
>create a new world
>doesn't get into any big wars
>build colonies and expand more
>fricking loose due to low stability in planets
can you actually win this game wtf ?

Shopping Cart Returner Shirt $21.68

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Shopping Cart Returner Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 years ago

    you win by double clicking uninstall.exe

    • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago


      This game is a micro fest it becomes intensive and boring very quickly

      git gud

    • 2 years ago


      This game is a micro fest it becomes intensive and boring very quickly

      >Imagine getting filtered by a fricking Stellaris
      Post revolting planet screen if you want any advice, not galaxy map you moron

      Manage your factions better I guess, idk. Alternatively, play a better game.

      >brainlet gets filtered by Stellaris rebellions
      This might not be the genre for you, when even shit games like stellaris filter you

      What is a better strategy game set in space from 2007 or later? Endless Space?

      • 2 years ago

        There isn't one since the genre peaked with MoO. Pick a space 4X that has the thing you want in a space 4x.
        Play Stellaris for the mods and rp
        Play ES2 that's fish tiddies

        • 2 years ago

          The truth is that none of them are very good. ES and ES2 are just basic-b***h board games. Distant Worlds 1 and 2 do different things, but they aren't really that fun.

          There isn't, that's why I'm still playing it

          It does seem like a struggling genre. I've replayed StarCraft to scratch the itch, but Endless Space 2 seems appealing to me, more so than Stellaris (I played the free weekend). Star Dynasties was actually a neat game, though simplistic - free demo as well.

          Try Sins of the Solar Empire.

          Not my cup of tea, neither is/was Homeworld.

          • 2 years ago

            Are star dynasties and stellar monarch similar at all? Both look interesting to me but I don't see them talked about too often. I do like stellaris, kind of simplistic in some aspects.

            • 2 years ago

              >stellar monarch
              I have not played it but they seem similar. Try the Star Dynasties demo, it has about two hours of content.

          • 2 years ago

            Endless Space 2 has amazing art and faction design compared to other new space 4x games, but I don't think it's amazing mechanically. Really it comes down to if you prefer the focused but simple turn based design that the Endless Games have or the bloated complexity, real-time-with-pause and huge modding community that Paradox games have.

            • 2 years ago

              endless space is a rock paper scissors game in space

            • 2 years ago

              >Endless Space 2 has amazing art and faction design compared to other new space 4x games, but I don't think it's amazing mechanically. Really it comes down to if you prefer the focused but simple turn based design that the Endless Games have
              OR you could just play a real TBS like GalCiv instead, just a thought. It's a really sad state of affairs in space 4X games that the only two games discussed are the one that everybody hates but keeps playing and the one everybody shills yet never plays.

      • 2 years ago

        The truth is that none of them are very good. ES and ES2 are just basic-b***h board games. Distant Worlds 1 and 2 do different things, but they aren't really that fun.

      • 2 years ago

        There isn't, that's why I'm still playing it

      • 2 years ago

        Try Sins of the Solar Empire.

      • 2 years ago

        Try Stars in Shadow if you liked Master of Orion.

      • 2 years ago

        Chapter master 40k

        • 2 years ago

          I really wanted to like it, but it's so clunky and with how it will never be finished, I always end up losing motivation to learn the game.

      • 2 years ago

        As another anon said, Sins of a Solar Empire. Although arguably, the AI is even meaner there.

      • 2 years ago


        • 2 years ago

          He said game

      • 2 years ago

        sword of the stars. it's 2006 though

      • 2 years ago

        GalCiv 2

      • 2 years ago

        >Take Distant Worlds gameplay formula
        >Add in the Graphics of Endless Space 2
        >With a dash of Shadow Empires and Aurora 4x Planet Simulation

        And there you go guys I've basically created the best 4x game so far ever. Now if only devs would get their heads out of their asses and make it.

    • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      Yet somehow, 500 replies followed

      • 2 years ago


  2. 2 years ago

    This game is a micro fest it becomes intensive and boring very quickly

    • 2 years ago

      Just dont fall for the huge galaxy meme

      • 2 years ago


        I used to be naturally drawn to the biggest galaxy settings with the most empires, because who doesn't love the idea of playing massive games against dozens of enemies? But eventually I realized that this doesn't actually make the game better in any conceivable way, and instead actually makes it worse in several significant ways. Big games play out exactly the same as medium games in terms of gameplay, except they require multiple times as much micromanagement and significantly prolong the "4X endgames always suck" syndrome.

        • 2 years ago

          Big galaxy, bare minimum habitable planet quantity. Habitable worlds should be rare and fought over.

          • 2 years ago

            That's pointless past the early game, since everyone will just spam habitats. Even the AI wil do this, they're just bad at it so it makes the game even easier.

            >b-but you can just not use habitats
            Yeah I can also choose not to colonize anything at all, but that doesn't exactly improve the game.

            • 2 years ago

              Disable utopia DLC for no habitat AIa

        • 2 years ago

          i just like playing on medium maps with the max amount of players. im stuck playing the console edition right now and the super limited number of AIs you can have is killing me.

    • 2 years ago

      only if you don't play aggressive, for me the real fun is to comit war crimes against the xenos

      >create a new world
      >doesn't get into any big wars
      >build colonies and expand more
      >fricking loose due to low stability in planets
      can you actually win this game wtf ?

      Imagine getting filtered by Stellaris

      >brainlet gets filtered by Stellaris rebellions
      This might not be the genre for you, when even shit games like stellaris filter you

      >Imagine getting filtered by a fricking Stellaris
      Post revolting planet screen if you want any advice, not galaxy map you moron


      Do you bother to come up with RP names for your fleets and ship types?


      if you rename your fleets you're human
      if you rename your ship classes you're white
      if you rename individual ships you're high tier autistic

      based, I don't go as far as naming individual ships but I always remane my ship classes and fleets

  3. 2 years ago

    >Imagine getting filtered by a fricking Stellaris
    Post revolting planet screen if you want any advice, not galaxy map you moron

  4. 2 years ago

    Manage your factions better I guess, idk. Alternatively, play a better game.

  5. 2 years ago

    If you have a rebellious planet, the only thing you need to do is build a big fricking army, land it there, and choose the crackdown in the situation screen

  6. 2 years ago

    >fricking loose due to low stability in planets

    Stability is ridiculously easy to manage, like almost everything else in this casualgay game. Did you just not have any amenities at all?

  7. 2 years ago

    >brainlet gets filtered by Stellaris rebellions
    This might not be the genre for you, when even shit games like stellaris filter you

  8. 2 years ago

    this spelling mistake used to be far less common, what happened? is this some kind of zoomer thing?

    • 2 years ago

      Internet access is a lot more common in 3rd world countries than it was a decade ago.

    • 2 years ago

      shitty chatbot ai

    • 2 years ago

      ESLs: To spell 'lose' with two 'o's makes sense, because that's how the 'u' sound is typically represented in English. However spelling conventions don't always make sense and have to be learnt by heart in certain cases. For that reason many casual ESLs just assume it's written 'to loose' and won't even bother looking it up first.
      >t. ESL

      • 2 years ago

        Ignorant natives make the same mistake

    • 2 years ago

      I've noticed that too and assumed it was some sort of le funny meme.

    • 2 years ago

      Phoneposting autocorrect

    • 2 years ago

      spanish speakers dropping off spaghetti

    • 2 years ago

      Blame your stupid language that sounds differently from how its written

  9. 2 years ago

    >create a new world
    >start a war within 10 years
    >steal an enemy homeworld as soon as possible as it basically doubles your economy
    >steal more homeworlds and never build any colonies
    >win the game by 2300
    I do this every time. I think I've seen 2400 maybe once in the six years this game has been out.

    • 2 years ago

      >200 system galaxy
      This post was made by DDR3 gang

      • 2 years ago

        Isnt processing the biggest issue with the game ?

    • 2 years ago

      What happens with the crises? Do you just never get that far? I honestly hate the crisis nonsense in this game, so it sounds good to me. Paradox and Creative Assembly tend to equate random, deus ex machina events with "fun" and it makes me tear away from their games like doves at a funeral.

      • 2 years ago

        Crises in stellaris are an absolute meme.
        I've only managed to suffer until the crisis event kicked in twice and they died almost immediately to half of my fleet. Same as the khan. Never seen an awakened empire either.

        • 2 years ago

          Crisises are either complete jokes or impossible to kill, no middle ground. It all depends on how well off the galaxy is prior to their arrival.

          It doesn't help that tech is out of whack, it's not uncommon for a research focused empire to have nothing but repeatable technology by 2300, a hundred years before the crisis even arrives. It's no wonder the crisis can't do shit when it arrives in a galaxy that out techs and and has more fleets.

          • 2 years ago

            >It doesn't help that tech is out of whack
            This is the thing I dislike most about Stellaris by far. Research is king, you never have enough of it since it snowballs forever, and every possible playstyle is extremely dependent on it. Even its opposing resource is heavily gated by it.

            • 2 years ago

              Yeah, exactly. I've tried playing a massive, sprawling empire that doesn't care much about research, but one, not having advanced ships and more efficient methods gimps the hell out of you and two, if you have that many pops in an empire, you likely have more than enough production to devote some pops to research and alleviate that issue in the first place.

              There's also the flipside of that, that if you're behind in research, it's hard to catch up because by researching topics you gain research speed either by being able to have more scientists or more efficient scientists. It also just makes you wait around for things to finish researching instead of being able to declare war or build up planets further because your fleet won't have what it needs until you unlock some more specific weapon types and you can't build some structures until your research unlocks them.

              I don't really know what the right answer is to research, but I wish overall research didn't snowball on itself and I wish so much wasn't gated behind research. For example, make the building size upgrades only require capital building upgrades to construct and have destroyers, cruisers, and battleships unlocked at the start of the game but with limited weapon and utility systems so you can build a proper fleet composition and don't have to waste tons of alloys building corvettes for decades.

            • 2 years ago

              I fricking hate research so much
              There are researches to
              >give you more basic resources
              >give more advanced resources
              >give better weapons and armor
              >give building upgrades
              >give unity crime and amenity bonuses
              >less war exhaustion and claim influence cost
              >leader upgrades
              >upgrades to give more fricking research
              >and much more

              Not to mention it all comes from 1 building despite having 3 seperate science resources so it comes down to make more science buildings to win.

              Labs should only give physics research and industrial buildings should give industrial research and military political and medical buildings should give society research

              • 2 years ago

                i love how paradox drops dlcs and updates everything sept the micromanaging (which is like half the game.) why cant that be fun too? or at least make sense??? frick this cracker made game man.

              • 2 years ago

                This game is made on a good base but it needs to be streamlined in some areas and expanded in others

                I think i could fix this game if i knew how to mod

              • 2 years ago

                >military political and medical buildings should give society research
                Hell even break it down further and have those buildings give bonuses to specific things. It doesn't really matter currently whatever type of empire you're playing, you're always going to be spamming research buildings on your research planet. Have it so your militarist empire gets a big boost to military research if they put more fortresses and mil buildings everywhere. Might actually give you an incentive to change up what you build.

              • 2 years ago

                I was also thinking that having more than 1 fleet engaged in combat ie 2v1 in a system would add penalties to your fire rate disengage chance and accuracy since your ships would need to adjust to not hit friendly ships and communications is harder. The idea is to make fights more about fleet compositions and weapons and it would give smaller empires a fighting chance and not make combat purely whoever has more ships it would also mean you cant just roll over defense stations with every single fleet you own and higher level admirals could help reduce the penalty instead of only giving a measly fire rate bonus

                Also i would make all 4 ship types avalible from the start and try to balance them out for different roles like irl navies

        • 2 years ago

          Stop playing on easy mode and raise the crisis multiplier if you want an actual fight. Stellaris is boring enough even if you're not turning down the difficulty to trivialize everything.

          • 2 years ago

            Not him, but I run on about 50/75/50 years or like that and crisis 3.5x and most games I don't get a middle or late game crisis.

    • 2 years ago

      I play in galaxies 5 times this size, 20 fricking factions.

    • 2 years ago

      Do you play on an Antec office computer? Why is your galaxy so small?

    • 2 years ago

      >galaxy for ants

  10. 2 years ago

    >medium galaxy
    >get mod to make like 50 ai empire fill it up

    the most kino setting, vanilla settings just leave the galaxy full of empty useless systems

    • 2 years ago

      Stellaris could've really used an "advanced start" mode where you're plopped into a galaxy that already has federations, power blocs, etc and you have to navigate through the morass of politics to find your way around. Every game feels much too the same, you just grab as much land as you can early, invade your neighbors, then rush tech for the best fleets you can build and finish off whoever can match you. It'd be nice to make the players have to parley with AI empires to try and contain major players or work on trade deals and sanctions to pull the rug out of the top empires.

      I also wish the galaxy wasn't completely interconnected at first and instead split into two halves or more and connected by wormholes, let each section of the world build up and develop its own unique technology based on what strategic resources are found and have the sides eventually come together in a culture clash.

      • 2 years ago

        That would be cool, I've always wanted to be able to play as a naturally risen primitive empire, that only gets to really start 100-ish years in.

        • 2 years ago

          I always wanted a better defined level of tech for the galaxy so there could be older empires with more advanced technology and younger ones with low tech, but in a way that feels impactful beyond ships simply having stronger guns. Since everyone more or less starts at the same point, the first 50 years of the game just feels like a land grab with the occasional blitzkrieg on an enemy capital, it takes a while for semi-stable borders to form and political alliances and such, and by that time the game is halfway over or better.

          I also wanted something like systems that can't be colonized or claimed, only traveled through, sort of like an analogue to the oceans in other games. You can't add it to your territory, but you can use it for getting around and colonizing systems adjacent to it means you have a very long border to secure so outposts are tougher to use to block access to your territory if you're near it. Traveling through it would take a lot longer compared to normal systems and there might be fauna or natural phenomena that make it dangerous without preparations. Add in a logistics system so traversing too far from established civilization could result in your ships succumbing to attrition in space from lack of maintenance.

  11. 2 years ago

    Oy, If I want to play some custom music in this game, do I just paste it in some folder, or what?

    Also, this piece is fookin amazing for grand strategy

  12. 2 years ago

    Long ago, even like 4 years ago or so (game is from 2016) I've heard the quick summary of this game, basically
    >Its more like a mod platfom than a game on its own at this point
    Guess what, last night I've won the game (vassals so OP, make me bruh moment picrel) and today I thought
    >Oy, would it work properly IF I used mods on save with already finished game
    Guess what homosexuals, it fricking work
    Say whatever shit you wanna on stellaris (ur be probably right btw), say its a cashgrab, a dlc breaks the game, the unbalancing of patches, the gay diaries.
    But as a mod platform? Holy frick its based.

    • 2 years ago

      >make me bruh moment picrel
      I fear the chavvy zoomer.

      • 2 years ago

        I'm 37 you idiot

        • 2 years ago

          That makes it even worse

          • 2 years ago


            Isnt processing the biggest issue with the game ?

            It is, afaik it was designed for 2 cores, maybe 4.

  13. 2 years ago

    Ive never had a planet revolt, not even conquered ones, what did you do?

  14. 2 years ago

    Do you bother to come up with RP names for your fleets and ship types?

    • 2 years ago

      Used to. Renamed each fleet with a nickname based off their service history.

      Don't bother these days.

    • 2 years ago

      Holy frick that is at least tier 3 autistic

    • 2 years ago

      Yeah I use the same ship types appellations throughout all my playthroughs.

    • 2 years ago

      if you rename your fleets you're human
      if you rename your ship classes you're white
      if you rename individual ships you're high tier autistic

      • 2 years ago

        if you don't rename ship classes how are you going to keep up with the different ship types? hunting pirates ships are different than escorts for big ships.

        • 2 years ago

          >hunting pirate ships
          just build a gateway in every inhabited system lmao

          • 2 years ago

            I always reach the point where it's a certainty that I will own the galaxy and rolling a new nation sounds more fun than going through the motions before I get that researched.

            • 2 years ago

              It definitely becomes a fricking slug. I have a technological and military advantage that the rest of the galaxy can't compete with, but every late game war is against most of the galaxy so I'm constantly hunting down smaller fleets. It's pretty boring, but I actually want to finish a game.

              • 2 years ago

                You could set the end date earlier if you just want to see the end screen and not go through the motions of galactic conquest. Early end game also makes the crisis more interesting.

    • 2 years ago

      Naturally, I also almost exclusively play as my own tweaked take on the UNE, to not have to deal with the ridiculous CoM shit getting in my simulated autistic future head canon. I have ~300 hours in the game and 85% of that has been playing like this, with maybe 10% playing CoM when I've felt like larping BSG/the IoM from 40k
      Generally I go for
      >defense platforms
      Military leaders
      >battleships and beyond
      I try to keep up on renaming individual ships to fit these themes but I'm not too bothered if I miss a few, I rarely if ever rename fleets though

    • 2 years ago

      Whenever I play humans I use these
      Corvette: Litany
      Destroyer: Poem
      Cruiser: Etude
      Battleship: Ode
      Titan: Epos
      and then individual ships are named [class name] of/for/to [X] eg Etude for Tau Ceti or Ode to Destruction. Or at least they would be named that way if I could be bothered to rename them.
      It's corny but I like the thought of having warships be dedicated to human culture. I hope just playing some human music makes any aliens who hear it shit their pants.

      • 2 years ago

        Nice anon

    • 2 years ago

      Disclaimer, I don't use optimized ship builds nor have I ever cared to learn what they are. I always keep the first corvette name as is and make it a picket ship, then
      >MOAB class corvette
      I like torpedo boats
      >Slingshot class destroyer
      outfitted with the L-class bow of course
      >Mother hen class cruiser
      my first carrier class of any game
      >Trebuchet class battleship
      they're technically carriers but they also have an X bow so I figured we'd reflect that
      I rarely bother with bigger ships since I get bored by that point

    • 2 years ago

      I'm autistic enough to give names to my ship types, plus depending of the loadout of each I put an identifier to tell what their type is.
      named after melee weapons: Cutlass, Rapier, Xiphos, Gladius
      Benson, Laffei, Cossack, Fubuki, Akatsuki, Akizuki, etc.
      Artillery cruiser: Cleveland, Helena, Kirov, Prinz Eugen, Graf Spee
      Hangar slot Cruisers (irl CVL names): Casablanca, Gambier Bay, Houshou, Zuihou, etc.
      irl BB names for the artillery ones, CV names for the carrier ones
      Artillery: Bismark, Yamato (for the X slot), Musashi, Iowa, Tirpitz, Kongou. Amagi.
      CV: Enterprise (of-fricking-course), Yorktown, Hornet, Akagi, Zuikaku, Graf Zeppelin.
      Prometheus (I go beyond to name all the Titans after their mythological counterparts)
      >Defense Platforms
      IRL Fortresses/Castles or historical battles
      if I play humans (like 90% of the time): Pride of Gaia
      else I leave it to the game to make a name

    • 2 years ago

      I name my fleets and ship classes, it's not worth it to rename every single ship unless it's a titan or juggernaut.

    • 2 years ago

      Only to reflect their functionality, and only when it's possible to confuse them (eg I've got two different ships of the same class)

    • 2 years ago

      Ship types always. name depends on empire I am playing, althrough sometimes it's function, like lightning bbs being called tesla. Fleets almost always, discounting emergency-late game spam.

    • 2 years ago

      yes I only ever played one full game and The faction was called Angels of Vengeance and thier directive was to wipe out the galaxy, THe fleets were all named after angels and that general theme.

