Starfield Hate

This is what I expect happens with Starfield hate
>people hate it intensely for a few months because shitting on a game brings clicks
>the agitators in the community move on to something else and people suddently go "it's fixed now"
The same thing happened with Cyberpunk, now it's actually considered a great game. It even happened with Fallout 76, a game that was relentlessly shat on for a much longer and much harder than Cyberpunk.

I think it's pretty obvious, but the "hate cycle" for this game will be tiny compared to Cyberpunk or Fallout 76. If BGS can "fix" 76 and turn its public perception completely upside down then it will be a trivial matter to do the same with Starfield, where they have a much, much easier job ahead. My prediction is that the narrative flips once the Creation Kit+first DLC+big update comes out.

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  1. 9 months ago

    Gamers are the most moronic kind of consumer.

    >mediocre game comes out
    >hurr hurr worst game ever
    >nooo its a masterpiece you're just too dumb to see it

    But they all still buy this shit.

    • 9 months ago

      Gaming is inherently Degen. People act like it’s pushing humanity forward but it’s actually just a bunch of Degens who used tech by actual computer scientists to make a sleezy profit

    • 9 months ago

      Steam numbers prove that nobody bought starfield.
      Even morons learned to not fall for todds lies

      • 9 months ago

        Starfield peaked at 330k so your image is lying

        • 9 months ago

          still well below FO4

          • 9 months ago

            Fo4 didn’t release simultaneously on gamepass

            • 9 months ago

              Is that what rajeeshi shills are coping with?

              • 9 months ago

                Why would snoyjeets be coping?

              • 9 months ago

                Idk because they are paid to be marketers for microsoft?
                No rupees from (you) btw

              • 9 months ago

                Because they're feral Black folk?

              • 9 months ago


        • 9 months ago

          its lower cuz a lot of people refunded it
          serves the moronic devs right for trying to charge $130 for it
          it mightve done better if it was $30 on release, cuz with how fricking trash it is it's not really worth more than that

          might give it a look 5 years from now when its $10 on a steam sale and its been optimized

  2. 9 months ago

    this isn't happening because people have seen the light with the help of BG3. we know what good games are now. so thank frick for Larian setting the standard for at least another decade to come -- until they come out with their next genre-defining hit of course.

    • 9 months ago

      larian games have no staying power, nobody talks about dos1/2 anymore it's literally just people starved for RPGs, and bethesda games aren't really RPGs they're bethesda games

      • 9 months ago

        and yet they were still the most played crpgs on steam before BG3 came out and completely smashed all records

    • 9 months ago

      Anyone that wasn't a moron, a zoomer or the most casual of normie's already knew what a good game is you idiot

    • 9 months ago

      CRPG's are shit. Why are you comparing it anyway? It's a completely different type of vidya.

    • 9 months ago

      This shill post is so transparent it's humorous

    • 9 months ago

      anon BG3 isnt even the best Baldurs Gate, not to mention the best crpg.
      if anything, larian showed how NOT TO make RPG's.

      if not for the sex baiting, nobody would ever care about it, and since sex is the only thing it has to offer, everybody forgot about the game a week after it was released, nobody talks about it anymore.

    • 9 months ago

      Bg3 is also shit. People like it cause you frick the frog. Actually its a 10/10 specifically because you can marry the cute frog. My wife laezel is so cute.
      Shit game. Very underdesigned and unfinished. But not my frogwife. She's literally perfect.

    • 9 months ago

      Larian games are ass

  3. 9 months ago

    I think the difference is cyberpunk is actually fixed now and the fixes were mostly bugs. Starfield has massive gameplay flaws that cannot be fixed without a sequel

    • 9 months ago

      Such as?

