

Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

UFOs Are A Psyop Shirt $21.68

Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

  1. 10 months ago

    >cheat ship
    >cheat hullmod
    >cheat weapons
    >anime portrait
    yup, time for you to have a nice day

    • 10 months ago



      Why does Alex hate Sindrian Diktat?

      their purple tyrant, our orange benevolent leader

    • 10 months ago

      Seething USC troony.

      • 9 months ago

        He's right though. Mods are cheating.

    • 9 months ago

      Hey that’s my ship.

      You forgot cheat wings, the 4 rectangles heal armour and hull.

  2. 10 months ago

    Why does Alex hate Sindrian Diktat?

    • 10 months ago

      David the israelite has decided to turn diktat into a vatBlack person caricature to virtue signal the current thing, and Alex the good emigrant has to play along lest his vatBlack person origin is remembered and the game cancelled.

  3. 10 months ago
  4. 9 months ago

    Haven't played 0.96 yet, do I still need to update to Java 8 or have the slowdowns been fixed?

    • 9 months ago

      You still need to update since java8 integration is for the next major update

  5. 9 months ago

    >gay cheat ship
    >gay cheat hullmods
    >shit anime portrait
    Extremely gay edition and there's nothing to discuss.

  6. 9 months ago

    >large ballistic slots
    >large missile slots
    >6 bays
    >built in large pd
    >yet not cucked on OP
    >ballistics integration on top of that
    what kind of drooling moron designed this?

    • 9 months ago

      don't forget the onslaught-tier durability and a salvage gantry just for good measure

  7. 9 months ago



    >roosian sympathizer
    It's bait but you're still moronic.

  8. 9 months ago



    No, I just want to know why Alex hates the Diktat. I don't like Russia one bit.

  9. 9 months ago

    might as well spam "nuke" in console m8

  10. 9 months ago

    Putting together some ships sprites, but wanted to get some opinions before I continue.
    For an oversized cruiser, how many medium mounts would be too many?
    Also, do any of you have a good ratio for number of mounts as acceptable, such as 1 large = 2 mediums = 4 smalls or something along those lines?

    • 9 months ago

      yeah that's the basic ratio

      eagle has six meds, seven smalls, and they're fairly awkward due to typing and placement. aurora is a monster and only has 3 forward-facing mediums, one rear-facing, and 8 smalls

      at the same time the enforcer is a cheap destroyer and has 5 meds - but can't afford to actually fire them

    • 9 months ago

      >how many medium mounts would be too many?
      It really depends. Is it a slow brick, or a fast hit-and-run ship? Does it have smalls/hangars to dedicate to PD, or is it forced to use some of the medums for that? Are those mediums ballistic or energy?
      For a 30 DP line cruiser I would say 6 is the absolute maximum, and it should be light on small slots and have no hangars, so using all 6 for offense is risky.
      For a high-tech, 3 on Aurora is already ungodly.

  11. 9 months ago

    What the frick.

    • 9 months ago

      True form of Omega.

    • 9 months ago

      Oh sick, someone made a MuvLuv mod?

  12. 9 months ago

    Frick there isn't enough nazi ponies to fill out the Diktat.

  13. 9 months ago

    Anyone got Starsector webms? Just me? Okay.

    • 9 months ago

      I now want a missile that's only a bonk with no warhead.
      Maybe I'll do a hackjob and remove the damage from Noah's new missile lol.

      • 9 months ago

        I think Yuri Expedition had something like that

    • 9 months ago
    • 9 months ago
    • 9 months ago

      No webms, I play star sector exclusively to explore every system and build up my colonies. I almost never did any story missions. I don't even visit the core systems other than to sell survey and topographical data.

      • 9 months ago

        This, I also avoid core world cringe as much as possible as I build up my interstellar empire, life on the fringe is comfy

    • 9 months ago

      >aaagh save me ludd

  14. 9 months ago


    • 9 months ago

      Fricking degenerate.
      Why can't you just be a normal rapist, like the rest of us?

  15. 9 months ago

    can anyone help me with this error
    my game starts crashing after a couple of minutes after i started my first colony, i know it has something to do with pirate base generation but is there any way i can fix this?

    • 9 months ago

      yeah update whatever outdated mod you've got causing that problem

      • 9 months ago

        Problem is that all my mods are up-to-date, and none should really interact with the pirate base generation.

    • 9 months ago

      Try looking at any mod that messes with the pirates. It seems like it might be an issue with generating their bases. Kinda like how PAGSM changes the Sindrian Diktat and, if that was bugged, generation of their worlds could cause problems.

  16. 9 months ago

    >check rsdev
    >last update: 1 month ago
    come on man...

  17. 9 months ago

    My main gripe with the game is how static the world is, despite how hard it pretends to be dynamic. Nothing ever happens unless the player makes it happen themselves. Pirate base incursions don't matter. Trade route disruptions don't matter. npc faction conflicts don't matter. The economy system is on tight rails. NPC colonies cheat like a bad RTS game. Colonies will never change hands or be destroyed, barring the rare Pirate shithole producing 2% mkt share ore and d-modded Hounds. It's only been ~100 cycles since the collapse, each major faction has large navies, infrastructure, colonies, and they're doing absolutely nothing with any of it besides slapping tiny pirate raids and having India-Pakistan tier border skirmishes. It's solely up to the player to create change in the sector, and the only way to create change is to do marine raids and destroy shit which will never be rebuilt. So there's never growth, the sector only becomes poorer as time goes on despite all the "trade" and "production" occurring. It's an alright game for 20 hours or so.

    • 9 months ago

      somebody tell this homie about nex.
      currently preparing to take on hegemony, as scum of the sector is being flattened under the mighty will of the Divine Emperor.

      • 9 months ago

        I like the game but currently I'm sitting on a one system 1mil a month profit and taking out other factions has become trivial. And there's no real reason to do much else because most of everything is already optimal.
        There's not enough back and forth to qualify as a well implemented endgame. The limit of battle size is probably why that's the reason (and I know you can hack in more but it does lag).
        The game either needs a better midgame or a real endgame.
        As it stands the optimal thing is to put up your perfect system and work from there with near infinite money. Things like Rapesector, but a lot more in depth would make it a lot more interesting (actually doing things in the galaxy).
        But I doubt this will happen since the writing and lore in the game are utter trash and there's no real sign this will be expanded on beside more pointless loredumps.

      • 9 months ago

        Yeah, I'm aware Nex addresses a lot of my complaints. I'm typically not a user of overhaul mods in general, but maybe I'll try it the next time I get the itch to play.

        • 9 months ago

          >I'm typically not a user of overhaul mods in general
          well you better start being one if you dont want starsector to be boring

      • 9 months ago

        Based and Ohiopilled

        • 9 months ago
      • 9 months ago

        I like the game but currently I'm sitting on a one system 1mil a month profit and taking out other factions has become trivial. And there's no real reason to do much else because most of everything is already optimal.
        There's not enough back and forth to qualify as a well implemented endgame. The limit of battle size is probably why that's the reason (and I know you can hack in more but it does lag).
        The game either needs a better midgame or a real endgame.
        As it stands the optimal thing is to put up your perfect system and work from there with near infinite money. Things like Rapesector, but a lot more in depth would make it a lot more interesting (actually doing things in the galaxy).
        But I doubt this will happen since the writing and lore in the game are utter trash and there's no real sign this will be expanded on beside more pointless loredumps.

        Yeah, I'm aware Nex addresses a lot of my complaints. I'm typically not a user of overhaul mods in general, but maybe I'll try it the next time I get the itch to play.

        This is why some parts of nexerelin should just be vanilla. Had one game where Luddic Church just went berserk from the start and took over, they just conquered planet after planet raiding like vikings on speed and even Legio/Iron shell were smacked around like little girls.

        I really don't believe Nex is a viable alternative to what this anon is talking about. No matter how great Nex is its only just a mod, and if anything nex exposes problems within the core game. Also painting the map doesn't make for a very compelling gameplay when you can't use much strategy beside just dogpiling on stuff. With nex powerlevels become a meme and the ludo narrative dissonance becomes even more jarring. One one hand you have muh collapse on the other the sector is in fact thriving So what is it Alex?

        • 9 months ago

          >ludo narrative dissonance

          • 9 months ago

            >ludd-o narrative dissonance

            Rapesector broke him

            lmao, I respect RS anon even more now

      • 9 months ago

        Yeah, I'm aware Nex addresses a lot of my complaints. I'm typically not a user of overhaul mods in general, but maybe I'll try it the next time I get the itch to play.

        I don't think that Nex offers dynamism quite like many people want it to since it's fundamentally a 4X overhaul with really shitty defaults that forces you to play Nexerelin rather than Starsector.
        The good:
        >sector generation options
        >customizable starts
        >stuff actually happens without you having to do anything
        >settings that make Nexerelin not shit
        >actually makes factions like the Pirates and Path feel more like factions rather than forces of nature that you cannot befriend
        The bad:
        >spy system is garbage
        >diplomacy is FoTM RNG
        >"ground" "combat"
        >extreme AI power creep that's completely lore breaking
        >your faction is just as moronic as everyone else
        >AI faction capitals are all size 7 star fortresses which makes them extremely hard to actually kill off despite taking every other planet and inflicting tens of thousands of attrition points
        >garbage defaults unless you like wasting hours defending against constant invasions
        The ugly:
        >it's a shitty 4X game that you can only edit the settings of in order to play Starsector with it rather than Nexerelin 4X: Conquer the Galaxy today! (featuring Ship Combat from the Starsector:tm: series)
        >extreme feature creep where author refuses to make separate mods for his shitty mod ideas

        Keep in mind that Nexerelin doesn't even touch the economy besides reducing tariffs, has no larger narrative/structure to actually fit any of its features into besides TOTALER KRIEG 4X MAP PAINT.EXE ANARCHY and creates its own set of inconveniences for you to configure away whenever possible.
        In many ways it's the exact opposite of Starsector, a FFA with no story, when people just want Starsector that actually feels like stuff is happening.

    • 9 months ago

      This is why some parts of nexerelin should just be vanilla. Had one game where Luddic Church just went berserk from the start and took over, they just conquered planet after planet raiding like vikings on speed and even Legio/Iron shell were smacked around like little girls.

    • 9 months ago

      Game is unplayed without Nex. Nex has gotten better with factions colonizing now (i think lol). I hope AI colonies actually grow.

      • 9 months ago

        >Game is unplayed without Nex
        fr fr
        You are a literal Black person enslaved by USC propaganda

        • 9 months ago

          seething out of control for no reason at all

          • 9 months ago

            The reason here being you shilling that a fricking MOD made and endorsed by genital mutilation enthusiasts is 100% required in any way to play a fricking game despite the fact its nothing more than shitty bloat

            • 9 months ago

              Why would someone shill a mod that's already the most popular one?

            • 9 months ago

              >Game is unplayed without Nex
              fr fr
              You are a literal Black person enslaved by USC propaganda

              mental illness

    • 9 months ago

      I want the game to be more dynamic too but I actually DON'T want planet/territory changes the way nexrelin does it.

      It honestly should be a pretty big deal if a planet changes ownership. It should be relegated to storyline stuff and not something that happens dynamically. The invasions are one of the things I always disable when playing with nexrelin because it just feels too shallow and uninspired

  18. 9 months ago

    I'm not a big fan of energy weapons.
    one might say I even fricking loathe them

    • 9 months ago

      >not a fan of energy weapons
      What is your problem?
      Long range beams are great support to your main guns, short range energy works great for hit-and-run, pd bursts can quickly vaporize small salvos of missiles and such.

    • 9 months ago

      Take the altagrave pill.

      • 9 months ago

        Love that mech.
        Put a cautious officer in it and order it to escort a capital and you won't have to worry about it getting flanked by frigates.

  19. 9 months ago

    >can't really start playing until I hit level cap and start shitting out tons of story points to upgrade ships

    • 9 months ago

      It took me a while to realize but storypoints are infinite so it's easy to spend them. To the extent that I spend them breaking faction prostitutes.
      As long as you have enough to boost your waystation and port for your first colony you're good. So you can upgrade your logistics vessels and cruiser early.

      • 9 months ago

        Is the 'thistsector' portrait pack on the nexus the same AI enhancement project that some anon was working on here a month or so back?

        I always end up sitting on 20 or more of them after a few hours in, not much to spend them on before getting top ships and especially colonies given the cost of industry improvement increases. Are there any mods that focus on altering this system?

  20. 9 months ago

    You sunnova b***h
    you fricking did it again when the old thread is still at page 8

    you fricking Black person

  21. 9 months ago

    I've burned out
    See you in a year guys

  22. 9 months ago

    I love having my playtime artificially extended by a factor of 2 because I have to move through storm clouds at half speed until I can afford to burn supplies.
    Great feature!

    • 9 months ago

      what the frick are you doing
      just set the course and alt-tab

      • 9 months ago

        Done that, hit the latest annoyance Alex added to prevent people doing that and multiple times I’ve tabbed back in to see My fleet is looping around wasting supplies on a slipstream. A few times I’ve even had my fleet run out of supplies because I left it too long expecting the jump point autopause.

  23. 9 months ago


  24. 9 months ago

    nex is ass

    • 9 months ago

      le contrarian has arrived

      • 9 months ago

        argument by popularity; woman detected

        • 9 months ago
          • 9 months ago



        • 9 months ago

          >if it's popular then it must be bad
          incel detected

          • 9 months ago

            argument by misrepresentation, also known as the strawman fallacy

          • 9 months ago


            • 9 months ago


  25. 9 months ago

    or should i say estrogen-rich individual? i can't keep up with the terminology these days. do you bleed every day, or just monthly?

  26. 9 months ago

    i suppose a troony would take pride in arguing like a moron

  27. 9 months ago

    Reminder that you are morally obligated to kill patrol craft. Taxation is theft.

    • 9 months ago

      free weapons and officers to enslave and sometimes fodder ships to use as objective capturers/tarpits

  28. 9 months ago


    Don't import discord drama.
    Neither of them are in the right. The turk is a subhuman moron, while the malay is a seanig.
    In the words of Norm Macdonald, I think everyone here should be put to death.

  29. 9 months ago

    >find great system on the edge of core worlds
    >3 habitable planets, 2 hot no atmosphere planets
    >domain era comms and sensors
    >no fricking volatiles
    Do I bite the bullet and become Sindrian bawd for fuel?

    • 9 months ago

      Who cares about volatiles. Just set up a small colony at the nearest gas giant you find.

    • 9 months ago

      >bawd for fuel
      You can go for hegemony if you want.

    • 9 months ago

      become a pirate with no settled system instead

  30. 9 months ago

    Why is the only buckbreakers version so fricking low on content when the mega already has a full roster of ship sprites in them?

    Where the frick is the UPDATE?!?!?

    • 9 months ago

      With this color scheme bb could also seamlessly absorb entirety of ngo.

      • 9 months ago

        Nah frick that

        BB is its own thing
        NGO can be a separate thing

        besides BB has the Fortress diable superdreadnaught that an anon made
        now if only it could absorb Dabbled Avionics as well

        • 9 months ago

          can the author of this do buckbreaker skysplitter

          • 9 months ago

            I sure as hell fricking wish
            but I heard he was murdered by trannies

    • 9 months ago

      does someone actuall use this garbage for something other than the hullmod to dab on anime mods?

  31. 9 months ago

    >30 hour save down the drain because the sector spawned without a single remnant nexus
    Very fricking nice. Guess I have to do save file searches every time I start a new game now.

    • 9 months ago

      how the frick is that possible

      • 9 months ago

        You tell me. Didn't know it was a thing either. Every remnant sstem is a green beacon.

        • 9 months ago

          use shit mod, get shit on.

    • 9 months ago

      you may find this useful

      "runcode org.lazywizard.console.Console.showMessage("\nTier 1 Remnant - Destroyed"); for (StarSystemAPI system : Global.getSector().getStarSystems()) {if (system.getTags().contains("theme_remnant_destroyed")) org.lazywizard.console.Console.showMessage(system.getName());}org.lazywizard.console.Console.showMessage("\nTier 2 Remnant - Suppressed"); for (StarSystemAPI system : Global.getSector().getStarSystems()) {if (system.getTags().contains("theme_remnant_suppressed")) org.lazywizard.console.Console.showMessage(system.getName());}org.lazywizard.console.Console.showMessage("\nTier 3 Remnant - Resurgent"); for (StarSystemAPI system : Global.getSector().getStarSystems()) {if (system.getTags().contains("theme_remnant_resurgent")) org.lazywizard.console.Console.showMessage(system.getName());}",

      • 9 months ago

        Will this code steal my personal data?

        • 9 months ago

          it makes mustard gas

  32. 9 months ago

    >new run
    >random start because why not
    >get a munin (from scrapyard armories) and some shit frigates
    >run to TT and buy 2 xyphs from black market
    >overrides, jets, injector, maxed flux and NO weapons. I am speed
    >run circles at zero-flux around anything that turns slower than an eagle, pop reserve deployment, watch it die of cringe
    Xyphos are busted.

    • 9 months ago

      >reserve deployment on ships with more than 1 bay is busted
      fixed it for you

  33. 9 months ago

    >change config to have 8 story points per level
    ahhh finally I can upgrade ships without stress

    • 9 months ago

      Story points are literally infinite, i never fall below 20 in any circumstances, and usually end up with around 50 when starting first colony.
      Also, most builds do not need any smods to begin with, they're only useful if you're minmaxing the frick out of your hounds, which is just not needed most of the time.
      I just don't get you.

  34. 9 months ago

    Iron Shell hullmods crash my fricking game, is there a working version?

    • 9 months ago

      In Discord only

  35. 9 months ago

    >play random sector
    >pirate world spawned in the middle of system that hates pirates
    >constant -30 stability due to raids
    pirates have a hard life

    • 9 months ago

      >pirates have a hard life
      Don't care
      Profits $$$

  36. 9 months ago

    I decided to do a nanoforge inspection on Chicomoztoc and then out of nowhere a stupid killfleet spawned right on top of me.
    What the frickis even that?
    It's last time I'm playing with StarFed installed

    • 9 months ago

      implying you didn't know exactly what was going to happen

    • 9 months ago

      >spawned right on top of me
      no it didnt it spawned half a screen away for you to easily escape

    • 9 months ago

      >stealing the most important device a faction can have
      >surprised they have way to counter one miserable fleet

  37. 9 months ago

    Valhalla Starworks update when

  38. 9 months ago

    How do you control your ship in this game?
    Is it WASD+mouse or is it like an RTS?

    • 9 months ago

      The former.

    • 9 months ago

      Hold shift and aim with mouse pointer where you want ship to point, WASD + QE to move forward, backwards, turn, and strafe

      • 9 months ago

        You can make it a toggle now so you don't need to keep holding shift via the settings

  39. 9 months ago

    What are some good mods with opportunities to earn more Omega guns?
    Not saying they should be infinitely farmable or anythign, just enough to finish IndEvo research projects or maybe actually see a rift torpedo spawn for once.

    • 9 months ago

      high level nex faction bounties spawn tesseracts

      • 9 months ago

        Doesn't have to be nex. Vanilla works too

        • 9 months ago

          the vanilla tesseract bounty is only once per savefile

  40. 9 months ago

    Does unkown skies work on saves without it (I understand the new planets won't spawn, but is it stable)?

  41. 9 months ago

    Anyone tried out that Hiver mod? How is it?

  42. 9 months ago

    Rapesector broke him

    • 9 months ago

      >Being nice to the prisoners
      Omega gay.

    • 9 months ago

      There's nothing wrong with not tolerating evil.
      That said, he shouldn't have ever bothered with that mod to begin with.

  43. 9 months ago

    Is r*pesector in any way worthwhile for someone uninterested in the porn aspect of it? If so, why?

    • 9 months ago

      building for colony growth and some money; consensual handholding and hugging;

    • 9 months ago

      It's literally called rapesector, what the frick do you think?

      • 9 months ago

        >what the frick do you think?
        I was wondering, based on posts like these.




    • 9 months ago

      Underage b&.

      >what the frick do you think?
      I was wondering, based on posts like these.

      More of a commentary on how bare bones the dialogue side of the game is.

    • 9 months ago

      it adds more than just RAPE you know
      it is quite literally the defacto ultimate Officer Dating and Remnant Sex Simulator

  44. 9 months ago

    No sir I don't like it.

    • 9 months ago

      sex with the choco elves

    • 9 months ago

      Is it yours? I am wondering what model was used, since the output is uncannily similar to legios and I don't know if its just ai sameface or what.

      • 9 months ago

        Nah, saw it here:

        I would like to know how to mod, best I can do is edit hammer maps.

        • 9 months ago

          >I would like to know how to mod
          What's stopping you?

          • 9 months ago

            A coherent idea besides "Something with dinosaurs."

            • 9 months ago

              >Space dinosaurs
              You mean KoT? Op as frick but actually fun to play because unlike 90% of mods it actually adds something unique?

        • 9 months ago

          >absolute codelet
          >still able to code
          Unironically, the modding tutorial on the wiki isn’t a bad place to start. As long as you can wrap your head around the fact the game functions on whatever schizo logic animates Alex, you’re good.

          A coherent idea besides "Something with dinosaurs."

          >he doesn’t think space dinosaurs are kino on their own.
          Stop listening to people who don’t know what fun is.

    • 9 months ago

      Unfortunately you can't capture them with rapesector

      • 9 months ago

        but why

        • 9 months ago

          Elves are pure

          • 9 months ago


      • 9 months ago

        I'm gonna become a leaflover
        of the forceful kind.

        • 9 months ago

          but why

          It is our duty to breed not only Auroran females but also the elfs into submission to BHC (big human wiener) to make not only our ancestors of old terra but future generations proud of our accomplishments as we conquer not just the stars but prove our supremacy over the females of this and any other universe, do it not for yourself but for the glory of earth's biological lineage

          • 9 months ago

            Also the male elfs

            • 9 months ago

              Last I checked all male portraits of their faction looked like robots

              • 9 months ago

                They must be hidden in the female's basements then

      • 9 months ago

        >lying on the internet
        How DARE you

  45. 9 months ago

  46. 9 months ago

    They say Rapesector is superior to take no prisoners. Someone sell me on it please.

    >does it add in overpowered stuff, which ruins balance?
    >does it conflict with other mods (for the record I'm not using anything from thedragn, nia or boggled)
    >is it anything besides a rape simulator

    • 9 months ago

      >does it add in overpowered stuff, which ruins balance?
      >does it conflict with other mods
      >is it anything besides a rape simulator
      also a consensual handholding simulator

    • 9 months ago

      The officer waifu skill is so OP the modder set a limit of 1 officer with it by default.
      Slaves are worthless and it’s not worth the time spent breaking them or spending any story points on it.

      • 9 months ago

        honestly slaves are only worth using in the breeding facility

      • 9 months ago

        Slaves won't be worthless, they'll be a focal point when I'm done with them.

        Though breaking them will be more in depth, so will their uses.

        • 9 months ago

          >Though breaking them will be more in depth, so will their uses.
          Ship pets please.

          • 9 months ago

            Don't tempt me. Though the thought may have already crossed my mind once or twice.

            I've been pondering the offworld uses. Aka in fleet uses and such, aside from the ability to breed better officers/admins with unique abilities.

    • 9 months ago

      One thing people didn't mention is that it also bypasses whatever code was put to prevent certain characters from being captured. So Ava from Iron Shell, who's a lvl 14 officer, can be captured. Same with Kim and Hartley.

    • 9 months ago

      I looked into Tank noe Preesoners, frick google, first. I found out about RS in his thread and read between the lines. RS get's more updates and actually has compatability fixes that people are still waiting to be fixed in it. All the Rape is optional. It has all that Take has but better.

      The OP skill you can by default put on one officer to my knowlege takes 2 Story points to get. One to Confess your feelings, do it no balls, and another to get it Elite. The Elite Version lowers the ship deployment cost.

      RS adds some extras Take lacks. Capturing Administrators sold me on it though I've yet to do it. You can talk with your own officers, meet more people in person and talk with them or more. If you are gonna stream it though make sure to change the Title splashes back or you'll look a fool. RS Dev has several unique chat options in the game and rumors have it that more player agency is coming. I have commited no war crimes in my game and can't tell you shit about them.

  47. 9 months ago

    PAGSM Ruka recruitment is bugged as frick, don't even bother doing it.
    >recruit her, everything seems fine
    >she randomly leaves her assigned ship, I'm forced to reassign her to it
    >notice there's a copy of her in the grand fuel fleet
    >eventually go hostile to the SFC
    >fight "her" grand fuel fleet
    >she spawns on my side, with my ship, hostile, and dies in seconds
    >spawns in an iapetus on the enemy side near the end of the battle
    >after the combat is over the ship she was in on my side has next to no weapons on it, as if I salvaged it from the enemy

  48. 9 months ago

    How do I stop a moronic forever war caused by me settling in a hostile system?
    They spawn fleets so fricking fast I have to fight with literally 30 second downtime and I'm just hitting U at this point, it's cancer.
    Do I have to drop out of system, drop on their planet directly and kill their planet?
    I can't actually approach the planet because 8 fricking fleets intercept me and even if I can beat 1 easily they just chew up my CR.

    • 9 months ago

      Did you settle in Sindrian Diktak territory?

      • 9 months ago

        Yup. I eventually just dropped out of hyperspace on their planet and bombed it to get rid of the fleet spawning building but then the hegemonkies invaded. Hopefully sponsoring the rebellion doesn't frick up my Iron Shell commission since I still want some things from them. I'm trying to have my cake and eat it too, by starting off with a pagsm commission to collect all their hullmods, the officer, and blueprints, then Iron Shell for their mods, blueprints and some ships with free s mods, then finally UAF so I can grab the supercapitals.

        • 9 months ago

          >pagsm commission to collect all their hullmods, the officer, and blueprints, then Iron Shell for their mods, blueprints and some ships with free s mods, then finally UAF so I can grab the supercapitals.
          Just admit that you're collecting a harem

    • 9 months ago

      Can you lure them off through detachments and then invade the planet they defend?

  49. 9 months ago

    Opinions on the old Conquest back when it was even worse than it is now?

    • 9 months ago

      You may not like this but this is what peak performance looks like

    • 9 months ago

      I am not modding this back into my game as we speak.

      • 9 months ago

        *I am now

        • 9 months ago

          If you do please share it here, I fricking love the idea of a genuine broadsider ship from the age of Sail being thrown into Starsector

          • 9 months ago

            It's got two ships in there, a base conquest with slightly better stats, and the hardpoint conquest (which is also using those better stats).
            >"better version"?
            Speed profile of a Nova.
            Shield's efficiency and arc is more in line with other midline ships.
            DP has been raised to 45 though.
            If any of that's an issue and you want it to be equal to the regular conquest, just copy the conquest's stats between the ship_data.csv documents.
            >What are the differences between the two?
            One of them's just a regular conquest tuned to my personal tastes with an extra 10OP on top.
            The hardpoint broadside version (called "Conquest (Archaic)" in the files) has two extra small missile points and missile autoloader built in as compensation for the fact your PD is otherwise nonexistent. Lacks that extra 10OP, but otherwise the stats are the same.
            Might be a case where swarmers are actually used for their intended anti-fighter role? It is really susceptible to fighter spam, bear that in mind (regular conquest can just field flak to deal with it). Throwing it against UAF probably means you're building dedicated PD boats to escort it.
            Either way, if your engines go dead or you overload, shit's fricked, kiss your own arse goodbye.
            Having said that, rolling my face on a couple of sims is no substitute for seeing it used in actual campaign play. It might not be that bad.
            Also I think Kazeron Navarchy mod fricks with other attempts to put shit into Persean markets. At minimum, these two didn't show up in markets or Persean fleets until I turned that mod off. Just a head's up.
            If you're wondering about mod name and shit, I might revisit it with other shit later (there's other sprites that go unused after all). See if anyone likes my gut feeling on """balance""" at least.

            honestly barely needs effort other than making sure the sprite is clean, giving it some actual differences from the current Conq and making sure all the parts of the ship are fully aligned.

            honestly I might just use it to make a slower, more heavily armoured version of the Conquest with some handwave of "oh the newer model saw more widespread adoption because the Onslaught alredy filled the fleet anchor role" or whatever. So far I've bumped up the turn rate slightly, lowered the base speed, increased the armour and given it accelerate ammo feed because I thought it'd be funny (it was). I'll keep working on it for now and probably leave the actual release to the other anon because I'm biased against fragile broadsiders.

            Honestly, sounds fun, especially if shield shunt's worth using. Might be the ship the Atlas2 wishes it was.

            • 9 months ago

              Not him, but thanks dude.

              • 9 months ago

                How does it play?

              • 9 months ago

                Haven't played it yet. Not much time off after work, plus I'm doing an XCOM Lone war rebalanced run.

            • 9 months ago

              >the secret to having a broadside ship the AI can use is to just give it side facing hardpoints.

    • 9 months ago

      >hardpoint broadsize
      now we're cooking with gas

    • 9 months ago

      so uh I forgot to change the mounts to hardpoints

      • 9 months ago

        Wait could you make the old conquest another ship? Like the Mk. I and Mk. II?

        • 9 months ago

          Wouldn't even be hard

        • 9 months ago

          >There's at least two anons working on this currently.

        • 9 months ago

          honestly barely needs effort other than making sure the sprite is clean, giving it some actual differences from the current Conq and making sure all the parts of the ship are fully aligned.

          >There's at least two anons working on this currently.

          honestly I might just use it to make a slower, more heavily armoured version of the Conquest with some handwave of "oh the newer model saw more widespread adoption because the Onslaught alredy filled the fleet anchor role" or whatever. So far I've bumped up the turn rate slightly, lowered the base speed, increased the armour and given it accelerate ammo feed because I thought it'd be funny (it was). I'll keep working on it for now and probably leave the actual release to the other anon because I'm biased against fragile broadsiders.

      • 9 months ago

        The fricking engine flames are all asymmetrical too

        Next time try using the actual ship and weapon editor instead of just copy pasting the ship file

    • 9 months ago

      >old conquest was a broadsider

      • 9 months ago

        Yeah it fricked hard, put a ton of hephaestus cannons or mk IX's on one side, vulcan/mg's on the other, and just circle the battlefield

        Anything in your primary firing envelope would get evaporated, frigates/fighters/missiles on PD side would never get close to do damage. And put harpoon/reaper pods on the bow so anything you so point the ship at will die horribly as well

    • 9 months ago

      >old Conquest
      I wish I had a cruiser/capital ship made of broadside small and medium mounts.
      I know mod have them but they are always like extra accessories.

