Citizen (if it ever lives up to the hype on release in ten years) are the best in the market because they have that "milling about he galaxy making money and it's dark and quiet but I have the choice to talk to people to pass the time," vibe. I implore people to try out Starsector, it can largely scratch that itch.

  23. 10 months ago

    I haven't been this excited for a game in forever bros, its gonna be great

  24. 10 months ago

    Honestly, we need to cool it with the ironic hyping of Starfield. Some facts:
    >i already psyopped myself into buying the premium edition
    >it's fallout 4 in space
    >no questions asked, it's 90% f4 reskin
    >speculation: space consists of cells that connect all planets, these cells aren't big which is why you will just casually run into space stations and so on while flying around in them
    I am starting to think I will be disappointed. Some hopium for a poor soul?

    • 10 months ago

      You park your spaceship in the middle of space. Nothingness for thousands, if not millions, of miles spans you in all directions. You exit the wienerpit, entering a room filled with companions you've met in your travels. Your waifu is patiently waiting for you somewhere in the ship as well. You are bathed in a sense of comfort. Even here, in the middle of space, Todd's grace has touched you and your comrades, blessing you with Kino

      • 10 months ago

        Holy fricking shit, this is kino of the HIGHEST order.

        • 10 months ago

          wow what’s the webm from? is there more?

          • 10 months ago


            • 10 months ago

              Starfield fell so flat at Gamescom I d/led No Man's. Systems>Story, especially when the story isn't compelling as I mentioned:

              Each previous bethesda game had a powerful opening hook. The main storyline was your thrust to compel you. Starfield's main story opening may as well be a sidequest. It falls so fricking flat in comparison to even Fallout 4, which was their weakest as they already blew their load with Fallout 3's opening. gays pretending otherwise are delusional.

              I bet they fricked up. Probably mandated to, "make the sidequests feel like mainline story missions," and ended up not making a mainline story that had any value. Whenever you try to force one to be as good as the other you end up forcing the good one to be worse, almost subconciously to more easily reach your goal. But that's going to be the takeaway, or at least I guess it will because I'll be in No Man's Sky playing with half broken systems that add up to something mildly special.

      • 10 months ago

        >pay attention slightly
        >companions pressing non existent buttons
        >blank stare into the void
        >hammer wall animation

        YEP KINO!! KINO!!

        • 10 months ago

          >he didn’t get the mod where every time you pass a male crew member he kneels and female crew member presents themselves to you

        • 10 months ago

          don't forget the great chatter:
          >Spaceborn, I can't believe you're here!
          >Oi, no space wizardry on my watch!
          >I see you've taken the "ballistics rank 4 perk" you sure know how to shoot, huh?

          Meanwhile from Kotor to Mass effect the companions had actual things to say and nobody cared that they had a handful of idles and basically hung out in designated spots for the entire game they weren't following you around.

          God I hope they took some cues from old bioware on this.

      • 10 months ago

        Its not going away. You can cover your ears and repeat the same lines repeatedly but it's not going away. Soon you will see the greatest game ever made, bug free and breathtakingly beautiful. Threads will be going up for years about this masterpiece and you'll sit there playing some garbage game, unsatisfied, knowing that right now others are basking in Todds magnum opus, discovering it's secrets, playing out their cowboy bebop or bobba fett dreams, their interstellar role play, putting in thousands of hours building furnishing and tweaking their outposts and settlements, reliving the stark majesty of dune, the exploration and discovery of star trek, the self reflection of 2001 or the horror of event horizon. In a short time modders will transform this into star wars if that's what you like, the possibilities are endless.
        And you will still be here missing out, convincing yourself with the same old lines and cope that you aren't.

        I love vidya.

    • 10 months ago

      You can let yourself enjoy things without worrying about what 40 year old virgins and literal children think about you, anon, a person they will never know

  25. 10 months ago

    I hereby create the term Todds cycle:
    >new todd game
    >he will deliver
    >he doesnt
    >Ganker hates it and TELL ME LIES
    >new todd game
    >he will deliver
    >he doesnt
    >Ganker hates it and TELL ME LIES
    but normies will love it

    • 10 months ago

      More like
      >Todd is honest about what will and won't be in the game
      >People freak out when what he says won't be in the game isn't in the game and call Todd a liar

    • 10 months ago

      More like
      >new todd game
      >he will deliver
      >he doesnt
      >Ganker hates it and TELL ME LIES
      >still dumps 500 hours, 10 million copies sold and a solid player count 5 years later
      >new todd game
      >he will deliver
      >he doesnt
      >Ganker hates it and TELL ME LIES
      >still dumps 500 hours, 10 million copies sold and a solid player count 5 years later

      • 10 months ago

        I don't think time is a good indicator of a good game. Fallout 4 is an absolute time sink with its settlement building. Meanwhile I didn't enjoy the quests, didn't enjoy the combat (yes, I prefer the clunky gunplay with actual RPG mechanics over the kewl hitmarkers and such) or anything else about it.

