Steam Deck and Emudeck keep fricking up my fricking roms and configs. I fricking hate Linux so fricking much holy shit

Steam Deck and Emudeck keep fricking up my fricking roms and configs
I fricking hate Linux so fricking much holy shit
>inb4 filtered
Windows just fricking works. Fix your gay OS you stupid code monkeys

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  1. 1 month ago

    >thing is bad because I'm a low iq moron who can't be bothered to learn new things
    Yep, classic Luddite. Do yourself and everyone else a favour and stick to Windows and dont ever try to wander outside your plantation, you dysgenic afterbirth.

    • 1 month ago

      >learn new things
      Yeah learn new things to stop the bugs, moron

    • 1 month ago

      >linux fricks up
      >linuxtroony gets angry and blames the user
      not my fault you're a homosexual
      stop being such a low IQ subhuman and learn to work with dependencies like a normal person and maybe people would use your useless OS
      seethe more, homosexual

  2. 1 month ago

    Yep, it's trash. My favourite part is aside from it just breaking randomly is the cluster frick of terrible matches for rom pictures for steam rom manager. Just give the option for a list of text and frick off

  3. 1 month ago

    Use Retroarch for everything except 6th-gen and above, then use standalone.

    EmuDeck is bad yes.


    Linux is a kernel

    • 1 month ago

      >emudeck bad
      Works on my system. Having all my ROMs in steam is comfy.

  4. 1 month ago

    Barrier doesn't fricking save my config even though I press save and I have to enter the info using the OSK every fricking time
    The SD Card filepath randomly fricking itself up and now it's just a bunch of numbers and letters
    Desktop mode fricking forgets filenames and folders
    Dolphin search fricking sucks dick and doesn't search the directories i tell it to
    App store just fricking crashes whenever you try and update too many apps at once
    Timezone setting just decided to shit itself for no reason and it fricked up my syncthing times and files
    Even the most basic things you can do in Windows takes 10x the steps and clicks to accomplish in Linux
    Have to use the fricking terminal for basically everything, Linux seems to hate GUI for whatever reason
    I fricking hate Linux so fricking much
    Literally everything I listed just fricking works in WIndows. People are mental if they think Linux is better for everyone at this point.

  5. 1 month ago

    if Windows just fricking works how about you just fricking install it then?

  6. 1 month ago

    >emudeck problems
    >blames linux
    troglodyte grindset

    • 1 month ago

      >linux program problems
      >blames linux

      • 1 month ago

        I once used a Windows program that had a bug.
        I fricking hate Windows so fricking much.

      • 1 month ago

        u make no sense but go ahead and use your baby spyware os that "just werks". also emudeck on my deck works just fine

  7. 1 month ago

    What exactly do you mean "Fricking up my roms and configs"?
    Are you implying that the same emulators as on windows are corrupting roms that are readonly most of the time? Because that doesn't really make sense.

    • 1 month ago

      I don't use Emudick or whatever, but it's unlikely that he can even articulate what the issue is, because statistically anyone on Ganker is most likely a smartphone zoomer and it's probably PEBKAC

  8. 1 month ago

    How does Genshin work on linux? I thought it has kernel level anti-cheat.

  9. 1 month ago

    lmao even

    • 1 month ago

      yes i honestly regret it
      i'm nuking emudeck as we speak and just going to manage shit manually

  10. 1 month ago

    >Windows just fricking works
    Windows is absolute fricking garbage and it gets worse every year. Having most software made for it is all the Black person OS has going for it.

    • 1 month ago

      It's weird that people pretend this isn't the case to me. It seems pretty completely noncontroversial that the reason people put up with windows is everything is glued to like win32 shit and DirectX.
      Not because anything windows does itself is any good.
      Shit, windows doesn't even have their own web browser anymore.
      It's just reskinned chrome

      • 1 month ago

        It's weird that people on the internet get so bent out of shape over computer operating systems. Just use what works and stop trying to be a moral crusader.

        • 1 month ago

          Sort of weird that you're trying to be dismissive about the fact that Windows sucks and people mostly tolerate it because it came with their PC or because they use some shit like After Effects.
          There's no "morality" about it.

  11. 1 month ago

    >steam deck is flopped and shitted
    >many people saying th-ACK!

  12. 1 month ago

    Emudeck being shit pisses me off, all of a sudden none of my roms/emulators would launch and had to fully reinstall emudeck.

  13. 1 month ago

    this is what linuxgays won't ever tell you
    they say "it just works" but it's only after a week of troubleshooting and downloading random github fixes that may or may not work and will most definitely break when one of its 500 dependencies updates

    • 1 month ago

      I installed Fedora and it just werks. The only troubleshooting I've really had to do was setting up a development environment for C++ and that sucks just as much dick on Windows as it does anywhere else.