    • 2 years ago

      As humans, I rename ship classes:
      I Fighter, I Bomber = combat roles
      II Krasnoyarsk, II Bielefeld, II Houston, etc = cities
      III Churchill, III Trump, III Lincoln, III Caesar = great men in history
      IV Aurora, IV Tempest, IV Storm = natural phenomena (didn’t even plan this, just realized I’m doing it)
      V Götterdämmerung

    • 2 years ago

      I just do utilitarian names for fleets and ships.
      CRV/DES/CRU/BAT: A, B, C etc
      1st CRU, 2nd BAT, 3rd FAST, etc

      Planets I usually name something cool or funny unless it's a habitat which I just name after the star + a number because I usually have multiple in the same system(s)

    • 2 years ago

      I have a random name generator set up so I can name every planet in every system I control, and I also mark every ship I build with the name of my current emperor so I know when it was made. Yes.

    • 2 years ago

      That kind of rp autism is the only appeal stellaris has for me at this point

  15. 2 years ago

    Is 7k science before year 2300 considered a good score? Playing megacorp empire btw.

  16. 2 years ago
    With the flexibility in how empires can choose traditions that we introduced in 3.1 "Lem", @Alfray Stryke is planning some experiments looking at introducing new tradition trees.
    >These are looking at how gating tradition trees behind various triggers might influence the game. There have been some ideas suggested about introducing tradition trees that are locked behind ascension perks or origins, and we're interested to see where these may lead.

    Do you think voidborne useless shit perk made only for voidborne origin not to suck will be reworked into tradition tree, so that spamming them habitats would become more of a lifestyle than a chore?

    • 2 years ago

      Cool. Maybe Unity will finally stop being the red headed stepchild with downs and will finally be able to stand next to its big sister Research without being laughed at.

  17. 2 years ago

    >declare war on someone
    >occupy most of their systems
    >they get vassalized by someone else which ends the war and i lose all occupations

    did they not play test this shit?

    • 2 years ago

      WAD pls understand

    • 2 years ago

      A similar thing already exist in eu4, where the new overlord enter the war as a defender.
      >losing all occupation
      just makes 0 fricking sense

    • 2 years ago

      In CK they at least ask you "This war is now against X, you still wanna try this shit bud?" I'm sure there's a mod somewhere.

    • 2 years ago

      You don't get it do you? YOU are the play tester. It's been like this for years.

  18. 2 years ago

    >Try to make a post
    >Captcha is like 6 symbols, scrunched up so badly I cannot differentiate them
    >Have to regenerate the captcha like 3 times
    >Now its taking a minute solid between each "get captcha"
    why the frick does this website hate old people

  19. 2 years ago

    i got stellaris for free, which dlcs should I get?

    • 2 years ago

      Pirate all

  20. 2 years ago
    I love it how the custodian makes more impact in a week than full aids Dev team in a month.

    • 2 years ago

      >I love you! Especially for removing the Psionic Archive as a hard requirement to make the Shroud tolerable.
      >All we now need is a rework of the Shroud and we're set!
      Do drones really?

    • 2 years ago

      >Didn't give the First League a relic
      Cybrex is still best just because it flatout gives you a ringworld.

    • 2 years ago

      >+20% energy weapon fire rate

      >Get contingency core
      Its MEGA time

      • 2 years ago

        >My CPU when pop growth doubled.

    • 2 years ago
  21. 2 years ago

    Join All-Out!

  22. 2 years ago

    >+20% energy weapon fire rate

  23. 2 years ago


    The Numistic Order sells a few of them sometimes. Not really comparable to the Rubricator

  24. 2 years ago

    >play technocracy
    >game shows the systems 1 jump from homeworld by default
    >3 habitable worlds
    >two of them are a size gaia worlds
    >go to survey first one
    >encounter militant isolationists
    >run over
    >...wait, I still have another one
    >go to check it out
    >emerald mausoleum
    I hate this game

  25. 2 years ago


    The Numistic Order sells a few of them sometimes. Not really comparable to the Rubricator

    This and a 1/200 chance of 1-5 playing the slots, otherwise you're SOL

  26. 2 years ago

    Did they fix the thing where all the AIs just beg to be your vassals 50 years in so you win without doing anything?
    Or if not, are there any mods that fix that?

    • 2 years ago

      Kek, reminds me of 1 game
      >right after vassal patch decide to play a fuedal empire
      >occupy 25% and 25 worlds in the gqlaxy (600 stars)
      >a.i empires keep beating the shit out of eachother
      >i vassilize enlightend natives and let them expand for me
      >a.i empires beat eachother so bad they ask to beco.e my vassal
      > have entire galaxy vassalized by 2260
      >all disloyal but no rebellion
      >contigency appears but nobody can stop them since they have a max of 100k fleetpower
      >i cant stop them since they spawned at the other side of the galaxy
      >when my fleets do arrive the crisis outnumers my fleet 100:1
      > lose
      Its fun roleplaying as the HRE but sucks gamewise

      • 2 years ago

        r/stellaris would probably tell you that the mistake was not making gateways in every single system in a galaxy.
        I had similar situation where praethoryn spawn as far from me as possible - they eaten about 50 systems or so (spawning those guardians of galaxy of some kind) in medium galaxy before my 300K total armada was able to get to them - they already had more than 200K fleets.
        What I did was to conquer some backwards shithole few systems from them, then build a gateway there.
        Second gateway was in megashipyard system. Then I commenced praethoryn safari where Id salvage my entire fleets (was way over fleet limit) on them to keep economy over the bancrupcy.

        • 2 years ago

          I cant build that in vassal territory. I only own like 1 dlc

          • 2 years ago

            >playing a paradox game
            >not pirating all the DLC

          • 2 years ago

            Building gateways in vassal territory is now base game ability.

  27. 2 years ago

    What game is most similar to Stellaris that don't turn into crawl late game? Early is fine but late game pops make it almost unplayable.

  28. 2 years ago


    Precursor systems with Ancient Shipyards usually give 0.5 minor actifact/month when fully restored

  29. 2 years ago

    This probably been asked hundreds of times already, but do new updates affect already existing saves?

    • 2 years ago

      Answer pls

    • 2 years ago

      Yes, dumbass. Compatibility is not guaranteed though.

  30. 2 years ago

    How the frick do I stop pirates from spawning. I have corvettes patrolling and starbases with hangar bays along my trade routes. Still the frickers pop up. They're not that big of a deal but it's just a minor irritation I have every 20 years or so.

    • 2 years ago

      1) Upgrade a starbase adjadent to your capital
      2) Fill it with trade hubs
      3) Put a gateway here and wherever your trade colonies are
      4) May as well take mercantile for more benefit from trade and collection range+.
      5) ?????
      6) Profit
      Your trade hub will collect ALL trade in it's range if there is no starbase in the system. If starbase is present, it ignores collection range and sends trade via trade route, generating piracy. So, either do not upgrade starbase in your trade system in collection range or do upgrade it, fill it with trade hubs/hangars, then drop a gateway there.
      Also, avoid tracking trade routes through empty or claimed space, it spawns a lot more piracy, than in your own borders.

    • 2 years ago

      In mid-to-late game if you have enough alloy surplus you can upgrade the base starbase with defense platforms without upgrading the base starbase. This'll give you a little extra, enough to kill whatever spawns and prevents recurrence somewhat.

  31. 2 years ago

    Look man I know this board shits on Paradox all the time but fact is probably like most of the people doing the shitting I like a lot of Paradox games and play them a lot, but Stellaris fricking sucks, it always fricking sucked, it is a mile-wide and an inch-deep, the game is boring as shit, you are waiting and just surveying shit for 5 hours until you run into enemy borders, and then at that point the stupid fricking wargoal system makes it an absolute slog to build the same cookie-cutter units to chase down and destroy enemy fleets one planet at a time, to conquer only like 4 systems, the game is absolute shit, they try to save it with lots of flavor, some of the flavor is cool, but FRICK Stellaris, it's gay and it's dick is small, I'm fricking CALLING IT OUT.

    • 2 years ago

      Name 10 games which are a mile wide and a mile deep.

    • 2 years ago

      Name a deep Paradox game.
      I'll wait.

    • 2 years ago

      >they try to save it with lots of flavor, some of the flavor is cool
      They can't even do flavour.
      All but a couple of resources have basic names.
      Planetary features are generic.
      Oh boy, I found a holographic planet.
      Haha I understood that teapot reference.
      I can't wait for the worm event chain.

      If only every race and empire weren't completely identical with their differences being their portrait and civic % modifiers whilst everything else is just flavour text that breaks every update.

      • 2 years ago

        Look man I know this board shits on Paradox all the time but fact is probably like most of the people doing the shitting I like a lot of Paradox games and play them a lot, but Stellaris fricking sucks, it always fricking sucked, it is a mile-wide and an inch-deep, the game is boring as shit, you are waiting and just surveying shit for 5 hours until you run into enemy borders, and then at that point the stupid fricking wargoal system makes it an absolute slog to build the same cookie-cutter units to chase down and destroy enemy fleets one planet at a time, to conquer only like 4 systems, the game is absolute shit, they try to save it with lots of flavor, some of the flavor is cool, but FRICK Stellaris, it's gay and it's dick is small, I'm fricking CALLING IT OUT.

        Total conversion mods really help.
        However I find it remarkable how the only way to win in Stellaris is military victory. Really surprised they haven't created other victory conditions.

        • 2 years ago

          >Really surprised they haven't created other victory conditions.
          This. Honestly I'd like for new types of victory and new types of crisis to be added in a new DLC/update in the future.
          Also giving the option to have the 3 crisis spawning in a single the game, maybe not at the same time, but letting them have a "cooldown" between each one of them.

          • 2 years ago

            >new types of crisis to be added in a new DLC/update in the future.
            the game really needs more new crisis, both for mid and endgame. i hope we get some more leviathans, too, like a crystal one, or maybe a nomadic swarm that moves from system to system
            i really hope we get a 40k daemon invasion crisis with the shroud and the hunters the prethoryn are running from. hell, maybe a crisis event that gives us both

            • 2 years ago

              I was hoping we could get a surprise genocidal nation. Like a devouring swarm/determined exterminator that looks and acts like a normal empire until it throws off its cloak and reveals its ready to murder everyone after its worked itself into an advantageous position and built up a clandestine fleet and army to invade with.

              It seems like the rework to first contact and intel would be a great way to do this since you don't really know what each empire has until you directly spy on them or about midgame where you get an intel bonus.

              • 2 years ago

                >I was hoping we could get a surprise genocidal nation
                there's the broken clock from the more events mod, at least

              • 2 years ago

                ah yeah, that one
                In all my games it usually disappears like in 10 years after it spawns thus making it useless as a pseudo-crisis, also most of the time the fleets just sit on the starting system and won't even move.

              • 2 years ago

                What actually is the broken clock crisis? Is there something special about the system before they spawn? I had it once in my subjects borders so I didn't see any events leading up to it. I was already very strong though and fricked them up pretty easily.

            • 2 years ago

              I was thinking one of my problems with the current crisis system is the big three don't really leave lasting effects on the galaxy and can be ended very quickly just by taking a few large fleets over to them and shutting them down before they really get going.

              The swarm is probably the biggest case of this since they show up in a relatively compact part of the galaxy, but the contingency really only spawns four hubs which can all be contained and brought down and the unbidden are pretty localized as well. And then once you kill their initial arrival, everything goes back to normal.

              I think all three crisis types should start occurring around midgame in the opening sense and have small events happening all over the galaxy that empires have to react to. For example, as soon as Jump Drives are researched, rare events start occurring for the empires using them with smaller, non-military problems showing up, when robots reach a certain level of commonality in the galaxy you start getting aberrant behavior in their largest clusters, and from the very beginning you can find dormant or feral prethyrn that are sort of like gene stealers or a precursor for things to come. All of these have a chance to escalate into the actual crisis or fizzle out into nothing, but they all change the way you play since they can continue to occur in their nascent state.

              The war in heaven is, in my opinion, one of the better "crisis" because it has lasting effects on the galaxy and is more difficult to simply stomp into submission when it happens unless you're going after fallen empires before they awake. It reshapes the diplomacy of the galaxy and encourages AI and player empires to become collaborators with them instead of just dying, so even though in a vacuum (excuse my pun) it's just the FE fleets you're worried about, there's also the fact that normal empires will join them as well.

              • 2 years ago

                I would gladly see an expansion upon the topic of the fallen empires.
                Prementioned advanced galaxy setting could include power blocks of satelite states orbiting around fallen empires.

            • 2 years ago

              Still waiting when they reverse how administrative offices worked.

              >or maybe a nomadic swarm that moves from system to system
              Aren't the Prets already not!Tyranids that are running away from something much worse?
              I'd go with some ancient undead raising from tomb worlds and killing off civilizations to sterilize the galaxy.
              Or not!Flood that transforms worlds into plague worlds and anyone on it into mutant zombies.

              • 2 years ago

                I liked the idea behind empire sprawl/administrative efficiency, I just didn't like how easy it was to get administrative efficiency.

                The concept makes sense: Nearby developed, contiguous planets and sectors that have been part of the empire for a long time and have developed a bureaucratic apparatus cause less stress on an empire pound for pound than a far flung backwater colony that has next to no oversight because it's insignificant by comparison to the capital. My thing about Administrative Offices being easy to build though was that it encouraged the player to just play keepup with an administrative specialized planet, adding a new office every time you get close to going over your limit.

                I think the offices should be limited to 1 per planet and have a scaling cost based on distance to the capital or empire size, with hive mind or egalitarian (decentralized) empires having a reduction in cost to administering a large empire. And then make authoritarians somewhat the opposite, needing a strong hand to keep the peace and slaves in line, with machine empires taking this to the extreme where they have huge production bonuses but a very hard time managing more than a sector or two.

                Also, the devs need to just bite the bullet and make sectors generate as part of the map so that they can actually be used more logically. The dynamic spawning of sectors causes a lot of problems and prohibits their usefulness because the developer can't know if it's going to be a single planet sector with only two systems at the edge of an empire or if it's a sector with nine habitats and three ringworlds. Making them baked in to the natural geography of the galaxy lets borders form more naturally and allows for additional wargoals for border disputes, along with making empire management more logical for the player and AI.

              • 2 years ago

                >Aren't the Prets already not!Tyranids that are running away from something much worse?
                >I'd go with some ancient undead raising from tomb worlds and killing off civilizations to sterilize the galaxy.
                some notNecrons would be quite cool. maybe as a mid game crisis,even; the galaxy is more or less estable now that the main political blocks are formed and boom, surprise FE resurgence
                they want their relics back, btw

        • 2 years ago

          I thought you could win by holding like 70% of the galaxy or something? That wouldn't be too hard to do with some diplomacy, getting weaker empires to enter vassalage, throwing around your diplomatic weight, etc.

          But yeah, pretty much everything revolves around direct combat. I was hoping to be able to fund rebellions within other empires through espionage, but the espionage action for it kind of sucks, it never makes a particularly powerful group of rebels unless you somehow manage to do it just after the empire in question has lost most of their fleet in another war. I want an EU3 style fund rebels again where I united all of Bavaria as Ulm by dumping tons of cash into patriot rebels who would break off and join my country.

  32. 2 years ago

    Is there a mod that stops any rebellion on any shitty moon from taking the entire system?

    • 2 years ago

      I've never had a planet rebel, even on a planet populated solely by indentured servant slaves with no police or politicians.

    • 2 years ago

      You should never see a rebellion because you can always instate martial law as soon as stability falls below 25%. As long as its above that value, rebellion can't occur, and martial law makes soldier pops give +5% stability.

      I'd go as far to say any newly conquered worlds that you can't fill with loyal citizens immediately you should just instate martial law until they stabilize themselves, usually your core worlds will send over just enough pops in around 5-10 years to balance them out.

  33. 2 years ago

    Watching this JWST reveal of the first set of images over the course of the next hour makes me want to play Stellaris

  34. 2 years ago

    The technical screw ups of this JWST livestream are hilarious. Clearly no test run was done.

  35. 2 years ago

    >Turns on sector automation

    • 2 years ago

      kek I remember hearing about paradox having fixed the economic AI

    • 2 years ago

      What the frick was Paradox thinking with the population growth scaling? I can't even come close to filling planets by midgame except my first sector, everything else grinds down to a halt.

      It's even worse with vassals.

      >Build up a planet that produces a high amount of basic resources, some alloys, consumer goods, and research, basically self sufficient.
      >Release it as a vassal so it doesn't count against my empire sprawl, expect it just to sit there and govern itself and do nothing but provide some votes in the galactic community for me.
      >Five years later and it's rebelling against itself, the AI has torn down all buildings and built 8 research labs, has a food, energy, and consumer goods deficit.
      >New AI survives solely because it has AI bonuses unlike my vassal to compensate for its absolute moronic economy management.
      >Still has no food/energy/mineral production and probably just buys all of its resources from the market (Or is given them for free).

      It seems like large AIs do better than small ones though, I think it's because the AI likes to specialize its planets which is something you can't do with only two or three without massively lopsided production, whereas when you have a dozen or so it's perfectly fine to a consumer goods planet, a mining planet, and a research planet. I think the devs should introduce some mixed production buildings to fix this somewhat, for example something like the recycling plant building that the Rackets sell that gives a small amount food/minerals/energy without any cost but has a planet limit of 1 and another that just directly assembles consumer goods without a job, this way the AI isn't having to balance districts and planets take care of themselves up to a certain population. Because I can see that being a problem, when you have a tiny population, you have to work harder to balance your production whereas a large planet is easier to sustain and direct the rest to research/alloys.

      • 2 years ago

        >What the frick was Paradox thinking with the population growth scaling?
        Improving performance in the late game. Pops are the main cause of slowdown especially in large galaxies, so limiting pop growth makes the endgame far less likely to slow to a crawl.

        You can just reduce or turn off the growth scaling in the pregame settings if you don't like it.

        • 2 years ago

          how does population tank performance? how have they spent like 5 years or whatever NOT fixing it?

        • 2 years ago

          Problem about pop is not the uncontrollable growth, but rather the lack of extermination pop in game.
          AI almost never kill pops, so it's mostly just a xenophobia players thing. They need to make purge a thing for the AI, make planetary bombardment kills pop a lot faster so nuking a planet with 60 pops don't take 55 years, and they need to put a cap on genocide modifier so the entire galaxy won't just unconditionally hate you for purging a few pops.

      • 2 years ago

        In a large game in a large galaxy, I am forced to constantly build ringworlds because my population keeps expanding to max.

        • 2 years ago

          You can build one. Maximum number per game is 7, excluding those build by other empires.
          How many pops does one had to have to constantly need more ringworlds?
          Didn’t rings sustain a fricking 1000 pops easy peasy?

        • 2 years ago

          i can scarcely imagine the pained crawl time must pass with in your games

          • 2 years ago

            Yeah. Don't turn off the degrowth curves.

            However, base curves simply are not fun to play with, and ringworlds do not fill up fast enough.

      • 2 years ago

        There are ways around, playing angler and catalytic converter with the market perk that converts trade values into consumer goods allows for some spicy expanding
        >all your worlds except one or 2 forge worlds are either tech/unity worlds
        >spam agricultural districts on those worlds once you reached max building slots
        >minerals stop existing as a game mechanic, you survive off mining stations alone
        >consumer goods stop existing as a game mechanic, your anglers and trade value passively sustain your tech worlds

    • 2 years ago

      How come they figured it out in Victoria II but in Stellaris it's a fricking disaster?