  26. 10 months ago

    Is anyone actually excited for this? I like Bethesda games but like this is really obviously just going to be Fallout 4 with bad spaceship piloting and random terrain.

    • 10 months ago

      >Is anyone actually excited for this?
      Yeah me

    • 10 months ago

      >Is anyone actually excited for this?
      Yeah, me

    • 10 months ago

      Yeah... me

      • 10 months ago

        >Is anyone actually excited for this?
        Yeah, me

        >Is anyone actually excited for this?
        Yeah me

        Did you all love Fallout 4 or something?

        • 10 months ago

          No, but I love Elder Scrolls. Fallout 4 was irreparably damaged by its voiced protagonist. This game is going back to silent protag, and the sci fi setting is just more interesting to me that Fallout's post apocalypse.

        • 10 months ago

          Oblivion and especially Skyrim are some of my favorite games of all time. FO4 was meh. I know you're bating for FO4 in space, but considering what we've seen, and M$ influence so far, I am hopeful and excited. Playing on my 4K OLED with my 4090 will be very comfy.

    • 10 months ago

      It’s topping steam charts before being released so yeah

  27. 10 months ago

    Yeah, starflop

  28. 10 months ago

    It's a bethesda game, everyone knows what to expect and what they'll get, a normiebait game with bland gameplay, there will be nothing mind blowing in it. Well, shazamtrannies might blow their heads off when it sells and reviews well but who gives a shit about them?

  29. 10 months ago

    I cant wait DUDES

  30. 10 months ago

    If you can make a space ship
    that can teleport around
    Why can't you add some damn wheels
    so I can drive on the ground?

  31. 10 months ago

    If hand to hand only is actually fun I might be interested.

    • 10 months ago

      Looks alright. My only concern is it doesn't seem to have much animation variety, but it has weight.

      • 10 months ago

        Otherwise just add some melee weapon to spice it up fior variety.

  32. 10 months ago

    Does anyone know when Xbox will charge my account for the pre order? Why won’t they just take my money

  33. 10 months ago

    Why are these blatant marketing threads allowed?

  34. 10 months ago

    Fathom? The fog on my bathroom mirror is deeper than that and creates a better illusion of depth than Starfield does.

  35. 10 months ago

    no I'm playing nothing to prepare my brain for it

  36. 10 months ago

    >This game has more or less the same features as a slavjank game from 2009
    l o l

    • 10 months ago

      >more or less
      Its more, friend. No need to be confused after all thats been shown

      • 10 months ago

        So starfield has ground vehicles, air vehicles and aliens?

        • 10 months ago

          or less

        • 10 months ago

          Where did I say that? Are you a bit slow?

  37. 10 months ago

    >ten more fricking years of skyrin in space
    please todd...

    • 10 months ago

      >only ten
      we will get a definitive edition in 2040

  38. 10 months ago

    Pete Hines Q&A summary:

    - “The game doesn’t really start until after the main quest”

    - Says it’s his favourite Bethesda main quest ever

    - He once accidentally got sucked into the vacuum of space because he boarded an enemy ship and the pilot took off

    - Multiple passive POI’s across the galaxy to find. An example he gave was a set of farms where the people give resources to the people of other planets

    - Modders will be able to create planets

    - Certain companions will get annoyed with you if you do bad things. Even companions who are really close to you

    - Lots of settlements with their own people and quests to find outside of the major cities

    - New game plus relates to the main story so he couldn’t say a word on it. Says it’s different from most new game plus mechanics and is rather “special”

    - Doesn’t know if you can fly from planet to planet as Grav Driving is much quicker (Only takes a few seconds apparently)

    - Weapon mods combined with skills are really diverse. Said that he felt like Iron Man at one stage

    - You can get bounties put on you but there are ways to undo them

    - Museum on New Atlantis explains the lore of the game. The colony war, what happened to Earth etc.

    - Says the boost pack skill is really important and fun

    - Adoring fan can not become a robot (LOL?)

    - There’s an enormous amount of creatures. He has no clue how many are in the game

    - Also has no clue how long it would take to 100% the game. Says after 150 hours he isn’t even slightly close

    - Lots of mod support post launch

    - Mission boards can ask you to build outposts on planets.

    - He gave a hilarious example where the mission board gave him a quest to take two people across to a different planet (space taxi?). After 5 hours he found the 2 people still on board his ship and realised he had completely forgot to take them to their destination.

    - Lots of Easter eggs as you’d expect across the game

    - No level cap (he thinks)

    • 10 months ago

      >- He gave a hilarious example where the mission board gave him a quest to take two people across to a different planet (space taxi?). After 5 hours he found the 2 people still on board his ship and realised he had completely forgot to take them to their destination.
      GOTY everyone. Just look how well designed the game is. Next they’ll be saying that he found a hilarious bug that made all NPCs T-pose.

      • 10 months ago

        That’s not a bug though? He simply forgot about them

        • 10 months ago

          I never said it was a bug, I said it was bad design and completely immersion breaking

          • 10 months ago

            Would it have been more immersive if the space taxi passengers just jumped out of the airlock or disappeared because you took too long?