  50. 9 months ago

    I never heard of rapesector until this thread now im downloading it

  51. 9 months ago

    I finally got a pretty good control scheme for starsector on the steam deck. First time playing the vanilla game. It really lends itself well to the SD with the right control scheme.

    • 9 months ago

      >steam deck
      Isn't it like a gamepad? I can't imagine it being good at shooting, do you put all guns on autofire?

      • 9 months ago

        No there are trackpads as well. I use it like I would use my trackball mouse with my thumb. The other trackpad I use for virtual menus, or mouse regions in the overworld (c, e, i etc). Then I use the shift toggle for combat to follow the mouse or turn it off. Left click is assigned to the right trigger, right click to the left. Active system to x, flux to y, pause to a, escape to b. Other stuff as well. I just played the missions up to Hard to get the control scheme working well.

  52. 9 months ago

    >Legio is all about le epic spam
    >fighter spam
    >missile spam
    >ship spam
    >and this leads to projectile spam
    >pilot my Altagrave EX with 3 Altagraves set to escort me
    Karma's a b***h.

  53. 9 months ago

    Remember the new BLOG POST

    Hope you liked hyperspace slipstream because you are getting more of it

    • 9 months ago

      Alex Blogpost give me hope.
      Gate is gay behind david' gaylore, Slipstream is highway

      • 9 months ago

        We warned you about hope bro, we warned you.

        >For clarity, the process for slipstream-crossing would be to 1) start the crossing and 2) reverse polarity midway through and be carried back to where you started by the time you finish going across.
        how do you even write that sentence and not immediately go "this is fricking terrible"

        I don't know why you complain, he's describing the process that led to the final "can reverse polarity for free but only outside slipstream" which is the main use we want for it.

        • 9 months ago

          alright i kept reading and it got even worse

    • 9 months ago

      Glad Alex is working on adding more worthless dogshit instead of actual content.

      • 9 months ago

        >Glad Alex is working on adding more worthless dogshit instead of actual content.

        I just don't even bother anymore the guy never works on anything that actually matters and the updates take years
        if you want to follow development of something you look at modders and see more progress in a week than alex does in 5 months

        the difference between people actually inspired and interested in what they're doing and someone who's going through the motions and doesn't care anymore

        >I just don't even bother anymore the guy never works on anything that actually matters
        Humor us and tell us what you consider actual content
        He fix the annoying bit of slipstream by letting you use them regardless of direction, and put room for endgame with the gate-movers, that's a good start

        - FleetsizebyDP vanilla
        - rework the skill system so it's not just choosing the right cheats for best result and more doctrine helping you play with favorite fleet
        - more normal space stuff like solar bursts easy to evade and can be counted on against AI, or bracing for attack skill that let you get advantage when in deep shit
        - more sophisticated quests

        • 9 months ago

          Take a page from some of the libtard pixelshit games and weeb visual novels and add an interesting story/characters/plot arc, preferably without the libtard politics but I know that's harder than asking for the firstborn from devs today (they probably had him aborted anyway). I can tell you this: The dialogue screens and loredumps are not cutting it.

          General progression needs a do-over; ships are too easy to get and cost way too little. You can go from rags to the biggest richest single fleet in the sector in like, a year (mostly thanks to derelicts). D-Mods should require more effort to get rid of - not "pay money its all gone". Having a fully functional ship with no d-mods should be an actual accomplishment, not a tuesday. Acquiring derelicts should heavily depend on your salvage ships and then require actual shipyards to put back into d-modded working order. Higher quality weapons and ships should be gatekept through faction relations, questlines, plot progression, and player advancement - some of this is already there, but you have to get mods if you don't want to be able to buy almost any ship in the sector day 1

          On the exploration side of things, flying to individual planets to scan is a massive chore, but what really sucks is trying to find a decent system to colonize, because the way the game is designed right now, it feels way more engaging to have your colony first, and THEN go and explore places and slowly build that colony up, rather than explore everywhere and then build your colony at the end. This whole part of the exploration/colonize progression thing is backwards. The terraforming mod (that unfortunately isn't updated yet) is a major help on this end because with that, I can pick a shitty system and then slowly improve it and it doesn't matter as much that what I find is perfect immediately. Sometimes I even just colonize one of those empty systems in the core instead of checking all the nearby remnant systems.

          • 9 months ago

            Speaking of remnants, they don't feel like an actual threat. Nexrelin does what I think should be a big deal in the main game, but really poorly and as an afterthought, and that's remnant raids hitting wherever. That should be a big deal not just "there is a remnant raid lol", it should be a huge part of the games' storyline, and one of the main reasons the sector just can't get ahead.

            And when it comes to hyperspace the actual problem with hyperspace is that it's an overmap without any ACTUAL terrain and no boundaries or borders and its slow and painful to cross. He's kind of fixing that with the slipstreams (I use hyperwarp cheatmod because ugh frick hyperspace) but its very obvious there's no actual plan here he's just doing random shit without thinking about what that actually achieves as part of the whole game. Hyperspace storms are ass, they're massive performance hogs and he's got 2x more spawning than the map needs, and they're not fun to deal with and they're static instead of dynamic. You will never have a hyperspace hurricane roll in through the sector. Or storms that are causing trade issues. There's no systems with natural barriers, inlets, outlets, safe harbors, being in a storm doesn't feel like you're actually weathering anything, it's soulless damage + flung in random direction. I look at valheim and sailing through a storm is fun as hell even without any actual danger, even with it slowing you down and making travel difficult. Hyperspace storms in starsector don't capture that sort of feeling at ALL.

            Essentially I feel like the game has a lot of LITTLE DETAILS that it's missing. Things that add soul to a game, and with alex's development """"schedule"""" little fun things don't get added, it's only months/years long epic features that don't actually feel epic at all. I would rather he add 1 little cool thing that took him an hour to do once a week (that ISNT a new gun/ship) than hyperpsace slipstream stuff that takes 6 months.

            • 9 months ago

              >That should be a big deal not just "there is a remnant raid lol", it should be a huge part of the games' storyline, and one of the main reasons the sector just can't get ahead.
              Remant raids could be a sector wide catastrophe, like all factions dropping their gay little arguments and rallying together for a while kind of shitstorm.

              And Hyperstorms could indeed be actually interesting. Like warning incoming of a storm to take action to ride it or to take shelter and massive maelstroms threatening colonies outside of core worlds, hell Alex could tie that stuff to the Red Planet so you could use the shield against massive stormfronts in more remote areas of the sector and bring that losttech engingeering sort of crap to the core worlds or keep it to yourself.

              • 9 months ago

                >Remant raids could be a sector wide catastrophe, like all factions dropping their gay little arguments and rallying together for a while kind of shitstorm.
                Well, reactivate the GATE and suddenly all remnant system now have direct access to the core system without having to travel in the hyperspace they hate

              • 9 months ago

                Stalker-esque hyperstorms? Not near a comm relay, don't get notified, dive into nearest solar system, hang out with remnants while you wait?

              • 9 months ago

                Genuinely a gooder and much betterer idea for hyperstorms than what the game actually has

              • 9 months ago

                In theory it wouldn't be too bad.

                Remove the hyperspace clouds. Maybe add a static background png for fluff/"terrain".

                Then just use a singular png. Detect fleets in it. Make em hide. Do damage or w/e effect the maker deems is good.

                But I haven't worked with campaign map related stuff beyond custom systems so I'm not 100% on the idea, I'm basically a UI schizo rn.

          • 9 months ago

            One of the first things I do actually is x5 the price multiplier for all ships and guns, and x3 the sell multiplier
            Game genuinely feels better when a single capital ship costs 1 million credits instead of 200,000 and 5 guns on it can run you $150,000

            and when you get them as salvage, 20% of 1 million for a d-modded capital ship feels like it's actually worth the supply cost of salvaging it, and if you get rid of the d-mods or acquire a ship without d-mods somehow, selling it is enough money that it actually helps you. Instead of like, lol lmao here's 20,000 for your pristine battleship

            Somehow increasing the prices like this makes the progression feel better rather than worse

          • 9 months ago

            Speaking of remnants, they don't feel like an actual threat. Nexrelin does what I think should be a big deal in the main game, but really poorly and as an afterthought, and that's remnant raids hitting wherever. That should be a big deal not just "there is a remnant raid lol", it should be a huge part of the games' storyline, and one of the main reasons the sector just can't get ahead.

            And when it comes to hyperspace the actual problem with hyperspace is that it's an overmap without any ACTUAL terrain and no boundaries or borders and its slow and painful to cross. He's kind of fixing that with the slipstreams (I use hyperwarp cheatmod because ugh frick hyperspace) but its very obvious there's no actual plan here he's just doing random shit without thinking about what that actually achieves as part of the whole game. Hyperspace storms are ass, they're massive performance hogs and he's got 2x more spawning than the map needs, and they're not fun to deal with and they're static instead of dynamic. You will never have a hyperspace hurricane roll in through the sector. Or storms that are causing trade issues. There's no systems with natural barriers, inlets, outlets, safe harbors, being in a storm doesn't feel like you're actually weathering anything, it's soulless damage + flung in random direction. I look at valheim and sailing through a storm is fun as hell even without any actual danger, even with it slowing you down and making travel difficult. Hyperspace storms in starsector don't capture that sort of feeling at ALL.

            Essentially I feel like the game has a lot of LITTLE DETAILS that it's missing. Things that add soul to a game, and with alex's development """"schedule"""" little fun things don't get added, it's only months/years long epic features that don't actually feel epic at all. I would rather he add 1 little cool thing that took him an hour to do once a week (that ISNT a new gun/ship) than hyperpsace slipstream stuff that takes 6 months.

            I appreciate the effort but you started more toxic than poltard.

            >General progression
            Making the game longer for pseudo realism would be painful and annoying, only experienced players can abuse the game in no time and it's more like Quality of Life to be rewarded by knowing how to do it.
            It's a balance between freedom vs railroading.
            Many players would brand you as no-fun for gate-keeping every little thing, outside of unbalanced derelict spawn and being able to buy everything on datapad, it's fine.

            IMO the problem is the skill that remove one randomly, paying for one d-mod is acceptable and d-mod are actually useful to keep cost down

            Don't disagree much, I hate how habitable planet end up either in shitty system or twice in a good ones, using artifact-based terraforming would be better
            also colony making should be a campaign in itself

            Just you wait, it sound a classic case of "I didn't write full campaign without more mechanic for it"

            I understand what you want but I suspect it's near impossible to make AI pathfinding and proc gen is harder than it look.
            Slipstream are steps in the right direction, just a s hame it take so long to get the fun stuff.

            • 9 months ago

              >Many players would brand you as no-fun for gate-keeping every little thing, outside of unbalanced derelict spawn and being able to buy everything on datapad, it's fine.
              Many players don't know frick all what they like, they just know they have fun playing something or they don't, they'd never be able to articulate why
              Progression is a staple across every single genre you care to name - from battlefield to mount and blade. People like feeling like they're gradually unlocking and building things up. Even to the point of absurdity like you see in skinnerbox asian "games".

              starsector has progression but it's all over the place, it's schizophrenic progression. More like an RNG roll than "I worked and planned for this."

              • 9 months ago

                Point but anon'd still be branded as the no-fun guy for say, "forcing down your throat an arbitrary progression with gaytekeeping", or something like that. Mount&Blade have the same crowd right now. They want their free-roaming to mean something without having to follow any sort of plot or quest.

                >Take a page from some of the libtard pixelshit games and weeb visual novels and add an interesting story/characters/plot arc, preferably without the libtard politics but I know that's harder than asking for the firstborn from devs today (they probably had him aborted anyway). I can tell you this: The dialogue screens and loredumps are not cutting it.
                Why do you still want it after (correctly) assessing the potential outcome, especially after the diktat debacle? My opinion is to the contrary - frick the story and improve the mechanical side of things, add more things to do and spend money on after you inevitably become a multimillionaire. So far there is not a single character in the game that is memorable or in any way outstanding, and I sincerely doubt it will change at any point of development.
                > I can pick a shitty system and then slowly improve it and it doesn't matter as much that what I find is perfect immediately. Sometimes I even just colonize one of those empty systems in the core instead of checking all the nearby remnant systems.
                Isn't Penelope's Star meant for this exact purpose? I prefer to align myself with one of the existing factions instead of creating my own, especially that there aren't many ways to 'personalize' it or distinguish from others. Both of these features are likely to belong to Nex rather than the base game, though.

                >IMO the problem is the skill that remove one randomly
                Exactly, get the skill, grab your fleet on a brief expedition and you come back d-mod free. It's broken but just too good not to pick it when you see it available.

                >caring about balance
                >in a single player game
                Balance is the last thing this game needs, especially when the concepts of low and high-tech are so deeply ingrained; technological development makes some things simply better than others.

                I'm the anon saying the skill system should be remade entirely.
                I see your
                >frick the story
                Stance and disagree. Story purpose is to bring global changes that would feel moronic to obtain through bar quest. Like getting a Janus device that let you use all gates.
                Asking for "More things to do" is literally asking for more story/quest that you can't make on your own, becoming Andrada 2.0 with colony handed to you won't be any better.

                >memorable character
                You say that as if everyone have the same metric, it was always meant to be parodic and is fairly neutral politically, even the Diktat yes, until 0.96 it was portrayed as righteously glorious fascism doing great against powerhouse.
                Ganker is just choke full of easily triggered right-winger who think a female crone outsmarting male is a woke conspiracy.

              • 9 months ago

                >easily triggered right-winger
                nta, not even a right winger (also, this ain't /misc/) but...
                >Woke Conspiracy
                I'm assuming you're talking about Baird, and I couldn't care less about the conspiracy charge because that would imply I cared about any of the characters involved. I dislike her because she, along with nearly all of David's characters in general, is little more than a one-dimensional prop to push whatever plot's at hand here.
                Not even a cliche, because cliches at least have more implied depth to them.
                Ultimately, David's a hack who thinks good dialogue sounds like a Twitter exchange.
                >inb4 'but they have to be bit part characters because constrained word count.'
                Just means the writer is shit at picking the right words. You can build pages worth of subject in one line of dialogue if the writer just spent some time on it. Established worlds like this one are really good at injecting that shit.
                The meeting with Brother Cotton is about the only time we get a character where this is done properly, as he alludes to things beyond what he immediately wants, and sounds like he actual opinions on the state of the world. For the rest of the cast, there's no bigger picture, there's just "I want X and am doing Y to get it".

              • 9 months ago

                >pages worth of subject
                Serves me right for phoneposting like a homosexual, subtext is what I meant.

              • 9 months ago

                yeah the reason Brother Cotton is one of maybe a handful of characters I remotely care about is because he has an actual personality. The Luddic story handles characters slightly better than the Galatia one imo because a lot of them may stick to the "I am doing X for Y" they at least have the hints of either disliking it or doing it for a bigger picture. Cotton however takes the cake for being an engaging character so far.
                My biggest complaint is that he made the Diktat into the most stereotypical tinpot dictatorship possible though; I'd rather it be a shithole to live in by virtue of the times rather than "political strongman bad".

                >get a radiant
                >put an AI core
                >it dances around the enemies and annihilates them before I can barely do anything
                I feel like a support guy in my own game

                AI captains are all "fearless" which is effectively reckless, you've in essence got the high-tech equivalent of a Pather captain in a teleporting capital with several large energy mounts (the only uniformly good energy mount there is) that only cares about killing.

              • 9 months ago

                >My biggest complaint is that he made the Diktat into the most stereotypical tinpot dictatorship possible though; I'd rather it be a shithole to live in by virtue of the times rather than "political strongman bad".
                Honestly, I thought that way too, but after playing through the Usurpers storyline several times I think the negative perception of it is somewhat overblown. It is a fairly convincing portrayal of a military dictatorship going haywire because its main driving force and ideologue is at death's door and there is no suitable inheritor to take the reins. Being a dictatorship, the matters of succession were never considered properly and it's heavily implied that Macario is deliberately sabotaging whatever contingencies there might be to put himself on top. I actually like him, he is probably the scummiest, most morally bankrupt character in the sector but he knows how to motivate your greedy spacer ass. He might also be the most competent candidate to actually preserve the Diktat. Hyder is pretty cool from what little we see of her, her only fault is that she's serving this shitshow. Only Caden is a caricature, but even he knows tidbits like Macario's Luddic ancestry that would seem to imply he's not as dumb as he looks.
                The real problem with "Sindria bad" is the Special Modifications because it paints Andrada as incompetent at one thing he was supposed to be good at — commanding his precious Navy. And no, the "he's not an engineer" excuse doesn't fly, you don't have to be an engineer to be able to tell when shit doesn't work properly.

              • 9 months ago

                Caden is indeed not dumb at all, he only acts dumb if you choose the "act dumb" dialogue options yourself.
                Usurpers in general is miles better written than Galatia, imo.

              • 9 months ago

                oh yeah it's far from a bad storyline and makes the Galatia quests look like jokes, but I still think it's a little too hamfisted with the message that a military autocracy is bad.
                >only Caden is a caricature, but even he knows tidbits like Macario's Luddic ancestry that would seem to imply he's not as dumb as he looks
                I'm almost certain he just acts the part of it. There's a dialogue where you mention that Macario wants to control him and he pretends to laugh for his bridge crew before activating a privacy bubble and dropping the act entirely. He's a fanatic but he was there for the Askonia Mutiny in person, just like Macario and Hyder.
                >the special modifications
                if it was a trade-off where the ship has slightly worse flux dissipation for better crew survival like it says was Andrada's concern I'd be perfectly fine with it, but instead it goes the route of "yeah he doesn't know what he's doing lmao" which he fricking would if he's spent even half the time on a ship as he's implied to. At least it's a relatively minor d-mod all considered. Also I'd think the LG would focus more on high-quality officers and ships but they've got the exact same focus of Tri-Tachyon on top-of-the-line ships with dogshit command, which is sad.

              • 9 months ago

                >I still think it's a little too hamfisted with the message that a military autocracy is bad.
                This. The Hegemony is the Diktat but bigger. Daud might have higher ideals than Andrada did but tell that to the people on the fringes getting pushed around by Hegemony patrols.
                >Diktat: lol you gotta pay us money to see the shrine luddie
                >Heg: ohh drugs in the cargo hold? aww what a shame looks like i have to confiscate them lol

              • 9 months ago

                >Diktat into the most stereotypical tinpot dictatorship possible though; I'd rather it be a shithole to live in by virtue of the times rather than "political strongman bad".
                As opposite to "strongman fascism good"? Because that's how the Diktat started, claiming moral superiority over all sides when you were a party in the grand tragedy that happened here.

                It's not even stereotypical, It is LOGICAL you created a personality cult with no successor. It logically come with consequences.

                >My biggest complaint is that he made the Diktat into the most stereotypical tinpot dictatorship possible though; I'd rather it be a shithole to live in by virtue of the times rather than "political strongman bad".
                Honestly, I thought that way too, but after playing through the Usurpers storyline several times I think the negative perception of it is somewhat overblown. It is a fairly convincing portrayal of a military dictatorship going haywire because its main driving force and ideologue is at death's door and there is no suitable inheritor to take the reins. Being a dictatorship, the matters of succession were never considered properly and it's heavily implied that Macario is deliberately sabotaging whatever contingencies there might be to put himself on top. I actually like him, he is probably the scummiest, most morally bankrupt character in the sector but he knows how to motivate your greedy spacer ass. He might also be the most competent candidate to actually preserve the Diktat. Hyder is pretty cool from what little we see of her, her only fault is that she's serving this shitshow. Only Caden is a caricature, but even he knows tidbits like Macario's Luddic ancestry that would seem to imply he's not as dumb as he looks.
                The real problem with "Sindria bad" is the Special Modifications because it paints Andrada as incompetent at one thing he was supposed to be good at — commanding his precious Navy. And no, the "he's not an engineer" excuse doesn't fly, you don't have to be an engineer to be able to tell when shit doesn't work properly.

                >I think the negative perception of it is somewhat overblown. It is a fairly convincing portrayal of a military dictatorship going haywire because its main driving force and ideologue is at death's door and there is no suitable inheritor to take the reins.
                I was saying it was overblown long before the Usurpers storyline appeared.

                >Special Modifications
                >it paints Andrada as incompetent at one thing he was supposed to be good at
                First: Admiral =/= engineers
                Then it is common in history for leaders to be unable to micromanage.
                >"the Supreme Executor was heard to comment unfavorably"
                It is implied to be the result of the personality cult, Andrada made a comment, he can't ever be wrong because that's the cement holding the dictatorship together.
                >"The new chief designer, a loyal officer appointed by the Supreme Executor himself"
                ...who want to please his boss and cannot be stopped because of who appointed him. We all know this is truth in history.

              • 9 months ago

                >First: Admiral =/= engineers
                I already said this excuse doesn't fly. Admirals don't spontaneously phase into being. They start at the bottom rung just like everyone else and have a fairly good idea of how their shit should or shouldn't work. The problems with Mark 14 torpedo were conclusively demonstrated by Admiral Lockwood who grew tired of BuOrd giving him their "working as intended" shit.
                >We all know this is truth in history.
                We also all know it is truth in history that whoever was responsible for sabotaging a design like that would inevitably get found out, whether through snitching or conclusive field data. Given that even the standard Tri-Pad™ recognizes the SM as a D-mod, there's no way in hell that someone would not try to use that fact for personal gain or to curry favor with Andrada.

              • 9 months ago

                You, as the player, know that it's a d-mod that increases crew casualties, because it's a videogame. In-universe, a very slight increase in crew mortality would be difficult to notice (especially since Lion's Guard doesn't see active combat), and even more difficult to conclusively connect to the plating hullmod (especially since another hullmod, beam coherer, also increases crew mortality).

              • 9 months ago

                Are you pretending all admiral are engineers? Because no they aren't. That's not an excuse that's factual.
                >We also all know it is truth in history that whoever was responsible for sabotaging a design like that would inevitably get found out
                That's not inevitable and you know it, it can also take years before someone the problem is finally solved.

                >Mark 14 Torpedo
                Making my point.
                A bureau who have more engineers insisted it worked perfectly and it was only user errors. When you read the actual analysis you discovers that each design defects hid the next one.
                In this case the end user was right without knowing exactly why while the engineers considered it was right by criteria they considered to be enough.

                You, as the player, know that it's a d-mod that increases crew casualties, because it's a videogame. In-universe, a very slight increase in crew mortality would be difficult to notice (especially since Lion's Guard doesn't see active combat), and even more difficult to conclusively connect to the plating hullmod (especially since another hullmod, beam coherer, also increases crew mortality).

                for how visible it would.

                >Given that even the standard Tri-Pad™ recognizes the SM as a D-mod, there's no way in hell that someone would not try to use that fact for personal gain or to curry favor with Andrada.
                Beside the video-game logic, why would a system born of glorifying Andrada recognize this as true? Clearly baseless propaganda from another faction.
                Pointing this out in the Diktat would imply that Andrada aggravated what was already a minor source of crew casualties or chose that chief engineer.
                Way to shorten your lifespan.

                >Then it is common in history for leaders to be unable to micromanage.
                Unable "why"? Those are issues, not operation stipulations that are to be maintained at all times.
                Once any remotely proper communication and information systems are created, micromanagement capabilities skyrocket. Smart ones do manage, not so smart don't.
                Common failures just indicate low competence bars at the time.

                >Unable "why"?
                Lack of time. You need to delegate to people who have the time to go deep into a subject, then trust what the person you delegated it tell you to take as granted. No good leadership/management come from making decision over superficial understanding of the topic. Plenty of IRL example at every level.
                Obviously you can "make the time" for a subject, but it will come at the cost of another.

              • 9 months ago

                It's not merely time, but willpower, conviction and willingness to accrue competences at breakneck rates, etc.
                At any rate, it was a rhetorical question, the point is that times change, and with them the capabilities to walk past ancient issues.

              • 9 months ago

                >They start at the bottom rung just like everyone else
                That's reallllly not how it works 9999% of the time in practice. It's more like, you're born in the right family, the right place, went to the proper school. There's NOT a lot of military leadership that come from the bottom. Not even in heavily merit-focused militaries like NATO ostensibly is. You have some families who are career soldiers and they're the ones who dominate the top rungs. It's practically a second political system. Officers are an entirely different class of people practically.

                You do get people rising from the bottom but it is definitely 100% not the norm. Not even in America. Usually what happens is you get heavily political/familial appointments until wartime, then a lot of those people die or get fired/prosecuted/killed for incompetence and peasant-nobodies get promoted strictly as a matter of necessity and utility and keep the promotions because they're good at it and nobody more politically important and connected can take their job later.

              • 9 months ago

                No matter their connections, every admiral starts a lieutenant, or ensign, or whatever the frick the lowest commissioned rank in your navy of choice is and it takes decades for them to climb their way to the top even if it's only because it takes time for the previous generation of pencil-pushers to retire or die off before they give up their posts for grabs. And the whole "you can't have even a modicum of technical expertise without being an engineer" line of thought is either a very improbable misunderstanding or just outright taking the piss at this point. Andrada was not a peacetime appointee either, he saw enough action and displayed enough competence during it for the Hegemony to decide that making a hero out of him was worth the effort.

              • 9 months ago

                You shouldn't say "every" because that's not the case. You mean specifically modern western militaries and it's still not universally true. A lot of militaries in history even have politically appointed civilians with no training or experience in war as admirals and generals, let alone just promoting the admiral's son to some command position immediately. Rome was notorious for that sort of thing. Even when you do have a politically connected person in a western military - like say Prince Harry - despite him not being thrown into a top brass position, you can bet your ass he was treated like top brass and not just another regular officer. If he wants to go play soldier in the sandbox, he gets a whole retinue of advisors and specialists making sure he's not going to get blown up by some random IED in the middle of the road. That would be politically embarassing for the UK and important admirals and generals would lose their careers.

                The US military is also bloated to frick with top brass right now because they DON'T "wait for people to die/retire". It's a contributing reason for these new agencies and departments springing up from nothing. Did the US REALLY need a Space Force? It was already being done by the Air Force, it wasn't strictly necessary, but if you have an entirely new agency that's a whole bunch more brass positions your officers can fill up. It's win/win for everyone but the taxpayer.

              • 9 months ago

                >Then it is common in history for leaders to be unable to micromanage.
                Unable "why"? Those are issues, not operation stipulations that are to be maintained at all times.
                Once any remotely proper communication and information systems are created, micromanagement capabilities skyrocket. Smart ones do manage, not so smart don't.
                Common failures just indicate low competence bars at the time.

              • 9 months ago

                I haven't read or gone through the sindrian storyline or whatever this is yet
                but I really don't think there is such a thing as a society that isn't a dictatorship. Democracy itself is just naive idealism that has, as we see today, already turned into defacto dictatorships in every country it's been tried, and it took less than 300 years to go through the motions and loop back to the starting point.

                Usurping power from a dictator is only going to lead one way: A new dictator, not a free and just society. Of the thousands upon thousands of revolts and rebellions in human history the american revolution chasing freedom and democracy instead of just "I am the new king" is one of the aberrations, and it's already dead. Actually, that's about how long it lasted in ancient greece too.

              • 9 months ago

                >pages worth of subject
                Serves me right for phoneposting like a homosexual, subtext is what I meant.

                Again, the game is obviously meant to be satirical, you literally have a Luddite Church. That you even believed the character could be above is a compliment to the writer.

                >little more than a one-dimensional prop to push whatever plot's at hand here
                What are your standards for such characters?
                You call Baird one-dimensional but I'll dare call her more realist than average only constrained by UI and writing that's bad at conveying sarcasm.
                She isn't a mastermind with a special snowflake backstory, leader of an secret organization capable of overthrowing faction nor developing a superweapon.
                She is just an Provost blackmailing some good pawn and taking legal/bloody shortcut to fund a drive project that happen to have a really bad failure mode. You can imagine people like that everywhere except they would do it for money instead of science.

                >Brother Cotton
                You are just describing is a character that written following the SMART FANATIC archetype.
                Pretending his faith is some inscrutable big picture while not being easily outsmarted is the point of such archetype.

                >For the rest of the cast, there's no bigger picture, there's just "I want X and am doing Y to get it".
                Brother Cotton is no different. He is just the polar opposite of Baird.
                Baird want to understand/repair the gate system, that's the biggest picture you could have in that setting. It make it very clear what her character is when you can answer wether you'll sacrifice everything for that.
                You want subtext? She is clearly used to being in charge, think herself more cunning than anyone around so she's mad when she finally get outsmarted despite getting the drive she wanted.

              • 9 months ago

                >game is obviously meant to be satirical
                Then why does story has so many instances of text diarrhea?
                If you don't have something cool to say – keep quiet, that's what I'm thinking.

              • 9 months ago

                practice what you preach fgt

              • 9 months ago

                You're really stretching the definition of the word here. Sure I can see derision in the Diktat's presentation is I squint, but I'm not seeing a satirical tone here.
                I'm seeing a deathly serious discourse toeing of the line between man's inhumanity to man and outright cosmic horror. Satire still has a wit to it when it's being serious. Should at least should elicit a smirk, even when it's being Atacama levels of dry.
                >What are your standards for such a character?
                The conveyance of meaningful beliefs differentiate stock characters from fleshed out ones.
                >only constrained by UI and writing that's bad at conveying sarcasm.
                Okay, I have to point this out because it's annoying the frick out of me. You're constantly trying to mind-read David's authorial intent in your arguments. What "I think he thought we'd think" isn't a compelling argument.
                >Writing that's bad at conveying sarcasm
                Is an admission of author skill issue which is the entire bedrock of the point I'm making.
                >Pretending his faith is some inscrutable big picture while not being easily outsmarted is the point of such archetype.
                No, I actually think his faith is laughably bad in its presentation. It's soteriology amounts to "1) Kill Tech, 2) ???, 3) Salvation!".
                Here's what I care about: I believe _he_ believes in his faith because of how he was presented, and could back it with actual convincing arguments if pressed. Whether or not I believe his religion is ridiculous (which I do) is immaterial, we're are still talking about characterisation here.
                >Baird want to understand/repair the gate system, that's the biggest picture you could have in that setting.
                Cotton at least offers you a why. Baird, doesn't. She stresses the importance, then just assumes you immediately agree.
                >You want subtext.
                It's not subtext when it's explicitly stated to be the case by the narrative. I still have zero insight on her motivations beyond "gate system repair = good". Why? Profit? Restoration of Domain?