  36. 2 years ago

    >be me
    >haven't played since Overlord came out
    >go for full roleplay with every empire of the galaxy being custom made by me
    >playing fanatic xenophobe, authoritarian feudal empire
    >vassilize 1/3 of the galaxy by either war or diplomacy
    >integrate those empires and create countless tiny vassals just for roleplay
    >now I am only left with my core sector and surrounded by tiny vassals
    >most of my vassal's planets turn into complete shit holes
    >mfw I now have to deal with planets rebelling every 5 minutes
    for frick's sake paradox I just wanted to roleplay as a ruthless space HRE

    • 2 years ago

      >for frick's sake paradox I just wanted to roleplay as a ruthless space HRE
      > now have to deal with planets rebelling every 5 minutes
      it checks out to me, anon

      What actually is the broken clock crisis? Is there something special about the system before they spawn? I had it once in my subjects borders so I didn't see any events leading up to it. I was already very strong though and fricked them up pretty easily.

      the system itself is dual; there's the regular system with the broken clock, and the activated clock. it doesnt have any special resources
      >What actually is the broken clock crisis?
      its similar to the great khan crisis but with a devoruing swarm/determinate exterminators civ spawning in the system in a complete ringworld with full population and some 100k power divided into 6 fleets. that civ then proceeds to behave as any other one of its kind until some 30 years pass since their resurgence, then their whole empire just disappears at all once

      • 2 years ago

        >its similar to the great khan crisis but with a devoruing swarm/determinate exterminators civ spawning in the system in a complete ringworld with full population and some 100k power divided into 6 fleets. that civ then proceeds to behave as any other one of its kind until some 30 years pass since their resurgence, then their whole empire just disappears at all once
        Soooo, its like Kang time empire or something?

      • 2 years ago

        >it checks out to me, anon
        For in the grim darkness of the far future there is only an eternity or carnage and the laughter of thirsting gods

      • 2 years ago

        >30 years pass since their resurgence, then their whole empire just disappears at all once
        Did not know that. When they spawned in my vassal I actually took the time and resources to invade every single planet and ring section. They all had like 12 defense armies.

        • 2 years ago

          You get to keep the stuff afterwards?

          • 2 years ago

            Nope it disappears when you take it over, but I thought you had to smash them for them. It wasn't in my territory so I just orbital bombarded because I figured I wouldn't get them anyway.

            • 2 years ago

              Disappointing. Should remain a high-risk high-reward item.

              • 2 years ago

                that's the point of the crisis; it's a time bomb connected to a pocket dimension full of shit. you have to either actively close the valve or wait for the shit to run out and not drown during the flood. both way it's still shit
                the same patch also has two FE/L-gate hybrid civs. one it's fun to play with, but the other (some bug pirates from right outside the galactic rim.cant remember the name) is shit
                i used to play the mod in every game, but right now i only run planetary diversity

              • 2 years ago

                >i used to play the mod in every game, but right now i only run planetary diversity
                They added mod options so you can turn the crisis events off individually. The mod definitely adds much needed diversity to sites and anomalies, but holy frick the quality varies. Some of those people do not speak English very well.

    • 2 years ago

      The specializations cause vassals to break if you use them. For example, a March specialization encourages your vassal to produce a ton of basic resources because your contract with them says you have to subsidize them based on how much they produce; a march that produces 1000 minerals will make you pay them 300 extra despite them not needing them. Marches also provide no real benefits except for making a huge frick off defensive station, so it's only really worth getting one if you have a chokepoint you want to protect.

      Prospectoriums are the worst out of the bunch, you take such a large tax of their basic resources they literally cannot function independently because they can't pay upkeep for their pops/buildings, let alone actually expand and work to tithe you extra resources. Worst still is their advanced goods like Alloys and Consumer Goods are double taxed. Their total gross income of basic resources are taxed (So you take 30% of their minerals, including what's set as an automatic trade from the market), and then they're taxed again on their alloy/goods production without regard to the upkeep spent to make them. Pretty much all prospectoriums grind to a halt no matter their size because the taxes are too crushing to allow them to do anything more than attempt to survive.

      Scholariums are the only specialization that's useful because you give/take nothing but the final product of research, something the vassal doesn't want to do without (So they won't try and game the system and just not produce any) but doesn't need to actually keep their empire functioning day to day. In fact, they're quite amazing because they keep your empire size down while providing you a ton of research, so you need less research to complete a tech and are getting more flat research as income.

      Subsidiaries are bad for the same reason as prospectoriums, your taxes are too crippling to allow them to do anything useful.

      • 2 years ago

        Thank you this was very good information.
        So what’s the best way to play tall besides making one system ring world scholariums? Should I just make lesser tax on vassals and subsidiaries?

        • 2 years ago

          I've only recently started playing again in the last two weeks, but so far here's my findings for playing tall:

          As above, Scholariums work well. Their drawback was that they're dead weight in a war because they get hit with a -50% fleet capacity and a +50% ship cost/upkeep, which doesn't matter if there's no nearby threats or you can handle them all anyway. The AI is predisposed to try and meet certain resource targets I think, so because he's paying a lot of research to you, he'll naturally build more labs to compensate, which in turn fuels his purpose to get you more research. The fleet capacity helps the AI not waste resources on maintaining a large fleet, which it doesn't need anyway. There's a positive synergy with them and keeping your empire sprawl down.

          Megacorps have gotten a pretty big buff due to the nature of overlordship and diplomacy in general. It's now easier to make friends and place branch offices everywhere, although they don't get really potent until about 50 years in when you can build two holdings per office. However, branch offices give a ton of punch for their sprawl cost and indirectly strengthen allies who have them by providing jobs, and no matter how you run them you can expect a massive amount of energy credits from them.

          A new thing added in this last update was mercenary enclaves, which you can construct with either the right civics, an ascension perk, or a galactic community law. You have to donate a size 50 fleet and leader to set one up, which then becomes a neutral station like a curator or merchant. The station will maintain a quite large fleet that you can rent out for energy credits, automatically reinforce it, but will cost energy/alloy/fleet capacity while you have it. Still, a single enclave can easily dwarf a large empire's standing fleet, so a tiny empire that can afford them will find them a huge force multiplier that you don't have to keep on the payroll constantly.

          • 2 years ago

            Thank you for your effort.
            In my two recent games I’ve found out that schollarium indeed is the way to go - I created a ring world sector into a vassal then specialized. Holy shit so much research...
            Prospectorium seems useless outside early game, since it’s way easier to just plain vasalise or subjugate other empires for sweet sweet 30% basic resources, then basically lose a sector and try to manage without them planets.
            I’ve made a bulwark from heckin terminal egress in L cluster; so in every instance of war this massive Dotson sphere and matter decompressor driven alloy ecumenopoli founded fleets would spam fleets like crazy and plain conquer anyone. It was kind of crazy; I’ve managed to make THE 3D printer (shipyard I mean) and wield unbeatable fleets that destroyed and hunted basically everyone durning war. Then the bulwark fleets would come in and sweep the planets while I chilled out. L cluster made them able to shortcut anywhere basically.

            • 2 years ago

              Really, I like the idea of the specializations for vassals in that they get slapped with a big penalty in one field in exchange for a bonus in another and I get that the devs were trying this cycle where the bonus/malus was research/fleet for scholariums, fleet/industry for bulwarks, and industry/research for prospectoriums, but the last two need some thought into what makes them worth it. Bulwarks at least have a laser focus on being a massive roadblock on a chokepoint, but the AI doesn't understand its role nor does it function as it.

              Prospectoriums have the benefit of getting an event every 10 years that spawns a cache of resources in an owned system along with leaving a deposit, which is partially selectable (You get a choice of three different resources, picked randomly between minerals/energy/alloys, motes/gas/crystals, and dark matter/living metal/zro) and is a pretty large boon for a tiny prospectorium empire. Indeed, if prospectoriums had their taxes flipped with a 15% on basic/advanced resources (Would actually result in a net gain for the vassal when taking the additional minerals/energy they produce) and 45% on strategic resources, it'd probably work pretty well; the vassal could continue to expand and grow without being starved for resources and in return their host empire would get a ton of strategic resources, increasing further the longer they held their vassal. This would be a pretty great boon since the host empire would be able to save on a ton of buildings they'd have to dedicate otherwise to strategic resource production.

              If you want to get an idea how awful prospectoriums are currently, take the feudal vassal origin and set yourself to be one, not only do you have crushing taxes to pay, your research is partially cut in half, so you can't even tech your way out of the hole. Save some influence because otherwise the AI will modify your contract to be a 75% tax on you.

    • 2 years ago

      Just build police stations and entertainment as need, move excess pops to your old planets.
      How are people having trouble with this? I've never had a planet rebel in 600hrs and I play on grand admiral.

      • 2 years ago

        It's pretty tough to have rebellions unless you don't know what you're doing, but once they start it makes it really hard to dig yourself out of since the situation gives a -20 stability hit. I'm guessing that's what happens, people new to the game get a low stability planet, don't immediately fix it, and then wind up with it snowballing into something worse. Either that or they get the rare -20 stability event that can occur starting at like 10 crime and still have issues.

        That said, all of this is fixed just by instating marshal law and building a fortress or two, that gives you like 6-10 soldiers which immediately give you an extra 30-50 stability. Sure, it shits up your resource gain, but it completely prevents any chance of a rebellion.

      • 2 years ago

        the problem is not rebellions in my territory but in my AI vassals since I decided to go full feudal HRE roleplay and give any territories outside of my core sector to AI vassals and the AI is absolute garbage, it's pain

        • 2 years ago

          what difficulty do you play on?
          I think your AI vassal now gets bonuses one level below your difficulty setting, so if you play private or commodore your vassal is kinda fricked, if you play grand admiral they should be fine though.

    • 2 years ago

      >space hre
      >every tiny planet is in rebellion and its a shithole
      sounds quite accurate to me

  37. 2 years ago

    peak comfy is setting tech/tradition cost to 0.75x and hyperlane density to 0.5x

  38. 2 years ago

    Does anyone know what we're supposed to do about empire size now? Just not care about it and just deal with the increased tech and tradition cost? It feels like a weird replacement for the previous system if they were looking for a more 'involved' one and settled on a debuff every empire ever has to have with no real way around it.

    • 2 years ago

      >Just not care about it and just deal with the increased tech and tradition cost?
      Pretty much. Being able to have more pops and more labs allows you to outscale the empire size penalty unless you play really inefficiently. The new system isn't so much to put a cap on your growth as it is to throw you as bone if you're not growing. In combination with the new vassal system it's never been more viable to play tall in Stellaris.

  39. 2 years ago

    Behold the ultimate green energy in the universe - slaves clerks.

    • 2 years ago

      I miss when matrix'd pops used to give like 6 energy a pop, require no workplace, and be affected by bonuses and maluses to their production. Now it's a flat 4 energy and they have to be fed.

      Speaking of that, I'm also upset that biological pops, particularly with the evolutionary mastery perk, are flat out better than most machine pops. Biological pops make better soldiers, give better research, generate more resources, and when you nerve staple them, don't even have a chance to rebel anymore.

      • 2 years ago
        With the flexibility in how empires can choose traditions that we introduced in 3.1 "Lem", @Alfray Stryke is planning some experiments looking at introducing new tradition trees.
        >These are looking at how gating tradition trees behind various triggers might influence the game. There have been some ideas suggested about introducing tradition trees that are locked behind ascension perks or origins, and we're interested to see where these may lead.

        Do you think voidborne useless shit perk made only for voidborne origin not to suck will be reworked into tradition tree, so that spamming them habitats would become more of a lifestyle than a chore?

        I'd like to see a simple change; if ascension path perks were not disabling one another, rather be limited to 2 at most. This way;
        Would be possible. Second tier perks SHOULD remain avaible ONLY after having first tier done before, but what would block me a path to become cybernetic species with mildly psionic abilities, or mild genetic tailoring?

        • 2 years ago

          My complaint about the ascension paths is that in their current form they feel almost mandatory. Psionics or extra trait points are such a big multiplier that there's basically no reason to skip it in favor of anything else, especially with eight perks available.

          I feel like they should be similar in power to Synthetic Age (Which has some drawbacks on top of its benefits) or not be society-wide, for example making genetic engineering hard to roll out to your entire species (Perhaps make it so you can't run a project to convert everyone into the new species and instead have to go through a natural process of having new, enhanced pops slowly replace your old ones as they die out) or having psionics unevenly manifest in your pops with some being full blown psions and others being just latent.

          In the case of psionics, it would make for some interesting events for egalitarian empires; how do you justify an egalitarian nation when around 10% of your population are an order of magnitude better than the rest? How do you justify a merit based society when you unequivocally have some pops better suited for rulership and the upper stratum of society?

          • 2 years ago

            >how do you justify an egalitarian nation when around 10% of your population are an order of magnitude better than the rest
            literally the situation on our blue ball spinning around the big fusion ball

            • 2 years ago

              I know, which is why it would make for an interesting situation represented in the game, complete with things like "Oh, these guys will awaken in time, we just need to improve conditions for them." On one hand, the obvious answer is staring you in the face, on the other, some people would have to recalibrate their entire system of belief around the fact and would find it easier to just ignore.

          • 2 years ago

            >My complaint about the ascension paths is that in their current form they feel almost mandatory. Psionics or extra trait points are such a big multiplier that there's basically no reason to skip it in favor of anything else, especially with eight perks available.
            True. Despite being the most economic powerhouse perk ecumenopoli/hive/machine worlds are locked by high tech, and RNG.
            >(...) for example making genetic engineering hard to roll out to your entire species (Perhaps make it so you can't run a project to convert everyone into the new species and instead have to go through a natural process of having new, enhanced pops slowly replace your old ones as they die out)
            I'd very much like to see this mechanic - say, based on societal research, certain number of population is enhanced per month. Would make more sense, and in the same time provide more bonus, as you get better species as you go.
            If you want to play it like that, you could also just select a single planet and modify it, then when its done modify the second one, and so on. Its not as good as written above, but its one of the ways to get faster results.
            > or having psionics unevenly manifest in your pops with some being full blown psions and others being just latent.
            I might not fully understand what did you meant there, but latent psionics is literally T1 perk in the game.
            >In the case of psionics, it would make for some interesting events for egalitarian empires; how do you justify an egalitarian nation when around 10% of your population are an order of magnitude better than the rest? How do you justify a merit based society when you unequivocally have some pops better suited for rulership and the upper stratum of society?
            This craves for situation. I'd gladly see this mechanic get filled with similar societal changes.

            • 2 years ago

              >I might not fully understand what did you meant there
              Make it so when you take the Mind over Matter perk, only a portion of your species gets the psionic trait so you're left with part of your population having the trait and the other part not. Could be a 30-70 split, with 30% of your pops getting latent psionic, or it could be an extra cruel 10-90 split. Either way, give the player various events to further increase that number.

              This would cause a lot of unrest in a population that's now essentially second class citizens without extremely skillful politicians who are able to navigate the waters around the topic. It would be easier for Authoritarian empires to handle since they're stratified already, and spiritualist empires would have ways to offset the unrest by incorporating it into their belief systems, but egalitarian empires would wind up facing heavy stability reducing events, and xenophobe empires would start to schism as the original population turns against these new demigods among them. Convincing the two sides to work together would take some doing and cause upheaval while you address it.

              On the other side, you could have a number of events based on trying to get psionics to manifest in more of your population, from expensive to outright cruel methods: Pay for additional research to discover what's different in psionic pops vs normals (costs research), try religious revelations and rituals (costs unity), or curtail reproduction of non-psions (costs pop growth). The more aggressive you are, the higher percentage of your pops will get the psionic trait, but the more unrest you cause and the more you pay for it.

              Transcendence would be partially locked behind resolving the former unrest: Either convincing your people it's ok for some to be superior, manifesting psionics in most people, or leaving your old pops behind and accepting the schism in ability (Splits them off as their own species), further causing inequality for more power.

            • 2 years ago

              Also, I agree that the ecumenopolis and to a lesser extent machine/hive worlds are the big winner of ascension perks, but I think that's mostly because of how easy it is to terraform planets in general. Terraforming should probably be a mutlistage process that gives benefits in phases and take far longer, and instead of just requiring a one-time cost of energy credits, has an upkeep that has to be paid to counterbalance it, with those specialist worlds requiring an upkeep cost that has to be extracted from basic planets so it's not so easy to simply terraform every world you own into one.

              Then again, I think the whole topic of habitability, planet class, etc is an entire can of worms unto itself, but I haven't really thought of how I'd make it any better without totally redoing the entire system.

            • 2 years ago

              >Build Citadel in L gate system
              >Suddenly situation pops out
              >This facility is on a crash course into the black hole
              >No one has ever been so close, thus this opportunity could provide us with incredible physics research, and dark matter could be harvested in astonishing qualities from the disc
              >Some mad man tries to crash the station to ascend in some way
              >military personnel tries to contain this sect as the station yeets itself into the black hole
              >physics research boosts into oblivion
              >Station gains a frickton of momentum, but the military regain control, full throttle back
              Funny, how the station proximity to black hole is visible via situation progress bar.
              >this happens a few times
              >Finally i pushed it too far, and station is succ into the black hole, and I lose both claim and controll over the system
              Well, that was fun.
              >Check wiki
              >Other than slaining of the leviathans and shortages there are literally three other situations
              Situations seem like a great mechanic, but are desperately lacing content. I'm afraid that its gonna be left for modders to make use of this new system.

            • 2 years ago

              At this moment I'd gladly welcome situations about;
              >Introducing clones
              Like, how the hell this has no meaningfull (or any for that matter) impact on society. Researching cloning vats (end of bio ascension) means a certain, big and visible minority is gonna be made from genetic template. Why clones never rebel (they have full citizenship thou), or suprise anybody?
              >Cybernetising a species
              We do have an event chain, but its not impactfull in any way other than giving you cybernetised pops from nothing, which is nice.
              >Psionic manifestation amongs population
              Basically what

              >I might not fully understand what did you meant there
              Make it so when you take the Mind over Matter perk, only a portion of your species gets the psionic trait so you're left with part of your population having the trait and the other part not. Could be a 30-70 split, with 30% of your pops getting latent psionic, or it could be an extra cruel 10-90 split. Either way, give the player various events to further increase that number.

              This would cause a lot of unrest in a population that's now essentially second class citizens without extremely skillful politicians who are able to navigate the waters around the topic. It would be easier for Authoritarian empires to handle since they're stratified already, and spiritualist empires would have ways to offset the unrest by incorporating it into their belief systems, but egalitarian empires would wind up facing heavy stability reducing events, and xenophobe empires would start to schism as the original population turns against these new demigods among them. Convincing the two sides to work together would take some doing and cause upheaval while you address it.

              On the other side, you could have a number of events based on trying to get psionics to manifest in more of your population, from expensive to outright cruel methods: Pay for additional research to discover what's different in psionic pops vs normals (costs research), try religious revelations and rituals (costs unity), or curtail reproduction of non-psions (costs pop growth). The more aggressive you are, the higher percentage of your pops will get the psionic trait, but the more unrest you cause and the more you pay for it.

              Transcendence would be partially locked behind resolving the former unrest: Either convincing your people it's ok for some to be superior, manifesting psionics in most people, or leaving your old pops behind and accepting the schism in ability (Splits them off as their own species), further causing inequality for more power.

              I especially like the forced psionic awakening. I mean, this game does have deep space black sites, but I'd more than welcome any kind of secret agency that either spies, or influences everyday lives of its citizens.
              For starters there is little to no penal system - we do have a penal colony that increases stability, or resort world for amenities. And aside form crime syndicates that play out like they were designed to make game more of a chore, trilion inhabitants galaxy wide empires does not feature any prisons. At all. Its just perfect 100% stability worlds. I could go on more, but I'll stop there and as you, how would you design a penal system, or just what to add onto present one?