            • 10 months ago

              No. But either they make their presence known and raise some concerned questions about the current destination, or you remove the ”quest” from the game. It is shit like this that make Todd games deep as a puddle. That, and every other shallow thing from the quests to the combat to the writing to the voice acting etc.

              • 10 months ago

                >literal moron critiques a game
                >"the lack of this element that exists in zero games is why Todd games suck"
                You're so pathetic lol

          • 10 months ago


            • 10 months ago

              I’m a moron for not playing Todd games? Anon, have you been sniffing chromosomes again?

              • 10 months ago

                >I’m a moron?

              • 10 months ago

                I think you should stop eating lead paint.

          • 10 months ago

            How? He forgot to take them to the planet so they just chilled on his ship. I'd find it funny too if after a few hours I ended up finding random ass homies on my shuttle that I forgot about.

      • 10 months ago

        >abandon quest by passengers getting jettisoned into space
        please let me be able to do this

    • 10 months ago

      sounds really fun. I haven't played any of the other goty contenders besides boulders gate but I think starfield might have a chance of beating it.

      • 10 months ago

        It seems like Todd gets better at posting here every day, but your posts still stink of bethesdsharts

        • 10 months ago

          literally the only other bethesda game i've played is skyrim.

    • 10 months ago

      >Multiple passive POI’s across the galaxy to find. An example he gave was a set of farms where the people give resources to the people of other planets

      That sounds fun

      • 10 months ago

        it implies interplanetary/intersystem economy which is actually really cool

        • 10 months ago

          We already knew there would be interstellar economy since you can connect your bases to them. I think this specific detail is cool because it implies POIs aren't just dungeons but could be worldbuilding elements that bring the galaxy to life.

    • 10 months ago

      So the timeloop theory is confirmed? You just do the main story and restart?

      • 10 months ago

        Looks like it. He says the real game is the post game

    • 10 months ago

      >- He once accidentally got sucked into the vacuum of space because he boarded an enemy ship and the pilot took off
      Finally a game that lets me live out my extremely specific explosive decompression fetish with Krystal from Starfox mods

    • 10 months ago

      Hope modders will be able to create interesting companions you can romance that can integrate w/ ChatGPT or some AI discussion. I'd unironically kneel to Todd

    • 10 months ago

      Actually pretty fricking cool they have designed a post game this time
      In past games, after the main quest finishes, a lot of the game goes away

    • 10 months ago

      >No level cap (he thinks)
      wonder how they are doing rewards on level up then after you maxed out the perks and skills

      • 10 months ago

        You’ll probably just go and have points you can’t spend. This opens the possibility if player made perks

        • 10 months ago

          in fallout 4 there is no level cap and you just get more health
          probably the same here

  39. 10 months ago

    What will be the first mod?

    • 10 months ago

      45,000 lazy reshaders like everything on nexusmods today.

  40. 10 months ago

    >one week from release
    >still no unscripted and unedited gameplay footage
    How do toddlers cope? Why is bethesda so desperate to hide their game from customers? Todd said they built this game to be played for the next decade but he can't even show what the gameplay loops look like?

    • 10 months ago

      We saw the intro and everyone outside of Ganker thinks it looks smooth and polished

      • 10 months ago

        It would be bad design if the game held your hand and constantly reminded you to take the morons to their destination. I like that

      • 10 months ago

        Who is everyone? The leaked tutorial footage looked awful. Literally Fallout 4 in space. But I'm not going to hold it against the game for having a soulless, pointless tutorial. What I'm talking about and the question you ignored is why hasn't bethesda shown us what the gameplay actuslly looks like? What is going to keep the players occupied for the next decade? You and I both know the answer. The game is so bad that Bethesda is afraid to show it to customers because they're worried it will affect the sales. They're hoping it will sell on Bethesda's brand power alone.

        • 10 months ago

          Reviews will be out soon, and a lot of people have already preordered based on what we've seen so far. It won't be long before all is revealed without them having to do anything more. And then, I think you will be eating your words sir.

        • 10 months ago

          This, it’s why the gave a review copy to literally everyone, 14 days to review it, 5 days early access, and the embargo raising before even early access player can try. That’s how little faith they have.

    • 10 months ago

      >he didn't see Tyrone's footage

  41. 10 months ago

    Cant wait for people to forget starfield in couple weeks

    • 10 months ago

      Starfield will be hitting bump limit every day for 10+ years like every BGS game

      • 10 months ago

        Only bethesda game anyone talks about is FO3 because they love dunking on it, and FO3 vs New Vegas shitposting is fun.

        • 10 months ago

          >t. newbie
          We have daily threads about Skyrim and have had them since launch

    • 10 months ago

      You'll be playing Starfield Remaster on the PS8 while still waiting for TES6 to have a release date.

  42. 10 months ago

    Yeah i played Skyrim already bro.

  43. 10 months ago

    oblivion with guns and spaceships

  44. 10 months ago

    Fallout 4 in space

  45. 10 months ago

    Not Skyrim II so it's a hard pass bud.

  46. 10 months ago

    You will play her game, right?