      • 9 months ago

        It has a boring gameplay loop. Looting and inventory management is the worst it has ever been in a bethesda game. Outposts are pointless. The companions are not memorable. I challenge you to name one npc you like in starfield that isn't a companion. The POIs are a fricking joke. Exploration is lacking comoared to previous bethesda games. That's just off the top of my head

        this was the exact narrative that cyberpunk has flaws that cannot be fixed, i still remember people saying it so i think it really holds no water ,especially cause bgs games aren't as strictly defined as something like cyberpunk is

        Literally 99% of cyberpunks complaints on launch were the glitches. Nobody thought they wouldn't patch those.

        this was the exact same narrative about cyberpunk, it really should be obvious that it's just a desperate attempt to discredit bethesda now that the normalgay masses are all gathered around and listening to the ragebaiters, thing is it will not last since the normalgays eventually get bored and realize it's not as bad a game as they've been told, just like with cyberpunk

        I've been playing bethesda games since morrowind you zoomer homosexual. This is why I have higher standards than you I guess

        • 9 months ago

          >Literally 99% of cyberpunks complaints on launch were the glitches.

          >Cyberpunk 2077’s Problems Go Much Deeper Than Bugs
          this was the EXACT narrative used against the game, don't try to revise history

          • 9 months ago

            >it's just one israelitetuber
            literally go back. it was all just glitches.

            • 9 months ago

              And the soulless NPCS, AI, Police chases, lack of consequence, shitty intro, backrounds didn't mean shit
              Frick off you lying c**t they literally just had to overhaul all the systems

        • 9 months ago

          Imogene, Hadrian, Kaiser, the gameplay loop (gay term btw) is whatever you make of the content like in all BGS games, exploration is better than Skyrim POIs can be added freely and their concentration can even be adjusted with an ini edit

          • 9 months ago

            >exploration is better than Skyrim
            No the frick it's not kek. In skyrim there's a dozen things between point A and point B. In starfield it's literally rocks to mine and animals in-between POI's that you've seen 10 times already. There's no variables going on when I go from the cave to the miners outpost, literally nothing.

            • 9 months ago

              More unique content than Skyrim and better scale and random events do happen when going from point A to B

        • 9 months ago

          From my current 30~hour playthrough I've done 2 faction quests and I do find the NPC's memorable. Ularu, Vae Victus and Delgado come to mind. For Cyberpunk all I remember is Judy and Adam Smasher and that black girl in the wasteland area.

        • 9 months ago

          You what?
          Glitches got the most attention because of how funny they were, but the real meat of the criticism was the fact it was utterly gutted from what was originally promised.
          Weeaboos who jumped on the bandwagon due to the anime don’t care about this, which is why they don’t care in the slightest that the performance issues have been fixed and they’ve added better QoL and polish to the existing gameplay. Hell they probably don’t even know what it was originally supposed to be.

          I have absolutely no doubt that in years to come, some half assed “repair” work will have morons calling it a fixed masterpiece too.
          NMS and its consequences have been a disaster for video games

          • 9 months ago

            The 2077 had features stripped from it that were promised less than a year before. It was pretty bad how they were overselling it

    • 9 months ago

      this was the exact narrative that cyberpunk has flaws that cannot be fixed, i still remember people saying it so i think it really holds no water ,especially cause bgs games aren't as strictly defined as something like cyberpunk is

      • 9 months ago

        difference is nobody with a brain likes Bethesda and the game feels so incredibly dated that no one will defend this at all. no wonder Starfield skews towards "older" because the brain does rot away the older you get

        • 9 months ago

          this was the exact same narrative about cyberpunk, it really should be obvious that it's just a desperate attempt to discredit bethesda now that the normalgay masses are all gathered around and listening to the ragebaiters, thing is it will not last since the normalgays eventually get bored and realize it's not as bad a game as they've been told, just like with cyberpunk

          • 9 months ago

            Cyberpunk is cool and has plenty of redeeming factors. and let's not forget the huge anime boost. what does Starfield have? nothing.

            Trump is gonna win. BG3 is gonna be GOTY. Biden, Starfield and Todd all go bye-bye

            • 9 months ago

              >Muh anime
              Frick off and get some standards weeb

          • 9 months ago

            >Literally 99% of cyberpunks complaints on launch were the glitches.