              • 2 years ago

                For the penal system, pops already have crime based on their happiness, so one of the easier solutions would be to have a prison building that lets you through the most disruptive pops into them as a counter to crime. For example, worlds with high crime start getting criminal pops in the current game; building a prison would allow you to detain criminal pops which makes them cost nothing but worker/slave upkeep, but they don't cause crime anymore. You can rely on regular enforcers to eventually make the problem go away, but it's really slow and if you don't have a large amount of them, criminals could multiply on their own as they subvert more industries of your world. Prisons are a more harsh but fast solution and could tie in to prison (slave) labor as well.

                A penal colony would be the ultimate solution to empires with lots of crime, deporting massive amounts of criminal pops for a reduction in crime on every world. It lets you avoid having to build prisons on your own worlds and naturally keeps crime down, but you now have a planet that's not super useful on its own and requires constant supervision not to revolt. You could even make a sort of trade off with it where if you want to force the criminals to do labor, you require even more upkeep and tow the line even closer to a rebellion, but the planet is no longer dead weight.

                The thing is, crime basically never happens in Stellaris because the criminal system is pretty much defeated by a single enforcer or two, fluctuating between 0 and 100 linearly. Instead, crime should be present on every planet, and enforcers can only reduce it, usually not eliminate it. So you might shoot for minimal crime and need 1 enforcer for 10 pops, or low crime needing 1 enforcer for 20 pops, or just say frick it and allow medium and high crime but only have to have 1 enforcer for every 40 or 80 pops, value adjusted by traditions and such.

              • 2 years ago

                Tying in to criminal syndicates, currently they face the problem of trying to do two things at once at best and being self-defeating at worst. You put a branch office on a planet and get more money from it based on the trade value of the world and a function of how much crime there is... except increasing crime drops the trade value in the long run. So then you look at the other aspect of a criminal branch office, being a subversive element against another empire, and it doesn't work for that either because it's entirely countered with a single enforcer hub. Which leads to the current compromise of branch offices are easy to remove but there's a hard limit of only being able to lose one branch office every 10 years outside of war.

                With crime changing as above where most planets are probably going to default to low instead of running a full police state, criminal offices get more interesting, especially if you the owner get to choose how much crime to cause to balance between your level of heat, profit, and disruption to a planet. You might choose to only be a little disruptive and keep crime on the low range, making less money but not crossing the line enough to bring the empire in question to doing anything about it. Or you might cause some disruptions, push crime to medium, and start making good money, but now your host has taken notice of you. Or you could go all in at the expense of your profit and drive up massive amounts of crime to the point where rebellion is likely, attempting to fracture the planet off from its host empire as you're busy running guns to it and agitating for freedom.

                Better yet, the AI won't automatically remove you like they did in the original incarnation (Where AI empires would always keep their crime at 0, so a criminal empire outright couldn't function at all) unless you're an actual nuisance and rebellions in general are more likely to occur.

              • 2 years ago

                I hate how the store trailer portrait megacorps as a new way of playing stellaris, adding a (much needed) new playstyle where you perform economical invasion against other players, but in reality all megacorp dlc does is added a few of those moronic "win-win" branch office buildings that does zero harm to other players.
                This is why I much prefer playing their criminal branch. Branch offices that "give some take some" feels so much better and much more realistic.
                That being said all megacorp shit are still trash because most of their stuff doesn't scale according to empire strength. Nobody wants a side minigame that requires high amount of micromanagement but only gived marginal gain.

  40. 2 years ago


    >mild inconvenience as you spawn armies from fortress worlds to retake planets, with the possibility of just losing the game if you didn't make any fortress worlds


    • 2 years ago

      That’s what I thought. Would be more fun as a offensive used relict.

  41. 2 years ago


    Could be kind of neat if it started localized in one section of the galaxy (Perhaps where there's been a lot of death through fleet actions, pops being purged, or excessive bombardment) and spread from there. A great undead horde isn't exactly sci-fi, but necrophages and necromancers already exist so who cares at this point.

    I think it'd work as a midgame crisis like the normal horde and could be a counterbalance for a genocidal empire having a heyday, especially on higher difficulties if one spawns at the other end of the galaxy and eats a few pacifist empires you usually wind up with this giant ball of death that's harder than hell to stop unless you yourself have either gobbled up some empires or got into a federation or something. Instead of rapidly expanding, they'd just reside in systems with huge fleet battles or planets with massive purges and fortify them, mostly serving as obstacles that block off systems and can cut your empire in half instead of showing up to buttfrick everyone around them.

  42. 2 years ago

    >Install Lustful Void and some of its submods
    >Make xenophile/pacifist entertainment conglomerate with giant lips and breeder hips.
    >Slowly take control of every market and squash all competitors with VR porn games and escort services, with dozens of favors ready to call in at any time.
    >Galactic Market constructed on our capital so that the galactic economy is literally supported by blowjobs.
    >Even the fanatic militant xenophobe empire tries to improve relations with our race and has escort services, VR porn studios, and glory holes constructed on their capital.
    >Have 5 different empires place me under protected status and guarantee our independence (I keep my ship loaded without weapons until I actually need them).
    >Bombarded with 10+ requests for migration treaties every month.
    This has been a really stupid but really fun playthrough up until I reached this point where nothing is happening but me slowly federating or vassalizing everyone.

    I approve of this mod.

    • 2 years ago

      lustful void with all those weird traits and events is usually "to much" for my tastes most of the time, but I did enjoy the gender trait mechanic, so I took the mod apart to only include that specific mechanic and now contend myself with gender-segregating my empire and turning the female population of my species into reproductive slaves or something with an otherwise mostly vanilla stellaris gameplay.

  43. 2 years ago

    What is this frickery? HOW is that even possible?

    • 2 years ago

      Defense platforms have always been more efficent than ships in terms of bang for your buck, but the reason why they suck isn't their cost.

      First is obviously that they can't move. This means they can't contribute to expansion (which is usually more relevant than defense) and that opponents can just avoid them unless they're in a major chokepoint. Second, defense platforms are a lot more limited in how they scale. Fleets can essentially scale infinitely because even if you hit the command cap, you can just use two or more fleets together to get as much firepower as you need in one system, but you can never have more than one station per system. And unless you invest heavily in boosting this number, the amount of platforms per station is pretty limited. And sure, blow for blow those platforms are more efficient than ships especially if you invest in stuff like the defensive traditions and ascension perks, but those present a significant opportunity cost as well since they don't contribute much to your economy or your fleets, both of which are more important than your defense stations. Similarly, to get the most out of a defensive station you also need to dedicate weapon slots on the station itself, which means you can't put economic components on them. Finally, and this is admittedly a minor point but still, building and upgrading defense platforms is more of a nuisance than building and upgrading a fleet.

      So sure, if you throw a fully upgraded defense station against a fleet of the same value (resource cost, not strength score) the station will usually win. But that's not how wars are fought, and you're typically going to make your fleets as big and strong as you can instead of keeping them at the same cost as a station.

      Early on defensive stations are great and if you put them in strategically important chokepoints they can stay relevant for the entire game, but claiming that you should max out your platforms before building up your fleets is moronic.

      • 2 years ago

        Thank you for your elaboration.
        How would you fix the defence platforms, if they even require such fixing?

      • 2 years ago

        I like them more late than early because late I usually have so much excess alloys and income I can justify building them just to lock somewhere down. For example, ones full of a million kinetic batteries can murder crisis fleets pretty quick before they can really deal any damage, and since the AI is moronic, they'll keep dumping fleets into them instead of going around.

        You can do the same with a regular fleet, but the defense platforms have additional range that normal fleets don't, enough usually to extend to the edge of a system and immediately aggress targets arriving, plus things die before they can get in range so you don't have to constantly rebuild them.

  44. 2 years ago

    I feel like this thread hasn't discussed how much of a fricking moron OP is enough yet

    • 2 years ago

      >OP is moron
      Checks out

  45. 2 years ago

    Are you fricking moronic?
    How the frick did you lose so much stability?
    >Must be the slave revolting
    mfw slave/robot revolts have been fixed in 3.3.4.

  46. 2 years ago

    >get to end game
    >spend 20 hours chasing tiny fleets around
    It gets so fricking tiresome. Why can't they actually make massive fleets? they send 10k fleets at me while mine are 100k. It's just tedium, especially with the fricking awful speed of the late game.

  47. 2 years ago

    Guess what, mere pre-space being. I have successfully made it to Mars, and established a successful colony. I have already built a starbase in the sol system, as well as an observation post over earth. Not only this, but I have mining and research stations all over the sol system. The red armies of the Union of Sloatharian Communes are ready to invade planet earth, just to destroy your meager presence. Not only this, but I have a planet cracking colossus positioned over your planet, to completely end your miserable life. Prepare for the ultimate hell storm, maggot

  48. 2 years ago

    Clone army origin
    >Release vasal
    >Their origin turn into prosperous unification
    >species do not change
    >cannot build ancient cloning vats
    >despawn those already build
    >extinct in months

  49. 2 years ago

    >Playing as XT Eliminator for shits and giggles
    >Decide I want to be the crisis and take the perk since I've never seen it before.
    >Literally removes war exhaustion from the equation, you will never automatically surrender no matter how many losses you take.
    >Use this to engage in total war with everyone and anyone around me.
    >Don't even invade their planets, just bomb them into tomb worlds to help speed up the game by reducing pops.
    >About 1/3 of the galaxy is under my control.

    >Research wormhole travel, explore the wormholes in my borders (I have stations set up to protect them already, but I want to know where they go)
    >First one I check leads right in the middle of a fanatic xenophobe FE, who one week later demands I tear down the station and a high population planet nearby.
    >Get war declared on me anyway, a 250k fleet power fleet comes through the wormhole.
    >Strongest fleet is 35k, I have six of them so I decide to roll the dice.
    >Both our fleets get slaughtered, I literally don't have a single ship left, the FE made it out with like three escorts with about 6k power.
    >Fanatic Materialist FE now declares war on me, followed by the galactic custodian, and finally the remnants of the khan's empire.

    The last satisfaction I had was turning the Xenophobe FE's capital into a tomb world before I got wrecked, but overall I guess I learned a few things during my game, mostly that FEs got a buff and don't just have 65k fleet power fleets anymore.

    What actually happens if you complete the engine in your homeworld? Do you just get a lame "you win" message, or does the galaxy actually blow up?

    • 2 years ago

      >just bomb them into tomb worlds
      How long does that take? Do you need to actually kill all the pops? I'm doing the same thing ATM and I just send around those starkillers. I'm a hive mind though so I can just invade then resettle my auto created hive mind pops and the rest will be purged.

      • 2 years ago

        You have to kill all the pops. Once the last pop dies, the world becomes a tomb world.

        It's actually not the best way to handle things as the crisis and a genocidal empire, if you invade and purge that way, you get unity for each pop killed. Making the world a tomb isn't particularly useful unless you expect a counterattack to retake the system because it bars most organics from colonizing it. But I liked the idea of skynet utterly nuking worlds into oblivion and rendering them useless for organics.

        Technically by midgame I should be turning every world into a machine world, but I always found that to be a boring choice for most machine empires because of how easy it is, just take the perk at your third tradition and you're usually making 500-1000 energy credits a month, enough to turn a world into a machine world every 10-20 months.

        • 2 years ago

          Oh, and on average, each pop takes a month to die. I don't think it scales with bombardment damage, so once you hit 25% devastation, just park a corvette over the planet and leave. Bombing a planet with around a hundred pops would take about 8 years, which is why it kind of sucks, but it makes sense for balancing purposes.

        • 2 years ago

          >It's actually not the best way to handle things as the crisis and a genocidal empire,
          I'm doing basically the same thing as you, but as a ravenous horde. By the point in the game where everyone is at war with you it feels easier to just murder everyone and leave the planets barren than colonize them. I have so many fricking pops anyway and growth/game speed is so slow.

    • 2 years ago

      >What actually happens if you complete the engine in your homeworld?
      You get a meme DO IT message, then bomb every single system into oblivion.

      >FEs got a buff and don't just have 65k fleet power fleets anymore.
      they also spawn 120K fleet every year durning wartime at their home world, so it’s for best to deal with them ASAP

      • 2 years ago

        Shit, so they're not just pushovers that are easy pickings after you kill their initial few fleets anymore. I suppose that's for the best, FEs weren't nearly as scary as they should've been back a few years ago and it stops people from wearing them down with inferior but numerous forces.

        What kind of weapons do they use now? It used to be kinetic battery spam murdered their fleets before they could fight back, but it seemed like I would immediately start taking losses as soon as I engaged now.

        • 2 years ago

          See technology

    • 2 years ago

      you got served a dose of your own medicine my lad

    • 2 years ago

      >just bomb them into tomb worlds
      How long does that take? Do you need to actually kill all the pops? I'm doing the same thing ATM and I just send around those starkillers. I'm a hive mind though so I can just invade then resettle my auto created hive mind pops and the rest will be purged.

      You have to kill all the pops. Once the last pop dies, the world becomes a tomb world.

      It's actually not the best way to handle things as the crisis and a genocidal empire, if you invade and purge that way, you get unity for each pop killed. Making the world a tomb isn't particularly useful unless you expect a counterattack to retake the system because it bars most organics from colonizing it. But I liked the idea of skynet utterly nuking worlds into oblivion and rendering them useless for organics.

      Technically by midgame I should be turning every world into a machine world, but I always found that to be a boring choice for most machine empires because of how easy it is, just take the perk at your third tradition and you're usually making 500-1000 energy credits a month, enough to turn a world into a machine world every 10-20 months.

      friendly reminder that if you set army transport ships to aggressive stance they will follow your fleet around and automatically invade planets for you

      • 2 years ago

        and then die instantly

        • 2 years ago

          nah if your army is strong enough they should never lose to a defense army
          combat is pretty straight forward, armies will only engage targets they can beat

          • 2 years ago

            No I mean they get fricking shot out of the sky following your fleet
            they bumble into the fight and get fricking nuked. I've done it. I hate it.

            • 2 years ago

              oh, ive never had that happen to me they just end up running in circles from a distance in my games and avoiding fire

              • 2 years ago

                Really? Mine just frick off right into the fight and get zapped away. I can't have my transports follow my fleets or else that happens every time.

              • 2 years ago

                This one is by the way the proper strategy to not get alpha striked.

  50. 2 years ago

    Is there anyway to speed up the late game other than going around and genociding every species in the name of game performance?

    • 2 years ago

      I've been experimenting with setting habitable worlds to .5. I think it helps, but I'm not really sure.

      My guess is more crowded planets cause more lag as well, since I'm assuming the sorting algorithm for pops probably gets exponentially slower the more pops on a planet it has to sort.

      • 2 years ago

        It's a real shame, because despite the massive amounts of micromanagement I really like having a sprawling empire with tons of pops. Maybe in 20 years computers will be advanced enough for me to actually play a full game at a reasonable speed.

        • 2 years ago

          I was thinking the whole thing could be made better if it just didn't attempt to adjust itself every few days to fix your resource deficits. I believe right now that every pop on a planet is scored on their value to each job (So in theory a pop that produces more resources in a job will get it), and when the game tries to check to see where to put what pop where, it starts with a blank slate and then fills every job by its priority level. So it basically has to do two checks which compound on each other, the quality of a pop for each job and the priority of each job based on what an empire needs at any given moment. That's a lot of calculations to run on each planet once a month when each day takes a half a second running on fast speed, so it's no wonder the game only functions decent on a NASA supercomputer.

          There's not a whole lot of ways to improve it either without gutting the system down, and the pops thing has underwent so many changes I think everyone's reluctant to refactor it again. That said, if it were up to me, I'd take a lot of job based biological traits out of the picture (No more +10% minerals, it's really a drop in the bucket when you're getting +120% from other sources anyway) and take the need to calculate the value of pops out of the equation. Now you're just left with what pop goes in what strata, so you fill top down for full citizen pops, followed by resident pops, and then slave pops fill in the rest.

          Biological pops' traits would instead be related to their support costs, so adjustments like habitability, upkeep, growth, etc. Pop traits are still meaningful but reduce some of the computation required for jobs. Robots would still retain the production based bonuses, but they'd have a higher magnitude and lock the pop to its job (A robot with +1 to minerals from mining jobs can't work anything other than a mining job). This would also make playing a machine or synth empire drastically different from a normal one.

          • 2 years ago

            those are some nice digits, anon

          • 2 years ago

            They should just ditch auto pop reasignment abd let you drag and drop pops into the jobs you want. Reduce the number of planets, increase their size to compensate. Not only the gameplay will be better, it lets paradox add stuff like logistics, planetary politics, vetter ground combat or whatever if they want to

            • 2 years ago

              I thought so too, but it doesn't solve the problem of the lag because the AI still has to run calculations to assign their pops. So it just makes more work for the player with the same slowdown.

              • 2 years ago

                Fewer but bigger planets means less pops with roughly the same powerlevel. Less micro as well. Plus now it's done monthly instead of whenever needed by ai

              • 2 years ago

                I'm pretty sure the lag is exponential. Big planets create more lag than several small planets due to each pop having to be included in the calculations and the larger amount of jobs available.

                However, I'd want fewer, big planets anyway, the game should have far less habitable worlds and the ones that exist should be coveted and fought over. Rare resources should be exceptionally expensive to produce and require a habitat to harvest from space at any relevant speed, while the habitat itself should be expensive to maintain to discourage spamming them. Basically make it so that each world is not only important but a unique entity unto itself, unlike now where worlds are basically giant resource stations with a pop management minigame.

              • 2 years ago

                Fewer but larger planets should have less pops overall
                That too. Currently worlds aren't special-people are naming them alloy/research world #. With fewer planets you can add more flavor to each

              • 2 years ago

                Yeah, that's one thing I kind of hate, planets and sectors have no real flavor or personality. The pops, industry, and economy aren't really organic in the way they develop, you wind up hand tailoring each planet to specialize in doing something which means they ultimately devolve into a more complex science hub/matter decompressor/dyson sphere. And are often better at being one of those than the actual megastructure.

                I just meant for the exponential lag, a large planet has to take every single type of pop (Further separated by their ideology), decide which one would best fill the first ruler job, then the second, until it gets to specialist, then worker. So the system has to preform a number of calculations equal to job types X pop types, which on a large planet their will likely be more pop types and job types available vs a small planet. For example, a small planet with two types of pops and five job types preforms 2 x 5 = 10 calculations to fill its jobs while a large planet with 10 pop types and 20 job types does 10 x 20 = 200; it would take 20 small planets to equal the amount of work done on the large planet.

                This could be simplified by removing pop resource bonuses so that there's no need to draw weights for each pop type in job assignment, and further reduced by condensing jobs down to ruler/specialist/worker/slave instead of splitting them out into specific jobs--if you don't have enough pops to fill a stratum, your resource output is proportionately lower.

              • 2 years ago

                You can just remove auto reasignment and let you drag and drop pops into jobs. Fewer planets means less micro, and now you do less calculations per pop.
                Frankly current pop system is an odd mess, I hope they'll eventually ditch it

              • 2 years ago

                The Player can drag and drop, the AI Empires still need an algorithm to handle their pop jobs. Even if pop assignment was completely manual for the player, it's likely at least over half the game is still going to be adjusting pops every day.

                It's made worse by the fact that pop jobs adjust based on your current income and will try to prevent deficits, which means each of your planets are going to flip constantly in jobs. The only real way to handle it is to fix the AI for it since by definition AIs are going to have to use it.