    • 10 months ago


  47. 10 months ago

    God I can't wait for everyone to realize that this game sucks, just like how every realized Oblivion sucked, and how Fallout 3 sucked, and how Fallout 4 Sucked, and how Skyrim sucked, and how Fallout 76 sucked. It will be glorious.

    • 10 months ago

      If you didn't like anything about any of thsoe games, then it is likely you won't like this game too. But then that makes me wonder, why do you even care?

      • 10 months ago

        why else would he care other than hes a snoy troony

      • 10 months ago

        Because of the incessant shilling that Bethesdatroons are doing on Ganker

        • 10 months ago

          >people discuss upcoming game you can't play on your Playstation
          Yeah, man. Kek

  48. 10 months ago

    I just want to be a debonair space pirate/privateer but everything shown so far makes the pirate faction seem to be grimdark Fallout raiders.

  49. 10 months ago

    They can if they've played Skyrim and know what space is

  50. 10 months ago

    Just remember to buy the dlc to get full access to the game

  51. 10 months ago

    dont care, still gonna play it
    im not a moron who set up moronic expectations out of a bethesda game, its just mindless fun

  52. 10 months ago

    I'm really hoping it's not just Fallout 4 with guns.

    • 10 months ago

      I'm a sick frick who liked playing Fallout 4 just to build up my settlements and hated the story so I kind of hope it is. Just make radiant quests less shit and give me more resource hunting autism to build stuff and I'm good.

  53. 10 months ago

    >I'm not really moving in this game I'm just pressing WASD

  54. 10 months ago

    100% slop certified. Biggest game presentation in months, game release imminent, all we get is leaked Black person gameplay footage playing as gangster Tyrone in the most boring shit seen since I painted my house.

    • 10 months ago

      shes cute though

      • 10 months ago

        You think so ?

    • 10 months ago

      First Bethesda game release, zoomer?

  55. 10 months ago

    won't get fooled again

  56. 10 months ago

    They are about to experience overhyped buggy mediocrity that won't even be nominated for GOTY. Xgays are pathetic

  57. 10 months ago

    It's a shame they partnered with AMD. Imagine how great that fog lighting system would look with RTX.

  58. 10 months ago

    Fallout 4 in space

  59. 10 months ago

    Are people really complaining that a computer game isn't real life so you aren't "actually" flying a space ship?

    That is the level Todd haters have devolved to?

    • 10 months ago

      If this is your understanding of the dispute then you are a moron who should be prevented from playing video games ever again

  60. 10 months ago

    Bro it's just Oblivion with guns... wait, it's not 2008 anymore. I mean, it's just Fallout in space!!! Yeah..

  61. 10 months ago

    How long until CBBE / Fusion Girl mods? Then it will be playable.

    • 10 months ago

      I'd give it a month before CBBE and two before 3BBE/UUNP get fully ported.

  62. 10 months ago

    How long do you think it will be before the actual sex mods start coming out?

    • 10 months ago

      'bout tree-fiddy

    • 10 months ago

      Depends on the animation system they use
      Could see third party tools putting new animations in quickly

      • 10 months ago

        typically animations are somewhat of a bottleneck in bethesda games. skyrim requires nemesis of FNIS to make em work properly. No idea about F4 since it doesn't have as much mod support as skyrim.

        • 10 months ago

          They overhauled their animation system for Starfield

          • 10 months ago

            have not seen any evidence of that yet. it's important to note that quality of the animations in game is irrelevant in this context, as it's about putting hundreds of not thousands of animations into the game.
            Which previously required unique tools and script extenders to do.

            • 10 months ago

              They literally confirmed it
              It required those tools before because it had to run through Havok
              That isn't the case anymore

  63. 10 months ago

    I expect a pretty but relatively mediocre game that will keep me entertained for a while.

  64. 10 months ago

    Not me I haven't watched or read anything about it after the first announcements. All I know is I trust Todd will deliver. It's the game he really wanted to make all this time since the beginning. Now I'll hide this thread too to avoid info

  65. 10 months ago

    >snoys are 'revisiting' no man's sky and singing it's merits

  66. 10 months ago

    Asking honestly, why is the Todd posting and "shilling" Starfield so much more fun than the for other games recently? It's way more fun than the RE4R, FFXVI, BG3, and even TotK ones, but I'm not sure why.