              • 9 months ago

                >You're really stretching the definition of the word here. Sure I can see derision in the Diktat's presentation is I squint, but I'm not seeing a satirical tone here.
                You are stretching my belief that you are honest. Every factions are archetypes, most conversations are full of meta jokes.
                I'm not saying it exist only for satire, there many type of humor and it never took itself as seriously as some here would claim.

                >Is an admission of author skill issue which is the entire bedrock of the point I'm making.
                No no, you are just blaming the author for your difficulty noticing sarcasm in a medium that factually make it hard because human language always involved tone/body language missing in text.

                >You're constantly trying to mind-read David's authorial intent in your arguments.
                Plainly stating how you interpret the story is not mindreading, it's what everyone do and you are just annoyed my interpretation deny yours. Also don't call me annoying when your argumentation is a lot of "it's bad because I say so", plus this one ad hominem of yours.

                >The conveyance of meaningful beliefs differentiate stock characters from fleshed out ones.
                Then meaningful Baird should come above irrational Cotton.
                Frankly I'm starting to think you are just a fanboy for obscurantist and you'll make up a depth he don't actually have.

                >It's not subtext when it's explicitly stated to be the case by the narrative.
                Are you interpreting subtext as "ignoring if there's more"? Cause that's not what it is, subtext is literally interpreting the author implicit intent.
                Pretending to have depth =/= having depth.

                >I still have zero insight on her motivations beyond "gate system repair = good". Why? Profit? Restoration of Domain?
                She is a provost, knowledge would already be its own reward.
                Or maybe you just expect some baser self-serving goal? Then she would make history for allowing to use the gate again. Profit are obvious but the road hard with many blockers.

              • 9 months ago

                Irrationality is merely unmeasuredness. Why do people always use it as a synonym for incorrectness when it is not so?

              • 9 months ago

                >You are stretching my belief that you are honest.
                Funny, given what follows.
                >No no, you are just blaming the author for your difficulty noticing sarcasm...
                How is it sarcastic?
                >it's what everyone do and you are just annoyed my interpretation deny yours.
                We're arguing of whether it's even satire. If there's no indication you're ironically doing the thing, maybe you're just doing the thing.
                >"It's bad because I say so".
                I say so, because I can't point to anything which conveys Baird's motives beyond 'open gates'.
                >Ad hominem of yours
                Are you serious? Calling your arguments as 'attempted mind reading' is besmirching your character now?
                This is an ad hominem: You're a thin skinned pustule on the butthole of human intellect who can't differentiate logical fallacies from actual argumentation.
                See the difference?
                >... you'll make up a depth he don't actually have.
                ESL phrasing aside, He's about as deep as a pothole. It's just, that happens to be deeper than the of the rest of the cast. Did I say he was a masterclass of characterisation? No, I just said that he was handled properly.
                You've gone from trying to read David's mind to trying to read mine. Accusing me of bad faith before shoving entire dictionaries in my mouth just shows your hand to be a 2 and 7 with nothing on the flop.
                >Baird should come above irrational Cotton.
                He's a zealot, so yeah, irrational. Where did I claim otherwise?
                >subtext is literally interpreting the author implicit intent.
                See picrel.
                '"I had two sons before Mairaath", said the aging pather' is a statement that carries a lot of subtext.
                What I objected to was Baird being 'used to being in charge' as subtext. Other characters SAY this about her. Stops being subtext when it's in the actual text.
                >She is a provost, knowledge would already be its own reward.
                Non sequitur. Provost just means 'in charge of'. Doesn't imply a thirst for knowledge. Nothing in this indicates a self-evident goal. She never acts like knowledge is the point.

              • 9 months ago

                Frankly I'm answering you on the chance you might be honestly deluding yourself on that point and not be knowingly dishonest or projecting, you keep accusing me of "wrongdoing" over things you do as well.

                >shoving entire dictionaries in my mouth just shows your hand to be a 2 and 7 with nothing on the flop
                Ironically you are the one who started posting definitions you don't seem to understand. Maybe you should drop.

                See picrel for an extract of what you missed. Note the part about "author".

                >satire&sarcasm in Starsect
                Beside things like the Diktat, Luddite Church, the cargo cult being a miniature representation of what the Hegemony is? All the Meta jokes? It's full of content that fit the definitions.

                >Anahita Baird
                Her stated motive is to ensure the survival of mankind, doing so by rediscovering how the gate work and using them to help, that would be enough of a motive in itself but since anon will naturally doubt selfless motive and check other non-written implicit motives, I told you: it's implicit she also love manipulating others and that why she get mad for being manipulated herself despite getting what she explicitly wanted.
                She worked for the Academy for decades. She clearly have a big respect for knowledge (and know the power it give over people).

                >What I objected to was Baird being 'used to being in charge' as subtext.
                And that part was me giving context for the following subtext about her personality. Which is why I said "clearly", that's obvious but you clearly have trouble understanding.

                >Livewell Cotton
                Your interpretation of him is in contradiction with your others claim that his personality is more meaningful than of Baird when everything in his character denote a definite hole in meaning in his action (even outside Pather dogmas which is the explicit part).
                The biggest subtext he have, is "that music" could be important to understanding the cult of Ludd.

                Baird is academician, Cotton is obscurantist, now I want them to meet.

              • 9 months ago

                >honestly deluding yourself on that point and not be knowingly dishonest or projecting
                When I jumped into this reply chain, it was in response to you talking about the 'easily triggered right-wingers' - you resorted to ad hominem before I said a single word.
                So yes, I'm quick to hammer you on wrongdoings, because that's pretty much all you're offering.
                >See picrel for an extract of what you missed. Note the part about "author".
                You mean where it says it's NOT explicitly stated by either characters or author, but rather understood by the _audience_ based on surrounding context?
                >Full of sarcasm and meta jokes.
                I'm seeing a setting that's played completely straight, and it's one of the few recent games I know of where I wouldn't say it's full of meta jokes.
                Got an example of one such meta joke?
                >it's implicit she also love manipulating others
                I got the impression of someone who is convinced of their own intellect to the point where they didn't see an issue with manipulating people, but I did not get the impression of someone who explicitly enjoyed it. Are we even looking at the same character?
                >Context about her personality
                You used that as an example of subtext, now you're saying "it's an example of context"? Takes some cardio to move the goalposts that far.
                >Livewell Cotton and 'that music'.
                >Your interpretation of him is in contradiction with your others claim that his personality is more meaningful than of Baird...
                So you do understand my point, you're just misrepresenting it. I didn't say he's more 'meaningful' whatever the frick that means. I said I have a better idea as to why he's doing what he's doing.
                >Baird is academician
                I'll grant you that she's got an academic career, but she doesn't act like one. She's in the role of consummate politician when you meet her. So... is Janus in service of knowledge, or service of power? No hint either way.
                >Cotton is obscurantist
                You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

              • 9 months ago

                >you talking about the 'easily triggered right-wingers'
                How could I attack you since you I wasn't talking to you and you don't even identify as such? It's a broad statement and still valid. You should hammer yourself for """wrongdoing""" since I did nothing you didn't do yourself.

                >You mean where it says it's NOT explicitly stated by either characters or author
                ...and USED by the author to carry the content implicitly.
                Are you going to pretend subtext are accidental without authors doing it on purpose?

                >Got an example of one such meta joke?
                I already gave you two anon, the cargo cult and you can also consider the Luddic a in-joke to the fact they are obviously Luddite.

                >I got the impression of someone who is convinced of their own intellect to the point where they didn't see an issue with manipulating people, but I did not get the impression of someone who explicitly enjoyed it.
                One easily go with the other, pay attention to the dialog and how she's mad over her pawn outsmarting her and escaping.

                >You used that as an example of subtext, now you're saying "it's an example of context"?
                That' not what "giving context for the following subtext about her personality" mean. You speak enough english to understand that so why are you twisting my words?

                >I didn't say he's more 'meaningful' whatever the frick that means. I said I have a better idea as to why he's doing what he's doing.

                You're really stretching the definition of the word here. Sure I can see derision in the Diktat's presentation is I squint, but I'm not seeing a satirical tone here.
                I'm seeing a deathly serious discourse toeing of the line between man's inhumanity to man and outright cosmic horror. Satire still has a wit to it when it's being serious. Should at least should elicit a smirk, even when it's being Atacama levels of dry.
                >What are your standards for such a character?
                The conveyance of meaningful beliefs differentiate stock characters from fleshed out ones.
                >only constrained by UI and writing that's bad at conveying sarcasm.
                Okay, I have to point this out because it's annoying the frick out of me. You're constantly trying to mind-read David's authorial intent in your arguments. What "I think he thought we'd think" isn't a compelling argument.
                >Writing that's bad at conveying sarcasm
                Is an admission of author skill issue which is the entire bedrock of the point I'm making.
                >Pretending his faith is some inscrutable big picture while not being easily outsmarted is the point of such archetype.
                No, I actually think his faith is laughably bad in its presentation. It's soteriology amounts to "1) Kill Tech, 2) ???, 3) Salvation!".
                Here's what I care about: I believe _he_ believes in his faith because of how he was presented, and could back it with actual convincing arguments if pressed. Whether or not I believe his religion is ridiculous (which I do) is immaterial, we're are still talking about characterisation here.
                >Baird want to understand/repair the gate system, that's the biggest picture you could have in that setting.
                Cotton at least offers you a why. Baird, doesn't. She stresses the importance, then just assumes you immediately agree.
                >You want subtext.
                It's not subtext when it's explicitly stated to be the case by the narrative. I still have zero insight on her motivations beyond "gate system repair = good". Why? Profit? Restoration of Domain?

                >conveyance of meaningful beliefs
                (from him) even if you rephrase it now, this is still a contradiction since his archetype & beliefs are specifically meant to be mostly outside of reason. In comparison Baird is mostly within reason, her motivations are 90% explicit.

                >is Janus in service of knowledge, or service of power?
                Knowledge is power, and the entire setting fight over lost knowledge, so both regardless of intent.

                >You keep using that word.
                What do you think Pather are? The endgoal is to erase heresy not fitting their dogma, their obscurantism is... implicit!

              • 9 months ago

                I can already tell from the limited writing I've seen in the game so far that it's going to be fricking terrible. This dude, or whoever he's got doing the writing, has no idea how to make characters that draw you in.

                Honestly pathers in general are terrible. The generic religious church that hates generic technology for absolutely no reason faction.
                Oh sure, there's plenty of reasons you or I can come up with - but if you actually read any of this garbage dialogue the characters can hardly even articulate it. The author has no fricking clue why someone might think that way and can't empathize, and therefore can't write, believable characters.

              • 9 months ago

                Just off the top of my head how I would approach it:
                >cybernetic enhancements violate the divine purity of the flesh and (provably! show readers this happens!) opens you to demonic possession and persuasion by AI, other corrupt and fallible men, or simply systems breaking apart and going haywire; Goggles that enhance your vision are ok - eye implants directly interfaced with your brain through a BCI that enable an AI or human to literally frick with what you see or even outright kill you, is not.

                >A deal with an AI is a deal with a devil; they are tricksters and liars incarnate. They are Satan himself manifested into the universe in a mockery of divine natural God-given sentience. Innocuous as simple helpers and assistants in mundane tasks, until (AS THE AI WAR SHOWED US) they turn against you, doing as Satan wishes and tempting the unwary into sin, faithlessness, decadence, and murder - working with or using AI's will bring you to eventual extinction and eternal damnation. Steel yourself against the words of machines, and keep faith in God almighty.

                Anyway the point is, people don't inexplicably believe something just because they're a religious moron. If you approach religious beliefs from the perspective that it's some idiot who is too stupid to understand microelectronics and could not possibly have an advanced degree in anything, and their ideas and faith are based purely on ignorance - you're going to get what the ludds look like in starsector: "hehe ludd... luddite... cuz they're morons who hate technology hehehe..." you are never ever going to have good writing. The whole thing failed right out of the gate and honestly the game will probably need someone to just blank slate the whole thing and re-write the lore from the ground up if its ever going to be good.

              • 9 months ago

                This is extremely on point. The ludds are written by someone who clearly hates religion without understanding the spiritual nature of man, or why the religious are such in the first place.

                It's an extremely ignorant caricature, written by the very clearly spiritually ignorant. In my mind, it's really not difficult to write a spiritual faction of you have the willingness look beyond your own view point. Some basic nuance really isn't difficult.

                If the modders weren't busy being such morons, I'd honestly suggest that they have a blank template and a good premise to work with. Because there's such a lack of content in the story dept. it opens the gate to modders fleshing out the factions more and providing their own mini stories/"campaigns". Characterizing them beyond "lol religion bad", "lol fascism bad", "lol capitalism bad".

                But I'm just a schizo-anon, so in the end it doesn't matter what I think. The UI code is so fricking autistic and shit to work with, that imo it's a massive dissuasion from making anything more than ship, weapons, simple one off missions via rules, and filler industries/goods (because frick the global market system and trying to make that shit show up in the UI and required by other planets.)

              • 9 months ago

                >if modders weren’t being such morons
                For the record Anon, adding new shit to starsector is piss easy. Modifying what’s already there however is intentionally made frustrating and difficult. Doesn’t help that the writer, David, is also glued to Twitter. He’s exactly the kind of person to throw a hysteric b***h fit if someone modified his precious story.

              • 9 months ago

                >Intentionally made frustrating and difficult.

                The UI code is fricking cancer and I hate it.

              • 9 months ago

                If someone makes a rules.csv editor then we could have a story modding renaissance. For bonus points, write stories for random sector so david's story is entirely thrown out the window. I'll do it myself eventually if I still have interest in the game after finishing up my current project.

              • 9 months ago

                If someone makes it moron proof enough I'll try writing for it.
                I like fleshing out these kinds of stories and settings.

              • 9 months ago

                >Some basic nuance really isn't difficult
                Basic observation shows that it REALLY is, much like talking like human beings.

              • 9 months ago

                >But I'm just a schizo-anon, so in the end it doesn't matter what I think.
                What sort of idiotic self-derision is this, meatbag?

              • 9 months ago

                >believable characters
                Sound like perfectly believable for a religious fanatic who kill for their illogical faith.
                Don't confuse Pather with Church who can be lapsed believer, following the path of least resistance letting them function properly in society.

                This is extremely on point. The ludds are written by someone who clearly hates religion without understanding the spiritual nature of man, or why the religious are such in the first place.

                It's an extremely ignorant caricature, written by the very clearly spiritually ignorant. In my mind, it's really not difficult to write a spiritual faction of you have the willingness look beyond your own view point. Some basic nuance really isn't difficult.

                If the modders weren't busy being such morons, I'd honestly suggest that they have a blank template and a good premise to work with. Because there's such a lack of content in the story dept. it opens the gate to modders fleshing out the factions more and providing their own mini stories/"campaigns". Characterizing them beyond "lol religion bad", "lol fascism bad", "lol capitalism bad".

                But I'm just a schizo-anon, so in the end it doesn't matter what I think. The UI code is so fricking autistic and shit to work with, that imo it's a massive dissuasion from making anything more than ship, weapons, simple one off missions via rules, and filler industries/goods (because frick the global market system and trying to make that shit show up in the UI and required by other planets.)

                >without understanding the spiritual nature of man,
                You mean the thing only religious people understand in the first place?

              • 9 months ago

                >Luddics as some ebin satirical meta joke.
                That just reads like middle school tier writing that you’re giving way too much credit to.

              • 9 months ago

                >Asking for "More things to do" is literally asking for more story/quest that you can't make on your own, becoming Andrada 2.0 with colony handed to you won't be any better.
                Not really. As I said, I'm more of an advocate of joining existing factions rather than creating your own. It's exactly the same in M&B - I never liked creating my own kingdom because it didn't make much sense to be a random cultureless upstart just popping up in the world with clearly defined nationalities (and additionally it is a very unsatisfying type of busywork to manage it).
                Have you played The Last Days of the Third Age mod? It has an interesting mechanic of in-faction reputation that allows you to rise to a leadership position and influence the course of the war. In the mod it amounts to initiating sieges at your convenience, but in Starsector the ability to join the admiralty and directly steering the alliances, trade and invasions would have huge potential, much better than buying fleets out of pocket. And it would make better stories than whatever postmodern fiction the developers are able to excrete.
                >Ganker is just choke full of easily triggered right-winger who think a female crone outsmarting male is a woke conspiracy.
                Nobody is saying it's a conspiracy. It's simply cringe. Few can write women characters with agency and personality that don't seem to be the author's mouthpieces.

              • 9 months ago

                >random cultureless upstart just popping up in the world with clearly defined nationalities
                What do you mean? Isn't it normal for strongest bandit to call himself a king?
                Obsession with nationalized countries is mostly modern thing anyway.

              • 9 months ago

                All kingdoms are made by capable people who were competent to make it work, that's how it works IRL — pick up a sword, a pickaxe, a book and make way.
                And culture doesn't work like you think, it's inherent already.
                Are you under presumption that monarchic rule and capacity to write one's own destiny is necessarily divinely ordained, least of all in all cases?

              • 9 months ago

                >random cultureless upstart just popping up in the world with clearly defined nationalities
                What do you mean? Isn't it normal for strongest bandit to call himself a king?
                Obsession with nationalized countries is mostly modern thing anyway.

                I should have said 'ethnicity' instead of 'nationality'. There's no way to create your own factional troops so you're stuck using rescued prisoners and the villagers you train, both of which are aligned to existing factions. It amounts to having swadian knights and huscarls at the end of the day, every time, which makes you feel you're running a landed mercenary company and not a kingdom. There is no way not to feel out of place in the world, at least for me, enough not to try it again after doing it once.

              • 9 months ago

                Perhaps what you meant is "representation of ethnicity that's not faceless or bereft of identity".
                But you're correct, you look for properness of a properly created political entity.

              • 9 months ago


                I should have said 'ethnicity' instead of 'nationality'. There's no way to create your own factional troops so you're stuck using rescued prisoners and the villagers you train, both of which are aligned to existing factions. It amounts to having swadian knights and huscarls at the end of the day, every time, which makes you feel you're running a landed mercenary company and not a kingdom. There is no way not to feel out of place in the world, at least for me, enough not to try it again after doing it once.

                >I should have said 'ethnicity' instead of 'nationality'.
                Just look at history, it was common as for powerful band leader to simply claim the land, create alliance, then vassalize as you get powerful enough to look down on inferior kings.
                Also cultures were not as strictly segregated as anons here would make you think, all board are full of closet poltard.

                >Have you played The Last Days of the Third Age mod?
                No so I'll refrain from comment on that Tolkien mod.

                >in Starsector the ability to join the admiralty and directly steering the alliances, trade and invasions would have huge potential, much better than buying fleets out of pocket
                You are implying that all the faction give such political power to their admirals. Even in the case of the Hegemony that's not the case.

                I'm the first to complain that "instant colony just add 1000crews+heavy equipment" is ridiculously cheesy in Starsector.
                It should be a campaign where you are most a very competent/popular captain/admiral who helped to the point you get free stuff usually reserved to a faction.
                As far I'm concerned your suggestion is reducing the potential, I doubt you'd "excrete" any better story justifying you newcomer have any relevant influence over a faction older than you.

              • 9 months ago

                >Just look at history, it was common as for powerful band leader to simply claim the land, create alliance, then vassalize
                Guiscard had his band of Normans he brought from back home. You don't have that in the game, either in named companions who are a motley bunch or the troops which are factional.
                >Also cultures were not as strictly segregated as anons here would make you think, all board are full of closet poltard.
                They were segregated enough IRL not to see the norse, the french and the mongols fighting together, which is completely normal in the game, you disingenuous homosexual. It's not the same as western european cultures blending together and you know it.

              • 9 months ago

                I'd have liked to see something like independence war 2: Your great uncle was a space pirate and he passed away and he is gifting to you, the location of his secret space pirate base that's hidden in a nebula untouched for 50 years. Well it was something like that. Anyway you start out that game salvaging with a clunker ship, then you find out your grandpappy had a secret asteroid base and you go search for it, then you find out there's a derelict cruiser and you go look for that.

                And by the start of the middle of the game, you've got your asteroid base where you can re-equip and have a basic shipyard and bring officers, you've got your cruiser, and then you start getting drawn into the politics of the setting.

                That, overall, is a much better line of progression to me than starting a colony of millions of people somewhere after 3 months of flying a spaceship.

                And you could still have incorporated a lot of the infrastructure/progression gameplay from colonies, it just would've been your asteroid base with the shipyards and so on.

                And then you feel like there's actually a reason why you're different and there's not 30,000 others just like you.

                In my ideal world that's how it would work, heavily story focused and a clear progression of:
                >little salvager fleet doing odd jobs
                >get your message from your lost uncle
                >have your secret asteroid base to store loot, repair ships, maybe even build industry and expand to an independent or pirate station
                >get your first real fleet of ships
                >get involved in faction politics
                >progress up through the ranks and quests and storyline in the faction
                >or set out and make your own faction like you do now

                IMO there's 2 things starsector DOESN'T do well and that's presentation and storytelling. It really doesn't capture your attention and hook you on the setting at all. It's very soulless with the game being mostly mechanical in nature with no fluff.

              • 9 months ago

                >I'm more of an advocate of joining existing factions rather than creating your own
                >It's exactly the same in M&B - I never liked creating my own kingdom
                this is true until you see the absolute moronation that is the ai behavior and you have to go with it because you have no say in what it does and you are not strong enough to do what they do by yourself
                i dont see starsector ai being less moronic and you would just have to go with it which instantly ruins any enjoyment of the game
                being a mercenary who gets too strong and then gets fricked over by the other factions is just a better premise because that way the ai being moronic does not directly prevent me from enjoying the game

              • 9 months ago

                >even the Diktat yes, until 0.96 it was portrayed as righteously glorious fascism doing great against powerhouse.
                What? The Diktat was portrait as a harsh, corrupt military dictatorship from the start, with corrupt officers selling metric tons of space lobster in the black market, a Saddam’s Iraq-like tiered military, massive poverty, and “mobile worker camps” for political dissidents.

              • 9 months ago

                Are you claiming the Supreme Executor Phillip Andrada was incompetent and didn't immediately purge traitors and rotten apple at every level while his great leadership was favorably received by all proper citizen?

            • 9 months ago

              He's not wrong. We don't want gay leftist moron shit shoved into the game via the form of shit writing and political superiority lectures.

              >Take a page from some of the libtard pixelshit games and weeb visual novels and add an interesting story/characters/plot arc, preferably without the libtard politics but I know that's harder than asking for the firstborn from devs today (they probably had him aborted anyway). I can tell you this: The dialogue screens and loredumps are not cutting it.
              Why do you still want it after (correctly) assessing the potential outcome, especially after the diktat debacle? My opinion is to the contrary - frick the story and improve the mechanical side of things, add more things to do and spend money on after you inevitably become a multimillionaire. So far there is not a single character in the game that is memorable or in any way outstanding, and I sincerely doubt it will change at any point of development.
              > I can pick a shitty system and then slowly improve it and it doesn't matter as much that what I find is perfect immediately. Sometimes I even just colonize one of those empty systems in the core instead of checking all the nearby remnant systems.
              Isn't Penelope's Star meant for this exact purpose? I prefer to align myself with one of the existing factions instead of creating my own, especially that there aren't many ways to 'personalize' it or distinguish from others. Both of these features are likely to belong to Nex rather than the base game, though.

              >IMO the problem is the skill that remove one randomly
              Exactly, get the skill, grab your fleet on a brief expedition and you come back d-mod free. It's broken but just too good not to pick it when you see it available.

              >caring about balance
              >in a single player game
              Balance is the last thing this game needs, especially when the concepts of low and high-tech are so deeply ingrained; technological development makes some things simply better than others.

              At this point, I'd rather see mechanical expansions of gameplay, and implement a better storytelling system for modding because the UI code is absolutely fricking moronic.

              If there's going to be any balance, then it needs to be based on the metric of fun, not fair. Something that enhances different styles of play. Not limit them.

              • 9 months ago

                >implement a better storytelling system for modding because the UI code is absolutely fricking moronic.
                Somebody should force Alex to play Space Rangers and then check out its text adventure editor. That system would be literally perfect for Starsector and a godsend for aspiring quest writers, assuming the Java-based abomination can support it.

              • 9 months ago

                The UI code is...bad. The way it's called is bad. He should just expose the fricking jframe so I can attach a javafx container to it. At least then I could write my own fricking UI from scratch and use that instead.

                Would be far easier that way, rather than trying to work with shitty j7 based UI code.

          • 9 months ago

            >Take a page from some of the libtard pixelshit games and weeb visual novels and add an interesting story/characters/plot arc, preferably without the libtard politics but I know that's harder than asking for the firstborn from devs today (they probably had him aborted anyway). I can tell you this: The dialogue screens and loredumps are not cutting it.
            Why do you still want it after (correctly) assessing the potential outcome, especially after the diktat debacle? My opinion is to the contrary - frick the story and improve the mechanical side of things, add more things to do and spend money on after you inevitably become a multimillionaire. So far there is not a single character in the game that is memorable or in any way outstanding, and I sincerely doubt it will change at any point of development.
            > I can pick a shitty system and then slowly improve it and it doesn't matter as much that what I find is perfect immediately. Sometimes I even just colonize one of those empty systems in the core instead of checking all the nearby remnant systems.
            Isn't Penelope's Star meant for this exact purpose? I prefer to align myself with one of the existing factions instead of creating my own, especially that there aren't many ways to 'personalize' it or distinguish from others. Both of these features are likely to belong to Nex rather than the base game, though.

            I appreciate the effort but you started more toxic than poltard.

            >General progression
            Making the game longer for pseudo realism would be painful and annoying, only experienced players can abuse the game in no time and it's more like Quality of Life to be rewarded by knowing how to do it.
            It's a balance between freedom vs railroading.
            Many players would brand you as no-fun for gate-keeping every little thing, outside of unbalanced derelict spawn and being able to buy everything on datapad, it's fine.

            IMO the problem is the skill that remove one randomly, paying for one d-mod is acceptable and d-mod are actually useful to keep cost down

            Don't disagree much, I hate how habitable planet end up either in shitty system or twice in a good ones, using artifact-based terraforming would be better
            also colony making should be a campaign in itself

            Just you wait, it sound a classic case of "I didn't write full campaign without more mechanic for it"

            I understand what you want but I suspect it's near impossible to make AI pathfinding and proc gen is harder than it look.
            Slipstream are steps in the right direction, just a s hame it take so long to get the fun stuff.

            >IMO the problem is the skill that remove one randomly
            Exactly, get the skill, grab your fleet on a brief expedition and you come back d-mod free. It's broken but just too good not to pick it when you see it available.

            >I don't understand balance
            game would be fricking boring if there was obvious win combination, and he was right on spot: previous build I only modded the costly hullmod
            half of the fun is finding out what go well together
            that said, hullmod like Unstable Injector should have s-mod that encourage using it

            >caring about balance
            >in a single player game
            Balance is the last thing this game needs, especially when the concepts of low and high-tech are so deeply ingrained; technological development makes some things simply better than others.

            • 9 months ago

              I actually don't know anything about the diktat debacle because I'm only coming back to this game after like a 2 year hiatus (wow, basically nothing new!) but the storyline side of things needs fleshing out at the very least so modders can rip out the garbage and replace it with something good.

              • 9 months ago

                I have no faith in either the community or the developers to be capable of writing anything resembling a memorable story. That's why both of them should focus on the mechanical side, which can be appreciated by everyone and which is the real 'meat' of the game. If you want a good storyline in a space strategy game, play Homeworld.

              • 9 months ago

                I hate you because you speak the truth

            • 9 months ago

              >Balance is the last thing this game needs,
              Infact, why doesn't the game just come with a built-in godmode and cheat sheet, so I can press "I win" and beat the game? I don't have time to work for my victory, I got fortnite to play XD

          • 9 months ago

            sounds like some homosexual shit for homosexuals

        • 9 months ago

          >more sophisticated quests
          I would absolutely kill for this

          Take a page from some of the libtard pixelshit games and weeb visual novels and add an interesting story/characters/plot arc, preferably without the libtard politics but I know that's harder than asking for the firstborn from devs today (they probably had him aborted anyway). I can tell you this: The dialogue screens and loredumps are not cutting it.

          General progression needs a do-over; ships are too easy to get and cost way too little. You can go from rags to the biggest richest single fleet in the sector in like, a year (mostly thanks to derelicts). D-Mods should require more effort to get rid of - not "pay money its all gone". Having a fully functional ship with no d-mods should be an actual accomplishment, not a tuesday. Acquiring derelicts should heavily depend on your salvage ships and then require actual shipyards to put back into d-modded working order. Higher quality weapons and ships should be gatekept through faction relations, questlines, plot progression, and player advancement - some of this is already there, but you have to get mods if you don't want to be able to buy almost any ship in the sector day 1

          On the exploration side of things, flying to individual planets to scan is a massive chore, but what really sucks is trying to find a decent system to colonize, because the way the game is designed right now, it feels way more engaging to have your colony first, and THEN go and explore places and slowly build that colony up, rather than explore everywhere and then build your colony at the end. This whole part of the exploration/colonize progression thing is backwards. The terraforming mod (that unfortunately isn't updated yet) is a major help on this end because with that, I can pick a shitty system and then slowly improve it and it doesn't matter as much that what I find is perfect immediately. Sometimes I even just colonize one of those empty systems in the core instead of checking all the nearby remnant systems.

          >then require actual shipyards to put back into d-modded working order
          I like this. If a random chucklefrick salvager were to find a Paragon drifting around in hyperspace like I did once, he shouldn't be able to just straight-up crew it immediately and raze every motherfricker in his way within the span of three days.