              • 2 years ago

                They can do that less frequently, instead of once per mounth only when there is a defecit/unemployment.
                While completely redoing the system or just ditching it would be better, it's also significantly more work.
                I get why they wanted pops, species need to be different, but the way it works now is aweful

              • 2 years ago

                Yeah, in theory I like the idea of having discretely represented pops and such, but in practice it winds up not really useful for anything that you couldn't get with just a total population number of a planet. It does let you do things like represent slavery or a ruling class without it just being a footnote, but that's not exactly worth the tradeoff for speed. I don't think it's worth having to apply a bunch of band-aid fixes to get it to marginally function and still have a large galaxy grind to halt after 150 years.

                I think it could be fixed easier than what most people think, but I also think the devs don't want to mess with it at this point since they've already wasted a ton of time with it, removing it dumbing it down is an admission of defeat on their part.

              • 2 years ago

                >apply a bunch of band-aid fixes to get it to marginally function
                Welcome to stellaris.

          • 2 years ago

            The problem is 100% ineffecient code on paradoxs point and spagghetti from having literally at least 2 dozen modifiers for each pop

  51. 2 years ago

    >Irritated by the way population growth just plummets mid-late game making it impossible to fill up anything
    >Changing the growth curves fricks with performance too much
    >Finally decide to mod in some modifier to just drastically increase a single planet's pop growth so I can control the effect
    >"Hm, but I don't like console-ing things in, maybe I can add some in-game method to add it, something simple like a decision or..."
    >48 hours of digging through files figuring out how to mod stuff later, I'm mostly done with my very own custom colossus reproductive supercharger beam effect.

    I like how it's relatively friendly to people with no programming knowledge but Jesus fricking Christ, why are assets such a goddamn pain. Every asset is defined in one file that's defined in another file which is defined in another file which then maybe actually references the asset file itself. Out of every single step in the modding process, "make the beam purple" took longer than every other part.

  52. 2 years ago

    started a new game, L-Gates disabled
    except that they are not, wtf

    is it ok that l-gates spawn even if they are turned off or some mod messing with this?

    • 2 years ago

      I recall the gray tempest is disabled, not the gates themselves

      • 2 years ago


        instead of comepletely disabling that shit, paradox make it so it'll alwats roll the boring option?

      • 2 years ago

        started a new game, L-Gates disabled
        except that they are not, wtf

        is it ok that l-gates spawn even if they are turned off or some mod messing with this?

        nah, downscaled ships mod somehow caused this shit

  53. 2 years ago

    >3x habitable worlds
    >3x primitives
    >Logistic growth off
    >Pop growth scaling off
    >Huge Galaxy
    >Maximum AI Empires

    There is no way in which this can go wrong.

    • 2 years ago

      >3x habitable worlds
      >3x primitives
      I do this aswell, but only because I want to roleplay as ayy's so I want to maximize the amount of primitives I can interact with

    • 2 years ago

      >3x habitable worlds
      >3x primitives
      I do this aswell, but only because I want to roleplay as ayy's so I want to maximize the amount of primitives I can interact with

      how do you deal with 99% of the game being managing your infinite worlds?
      im running lowest possible worlds and a mod that cuts it in 1/4 of the vanilla value and theres still too much management

      • 2 years ago

        I enjoy some world management, especially early game when the choices are meaningful and worlds tend to develop haphazardly based on what you need. As time goes on though, I typically just build basic infrastructure for growth on every new planet and transfer pops off to a specialized world. For example, I might have 15 planets, but after they hit about 5 pops each, I start moving off new pops to a mining or manufacturing world that I've already completely built.

        What kind of annoys me is at the point, my worlds are essentially equivalent to a dyson sphere or matter decompressor in function and no longer need any management. I wish that worlds weren't just resource hubs and instead every world had its own wants and needs and every sector had a governor with their own agenda. Stellaris would function a lot better if the galaxy's 1000 systems were broken down into 100-150 sectors and the challenge wasn't doing minute adjustments to employment but diplomatic acts between your central leadership and sector governments.

        • 2 years ago

          Yeah there's quite a couple anomalies or archeology sites talking about planets of the same species that went to war with each other but it never happens in my games. There's no real competing interests that would realistically sprout up in a big space empire. Revolt boils down to the ratio of low happiness pops either because there aren't enough space brothels or because the planet is 99% shit eating slaves.

      • 2 years ago

        I avoid colonizing planets as much as possible and I reduce the amount of AI empires that spawn in the pregame settings. Once performance starts to drop commit genocide.

      • 2 years ago

        Play .25 planets (kinda obvious)
        Colonise high habitability planets but do not build a single building nor district - use them as hatcheries for pops migrating to core planets.
        Or just play ring world bruh

        • 2 years ago

          Now would be a better time than ever to make .25 habitable worlds the default and push habitats as the main way to expand beyond that. Habitats don't cause as much lag because the lag is exponential as pops increase linearly, and most habitats only get around 30 pops at most.

    • 2 years ago

      >Game takes a full four seconds per day now

  54. 2 years ago

    stopped playing a bit before overlord came out
    is there more to stellaris than minmaxing research so you can get as many +5% boosts to damage before crisis starts yet?

  55. 2 years ago

    >Please note that, like Ganker, "Generals"—long-term, one-after-the-other, recurring threads about a specific game are not permitted on /vst/. Such threads belong on
    Frick off with your shitty paradrone game but in space general.

    • 2 years ago

      There're like 8 total war threads out there so I'm not sure what is your point.

    • 2 years ago

      Half the threads on this board should be bumped according to that logic, especially considering that most of them haven't had a recent release to justify constant discussion as Stellaris had with its 2 month old DLC.

  56. 2 years ago

    How are strike craft and carriers now? I never used to use them because the AI would shut them down with point defense, is that still the case? Do I need to get an absolute ton of them to counter point defense?

    Also, is bothering with a trickster admiral or hit and run tactics useful? I was thinking about building a fleet around chipping away at enemies on the offensive and retreating when engaged, but I'd hate for it to turn out my ships never escape anyway.

    • 2 years ago

      >How are strike craft and carriers now?
      Same as always. They hard counter corvettes and destroyers something fierce but get even harder countered by any notable amount of point defense, which the AI tends to always slot.
      >Trickster admiral or hit and run tactics useful?
      It works better against the AI than a human opponent since they aren't smart enough to capitalize on your fleet's mini-vacations.

  57. 2 years ago

    I wish there were a way to turn off AI managing of jobs in your planets. Yes, it'd mean more micromanaging but I don't mind that in exchange of eliminating what seem to be fairly processor-hungry tasks.

  58. 2 years ago

    >Declare war on the biggest empire in the galaxy as its busy fighting off the two stagnant empires in the galaxy
    >the whole war is about two systems that i want so i can connect to my bulwark
    >win the war by doing basically nothing
    >all of a sudden a miriad of tiny shitty empires come running to me wanting to be my vassals

    • 2 years ago

      Yep, that is how i b3came emperor of the falaxy. Beat the shit out of one empire. All small empires ask to be vassalized, beat the empire again and it will NTR itself into becoming your vassal

  59. 2 years ago

    >choose militarist empire with war focused civics
    >spend all influence on starbases
    About what point in the game should I really start engaging in diplomacy? I always want to keep building starbases so I'm not blocked in. Unfortunately that means I don't have any influence so I can't really do diplo or wars. If you want to do a mega corp or dipomacy heavy game do you just stop after a few systems and start saving that influence, or is the game really split that dramatically in how it's played in early, mid, and late?

    • 2 years ago

      If you are militarist, your diplomatic tool should be a big fat throbbing fleet you stroke menacingly in the direction of whoever you're speaking with.

      As a general rule, you want to expand up until you have a nice defensible position with as many resources/planets as you can (so, generally, as much as possible) and then turn to hoarding influence for other stuff once there isn't any more free room to expand. The game is basically segmented in three phases: Expansion into free space, Zero sum jostling, and Oh Shit It's The Crisis. You use Influence to build star bases during expansion, and then either use it to stake claims for conquest or engage in diplomacy once the borders close up.

    • 2 years ago

      Most of the diplomatic treaties that cost influence aren't really worth doing before you've finalized your expansion (most of them aren't worth doing period, depending on who's offering). If there's a big scary nig on your border and there's a friendly nearby, try for a defensive pact. Otherwise, try for embassies on whoever will take them so you can gain intel on them, stick your diplomats on people you're scared of to dissuade an attack and save the treaties until the only way you can expand is by taking from someone else.

  60. 2 years ago

    Fallen Empires have started to threaten me every 20 years from across the map and I'm universally despised by them despite not being anywhere near them, how do I stop this? I thought maybe it was a bug with the Supremacist stance, but they just did it to my Megacorp for no reason as well.

    • 2 years ago

      Which Empire with what type of government? They each have different reasons to hate your guts.

      • 2 years ago

        I had a regular authoritarian empire in supremacist stance the first time, got contacted by a xenophile and told to drop slavery, so I did. Xenophile was around 20 jumps from my location, but I figured it was a new, rare event where they'd occasionally just make demands at random.

        Second time I was a criminal megacorp, got told by a xenophobe to vacate the area around him, and then two years later got told again to stop having slaves despite not having any slaves by the xenophile. Both times I was still nowhere near their territory.

        Third time I got told to frick off as a determined exterminator, which was only partially unexpected because I did just finish genociding several different empires, but if FEs can make those demands of genocidal empires without provocation, then it makes playing them early on far more of a chore than it should be.

        • 2 years ago

          Every type of FE (except the machines) has their own no-no button that gets pressed if you start to go too hard in a particular direction they don't like without sufficient muscle to back it up and their opinion of you drops below 100. The isolationists in particular will ALWAYS go feral if you colonize anything in their borders, but will otherwise stay out of your hair.

    • 2 years ago

      >became the crisis
      >every fallen empire sends me a threat every decade
      >modifiers don't matter to me so I just accept them
      >eat every other empire
      >fallen homosexuals sit there doing nothing as I destroy the universe
      I usually like invading them because it's satisfying to wipe them off the map.

      • 2 years ago

        >ruined dyson sphere bordering an isolationist FE
        >grab it and restore it
        >i keep refusing to dismantle my outpost
        >they keep waging a 1-day long war every 10 years which i auto surrender

        • 2 years ago

          yeah, I wish their war goals would include the fulfillment of their demands, giving up your star base in your case. It's way to easy to exploit the stupid AI otherwise.

  61. 2 years ago

    Sometimes I feel like Paradox balances with a magic 8-ball or a dart board. In what situation would it EVER be a good idea to construct a noble chateau holding? Even if it didn't have any negatives, it still would never be even remotely worth it.

    • 2 years ago

      The balance for authoritarians is pretty dumb because Stability isn't hard to get to begin with. I get the idea that authoritarians are suppose to be "frick the underclasses and their crime, so long as labor's flowing smoothly it doesn't matter," but the crime you get from slaves will eventually give you 10 years of -20% stability anyway, far more than you could recover with nobles and holdings.

      The concept isn't bad, that authoritarians just pump stability directly where everyone else has to manage pop happiness, crime, etc, but it's implemented pretty poorly.

      • 2 years ago

        >authoritarian countries don't care about crime
        homie are you for real?
        The whole authoritarian-egalitarian dychotomy is fricked up and it only got worse since its earlier days as collectivism-individualism. You can't even make actual space commies or larp as space Roman republic properly. What purpose this serves in the end is beyond me.

        • 2 years ago

          Yeah, that particular ethos axis isn't so greatly defined. You can still be egalitarian and have a police state, for example.

          Really, a lot of ethos don't really fit well, I understand it was in the interest of gameplay (Since it at least makes some sense that nations with similar ethos would find common ground with one another), but then it leads to a slew of problems too. I always point to individualist/xenophobe as one that's not really compatable since it gives you two factions that often sit at odds with one another because the egalitarian side wants to apply equal rights to everyone instead of that combo having its unique faction that only worries about the main species being equal. I know it can be done since a xenophobe/pacifist has a unique faction that encourages industrialism and trade internally alongside peace with their neighbors and fits an inward perfection empire to a T. But that's mostly a problem with no one having sat down and come up with unique factions for every possible ethos combo, which in itself is a daunting task, though I'd rather factions in general be tied to their own agendas rather than a specific ethos.

          Another one that I don't much like is how spiritualists all get along when realistically there's a lot of divide in different "spiritual" groups. Without going into a lot of detail for a religious system though, it's kind of hard to portray, but as it stands I never really feel like I can portray an actual theocratic empire since all the specifics of one is missing (IE their dogma, doctrine, etc.). Ultimately though it would lead to most empires having their own unique religion that either added nothing to gameplay (In the case of non-spiritualist empires) or was purely a subversive element, spreading your religion to other empires in order to change their ethos. Then again, it could be neat to do with a system like corporate holdings, but it would add a lot of bloat to the game.

    • 2 years ago

      I just think the people making content for it are unfamiliar with the game and just don't care.
      >bossman said to make a an authoritarian civic
      >ok nobles... the theming sheet say stability... and done...
      >I'm going on break

      • 2 years ago

        PDX is responsible for making new mechanics, like;
        > Situations system
        > Progenitor bullshit
        > Vassalisation contracts
        Then its the curators or (rather) modders that fill it with content
        This has been their business model so far (note, that curators started like year or two ago)

    • 2 years ago

      Oh, and what's really funny is how bad it is compared to Megacorp Executive Retreats (Which are a corporate holding with no empire limit). Retreats give +10% EMPIRE wide amenities so all it takes is a few clerks to be at the cap not that you'd ever just have a few, your empire will probably be half comprised of clerks/merchants for the trade value anyway.

  62. 2 years ago

    whats multiplayer like? is it any fun? and how hard is it to find someone to go acheevo hunting with

    • 2 years ago

      Multiplayer is fun but games take to long for my taste. It's not hard to find games as long as you don't mind using Discord.

    • 2 years ago

      I've played a few with people from my XIV raid group. It's fun, but multiplayer can have latency and desync issues, though that could be because one of us was in Australia, another in the US, and another in the UK, so we literally had to span the globe.

      Connection issues aside, multiplayer is slower than single player for the most part since people are needing to pause on occasion for various actions. It's not bad if everyone's just having a laid back and good time, but it's still not great. I think desyncs are more likely to occur if someone has a slow computer since too high of speed will cause them to be unable to keep up with the host.

      If you plan to play with more than around 4, it's best to make a schedule of when everyone should show up and set a very specific date for how long the session will run, like if you start a new game telling everyone this session will run for 30 in game years before everyone breaks and comes back, then lock the game speed to normal or fast and only allow for occasional pausing. For reference, 1 day takes 1 second on normal speed and 2 days takes 1 second on fast, so 10 in game years takes about one hour on normal and 30 minutes on fast assuming your CPU can keep up. So with this, you can expect 30 years of gameplay to last about 3 hours on normal speed if no one pauses.

      This was the essential way to play other Paradox games and kept my CK2 game with 17 people flowing pretty well. We all just played for 3 hours every Thursday and Saturday and went quite a while like this. I still have fond memories of playing as a republic in Ireland and making an absurd amount of money and then paying for mercs to vassalize the guy in England and make Grand Albion.

  63. 2 years ago

    Is StarNet as good as people claim it is? I find it hard to believe that the AI could be improved from bumbling morons with infinite resources to handling 10x crisis without any cheats.

  64. 2 years ago

    >Play as xenos
    >Humans also in galaxy
    >End up bordering UNE shortly after game start
    >Relations cordial for the most part and no diplomatic sperging
    >Decide to deal with them later because my remaining neighbors are buttholes that need to be put in their place
    >Some time passes
    >Focused on war with butthole rival
    >I'm winning the war quite easilly
    >Get declared war from other rival
    >Realise something is wrong because we have no common border or wormhole connecting our shitholes
    >Look at their diplo screen
    >In federation with UNE
    >I had a Embassy, NAP, Research Agreement and Commercial Pact signed with them and those frickers decided to backstab me because I didn't want a Migration Treaty with them because human pops are trash tier
    >Have to white peace the war prematurely because I neglected my border with the UNE and my flank was exposed
    >Move fleets to defend empire
    >End up making some decent gains
    >Win war and get some indefensible teritory in the UNE because I ran out of influence to make claims
    >6 or so months later get insult from UNE
    >It read "The role of the Mirovandia is played out. Go where you belong from now on - into the dustbin of history!"
    >Leader is named Samuel Goldberg

    Even in my space map painters there is no escape

    • 2 years ago

      you know what you have to do anon

      • 2 years ago

        I wanted to except I just wanted to recolonise the planets of the UNE with my own species. But fricked up and forgot to switch purge type from displacement to extermination or forced labor. TL;DR I 110'd the entire human population because of negligence.

  65. 2 years ago

    Is there a torrent with all the current DLC?

    No way in fricking hell am I paying $100+ for a video game.

  66. 2 years ago

    Is there a good way to play as a robot rebellion once the game has started? For example, other than just ruining my stability on a planet or two, is there a way I can get the machine to rise up in the middle of the game and switch to playing as them?

    I want to try and build up an empire that unites the galaxy more or less before I tear it down as a determined exterminator, and I don't really want to start as the robot because then I'll be in too good of position from having manually built up my empire instead of having to make do with what I'm given, ugly borders and all.

    • 2 years ago

      You could spawn AI rebellion via console commands then switch to play as them and destroy your former homes

  67. 2 years ago

    Hear me, X-large weapons should remain with 0% tracking but give battleships 5-10% evasion Large and smaller sized weapons gain the same 5-10% tracking likewise.

    • 2 years ago

      Combat in general should get redone. Other than chance to disengage, nothing's changed about fleet combat since 1.0.

  68. 2 years ago

    Is there ever any point to vassalizing over just conquering AIs outright? The only time I ever came close to a rebellion was in the Star Trek mod since nobody starts with the entertainer or clinic techs unlocked.

    • 2 years ago

      Vassals give a shit ton of points.

    • 2 years ago

      vassals are for when you're too lazy to fix the ai's 20 dogshit planets

    • 2 years ago

      It keeps empire sprawl down so you don't get penalties to tech and unity. For example, a scholarium can give you a ton of research without getting any additional tech cost.

      Other than that, vassals don't do a whole lot. They do let you manipulate opinion somewhat since your vassals get border friction with other empires instead of you, which can be a little nice for a pacifist empire that doesn't want to get dragged in to a lot of fights or a megacorp looking to expand through branch offices instead of conquest. Vassalizing an empire and then absorbing them 10 years later also reduces threat generated against other empires which keeps your diplomacy working better, at the cost of extra influence and time.

  69. 2 years ago

    is there a dark world mod for stellaris? i know it isn't the same as ck2, but is there something even remotely similar?

  70. 2 years ago

    Increase living standarts and build police stations. I quite like I actually have to care about stability for once since launch

  71. 2 years ago

    for me it's the Large spiral (4 arms)

    • 2 years ago

      I'm still mad there's no galaxy with hyperlane seperation between two halves or on certain islands where you have to get wormhole travel to reach everywhere. It'd be interesting to see the galaxy develop at different speeds and the culture shock that comes with the first wormhole travel being established, especially if one side developed as a large federation and the other got eaten by a devouring swarm.