    • 10 months ago

      Toddposting is fun because even if you think his games suck, Todd’s a fun guy.
      He’s one of the few remaining leaders in the games industry who isn’t a total dickbag and just likes making games

    • 10 months ago

      because those other games had the potential to be something good, and BG3 and RE4R arguably were. as for starfield, everybody knows it's going to be betheslop, and you can clearly fricking see that from any piece of promotional material they released. it's funny because the contrast is grotesque

      >sure, now store that information for every space station, asteroid, abandoned ship, space junk, random bodies, shit floating around the ships, satellites, lost cargo and quest items.
      So stuff that gets saved in all their games?
      If you are already able to build giant settlements on a thousands planets how is any of that any more of a challenge to store in the save?
      >no they don't. having a bandit's body stay in the same place (not even same position) for 4h is not the same as having 100000 bandit bodies in different places on the map for the entire playthrough.
      You aren't talking about a blown up space ship that will obviously be removed from the game after a short amount of time like always. You were talking about massive POIs like abandoned ships

      Fricking moron

      >obviously be removed
      if it's removed, how is it persistent. if i drop a cinnamon roll in skyrim it will be gone after 3 in-game days. it's not persistent. it's despawn is just delayed by 3 days. whiterun doesn't disappear though, curious how that works.
      now, abandoned ships are not massive POIs in space. space stations are, and I already explained how they will work, and that they indeed will be persistent to a degree. abandoned spaceships will be nothing more than random events that will disappear after you leave the cell. why. wouldn't. they?

      • 10 months ago

        >if it's removed, how is it persistent
        Because the game can save it for as long as it wants. It isn't any different from any other object that does stay forever, like the items players drop in their houses
        It just doesn't for optimization reasons. That is different from other games were there is no persistence system in place at all
        I have modded Fallout 4 to save bodies for weeks
        >whiterun doesn't disappear though, curious how that works.
        Because Whiterun is a location you fricking moron
        > why. wouldn't. they?
        Why would they?
        What is your evidence an abandoned ship isn't an actual location to explore?

        • 10 months ago

          >Because the game can save it for as long as it wants
          no, if that was the case it wouldn't be made to disappear after 4 hours.
          >it just doesn't for optimisation reasons
          ah, famously redundant, especially for the Xbox Series S
          >mods allow me to do that
          >Whiterun is a location
          yeah, and player settlements are cinnamon rolls. no, wait...
          >evidence for abandoned ships
          I don't have any, but I don't claim that you can't explore them either. what I am saying is that they will be randomly generated, you will be able to enter them, and that they will disappear after you leave the "space" cell. nothing more nothing less. why wouldn't they disappear is more in terms of purpose. it costs resources to have the exact state of the ship saved for the entire playthrough, and there is no reason for the player to return to it after looting, so why should it stay in the world? the easiest and cleanest way to get rid of it would just be to despawn it when leaving the space cell. otherwise, if the cell was persistent you'd just wonder why the spaceship despawned despite being in those same exact coordinates for the previous 4h

      • 10 months ago

        Cinnamon roll got eaten by a wolf
        >why. wouldn't. they?
        Because they said they wouldn't?
        How bout this, the abandoned spaceship is a procedural ship asset with a seed that can be stored as a number, randomly placed at x,y,z in system #whatever and it remembers that position and if you go back to that position it remembers there was a ship with seed# at positon x, y, z

  67. 10 months ago

    Bugs? Unfinished mess?

    • 10 months ago

      >not fallout 4 in space
      >they show off the gameplay
      >it’s literally just fallout 4…in space

      Its not going away. You can cover your ears and repeat the same lines repeatedly but it's not going away. Soon you will see the greatest game ever made, bug free and breathtakingly beautiful. Threads will be going up for years about this masterpiece and you'll sit there playing some garbage game, unsatisfied, knowing that right now others are basking in Todds magnum opus, discovering it's secrets, playing out their cowboy bebop or bobba fett dreams, their interstellar role play, putting in thousands of hours building furnishing and tweaking their outposts and settlements, reliving the stark majesty of dune, the exploration and discovery of star trek, the self reflection of 2001 or the horror of event horizon. In a short time modders will transform this into star wars if that's what you like, the possibilities are endless.
      And you will still be here missing out, convincing yourself with the same old lines and cope that you aren't.

      • 10 months ago
      • 10 months ago

        Threads will be going up for about 3 weeks because its the new fotm. How many Fallout 4 threads pop up here compared to FNV? That's how it's going to be. It's not going to be tortanic or cyberpunk bad, it's just going to be mediocre. We're gonna get a handful of "epic" moments as people frick with the adoring fan or something.

        you're not gonna be playing starfield come christmas. I wish this wasn't the case, but clearly bethesda is incapable of creating any "depth" in their games. My spacefights are gonna be just like yours. maybe you'll have more missiles and I'll have more lasers. Maybe you picked a different spacesuit and I didn't pick the F4 laser rifle copy. Maybe space preston doesnt give me the same outpost to build.

        Ultimately it's just gonna be a prettier Fallout 4.

        • 10 months ago

          What even comes out between starfield and Decmember. Anyways mods

          • 10 months ago

            I looked and the only noticeable releases between Starfield(Sept 6) and Christmas is
            >New Forza
            >Spider-Man 2
            >Super Mario Wonder
            >Alan Wake 2
            >CoD Modern Warfare III

            we can argue about the specific timeline. the point is that Starfield is as deep as a puddle and has zero long-term prospects beyond paid mods.

            I'm not gonna wake up next year and think "hmmm I wonder what Starfield would be like if I had chosen "laser certification rank 3" instead of "shotgun certification rank 2".

            Mods could fix this, but we can be sure Bethesda is gonna take another run at paid mods.