          • 9 months ago

            Kinda weird how you're the only person grabbing salvage and becoming king of the sector

            how come the player is so special and able to do what nobody else can do

    • 9 months ago

      >For clarity, the process for slipstream-crossing would be to 1) start the crossing and 2) reverse polarity midway through and be carried back to where you started by the time you finish going across.
      how do you even write that sentence and not immediately go "this is fricking terrible"

      • 9 months ago

        alright i kept reading and it got even worse

    • 9 months ago

      I just don't even bother anymore the guy never works on anything that actually matters and the updates take years
      if you want to follow development of something you look at modders and see more progress in a week than alex does in 5 months

      the difference between people actually inspired and interested in what they're doing and someone who's going through the motions and doesn't care anymore

    • 9 months ago


      • 9 months ago


  54. 9 months ago

    I know this is just a Conquest if it wasn't a broadsider but i really like this ship.

    • 9 months ago

      UI colour options? Or a mod? I like it.

      • 9 months ago

    • 9 months ago

      From what mod is this ship? Can I get a link please?

      • 9 months ago
        It's got a bunch of hideously OP shit though so beware

        • 9 months ago

          >Balance status: silly.

          I see

        • 9 months ago

          Looks like utter shit
          Also I thought Sundog was the one that started the whole armor regen thing?

  55. 9 months ago

    >play starsector for first time in a while since a new update dropped and the mods finally updated to go with it
    >s-mod PENALTY
    but why

    • 9 months ago

      Alex is a massive no-fun allowed homosexual, nothing new

    • 9 months ago

      S-modding is blight on game balance anyway.
      Also we got some s-bonuses and I personally love how heavy armor only has mobility penalty when built in.

    • 9 months ago

      Alex is a massive no-fun allowed homosexual, nothing new

      >I don't understand balance
      game would be fricking boring if there was obvious win combination, and he was right on spot: previous build I only modded the costly hullmod
      half of the fun is finding out what go well together
      that said, hullmod like Unstable Injector should have s-mod that encourage using it

      • 9 months ago

        >I only modded the costly hullmod
        it also goes both ways with heavy armor and such which i would sometimes use before but now i never do

  56. 9 months ago

    link to buckbreakers? havent played in a few years

    • 9 months ago

      Why is the only buckbreakers version so fricking low on content when the mega already has a full roster of ship sprites in them?

      Where the frick is the UPDATE?!?!?

  57. 9 months ago

    >content == difficulty
    No. The game would be just as threadbare with ruthless sector bullshit added. Maybe if you're a newbie who's never actually played the game it might extend the novelty but that's it.

    • 9 months ago

      I didn't even see anyone arguing content is difficulty

      • 9 months ago

        >Humor us and tell us what you consider actual content

        Take a page from some of the libtard pixelshit games and weeb visual novels and add an interesting story/characters/plot arc, preferably without the libtard politics but I know that's harder than asking for the firstborn from devs today (they probably had him aborted anyway). I can tell you this: The dialogue screens and loredumps are not cutting it.

        General progression needs a do-over; ships are too easy to get and cost way too little. You can go from rags to the biggest richest single fleet in the sector in like, a year (mostly thanks to derelicts). D-Mods should require more effort to get rid of - not "pay money its all gone". Having a fully functional ship with no d-mods should be an actual accomplishment, not a tuesday. Acquiring derelicts should heavily depend on your salvage ships and then require actual shipyards to put back into d-modded working order. Higher quality weapons and ships should be gatekept through faction relations, questlines, plot progression, and player advancement - some of this is already there, but you have to get mods if you don't want to be able to buy almost any ship in the sector day 1

        On the exploration side of things, flying to individual planets to scan is a massive chore, but what really sucks is trying to find a decent system to colonize, because the way the game is designed right now, it feels way more engaging to have your colony first, and THEN go and explore places and slowly build that colony up, rather than explore everywhere and then build your colony at the end. This whole part of the exploration/colonize progression thing is backwards. The terraforming mod (that unfortunately isn't updated yet) is a major help on this end because with that, I can pick a shitty system and then slowly improve it and it doesn't matter as much that what I find is perfect immediately. Sometimes I even just colonize one of those empty systems in the core instead of checking all the nearby remnant systems.

        >ships are too easy to get and cost way too little
        >D-Mods should require more effort to get rid of

        • 9 months ago

          That's part of an argument that the progression is out of wack and needs work

          >Noo you can't fix the game, you have to add more spaceships and guns

          If you think content is literally just more shooty things you got brainworms

          • 9 months ago

            >Noo you can't fix the game, you have to add more spaceships and guns
            Who are you quoting?

            • 9 months ago

              I'm quoting you, the same way you quoted me saying 'difficulty = content'
              What? You don't like turnabout?

              • 9 months ago

                >the same way
                Not at all but ok.

    • 9 months ago

      That's part of an argument that the progression is out of wack and needs work

      >Noo you can't fix the game, you have to add more spaceships and guns

      If you think content is literally just more shooty things you got brainworms

      >implying you don't agree with each other if you understood each other
      I agree with anon that progression lead to changing difficulty, even if you clearly meant it to make it smoother, taking longer to get rid of d-mod is related to difficulty.
      You don't actually need new features to smooth things Starsec is notoriously badly balanced.

  58. 9 months ago

    Shoving unspeakably gay leftist moron shit into Noah...

  59. 9 months ago

    >rape the Queen
    >unique oralbawd portrait

  60. 9 months ago

    >I'm not like other faction mods

    • 9 months ago

      arma sleeper start is too fun

      • 9 months ago

        It's a shame that subhuman troony Noah had his hands in balancing that mod.

  61. 9 months ago

    >mild interferences

  62. 9 months ago



    Progress so far. Anyone have any suggestions? Mostly for named characters cause those are harder to fit characters to.

  63. 9 months ago

    >download rapesector
    >try to rape a male officer
    >you can't

    what the hell why can't I be a normal woman raping innocent male officers this mod is sexist

    • 9 months ago

      >what the hell why can't I be a normal woman raping innocent male officers
      >this mod is sexist
      Yes, and?

      • 9 months ago

        I should be able to groom my perfect husbando

        That's not weird is it? Girls kissing girls is ok, and boys kissing girls is ok but APPARENTLY not girls kissing boys
        no if you like that too bad we don't make things for heterosexual female captains go be a gay

        the lgbt mafia strikes again

        • 9 months ago

          >the lgbt mafia strikes again
          Problem with that is that remnant sex only works if you're a man(male) with working testicles that can produce sperm

  64. 9 months ago

    >Alex drops an absolute kino of a blog post
    >coombrained sandBlack folk still talk about their dating sim mods

    • 9 months ago


      • 9 months ago

        Hyperspace is a good concept, an overwold that connects star systems and handwaves FTL while providing an interactive environment that keeps it interesting instead of just a fade-to-black fast travel screen
        Concept: good

        Implementation is a featureless map filled with tens of thousands of individual hyperspace storm .pngs that dynamically light up but stay completely static where they are. These soulless hyerpspace storms rape your CPU to its knees and cost you some 30-60 FPS to just exist, not even render on your screen just being there in data somewhere somehow kills your performance. And these static storms contribute to the gameplay by randomly tossing you around, dealing damage to your ships, and slowing you down.

        The implementation is bad. It's really really bad.

        I don't play this game without the hyerpspace warp mod anymore.

        You haven't read the spoiler section? We are getting some cool endgame content, finally.

        • 9 months ago

          >cool endgame content
          So hype for... a few new boss ships to fight at most, woah. They probably won't even be recoverable and will just be a waste of time like the cryosleeper fights.

        • 9 months ago

          >cool endgame content
          So hype for... a few new boss ships to fight at most, woah. They probably won't even be recoverable and will just be a waste of time like the cryosleeper fights.

          imagine a player entering hyperspace only to be tentacle raped irl haha
          totally won't happen trust me

    • 9 months ago

      Hyperspace is a good concept, an overwold that connects star systems and handwaves FTL while providing an interactive environment that keeps it interesting instead of just a fade-to-black fast travel screen
      Concept: good

      Implementation is a featureless map filled with tens of thousands of individual hyperspace storm .pngs that dynamically light up but stay completely static where they are. These soulless hyerpspace storms rape your CPU to its knees and cost you some 30-60 FPS to just exist, not even render on your screen just being there in data somewhere somehow kills your performance. And these static storms contribute to the gameplay by randomly tossing you around, dealing damage to your ships, and slowing you down.

      The implementation is bad. It's really really bad.

      I don't play this game without the hyerpspace warp mod anymore.

      • 9 months ago

        Has no one ever told you to just steer into the storm?

    • 9 months ago

      RAT already did everything he's trying to do faster and with more features
      Alex got mogged ever since Exerelin first got released by chinagays and got translated to english as Nexerelin

      His only real saving grace was the release of the God Ship TTS Xenorphica

      • 9 months ago

        Wait, exelerin is chinese?

        • 9 months ago

          Everything worthwhile in the world is made by Chinese. Be thankful, white pig.

          • 9 months ago

            something something tianmen square

    • 9 months ago

      I'm still playing 0.95, I don't give a frick what Alex wants to do to this game any more.

      • 9 months ago

        funny, i stopped playing 0.9.1a just a month ago and skipped right over 0.95
        what's so great about 0.95 as opposed to what's current?

        • 9 months ago

          Mods because tons of them died on .95.

        • 9 months ago

          NTA but the Diable Fortress ship that I bashed a bit doesn't work in the new version. Some mods just never updated, some people really don't care for the hyperspace additions, the only real addition of merit was the ludd ship and the shrines so far in what I played of it.

        • 9 months ago

          frick, i meant to say
          >skipped right over to 0.96a
          but so far everyone gets it

        • 9 months ago

          There's just nothing really changed
          If you play 0.91 and then jump like, what 5 years forward in time to 0.96 you get... some badly written dialogue, tl;dr lore dumps, a couple new ships/guns, and some barebones hyperpsace features trying to make hyperspace fun and failing at that.

          The only relevant thing these game updates do is kill off unmaintained mods that ironically individually add more content than 5 years of updating starsector has added.

          The game is spinning wheels and useless features nobody cares about are being added. I think within the next two years these updates will not only be killing off a lot more unmaintained mods as modders move on to other things, but additionally will be adding such anti-fun features that people actually want to stay on older versions of the game.

          • 9 months ago

            >There's just nothing really changed
            ummm so you're going to totally forget about the completely overhauled skill system? because that's the absolute #1 reason why i kept resisting updating starsector for so long in the first place

            • 9 months ago

              No, I didn't forget the "completely overhauled skill system"
              It was such a nothingburger "addition" it didn't even need to be mentioned and bringing it up doesn't change anything I said.

              • 9 months ago

                >It was such a nothingburger "addition"
                do you even play starsector?
                the old system had a no-brainer skill that gave you a fleetwide +10% ordnance point boost
                taking that away through the skill overhaul broke my old ship fits entirely
                s-modding in skills is really the only thing that gives some of that back, allowing me to outfit ships the way i want to, by giving me some way to access more ordnance points onto my ships
                only difference now is that i have to savescum to undo choices in my process of experimenting with ship outfits
                also, colony management has now been cut down to ONE (1) single skill, and all it does now is give a little boost to resource logistics and build you more ships and weapons faster
                of course i'm not factoring in whatever mod out there kids use to absolutely slam them back into god-emperor status
                thankfully i've moved on from my past god-emperor playthroughs

              • 9 months ago

                >s-modding in skills
                s-modding in hullmods*

              • 9 months ago

                NTA but the "new" skills system is a no-brainer were the most efficient choices are to put every points in fleet-skill and zero in ship combat.
                Alex tried very hard to force us to take skills we never use because they are weak and only apply to your own ship.
                Like who would NOT take supply/fuel boost?
                Even the most innovative skills like AI-skill or Neural-link are waste because you can barely field 2/3 AI who aren't that good or need to sacrifice precious OP for very slight boost on a few ship.

                IMO it would be better to stop thinking in RPG logic and go for Fleet-oriented upgrade, letting you put point to focus on what you really want to play,
                -Low-tech/Midline/High-tech bonus, apply only to ship of that type, debuff for other
                -Ballistic/Energy bonus, either a slight DMG boost or OP cost reduction
                -Frigate bonus, giving them more CR and be always recoverable
                -Carrier bonus
                -Missile bonus
                If it break the balance, add a debuff in another domain, we only want something that make it easier to play a fleet we like
                And maybe a way to s-mod them to make it more permanent

              • 9 months ago

                >Alex tried very hard to force us to take skills we never use because they are weak and only apply to your own ship.
                do you play vanilla by any chance? i tend to see people who play faction mods preferring going full combat builds with their favourite meme ship

              • 9 months ago

                I play with the vanilla skill system since he now allow to take the good skills if you are careful.
                Before I had to mod the skill system to not be forced to take the shit skills.

                >i tend to see people who play faction mods preferring going full combat builds with their favourite meme ship
                I rarely ever fight in the battle and when I do I don't like having a completely OP ship. I cut down on mod who couldn't balance their stuff.

              • 9 months ago

                >I rarely ever fight in the battle and when I do I don't like having a completely OP ship.
                based, as it should be

              • 9 months ago

                Behold my flagship

              • 9 months ago

                I just set the level cap to 40 so its a question of how early you get what, and not locking you into only the fleet stuff. Red still isnt as important though but at least I have a choice when it comes to when I get it.

              • 9 months ago

                >more cheats
                Meh, next time I think I'll just not level anything that don't bring game mechanic.
                Why would being skilled magically increase the missiles store by 50%?
                Only skills that matter would be scavenging/transverse jump for Quality of Life.

                I was piqued by the skill rework blog

                but then seeing what he was actually doing was such a huge letdown. The guy is good at making spaceships that shoot each other, and doing AI, but he is bad at doing just about anything else. He'd be a good lead for a combat design team but he's not the sort of guy who can handle the big picture and tie different parts of the game together. He's totally lost with what he's even doing with the game and all his updates are scatterbrained feel-of-the-moment type stuff.

                Basically he shouldn't be his own boss, he's directionless and needs to work for someone else rather than juts doing what he feels like, not caring where it goes or what he's trying to do or achieve.

                You guy are too hard with Alex and the 3 others.
                To be fair, once you have created something as complex, any change from something that "work" in a stable sort of way would feel like an dangerous rework and everyone will complain anyway.
                Not counting that getting rid of the Red Skill bar mean changing the officers gameplay and every NPC fleet.

                His blog post about the skill rework isn't wrong and the current system is an improvement, just a miserable one over a feature so bland it might as well be automated.

              • 9 months ago


              • 9 months ago

                all mods are cheatmods

                I enjoy cheating in singleplayer games and nobody can stop me

              • 9 months ago

                Kek, do you happen to play total war too?

              • 9 months ago

                >the same dude spams /twg/ and starsector (not) general with mods = cheats

              • 9 months ago

                All mods are cheats
                no exceptions

              • 9 months ago

                Original anon you answered,
                The current skill system already feel like cheats because you gain bonus that do not feel like just being more competent and if you knew tricks for better missiles you'd share with the fleet
                Adding a mod that don't rebalance the skills system but simply let you access more of those cheats make it worse.

                Kek, do you happen to play total war too?

                >the same dude spams /twg/ and starsector (not) general with mods = cheats

                >>the same dude spams /twg/ and starsector (not) general with mods = cheats
                And you guys need to know someone else joined the quotechain
                I only played TW Shogun 2, the game design was a let down with AI that spawn army out of tin air and don't upgrade their cities so it's always shit, I had to mod it to get a better game experience

              • 9 months ago

                >skills are cheats
                >when AI officers also have access to them (and more of them to boot)
                >when AI fleets don't have to worry about fuel, supplies, or affording all that
                Really homie?

              • 9 months ago

                >when AI officers also have access to them (and more of them to boot)
                Also cheat and questionable use of officer for gameplay, alternative would likely be more complex ofc
                >when AI fleets don't have to worry about fuel, supplies, or affording all that
                Dirty solution to overcome AI limitation / acceptable break for gameplay purpose, up to you

                Skills are cheats, removing them would only make ship design more important and battles more balanced.

              • 9 months ago

                Its just a way of abstracting the effect a talented officer has on a ship. Personally I'd tune it if I could find the values. Mods=cheats is just narrow minded and ignores that said mods can make the experience harder as well, as I have done with other values.

              • 9 months ago

                Or maybe mods=cheats is supposed to be a short and trivially obvious metaphor for the difficulties some modders have with balance and avoid needing the full nuanced answer.
                In our case talented officers make the ship grow magic storage space for missiles. I don't mind the others much, the skills system remain mostly pointless with some obvious buffs/cheats who are at best as QoL features, at worse take away from gameplay.

              • 9 months ago

                >In our case talented officers make the ship grow magic storage space for missiles
                Better stowage techniques?

              • 9 months ago

                >Better stowage techniques?
                If it was possible without causing problem (-25% reload time) everyone would practice and do it.
                You might as well be storing missiles in the corridors.

                stars matter for planets
                I wish I could tweak terrain generation and just never spawn nebula systems or nebula in-systems though

                The Los Angeles class can carry 37 torpedoes, do you think the US Navy plans around a particular officer magically enabling them to carry 45 torpedoes?

                The physical limits of a ship don't change just because your captain is good.
                I don't really care cuz this is a game but it doesn't even try to make sense

                At most we could argue for a sacrifice of the ship cargo space for missiles, but we already assume stored supply is what allow to reload the missiles between battles.

              • 9 months ago

                I dont use ship mods because from what I gathered they tend to be just imba

              • 9 months ago

                I was piqued by the skill rework blog

                but then seeing what he was actually doing was such a huge letdown. The guy is good at making spaceships that shoot each other, and doing AI, but he is bad at doing just about anything else. He'd be a good lead for a combat design team but he's not the sort of guy who can handle the big picture and tie different parts of the game together. He's totally lost with what he's even doing with the game and all his updates are scatterbrained feel-of-the-moment type stuff.

                Basically he shouldn't be his own boss, he's directionless and needs to work for someone else rather than juts doing what he feels like, not caring where it goes or what he's trying to do or achieve.

              • 9 months ago

                Neuralink can give you instant free charge of the system for tactical abuse. Its hard to keep track of what exactly triggers the free charge.
                Droneship is okay. It give extra reward for living off killing redacted, but also knowing that throwing these ship to blow up has very little consequences, not even need to dock for next batch of crew. It adds variety to use these untapped hulls but most of them are soulless for attacks with shit flux, they just all have good shields.

              • 9 months ago

                Aside from the capitals, the only reason droneships are passable in combat at all is their captains with all elite skills, and Alex decided that allowing them to have cores is too overpowered so they suck ass. If you use a mod to remove the moronic point restriction they are good.

              • 9 months ago

                The Neuralink is only relevant at sharing your own buff across multiple ships and it cost enough OP that you have to cripple your ships for that.
                Droneship is nerfed to hell, resupplying in droneship is annoying and producing them would break the game.

                Both add variety but are unappealing and it's a mistake to even lock them behind skill point. You should give free access to them but remove the nerf if you take the relevant skills.

        • 9 months ago

          A combination of what the other anons are saying and the fact that I've made countless minor, personal tweaks to the long-abandoned mods I'm playing that there's simply no reason to update.

        • 9 months ago

          You get your shit pushed in with the Zig
          Also Gates are usable as fast travel after you finish the "main story"

    • 9 months ago

      Coomers destroyed this general, nothing to do but banish them to /aco/ or /trash/ where they will hopefully get drowned to the archive.

      • 9 months ago

        >this general
        don't let janny see this

      • 9 months ago

        >moronic drooling

        • 9 months ago

          Who are you quoting? I swear every SEAnig is schizophrenic.

      • 9 months ago

        >this general
        don't let janny see this

        This migrant fleet of a thread, alone and in space, as it burns from inside out by morally lacking people, trash-talkers and coomers within, and assaulted by trannies beyond space and time without, while its ships, with their tired, broken frames barely hold together, losing ships only to pick up new ones in battles.
        A lone fleet stuck in a perpetual walk from battle to battle, without a direction or purpose, all its paths long since forgotten, only kept alive by nameless technicians, scientists, soldiers and leaders, who have no choice but to keep going, in unstated hopes and lack of desire to rot with the people they share their space with.

      • 9 months ago

        I hate the coomers too, but as long as they're contributing to gameplay discussion, then they're earning their keep. It's alot better than JRPG waifu dumps, which are just image after image of fetishistic anime trash. Them actually making mods and content for the game is a step above.

        • 9 months ago

          >I hate the coomers too, but as long as they're contributing to gameplay discussion, then they're earning their keep
          No coomer is the same, some are passable, some are trash, like those rapesector posters.

      • 9 months ago

        Are there even more than like 10 posts in total in this entire thread that even talk about cooming

        I seriously don't understand how you read this thread and come away with the conclusion that coomers are ruining it. Do you even know what coomer threads look like?

        • 9 months ago

          They've been seething for like a week. Probably upset that can't rage at coomers because they're not actually as obnoxious as they pretend they are.

          • 9 months ago

            It is funny to me that seething about RS only started shortly after reddit and discord found out about it.

            • 9 months ago

              That was around the same time RS Black folk starting getting annoying.

              • 9 months ago

                Congrats on outing yourself as a redditBlack person.

              • 9 months ago

                >don't like RS therefore you are... errh... *shuffles cards*

        • 9 months ago

          There have been threads with a good quarter of the posts talking about it. I don't know if you came from Twitter and haven't seen them or if your porn addiction gave you memory issues.

          • 9 months ago

            The point was, this thread didn't have it much, so being a piss baby about it in THIS thread was unwarranted and a cry for attention.

            • 9 months ago

              "being a piss baby" was just one remark, you're the one seething about it.

              • 9 months ago

                No. Nice gaslighting though moron.

          • 9 months ago

            Oh no! An entire quarter of the thread was dedicated to on-topic discussion! The horror!

            • 9 months ago

              It is radically different from normal gameplay and is therefore spiritually off-topic.

              Actually from what I've seen it isn't gameplay at all, just coomer fantasy stories shoved in the game.

              • 9 months ago

                >it doesn't count because i don't like it
                You're such a massive homosexual. Commit Canadian healthcare.

              • 9 months ago

                The guy doing a one man redditcrusade against RS is the same permaloser schizo obsessing about modder cabals and troony clitdick.

                Disgusting subhuman

                No. Nice gaslighting though moron.

                Holy meds, settle down.

              • 9 months ago

                >Gets called out
                >Doesn't like it
                A true redditor.

  65. 9 months ago

    Do fighters count as weapons for ordinance expertise?

    • 9 months ago

      I don't think so. Missiles on the other hand do, despite being unrelated to flux.

  66. 9 months ago

    it's always a laugh when I see someone excited like, Dude New CONTENT!

    And then I read about whatever this New CONTENT is, and its a new rifle for your spaceman, or a new gun on your spaceship, or a new spaceship, or a new paint scheme
    Yeah I guess that's "content", but that's actually content I don't care about. it's superficial shallow stuff someone could've put out in a days' work. I want gameplay systems and game mechanics as content.

    Actually project zomboid is a great example of a developer who is providing actual content, I don't agree with the stuff they're working on first, but a crafting system, basic AI wildlife, expansion of fishing mechanics and sleeping outdoors/in tents, and improving the performance of the game is all the sort of thing I consider to be actual content.

    If they were just adding new tables and chairs and house designs and parts of the map and cars instead of new gameplay systems and mechanics, I wouldn't be happy with it.

    New hyperspace storms are kinda like zomboid devs working on something I don't think is important at all, but it's at least an actual game system. Problem is there's a very big chance that's the only system he actually adds to the game for the next update and whatever else comes with it is going to be some new weapon or ship or fight or something a modder could put out in a few days if they really wanted, and that's not content to me. I see that and my eyes just glaze over and I skip those parts of the changelog hunting for the actually interesting things.

    • 9 months ago

      >spending hundreds of dev hours on an overly compicated system that will waste countless CPU cycles to simulate some obscure shit with minimal gameplay impact is good content
      transition from omboid to CDDA and consider suicide while you are at it

      • 9 months ago

        CDDA is the very definition of "an overly compicated system that will waste countless CPU cycles to simulate some obscure shit with minimal gameplay impact"
        You sound like some moronic contrarian

        • 9 months ago

          >CDDA is the very definition of "an overly compicated system that will waste countless CPU cycles to simulate some obscure shit with minimal gameplay impact"
          You've just said you love this stuff.

          • 9 months ago

            I actually said I didn't agree with the things project zomboid was working on but new gameplay features are always good
            and then you went into some autism about CDDA is better because you think zomboid has overcomplicated unnecessary features that somehow CDDA, known for overcomplicated unnecessary features, doesn't have

            You gonna tell me to install linux next lol

            • 9 months ago

              >You gonna tell me to install linux next lol
              you do sound like you have crippling autism, so might as well

              • 9 months ago

                didn't read
                install gentoo

    • 9 months ago

      But that is content, just a minor one.
      You don't expect devs to pump out game mechanics in droves, do you?

  67. 9 months ago

    >get a radiant
    >put an AI core
    >it dances around the enemies and annihilates them before I can barely do anything
    I feel like a support guy in my own game

  68. 9 months ago

    Is there a way to see what weapons/ships I have in my possession (in my cargo, in colonies etc)

    • 9 months ago

      found it intel > storage > storage contents
      is it me or does UI suck for this game. why everything is so hidden

      • 9 months ago

        It looks perfectly fine.

        • 9 months ago

          Everything past "New" and "Important" might as well be ordered randomly.

        • 9 months ago

          >no search
          >no filter by type
          >no tooltips
          >if you use any filters, it becomes two columns for no reason. making it hard to search
          >no sorting. can't sort by name so even harder to search
          >you can't see the location of an item in unified. if you click "per location" than you can see that but then you have to look for multiple lists
          >hard to find where it is
          >even if you know where it is, intel window is a mess that makes you search for the buttons you want to click

      • 9 months ago

        intel screen sucks, alex says he's going to redo it but just makes hyperspace more annoying instead

  69. 9 months ago
    • 9 months ago

      >still no mod to free Alviss from the lesbian troon academy and have him as an officer

      • 9 months ago

        >still no mod to free Alviss from the lesbian troon academy and have him as an officer
        >lesbian troon academy
        w-what is going on in those mods

  70. 9 months ago
    • 9 months ago


      • 9 months ago

        Big brained anon right here

  71. 9 months ago

    How's the latest update on RAM? Can a 2gb pre-2010 notebook still run it?

    • 9 months ago

      Official requirements claim 3GB are needed. But that might just be a suggestion. By default, 2GB are allocated for the Java VM, which you could change in the vmparams file I suppose, although I expect very bad performance.

    • 9 months ago

      Couldn't run the latest update on my 2010 desktop because it's running 32 bit os. The second latest update was OK with 4gb ram although I was playing with no mods except nex. Unknown Skies was crashing on save, for example.

      • 9 months ago

        Blasted x64 systems.

  72. 9 months ago

    There really needs to be an overhaul for weapon sound effects at some point. The sound of a gigacannon firing is a gigantic disappointment. I think out of all the weapons only autopulse lasers are instantly recognizable and memorable.

  73. 9 months ago

    I don't mind "many words salad" texts, makes things feel bit more lively.

  74. 9 months ago

    >There are things inside
    Like what aliens?
    Phase entitys?
    Tritachyon experiment gone wrong?

    • 9 months ago

      Space dragons from MoO2 and the orz from UQM. The game is derivative as frick.

      • 9 months ago

        Everything is derivative. The unique parts are the new spins you put on the derivative shit.
        You're never going to be happy with anything if your standard is that it must be completely new and unique.

    • 9 months ago

      The ancient enemy of Ludd, the Bludd

      • 9 months ago

        And you'll be caught in a timeless war between them and their ancient, hated enemy, the Krypp

      • 9 months ago


      • 9 months ago

        And you'll be caught in a timeless war between them and their ancient, hated enemy, the Krypp


    • 9 months ago

      Alex hidden collection of anime girl lewds.

    • 9 months ago

      I can't fricking believe RAT of all things is now canon

    • 9 months ago
    • 9 months ago

      I'm inclined towards hyperspace wildlife.

  75. 9 months ago

    Get a room, holy frick

    • 9 months ago

      Buy me dinner first and I will.

  76. 9 months ago

    Playing without storms is weird. It also means playing without hyperspace clouds which is kinda meh because you can't hide in them, but that's fairly irrelevant since besides a few quest spawned fleets the only roaming threat is Nex kill fleets which have maphacks anyways.

  77. 9 months ago

    how do I find Omega ships? Are they like a random system?

    • 9 months ago

      In vanilla, you will only fight then when interacting with hypershunts(2 per game) or as a rare, one-off high level contact bounty.

    • 9 months ago

      Look for blue giant systems, if there's a syphoning structure hugging stars surface, you have found your danger doritos.

      • 9 months ago

        >if there's a syphoning structure hugging stars surface
        does that show up in hyperspace or do you need to go in to the system?

        • 9 months ago

          You need to go into system.

          • 9 months ago

            ah got one, thanks anon

            • 9 months ago

              Have fun.

  78. 9 months ago

    is this a bug or something I don't get: when you select multiple ships (either shift select or drag select with mouse) and give an order, all ships are assigned like that.

    In the image I selected two ships at top left but everyone is assigned to same order (although 2 selected ships have brown arrows while others have green, why?)

    if you select ships one by one and assign them individually, this doesn't happen

    • 9 months ago

      did you right click the comm relay to send them there or did you use assault from the bottom right?

      • 9 months ago

        I right clicked, why does that make a difference? I thought right click is selecting "best order"

  79. 9 months ago

    I wish starbases would rotate very slowly instead of being on fixed rotation.

  80. 9 months ago


    • 9 months ago


  81. 9 months ago

    Is there a way to have some ships basically work together as a single unit?

    I know I can tell one ship to protect another ship, but protecting is different from "help this ship attack other ships" and that's what I actually want.

    • 9 months ago

      No. Working as intended.

    • 9 months ago

      Give them both an attack order on the same target

      • 9 months ago

        and then they fly in at different speeds and act like the 2nd doesn't exist instead of playing off what each other is doing.

        Ideally it should be both attacking the target together, and protecting and covering each other. If one dives in and gets overloaded the other one should play interference for it

        can't believe this game really doesn't have any sort of actual wingman system and that I even have to apply defend this dude orders every single fight because theres no such thing as formations and preset orders even

        it's like the developer looked at mount and blade and then gave up halfway through on the combat and everything

        • 9 months ago

          It's shit and the audacity the dev has to make the "switch manual control instantly" ability locked behind an expensive hullmod, and not even instant in some cases is audacious.