  72. 2 years ago

    played for the first time in almost a year and im having the most fun ive had with vidya in a long time, probably the most fun game ive had. fist off i the new first contact mechanics are neat. myu first contact with intelligent life ended up with them abducting people from one of y colonies, then there was a battle, then formal contact was made and they turned out to be a huge devouring swarm who declared war on me. the war was pretty consistently action packed but i was just strong enough to hold on, eventually making peace losing only one mediocre system as i was a little bit worried about whether or not id be able to hold for much longer. during the war i sent ships out to find help and found a friendly race on my other flank who became my close allies, but on the other side of them another evil race rose up and declared war on my ally who was also joined with some cure mushroom people who have become my second ally so i sent a fleet over to help and that has been pretty fun... only thng is the AI sent one of their main fleets to my capital and is just sitting there even though I am in no danger and they will probably end up losing territory because one of their main fleets is just sitting far from the front line. oh well. for now im going back and forth between coordinating with my allies fleets and starbases to mount a defense of their territory and make the odd hit and run strike against enemy systems while building up for the inevitable next conflict with the devouring swarm.

    another thing I will say is I like the new spy system though there are a few things i dont get. i love how the fog of war is an actual issue now and you dont just immediately get to see all of your enemies territory. the new economy is interesting too. minerals seem to have finally been balanced so that they are an actual issue you need to think about. mixed feelings about the new industrial districts. seems kind of redundant but I havent really figure out ho to use em properly yet

  73. 2 years ago

    >Start game
    >Map has a primitive right next to me that I can vassalize
    >northern choke point is a bit far away but I can still expand pretty comfortably
    >colonies are starting to get online
    >pretty nice start overall
    >Starbase just upgraded about to put in modules
    >homosexual ai I didn't even know existed sends 40 corvette to invade my shit without even saying howdy

    • 2 years ago

      oh let me scratch that
      the homosexual sent 60 corvettes by year 10

    • 2 years ago

      Year 30 and I've invaded their homeworld and started scraping the genocidal toasters.
      Thank the fricking lord for the moronic ai who never pushed their advantage and the recently uplifted vassal being able to field a fleet almost half as strong as mine.
      Gonna take a break and hope the 2 hive minds on my south leave me the frick alone.

    • 2 years ago

      oh let me scratch that
      the homosexual sent 60 corvettes by year 10

      ...are you playing on Grand Admiral by any chance?

      • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      This is why i instantly take supremacy as first tradition tree

  74. 2 years ago

    my autism has always compelled me to play with hyperlane density on full but I think I'll have to suck it up and try it with less density one of these days. It sounds nice to be able to play with choke points

    • 2 years ago

      I don't know how you would handle higher difficulty AI with full hyperlane density tbhq. If you get into an early war it seems neigh impossible to match their early fleets without abusing the stupid AI on bastion chokes.

      • 2 years ago

        Defensive pact someone else right away, mass corvettes at the start. The AI preforms the mental calculus of if he can defeat all parties involved in a war and if it finds it unfavorable won't ever declare war on you. Just being at fleet cap with a good admiral leading it will push your power up, so unless it's an advanced AI, you'll probably stop any wars before they begin.

        If you do get into a fight and there's no chokepoint, dance around your borders as best you can with smaller fleets taking their border systems, the AI seems to prioritize going back and reclaiming them before they press further into your territory. With two fleets in two different but distant systems, the AI will waste a lot of time traveling instead of conquering. Take a peace even at the loss of a minor system or two, the longer you're both sitting at truce the closer the gap becomes.

        If you know your enemy has a strong rival that's not at war, you can trade your fleet for theirs and the rival will likely declare war on them at some point like a vulture. This can be more dangerous in the long run though because that rival will likely eat your enemy's systems and then you'll just have a bigger threat to deal with down the road. Try to head that off by making friendly with the rival, which should be easy since you get a free +200 rep for rival of rival.

  75. 2 years ago

    What I like about Stellaris is the R&D and fleet set up/outfitting ships part
    you get to deployed them and see how they win your war and shit
    I just love watching picket destroyers shooting down missiles to protected battleship
    the other game that scratch that same itch is Starsector

  76. 2 years ago

    >be me
    >playing in grand admiral in a 200 star galaxy for minimum lag
    >roleplay as wholesome xenophile, spiritualist and egalitarian Butterflys
    >origin is doomsday
    >manage to find a size 12 tropical, 80% habitability world 2 jumps away
    >colonize it along with a size 24 continental world
    >make frens with all my neighbors especially with fellow spiritualist bro
    >things seem to be going well
    >discover 2 fanatic purifiers on the opposite side of the galaxy
    >launch crusade against one of them
    >cripple them and create vassals out of the conquered territories
    >form federation with spiritualist bro called the Order of the Faithfull
    >later the other fanatic purifier becames the crisis
    >bloody crisis ensues
    >make spiritualist bro the custodian
    >later crisis is defeated but
    >80% of the habitable planets in the galaxy have gone capput
    >2 empires lay dead and 3 others crippled
    >hundreds of pops gone
    >spiritualist bro lost all of his core worlds
    >only one of my vassals survived with a single world
    >be only empire nearly untouched by the conflict
    >at least the game is running like it's the early game
    >unbidden arrive
    mfw in the grim darkness of the far future there is only war, by the way the crisis empire could have easily won if they had more than 2 brain cells

  77. 2 years ago

    Oh boy time to spend the next hour unfricking the ai's shitty planets. Sure feels like I """won""" that war.

    • 2 years ago

      >try to make slavery work
      >takes too much effort
      >proceed to become exterminator once again
      every goddamn time

      • 2 years ago

        Try synergizing it with nihilistic acquisition/barbaric despoilers, you'll end up kidnapping entire empires for your slavery needs. I can hardly play without it now.

      • 2 years ago

        Matrix slavery is pretty bad now, the slaves are severely inferior to pops on a generator and each slave slows your population growth if you have growth scaling on. Inefficient pops are a detriment now instead of being a small bonus.

    • 2 years ago

      >Oh boy time to spend the next hour unfricking the ai's shitty planets. Sure feels like I """won""" that war.
      >marshal plan.jpg

  78. 2 years ago

    how does one go about getting intel on enemy ships these days? seems like they've made it impossible

    • 2 years ago

      90+ intel will give you fleet locations, I think. To get there, take some codebreaker buffs and recruit a few assets, but you'll still have to leave a spy on the enemy nation for around 30 years to get to that point without buffs. Cap out the espionage tree and turn on the edict that gives buffs to get there faster.

      Or just build observatories on the border of enemy empires, with max sensors and crystalline sensors you can see seven hyperlanes deep, which is usually enough to map out an entire enemy empire on a medium sized map.

      • 2 years ago

        aah yea i have no idea how espionage works and how to buff your abilities. just to clarify i mean i want intelligence on enemy ship designs, what kind of weapons they have, their shield to armour ratio etc. i have listening posts up and can see enemy fleets but Im looking for specifics

        • 2 years ago

          You'll need to stack intel to 60 or so to check ship details.

          • 2 years ago

            aah ok. I did not know "hiring assets" was a thing so i imagine thats probably part of why im being so shit at espionage

            • 2 years ago

              I wouldn't bother with espionage for a bit. They nerfed it by making it need influence for operations instead of energy, while also adding countless influence sinks.

              They didn't rebalance it for the required influence, so it's worthless right now. Wait til they rebalance it. You can just set a spy network for now and use the diplomatic (?) tradition to get random assets in your long-term networks.

  79. 2 years ago

    is there still some sort of set up scenario for the two earth factions so that you are guaranteed to border each other? I never bothered with it before but the idea is warming on me a lot. do you have to use the preset faction ro can you customize it?

  80. 2 years ago

    Did they slow down warping speed in recent patch

  81. 2 years ago

    What kind of race do you usually play?
    I always end up playing my spiritual space furry worshipping the divine empress fox

    • 2 years ago

      ocean world without the paradise start because i hate losing the extra planets
      militarist materialist
      some sort of space amoeba looking portraits
      minimum habitable worlds reduced even below the vanilla minimum by mods
      conquer the world from my puddles of water
      doomsday super soaker is also great

    • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      Modded Elves

      • 2 years ago

        probably the best species mod out there, madlads actually making unique assets for them.

    • 2 years ago

      Usually with technocrat butterflies

    • 2 years ago

      I've had a few since the release of Stellaris I've shifted between.

      >Cyber-bird Necron ripoffs
      First race I made, birds that nuked themselves and have short lifespans seeking the immortality of synthetics. At release, the only way to do this was to research Synthetics and slowly replace your entire race with them. Synthetic Dawn and robot ascension eventually codified this as an actual progression path, sadly robot ascension kind of sucks compared to biological/psionic ones.

      >THE Industrial Production Core
      A defective, lost AI core deposited on a planet with no other purpose than to mine minerals and replicate itself. Every planet will be stripped of its resource content, every mineral will be processed into alloys, and although it will lag behind in technology, it will still have massive fleets because of its sheer industrial capacity. Not exactly a Determined Exterminator, more akin to an out of control grey death at a macro scale.

      >Space HRE
      I think everyone has done space HRE at some point, but it's still one of my favorites. Basically a single core sector and every other sector gets split off as a vassal. I actually like doing this more with a Hegemony federation now since it gets me a free CB on literally everyone else to add them to the federation.

      >Space Elves/China
      Elves that start on a paradise world with inward perfection, no diplomacy with anyone else, just huge death star stations at the edge of their borders that repel invaders from the heavenly kingdom. Rides the line between lame and great to play, depending on your neighbors: too few warlike ones makes for a boring game with absolutely no conflict, too many warlike ones means you can never get to the point where you stabilize since your initial colonization sucks (Every planet has 0% habitability). I think a Gaia world start needs to be overhauled a bit since it really sucks, maybe make every planet have 30% habitability instead of 0%.

      • 2 years ago

        >Lazy Merchant League
        A pacifist, materialist, void dweller Megacorp, never colonizes more than a few systems and just builds tall, forms a trade league (For the trade league trade type, which makes trade value give all three of energy credits, consumer goods, and unity), and then proceeds to slingshot into obscene wealth. Uses a federation fleet instead of its own personal armada, bribes tiny empires across the galaxy into joining so it can fight defensive wars and break up larger empires into copies of itself (And thus make the trade league bigger and make more money). Most empires stop trying to fight the league around late game so I just sit on maxed out resources in all categories.

    • 2 years ago

      Wh- are you literally me? Spiritualist space foxes is my go-to as well.

  82. 2 years ago

    >tfw no good Foundation mod where you can either play as The Galactic Empire and try to hold the galaxy together or as successor kingdoms try to reunite the galaxy and reform the empire

  83. 2 years ago

    are any of the combat mod any good?
    I cant decide between Stellaris Better Combat and BSW3

  84. 2 years ago

    >ignore kinetic weapons because why not
    >wormhole in the middle of my empire leads to psionic entity guarding a gaia world

  85. 2 years ago

    I hate this fricking AI so much goddamn. It makes diplomacy way more of a pain in the ass than it should be.

    >Gives basically no advantage to to the player because the AI is moronic, so you're much better off just conquering everything and managing it yourself.
    >In fact alliances are usually a liability because you can get pulled into moronic wars you don't want to fight, or your alies get their fleet wrecked and tank your warscore even though you're winning.
    >Meanwhile the AI makes pacts alliances all over the place, making every fight a 5v1.
    >Which wouldn't be so bad if one of those 5 wasn't frequently on the other side of the galaxy so you can't reach them and you have to settle for a white peace because your occupation % is too low even though you utterly wrecked the other 4.

    I need a mod that just disables all alliances, federations and vassals entirely because this shit is painfully frustrating.

    • 2 years ago

      Yea the devs really need to find a way to fix this
      Atm I can't win a war with any of my neighbours because they're all allied or vassals to another faction that I can't even fight because it's 2-3 factions away from me.
      No one will even accept a status quo peace since the magic war score tells them they're not actually losing since their ally is unaffected even when all their territories and planets are fully occupied

    • 2 years ago

      Yea the devs really need to find a way to fix this
      Atm I can't win a war with any of my neighbours because they're all allied or vassals to another faction that I can't even fight because it's 2-3 factions away from me.
      No one will even accept a status quo peace since the magic war score tells them they're not actually losing since their ally is unaffected even when all their territories and planets are fully occupied

      just experienced this myself
      what the frick were they thinking again
      atleast L gates had the gray frickers in them so the game was lost anyway since nobody stood a chance at that point

    • 2 years ago

      the Starnet AI seem pretty good
      according to the page it say that you should have large map and have ton of AIs in the game for this mod
      the mod will turn them all into backstabbing c**ts and they will try to kill each other all the time
      so even if one of them feds up there are enough AIs that will bunch into the opposition alliance to fight against them
      never get around to play it yet so I dont know if it actually work like that

    • 2 years ago

      Wars really need to take distance into account. If an AI alliance member goes a year without having a fleet presence in either of the main war participants territory or without engaging in combat with the main enemy empire, then they should lose any weight in the war until they do.

  86. 2 years ago

    I wish stellaris had more internal political/societal empire management. Stuff like pop happiness actually affecting the way you play (going on strike, demanding reforms, asking you to act in a certain way towards other races/empires or even just some events where you have to "negotiate" internal disputes, etc..), instead of just
    >no amenities/consumer goods = pops unhappy = lower stability = less economic output
    >build random entertainment building/solve CG deficiency
    >problem instantly fixed, here's your 80/90 percent stability bro
    I also wish government/ethical reform werent just a literal click of the button for "choose your favourite modifiers" 90% of the time.
    I also wish they'd make leaders have some actual agency, like having personal agendas, rivalries, election/campaign/inheritance competitions, etc instead of just "pay unity for modifier x"

    • 2 years ago

      i seem to recall the internal politics and factions and rebellions being a lot more active way back when. nowadays you dont even have to acknowledge it I find

      • 2 years ago

        Factions and rebellions have literally never been relevant.

      • 2 years ago

        Factions and rebellions have literally never been relevant.

        they were a thing back in release, most of the time a single frick up at management can make one or more colonies spiral into rebellion and get frickhueg doomstack fleets against you
        of course people complained and this got nerfed into the fricking ground

  87. 2 years ago

    >ai is at war with another ai
    >have claims on all of the first ai systems
    >declare war for conquest
    >capture all systems but one occupied by the other ai
    >-100 for demanding surrender
    >-80 for demanding unoccupied systems
    even removing the claim on the last system does nothing and im stuck waiting for the other war to end

  88. 2 years ago

    >Complains that armor tanking takes too many alloys.
    >Plays non metallurgy focused civ.

  89. 2 years ago

    >Great Khan rises up during a war I'm fighting against a pretty big federation.
    >It's in their territory, they can't do anything about it since I've blown all their ships to hell.
    >Khan gets about 10 years of unobstructed raiding, amasses a little territory.
    >War ends, now the entire galaxy, including my vassals are dogpiling the Khan.
    >Things look bleak since I was hoping he would actually bring a shakeup to the galaxy.

    >Notice I can propose Custodianship of the galactic community with strong support.
    >Despite being on his last legs, the Khan is still living rent free in everyone's minds, so they're willing to elect me custodian to deal with him.
    >Manage to pass custodianship, also get permanent custodianship since even though the khan is defeated once, he's still at large.
    >The entire galaxy is supporting me for Galactic Emperor as well, but the Khan won't last much longer.
    >Do everything in my power to protect the Khan for a few more years while the resolution is being passed, close off my borders, colonize systems around him to deny access.
    >Force through the resolution as fast as possible just before I land the deathblow on the Khan.
    >Empire is now known as the "Imperial Nexus" and my leader the "Galactic Intelligence."

    This is cool and all, but what do I really do with this? I'm not seeing a whole lot of resolutions I can pass other than an Imperial fleet. Can I use it to diplo-annex other empires?

    • 2 years ago

      As an update to this, apparently the birth of the galactic imperium has broken all federations and thus broke most defensive pacts across the galaxy. This has allowed me to amass a fleet around 1500 fleet size and use it to declare solitary wars of vassalization against the entire rest of the galaxy, which I have began to do.

      However, since I'm a robot, I don't have a choice but to purge or enslave all the empires I annex, so about half the galaxy is now empty machine worlds. I have literally displaced half a galaxy worth of people because the "nicest" thing I can do for my vassals is to displace them on a grand scale.

  90. 2 years ago

    the planets finally aligned for the perfect war opportunity. my enemy has an extremely powerful ally that would likely be too much for me and my ally to deal with at the same time as my main enemy. the powerful ally declared war on a devouring swarm who took some of their territory that bordered me, then my ally declared on the devouring swarm and took that territory, so now that whole flank is protected and the enemy ally cant send ships, and i was able declare war on my enemy who i am just now strong enough to take 1v1 since i now had my "back door" adequately guarded by a star base and DPs so they cant outflank me themselves. the war went extremely well and I ended up taking their entire empire which was probably a little bit too much to take all at once but oh well.

  91. 2 years ago

    can you still release some planets as a vassal?

    • 2 years ago

      You can, but it's really annoying now. You have to create a sector which automatically puts a system with a planet in it plus any other system you own within 3 jumps which makes it hard to give them exactly what you want. You also require a valid pop to take over, gestalt consciousness empires can't make a sub-AI or hive mind as a vassal without having it rebel.

      I tried to game the system and let one of my worlds rebel so I could have a machine intelligence vassal but it broke and the resulting rebel was spawned with no AI personality and no civics, plus it couldn't build any districts on its world since it lacked an empire type. However, because the AI cheats, it was still able to indefinitely maintain its 60000 power fleet with a single work with no one employed.

      • 2 years ago

        aah yes i just looked it up, its actually 4 jumps apparently?

        what possible fricking purpose is there to taking away the players ability to form their own sectors? this is fricking absurd

        • 2 years ago

          >taking away the players ability to form their own sectors?
          Was that something you could do on release? I hardly remember what the game was like. Was there any limit on how many planets a governor could rule over? I guess it's a balancing thing.

          • 2 years ago

            yea I believe there was a limit, but you chose what systems you wanted in each sector and could make sectors on a whim out of anything you wanted

        • 2 years ago

          >taking away the players ability to form their own sectors?
          Was that something you could do on release? I hardly remember what the game was like. Was there any limit on how many planets a governor could rule over? I guess it's a balancing thing.

          Originally you could draw your own sector and just add as many systems as you wanted to it, so you could have one massive sector that shared a governor between everywhere. Now in order to get you to have multiple sectors, sectors are centered on a single system and include nearby systems.

          The devs really should just bake sectors into the map at this rate, maybe make it so that each sector is a cluster of 10-15 systems that have more interconnecting hyperlanes between themselves but only two or three natural entrances or exits via hyperlanes. Then you can focus on actually doing things with sectors as an administrative unit, from having a coreworlds sector where your capital and earliest colonies are to border sectors that aren't as exploited but serve as a buffer between you and other empires. And make ascension level something applied to sectors instead of systems.

          • 2 years ago

            >The devs really should just bake sectors into the map at this rate,
            That sounds difficult to do with the map generation options so I guarantee they'll leave it as half assed as it currently is.

            • 2 years ago

              If I remember right, the map already divides itself into chunks, so it'd just be a matter of making those chunks a sector. It might make some odd splits for really large chunks though.

  92. 2 years ago

    Are there any mandatory DLC for Stellaris?
    It's up for pretty cheap right now.

    • 2 years ago

      Technically none, though you'll likely have some draw to specific ones based on taste. It's like I wouldn't play without Synthetic Dawn or Megacorp because I like playing as robots and a trader.

    • 2 years ago

      Utopia, Apocalispe, Synthetic Dawn and Lithoids pack are a must in my opinion

    • 2 years ago

      cs . rin . ru

    • 2 years ago

      >Buying PDX games
      >Especially Stellaris

  93. 2 years ago

    >Try to use Crisis events as a way to shake up the galaxy by letting them eat some of the other empires
    >Standard 1.0x crisis is a complete joke, Unbidden instantly killed as they spawn
    >Next game, change it to 3.0x to match other empires' fleets
    >Still gets obliterated almost instantly
    >Change it to 5.0x, start a new game, forget about it
    >Galaxy spends the majority of its time at war because two purifiers and two devouring swarms spawned in it
    >Have a great time because everyone is spending most of their time in wars that aren't completely one sided
    >Unbidden spawn once again and still immediately get destroyed despite everyone having half the industrial capacity and fleet sizes as before

    How the frick do I fix crisises so they're threatening without instantly destroying the galaxy?