            >Cyberpunk 2077’s Problems Go Much Deeper Than Bugs
            this was the EXACT narrative used against the game, don't try to revise history

            Everybody talked about the glitches because that's all they seen and had to quit 30 minutes in to get a refund. Why is that something you are defending?
            Anyone that got pass the glitches discovered how rushed and lacking everything was

      • 9 months ago

        All the game needs is more content, survival difficulty and to fix outposts. They said the game was made to be supported for a long time which probably means Microsoft is putting devs into the content or dlc mines to sell gamespass

      • 9 months ago

        Yup, the NPCS, AI, Police chases, lack of consequence, I could go on and on, anyone that was actually alive when the game released knows this

    • 9 months ago

      >I think the difference is cyberpunk is actually fixed now

    • 9 months ago

      >cyberpunk is actually fixed now

      you still
      cannot even choose lifepaths

      you still
      cannot even ditch keanu


  4. 9 months ago

    Nah, really don't think so.
    Starfield is a Beteshda game bringing all the problems that come with that title with none of the strengths. There is no fixing Starfield, its small fanbase will continue to love it but people will forget about it completely in a few months.
    It's a game running on an outdated engine, filled with bland, safe, low effort content. No nude mod or high res texture can help with that.

    • 9 months ago

      >There is no fixing Starfield
      they literally fixed fallout 76, a game that invented the "ragetuber" profession on youtube

      • 9 months ago

        Did they? Or did they just fix the bugs and were praised by the few remaining hardcore autists of their fanbase for making a basically okay game.
        Cyberpunk is pretty much the same, I liked the game but none of its real issues have been fixed apart from the bugs. Cyberpunk is a good game on its own though, that's why it's enough for a lot of people.
        Starfield isn't a buggy mess. It's just bland, uninspired and fundamentally unable to do what it promises to the player. Nothing can fix that.

        • 9 months ago

          >Starfield isn't a buggy mess. It's just bland, uninspired and fundamentally unable to do what it promises to the player. Nothing can fix that.
          so its the exact same narrative as with cybeprunk 3 years ago? see

          >Literally 99% of cyberpunks complaints on launch were the glitches.

          >Cyberpunk 2077’s Problems Go Much Deeper Than Bugs
          this was the EXACT narrative used against the game, don't try to revise history

          • 9 months ago

            >this random youtube gay means this was the general consensus
            Fricking zoomer kys please

  5. 9 months ago

    It's all thirdoworlders, anon. People who can be safely ignored because they're too poor to rush texas for gibs (which will all be undone by Trump 2024 lmao)

    • 9 months ago

      Trump lost, haha

  6. 9 months ago

    Cyberpunk actually had patches and updates to fix itself, it's not a hate cycle when something actually happens that changes the quality of a game. Similarly nobody considers 76 a good game, they're just pointing out that Starfield is now rated lower than it.

    • 9 months ago

      76 started off at 13% positive and is not mostly positive. Star field is at most my positive with many of the negatives being performance issues. The most popular GPU among steam users are the 1060, 2060 and 3060 cards and the game doesn’t have DLSS which they are now working on adding

      • 9 months ago

        76 also has a bunch of updates behind it, I haven't followed it because it never interested me, but if they fixed their issues then good on them too. The majority of complaints on Starfield aren't performance related, they're how shit the story is, how bland the world is, how repetitive the proc gen planet "content" is. Read a dozen threads and you wont see anyone talking about their favorite companion or quest or interesting area they found or anything, because it is all so fricking boring. Nobody even talks character or ship builds (beyond aesthetics) because even that's useless in game and pointless to engage or discuss.