          • 9 months ago

            >audacious twice
            Damn I need to sleep more.
            Frick Alex though.

    • 9 months ago

      using defend on your most aggressive ship in a grouping of ships made with a relay point works best imo
      it's still shit to what it could be though

  82. 9 months ago

    >shield drones
    >repair drones
    Why doesn't vanilla have cool shit like this? And don't make the excuse "it's OP."

    • 9 months ago

      Alyx a dum and lazy citizen.

    • 9 months ago

      I sure wish drones on diables' calm worked like they fricking used to

      why the hell did he go and make them fly around and shit, they were fricking great as a literal wall of replaceable armor plates that could also shoot missiles
      and now that he's not working on the mod anymore its never going to get fixed back to what it was

    • 9 months ago

      What mod?

      • 9 months ago

        Shield drones are FSF Military Corporation, repair drones are ED shipyards.

        • 9 months ago

          erectile dysfunction shityards

    • 9 months ago

      Why do the fighters have names? Also, scutum drones from Imperium are nice

      • 9 months ago

        Arma Armatura mod. It gives officers to fighters. It only has a few actual fighters ported from vanilla (and improved so you're not flying something that would die instantly) but it does have mechs.

        • 9 months ago

          To clarify, you don't need to use mod fighters for officers in fighters, those are separate. The special fighters it adds are "strikecraft" that have fighter wings with them sometimes or not and can dock at carriers like fighters.

    • 9 months ago

      >shield drones
      somewhat exists in the form of xyphos, sarissa or mining drones (lmao), because that's the biggest unmanned thing you can push off a flight deck with any kind of durability in them, look at your picture, a single shield drone would take up the entire hangar and wouldnt even fit on the flight deck. in universe, a 'shield drone' would be, either a single expensive one the size of yours (with frigate class shielding capability) taking up an entire hangar (fighter slot) and still has to fly/catapulted off from its side, hampering replacement, or a gaggle of smaller drones built with the express capability of having a shield and keeping formation in front of your ships or an ally, but a smaller one is less durable (likely warthog equivalent of shielding durability) and naturally has smaller shield coverage, like how shit slips through your xyphos shield covers all the time.

      >repair drones
      in game engagements take place over the course of minutes to hours, outside combat repair and recovery takes days for any significant damage that would justify repair drones, so any repair they can offer would be infinitesimally insignificant within the engagement period, nor between engagements, for that matter (missiles weapons dont even have time to reload), but fine, let's say a trident-sized repair drone would be packed to the brim with temporary fast acting repair complements, like some fire moronant and structural multi purpose foam compound, a suite of replacement comms equipment, a length of flux conduit, and a bottle of WD-40 for good measure, the repairs would only be effective on weapon mounts and smaller sized hulls structure repairs, very slowly, at that, while continually draining your fighter replacement rate (since the repair drone would have to resupply and equip the necessary repair implements for each tasks), unless you're running wolfpack I'm afraid it's quite difficult to find an use case for a physically feasible repair drone solution.

      • 9 months ago

        The sprite is just too big compared to other fighters in that mod. I guess it's to give them a bigger hitbox. Xyphos has 600 shield HP and those have 1000 HP, aka flux capacity. Is the number too high? Maybe if it wasn't for the fact Xyphos also has a few flux intensive weapons, a dedicated shield drone wouldn't necessarily need any besides maybe a single vulcan which would drain so little soft flux it wouldn't tax the reactor at all. So a shield drone could have all the space for weapons instead used for better flux capacitors and thrusters to reposition, and because it's a drone and not a fighter there is no need for crew compartments, saving more space for shield equipment. It does not need to be big at all, the ones in that mod example just happen to be.

        Hull damage, first and foremost, is damage capable of depressurizing compartments, represented by it literally killing crew when it happens. Secondly, it's critical damage either that causes a reactor explosion and total ship destruction, or just being disabled entirely. It is not just one or the other. Being able to plug breaches like those from projectiles, is not "infinitesimally insignificant" but highly significant because it means crew can use compartments again, and thus do internal repairs again, keep the reactor from exploding etc. If you think the only way to repair armour is "multi purpose foam" you don't watch much sci fi or are unimaginative, all you need is modular hull plating and every damaged piece of hull can be unbolted and replaced with another, bonus if the armour is reactive armour designed to allow easy replacement in most cases of it being triggered.

        • 9 months ago

          >highly significant
          again, not in the timeframe of an engagement. remember how even outside combat it can take from a day to a week to repair without a dock, translated to field repairs by a drone (as opposed to the entire crew minus bridge and fullfledged equipments) in combat condition and in a much shorter timeframe. the effect would be very very small, like putting a bandage on a gaping wound, because the game does not have any corresponding mechanic like fire, hull-breach affecting or even removing individual capabilities depending on degree of damage for it to fix.
          there's no granularity in damage, and the big fish is too big for it to feasibly fix in a single dployment.
          >hull plating
          >on a drone
          what I have just stated is what would enable a tiny fighter-sized drone to perform emergency repair on a ship a hundred times its size, all that unbolting and replacing platings is only possible outside combat, you are not doing that in combat situation and certainly not when both of you are doing evasive maneuvers, let alone the space/weight constraint preventing you from carrying enough plate to plug up holes (not structurally repairing the insides) in anything bigger than a destroyer. foam is compact, you got it in a tank, it fills up blank spaces nicely regardless of what the ship is, or did you think an Aurora's got the same plating dimensions and attachment as a Dominator?

          • 9 months ago

            There's already repair in combat (thrusters and weapons, which would realistically be far more complex and take far longer than patching up armour or hull breaches.) And it makes more sense for repair to weapon mounts to be done externally as well.
            If there is weapon/thruster disabling and repair at all there should be repair for armour and hull as well, period.

            • 9 months ago

              but the fact of the matter is, mechanically engine and weapon repair is a thing, done internally with human and any existing autorepair systems, but hull repair is not, what you have is what you get (skills don't count),
              there are generally two places of damage that can be inflicted to a weapon mount damage from the outside, of that mount damage (jams) are not depicted in combat, and weapon destruction is not a thing beyond temporary (like illadvised mods) malfunctions.
              engines are only repairable for balance reason, otherwise any non-ion damage to the engine would be crippling to a ship's engine for the duration of the engagement.

              • 9 months ago

                Tell me more about how you replace a barrel that was exploded by a reaper internally.

              • 9 months ago

                Also you just admitted that the system is limited which is my point, thank you for your concession. It's shit, Alex is shit. Repair drones are based and I will use them every game.

              • 9 months ago

                not depicted in gane, but if it was, you would have to replace that entire section of the ship, gun and everything, drones aint fixing that lmao.

                Also you just admitted that the system is limited which is my point, thank you for your concession. It's shit, Alex is shit. Repair drones are based and I will use them every game.

                in a perfect starsector the ship damage model should have FTL-tier to autism granularity, that would justify the existence of a repair drone, since it does thing that hummies can't.
                that it does not, relegate the repair drone to the only non mechanically adressed item that doesnt break the game, that is 'the rest of the fricking hull'™, it's really not something a single or couple of drones can even partly repair with the meager time fleets goes into combat and materials it can carry. So it doesnt exist, unless your repair drone happens to mount a temporal shell© that allows it to zip to and fro your workshop-cum-hangar like a methed-up schizo and repair everything in 3 minutes.

  83. 9 months ago

    The guy doing a one man redditcrusade against RS is the same permaloser schizo obsessing about modder cabals and troony clitdick.

    Disgusting subhuman

  84. 9 months ago

    Looking to get SUNDERED?

    • 9 months ago

      I'm looking for fun load-outs for the OG Skysplitter.

    • 9 months ago

      The sunder is so underwhelming. It's terrible flux cap means that it's one of the first squishy targets I zap when I see it. Triple antimatter blaster aurora with heavy blasters in the midslots turns most destroyers to slag in a single burst, and the aurora has the speed to get in and out - it's the perfect ship to start whittling down the escorts before double teaming the capitals

      • 9 months ago

        all destroyers not called dominator are squishy as frick. it's a cursed ship size where the only ships that survive contact for more than 5 mins are the gimmicky ships like the harbringer

  85. 9 months ago

    speaking of rapesector how do I capture other captains in it?

    • 9 months ago

      iirc, defeat in battle, if you have lunalib, you could I think also change the percentages and the number of officers you have captured

  86. 9 months ago

    >can’t capture ttx laplace with rapesector anymore

    • 9 months ago

      nvm my fricking settings got reset, laplace is counted as an AI and needs the setting ticked

  87. 9 months ago

    >mention buckbreaker in USC
    >warned for "racism"
    >find out bug in capturing Ruka
    >complaining on Corvus
    >mention that it might be because of me using a "fork" of TNP
    >not even warned, just banned
    The community for this game is fricking cancer.

    • 9 months ago

      >disgusting rapist mad people don't want to hang around with his disgusting rapist personality

      • 9 months ago

        >using a mod makes you a rapist

        • 9 months ago

          >tolerating evil in fiction based on "it's fiction" argument
          >not knowing about metaphysical barriers between real and fictional
          You get as much as the one you replied to, nothing.

          • 9 months ago


            • 9 months ago

              >posts a literal cuck
              Being an emu about reality isn't respectable.

              • 9 months ago

                >morality is reality because... it just is okay!

              • 9 months ago

                It is, yes. Were it not to be so, all acts you commit would be meaningless and you would be insane, were you to even exist.

              • 9 months ago

                Gamma core AI level take.

              • 9 months ago

                Morality is an evolved reflex, it didn't spring out of nowhere without cause, and the morality of any given species depends heavily on its evolution. You couldn't convince an intelligent tarantula wasp, for example, that laying eggs in the flesh of a living spider is wrong, because the perpetuation of its species literally requires it doing this. Should you happen to have such an intelligent wasp that agrees - it wouldn't reproduce. The evolutionary pressure ensures only wasps of a particular morality survive and reproduce. That is: Murder is ok when it's a tarantula.

                This applies to all living animals. Everything has different moral values influenced by its evolution. Humans have very complex moral values because we are a communal and social animal and what leads to reproductive and evolutionary success is sort of indistinct.

                However, despite there being many different conceptions of what is moral across species and individuals, there is an easy rule you can follow to determine morality within a system of individuals, even disparate ones not of the same species: The morality of the lowest common denominator. In any group or system the only assured morality you can have is the morality that all individuals within it agree upon. You can have higher moral standards, for example perhaps 95% of the individuals agree upon something far different from the outliers and this then sets the standard for the system, and outliers are taken to task.

                But if you were to just look at that system of individuals and their moralities in whole, the only thing you can be certain of is the lowest common denominator morality, you can trust that anyone within this system will behave with those moral values of the most agreed upon.

                In a way, you can view morality as a sort of contract because of this. An unspoken and assumed one: I won't kill you, and you won't kill me; if you try to violate this, expect reciprocation.

          • 9 months ago

            >When your own objection placed it in ethics.
            I don't even care about the autistic spat (you) and other anon are getting into, but jerking off the biggest word you happen to know into your post doesn't automatically make you sound smart.

            • 9 months ago

              Metaphysics literal.
              Ethics are irrelevant, all currently existing barriers between reality and fiction are destructible, in the end it falls down to what you think and what you act, so if your being and imagery are questionable, it's irrelevant whether or not it real or not. You're ugly, and there are no obligations to not call it what it is, or tolerate your continuous existence.

              • 9 months ago

                >Metaphysics literal.
                I don't think you understand what metaphysics are.
                >Ethics are irrelevant
                Then why does Evil matter?
                >all currently existing barriers between reality and fiction are destructible
                So you're a post-structuralist then?
                If not, what mechanism dismantles this?
                >in the end it falls down to what you think and what you act, so if your being and imagery are questionable, it's irrelevant whether or not it real or not.
                Are you defending the premise that thought ARE actions? Your phrasing borders on equivocation. I can't quite tell whether you see them as separate or same.
                >You're ugly, and there are no obligations to not call it what it is, or tolerate your continuous existence.
                If ethics are irrelevant, then what paradigm are you using to measure this?

              • 9 months ago

                >Then why does Evil matter?
                Unpleasant experiences are unpleasant, it's a matter of beauty. Not all evil is the same is necessarily desirable or intolerable, or lacks in beauty.
                Wheres some are intolerable, some things are simply too ugly. In no way an appealing evil stops being so.
                The thoughts and actions are emergent of a select nature in the core, which is what pushes them to begin with.
                Ethics are irrelevant [not because right and wrong do not exist, they do, yet they simultaneously do not; and not all people are equally capable of correctly assessing which is which; but because past some line continuous observation of items is simply annoying and unpleasant because meanings are lost, and you simply exist in an unpleasant company. Any moral paradigm can be simply disregarded to any reason.]

              • 9 months ago

                I'm assuming you're SEA by not only the ESL, but the odd take you've got.
                >Unpleasant experiences are unpleasant,
                Circular reasoning. Why are they unpleasant?
                I'm not seeing the connection to Beauty and Morality here. You planning on quoting Socrates or something?
                >The thoughts and actions are emergent of a select nature in the core, which is what pushes them to begin with.
                So your argument is 'impure thoughts lead to profane actions' then?
                >not because right and wrong do not exist, they do, yet they simultaneously do not; and not all people are equally capable of correctly assessing which is which; but because past some line continuous observation of items is simply annoying and unpleasant because meanings are lost, and you simply exist in an unpleasant company. Any moral paradigm can be simply disregarded to any reason.
                So morality is entire a matter of what's convenient, and your entire objection to depictions of rape in media boils down to "I think it's kinda icky to look at"?
                Is that a fair assessment of your position?

              • 9 months ago

                >not seeing
                Morality is merely a subset of a grander concept of knowledge in sapience, a method to understand true nature of acts and events, and their appropriate and inappropriate natures.
                My point about ethics irrelevancy simply cuts off too many sentences because it jumps into entirely other directions. The point isn't about conveniences, but that past some point, when one's pressed too hard, ugliness can be removed by force, and that there are no obligations to tolerate them based on idea that just because it's fictional, it's alright. One may tolerate it, or one may not, and the same is true for any other concept or idea. Using fiction as an excuse to okay certain concepts as if they are less real is a shallow way to appreciate them on one hand, and a moral hypocrisy on the other at least in part.
                May, but more importantly, impure thoughts implicate impure nature, and it is ugly tolook at.

              • 9 months ago

                >Morality is merely a subset of epistemology
                If you're gonna admit you're a moral relativist, why didn't you just say 'yes' when I mentioned the post-structuralism. Would have saved us two posts.
                >My point about ethics irrelevancy simply cuts off too many sentences because it jumps into entirely other directions.
                Your job to explain this. Otherwise you get the next question:
                >ugliness can be removed by force
                Why should it be?
                >moral hypocrisy
                What moral hypocrisy? You haven't even elaborated a baseline moral standard aside from some quavering about beauty and ugliness.
                >it is ugly to look at.
                So I'm right, you DO think it's evil simply because you think it's kinda gross to look at.
                Legitimate question: Are you over the age of 18? This is a childish view of moral reasoning. Unless there's something in these 'entirely other directions' which has a little more substance, I'm left to conclude you have zero fricking idea what you're talking about and are just throwing out 'big' words you don't actually understand in the hopes the rest of the thread is more moronic than (you) are.

              • 9 months ago

                Moral relativism doesn't contradict moral absolutes, all of them exist at once.
                >should it
                It neither should nor shouldn't, it can, if one so desires it. That point was merely disdain at self-apologists.
                The one where one likes something but is not willing to acknowledge its questionable nature if it has it, if one makes an argument that its fictional as if that is more acceptable than real suffering.
                I simply operate on instincts, whether or not you're willing to ponder doesn't matter to me, much like whether or not you're of those who needs fine tune rational explanations to fit in square peg holes of your mind.
                I merely found some posts I considered ugly, because they are, and without expecting them to change their opinion or do anything but reiterate their ugliness, simply told them as much, nothing else. You are under no obligation to reply at all.

              • 9 months ago

                >moral absolutes
                Absolutely spooked.

              • 9 months ago

                So basically you don't want other people to use rape mods because you prefer them raping you in real life instead

                Is that it?

              • 9 months ago

                >Moral relativism doesn't contradict moral absolutes, all of them exist at once.
                Oh no, it's actually moronic.

              • 9 months ago

                >all of them exists at once
                Okay then, to me rape is both good and beautiful, to see a woman's ego get broken down into fine powder as she gets her guts rearranged by her superior is a proper showing of nature's rules and our proper places as animals. So by your claim: this is true and I am morally correct.

                Therefore, fictional rape is NOT excusable, because you can't be excused for doing a good thing. I can't be excused for helping an old lady cross the street, since I didn't do anything that needed to be excused. So both fictional rape and real rape is beautiful and you're just a massive homosexual.

              • 9 months ago

                Your whole point is a load of solipsist bullshit designed to allow you to ignore objective reality and morality in favor of your feelings and desires, to justify your disdain and hatred for anything that opposes what you think and feel. In essence, you're the lowest kind of human, if that.

                There's no grand picture or reality to it, your final truth after all your dressed up fancy words is "I don't like it so it's bad. I think it's so, therefore it is".

                You are the definition of "I feel, therefore I am."

      • 9 months ago

        >Fricking moronic
        Animal level intelligence. Typical of your ilk.

      • 9 months ago



    • 9 months ago

      Corvus doesn't seem to have been able to avoid the homosexualry of the unofficial SS disco.

      You shouldn't be surprised by the USC homosexualry. My god warn for racism? Did you call anyone a gay like Black person homosexual while you were there or?

      Did you tell Noah he will never be a real woman?

      • 9 months ago

        Nope, just the word "buckbreaker" referencing the mod triggered them and it's punished as a slur on par with calling someone a Black person.

        • 9 months ago

          Isn't it because the first thing that comes to their black minds is their gay ancestors getting their daily dose back when they were all still slaves?

    • 9 months ago

      >doesn't hide his power level ouside of Ganker
      skill issue

    • 9 months ago

      It's because you forgot to go to Alice

    • 9 months ago

      >mention that it might be because of me using a "fork" of TNP
      what is that and why did it get you banned

      >find out bug in capturing Ruka
      admin officially banned rapesector talk in Corvus, he just doesn't like it. Even the guy who runs the rapesector discord who's somewhat his friend got told to not bring it up unless absolutely necessary

      weird do, I did talk about it a couple times before knowing the "lore" and never got a problem. did you try to start shit?

      • 9 months ago

        I think he means TNO
        it's a mod faction that has an aryan/nordic "hyperborea" theme and a couple references to nazi germany in the list of possible ship names

        For some reason the starsector trannies lose their shit over it. Like totally loco serial killer vibes level of lost their shit

        We had:
        >threads shitposted non-stop about it, trying to ruin any discussion of the game on Ganker period
        >constant attempts to take over the "general" thread (which is why one doesn't exist) to censor and remove the mod from the list, with non-stop thread splits and "that's not the real thread this troony thread is the real thread"
        >incessant gaslighting and typical leftist schizo stuff
        >false DMCA's filed in the devs name to have the mod taken down from any hosting provider
        >modified versions of the mod trying to add a virus so we started verifying files with a hash
        >starsector trooncord modders actually modifying their own mods to crash the game if they detected you had TNO installed

        The reaction to the mod was psychotic honestly.

        Best of all these people are full blown ukraine supporters. Apparently a few nazi germany references elicit the above reaction, but actual sieg heils and nazi flags and larping in a real life military is OK lmao.

        Like I said, psychotc. They're not consistent in anything and who the frick knows what will trigger any of these people on a given day. Half the discord modders should probably be in mental asylums.

        • 9 months ago

          didn't even know TNO was banned, in the shitpost servers every controversial author gets mentioned and meme'd, Corvus is basically the community's drama archive.

          • 9 months ago

            *shitpost channels

        • 9 months ago

          oh shit, history time?

          >threads shitposted non-stop about it, trying to ruin any discussion of the game on Ganker period
          Those were gamergate era Ganker tourists looking for their next culture war controversy.
          The author of TNO did post in the general tho', he leaked the final update through there
          >constant attempts to take over the "general" thread (which is why one doesn't exist)
          Completely false. The general died because never once since .76 we have been able to sustain a general on /vg/ that lasted more than 6 months. We'd make one each update then end up as refugees in /indie/. The gachagays were just too powerful. The general "died" when /vst/ got made because nobody wanted to bump the /vg/ thread 24/7.
          If anything, the group closest to taking over the general is the UAF Discord you saw last thread
          >incessant gaslighting and typical leftist schizo stuff
          Never seen it. I did see a bunch of cabal autists screaming how the thread sucks, mostly thanks to the TNO cringe bandwagon
          >false DMCA's filed in the devs name to have the mod taken down from any hosting provider
          This did happen was I'm certain it was either Varya, Soren or Mesotronik, most likely the latter since he used to shill himself in the general all the time
          >modified versions of the mod trying to add a virus so we started verifying files with a hash
          Never saw it, but java can frick you up like that. can you post archive link?
          >starsector trooncord modders actually modifying their own mods to crash the game if they detected you had TNO installed
          happened, most perpetrators still defend their actions

          t. posted on every SS thread since 2014

          >Best of all these people are full blown ukraine supporters.
          >he fell for the azov meme
          The nazis in azov literally all died in mariupol.

          I want in to the RS discord, but I don't want to ask around on corvus cuz they're are so many artists.

          just ask in dms

          • 9 months ago

            This is one of the troons gaslighting, for those not sure what it looks like

            • 9 months ago

              gaslighting what? all this shit is on readable tbharchive.

              • 9 months ago

                *on tbharchive

              • 9 months ago

                b***h wtf are you doing

              • 9 months ago

                i honestly don't remember which still has archives from before 2017. i think there are none left.

              • 9 months ago

                RIP fireden

              • 9 months ago

                aren't they all under the wing of the same mantainer?

              • 9 months ago

                Feel free to have your preferences but while there is overlap they archive different boards, and tbh archives more so it has its place.

              • 9 months ago

                Desuarchive doesn't archive Ganker and its derivatives you dumbass

              • 9 months ago

                It archives /vr/ :^)

              • 9 months ago

                different anon. b4k cover Ganker and the other variants if anyone is curious.

              • 9 months ago

                it makes especially clear that the gay that mentioned tbharchive is either a tourist or a Gankertroony

                Which means he's from USC

              • 9 months ago

                All that matters is if an archive archives /mlp/ or not.

              • 9 months ago

                b4k doesn't archive jack and begins at 2019.

                you mean that newbies memoryholed because antonizoon / whoever runs it now can't afford the costs of the search function. I keep confusing both.

                it makes especially clear that the gay that mentioned tbharchive is either a tourist or a Gankertroony

                Which means he's from USC

                sorry mate your little culture wars started with .91 and i've been around posting since the fricking crystal alien faction was new.

                You don't get to scream troony just because I don't budge on these irrelevant bouts of revisionism.

                Here, have some nostalgia. Wish i saved more but we weren't really keen on OC back then.

              • 9 months ago

                >medusas are OP
                I legitimately chuckled.

              • 9 months ago

                pic still being related is gay as frick, this moronic "general" truly is stuck in a timeloop

          • 9 months ago

            This is one of the troons gaslighting, for those not sure what it looks like

            >constant attempts to take over the "general" thread (which is why one doesn't exist) to censor and remove the mod from the list, with non-stop thread splits and "that's not the real thread this troony thread is the real thread"
            ah hahaha I remember you know

            you are the gay that cried every single thread that they didn't include his super special op that put the sseth video and the NGO download
            literally spamming that shit every thread for a whole month

            and you have the gall to call me a newbie. can't believe you are still at your conspiracy theories a literal half decade later.

        • 9 months ago

          >mod faction that has an aryan/nordic "hyperborea"
          There is a starsector mod like that? I thought there was only NGO.

          • 9 months ago

            He's talking about NGO, no idea why he called it TNO

            • 9 months ago

              Probably confused with HOI mod The New Order. Its also about nazis, so its understandable

      • 9 months ago

        No. I mean I made one rape shitpost in the channel they said you could discuss it in but that’s it. Corvus are discord trannies.

      • 9 months ago

        >what is that and why did it get you banned
        Stop acting dumb presidentmattdamon
        You know exactly what it is

      • 9 months ago

        do you have the discord invite?

    • 9 months ago

      If you managed to get banned from Corvus, it means people have been looking for excuses to ban you for some time already.

      • 9 months ago

        Nice try discord troony, I barely post there though.

        • 9 months ago

          >log in to check
          >find this
          lmao, did you seriously think you can ban evade in a non-anonymous community?

          • 9 months ago

            Huh? Not my alt moron. If you’re gonna try to do some epic name and shame try to get it right.

            • 9 months ago

              curious that this happens a few minutes before your little complaint post, then. Oh and the other accoutns all appear a within an hour.

              >Not my alt moron.
              nice tacit admission, kek.

              You realize this community is small enough that people instantly notice when someone mentions an old mod like TNO? And any repeat mentions instantly stand out?

              • 9 months ago

                Be wrong then I don’t really care.

          • 9 months ago

            >anime avatar


            How many fedoras does that troon own?

          • 9 months ago

            interesting shorthand for "STOP NOTICING THINGS"

            • 9 months ago

              do the world a favor and pull another Brenton Tarrant instead of endlessly whining about israelites for the nth time on the malinese dog breeding forums, else you are no better than the trannies and Black folk

              • 9 months ago

                This post glows so hard it can be seen from orbit.

              • 9 months ago

                It's trustworthy.

          • 9 months ago

            stop using my language for your /misc/ cringe you Black person

            • 9 months ago

              take your meds, schizo

              • 9 months ago

                most coherent poster on /ssg/

                Was zom Deifl haschd du grad übr mi gsagd, du kloi Schlamb? Du solldeschd wissa, dess i mai Ausbildung beim GSG9 als Jahrgangsbeschdr abgeschlossa han, in mehrere Kommandoundernehma gegen Al-Kaida involvierd war ond übr 300 bschdädigde Dödunga han. I bin in Gorillakriegsführung ausgebilded ond der beschte Scharfschüdze im deidsche Bundesher. Du bisch für mi nix als oi weideres Zil. I werd di mid einr nie zvor gsehena Bräzisio vom Andliz von dene Weld dilga, merk dir mai verdammda Worde. Du denksch könndeschd dahana im Inderned so oi Schoiß übr mi erzähla ond damid durchkomma? Denk liebr nomol darübr nach, du Wichsr. Während mir uns dahana underhalda, han i scho mai geheimes Nedzwerk aus Schbiona kondakdierd ond dai IB-Adresse wird grad rüggverfolgd, also mach di besser uf den Schdurm gfasschd, du Mad. Der Schdurm, der des erbärmliche kloi Ding, des du als dai "Leben" bzeichneschd, auslösche wird. Du bisch verdammd nomol dod, Kärle. I kö

            • 9 months ago

              most coherent poster on /ssg/

  88. 9 months ago

    >neux resprite is now WIP
    the weebs are at it again anons

    • 9 months ago

      Let me guess, another trash new sprite with 50% of the mounts of the previous ship model?

    • 9 months ago

      tbh anon, idfk what's going trough CY's head, and id rather not know
      (old neux for comparison)

      • 9 months ago

        Degenerative brain disorder.

        • 9 months ago

          would explain why he keeps removing stuff and adding useless stuff on top of it as well

      • 9 months ago

        He finally figured out that angled runways in space is moronic

        give him some slack

        • 9 months ago

          this game might as well not be set in space for all the difference it makes, nothing in it is realistic, like not even a little bit.

          it doesn't even do orbits right

          • 9 months ago

            >it doesn't even do orbits right
            any sectorentity can have any other sectorentity as an orbital focus (and a SE can be an arbitrary point)

            are you complaining that they can't be oblong, which seems entirely trivial, or that alex hasn't solved the three body problem?

            • 9 months ago

              You don't need to solve n-body problems, the guy clearly never heard of a barycenter

              don't do stupid shit like pic related

              • 9 months ago
              • 9 months ago

                meanwhile one of the ways trinaries ACTUALLY work

                Unfortunately starsector can't really code out-of-body barycentres all that well, it needs an entity to anchor the centre of the system to.
                But, thinking about it, there's probably a way you can fake it. Maybe build a "star" custom object that serves that function that's essentially just a 1 pixel transparent dot that the binary system orbit around?
                Just know that the barycentre dot would be the "star" listed in the system intel.
                >t. going to try and build this now.

              • 9 months ago

                Or maybe I'm full of shit and binary systems are already supported by the engine?

              • 9 months ago

                And there shouldn't be any at all like the first two I posted.

                They're supported and sometimes done properly, but the more stars in the system the more likely its fricked up. Technically planets orbiting stars with moons orbiting planets is already doing it right. It's just for whatever fricking reason they decided stars could randomly stop following the normal rules of gravitation and just dance in a circle holding hands singing kumbayah

                Want to trigger astrologist some more?
                see pic

              • 9 months ago

                Want to trigger astrologists?
                Tell them zodiac signs don't matter
                Want to trigger astronomers?
                Tell them zodiac signs matter

              • 9 months ago

                Want to trigger astrologists?
                Tell them zodiac signs don't matter
                Want to trigger astronomers?
                Tell them zodiac signs matter

                Oh shit I said astrologist, always meant astronomers.
                I shall go play some more Starsector as punishment.

              • 9 months ago

                >it needs an entity to anchor the centre of the system to
                already supported, you can just use a dummy

              • 9 months ago

                it's the ancient galaxy sized superbeing whose body we're shooting through for hyperspace I ain't gotta explain shit

      • 9 months ago

        According to his Twitter, CY's coder has a family emergency and that's made development slow to a crawl. I guess CY's coding skills are lacking to keep going by himself.

      • 9 months ago

        You know that Christian cathedral in Spain that's still being constructed over ~100 years or more?

        • 9 months ago


  89. 9 months ago

    Why is Nia turbomad about someone fixing the Unix based systems error of her shitty mod?

    • 9 months ago

      I thought that png of his OC's portrait was removed?

  90. 9 months ago

    What happened to UAF? It gets less interesting content.

    • 9 months ago

      >Assuming that it was good at any point of it's development

    • 9 months ago

      Noah the troony did.