    • 2 years ago

      make it 10x and have it spawn in the late 2300

      • 2 years ago

        You know, come to think of it, I could adjust tech and unity costs to be like 5x what they are so I'm not on repeatables in 2300. But I think your solution might be better because it would bring a crisis before the entire galaxy is filled and stable.

        • 2 years ago

          >maximize favours from everyone
          >declare the largest ai crisis right before the real crisis can spawn

  94. 2 years ago

    R5: a suggestion for a new type of federation.

    possible doctrine laws:
    prosperity - abstemiousness

    individual - communal

    Proselytism - enforcement

    growth - purity

    joint operations options:
    joint service - the federation has the objective of assembling their priests for a joint service on the presidents capital. members that agree take a 5% hit to monthly unity, and member who do not need to pay 50 influence per federation member. president and members who agreed are assigned a special project using a diplomat. once all participants complete the project the following bonuses apply:

    all participants gain a 10% boost to unity generation

    if all members participated:

    +100 federation cohesion

    if not all members participated:

    +50 federation cohesion

    • 2 years ago

      That could be pretty great, a way to represent a religious coalition between nations and be a practical way to represent a shared religion for spiritualist empires. Federations have certainly been a little more interesting since their overhaul and adding more types could help further define them.

    • 2 years ago
  95. 2 years ago

    >Start as a lost colony empire
    >Get locked in a war with my aggressive neighbors, slugging it out and tearing down my economy to fund military production
    >Make my enemies pay for every system they take, but there's a federation and two other empires slowly whittling me down
    >Discover my old homeworld, it has a massive empire and a huge tech lead on me
    >After some diplomacy, I manage to get them to guarantee my independence, allowing me to build in peace for about 20 years

    >All is going well, forget I even had my allies to thank for my prosperity
    >Get a message they can no longer guarantee my independence, so I check in on them
    >Apparently a fanatic purifier has capture about half their empire and purged their pops, leading to a huge decline in the pacifist homeworld
    >Put down a guarantee on them instead, now the shoe's on the other foot
    >Purifier declares war on the homeworld five years later, we fight a completely bloody war against them
    >We're still losing territory because we can't stop the onslaught, enemy fleets are approaching the homeworld
    >Dump everything we have into holding out just long enough to gain a white peace
    >mfw fighting side by side with my old brothers in a war for survival

    This is like some shit straight out of a movie.

    • 2 years ago

      >After the ten year truce, war starts up again
      >Immediately starts with a blitz on the homeworld, which is successful at taking the system but it will be a while before troops arrive
      >Go all in on the eastern border of the purifier with cruiser blobs (Best ship I can get right now) and tear through that side of the map, push straight for the enemy capitol
      >As planned, purifier reverses course and leaves my ally's homeworld alone, beelines straight to me with 30k fleet power
      >Manage to touch down a blob of psionic troops on his capitol and conquer the planet just a few months before his fleet arrives
      >Because it's a total war, control's flipped to me, so I rush a planetary shield generator and declare it a fortress world, leave my armies on it to buy more time
      >Purifier AI goes to shit and it leaves half of its fleets behind bombarding the planet, other half tries to retake systems
      >Get caught by my own fleet and forced to retreat, but it only takes minimal losses due to retreating
      >Ally meanwhile rolls up from the west and is rampaging through his old territories the purifier has taken
      >Purifier's fleet gets caught in a pincer as soon as it arrives at the starbase for repairs

      >Over 75% of the purifier's territory is lost in a single war, what's left falls into rebellion and reforms as a holy tribunal pacifist
      >Giggle to myself as it begs for vassalage

      >Ally was a xenophile somehow even after losing around 80% of his pops to genocide
      >Now has a population makeup of almost three quarters of the purifier's race from reconquering his systems
      >Of course they have full citizenship
      >Purifier race elected as president within 15 years of peace, old bro now hates me

      • 2 years ago

        kek, did you ever give them back the homeworld?

        • 2 years ago

          I'm on hold right now trying to figure out what to do. So far, I've been sticking to my feudal lord civic and releasing small sectors as vassals, I think I might just have to conquer my old homeworld and do the same. The benefit would be that when I release them there won't be any more of this tomfoolery about democracy, egalitarianism, or xenophilia, they will be a proper duchy in the Hessen Solar Empire as they should be.

          I really like the map I've got going so far, the south half is full of 5-10 system duchies as vassals. I kind of want to release them all once I divvy up the galaxy properly and just rule as the galactic emperor with Pax Galactica on to see if they'd ever bother to rebel. Could be neat to step in to an HRE-like galaxy when a war in heaven or crisis starts.

      • 2 years ago

        Take your homeworld back.
        Finish the job.

  96. 2 years ago

    what's the best galaxy settings to play this on
    last time i played was...well, a long fricking time ago when the game still looked like pic related and sectors were still a thing
    maximum size ring galaxies were fun
    i used to get a core group of nice planets to make my main home region and then just conquer the galaxy in both directions, letting two sectors handle the shit i claimed
    is that still feasible anymore? i heard playing tall is the only way since sprawl or something
    more importantly is there any way to get these nice colours back? everything looks so fricking faded in all the recent stellaris images i've seen

    • 2 years ago

      >these nice colours
      I'll agree with that, the old more solid colors looked much better.

      • 2 years ago

        >Despite being so popular this game has little to no hentai
        Are redditors really that uncreative?

        • 2 years ago

          They are busy making furry porn of pic.related.

          • 2 years ago

            This is like the only frickable race in the game
            Even including human

            • 2 years ago

              Anon have you ever taken a look at the mommy milkers of the default human female portrait?

          • 2 years ago

            There is a reason paradox is trying to insert furries in to every promo material of the game

        • 2 years ago

          They are busy making furry porn of pic.related.

          You can commission Geabull to make more Stellaris porn. He already deleted a lot of his early work though.

      • 2 years ago

        >fox eaten, slug kept as pet
        should be the other way around tbh

    • 2 years ago

      Playing on Elliptical is a lot like playing Civ on Pangaea, you're going to have long borders with a lot of different people and very few restrictions on movement. This means that your borders are going to be very porous unless you take care expanding just right, so you're going to need a big fleet for defense or a defensive pact or two. However, it also means you're probably not going to be blocked in by any single empire.

      Playing on Spiral 2 give you long, semi-narrow lines of systems with a few crossover spaces between the two spirals. This makes your movement more constrained, but it can also result on you blocking an opposing empire in and having a wide swath of systems to claim for free.

      Spiral 4 has more crossover points between the spiral lanes, so it's sort of a mix between spiral 2 and elliptical. You're likely to have more contact between your borders, but there's also going to be a large section of your empire far away from other ones.

      Ring is what you posted, it's a dense, narrow band at the edge of the galaxy that has lots of connections at either side. It offers a significant change in the structure of the map since now wars are almost entirely concentrated at your "east" or "west" border. You're going to be in contact with very few empires at any given time and but it will be harder to seal off your borders with outposts. Getting blocked in is very likely.

      Sprawl is basically inconsequential. It takes 1000 sprawl to double the cost of tech. I ran the numbers and so long as you maintain the same amount of research:sprawl, you never practically go negative and usually research faster, or it requires something around ~100000 before more colonization starts to hurt you, if it ever does. All sprawl is there for is to force you to make a modicum of effort developing your systems, even if it's just turning on the AI to build things randomly.

      • 2 years ago

        very thorough and accurate summary

  97. 2 years ago

    are planetary ascensions a meme

    • 2 years ago

      A late game unity sink

  98. 2 years ago

    is the snowballing still a problem in this game?
    I'm not talking about tech snowballing but just in one single war kind of thing
    like when two empires' doom stack meet each other
    that one fight basically determine who lost that entire war
    then its just the game of wack a mole pingponging until one give in from war exhaustion or get nuked

    • 2 years ago

      the game is decided by which ai starts next to you
      devouring swarm or similar butthole means you lost and any kind of pacifist or xenophile means you won the game right there

  99. 2 years ago

    Been casually working on a Lustful Void submod for about a month now. After running a quick 2200 to 2250 game as a test, I've realized that I've progressed past "unfair" to "pure masochism". The ultimate goal of the mod is to make the game more personal by making the ruler more of an extension of the player through adding new ruler-specific mechanics and a bunch of events focused specifically on them.
    Humor my curiosity, please.
    > On a scale from 1-10, how assmad would you be if multiple event chains could kill your ruler depending on choices and static factors?
    >Would you want the variable that determines the likelyhood of those events and the severity of their consequences to be completely visible, hinted at, or hidden?
    >I've created a rudimentary (and barely functioning) inventory system that gives equippable traits that persist past ruler death. It's currently affected both by mod-exclusive triggers and by tech/tradition unlocks. Would you prefer it to lean heavier on either side or to make it fully contained within the mod?
    >Currently, the mod forces you to be extremely selective with both slaves and immigrants as certain trait combos with either your race or other slaves/immigrants can add nasty events to the event pool. Would you find this annoying?
    >The mod makes both happiness and stability much harder to maintain, especially on your home planet. Would you be okay with this?
    >I've started working on some ultra-jank exploration, combat, and dungeon-esque segments using the event system. Worth putting more effort into or is this dumb?
    >Currently, the mod forces you to use a specific portrait pack (Calcifire's) so that it would be easier to have specific features and so that I would know exactly what weird ass alien I'm writing for. Do you care about this?
    >Overall, the mod is a moderate buff to the AI and a huge kick in the nuts for the player. Would you want the AI to be subject to any of this bullshit or are you fine with more AI cheats?

  100. 2 years ago

    >Forget to renew my mercenary contract for 5 seconds.
    >AI buys them
    >Never see that fleet again
    >Make a new mercenary band
    >Buy them
    >Forget to renew their contract for 5 seconds
    >Gone again.

    Holy shit make your own homosexuals.There are 11 mercenary enclaves I know of, and literally all of them are constantly hired.

    • 2 years ago

      If you made them you can force them to end their contract with other empires

  101. 2 years ago

    Ok GA ai makes even a 10x crisis a joke. They probably would have been able to handle the scourge without my help

  102. 2 years ago

    >Can only have a habitat OR an orbital ring.

    Do the developers hate fun? I'm glad I happened to make my homeworld a moon. Is there a mod to disable this gay shit anyway?

    • 2 years ago

      yes there is it's by the same guy who made the space elevator mod

  103. 2 years ago

    Is there a way to force travel from a hyperlane instead of the relay? My ambush just got fricked because my moronic fleet thinks it's faster to move across the whole system instead of just jumping from the normal point, which I had them parked on top of.

  104. 2 years ago

    First time seeing this complaint. I imagine you are playing on the low or medium difficulty if this is what gets you instead of the aggressive ai that pumps out fleet twice faster than you ever could at the early game

  105. 2 years ago

    Will humans be this loud when an alien race curbstomps their primitive asses into extinction?

  106. 2 years ago

    It is fricking absurd that in stellaris you can get someone to willingly be your subject, integrate them, even tho your policy towards their race is set to genocide, and immediately start geocoding them. Then repeat it with another race. Like shouldnt they know whats coming?

    • 2 years ago

      I always thought about that too, especially in the case of Hive Minds. Perhaps you keep them as a pet?

      For regular races though, it makes absolutely no sense they'd willingly throw their lot in with you. Honestly, I think they should have a special war of rebellion when you attempt to integrate them if any of those conditions are met. Also, the latest expansion is exceptionally dumb because empires willingly sign away their freedom if you're even a fraction stronger than they are, I wish they either relied on the galactic community or federations to preserve themselves.

    • 2 years ago

      Yeah it's moronic. I feel like you shouldn't be able to integrate Hive Minds period. Also everyone else should refuse if you have purges policy on, or maybe even if you're xenophobic in general.

    • 2 years ago

      >Like shouldn't they know whats coming?
      They probably operate under the same logic as the xenophilic empires that happily sign a migration treaty with an oppressively authoritarian regime that uses their people as battle thralls.

  107. 2 years ago

    I cannot understand this one.

  108. 2 years ago

    >fricking loose due to low stability in planets
    How do you even manage that? I never even got a problem with stability in any planets, especially after I pop one holo-theater and one police station and that's it, no problems

  109. 2 years ago

    Biggest issues are late game performance and micro, along with the war system being a moronic outside of a pure 1v1 fight which usually only happen early game

    • 2 years ago

      I have a theory performance could be fixed by changing the way pops are allocated to jobs. Instead of having specific jobs for each pop, each pop would instead just be a ruler/specialist/worker/slave, and the specific buildings and districts would directly produce the resources instead of coming from pop jobs. The catch would be these buildings produce proportionately less resources if there wasn't enough pops to fill a planet's workforce, IE if a planet needed 20 pops to fully fill the specialist caste and you only had 10, you'd get a 50% production deficit to buildings that needed them. If this was done, the AI to manage pops would become dead simple for calculations and player choice wouldn't suffer very much since there's rarely a point where you're juggling pops between jobs (Except maybe in the case of amenities).

      I was thinking I could write a mod to do test this, but I don't know how to make such a big change to the game's mechanics. However, just for testing purposes, I thought about making a mod where all pops are employed in a job somewhat like what utopian abundance does by default and just have the buildings give resources directly which could serve a similar way to test to see if I'm even right. If I am, eliminating specific pop jobs would fix the lag completely.

      • 2 years ago

        that is actually a really good idea get roughly the same mechanical outcome is a way that's probably much less intensive to process

      • 2 years ago

        I think I'm going to take on this project. I made an initial test and changed the capital building to not provide any jobs and just directly give the resources the jobs would've given and so far it worked. I haven't tried the other component of making pops all have a default job akin to what Utopian Abundance does, but so far at least things function.

        There's a whole lot of buildings to go through, but if I take it slow I can work through them all in a month or so. Ideally if this works, it'll make huge galaxies playable.

  110. 2 years ago

    I just want to have a cool game where the Prethoryn take half the galaxy and I lead the war in hold the line against them and then slowing pushing them back. I had a game like that a long time ago I forget which version, but it was a ton of fun. Sadly with the shit AI I couldn't keep up and they were slowly winning a battle of attrition, but it was still fun. So I wanted to recreate that experience, but I just can't. First, unless you set them as the crisis they never show up since the AI will always take every dangerous tech without care before they ever had a chance even when I turn down tech speed, and then when I finally gave up and just set them as the crisis they got curb stomped immediately, again because the AI now actually has tech and fleets, and an awkened empire was near by. Now I feel like I've got them balanced right, but 2 times in a row they've spawned right on my capital, so I have to go all out and snuff them out before they do anything or be the first one dead. Also I noticed planetary rings get destroyed by them but can be rebuilt, does that mean they also finally let me rebuild habitats they take out?

    • 2 years ago

      >Also I noticed planetary rings get destroyed by them but can be rebuilt, does that mean they also finally let me rebuild habitats they take out?
      Currently as follows
      >you can either build ring or a habitat on a planet
      >cannot build bothsince they both use the same slot (every celestial body has only one)
      >rings requires planet to be inhabited at a time habitats does no such thing
      >habitats can be oof by colossus, rings cannot, and are just changed into broken rings when system is conquered
      >repairing a broken ring takes up megastructure build slot, despite neither building a ring nor building a habitat does no such thing
      It's 3.4.4

      • 2 years ago

        Why would building a habitat on top of an already colonized planet be desirable over just doing it over another celestial body? The habitat doesn't synergize with the planet in any way.

        • 2 years ago

          It should, though.

  111. 2 years ago

    >play as humans
    >hit midgame with a quarter of the galaxy under my firm control
    >surrounded by allies all in a huge UN analog federation
    >surrounded by allies
    Man frick this shit, these wienersuckers are leaving me no room to expand and if I try to pick them off they all will go to war with me. Is the best strategy here to turtle up, declare war and focus on one front only?

    • 2 years ago

      should've made vassals instead of allies

  112. 2 years ago

    Alright, I have an idea. I play heavily modded, and ai can't catch up. In my last campaign, I console switched to another nation to unfrick tgeir mess, and it got me thinking
    What if I play the first 10 or so years as one nation, tag switch to another one, play for 10 years, repeat. Has anyone tried something similar?

    • 2 years ago

      You could probably achieve the same thing by just cranking up advanced AI starts to max.

      • 2 years ago

        That only ups the difficulty of early game

  113. 2 years ago

    >create game
    >sit and expand over 100 years
    >just keep lazily upgrading ships and building fleets
    >3/4 of the system just vassalizes under me even if grand admiral for no reason
    >mid game crisis never spawns, no idea why
    >sit for 75 more years, game is slow as frick now, like 1-2 seconds per day
    >no fricking end game crisis
    >play ten more years, over the end game limit
    >no crisis
    >get bored and start nuking planets
    >game ends in 15 more years as I sat there at 3 seconds a turn lazily blowing up planets
    >no crisis
    what the frick? why did NO CRISIS spawned? Nothing disabled and only a few mods like NSC2 and shit.
    games such a fricking joke

  114. 2 years ago

    is it just me or did they improve the AI so fricking much
    they now ascend and build megastructures in my games and keep up well in research and economy

    • 2 years ago

      yeah the ai on grand admiral keeps up pretty well unless you snowball early

    • 2 years ago

      They did. Funniest thing is it was done by custodians (paid moders) not developers.
      This however is very welcome for me, as I used to play on GA and it was getting too easy, now I play on Commodore.
      I can only imagine how hard it is for drones playing on cadet before 3.0.0.

      Why would building a habitat on top of an already colonized planet be desirable over just doing it over another celestial body? The habitat doesn't synergize with the planet in any way.

      I can see what you described only if someone is desperate or just plain do not possess overlord dlc.
      What I stated however is that any celestial body is able to sustain (read as be orbiter/consumed by) only single megastructure.
      In addition to above, building orbital rings have another requirement of planet being inhabited at the time.

      It should, though.

      Please elaborate

      • 2 years ago

        Custodians are assigned studio devs, not 'paid modders'.

        • 2 years ago

          Said devs are hired moders

          • 2 years ago

            There are a couple of content designers that are hired modders, but the core AI devs are OG staff, like Offe.

            • 2 years ago

              Thanks for claryfication

  115. 2 years ago

    Have they fixed the dogshit replacement for pops they made? It used to be civ in space now it's some moronic spreadsheet shit.

    • 2 years ago

      I've been playing for a long a long time and I have no idea what you mean? You mean back when they had the grid build system that the moronic AI could never figure out?

      is it just me or did they improve the AI so fricking much
      they now ascend and build megastructures in my games and keep up well in research and economy

      World of difference, they were pretty much broken before.

  116. 2 years ago

    >400 size sector
    >No AIs
    >5x prim civilizations
    >Empire custom made to have vassals
    Now I just build up and convert my little prims into being my loyal subjects until the 10x crisis comes.
    Will 10x be enough? Its set to 75/50/50 years and research/unity is at 1x

  117. 2 years ago

    Are there any mods that let me make remove psionic, cyborg,and other non removeable traits when I have evolutionary mastery? I like to take pops and create new species out of old ineffective ones but sometimes they end up immigrating to other empires from their original and become psionic or cybernetic and then end up back in my empire through war or some other method and I can't make them into my preferable version of their species so I get rid of them but it would be much easier to just simply assimilate them.

    Alternatively is there a mod that lets me create a new species from scratch using clone vats or something so I can just make my own species within my empire to fufill different slave roles and set different rights?