  14. 1 month ago

    Then again, I just use Citra, Ryujinx, and PPSSPP and they all work out of the box

  15. 1 month ago

    >OS has 4 different UIs that are just skins over skins over skins of its 90s UI
    >UI constantly breaks because of this
    >Doesn't even have a real terminal

  16. 1 month ago

    I got emudeck set up pre yuzupocalypse and I'm afraid to touch it again in case it completely fricks everything up

  17. 1 month ago


  18. 1 month ago

    PC gaming in general is like that honestly. Even when games hold 60 fps I still get stutters, horrible input lag and just all around choppy feeling gameplay and no combination of settings, tweaking dead zones, frame rate limiters, v-sync or fast sync on or off or whatever other placebos people online recommend can get games to run smoothly. Like why the frick am I putting all this money, time and energy just to try to match what a PS5 can do with most games right out of the box?

    • 1 month ago

      Use frame-capped VRR. Solves every thing problem you listed.

  19. 1 month ago

    This is the big problem with Linux and all its workarounds and translations. You aren't really in control of what's happening. Everything gets abstracted from you and if you're lucky enough to even get an error, there will never be an explanation for it.
    I couldn't start from bottles. Even if I started it in a terminal to see what was wrong I wasn't getting anything of use.
    I just so happened, after an hour investigating the problem, found a post from someone saying a dependency was missing.
    There's nothing "difficult" about this. You're not smart for getting things to work on Linux. It's simply not designed to be used as a desktop OS like Windows.

    • 1 month ago

      >You aren't really in control of what's happening. Everything gets abstracted from you and if you're lucky enough to even get an error, there will never be an explanation for it.
      What a bizarre thing to say about the OS which is known primarily for giving the user control over everything (even to a fault i.e. at the cost of convenience) and for dumping so much logging to the terminal that normies immediately give up on reading and just type "Yes, do as I say!" and then wonder what happened.
      >I couldn't start from bottles. Even if I started it in a terminal to see what was wrong I wasn't getting anything of use.
      If you're using a program like Bottles to automate things you could do manually and can't figure out how to get any logging out of it when things go wrong, then either install Wine and DXVK manually to do what Bottles is automating for you, or RTFM about how to get detailed logging out of Wine.

      • 1 month ago

        >What a bizarre thing to say about the OS which is known primarily for giving the user control over everything
        Re-read what I said. It flat-out doesn't though for 99% of real users who are reliant on software to "just werk". Are you denying the existence and value of bottles or even DXVK in this scenario?
        >can't figure out how to get any logging out of it when things go wrong
        I already explained I reviewed the logs. Please, read my fricking post before bothering to respond.

        • 1 month ago

          The OS does give you control though. Of course there are programs that will try to simplify things for you. If one of those programs doesn't work, or doesn't give you any control over what it's automating, it's not a problem with Linux. It's a problem with that program.
          And no I'm not denying the existence of the things I mentioned.

    • 1 month ago

      >What a bizarre thing to say about the OS which is known primarily for giving the user control over everything
      Re-read what I said. It flat-out doesn't though for 99% of real users who are reliant on software to "just werk". Are you denying the existence and value of bottles or even DXVK in this scenario?
      >can't figure out how to get any logging out of it when things go wrong
      I already explained I reviewed the logs. Please, read my fricking post before bothering to respond.

      Are you, by any chance, having this issue where the log-in screen is unresponsive and then crashes?
      Just for you, I created a new bottle and installed Blizzard from the "Install Programs" menu, and would immediately crash at the log-in screen every time I tried to launch it. Running Bottles from a terminal, I saw "stack overflow" and "bad file descriptor" errors, which aren't helpful to me but would likely be very helpful to developers if I were to report a bug. The fact that you find nothing of value in the logs doesn't mean there's nothing of value there.

      • 1 month ago

        Yes. The fix though is to install the "allfonts" dependency. Nowhere does it mention a missing dependency.

        • 1 month ago

          >Yes. The fix though is to install the "allfonts" dependency. Nowhere does it mention a missing dependency.
          Okay but I just tried launching again (still with Bottles running from a terminal) after adding "WINEDEBUG=warn+all" to the start of the launch options, and the resulting output is a fricking lot, but there are warnings about missing fonts in there.
          Assuming you didn't figure out the "allfonts" fix yourself by installing every possible dependency one-at-a-time, the person who did figure it out probably saw the same font warnings I'm seeing now.

  20. 1 month ago

    I've been trying to install a game from KaosKrew on my Steam Deck, but I just get a black screen when I open setup.exe on Lutris. Anyone else get this? Is there a fix?

  21. 1 month ago

    emudeck bricks decks

  22. 1 month ago

    >install emudeck
    >load up every game I played prior to the age of 15
    >all match perfectly and play perfectly

    Dunno what's wrong with you bro

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