  91. 9 months ago

    meanwhile one of the ways trinaries ACTUALLY work

    • 9 months ago

      There are systems with this exact arrangement in Starsector, autismo.

      • 9 months ago

        And there shouldn't be any at all like the first two I posted.

        Or maybe I'm full of shit and binary systems are already supported by the engine?

        They're supported and sometimes done properly, but the more stars in the system the more likely its fricked up. Technically planets orbiting stars with moons orbiting planets is already doing it right. It's just for whatever fricking reason they decided stars could randomly stop following the normal rules of gravitation and just dance in a circle holding hands singing kumbayah

        • 9 months ago

          stable close trinaries are in because they're cool

          >muh black hole
          not even real, learn some real astronomy

          • 9 months ago

            >black holes aren’t real astronomy.
            Nta, but if Penrose is full of shit, then what’s the truth of the matter?

          • 9 months ago

            >not even real, learn some real astronomy
            Shit, what did we photograph then?
            I'm scared bro! I'm scared!

          • 9 months ago

            >he literally bases his argument on "my telescopes are better than yours" logic

            Want to trigger astrologists?
            Tell them zodiac signs don't matter
            Want to trigger astronomers?
            Tell them zodiac signs matter

            Astrologists are important, but only rare astrologists and only to rare people, much like all other occult matters.

          • 9 months ago

            stable trinaries are

            meanwhile one of the ways trinaries ACTUALLY work

            You mean unstable trinaries that could not actually work in reality

            There are types of stable trinary orbits that would, for some time, look similar to

            You don't need to solve n-body problems, the guy clearly never heard of a barycenter

            don't do stupid shit like pic related

            , but it would be as they pass by each other and obviously the stars in those images don't move like that.
            These incorrectly done trinaries aren't a "rule of cool" thing, it's simply a mistake by someone who doesn't understand how orbits work and didn't care enough to make them work.

  92. 9 months ago

    is there a working bootleg of NGO for current starsector?

  93. 9 months ago

    >spend hours generating sectors with at least one good system to settle
    >restart with the perfect seed
    >finally visit the system 3 cycles in and find that procgen spawned a nexus and an artillery platform in there
    Well that isn't very nice.

    • 9 months ago

      >free bodyguards / salvage generators / remnant loot
      I don't see the issue anon

      • 9 months ago

        They're not paying rent so they have to go.
        Besides, turns out the other high danger system spawned basically next door so it's redundant to boot.

  94. 9 months ago

    "What? You think artillery stations and pets are garbage bloat additions to the game?! Grrr! You have thin bones!! THIN BONES!!!"

    • 9 months ago

      >adds an option to disable pets
      >it doesn't even work

      • 9 months ago

        Same with the option to disable artillery stations.
        It worked in the previous version though for some reason.

        • 9 months ago

          Judging by the forums it's a bug with Lunalib settings, changing it via settings.json should work on new saves.

    • 9 months ago

      No arrow so you say this and look like this.

      • 9 months ago

        "H-How does anon know!?!

        "You can't do this to ME!


    • 9 months ago

      I'm waiting for rapesector to allow captured women as pets if that industrial mod is installed.

      • 9 months ago

        Do slaves count as pets?

        • 9 months ago

          I'd say yes.
          And next up, the Hivers from that one bug mod

          • 9 months ago
          • 9 months ago

            Are the hivers as sovlfvll as these


            • 9 months ago

              They're from Sword of the Stars. First game was SOUL.

              • 9 months ago


              • 9 months ago

                Actually, within the game a rogue Hiver fleet are what causes humanity to jump into the true space age after they attack Earth.

                All nations coincide and cease all hostilities to launch all nuclear missiles at once and destroy enough to make them flee, uniting Earth.

                Humanity then spent about 3k years afterward hunting and purging entire Hiver worlds until they realized all Hiver sects are different. Then they kept doing it some more, but not as much.

                One of the most based intros of Humanity.

                In the starssector mod they're just an angry invader nation made to buckbreak.

              • 9 months ago

                Alien races open up so much opportunities without slipping down to furshit, you can do anything and still be somewhat acceptable in lore if you do it right, but there's literally no good mods which add proper aliens.
                Hell, you can go full roads not taken route and make me fight enormous wooden low tech spaceships.
                But nooo, weebs are not capable of producing anything worthy.

              • 9 months ago

                I only want aliens if they are actually alien. Otherwise I prefer genmodded humans I can purge.

              • 9 months ago

                your first reaction to xenohumans isn't to have sex with them? what's wrong with you?

        • 9 months ago

          >Not raping every woman in sight
          A pity.

  95. 9 months ago

    is there a way to find luddic path base without the random bar event? and randomly searching it I guess

    • 9 months ago

      The fleets they send to harass your system will eventually go back to their base, you can tail them.

  96. 9 months ago

    >wojak posters


    • 9 months ago
  97. 9 months ago

    I always skip all dialogue.
    Alex should stop wasting time on dialogue.

    • 9 months ago

      Shut your homosexual mouth

      • 9 months ago

        That's a weird thing to get so defensive about.

      • 9 months ago

        they hated him because he told them the truth

      • 9 months ago

        why so mad?

    • 9 months ago

      the game was better in 0.95

    • 9 months ago

      That's because hooking people and getting them to read dialogue is a massive skillset in itself. Presentation matters and the writing in this game is just boring_wall_of_text.jpg.
      Visual novels and comics are the discovery that presenting words alongside a bunch of pictures helps pull people into actually reading something. It's not the only way to hook someone into dialogue, but it's a huge help.

  98. 9 months ago

    Will killing luddics after the scythe mission make them send pathers to your systems again?

  99. 9 months ago

    huh, the automated ships from the scythe mission does not count towards your automated ships limit

    • 9 months ago

      You also can never repair their d-mods
      not with Hull Restoration or even station repair

  100. 9 months ago

    Any new cool mods like space truckin recently? Or Arma style stuff? Have barely played since the update.

    • 9 months ago

      ahh, shit. dmods from this ship can't be removed. even my dmod remove skill is not working. shame

      • 9 months ago

        Just save edit to remove them.

    • 9 months ago

      What does space trucking even add?

      I thought that was just a cheatmod for getting more money from hauling stuff

      • 9 months ago

        Stop breathing.

      • 9 months ago

        You can set it to be based on what markets actually need and influence that, as well as not give as much/give more money so its giving incentive to actually work the markets as well as an easy way to get stuff to sell and where to sell it. I find it relaxing and fun in an early scavenging save before I go exploring. Its no more "cheating" than trading is in vanilla, less so depending on settings.
        Wherever I am, I must spacetruck.

  101. 9 months ago

    You fricks keep talking about the UAF queen but what about the UAF Robo Queen?
    Remnant SEX is a literal thing now

    • 9 months ago

      RS dev hasn't added a feature for her.

      • 9 months ago

        inb4 the same thing happens for her and novaeria's shipgirl (soonTM) as what happened with aeria and solvernoah

  102. 9 months ago

    Finally, its alive

    • 9 months ago

      What's the difference between this and tasc, anyway?

      • 9 months ago

        less boggledware

    • 9 months ago

      one of the most important mods for the game honestly
      should be a baseline feature that you can build things like stellar shades and mirrors to help push an almost habitable frozen shithole or desert into being more habitable.

  103. 9 months ago

    >start new playthrough
    >accidentally pick "own faction" start
    >feel almost disgusted at how much they give you, from 50k start to a planet with farmland and volatiles
    >basically feels like a free win
    >scrap the save and start over

    My desire for challenge has ruined me.

    • 9 months ago

      Challenging yourself and recursively improving is the whole point of play

      You're not playing a game if there's no challenge in it for you. I know a lot of guys - they don't want a challenge in their games, and what they end up doing is they "play" games while doing a bunch of drugs.

      • 9 months ago

        Actually the point of a game is having fun.

        • 9 months ago

          Fun is a reward mechanism, your brain rewards play because it's training you - which has implications on survival and successful reproduction, whether you consciously realize that or not.

          Challenge is intrinsic to this reward mechanism: Once you've overcome the challenges, you stop having fun. You "win" the game and it becomes boring to you. There's all sorts of challenges in games, it's not simply beating a bad guy, you also have optimization problems that for some people are like crack to solve.

          However once you remove the challenge and the fun it's intrinsically tied to, the game becomes something like starfield: A cookie clicker shitfest where you go through the motions of playing a game wondering why you're even doing this as you press A to fast travel to the bullet sponge that stands still staring at a wall, then press A to kill the bullet sponge, then press A to fast travel back to quest giver and press A to talk and press A to turn in the quest. You're not once challenged by anything, you never have a moment of, "Ok that didn't work, how am I going to do this?"

          There's a lot of games out there that are like this, they're so basic and simple there's no challenge left in them, but people get hyped up, they HAVE to have fun playing these games, so they pursue something that short-circuits their reward mechanism: Drugs. A game like starfield suddenly becomes "fun" to play because you just smoked a bowl and you're sitting in a contended haze. You could be happy watching paint dry. You certainly couldn't handle any sort of challenge in a game in this drugged out state, but that's ok - you can "play" something without thinking much about it.

          Games where you have "fun" by inducing a vegetative drugged out state of mind, aren't games. They're barely even skinnerboxes honestly. It's a skinnerbox where you have to purchase and add the DLC reward mechanism from your drug supplier and without him there's actually no reward mechanism from the game at all.

          • 9 months ago

            Actually the point of a game is having fun.

            Fun is just a buzzword.

          • 9 months ago

            >what is a sandbox game
            Didn’t read your post.

    • 9 months ago

      Capture the flag works for mount and blade because the game is designed around that - you're expected to be going from castle to castle having these people swear allegiance to you, etc. It has some historical basis even.

      Starsector was never designed like that. You instead have very immutable and solidified political blocs of tens or hundreds of millions spread across a half dozen planets. The logistics of invading a planet of millions, is prohibitive. This is something you could never do with a single fleet and 2000 marines. The scope and scale of what nexrelin does is at odds with what you see already built in the game. Any actual invasions and territory exchanges would take years of political buildup, months of military buildup, and months/years of actual military conflict that costs the lives of hundreds of thousands to millions of people. You're not riding on a horsey between cities of 30k people to capture villages of 200 people like mount and blade; where an army of 2,000 soldiers actually makes sense. Starsector's scale means territorial and faction changes should be tied to a narrative system - quests, storylines, characters, etc.

      Unfortunately nexrelin is just 'haha pain map hehe'
      they have just so completely lost the plot on what the game is, and put so much effort into that direction with the mod, that there's no hope of seeing anything sensible out of it

      The real reason to use nexrelin isn't because of the map painting (it's the very first thing I turn off) it's, as you said, the relative dynamism and customization the mod enables in everything else outside that. Nex introduces some life into starsector, because it's pretty soulless by default.

  104. 9 months ago

    >get planetkiller
    now what do I do with it

    • 9 months ago

      Kill a planet? I never ended up finding a way to give it to the Ludds

      • 9 months ago

        >start colony
        >attract pather attention from heavy industry and AI cores
        >find pather base and talk to the administrator there
        You can't talk to Cotton about the planetkiller which seems like an oversight

        • 9 months ago

          I did, quite a few times, even got high rep with them. Anytime I tried to talk about it they start out yeah then go no.

          • 9 months ago

            I should add that I did this awhile ago about a month after the update so it may be a bug or something.

            It needs to be the base thats harassing your colony not some random base you find somewhere out in the sticks

            • 9 months ago

              Yep, I understand that, still no bueno. Appreciate the attempt though.

        • 9 months ago

          I did, quite a few times, even got high rep with them. Anytime I tried to talk about it they start out yeah then go no.

          I should add that I did this awhile ago about a month after the update so it may be a bug or something.

  105. 9 months ago

    I need mods with actual content and when I say content, it has story mission or quests in campaign. I'm so sick and tired seeing rehash of pirates, salvage ships, and most of all, the lowest effort and meant for the lowest common denominator is the """"junkers"""" ship. have a nice day if you enjoy those.

    • 9 months ago

      Persean Chronicles? Works fine in 0.96, just edit the json to 0.96

    • 9 months ago
      • 9 months ago

        anon, which mod?

        • 9 months ago


          • 9 months ago

            DL link?

            • 9 months ago

              up ur bum

  106. 9 months ago

    I want in to the RS discord, but I don't want to ask around on corvus cuz they're are so many artists.

    • 9 months ago

      there is no official rs discord

      • 9 months ago

        there is. it's a porn server that houses the dev team

        • 9 months ago

          What, mael's comsec or turkler's sex co? Neither of them are dedicated to rs or its development.

          • 9 months ago

            there's no dedicated server, Mael's just the server where devs also dump updates, supposedly.

            hol up. Did Cy get in a fight with Turkler over the SS porn server?

            • 9 months ago

              No. CY got in a fight with turkler because they're both socially inept morons. It's just the kid with autism and the kid with downs punching eachother in the back of the class while everyone else tries to pretend they don't exist.

              • 9 months ago

                >CY got in a fight with turkler because they're both socially inept morons.
                but what caused it? i mean turkler is famous for being moronic by it's inda a very old relationship to end abruptly.

              • 9 months ago

                tl;dr: CY let turkler into his bakery despite not wanting to be associated with him for obvious reasons, on the condition that turkler subscribed to his patreon as an alibi. Turkler did what turkler does and got himself kicked, then coped incredibly hard.

              • 9 months ago

                aaah, poor kid. Guess Cy's to cool (as if) for the nerds. That entrapment is rude tbh, dude led him on so he'd predictably flip.

                Have a bit of a feeling they are gonna sabotage his mod soon. Hope he can handle it.

              • 9 months ago

                I wouldn't say it was an intended entrapment, because CY was friends with him. It's just that turkler killed the friendship by being himself, which CY didn't expect. They're both completely moronic and both share the blame equally.

              • 9 months ago

                CY took the conscious decision to sort-of ghost him and then took the first opportunity to scream HES HARRASSING ME so he'd have public cause to get rid of him. That's 100% on purpose.
                consider CY was probably peer pressured by modder gossip n shit.

                That is, we -are- assuming they were friends and not just on friendly terms, I doubt this a great betrayal outside turkler's imagination. It's rude either way, I have friends on the spectrum and I'd never do them that dirty.

              • 9 months ago

                Christ its insane listening to how your libtard communities work

                it's like a bunch of barely contained fricking psychos mixed with drama queens all with the emotional intelligence of children

              • 9 months ago

                >emotional "intelligence" of women*

              • 9 months ago

                This is false, I saw the DM history. It's how I described. CY said shit to turkler that you don't say to people that you aren't friends with.

              • 9 months ago

                I really do want to emphasize that turkler torpedoed the friendship by being a moron that has 5th grade understanding of boundaries and general social skill.

                Not excusing CY for being surprised by the situation he put himself into though, that was also incredibly stupid. You don't get money involved when you're friends with someone.

              • 9 months ago

                I really do want to emphasize that turkler torpedoed the friendship by being a moron that has 5th grade understanding of boundaries and general social skill.

                Not excusing CY for being surprised by the situation he put himself into though, that was also incredibly stupid. You don't get money involved when you're friends with someone.

                well, who would have thought, an actual tragedy in a sea of attentionprostitute drama.

                Afraid that's more or less how it goes with people who live mentally on the brink. You can't really trust them with anything, much less personal information. If you do, always do it imagining the worst can happen.

  107. 9 months ago

    Against my own better judgment I'm going to make another attempt at using Conquests.
    What do I stick in medium missile slots? Large one goes to Squall, I just don't have one on hand.

    • 9 months ago

      conquest fricks unless you got mods.

  108. 9 months ago

    >also Alex

  109. 9 months ago

    Discord bullshit should stay in discord.
    What's the most satisfying fight you remember? Dunking on Legio with the Flagship is insanely fricking fun.

    • 9 months ago

      my earliest "ok this game is good" memory was exerelin era, invading the insterstellar imperium homeworld as the Hegemony, during that mod's heyday as the best mod you had to cheese the frick out of it because they'd produce megafleets per minute, frick faction mods.

      but tbh the most fight I had was fighting 5 invasion fleet units in vanilla, fight so bight not only they were divided in waves, but also were too large to finish in my sitting. Basically a whole month fighting watching as my fleet and sides of the armies slowly deteriorated.

  110. 9 months ago

    Nia pls stop raiding this thread

    • 9 months ago

      Um sweaty we call him Noah here

    • 9 months ago

      yes anon, every post that disagrees with you is a coordinated raid

  111. 9 months ago

    >iron shell nia
    >uaf nia
    >tahlan noah

    • 9 months ago

      all raped by me btw

      • 9 months ago

        >Not raping every woman in sight
        A pity.

        • 9 months ago

          would you even know they're women if they didn't have pictures

          • 9 months ago

            They have names dude.

  112. 9 months ago

    I’m going to add Nia’s portait to the game so I can rape and mindbreak her.

  113. 9 months ago

    >from 2k threads into this
    what happened... also, any good shit come out since june?

    • 9 months ago

      this game isn't under active development unless you consider 1 update a year "active"

      • 9 months ago

        >update is just a few ships, weapons, one sidequest, and more annoying shit in hyperspace
        >after a year

  114. 9 months ago

    Space Truckin'

    • 9 months ago

      Luv' Ludd
      Luv' Trade
      Ate' tech
      simple as

      • 9 months ago

        >ludds claim to hate tech
        >also will pay me a premium to supply them with heavy machinery and heavy weapons

        • 9 months ago

          It's what happens when a moron writes a story

        • 9 months ago

          Heavy machinery and weaponry isn't high-tech enough for them to hate it.

          • 9 months ago

            Neither are spaceships because they just aren’t… okay?
            Trash writing.

            • 9 months ago

              They just hate TriTech

              • 9 months ago

                So do the hegemonkies. There is no functional difference between them and any Tritach rival besides Ludds being LARPers.

        • 9 months ago

          >ludds claim to hate tech
          They do, the are more or less the only faction that's self-sustainable and will surive the collapse as primitive agrarians

        • 9 months ago

          Techno-amish with an higher bar for minimal technology, simple as.
          Same as fundies who like having medicine but will claim that touching genetic is heresy.

          • 9 months ago

            It's pretty easy to see how the "luddite" religion should work, but the game doesn't try to take the religious beliefs seriously and because of that they will never ever have any writing for the faction that makes any sense.

            I mean just look at you:
            >Same as fundies who like having medicine but will claim that touching genetic is heresy.
            You've already framed the ludd faction into something you could never write in an interesting, insightful, or intelligent way.

            How about:
            >Men who recognized the extreme dangers of the technologies we've begun to use and clamped down on it as a response to what is, correctly, being seen as an existential threat to humanity itself.

            A comparison to the real world might be a religious sect that wants to ban the use of chemical, biological, and nuclear weapons of mass destruction. Not your toaster. Or genetic engineering because we could inadvertently change what even makes us human. The trappings and commandments of religions, like "don't eat pork or shellfish or bugs", might seem ridiculous today - but these animals are disease vectors. The instructors recognized shellfish + eat = death, so they tell people not to do it. Understanding the cause isn't necessary to avoid the effects, and that's what a lot of religious advice and knowledge is like: We don't understand the cause (perhaps it's the devil, satan, or spirits, or demons) but we do understand it's bad for you. So listen to us, avoid the devil, and do the right thing in Gods' eyes and you will be better for it.

            • 9 months ago

              Anon, you get it wrong.
              I consider the way the Luddite church/path are written as interesting, insightful and intelligent a Genre Savvy way. It is a very high-quality setting for humors around staples of SF.
              And there's nothing wrong with it not pretending to be 100% serious. It's frankly a rare find for me, alternatives are usually goofy seires like SG-1 that explain you the joke/reference of the week or shows that act like they are serious when they use Martian colony 101 or space-barbarian tropes.

              >I mean just look at you:
              >>Same as fundies who like having medicine but will claim that touching genetic is heresy.
              >You've already framed the ludd faction
              No, that was referencing IRL fundies and how they still exist without making themselves irrelevant.
              Any arbitrary Dogma you set need to function along technology and access to information about stupid sect.

              >How about:
              >>Men who recognized the extreme dangers of the technologies we've begun to use and clamped down on it as a response to what is, correctly, being seen as an existential threat to humanity itself.
              Write a different serious story, carefully tread around the landmines that prevent "Religion" from surviving/mattering in a SCIENCE-fiction, and I have no problem with that.
              It would be more serious to link Ludd to "hyperspace song" because it is unexplained by their sciences.

              >like "don't eat pork or shellfish or bugs", might seem ridiculous today - but these animals are disease vectors
              I already knew about that and this is a good point. But in our context even Starsector setting with institutional manipulation of farm-planet kept ignorant of how the tech-box work is barely enough to justify a religion when science is needed to breath at all.

              prudent Ecolo-Traditionalist =/= backward Religious-Pastoralist

      • 9 months ago


        >ludds claim to hate tech
        >also will pay me a premium to supply them with heavy machinery and heavy weapons

        The vibe I get (especially with the additional lore) is that they would love to not use any tech but that simply isn't going to happen with all the motherfrickers with guns and spaceships around. Its not like they can just shoot bows and arrows at space ships sadly.

        • 9 months ago

          Plenty of subhumans live as “decivilized” apes on planets and for some reason cannot be eradicated despite having no spaceships, being a civilization was their choice.

          • 9 months ago

            >tfw no genocide mod to purge the uncivilized

            • 9 months ago

              indevo lets you exterminate the savages from worlds that you have a colony on

              • 9 months ago

                yeah but then I'd meed to install indevo

          • 9 months ago

            de-civ is actually fine.

          • 9 months ago

            "devilized" in like 95% of cases means you are trapped in an athmosphere-less rock waiting to starve to death inside bunker.

            You can count the number of properly terraformed planets in the sector with the fingers of one hand.

            • 9 months ago

              >Waiting to starve to death
              More like barely clinging to life using what tech is leftover, but yeah the game never really tells you how long a worlds been decivilized.

              • 9 months ago

                Deciv mostly means two things:
                * Your interstellar comms are gone and you can't repair them so the only way someone knows you exist is by orbiting and waiting to find modern telecom signals
                * There's no way for trading vessels to landfall because you landing and launching platforms have been all but destroyed beyond any hope for repair.
                You and others launch single team expeditions to deciv planets all the time, it's safe to assume small scale trading can even happen, enough to sustain raiding marauders. ie: the deciv world in tri tach space still kicks around. In some cases, iirc the planet can just "devolve" by becoming multiple nation-states where nobody bothers to the infra or lets anyone landfall on enemy land

                But those cases are few and the overwhelming number of decivs are athmosphereless rocks marred by bunkers or collapse/AI war-made mad maxesque landscapes.

                I do believe a mod that adds different types of decivilization would be wonders for the game.

                Christ its insane listening to how your libtard communities work

                it's like a bunch of barely contained fricking psychos mixed with drama queens all with the emotional intelligence of children

                >how your libtard communities work
                brother that's how literally any internet community works. You are missing the forest for the trees.

            • 9 months ago

              >barely clinging to life
              >manage to add 25% hazard rating + instability

  115. 9 months ago

    >Found pristine nanoforge on my first run ever extremely early in
    >Have never found one again

    • 9 months ago

      Better than me. I've never found one in the wild.

      • 9 months ago

        If I knew how good I had it I wouldnt have deleted the save

        • 9 months ago

          I have like 12 saves to delete just on account of adding new mods.

    • 9 months ago

      >install better techmining
      >laugh all the way to prism

      • 9 months ago

        >install better techmining
        Cheat mod though.

        • 9 months ago

          >cheat mod
          Because the vanilla implementation is worthless garbage.
          >just go colonize every ruins planet and abandon them after a month!

          • 9 months ago

            should've just implemented some kind of outpost type of thing so you can run an archeological expedition rather than a full blown colony

    • 9 months ago

      Install Iron Shell and go steal Chico’s.

  116. 9 months ago

    >Heg purging independents
    Domain back?

  117. 9 months ago

    >at some point sold claw blueprint to pirates

    • 9 months ago

      Bultach’s entire set of fleets/ships is one package so it’s prime to give to pirates.

    • 9 months ago

      >at some point sold claw blueprint to pirates
      If selling a single blueprint means every self-described PMC in the sector now has high tech ships one would thing finding a blueprint would be a bigger deal.

  118. 9 months ago

    >Heg and League allied
    Well that's cursed

    • 9 months ago

      >Luddic Church and Tri-Tachyon allied
      The most unholy alliance ever seen yet...

  119. 9 months ago

    Returning player. I have two questions:

    I have only ever played Hegemony and path, but wanna try persean league. What weapons should I be putting in slots that can only fit energy?

    Trying out faction mods for the first time: what factions are great additions and not the authors barely disguised fetishes to be overpowered?

    • 9 months ago

      >inb4 you lie troony
      here's proof.

      back then it was Ganker tourists not realizing people posted on /vg/ to escape their autistic bullshit as usual. one would think after so many years you'd wizen up and adapt to the culture, but no, still thinking you are fighting a shadow war.

      >What weapons should I be putting in slots that can only fit energy?
      ohlala rich gay and his high supply fleets
      we run conquest and missile ships in the PERSEAN sector. Basic is a mic of midline and low tech ships.

      >what factions are great additions and not the authors barely disguised fetishes to be overpowered?
      there's basically none. but Insterstellar Imperium always held as babbys first faction. Since it's both good and bad.

      If you want to look for bootleg (aka abandoned but maintained "illegally") factions, Diable Abionics is arguably the best vanilla and newbie friendly faction as long as you pretend the gundams aren't there

      • 9 months ago

        >What weapons should I be putting in slots that can only fit energy?
        (with that said you can never go wrong with pulse blasters. nothing more because midline can't handle high flux weapons, they have missile slots for a reason)

        It should be fine to just leave empty. Simply a better low tech.
        PD. Mining laser is okay with skills. Burst PD if you don't want to waste ball mount.
        Emp and long beams are standard addition to ballistics and cost little flux.
        AmB, HB, and MB, are the armor bayonet and extra fire power if you are using longer range kinetic on every ballistic mount against shield. Think about what are justifiable to overspending OP on weapons in two different categories.

        >Trying out faction mods for the first time: what factions are great additions and not the authors barely disguised fetishes to be overpowered?
        Star Federation is fun as frick and doesn't introduce stupid bullshit. You'll enjoy it.

        Hi, thanks!

      • 9 months ago

        Wanzers are the only reason to install Diable.

        If any modder is lurking in the thread - I'm begging you, make a mod that splits indeps and pirates into multiple factions, ie. separate gangs that can fight among themselves and be privateered by the major powers, and make the mercs, scavs and independent planets into distinct factions, so that killing scavsfor example won't make all of them hate you. It would be better and more lore friendly than all of these donut steel mods.

        I like Carter's Freetraders, always felt like an Indy faction. Same with Arma. I agree with you on the pirates. One of my favorite QoL kenshi mods is a simple mod that splits the desert bandits into factions after you kill their "king"

    • 9 months ago

      >What weapons should I be putting in slots that can only fit energy?
      (with that said you can never go wrong with pulse blasters. nothing more because midline can't handle high flux weapons, they have missile slots for a reason)

      • 9 months ago

        take your meds, that weapon doesn't exist

        • 9 months ago

          pulse lasers, sorry

        • 9 months ago

          No but I now want it to exist.

      • 9 months ago

        It should be fine to just leave empty. Simply a better low tech.
        PD. Mining laser is okay with skills. Burst PD if you don't want to waste ball mount.
        Emp and long beams are standard addition to ballistics and cost little flux.
        AmB, HB, and MB, are the armor bayonet and extra fire power if you are using longer range kinetic on every ballistic mount against shield. Think about what are justifiable to overspending OP on weapons in two different categories.

        • 9 months ago

          I always found full ballistics midlines to choke hard unless i'm at the seat, specially the conquest.

    • 9 months ago

      >Trying out faction mods for the first time: what factions are great additions and not the authors barely disguised fetishes to be overpowered?
      Star Federation is fun as frick and doesn't introduce stupid bullshit. You'll enjoy it.

      • 9 months ago

        The only complaint I have about Starfed is that their stuff has really low spawn rates. I don't think I've seen a single cruiser-sized SF derelict in the wild and only a handful of destroyers/frigates.

      • 9 months ago

        To be fair they introduce one thing I would categorize as stupid bullshit, but it's end boss and dare I even say, fun stupid bullshit.

  120. 9 months ago

    >Starsector will never be finished in your lifetime
    This game is basically semi abandonware at this point in time.

  121. 9 months ago

    Nia owes me sex

  122. 9 months ago

    >try to dump shit in the abandoned station in asharu
    >every time I hit the hotkey for it it takes me to the station contents rather than my fleet screen
    >do this moronic shit for about a month
    >click the option via mouse on a whim
    >suddenly the option's name is changed when I go back in the menu
    >same shit for inventory
    >now it finally starts me at the fleet screen when I try to dump ships there
    Surely I'm not the only one experiencing this sort of shit as of 0.96. Is this frickery vanilla? It wasn't like this before.

    • 9 months ago

      Anon, I'm sorry to tell you this but..
      You're moronic. You know what though? There're plenty of 'tards out there living really kick-ass lives. My first wife was 'tarded: She's a pilot now.

  123. 9 months ago

    I love Eagles so fricking much it's unreal bros

  124. 9 months ago


    • 9 months ago

      >prevents you from disengaging
      The balls on them

    • 9 months ago

      >outgunned to the point of using the hopelessly outgunned quote
      >forces you to engage
      Schizo pirate

    • 9 months ago

      >oh shit they have a derelict legion
      >what if
      >what if we refitted the OTHER derelict legion at the other side of the system?
      >there's another one just a little to the left too

  125. 9 months ago


    • 9 months ago

      That’s the plan, anon

      • 9 months ago

        sneed and feed nia...

        • 9 months ago

          No, I will not frick the trannies.

          • 9 months ago

            it would help a lot, 95% of trannies wouldn't exist if they got some good pussy while they were teens

            • 9 months ago

              I would rather kill them in cold blood with extreme prejudice
              And kill their parents too while I'm at it for raising a failure of a human

            • 9 months ago

              Main problem with troons is that most of them are in your face about it. I am perfectly okay with those who behave like normal human beings.

              That goes for morons too.