        • 9 months ago

          >Read a dozen threads and you wont see anyone talking about their favorite companion or quest or interesting area they found or anything, because it is all so fricking boring.
          on /vg/ people do that all the time though, the only games that get good faith discussion on Ganker are non mainstream games, and most people with intelligent takes have long since left the board

          • 9 months ago

            this place still exists? holy shit thanks. new place to troll the Startrannies

    • 9 months ago

      Hate cycle means they hate every game at release, wait till its fixed then act like it was always good so they can double dip their content and milk the game twice

  7. 9 months ago


  8. 9 months ago

    >My prediction is that the narrative flips once the Creation Kit+first DLC+big update comes out.
    There's way too much work to fix Starfield in its current state, the DLC couldn't fix it either, and then it's critically lacking some worthwhile game loop that could keep you hooked.

    Besides the quests, this game has nothing to offer, and it doesn't have that much good quests, let alone quests at all, aside from radiant trash which is meant to engage you in the same trash activities.

    • 9 months ago

      i agree they have a lot of work ahead of them ,but todd has claimed they'll support the game for years. all the building blocks are in place, now it just needs to start the actual building for those systems that keep you engaged.

      imo, the aesthetic of landing on a planet to look for new shit that the algos plop out is one of its stronger points, it just needs "more" of the actual stuff to plop out, and also some minor overhauls like vendor economies and outpost fixes etc, but those are fairly easy to fix

  9. 9 months ago

    >vocal haters are convincing uninterested gamers that their disinterest is valid
    >meanwhile interested gamers are enjoying their time with the game
    it is insane how much you fricks let games you will never want to play live rent free in your heads

    • 9 months ago

      In a way it's pretty funny how everyone gets a chance to enjoy a game their own way.

  10. 9 months ago

    No Man's Sky won

  11. 9 months ago

    Bethesda lost, Microsoft lost, and Gamers won. It's really that simple.

  12. 9 months ago

    i dont like starfield because the world sucks. the constant fast travelling shrinks the marketed "huge universe" into a medium sized schizophrenic map connected with million loading screens. it's like if you took skyrims map and whenever you move 100 yards youre teleported to another random part of the map.

  13. 9 months ago

    You fell for marketing tricks + survivorship bias
    Only hardcore shit eat... I mean fans stick with obviously bad games

  14. 9 months ago

    >same thing happened with Cyberpunk, now it's actually considered a great game
    stoped reading after this. try better next time

  15. 9 months ago

    We have not yet had the Youtuber essay that completely shits on the game.

    Any bets on who does it first?

    They usually get parroted.

    If someone wants to be cheeky they will praise the game kek.

    • 9 months ago

      Worth a buy did one. He fricking hated it.

      • 9 months ago

        What did he hate about it?

        • 9 months ago

          his little peanut brain couldn’t comprehend the skills system

          • 9 months ago

            Kek it’s pretty basic and easy to figure out

          • 9 months ago

            What's even there to comprehend? It's extremely barebones.

            • 9 months ago

              He says it’s abusive or whatever. I don’t think he even played it that long

        • 9 months ago


    • 9 months ago

      Asmongold hates it. Charlie is meh about it. Wait for Angry Joe, he's about to rip a new one in Starfield. He's been trying to play the game but with no improvements in his initial impressions. In fact he says it seems to have grown worse and he has nothing but contempt for the game. So it's only a matter of time.

      • 9 months ago

        Asmongloid and perturbed Pedro hating it makes me like it more.

      • 9 months ago

        this is the weird loser that’s been spamming asmongold clips and other such nonsense in the Starfield thread on /vg/ for weeks, I can’t imagine being this much of a mind broken obsessed freak

        What's even there to comprehend? It's extremely barebones.

        Kek it’s pretty basic and easy to figure out

        Mack is a very moronic boomer

        • 9 months ago

          He's right about Starfield though.

          • 9 months ago

            i know it brings you absolute physical pain to know that Starfield has been the most successful Bethesda release ever

            • 9 months ago

              It's not though. It feels like a game that should've released 15 years ago.
              >i know it brings you absolute physical pain
              Not really. I'm just mildly disappointed with how bland it is but on the other hand I'm glad I didn't waste any money and pirated it.

        • 9 months ago

          i know it's probably really difficult for your little peabrain to comprehend but people can have similar thoughts on these things. and whoever that schizo is, he's a real hero. but his typing style is obviously very different from mine.