            I don't think there even has been a major gameplay overhaul of Fallout 4 beyond "le gunplay is more like my shooter". Massive downward trend since skyrim in modding.

            • 10 months ago

              >paid mods only
              You baiting or are you genuinely this moronic?

            • 10 months ago

              Cool can you show us your pre release copy?

        • 10 months ago


        • 10 months ago


          • 10 months ago

            true that is what you're doing.

        • 10 months ago

          I looked and the only noticeable releases between Starfield(Sept 6) and Christmas is
          >New Forza
          >Spider-Man 2
          >Super Mario Wonder
          >Alan Wake 2
          >CoD Modern Warfare III

        • 10 months ago


  68. 10 months ago

    2023 has been a good year for vidya, isn't it?

    • 10 months ago

      Starfield and Cyberpunk will either seal the deal or bring it back down to average

    • 10 months ago

      Starfield and TotK alone would have made it great, but we also got Hi-Fi Rush, Gravity Circuit, and Bomb Rush Cyberfunk this year. We're also getting Super Mario Wonder. So yes. This has been one of the better years in gaming in a long time.

      Now get ready to be let down against for the rest of the generation and a few years into the next one.

  69. 10 months ago

    Fallout 4/Skyrim in space?

  70. 10 months ago

    Will Starfield fulfill my itch for the Babylon 5 or Stargate game we never got?

    • 10 months ago

      why would it do that? Are you just going to RP its Stargate while you play another Bethesda Gamebryo?

  71. 10 months ago

    Was hoping to get sth. like this with current gen tech .. not sure it it'll be it though.

  72. 10 months ago

    6 more days space cowboys

  73. 10 months ago

    From the GQ-Magazine Article:
    >Todd Howard, the man responsible for creating several of the most successful RPGs in video game history, has realised that the protagonist’s eyes aren’t working properly. He is demonstrating this to me over dinner –tacos al pastor and sickeningly sweet passionfruit margaritas. He blinks quickly three times. Once slowly. Then, he closes his eyes.
    He sits for a bit, unnervingly still. The waitress definitely just clocked him. He opens them again. “See?”
    >Todd Howard is to gameswhat Tom Cruise is to cinema. He cackles when I suggest this theory to him.Slight, boyishly handsome, sharp-jawed and tousle-haired, he has the look of classical antiquity. As the studio’s leading man since the early noughties, he has become a semi-mythical figure to gamers, who hang off his every word. Now 52 years old, the only real sign of him being flesh and bone are some faint bags under his sea-blue eyes."

    • 10 months ago

      I read the Todd and Cruise similarities and was disappointed they didn’t bring up short stature.

  74. 10 months ago

    Man, I can’t help but feel hyped for this. Shame it won’t run on Steam Deck. I can’t afford to build a new PC right now.

    • 10 months ago

      If it can run on Xbox it can run on Steamdeck.

      • 10 months ago

        I hope so. Guess we’ll have to wait and see. They’ve been pretty tight-lipped about it.

        • 10 months ago

          Probably because Xbox/Microsoft are making their own handheld
          Todd said that it works great on handheld but he dodged mentioning the deck

  75. 10 months ago

    >a few seconds of that star looking space station from the first reveal a couple years ago
    >6 days until release
    fugg bros it's really happening isn't it

  76. 10 months ago

    oh so NOW the shilling starts. a bit late, toddies.

  77. 10 months ago

    I wanna know what this means

    • 10 months ago

      Probably like what the atmosphere and composition of the moon is.

      • 10 months ago

        Oh yeah I guess, I was thinking like player traits lol

  78. 10 months ago

    Todd has created the unthinkable.. The first game ever creaed with not one single bug. I kneel.

  79. 10 months ago

    Starfield is too big

  80. 10 months ago

    My ship will be a giant cube and I will be spreading the good word of Allah throughout the entire galaxy.
    Any women on board will be covered at all times and men will have full beards, insubordination or haram activities will be punished with being stoned to death on a designated stoning moon

    • 10 months ago

      why would you keep men on your harem ship?

      • 10 months ago

        For the bussy of course

    • 10 months ago

      Based. I'm going to join the Sanctum Imperium and purge xenos, heretics (the enlightened atheists) and chaos (snake cult)

    • 10 months ago

      I will have a casual nudity ship full of human and alien futas
      Maybe some femboys too

    • 10 months ago

      >make a ship shaped like rubbing hands israelite
      >go around the universe dropping blacks off on every planet
      >tax everyone and everything
      >hoard gold on my home planet and remind the galaxy 6 million of my people died in world War 6

      • 10 months ago

        Comedy isn't for you, anon

    • 10 months ago

      >my ship will be a giant cube
      Cool, a fellow Borg appreciator
      >...and I will be spreading the good word of Allah throughoug the entire galaxy

  81. 10 months ago

    >believing Todd Howard in 2023
    its like you bethesdrones have a humiliation fetish. You let Bethesda pull shit constantly while you s0iface over their shitty games. Starfield will be a bug filled mess on launch like every other piece of betheslop

  82. 10 months ago

    Elite Dangerous sisters how are we coping right now?