              • 9 months ago

                Troons are spooky, they make me jump when I see them because they look vaguely female until you see the face.

  126. 9 months ago

    If any modder is lurking in the thread - I'm begging you, make a mod that splits indeps and pirates into multiple factions, ie. separate gangs that can fight among themselves and be privateered by the major powers, and make the mercs, scavs and independent planets into distinct factions, so that killing scavsfor example won't make all of them hate you. It would be better and more lore friendly than all of these donut steel mods.

  127. 9 months ago

    Post your modlist bros

    • 9 months ago

      Dassault-Chukoyan Protectorate
      Slightly Better Tech-Mining
      Adjustable Skill Thresholds
      AoTD - The Sleeper
      AoTD - Vaults of Knowledge
      Arma Armatura
      Arsenal Expansion
      Automated Commands
      Better Variants
      Blackrock Unofficial Add-on
      Blackrock Drive Yards
      Brighton Federation:
      Captain's Log
      Combat Activators
      Combat Chatter
      Combat Misc Utils
      Combat Radar
      Commissioned Crews
      Console Commands
      Content Unlocking Missions
      Detailed Combat Results
      Diable Addon - SUNRISE
      Diable Avionics
      Diktat Enhancement
      Eagles with flavor
      Everybody loves KoC
      First Persean Empire
      Fleet Size By DP
      Hazard Mining Incorporated
      Hexagonal Shieldidgeridoos
      HMI Supervillains
      Interstellar Imperium
      Iron Shell
      Leading Pip
      Legacy of Arkgneisis
      Locked and Loaded
      Logistics Notifications
      Luddic Enhancement IED
      Luddic Enhancement
      Mayasuran Navy
      Missing Ships
      More Bar Missions
      More Military Missions
      Neutrino Detector Mk.II
      Ore Refinery
      Persean Chronicles
      Pirate Music Replacer
      Pirate Ransom
      Power Fantasy Portrait
      prv Extraworks
      prv Path
      prv Starworks
      QoL Pack
      Random Assortment of Things
      Ruthless Sector
      ScalarTech Solutions
      Scan Those Gates
      Scy Nation
      Secrets of the Frontier
      Sephira Conclave
      Ship/Weapon Pack
      Starship Legends
      Stellar Networks
      Stinger Shipyards
      Stop Gap Measures
      Superweapons Arsenal
      Supply Forging
      Tahlan Shipworks
      The Star Federation
      United Aurora Federation
      Unknown Skies
      Upgraded Rotary Weapons
      Variants Lib
      VIC [KS]
      ZZ Audio Plus
      zz GraphicsLib

      Pirate music replacer is just my shitbashed mod
      UAF and Tahlan are purely for RS

      • 9 months ago

        Where is the main RS download link?

        • 9 months ago

          If you google it - RS github is the firs result

    • 9 months ago

      Another Portrait Pack
      Blackrock Unofficial Add-on
      Blackrock Drive yards
      Caymon's Ship Pack
      Combat Activators
      Combat Chatter
      Combat Radar
      Console Commands
      Detailed Combat Results
      Diable Avionics
      Diktat Enhancement
      First Persean Empire
      Interesting Portraits Pack
      Interstellar Imperium
      Iron Shell
      Low Tech Armada
      Lazy Lib
      Legacy of Arkgenesis
      Luddic Enhancement
      Luddic Enhancement IED
      Luna Lib
      Mayasuran Navy
      Nes's ship and weapon
      Osiris Alliance
      Planet Search
      Portrait Changer
      Portrait Pack
      Random Assortment of Things
      Scalartech Solutions
      Seafood Shipworks
      Ship/Weapon Pack
      Stellar Networks
      Super Cool Faction Flags
      Tahlan Shipworks (not the 'Frick your VRAM' version, but the one before it)
      Version Checker
      ZZ Audio Plus
      ZZ Graphics Lib

      next playthrough, I'll be removing some so I can free up enough vram so I can fit both Shadowyards (not the most recent unofficial one with more VRAM consumption) and UAF, and do a UAF versus Legio (with all Legio settings turned on) versus me run, hope it'll be scary and fun

      • 9 months ago

        >free up enough vram
        are you playing this game on a goddamn toaster? 4gb is enough and you can have it with a 150$ gpu from 2015, you're literally picrel

        b4k doesn't archive jack and begins at 2019.

        you mean that newbies memoryholed because antonizoon / whoever runs it now can't afford the costs of the search function. I keep confusing both.

        sorry mate your little culture wars started with .91 and i've been around posting since the fricking crystal alien faction was new.

        You don't get to scream troony just because I don't budge on these irrelevant bouts of revisionism.

        Here, have some nostalgia. Wish i saved more but we weren't really keen on OC back then.

        • 9 months ago

          Your problem may be that your computer just doesn't allocate enough vram for your game.
          Take a look at this.

          maybe it's not a vram issue, but a regular RAM issue, then? because with even less than this many mods enabled, if i reload 3-4 times my reload queue gets sluggish, and in my past years of playing this i have experienced the trauma of corrupted saves
          >are you playing this game on a goddamn toaster?
          i don't think ryzen 5 2600 + 16GB of ram + rx590 is a toaster, but then again i don't play normie shit like starfield and gta5

          • 9 months ago

            >but then again i don't play normie shit like starfield and gta5
            You can run GTA 5 fine but Starfield is nope.

          • 9 months ago

            I used to have that pc, it should run starsector fine. The main things I can offer as potential solutions:
            1. You need to use a more aggressive java vm parameters preset to do more garbage collection
            2. One (or even multiple) of your mods is causing a memory leak
            3. The game just fundamentally hates it when you reload and breaks itself so you need to stop doing that
            4. The AMD graphics drivers on windows are fricked in the ass when it comes to openGL and it would run better if you used linux

            • 9 months ago

              >The game just fundamentally hates it when you reload and breaks itself
              >so you need to stop doing that
              don't think i will, thanks
              >if you used linux
              hard pass

          • 9 months ago

            upgrade to Java 8
            if you already have, upgrade to java 9

        • 9 months ago

          >4gb is enough
          >4gb is enough

          • 9 months ago

            2GB is enough
            ram and vram

          • 9 months ago

            4gb of VRAM is enough yes. You can easily use up 16 GB of ram if you install everything you come across that looks decent, but those are not the same thing.

      • 9 months ago

        Your problem may be that your computer just doesn't allocate enough vram for your game.
        Take a look at this.

    • 9 months ago

      Console Commands
      BruhMoment Commands

      I still have yet to see a reason to actually install rapesector. The webms with the sfx and hole graphics was enough to skip it.

      We don't care what you use or don't use
      frick off if all you want is attention or validation because you wont get any

      • 9 months ago

        How does one live wanting that much attention from others? I don't get it.

        • 9 months ago

          Die monster, you don't belong in this world, or any other world for that matter

      • 9 months ago

        >frick off if all you want is attention or validation because you wont get any
        That seems like what the people responding want kek

      • 9 months ago

        >frick off if all you want is attention or validation because you wont get any
        >replies with his own modlist at the same time
        hypocrite much?

        • 9 months ago

          >hypocrite much?
          >dude I replied to Originally was asking for mod suggestions to add to his own playthrough
          What the frick are you talking about Black person?
          I wasn't looking for "likes" when I posted that list fricking dumbass

  128. 9 months ago

    I still have yet to see a reason to actually install rapesector. The webms with the sfx and hole graphics was enough to skip it.

    • 9 months ago

      Holes are a matter of taste - you can disable them (I do)
      As for the actual reason - breeding facilities are nice boost to population growth and remnant sex is kino

    • 9 months ago

      20% maneuverability buff to capital ship waifus is really powerful.

      • 9 months ago

        ok hold on let me channel my inner starsector thread..
        >sounds like a CHEATMOD to me

    • 9 months ago

      You can give headpats to your adopted daughter, romance the queen and drink beer with your bros.
      I like my comfysector

    • 9 months ago

      well, those can be turned off, and from what Ive seen, RS runs better for me then TNP

      • 9 months ago

        altough "it runs better on my machine" is not exactly a good argument tbh

    • 9 months ago

      TNP + Pop growth building with a strong trait for your star captain. Also a new quest if that interests you.

      • 9 months ago

        the new quest is sex btw

        • 9 months ago

          you don't say?

      • 9 months ago

        >Pop growth building
        Yeah.. pop growth. See this is why I have no interest in that mod kek

        • 9 months ago

          Alright good for you man. I find it handy because I enjoy playing the game like space M&B.

          • 9 months ago

            Sure but does it have to be coomer anime fantasy to get that pop growth? I can't just be that raw numbers about shit I guess.

            • 9 months ago

              >build facility
              >don't read description
              >play game normally
              autism and not the good kind

              • 9 months ago

                >its +1 so its better who cares

            • 9 months ago

              >coomer anime
              you keep saying words you don't really mean. what, you got anime mods installed? because RS dont come with any. Coomer is only if you get off to generic rape dialogues, otherwise you can literally ignore that aspect and see it as just something that happens to people.

              • 9 months ago

                >otherwise you can literally ignore that aspect and see it as just something that happens to people.

  129. 9 months ago

    >faction mod has no gate spawning in their system(s)

  130. 9 months ago

    I have four capital ships, three of them are Atlas's and the last is a Prometheus. The rest of the fleet are random rust bucket frigates I have found.

  131. 9 months ago

    Shouldn't gas giants have a way higher haz penalty than they do now? Like instead of just heavy grav or whatever it should be crushing gravity?

    • 9 months ago

      If you just build cloud cities in the upper atmosphere you wont get the full force of gravity. In reality the weather would be so obscenely violent anywhere "crushing" gravity would be a thing that any structure or ship would be evaporated by 1000km/hr winds.

      Not to mention extreme radiation, heat, and magnetic fields

      The only way to "colonize" a gas giant would be orbital stations with unmanned gas skimmers far below.

      • 9 months ago

        The force of gravity at the upper altittudes of a gas giant's atmosphere is still going to be like 98% of it closer to the interior.
        The astronauts on the ISS experience 99% of the gravitational pull they do on the ground. They are actually in a state of constantly falling back to the ground but because they are going sideways at an insane velocity of several kilometers per second they never actually touch the ground and just miss perpetually.

    • 9 months ago

      You can't honestly function fell above 1.5G
      "Colonizing gas giant" have always been more "put a space station in orbit", it still a hazard because it take a lot more effort to leave the area.

      IMO low gravity planet should be a bonus, not a hazard.
      What if you bump your head more often? A lot of thing will take a lot less effort, mining would likely be very easy.
      At most I just consider it a hazard because there's an overcost if your equipment is meant for 1G

      • 9 months ago

        There are actually a lot of health related issues, so it might be more about sustaining and healthcare. Also agriculture might be more expensive too, but i am not sure about that.

        • 9 months ago

          Gas Giants also emit more radiation than a freshly nuked tsar bomba test site

        • 9 months ago

          Are you talking about high gravity or low gravity?
          Cause I forgot to mention that but Low gravity is also hazardous to Health and might require genetic engineering by default.
          But StarSec is a setting with artificial gravity so it's only a matter of technology and cost to adapt to lower gravity.

          >Also agriculture might be more expensive too, but i am not sure about that.
          Who really know until we try IRL? If less effort is consumed fighting gravity we might get gigantic plants.

          Gas Giants also emit more radiation than a freshly nuked tsar bomba test site

          Careful with that word.
          Gas giant don't emit the kind of dangerous radiation we know about, they just attract particles with gravity or trap them with magnetic belt similar to the Van Allen belt.
          But the thing with magnetic particle is that magnet are enough to push them away and it don't even require that much energy.
          Still a bad idea to live on a station near the gas giant instead of one of its moons.

          • 9 months ago

            Low gravity.
            I also though about gravpanels. Putting them on fully artificual starships is one thing, the other thing is carving out ground and creating infrastructure for them to function, and we have no idea how i reacts to other gravity sources.
            And honestly, i can easily imagine 25% upkeep cost increase for running a city-wide artificial gravity system to avoid gravity-related sicknesses.

            • 9 months ago

              Just to be clear, I agree with the whole "upcost required for extra equipment" if it is indeed a health problem.
              But it pain me low-gravity isn't considered a bonus in almost every other aspect.
              Planet with breathable atmosphere are already going to be rare, wanting 10m/s2 +/-0.2m/s2 gravitational acceleration is just removing all your chances.

              >we have no idea how i reacts to other gravity sources.
              Game operate on soft-SF logic anyway, no orbital dynamic, no conservation of momentum, fight at WWII range...etc
              Not like there's a fundamental difference with a ship in orbit except horizontal speed, assuming proper orientation.

  132. 9 months ago

    >mod adds random derelicts to the sector
    >you need a story point to recover them

    • 9 months ago

      Frankly it's too easy to recover pristine Legion (XIV), Paragon, Executor so early you can't equip them yet.
      Story Point barely address that
      IMO you should need some kind of gatekeeping, like needing Heavy equipment (and not making it so easy to obtain), needing marines to say, fight the anti-boarder protection system.
      Or maybe just say that towing ship require locking 2 of a smaller size for that job but that's a severe loss of opportunities you could only rebalance by providing plenty of unmissable wreck

      • 9 months ago

        >Legion (XIV), Paragon, Executor
        None of those are unique ships. I was talking about mod ships, and to clarify, uniques. You either blow a story point, or destroy/don't engage with interesting content. The Ziggurat does not require a story point to recover and no unique ship should.
        >muh difficulty
        Go breathe in space.

        • 9 months ago

          Still not seeing the point.
          Story point for truly unique ships would feel cheap, they are infinitely renewable and you are encouraged to use SP sparingly.
          Obtaining the Ziggurat require a good fleet, a battle, and it's easier if you've spent SP on good opportunities.

          >Go breathe in space.
          As long as I do it using a spaceship obtained through fun gameplay with balanced progression.
          No fun being handed endgame ships without playing.

          Beneficial maybe except below level 2. Added means you are still having no less than what you should have, but I get the time wasted to go to a faraway signal and you can't have it.
          I too want these intricacy in looting than contents towaards building colony, or even worse, adding artifacts for colony and nothing for combat and looting.

          Without making scavenging a chore,
          I'd prefer artifact to be single use terraforming system, allowing you to progressively turn a poor system into a good one through more exploration
          >find Retroreflector autoforge = make planet habitable
          >find Borer = create/increase ore output
          >find Soil machine = become farmable
          >find Corrupted Nanoforge = go from weapon-production to ship-production
          and so on

          • 9 months ago

            >Story point for truly unique ships would feel cheap
            Cheap as in moronic yes, thanks for agreeing with me.
            >As long as I do it using a spaceship
            Let me put it in terms you can understand, have a nice day.

    • 9 months ago

      Beneficial maybe except below level 2. Added means you are still having no less than what you should have, but I get the time wasted to go to a faraway signal and you can't have it.

      Frankly it's too easy to recover pristine Legion (XIV), Paragon, Executor so early you can't equip them yet.
      Story Point barely address that
      IMO you should need some kind of gatekeeping, like needing Heavy equipment (and not making it so easy to obtain), needing marines to say, fight the anti-boarder protection system.
      Or maybe just say that towing ship require locking 2 of a smaller size for that job but that's a severe loss of opportunities you could only rebalance by providing plenty of unmissable wreck

      I too want these intricacy in looting than contents towaards building colony, or even worse, adding artifacts for colony and nothing for combat and looting.

      • 9 months ago

        I have never not been able to recover a ship, but it's just a waste, it's a complete sink for story points for no other reason than some false belief that making the player spend a single point balances acquiring their overpowered ship. Except most of the time it isn't even OP, just slightly cool, so the story point is actually just swirling down the drain. It becomes a tax just to not leave shit laying around when you go exploring, shit which you won't be able to find again without yet another mod. There is also no interactivity to it, you're just spending a point from some godawful system Alex introduced because he's a fricking moron.

        • 9 months ago

          I don't care if your modded-ship are not worth SP but the story point system in itself is great.
          It let you invest more of your decisions into event/ship/upgrade.
          Twist an event? You paid a cost more important than mere money, making it special.
          SP recovered ship? S-mod? The ship now have more value to you no matter its stat, it's less exchangeable.
          Regret missing an opportunity? You'll survive it, no big deal.

          I agree using it for unique ship you can't recover again is probably pointless since there's no opportunity cost, it sound like a wrong use of the system.

          • 9 months ago

            >but the story point system in itself is great.
            Here's your clown award. Didn't even bother reading the rest of your post.

            • 9 months ago

              NTA but I like it for STORY stuff. Should have a different point system for restoring ships if thats going to be a thing. Though I also think there should be some sort of a charisma system given the amount of dialogue and "choice" in the game as well.

    • 9 months ago

      I use Starpocalypse so that All randomly generated Derelicts need a Story Point to recover.

    • 9 months ago

      It's dumb and I turn it off

      Better would be: All ships are recoverable, but you have to bring it into a shipyard and pay money to get it into a "working" state full of D-mods. Ships blown up in battle don't just magically get fixed without the infrastructure, and derelicts discovered are not in a state you can just spend 30 supplies and they're good to fight with. Old derelicts you can discover should even have a modifier that makes repairing them even more cost prohibitive so you can't just fly around and collect a legion battlecarrier your first month. Meanwhile selling junks and wrecks should ALSO give you more money than just scrapping it yourself for the metal and supplies, so hauling 30 wrecks you don't want to some market and selling them is still worth it.

      Starsector, right now, is basically only good because the ship combat is good. If you stripped that out and combat was just a dice roll, this would be a 4/10 game; mostly empty fluff mechanics that just aren't engaging or interesting or thoughtful at all.

      • 9 months ago

        I really like the salvage yards in industrial evolution. There needs to be a vanilla building that uses the wrecks and salvage in your home systems.

      • 9 months ago

        and there should be an inbetween restoration effort, like some faintly D-mod lingering after the first restoration rounds that costs 40% the full restoration cost, with the latter round finally removing the D-mod for real. these would offer half penalties for a third of the recovery cost reduction, like mixed and matched, makeshift, custom fabricated parts that havent been handfitted and just doesnt fit quite right or transplant parts with a bit of quirks since they're still yet to be integrated.

        • 9 months ago

          I just want it to be less easy to just grab and loot everything

          I still don't understand why orbital stations are loot pinatas that evaporate after you loot them, nor why the hell there would be all these pristine stations dotted around everywhere in a sector full of bloodthirsty scavengers. You'd think that when they were first abandoned people would actually take shit? Or come back later even? Or that the tens of thousands of scavengers before you would take everything?

          The game is not very immersive and really doesn't try to be.

          • 9 months ago

            true that, maybe some of them just drifted there, but most should be hidden in high threat system like remnants or some kind of reactivated explorarium system that presumably ganked some developed worlds in their weakest, or an aftermath of a large scale pather suicide attack where nobody really survived to scavenge and got immediately eclipsed in importance by some other news so nobody really bothered to check.

      • 9 months ago

        That hassle is not worth it, especially pay money to get 5d beater defeats the purpose of getting a beater because its money free. You can say rare prestine derelict find need exocism to rid the space ghost. It is only worth it if you want to hack up the good parts as doner to make other ship of the same kind prestine again.

  133. 9 months ago

    I wish this game had a 'paint job system' that was dynamic. Would help reduce the duplicate ships that are just a change of colour.

  134. 9 months ago

    >Find unciv world
    >Answer a hail
    >Tribe leader that captured slaves in a raid wants to trade them for heavy armaments
    >also black portrait
    hmm where have I seen this before the history holos...

  135. 9 months ago

    Holding hands with Nia

  136. 9 months ago

    Frotting Noah against his will

  137. 9 months ago

    >chase Diable's Last Line for ages
    >finally nuke Virtuous
    >yoink it, restore it
    >just removes the D-mods, doesn't actually give it the weapons/doesn't make it usable

  138. 9 months ago

    that's why this thread is for HammerCHADs only
    sunderSISSIES away

    • 9 months ago

      I prefer the motemommy

  139. 9 months ago

    >no good systems, let alone constellations to colonize
    it's over

    • 9 months ago

      EVERY time I say this, just settle with something ok, I then immediately find some paradise world.
      Speaking of settling, anyone ever just conquer the mining station in the tutorial area? Hegemony were kind of annoyed with me at first but have left me alone after some wasted story points and saturation bomb attempts.

    • 9 months ago

      keep an eye out for survey contracts on decent planets from the start of the game, you can find some good planets really quick if you check them all.

    • 9 months ago

      Why leave things to chance when you can just make your own ultra perfect system yourself?

  140. 9 months ago

    Everyone in the sector is too ugly to rape

    • 9 months ago

      the real reason to not use rapesector

    • 9 months ago

      BASED. Holy shit I wish it were socially acceptable to say this irl about girls with tattoos or whatever. Of course I wouldn't rape anyone, but it's the spirit of the thing.

  141. 9 months ago

    >There's people in this thread who DONT have arma installed

    • 9 months ago


      • 9 months ago
        Space mechs, I use it even in playthroughs where I have no intentions of using them for the wingcom squad stuff (named squads and pilots for your carriers/mech squads) and for a solid Indy faction.

  142. 9 months ago

    Oh I forgot to mention for those of you who like broadside stuff and were talking about it before:
    Carter's Freetraders has a lot of ships and weapons based around ships of the line etc.
    They have culverin fixed PD and demi culverin shotgun type shot for example. Good stuff and a good "indy" faction. Arma and Carters are goto factions in my spacetrucking saves.

  143. 9 months ago

    >Looking around for an admin, black officer named Osiris Buck shows up in a heg station.
    Tempted kek
    He's a might peculiar.

    • 9 months ago

      Give him a ship called 'breaker'

  144. 9 months ago

    >take mining station in galatia
    >ally with heg
    >heg immediately allies with the church
    >"no we really hate pathers you guys"
    i don't buy it

    • 9 months ago

      These random alliances have no basis on human like decisions they're just basic dice rolls.

  145. 9 months ago

    >2 corrupted Nanoforges from a single ruin
    thanks I guess

  146. 9 months ago

    I wanna make a mod where capitals are cruisers are x5 the size of everything else.

    • 9 months ago

      I'd throw the entire balance of the game out since gun ranges are still a thing, as well as a hundred other things.
      I think the Archean Order total overhaul did something like that, but I never tried when it worked, so I'm not sure.

      • 9 months ago

        i dunno, the idea of realistic combat got me really into the ide aof radically rethinking the gameplay but that's kinda too ambicious.

        the "scale ranges" problem is easily solved - just make it larger, you can scale the viewscreen too

      • 9 months ago

        i dunno, the idea of realistic combat got me really into the ide aof radically rethinking the gameplay but that's kinda too ambicious.

        the "scale ranges" problem is easily solved - just make it larger, you can scale the viewscreen too

        first place I'd start with "realistic" combat is a do-over on missiles and incorporate a radar/sensor/electronic warfare system

        Basically nebulous fleet command but 2D

  147. 9 months ago

    Increasing ranges by itself does not make it realistic because the rewlity is ships should not all be fighting on the same plane. What is aimed at one ship should completely miss any other.

  148. 9 months ago

    Is there a mod that lets me do something with salvaged ships besides selling them for less money than the amount of supplies it costs to salvage them?

    • 9 months ago

      Roider Union lets you convert some vanilla hulls to Roider models.
      Tiandong has a different implementation of the same thing for their hulls.
      IndEvo adds restoration docks where if you own the docks or are friendly with a faction that owns the docks you can restore hulls for significantly less money.

      • 9 months ago

        >ndEvo adds restoration docks where if you own the docks or are friendly with a faction that owns the docks you can restore hulls for significantly less money.
        Forgot about IndEvo adding this.
        Anyone spend much time with the pet stuff? Worth the hassle?

        • 9 months ago

          The pets sell for an okay amount of money. When you attach them to a ship, it decreases their combat readiness degradation, but it's by a miniscule number like 5%.

          • 9 months ago

            So not worth it really beyond say flavor for the flagship.

            • 9 months ago

              Pretty much, but it'd easier to ignore than Gaytillery stations.

    • 9 months ago

      Just kit them up and store in abadoned station.

      • 9 months ago

        you don't understand I have literally hundreds of wrecks I recovered

        • 9 months ago

          I know just keep on hoarding it.

    • 9 months ago

      IndEvo has these rare stations where you can feed ships to a factory that will spit a much better ship.

      • 9 months ago

        It's literally gacha
        It can spit out worse ships too

        it depends on which mods you have

        • 9 months ago

          >get tailed by pirate vengeance fleet
          >go to system with the shipyard
          >wipe the floor with them
          >salvage and mothball as many ships as you can
          >sacrifice the salvaged ships to the shipyard

          • 9 months ago

            It only produces one ship, you can't keep bringing more hulls to it you have to already have them in your fleet, and the number of hulls you feed just changes the shiptype you get out of it

            It's really stupid how he implemented this stuff. moron actually expects you to just fly around with a collection of useless hulls + always carrying a nanoforge + always carrying VPC's
            Like bruh why the frick do you expect people to fly around with this shit??

            I bet your ass when he plays he doesn't even do it.

            dumb things implemented by dumb people

  149. 9 months ago

    >get utterly btfo by entry-level frig/destroyer Enigma swarms
    >through much pain, trial and error and fleet upgrades learn to deal with them
    >get utterly btfo by the first cruiser swarm I meet
    Life is pain. I like this mod though, unlike shit like L*gio or Enigmas are fun to fight. Not quite as fun to use due to suicidal AI and horrid maintenance costs though, but at least their guns are great.

    • 9 months ago


      • 9 months ago

        thank you for subscribing to cat-facts
        did you know cats have a second eyelid known as a nictating membrane that helps protect their eyes from damage while hunting prey or fighting?

        • 9 months ago

          Yeah, cats are pretty cool.

  150. 9 months ago

    >reach 100 rep with someone
    >no option for sex, still just rape
    sad, my dick doesn't JUST want to rape

    • 9 months ago

      >plays "rape"sector expected stardew valley relationship mechanics

      • 9 months ago

        tbh I was kinda expecting something more too

        I can't even rape any men and nobody else does any raping except me

        • 9 months ago

          didnt someone say the dev was aiming to finish up the rape first before doing anything else a few threads back

  151. 9 months ago


    Than Nerfs
    >Personal balance reversion mod
    That's actually pretty cool. Does it also reverse the mine strike nerf?

    • 9 months ago

      If you mean the frigate radius, unfortunately not. I'd have to open the jars to find that and it's just an edit to stuff available loose in the data files.

  152. 9 months ago

    >no way to take over the pirate faction as a boss and determine their used blueprints/donate blueprints you know/use of your shipyards to be Kanta 2.0

    • 9 months ago

      Specifically I mean taking out the GARBAGE so they aren't spamming hounds. I want high tech death pirates that aren't Legioslop. But selling blueprints to them only adds to their use at random, there's no preference so their fleets aren't pretty.

      • 9 months ago

        I was black marketing every BP one save just to see what would happen and at some point a switch flipped and half the pirates used mechs, the rest carriers with mechs.
        It was... fricking crazy. Still not even sure what caused it. Computer was not a fan kek

    • 9 months ago

      Grandma Kanta's grussy is too crusty and metallic for you to overpower

  153. 9 months ago

    Why the frick do you Black folk keep making new threads when this old one hasn't even reached page 10 yet?

    Are you all fricking underaged /vg/gays or something?

    • 9 months ago

      No I don't think UAF is a good faction, anon.

      • 9 months ago

        I noticed the only content there is to it if you side with them besides easier access to their ships and weapons is basically the Yimie mission, no more than a marine meatgrinder, and that's it. You can unlock omniscan, and the command and exploration packages by grinding rep but you need to find those by exploring (lol) or you get the command package with a ship anyways, and omniscan is gotten sooner and makes the exploration package pointless. The only reason I started with them on my current run is for Omniscan and the ship from Solvernia and then I'm ditching them for SFC.

        • 9 months ago

          Their portraits alone make me want to use a planetkiller on earth today.

          • 9 months ago

            At least it has male portraits unlike Iron Shell which is has like 4/29.

            • 9 months ago

              Did they ever update them or are they still really low quality compared to the rest? That always gave me a laugh.

              • 9 months ago

                1 is decent the rest, well...

              • 9 months ago

                And no that isn't the decent one, I consider this the decent one.

              • 9 months ago

                when goddamn AI dose it better
                damnit cy

  154. 9 months ago


    • 9 months ago

      Unnerving the first time, annoying anti-feature every single time afterwards.

      • 9 months ago

        Happens way too often to me. In fact, the storms in general are way too fricking common on the map. I get what the guy wanted but the whole travelling from system to system part of the game is a complete waste that only adds annoyance.

        • 9 months ago

          I just removed clouds entirely in my game, it makes things "easy" but it's actually a lot better because I can focus on combat, trading etc. without wasting 50% of my life spent playing the game moving more slowly because I can't afford 2 atlas worth of supplies yet.

          • 9 months ago

            I liked the added stuff researching them and the gas giants. i like the IDEA of the system. I just hate how it ends up in game. I very very rarely avoid the purple clouds and the slipstreams have only ever added arduous tedium to my saves.

          • 9 months ago

            Have space clouds
            >annoying to travel anywhere
            >spend 10 minutes just flying a fleet around "space storms" that don't even move
            >constant extra drain of supplies and pushing you off course
            >subtract 60fps
            >runs out of RAM in 10 minutes

            Don't have space clouds
            >Can now alt-tab and do something else while doing the fun "traveling" part of the game (or just download hyperwarp cheatmod like intelligent people do)
            >extra 60fps at all times
            >game doesn't run out of RAM in 10 minutes

            Hyperspace will never be fun because the fundamental design of hyperspace is bad. Alex is tacking features onto a badly implemented part of the game instead of actually overhauling and improving its worst aspects.
            Just the fact hyperspace storms destroy your framerate should be a clue he's fricked it up from the base and building on top of that is a bad idea.

            But whatever. Time for him to spend a literal 1-2 years of effort adding some slipstream bullshit to the stupidest feature the game has.

            • 9 months ago

              when freaking modders manage to fix this stuff in less then a week but the goddamn dev of the game cant, I just loose hope for the development of the game at this rate

              it also really dosent help that david is, david

            • 9 months ago

              Yeah this is what I was getting at here

              I liked the added stuff researching them and the gas giants. i like the IDEA of the system. I just hate how it ends up in game. I very very rarely avoid the purple clouds and the slipstreams have only ever added arduous tedium to my saves.

