>Starfield bombs. >Does lower numbers than Fallout 4. >Will Shen left. >Pete Hines "retired"

>Starfield bombs
>Does lower numbers than Fallout 4
>Will Shen left
>Pete Hines "retired"
>Kurt Khulman left

Has Microsoft ruined yet another studio...

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  1. 6 months ago

    bethesda ruined themselves

    • 6 months ago

      this, if anything microsoft tried to salvage it

    • 6 months ago

      >Rare ruined themselves
      >Lionhead ruined themselves
      >Arkane ruined themselves

      xbots say this everytime. At some point, the common factor should be blamed.

      • 6 months ago

        that all losers get acquired by a big company in the end for their IP's?

    • 6 months ago

      this, if anything microsoft tried to salvage it

      Shitesda has been terrible for over 15 years.

      Microsoft is the only thing that can save Bethesda by demanding they clean house and get some people who actually give a frick.

      Full microsoft defense brigade comes out in 5 minutes

      • 6 months ago

        >Rare ruined themselves
        >Lionhead ruined themselves
        >Arkane ruined themselves

        xbots say this everytime. At some point, the common factor should be blamed.

        No, they died when they released Fallout 3.

        • 6 months ago

          This, but Oblivion instead. That was the time when they were trying to push paid mods.

  2. 6 months ago

    Shitesda has been terrible for over 15 years.

  3. 6 months ago

    Microsoft is the only thing that can save Bethesda by demanding they clean house and get some people who actually give a frick.

    • 6 months ago

      It's Bethesda fault. But Microsoft can't fix them, evil can't create only corrupt. Microsoft has anti Midas touch. See what happened with the Skype.

  4. 6 months ago

    Tbf they way Bethesda has been acting they are acting like we are stupid and they know everything they learned nothing from FO4 besides combat could be improved not the story or the quests but the shooting and base building

    • 6 months ago

      Keep in mind the absolute hack of a main writer literally wrote a Twitter rant about he we are missing le point

    • 6 months ago

      Keep in mind the absolute hack of a main writer literally wrote a Twitter rant about he we are missing le point

      Bugthesda is filled with egotistical people who as many said can't accept that FNV despite it being the troony game literally had better story and writing then anything they produced since Morrowind

      • 6 months ago

        Tbf she should her writing is shit who thought the main quest was captivating I get its cool le NG+ is cannon but overall it's shit the only half interesting one was the crimson fleet but that's becasue their are decisions that feel like they matter

        Lmao what a pussy

      • 6 months ago

        Tbf she should her writing is shit who thought the main quest was captivating I get its cool le NG+ is cannon but overall it's shit the only half interesting one was the crimson fleet but that's becasue their are decisions that feel like they matter

  5. 6 months ago

    >Emil suffered a mental breakdown

    • 6 months ago

      Tbf she should her writing is shit who thought the main quest was captivating I get its cool le NG+ is cannon but overall it's shit the only half interesting one was the crimson fleet but that's becasue their are decisions that feel like they matter

      • 6 months ago

        Bugthesda is filled with egotistical people who as many said can't accept that FNV despite it being the troony game literally had better story and writing then anything they produced since Morrowind

        Nobody cares how hard someone worked. It's a simple truth. People want results, not sentiments.

  6. 6 months ago

    Call of Duty will finally die now. Thanks, Microsoft.

  7. 6 months ago

    microsoft doesn't manage their studios at all because modern media executives are all cowards who get promoted essentially at random

  8. 6 months ago

    I don't blame Microsoft for Starfield. Todd didn't need any help fricking that project up.
    All those Bethesda and Activision teams are dead men walking though. Phil Spencer is incapable of recognizing dev talent and good games.
    9 years in charge and 2 console generations and Microsoft is in worse shape then ever. Both Sony and Nintendo were able to escape death spirals for their failed consoles and turn it around.

  9. 6 months ago

    >Consoles hold back gaming an entire decade

    • 6 months ago

      >graphics are gaming
      nvidia employee alert

      • 6 months ago

        >the only difference is graphics
        consolebab alert

  10. 6 months ago

    It'd be hilarious if Bethesda and the rest of the studios under the Zenimax umbrella all die under Microsoft. Might be enough to end the xbots once and for all, allah willing.

  11. 6 months ago

    >Microsoft is killing all these studios because... because they give them TOO MUCH freedom, too lenient deadlines and higher ups don't meddle enough with their creative process!

    It's kind of funny to see the same crowd that used to blame Activision and EA for ruining studios due to their excessive corporate meddling and forcing release dates before the game is finished now blame Microsoft for being literally the perfect hands-off publisher they always pretended they wanted.

    • 6 months ago

      Nothing Microsoft ever does will be good according to a certain fanbase on Ganker even if they are the "ideal hands off publisher". Reports on the fallout on Redfall was that Microsoft didn't want to touch that project because it was the project Arkane Austin management wanted to make, even if the rank and file weren't happy with it and MS didn't want to be going in and telling Bethesda how to run their publishing arm unless they had to. Reportedly the only thing MS wanted on Redfall for Arkane to dial back the live service elements because MS felt they didn't need them and thought 4-player Co-Op Imsim Far Cry was a good enough pull. The project was a disaster but the whole thing was flawed at conception and MS didn't want to take a hatchet to it. They'll learn from that and they already have reportedly restructured Bethesda to now report to a different management team instead of just reporting to Phil to prevent another Redfall.

      Also over the last few years it's reported that Sony's really hands on and demanding of certain formulas for their games like Ubisoft does. So we have the contrarian take that "If Sony does excessive corporate meddling, it's good" these days

  12. 6 months ago

    starfield did better than 76

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