    • 10 months ago

      Better than the Gaybar Citizens. At least Elite Dangerous released.

    • 10 months ago

      >idiots really think this game is anything like Elite dangerous
      The threads crying about how bad Starfield is are going to be amazing.

  83. 10 months ago

    So everybody in this thread had been ignoring the leeks from what i can tell.
    Like you anons learned nothing from 76.

    • 10 months ago

      good morning sir

      • 10 months ago

        If todd can lie as hard as i can shit in the street then this game is going to be a turd as big as cyberpunk 2077

  84. 10 months ago

    It better have something on the level of Space Engine.

  85. 10 months ago

    >Americans think they'll go to space in the future
    Has to be the funniest shit

    • 10 months ago

      They go to space constantly, you can watch twitch streams of them going to space even. It's not a big deal any more.

  86. 10 months ago

    i have had a baby-tier easy work from home job for years that affords me limitless free time. I now have to get a real job, so next month will be the first time since I was in school that I experience not having enough time to play a game

  87. 10 months ago

    Fallout 4 but worse?

  88. 10 months ago

    >newbies dont understand that the toddgays were being ironic
    >oldgays dont understand that the newbie toddgays aren’t being ironic

    an endless cycle

    • 10 months ago

      For every 2 todd trolls there is at least one that believes todd's lies.

      • 10 months ago

        Todd has literally never lied

        • 10 months ago

          show me hard proof of todd talking in his early years of his carreer about creating a space game.

          • 10 months ago


            • 10 months ago

              you talk about todd not telling lies but you dont even know about the biggest lie around starfield?

              • 10 months ago

                Todd has literally never lied, and I'm not lying now. Its gonna be great.

              • 10 months ago

                todd told me in a dream that he can get spears and ladders in to skyrim.

              • 10 months ago

                ladders? come on man, that is asking too much.

          • 10 months ago

            holy shit c**t get a life lmao

            • 10 months ago

              still no proof.

              • 10 months ago

                Show me proof you don't have a wiener in your ass right now. What, you can't? Damn. What does that mean then?

              • 10 months ago

                i in fact have a massive penis in my ass, and your still the biggest homosexual in this thread.

              • 10 months ago

                Is that so? You certainly seem to be an expert

          • 10 months ago

            Here you go.

    • 10 months ago

      Todd was always loved here you homosexual

      • 10 months ago

        >Todd was always loved
        newbie detected

        • 10 months ago

          Yes he was

          • 10 months ago

            He always was. Only a schizos believed he lied by making things up in their heads that were never promised

            newbies outing themselves

        • 10 months ago

          He always was. Only a schizos believed he lied by making things up in their heads that were never promised

  89. 10 months ago

    >bethesdrones have to pretend that Fallout 4 is good just because they know Starfield is exactly the same shit game.

    • 10 months ago

      Thats cool except for the part where its only true inside Snoy headcanon kek

      • 10 months ago

        There is not a single redeeming quality about Fallout 4

        • 10 months ago

          Sold 20 million. It’s the best selling fallout game. Has the best gameplay of them all

          • 10 months ago

            >Has the best gameplay of them all
            Morrowind is better. Still waiting.

            • 10 months ago

              I didn’t know morrowind was a fallout game but yeah the gameplay in FO4 feels better and is more fun

              • 10 months ago

                Oh, then fallout 2 has better gameplay.

              • 10 months ago

                Fallout 2 is not a Fallout(tm) game. It's a Fallout game.

              • 10 months ago

                Fallout 4 is better. Better difficulty curve and better enemy designs and encounters

              • 10 months ago

                are you todd?
                Because you can lie as good.

              • 10 months ago

                No I just played those games unlike you or lost of Ganker. 2s story is actually worse than 4 as well

              • 10 months ago

                They're not even in the same genre dipshit. Fallout 2 is a top down tactical/rpg and is made by Black Isle Studios.

              • 10 months ago

                They’re the same series and enemy and encounter design are elements in any game with combat. So is writing

              • 10 months ago

                Bethesda looked around and grabbed the Fallout name to put to their morrow-shooter and leaned into the property. But that doesn't make it a fricking Fallout game.

              • 10 months ago

                They made a better game

              • 10 months ago

                Morrowind is Fallout with swords. Fallout is Morrowind with guns. You are my b***h, now.

        • 10 months ago

          You really are kinda slow aren't you? I'm saying nobody is pretending Fallout 4 is good, dumbfrick. Learn to read

  90. 10 months ago

    an utterly mid game with tech that was outdated a decade ago. just like every game they've made for the last decade and a half

  91. 10 months ago

    just want a r2d2 mod so I can travel round space with my little homey getting in adventures and shit brehs

    • 10 months ago

      by the looks of how the skyrim mods went you will have perfect modeled anuses before you bet r2d2.

  92. 10 months ago

    Are you guys waiting for the "fall of Starfield" video?

    • 10 months ago

      Do zoomies even play games or do they just watch an e-celeb’s video on it

  93. 10 months ago

    >work called and cut my hours
    >they think I'll be mad
    >I'm happy because more time to Starfield

    • 10 months ago

      I rather work.