              In its current form it adds nothing really to the game outside of the research stuff which is cool from a lore perspective and thats about it.

  155. 9 months ago

    >only halfway decent system with an okay planet is in Bladebreaker hell
    Frick it, it'll be entertaining at least.

  156. 9 months ago

    >every new update is just a way to frick carriers over harder

    • 9 months ago

      don't worry, modders keep adding fighters that are actually infinitely replaceable pocket frigates so the balance of overpoweredness stays in carriers favour

      • 9 months ago

        What mods i'd love to try them because ARMA and Diable certainly don't fricking do this. Diable keeps nerfing itself kek

        • 9 months ago

          Diable's balance will be in better hands now that tartifart isn't updating it
          Every fricking update he shits out is just "oh, this weapon is actually useful? Ok I'll fix that :)"

        • 9 months ago


          Machina Void actually adds a fighter LPC which is literally a hound reskin with the mod's weapons.

          Diktat Enhancement adds a Kite fighter.
          Literally an entire Kite thrown off a flight deck.

          • 9 months ago

            >Kite thrown off a flight deck
            reminds me of a game that didn't do very well, your starting ship designs eventually became fighters shat out by your carriers later on

            • 9 months ago

              >your starting ship designs eventually became fighters shat out by your carriers later on
              Was it Reassembly?

              • 9 months ago

                it was stardrive, heard you gotta mod the shit outta 2 to make it decent and that weird ground battle bs that somehow made it in
                but the carriers used smaller templates as their fighters, so your frigate tier stuff that you used a lot early game were the carriers fighters

          • 9 months ago

            I don't deal with troony terrorists and I'm offended you think that I would install such garbage.

            • 9 months ago

              >troony terrorists
              did you pick the first words that popped up in your head?

        • 9 months ago

          arkgenesis has those duke gunboats that have like 400 armor and 2200 shields or something
          and one of diables mech fighters is 750 armor which is probably double most frigates

          • 9 months ago

            Diable's Raven can 1v1 some destroyers and a fair portion of frigates.

            Why does seemingly every modder have some obsession with adding fire rate bonuses or damper field to burn drive? Do they just not care how overpowered it is? The worst offender is that Bultach ship which can kill literally any ship short of a Paragon in a single charge, because the burn drive is twice the duration of vanillas and allows you to steer.

            It's a fun kind of OP.

            • 9 months ago

              I've never seen the raven do anything but die expensively, same with the zephyr.
              there's some other one with like a shotgun, that one fricks big, most of the rest are just not worth their cost

            • 9 months ago

              diable's Ravens cost more to deploy on a carrier than like 8 broadswords kek
              They have absurd costs for carriers to actually use them.

              • 9 months ago

                I mean 8 ships to be clear, so 2 and 2/3rds wings of broadswoards.

      • 9 months ago

        Machina Void actually adds a fighter LPC which is literally a hound reskin with the mod's weapons.

  157. 9 months ago

    Why does seemingly every modder have some obsession with adding fire rate bonuses or damper field to burn drive? Do they just not care how overpowered it is? The worst offender is that Bultach ship which can kill literally any ship short of a Paragon in a single charge, because the burn drive is twice the duration of vanillas and allows you to steer.

    • 9 months ago

      Burn drive in vanilla is moronic.

      • 9 months ago

        >Burn drive in vanilla is moronic.
        More like overused
        I'd love a range-boost for low-tech similar to the Lidar system of the Invictus, sacrifice 80% mobility, +100% range increase.
        Or at least some Twin-burn system like in the SEEKER mod, deactivate all venting but let a ship cruise. The only problem is making the AI able to use it

        • 9 months ago

          >The only problem is making the AI able to use it
          That's always going to be what holds back vanilla ships and systems, modders just say frick it and whatever happens, happens.
          Hell, it annoys me how the AI still can't figure out how weapons with delayed firing times actually work.

          • 9 months ago

            >Hell, it annoys me how the AI still can't figure out how weapons with delayed firing times actually work.
            It's not an AGI or smart algorithm, it literally can't figure that out.

          • 9 months ago

            >it annoys me how the AI still can't figure out how weapons with delayed firing times actually work
            Don't even get me started
            >Shadowyards run
            >finally get that capital with the huge central cannon
            >friendly AI 'fires' it and then immediately warps behind my ship, sending it directly into my ass
            Sucks that you need to moron-check every single ship, ship system and weapon in this game once you start adding mods.

  158. 9 months ago

    >ship has built in weapons
    >they aren't unique, just weapons you can get in the mod for other ships already
    Frick you Cy.

    • 9 months ago

      >cy dosent make unique weapons for builtins
      >he dose however spend a good chunck of his modding time making more portraits then needed
      just, why?

  159. 9 months ago

    >colony single handedly producing the most supplies in the entire sector by far at only size 4
    >apparently they're all being used because if I try to take any I have to pay base price despite apparently making like 100 billion supplies each month
    Frick you Alex.

    • 9 months ago

      That makes no fricking sense. I hate it.

    • 9 months ago

      Are there any mods that give the player a cost price discount or exemption from tariffs at their own colonies? This has always bothered me as well.

  160. 9 months ago

    >earn cool ship
    >ship already has atrocious maintenance costs
    >has a built-in hullmod to double these costs
    Frick you whoever's responsible for Lost Sector.

    • 9 months ago

      Mod the mod tbh. It's not like those meme ships are even that good compared to the pristine Legion XIV you will find or already have found.

      • 9 months ago

        I've never found the Legion that amazing, XIV or otherise. What are you running on it?

        • 9 months ago

          Sarissamaxx + machine gun PD spam with skills is my go-to. Sarissas eat everything PD doesn't while stopping missiles themselves anyways. Anything with shields melts before you instantly, and you then have the option to just blow them up with Ludd's hammer or your choice of HE finisher for style.

          • 9 months ago

            Alternatively use Xyphos but you'll have to spend OP with those in mind, there will be less for vents but it won't matter much anyways. DTA, IPDAI, heavy armour, targeting core, the rest is free real estate.

    • 9 months ago

      It's made by a troony sympathiser as well. A coincidence? I think not.

  161. 9 months ago

    >do lost sector 10 times
    >no exotic
    Frick you Bungie.

  162. 9 months ago

    Haven't played in a year, what mods have the most fun ballistics? The sounds of dakka soothe my soul.

    • 9 months ago


      • 9 months ago

        what, they're dull as shit

      • 9 months ago


        • 9 months ago

          I hope now that tartifart isn't modding anymore, that someone undoes all the nerfs in the mod and fixes it

          • 9 months ago

            I just want the old ship system back for the Maelstrom. Everything else is just numbers.

          • 9 months ago

            Seems like a matter of changing values. Pretty simple, someone just needs to do it.

            • 9 months ago

              There have been a few reworks on just how things like the wanzer gantry function, where it can be used, what mechs it affects, etc. Little more to it than that with Diable

              • 9 months ago

                Most things like that don't need 'fixing' and I wouldn't consider it fixing because thing like how the wanzer gantries work now is better

                But the incessent nerfs to every gun, recsons, srabs, etc. over and over so nothing is actually good or fun to use is what needs to be unfricked. All the frigates in diable also need work because they're so overtuned.

                Basically the way diable works is: everything works OK if you munchkin minmax hyperoptimize bullshit build everything. If you don't it's garbage.

              • 9 months ago

                >you vill minmax or its useless
                That sounds awful as a hephaetus enjoyer.

              • 9 months ago

                Based Hephaestus enjoyer. I wish more mods had rapid fire guns in them like that. Maybe I should just tweak the numbers on the Hephaestus myself

    • 9 months ago


    • 9 months ago

      Bultach has some decent dakka, some is "balanced," some is blatantly overpowered and some is weak as frick (the frag minigun is shit.)
      Musashi has a nice triple barrel deck cannon but the rest of it is less exciting flak cannons and wimpy sounding rails.

      • 9 months ago

        The UAF looks underpowered next to the bullshit from Bulltach. The fact the author keeps screaming about how balanced his mod is is absolutely hilarious.

        • 9 months ago

          What manner of bullshit does Bultach include?

          • 9 months ago

            Just the best anti-shield gun any mod has ever added because why not. Oh and it deals enough damage to hurt armour anyways. It being flux inefficient is a lie because against any decent shield you just multiply that by 0.7 or less.

            • 9 months ago

              >Impacts all shields as if they had 1.0 efficiency.
              At least Conquest, Atlas2 and Promi2 benefit from this I guess?
              My question is fricking why? Large ballistic anti-shield is already well represented.

              • 9 months ago

                >fricking why
                because he's probably shit at the game and can't make good builds with existing stuff

                now that being said, I have no idea how anyone can miss the existence of the gauss cannon and how it tears a new butthole into whatever you put in front of it

              • 9 months ago

                If there's one place where weapons need some love, it's fragmentation weapons that aren't PD.

              • 9 months ago

                Seeker adds a cool minigun. It's a long range suppression gun with a high, yet limited magazine capacity (talking around 400 rounds per mag here) which performs great in it's role of keeping shields suppressed and fricking over fighters/frigates if they get in range.
                Also works great paired with at least a single other HE and KE constant damage dealers (like a mortar and stir autocannon from xhan) to cover your anti small ship needs, and get some substantial boost to finisher capabilities.

              • 9 months ago

                >gauss cannon
                The best part of that overpowered piece of shit gun is it uses the vanilla gauss cannon sounds and sprite. It's an abomination.

            • 9 months ago

              The Bulltach author tried to justify his balancing to an anime girl after she pointed out obvious flaws with his mod.

              I honestly hope he is aware of what a massive twat he is and that his faction is a busted PoS. Even the Legio is more fun to fight.

              • 9 months ago

                >I honestly hope he is aware of what a massive twat he is and that his faction is a busted PoS. Even the Legio is more fun to fight.
                He's 100% aware
                He's even come out of the closet and admitted he's a furry homosexual

              • 9 months ago

                He is a furgay? That's hilarious. Is he hating on anime because he is worse?

              • 9 months ago

                >Is he hating on anime because he is worse?
                I thought this was obvious from his moronic hatred of Tri Tachyon?

              • 9 months ago

                Is it a good or bad thing for starsector those nerds are too stupid to realize sexbot would hand them the galaxy on a silver platter?

              • 9 months ago

                We may never know because the devs doesn't want its ESRB Rating to get bumped to M

              • 9 months ago

                >He's even come out of the closet and admitted he's a furry homosexual
                Every fricking time lol

              • 9 months ago

                Damn, so he's based? Downloading now

              • 9 months ago

                t. Nia

            • 9 months ago

              this must be something new i played the mod some time ago and most weapons were garbage tier ork weapons with terrible accuracy

              • 9 months ago

                Bulltach right now is high tech mod with hull and armor to surpass low tech. In a fortress system worse than Legio and ridiculous weapons.

                It kept the ramming from orks. Actually it got buffed. Frigate can kill capitals by ramming them.

              • 9 months ago

                It even has a phase ship. Super low tech totes.

              • 9 months ago

                Phase ship crews get the rope

    • 9 months ago

      The most fun ballistics is still the omega hybrid weapons

  163. 9 months ago

    >Derelict has no music
    Is silence the best fit for them, or should they have some music going?
    If so, what?

    • 9 months ago

      Music tells a story, it's an intuitively understood language that has no words. Some composers recognize that this is what music is about, and they create music that fits a play, a scene, or a game so well that you couldn't remove one without ruining the other.

      And many people recognize this is how music works without understanding how to articulate it that way. They will pick music that fits certain themes, that just 'feels' right.
      So that's what you want to try and do when you either create new music for something, or associate already created music with something.

      And mind that the music will carry undertones of the story you want to tell - a long lost derelict, silent and monumental and in bright sunshine, has a different theme from a long lost derelict shrouded in mystery and twilight with unknown things creeping in it. You wouldn't use the same music for both of them. (and changing the music is a good way to tell a player that this one is different, too, and the music can hint at how it is different)

  164. 9 months ago

    >the two resident autists are back at it

    • 9 months ago

      >implying there’s only two.

      • 9 months ago

        Well there's the two with very identifiable posting styles, who like to pick apart each individual fricking sentence of the other's post and rebuke practically every single word, it happened earlier in the thread when one of them dared to criticize Alex's shit-ass writing.

        • 9 months ago

          >Alex’s writing
          >not David’s
          Imagine being so shit at your only job everyone forgets you were even involved.

          • 9 months ago

            David should be ashamed of himself but hell, he's getting a sucker like Alex to pay him for it, so who's the real loser?

            • 9 months ago


    • 9 months ago

      At least its semi-intellectual shitflinging instead of jak' spam and copious use of 'troony' and/or 'Black person'.

    • 9 months ago

      bettter than the anime posters

    • 9 months ago

      Well there's the two with very identifiable posting styles, who like to pick apart each individual fricking sentence of the other's post and rebuke practically every single word, it happened earlier in the thread when one of them dared to criticize Alex's shit-ass writing.

      I'm one of those two and I assure you I'm not part of the discussion about morality. Normally I avoid bullet-point hell, I'm only forced into it when the other is incapable of seeing the big picture or nitpick.

  165. 9 months ago

    Emergent Aryan larp was one of late Nazi Germany's most terrible crimes.

  166. 9 months ago


  167. 9 months ago

    imagine giving a fucque about philosophy and morality instead of just beeing yourself

  168. 9 months ago

    I don't even notice what those skills do, I just pick a bi.

    • 9 months ago

      *biggest and blockiest ship I can get and charge at my enemies.

    • 9 months ago

      I just use console commands to give myself all the skill points so I can actually play the game instead of engaging with this nonsense.

      • 9 months ago

        Nice. My console commands just crash the game because memory runs out.

    • 9 months ago

      *biggest and blockiest ship I can get and charge at my enemies.

      epic autopost fail!!!!!
      laugh at this user!!!!!!!!!

  169. 9 months ago

    Would Starsector code be more palatable were it to be written in Lisp?

  170. 9 months ago

    How do I make the oiehou good?

    it's from xhantach

    • 9 months ago

      What kind of ship is it, what kind of hardpoints, provide a picture maybe?

      • 9 months ago

        it's a frigate it has 1 ballistic medium 360degrees, 1 ballistic small 270 degrees and 1 missile small

        • 9 months ago

          Sounds like something I'd use as missile swarmers/pd for carriers or big ships. light machine gun/autocannon, swarmers/pilums/whatever your preference. Unless it has some ability I'm unaware of.

        • 9 months ago

          Slap an autocannon, Vulcan cannon and some of those fancy new beam missiles on it

  171. 9 months ago

    >go to sound config
    >set all weapons and explosions to factor a factor of two

  172. 9 months ago

    China bringing the true waifus.

    • 9 months ago

      Lol, yeah, sure.

      • 9 months ago

        The mod originally came from the Chinese forums and has a translator who works on that and puts it on the official one.

        • 9 months ago

          I was more implying the Chinese usually have bad taste.

          • 9 months ago

            Better than weebs and the Nia triumvirate.

            • 9 months ago

              >Better than weebs
              >Actually moronic
              Bruh whut? It's literally in mangaka/anime style. Are you fricking stupid or just stupid?

              • 9 months ago

                >Are you fricking stupid or just stupid?
                No but you are.
                Japs do not own the Disney knockoff style. The Chinese and Koreans have their own very well established cartoon styles that look similar. So you're just a racist ignorant moron for calling it nipshit.

              • 9 months ago

                >Disney knock off
                >Looks completely different in style
                So you're moronic, got it.

                >Koreans and the Chinese have similar art style
                Yea, it's just coincidentally similar and not at all inspired by the jap's art-style.

                You're not just moronic, you're moronic. And racism? Lol. You sound like a leftist homosexual.

              • 9 months ago

                >Disney knock off
                >Looks completely different in style
                Lol. To think I share this board with "people" who don't know the origins of anime. But given your election tourist lingo I'm guessing you're a fresh off the boat /misc/ Redditor.

              • 9 months ago

                >Literally a subhuman who thinks the Chinese came up with their knock-off anime style on their own
                No. I'm not a massive homosexual like you. Stop projecting and kys.

              • 9 months ago

                >Literally a subhuman who thinks the Japanese came up with their knock-off Disney style on their own
                You need to go back.

              • 9 months ago

                >Disney was founded on October 16, 1923
                >The history of anime can be traced back to the start of the 20th century, with the earliest verifiable films dating from 1912.
                >According to Natsuki Matsumoto, the first animated film produced in Japan may have stemmed from as early as 1907. Known as Katsudō Shashin (活動写真, "Activity Photo")

                How do you reconcile your incorrect beliefs that anime copied Disney in the face of historical evidence and fact proving anime existed before Disney?

              • 9 months ago

                Nice Wikipedia browsing dude.

              • 9 months ago

                I notice you lack an actual argument. Are you getting frustrated?

              • 9 months ago

                Didn't realize quoting Wikipedia was one either.

              • 9 months ago

                It is, you can now either provide evidence to back up your claim that the Japanese stole anime from Disney, or you can kindly shut up and stop posting nonsense you're pulling out of your ass.

              • 9 months ago

                *It is not

              • 9 months ago

                Black person.

              • 9 months ago

                Black person

  173. 9 months ago

    animetrannies fear the BVLLtach

    • 9 months ago

      Bulltach dev's a homosexual who bent the knee to actual forumtrannies

    • 9 months ago

      If you define fear as disgust at the absence of even a trace of balance with a ship so strapped with recolored variants of vanilla effects that it hides the garbage sprite under it?


    • 9 months ago

      Still gets assraped by the ZIG
      bvlltach? more like BulKEK

  174. 9 months ago

    ignore the nazi troll, sisters
    an emergency dilation session has been called to deal with this situation, please check your DMs
    keep calm, we're all going to make it

  175. 9 months ago


  176. 9 months ago

    Is the FTL faction well balanced?

    • 9 months ago

      Against itself?
      Against other mods? No, its incredibly weak against other modded nonsense

      • 9 months ago

        Kinda surprised to hear that, just going off the description, emphasis on high tech, many overlapping arcs and multiple shield layers sounds easy to break

    • 9 months ago

      It's a bit on the glass cannon side of things, though ships with the zoltan shield amend that problem a bit. Zoltan shields are only on the larger hulls, though.
      >can easily outgun a lot of enemies, but hulls are a bit weak and will fold under less punishment than a vanilla ship
      >you can easily put more flux generation on your ship than you can afford in a prolonged fight
      >relative lack of PD coverage is a big problem
      >weapons are very fun to use and effective, with the shield-piercing at high flux being really good for getting the edge over many opponents
      Try out the Kestrel with two Halberds and two heavy scrapshots, you'll see what I mean. I find it to be their overall most effective cruiser. The small mounts will usually be a prow needler, three vulcans, and whatever PD you like the most at the rear.

      • 9 months ago

        The best part of the kestrel is the omnidrone fighter bays. They're amazing at covering fire, especially if you get like 10 of them.

  177. 9 months ago

    New player here. Do you guys use premade seeds or just let RNG decide if a system worth colonizing spawns close to the core worlds?

    • 9 months ago

      RNGods always bless my sector with endless derelict legion xivs, revenants and phantoms to recover

      • 9 months ago

        That's cool, but what about the cool jungle planets?

        Seeds only work if you're using the exact same mods as somebody else so they're kinda pointless

        That's a bummer.

        • 9 months ago

          Jungle sucks I prefer Terran Eccentrics but they do spawn plenty whenever I start a new game

          Honestly just stop caring
          you'll enjoy the game more if your first playthrough is pure vanilla
          which means NO MODS ALLOWED on first game
          once you've finished the galatia storyline and the other new questlines they recently added you can go ahead and start a new game filled with as many shit mods as you want

          • 9 months ago

            >Jungle sucks I prefer Terran Eccentrics but they do spawn plenty whenever I start a new game
            Sounds nice, what Sector Age do you pick for this?

            • 9 months ago

              Normal sized sector

              sector age doesn't really matter for planets
              just stars

              • 9 months ago

                stars matter for planets
                I wish I could tweak terrain generation and just never spawn nebula systems or nebula in-systems though

                >In our case talented officers make the ship grow magic storage space for missiles
                Better stowage techniques?

                The Los Angeles class can carry 37 torpedoes, do you think the US Navy plans around a particular officer magically enabling them to carry 45 torpedoes?

                The physical limits of a ship don't change just because your captain is good.
                I don't really care cuz this is a game but it doesn't even try to make sense

              • 9 months ago

                >do you think the US Navy plans around a particular officer magically enabling them to carry 45 torpedoes?
                They do
                That's what logistics management training is all about

              • 9 months ago

                I'm sorry but they don't

                Subs only have so many places to put torpedoes you don't magically make it a bigger boat because you changed the captain or trained the crew different. Most subs you couldn't even try to store torpedoes anywhere but the torpedo room (loaded through the launch tubes no less) because the torpedoes literally will not fit through any bulkheads.

                if you want more torpedoes, you have to build the entire ship differently
                I'm honestly amazed that someone is delusional enough to believe reality works the way you think it does. You cannot just think something and make it true you realize?

                Starsector ships are highly modular and capable of being modified in various ways by hullmods, they aren't mundane modern warships like whatever the Los Angeles is. A Macgyver officer could easily perform a similar modification for whatever ship he happened to be in charge of, and would be required to stick around to maintain it because of personal technical knowledge on his modification.

                Starsector is handwavey nonsense that is not based in reality and what you're doing is starting with a conclusion and working backwards to find a justification. It's a videogame that doesn't care to make sense about anything. When you inevitably find out that your explanation would enable some kind of nonsense, you're now in the trap so many fantasy and sci-fi authors have fallen into where they're creating a web of explanations to resolve the inconsistencies and leading to more inconsistencies. Eventually you've got another dragonball/marvel/dc/warhammer universe where shit works just because an author says it does and 2 authors end up with completely incompatible explanations of everything.

                I take the approach of accepting the game was never designed with any realism in mind whatsoever and that everything works the way it does because it's a videogame, not because it has an logical or consistent basis in a set of rules it has to follow.

                You can throw a captain into a spaceship and magically carry more missiles than before because the game is nonsensical and this ability is cool and useful.

                If you want it to work better than that you need to be alex and design the setting and world better with actual laws that impose restrictions you have to work around instead of handwaving out of existence the moment it's inconvenient for what you want.

              • 9 months ago

                >I'm honestly amazed that someone is delusional enough to believe reality works the way you think it does.

                You really shouldn't be. We literally just had a guy in here spewing solipsist drivel. The Internet is literally inundated with people who think that way. Hell certain ideologies are based around that thought pattern.

              • 9 months ago

                >That's what logistics management training is all about
                More like training so your crew can reload your weapons in time instead of being drunks, dreaming of doubling the store of missiles by strapping them outside the hull.

              • 9 months ago

                Starsector ships are highly modular and capable of being modified in various ways by hullmods, they aren't mundane modern warships like whatever the Los Angeles is. A Macgyver officer could easily perform a similar modification for whatever ship he happened to be in charge of, and would be required to stick around to maintain it because of personal technical knowledge on his modification.

              • 9 months ago

                >Starsector ships are highly modular and capable of being modified in various ways by hullmods
                Does officers count as hullmods?

              • 9 months ago

                Yeah. Each officer you employ is a concubine to be disposed of when no longer needed.

              • 9 months ago

                No but they count as engineers or have engineer corps under them who can modify ships to their specs.

              • 9 months ago

                How come it doesn't cost any supplies or degrade combat readiness or take time to rebuild when you assign or unassign the captain to the ship?

              • 9 months ago

                Because Alex is a homosexual.

              • 9 months ago

                They can't modify the ship because the captain have to sign for any hullmod and it cost ordnance points.

    • 9 months ago

      Seeds only work if you're using the exact same mods as somebody else so they're kinda pointless

    • 9 months ago

      i use custom world generation so i have so many planets that the chance of not finding good systems is minimal
      i also have terraforming (not boggled shit) in case i need to make my own good system

  178. 9 months ago


    • 9 months ago

      You know you could just disable fog of war since fog of war in SPACE is moronic right?

      • 9 months ago

        I dunno I figure it could be explained away as radar and ECM preventing ships from detecting others. It's actually pretty difficult to see things in space because at typical distances they'll be tiny. The ships in game are most definitely not to scale with how they actually would be, they're just scaled individually to look nice.

        • 9 months ago

          With real-life sensor tech, you'll detect anything through passive IR long before any active sensors do by virtue of ships running extremely hot over the background radiation of the universe (and requiring enormous radiators to even function). Given that you can detect ships in P-space, though, it's likely that they're equipped with something more esoteric (superluminal drive field spacetime distortion detector?)

        • 9 months ago

          With real-life sensor tech, you'll detect anything through passive IR long before any active sensors do by virtue of ships running extremely hot over the background radiation of the universe (and requiring enormous radiators to even function). Given that you can detect ships in P-space, though, it's likely that they're equipped with something more esoteric (superluminal drive field spacetime distortion detector?)

          Let's please skip the realistic point that stealth in space is 99% impossibles and agree it doesn't matter in a game where spaceship fight as visual range, without conservation of energy and with extra dimension.

          • 9 months ago

            >please don't be realistic
            >stealth is impossible in space
            Shit is dark, everything hides in darkness.

            • 9 months ago

              Only if you can become the darkness and one with the void.

  179. 9 months ago

    >what if burn drive gave you damper field...
    >but wait
    >what if burn drive also let you cover half of the map, and steer?
    Just Bultach things.

  180. 9 months ago

    Is UAF one of those really unbalanced type of mods?

    I'm looking at some of their frigates and they have double the ordnance points of pretty much any other frigate from any other mod

    • 9 months ago

      just look at the capitals, missiles and fighters and you will get your answer

    • 9 months ago

      The frigates are shit. Most of the carriers are shit too. The capitals are alright, most modded capitals are overpowered. Aside from the PD being overpowered most of the weapons suck. People will tell you the semibreve is overpowered, and morons have made their mods specifically counter it, but the actual OP addition of the mod is the Taufan. Minibreves suck because they have middling missile range and are slow as shit with awful tracking, coupled with an insane refire time. The Taufan fighters may be expensive at 32 OP, yes, but they have 7500 range, and 2 minibreves, for nearly 3k energy damage per missile, dropped close enough most of the time to be hard to intercept. It isn't hard to justify cutting corners to fit as many as you can. It's not easy to intercept the fighter because each in the wing of 2 has 1.3k shields and high hull and armour despite the description calling them fragile. I don't even bother with most of the fighters besides Taufans and Hyacinths, the latter to just completely demolish stations since they're frigate sized Piranhas on steroids.

      • 9 months ago

        what having your balance be adjusted by noah dose to a motherfricker

    • 9 months ago

      I see just as many people complaining about UAF being overpowered as I do people complaining about them being underpowered. So I can only assume it's actually balanced.

    • 9 months ago

      its garbage with the exception of their best fighter taufan
      semibreve fricking sucks and reaper launcher is superior in every way possible but morons see big number and "infinite" missiles with a 5 minute reload time as overpowered because they are shit at the game

      • 9 months ago

        >its reload time is so long only Cruisers with HS and Capitals will have the PPT to make use of it.

        diable has a small slot PD missile, but it's like 2 points more expensive than it should be because tartiflete is a moron who can't balance

        I haven’t really played with Diable. What’s the sales pitch?

        • 9 months ago

          There isn't a sales pitch. Wankers are stupid and every ship/weapon in diable is underpowered unless you found some little unforeseen niche thing for them.

          don't bother downloading it, literally the only good thing about the mod is (some) ships look cool

          • 9 months ago

            Not even a useful hullmod?
            I have Roiders installed because fighter clamps are the most magical thing ever introduced into the game.

            • 9 months ago

              I can't remember but I think all the diable hullmods are faction only

              • 9 months ago

                and the only ones that stand out are wanker gantries which adds +1 fighter to your wanker squadron and damped mounts which is beam optics but for projectile weapons

                I don't think you can even put wanker gantries on anything either, it just comes with some ships

    • 9 months ago

      >no one talks about the small slot PD missile.
      Literally the best and most underrated addition in the mod, everything else is just there so that a viable fighter spam faction can exist in the game.
      >”but but, muh semibreve”
      If your shitfits are worth a frick, harpoons will feel more effective. Sure the big explosion is fun to watch the first time, but it’s better to watch enemy ships actually die.

      • 9 months ago

        diable has a small slot PD missile, but it's like 2 points more expensive than it should be because tartiflete is a moron who can't balance

  181. 9 months ago

    I did a autosm

    • 9 months ago


    • 9 months ago

      At a glance it looks like a logistics ship comparison, but what's stuff like Dun Scaith doing on it?

  182. 9 months ago

    I like the Great Houses and Rosenritter ships

    • 9 months ago

      Those and the rare derelicts are the only reason ai have that dogshit troon mod installed.

    • 9 months ago

      Lostech ships have no right to be that fun to use

  183. 9 months ago

    Which hullmod you think deserves a buff?
    Which needs a nerf?

    • 9 months ago

      All s-mod penalties should be removed, all ‘moderate’ costed hullmods that don’t presently have an s-mod bonus should get one, all low cost s-mod bonuses should be buffed.
      Militarised subsystems especially should include the old record and assault packages as it’s s-mod bonus.

    • 9 months ago

      Just remove all built in hullmodding and make s modding something else that instead adds a flat 20 OP per s mod. Heavy armour is currently garbage because s modding it just ruins things.

  184. 9 months ago

    new title screen for stinger shipyards

    • 9 months ago

      add an option to disable this

      • 9 months ago


    • 9 months ago

      I'd rather have buckbreaker updates

  185. 9 months ago

    Anyone have the mod with all the meme captains? The one with the happy merchant that got it taken down from the forums.

  186. 9 months ago

    efficiency overhaul should buff your combat readiness

    • 9 months ago

      It is. You can wait 2 day to recover or 3.

      • 9 months ago

        no your combat readiness not your combat readiness recovery rate

  187. 9 months ago

    hopefully mods have been updated by now

  188. 9 months ago

    oh, already moved on to the other thread

  189. 9 months ago

    new stinger shipyards update just dropped btw. adds a new faction, frickton of new mechanics.

    • 9 months ago

      Wake the frick up you sons of b***hes
      we're in page 10

      its time to post SEX


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