          • 9 months ago

            it’s literally you, since you’re the only homosexual on this website that gives a frick about what asmongold thinks

            It's not though. It feels like a game that should've released 15 years ago.
            >i know it brings you absolute physical pain
            Not really. I'm just mildly disappointed with how bland it is but on the other hand I'm glad I didn't waste any money and pirated it.

            cope, it’s Bethesda’s most successful release yet and it makes you seethe

      • 9 months ago

        none of those are "respectable" ecelebs Gankertards parrot, those are people like that fallout3 is garbage guy, crowbat, mattmatosis and synthetic man

  16. 9 months ago

    I dont like it because the stories are boring.

    The faction quests are ALL legitimately shit.

  17. 9 months ago

    >It even happened with Fallout 76

    but it is still shit or is Fallout 76 good now?
    I have game pass, I see they are shitting out new stuff for it in order to fix it but I can not be bothered to even play it "for free". Heck many stores gave it away for free and no one wanted it.

    So is it good now?

  18. 9 months ago

    What stopped me dead in my tracks with it is the sheer number of essential npc's. I very quickly learned that I couldn't cease all the unlikable c**t npc's the moment they opened their shittily voiced frickholes and it sapped all my interest in continuing the game. Also lack of ship part variety, no interior customization, very little cool 'old Earth' items... There's a lot but the NPC thing is the biggest for me.

  19. 9 months ago

    Disagree. Cyberpunk was glitchy, but fun to play when it released. Starfield just feels like a chore.

    • 9 months ago

      I'm having way more fun with starfield then I ever did with cyberpunk
      But I think a big part of that was being misled about the "rpg" parts of cyberpunk, when in reality it was a mostly linear narrative where you chose an ending right at the end and the city has nothing to do in it outside kinda weak quest and kill gang/cyber psychos locations
      Cyberpunk was just boring, the story was boring, the characters were boring, the combat was generic and boring, I really didn't mind the glitches as much as any of these problems

  20. 9 months ago

    I don't believe Cyberpunk, Fallout 76 or No Man's Sky are really "fixed". I think it's just the fanboys who were determined to like the games from the start huffing bucketloads of copium.

    • 9 months ago

      FO76 was something completely different that Cyberpunk or NMS, both of them had giant list of promised content that was nowhere to be seen on release, after almost a decade NMS added a lot of that content but the very core gameplay of that game is shit and the art style is simply repulsive, so yeah it was "fixed" in a sense that it's simply in the state it should be on release, Cyberpunk released without promised content and buggy as frick, they fixed most of the bugs but the content is still nowhere to be seen, so no, it's definitely not "fixed". Meanwhile FO76's main issue was with the servers, everything that could go wrong with online game went wrong, people were losing shit(including access to the game) to "hackers" that could do whatever they wanted even if you technically didn't play online, it wasn't some overpromise or lack of content, the game was simply struggling with technical problems and these are mostly fixed, they also added a lot of content so there is that, is the game good now? No, it's was mid then and it's still mostly mid, so the game never had to be "fixed" but actually fricking fixed, and it was.
      tl;dr FO76 had to be actually fixed and it was, NMS had to be "fixed" and it was, Cyberpunk was never "fixed".

  21. 9 months ago

    yeah i'm sure they'll totally fix starfield

  22. 9 months ago

    Pajeets aren't just ruining software, they are ruining global food by producing subpar seeds growing plants with low nutrition value


  23. 9 months ago

    Sex mods with Todd Howard will save the game

  24. 9 months ago

    >The same thing happened with Cyberpunk
    Stop with this historical revisionism, cyberpunk was disliked because it was a crushing disappointment, e-shills moving onto a different game didn't suddenly make the game good moron, Cyberpunk was always dogshit and I am tired of everyone pretending it was some sort of diamond in the rough when in reality it was a buggy, boring, glitchy, overhyped piece of shit and no amount of le emotional anime is going to change that.

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