      • 10 months ago


  94. 10 months ago

    >Can people even fathom what they are about to experience?
    Oblivion in space.

    • 10 months ago

      man I fricking wish

      this is just Jet Force Gemini with a shitty stealth system and no dismemberment system

  95. 10 months ago

    Was the footage they showed at Gamescom exclusive to the people that went?
    Are they gonna release online later?
    I can't find it anywhere.

    • 10 months ago

      leak footage is showing up left and right but they are working hard to take it down.

    • 10 months ago

      just look at the tyrone leaks, same first 40 minutes

  96. 10 months ago

    I seriously don't get how anyone looks at this game and sees any resemblance to oblivion, morrowind or skyrim. Its not just the aesthetic of being in space, its the mechanics. Its a 3rd person shooter where you duck behind walls, enemies shoot hitscan guns at you, you shoot back with hitscan guns, you reload, theres squad tactics and chest high walls and a jetpack and shit like that

    plenty in common with fallout 76
    plenty in common with every open world shooter of the past decade
    nothing in common with skyrim

    • 10 months ago

      It’s first person or third person RPG shoot and loot with space travel and 1000 planets to frick around in. Throw in some Bethesda quirks in there like their formulaic but effective event scheduling Radiant system that gives you something to do every 5 minutiae so you don’t get bored

      • 10 months ago

        Every 5 minutes*

    • 10 months ago

      It’s still using the creation engine. So the comparisons for it, however slim, are going to be based on day 1 bugs. Here’s hoping the spaceship or NPCs don’t immediately die in the opening act Day 1.

      • 10 months ago

        It’s using CE2. CE going 64bit and overhauling the lighting and improving rendering, and adding preloaded cels for FO 4 wasn’t enough for them to change the engines name but the changes for Starfield were. Curious to see if they touched up and revamped some of the core Gamebryo modules they had to keep in tact while stripping the engine down

        • 10 months ago

          More Marketing than reality I imagine. Watching those fricking space miners do their 5 second laser loop in the background was the proof. It's the same fricking shit. This time, without a main story to really grab you, apparently it doesn't even begin until you finish with it.

          • 10 months ago

            >she thinks an animation loop has to do with game engines

  97. 10 months ago

    If i’m about to experience a mouthful of soulless troonycore goyslop then yeah

  98. 10 months ago

    >You are to be modded to PLANET OF prostituteS, where no man has ever set forth!

  99. 10 months ago

    Jews are right about filthy, gullible, stupid, idiotic, brain dead, drooling gentiles and everything surrounding starfield is a proof of it.

    • 10 months ago


      • 10 months ago

        Pissed mongrel goy consoomer is pissed

  100. 10 months ago

    I hope you realise you've completely put me off the game. That's $60 Todd won't be receiving

  101. 10 months ago

    ? Baldur's Gate 3 already blew it out of the water.

  102. 10 months ago

    Starfield has no moment. Morrowind did, walking out of the dock and being floored by freedom (it looks quaint now but games didn't do what it did). Oblivion did it, coming out of the dungeon the first time. Fallout did it, coming out of the vault.

    Starfield hasn't demonstrated it's freedom moment. Because it has none. It's theoretically a cumulative one as you make it to your 5th planet and interact with systems/characters. So it's not like there isn't hope for the game.

    But people pretending everything is A/OK with Starfield are blind. This game is lacking the thrust that makes Bethesda games special and was always evident before the game's released.

    • 10 months ago

      Show review copy

    • 10 months ago

      >If I don't see it before release it isn't in there
      Fricking moron logic kek

    • 10 months ago

      Todd literally mention it having 2 in the game

      • 10 months ago

        And maybe I'm disillusioned from other space games doing it better. But the one's I've seen, going to space and being able to go anywhere, and seeing one planet from another and being able to go there, didn't strike me as amazing as the momets I mentioned in my post.

  103. 10 months ago

    Here are a few reasons I dont really care for starfield
    1. Copy of NMS
    2. Probably no SteamDeck support
    3. Too expensive
    4. What gameplay I've seen was boring mix of stuff already found in other games
    5. Probably overhyped
    6. Probably buggy

  104. 10 months ago

    >No new IP

  105. 10 months ago

    Are there mountains to see and climb?

  106. 10 months ago


    • 10 months ago

      So like real life? Only planets in the goldilocks zone of a star system have the possibility of life? 10% seems accurate and realistic.

    • 10 months ago

      frick yuo af

  107. 10 months ago

    It's funny how there are people on Ganker that are pretending that Fallout 4 was good

    • 10 months ago

      My zoomer kids play it however heavily modded. I had to get 6800xts over a year ago. Fkin kids pricey AF.

  108. 10 months ago

    I will kill myself it it's like fallout 4

  109. 10 months ago

    Yes, very easily.

    >People still haven't learned from hypetrains being bullshit after Nu Male's Sky

    You know this whole goyim thing is starting to make a lot of fricking sense.

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