  118. 2 years ago

    I've seen an actually good idea for a planetary invasion rework on Reddit.
    Cannot link it cause the app crashed and I cannot find it on r/stellaris but basically it went as follows:
    >introduce land invasion policies
    Just another way of squeezing this juicy 20%bonus (the true meta of the game btw) like having full assault policy that gives more damage but also more collateral, selective that gives exactly reversed above and some others I can't remember but creative autism here will surely fill up. Good detail is that finishing supremacy tree would give you access to strongest invasion policy.
    >similarly have ground defence policies
    Similar as above, no surrender, hold the line or trench doctrine Maginot style. Unyielding unlocks strongest one as expected. Martial alliance could also do so.
    >MOST IMPORTANT CHANGE: Move ground invasion into SITUATIONS.
    This way you could see the progress and could also influence them.
    Honestly when you think about it the policies above could just be reactions usable via situation screen.
    Like, oy boss this here invasion on notearth is coming too slow.
    Aight Jeremy we'll just push this button right here
    (Presses full shock division option)
    Now you see Jeremy, now the invasion will finish bout 15% earlier.
    >delete the need of hoarding assault armies like autism person
    Your assault armies capacity is dependent on your pop numbers and then divided if pacifism or enlarged by militarism, supremacy.
    Add a simple trigger: when conquering the system a situation pops up and by standard the progress bar is at 0 (max on the left side) and will not progress even a little unless the invaders won't click on BEGIN INVASION button. So we would retain the formula where the invader decides when will it start.

    Honestly guys, we have this great situation system on our hands and in the same time have it only use few situations for entire galaxy (I'm not counting shortages since it's just one formula multiplied).

    • 2 years ago

      Moving the land invasions into situations would make entire system fit in a single window (compare it to hoarding armies by multiple planets, grouping assault armies into single fleet, going for proper system and then landing) and would surely make the game more accessible and less a chore to play.
      I do know from some Aspec podcast that current developer is eager to change this system provided the outcome is better than the one before .

      Ps: I do know of the existence of take point mechanic and auto invade button, it's just even with those most welcome helpers it still requires micro that is not really needed and would surely be a less chore if it was done by situations window.

    • 2 years ago

      Moving the land invasions into situations would make entire system fit in a single window (compare it to hoarding armies by multiple planets, grouping assault armies into single fleet, going for proper system and then landing) and would surely make the game more accessible and less a chore to play.
      I do know from some Aspec podcast that current developer is eager to change this system provided the outcome is better than the one before .

      Ps: I do know of the existence of take point mechanic and auto invade button, it's just even with those most welcome helpers it still requires micro that is not really needed and would surely be a less chore if it was done by situations window.

      I like the idea of using Situations as the advancement for invasions (Especially because many situations already have a "start in the middle and play tug of war" thing going on that's just begging to have it be between two players), but I think ground forces need a rework that can't happen unless navies also get a rework. No one likes to manage dozens of assault armies you drive from planet to planet, and the smart thing to do is to hold them one system away from combat and only jump them to a system when you're ready to invade, either when a planet has been fully bombarded or if you have enough troops for that not to matter.

      Going at a high level fluffwise, it makes sense that land wars aren't a huge deal when you can bomb a planet from orbit and the ground forces can't do anything about it. I personally think large scale planetary bombardment should've never been a thing for most ships, instead being replaced with a planetary blockade system that would attempt to starve specialist worlds. For example, any world that didn't produce enough food for its pops would suffer starvation and start losing them; any world that didn't produce enough minerals would have its foundries and factories shut down; and if you're out of energy credits, your labs, entertainers, etc turn off. Planets are rarely self-sufficient anymore so blockading anything would probably eventually progress a situation to surrender.

      This would also make defense armies more important since they can't just be overwhelmed by a few dozen extra assault armies. And instead of a direct assault style planetary invasion, landing armies who progress in phases with the situation system would better illustrate the idea of the assault gaining a foothold, setting up bases, occupying population centers, etc, while the opposite would show the defense armies repulsing them.

    • 2 years ago

      I think they should overhaul the fleet/war system too since at present it's one of the worst features in the game. Rather than clicking your big doomstack through enemy space, have you assign them to zones, instead:
      >instead of just playing whack-a-mole with your biggest deathstack, fleets have distinct roles
      >a single deathstack has the best killing capability but cannot be everywhere at once and is clunky/unwieldly
      >multiple fleets can better meet multiple challenges but are vulnerable to being destroyed if a numerically inferior but better organized navy can destroy them in detail
      This would go along with the introduction of fleet doctrines where you tailor your shipbuilding and naval strategy to empire goals. Instead of the present meta of "race to battleship and then spam as many alpha strike battleships as can be maintained", allow navies which are more diverse in the objectives they are intended to obtain.
      >fleet doctrines, such as the ability to create a flagship focused empire with heavy emphasis on admirals (LoGH or Star Wars) with the largest vessel in each fleet (battleship/titan) unlocking unique abilities and survivability
      >or a fleet specialized in asymmetric tactics, evasion, and concealment as opposed to straight up fleet battle (Rebel Alliance)
      This would also permit land warfare to occupy a meaningful role in the game. A massively outclassed empire (UNSC vs. Covenant) could nonetheless hold out by winning ground battles in contested space.

      This would also improve the espionage system by having it give boosts to fleet concealment and discovery. An empire totally focused on espionage could thus effectively neuter the ability of large hegemonic empires to wage war on them through obfuscation of hyperlanes, fleet concealment, and terrorist strikes on the enemy core worlds. It would create a new niche for criminal and subversive empires which are not presently represented well in the game.

      • 2 years ago

        I had looked at something similar, having fleets mothballed in sectors and each sector supporting a certain amount of ships so when war begins you have to mobilize your forces. I also think all ship types (At least the Corvette-Battleship) should be available at start, and fleet sizes should be drastically smaller and individual ships far tougher. This turns fleet combat into a long game of ships getting into position, firing their guns, wearing each other down, etc and eliminates the alpha strike meta to some extent.

        When a smaller fleet can effectively tar pit a large one (Meaning it can lock it in combat for an extended duration even if the small fleet is going to lose), you can't afford to have deathballs that have to park for a year at a time to swat flies, you absolutely have to utilize smaller fleets to handle a large front. Couple that with penalties for multi-fleet combat due to trouble coordinating a large amount of ships and you can force players and the AI to prosecute wars using a large amount of spread out fleets.

        Part of the equation is already there, the ability for highly mobile ships to retreat before they're destroyed in combat, which means throwing a fleet half the size of the enemy at something results in a tactical loss but strategic victory if you don't take any permanent ship losses. We only need to really extend the duration of ship combat to fill in the missing part.

    • 2 years ago
      Curious about it

      I think they should overhaul the fleet/war system too since at present it's one of the worst features in the game. Rather than clicking your big doomstack through enemy space, have you assign them to zones, instead:
      >instead of just playing whack-a-mole with your biggest deathstack, fleets have distinct roles
      >a single deathstack has the best killing capability but cannot be everywhere at once and is clunky/unwieldly
      >multiple fleets can better meet multiple challenges but are vulnerable to being destroyed if a numerically inferior but better organized navy can destroy them in detail
      This would go along with the introduction of fleet doctrines where you tailor your shipbuilding and naval strategy to empire goals. Instead of the present meta of "race to battleship and then spam as many alpha strike battleships as can be maintained", allow navies which are more diverse in the objectives they are intended to obtain.
      >fleet doctrines, such as the ability to create a flagship focused empire with heavy emphasis on admirals (LoGH or Star Wars) with the largest vessel in each fleet (battleship/titan) unlocking unique abilities and survivability
      >or a fleet specialized in asymmetric tactics, evasion, and concealment as opposed to straight up fleet battle (Rebel Alliance)
      This would also permit land warfare to occupy a meaningful role in the game. A massively outclassed empire (UNSC vs. Covenant) could nonetheless hold out by winning ground battles in contested space.

      This would also improve the espionage system by having it give boosts to fleet concealment and discovery. An empire totally focused on espionage could thus effectively neuter the ability of large hegemonic empires to wage war on them through obfuscation of hyperlanes, fleet concealment, and terrorist strikes on the enemy core worlds. It would create a new niche for criminal and subversive empires which are not presently represented well in the game.

      I had looked at something similar, having fleets mothballed in sectors and each sector supporting a certain amount of ships so when war begins you have to mobilize your forces. I also think all ship types (At least the Corvette-Battleship) should be available at start, and fleet sizes should be drastically smaller and individual ships far tougher. This turns fleet combat into a long game of ships getting into position, firing their guns, wearing each other down, etc and eliminates the alpha strike meta to some extent.

      When a smaller fleet can effectively tar pit a large one (Meaning it can lock it in combat for an extended duration even if the small fleet is going to lose), you can't afford to have deathballs that have to park for a year at a time to swat flies, you absolutely have to utilize smaller fleets to handle a large front. Couple that with penalties for multi-fleet combat due to trouble coordinating a large amount of ships and you can force players and the AI to prosecute wars using a large amount of spread out fleets.

      Part of the equation is already there, the ability for highly mobile ships to retreat before they're destroyed in combat, which means throwing a fleet half the size of the enemy at something results in a tactical loss but strategic victory if you don't take any permanent ship losses. We only need to really extend the duration of ship combat to fill in the missing part.

      At this point even r/stellaris suggested to move land invasions into situations system.


      Best thing is OP there was lynched for
      >land warfare should be streamlined not given more complexity
      And then OP agreed in the comment.
      This happens like 5 or so times in the linked source.

      Sincere question, why paradrones can't even? Is it too hard to read OP post? Was it edited? Did he step out of the hive will? Why on earth would anyone just torpedo the post with no apparent reason?

      Or am I just to blind to see they are right all along?

  119. 2 years ago

    >Try to play MP with my friend
    >He pauses literally all the time for minutes on end
    >Ask him why he's pausing everything
    >He's literally naming each individual ship, star, person and planet in his empire
    >This is how he always plays and he's never gotten to the end game

    • 2 years ago

      Had a similar friend but instead he had to read every fricking event that pop upped.
      I told him he can do it single player but he kept pausing for everything

      • 2 years ago

        Oh yeah my friend did that as well
        He also insisted on using a massive mod list that was barely stable in MP and added way more events and weird game balancing for him to frick around with (pausing each time he did of course)

      • 2 years ago

        Your friend is literally me

    • 2 years ago

      Had a similar friend but instead he had to read every fricking event that pop upped.
      I told him he can do it single player but he kept pausing for everything

      My friend and I play on the middle speed and only pause when we desperately need to. This is also because the game gets so fricking laggy later on that normal speed is the same speed as the fastest
      Its pretty comfy but now we have to make agreements to like, vassalize 1 person max, or else it just becomes a race to vassalize the most AI's and instantly become strong.

    • 2 years ago

      You're friend is a chad and you're an ADHD zoomeroid

  120. 2 years ago

    >outpace my rival hard enough they're no longer valid
    >Closed borders flip to open, they move construction ships past my chokepoints and start claiming the systems I'd left open to farm dig sites
    I'd care less if war wasn't such a huge passion in the ass to go through.

    • 2 years ago

      >passion in the ass

  121. 2 years ago

    Make clerks become entertainers by building the holo theater and upgrade it later on

  122. 2 years ago

    From this since thread:
    Ground combat rework is needed
    Space combat rework is needed
    Espionage depth is needed
    Counter espionage is needed
    Pop counting performance upgrade is needed
    UI upgrade is needed
    Internal politics are needed
    Religions are needed
    Crisis dynamic scalling is needed
    Starbase rework is needed
    Defence megastructure is needed

    What exactly drag you into this game?
    Sincere question.

    • 2 years ago

      High modibility and lots of rp potential
      Also add more in-depth economy to the list

    • 2 years ago

      >What exactly drag you into this game?
      my cousins

      • 2 years ago

        Have you tried fricking your cousins instead? If you're just looking to spend some time with them, then that sounds less painful than Stellaris.

    • 2 years ago

      It's similar to Rimworld in that the vanilla game is shit, but mods can fix it.

    • 2 years ago

      Modded Stellaris scratches the itch that others can't really get at.

    • 2 years ago

      I'd say in order of importance:

      >Bug fixes and pop slowdown fix
      Since you can't actually finish a game on anything other than a small galaxy without a NASA supercomputer, this has to take priority.

      >Space Combat/Ship Design Rework
      Combat consists at the most basic level of smashing fleets into each other and on the practical side just going with high alpha strike battleships to sweep enemy fleets off the grid. I would suggest an overall lower amount of ships per empire, penalties for using too many ships in a single combat, and for each instance of combat to take far longer than it currently does. These changes are aimed at getting players to use multiple fleets instead of deathballs and to prevent fleets from being completely swept in a few days upon starting combat.

      Add in a mobilization mechanic where most of an empire's fleets are mothballed during peacetime but cost very low upkeep and can be readied at a fraction of their build time. At peace, you might have a -80% to fleet cap, and various wars types will change what that multiplier is: An offensive war might put it at 0%, while getting stuck in a total war vs a purifier would give you a 50% bonus as it's a war of annihilation for your people.

      >Internal Politics
      I'd pair this with a sector rework, make sectors baked into map generation and have an overall development level for sectors that makes distinctions between a coreworld sector, a colony sector, and a frontier sector. As an aside, other empires have different wargoals for these, for example a border dispute casus belli that allows unrestricted access only to frontier sectors between two empires and as above does not raise your fleet cap very much (So it's a small war over uncolonized systems).

      Sectors larger than frontier should require a governor to manage and these governors should have their own personalities and goals that mirror their worlds somewhat. Failing to appease them causes penalties or revolts.

      Start with these at least.

  123. 2 years ago

    i like space. i am also moronic.

  124. 2 years ago

    Any other consolechads here? It plays surprisingly well

    • 2 years ago

      yea i was surprised my how well the controls and stuff work in particular. im forced to play it on ps4 because my graphics card burned out and strat games are basically all i play these days so i shelled out for it because i doubt there's a better console strat game

      the only complain i have is how they fricking cap the amount of empires so low, it is seriously killing me. its what, 6 on a medium map and 10 on large? are you kidding me? what a load of shit. i swear i remember the caps being higher on PC

    • 2 years ago

      me, and i've really never had any performance issues and i have a first gen xbox one. don't get why ppl hate on console stellaris so much.

      • 2 years ago

        The only performance issues with the game that I had was the usual late game lag, but even that became a non-factor once I got a Series X.

  125. 2 years ago

    a new world
    't get into any big wars

    colonies and expand more
    loose due to low stability in planets
    >can you actually win this game wtf ?
    How the frick do you lose due to low stab? I only ever have problems with that when I'm handling newly conquered frontier worlds or bungling expansion.

  126. 2 years ago
  127. 2 years ago

    >play grand admiral
    >who you get as your neighbour decides the whole game
    >aggressive enemy means you lost
    >passive enemy means you won
    how do we fix this?

    • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago

        >have 20 corvettes and 2 strikecraft starbase if lucky
        >enemy has 35 corvettes a couple of destroyers and that 1.3k strength hive ship they pulled out of an anomaly
        what is the next step to prevent losing in your master plan?

        • 2 years ago

          Wrong. The AI will never have 35 corvettes and a few destroyers. On Grand Admiral, the first armies they shit out before year 10 is just corvettes, usually 2 and 1/2 fleets of them (so about 150 corvettes).
          I know, I study the AI. By that point you can easily rush Destroyer tech and arm them with Autocannons, which absolutely SHRED corvettes.
          Nice you see you're lying out your fricking ass. AI doesn't do shit for tech even on Grand Admiral.

          • 2 years ago

            >rush Destroyer tech and arm them with Autocannons
            you will lose before this happens so if you got to destroyers you are good and the game is basically over

            • 2 years ago

              The fact that this is my go-to strategy for virtually every game says you're a lying shithead. Obviously I make corvettes, usually a stack, and then its all destroyers for a while, baby.

              • 2 years ago

                then our game settings are very different giving you way more breathing room
                mine are small world with max number of ai and 2 fallen empires so space is limited

              • 2 years ago

                400 stars, max AI, no advanced AI, max fallen empires and marauders.
                Grand Admiral, AI aggressiveness on normal.
                I'm going to have a massively better rig when this GPU comes in so I'll probably start playing with more worlds and a larger size.
                50-60 corvettes and a good choke point and you're fine until you get destroyers. Then, shit them out. Make anchorages if you gotta. Bam, you've beaten the AI for the next 20 fricking years.

    • 2 years ago

      You either send science vessels to explore wide to try to find someone to make a defensive pact with or you just accept that you'll be a vassal ass slave for a while. Assuming you aren't playing with StarNet, the AI isn't exactly Sun Tzu anyway and tends to prioritize repair too much, so you can stall them for a good while with just hit and run. It's still early enough that a choke point starbase with 6 strikecraft platforms could end their stack on its own.

  128. 2 years ago
    Curious about it

    Mostly QoL

    • 2 years ago

      >official sequential Crisis


  129. 2 years ago

    The fundamental problem with the planet management is that clicking the build button happens long after having decided what to build. There is no unity between decision and action, you'll decide how to specialise planet well before you execute the actions to do so.

  130. 2 years ago

    Wow the map is so readable and beautiful in this game. Stunning.

    • 2 years ago

      Turn down hyperlane opacity in the settings moron

      • 2 years ago

        Honestly. It's not even capped by default, so he had to have knowingly done it.

      • 2 years ago

        Honestly. It's not even capped by default, so he had to have knowingly done it.

        Huh? Didn't even know that was a feature. Thanks I guess.

  131. 2 years ago

    any mods that make stellaris good or just less shit ? mainly looking for more flavour or like expanded stuff (more weapons more fleshed out goverments and planets etc.) or just tell me your mod haul anons

    • 2 years ago

      Ethics and Civics. I literraly can't go back, vanilla ethics seem so shallow. There are several versions, pic whatever. I personally like bug branch

      AA's 6th district. Pet thing of mine, but I hate how every world ends up completely covered with cities, farms, mines and industry.

      Planetary diversity+addons. Pretty simple

      Extra ship components. It adds a few more strategic resources, which is nice. Naturally makes you more powerful

      Gigastructures. Not everyone's cup of tea, but I enjoy it

      Flag/species/shipset mods to taste

  132. 2 years ago

    >Broken clock empire
    >BTFO them
    >Can't end war
    Anyone knows event id to end this shit?

    • 2 years ago

      You just have to wait and then they fade away. It's a dumb event.

    • 2 years ago

      they will disappear once the broken clock countdown finishes. i think its 40 years after it starts

  133. 2 years ago

    >It's arcology gets no districts episode
    Oh boy time to frick around with +80 mods

  134. 2 years ago

    >convert every xenos into wide hip/big breast female only
    >always breeding offensive
    >xeno compat
    >delete save because the galaxy has like 50k hybrids
    It was fun

  135. 2 years ago

    What are the best district mods? There are so fricking many. It'd be nice to have one that gives you a different extra district based on planet type.

    • 2 years ago

      District Overhaul but its dead lol

      • 2 years ago

        Just went through all the comments and definitely seems like it. That's some shit. Compatibility with more worlds mods and different special districts dependent on world type is exactly what I want. The other mods I'm seeing just seem to slap the new districts on.

  136. 2 years ago

    just got back into playing for the first time since before the aquatics update, was fuming at the new empire size mechanics before realizing that all its done is essentially replace admin cap planets with research and unity planets. my old build is already built around research and unity so it should be ez adapting

  137. 2 years ago

    Absolutely fuming. I go subterranean specifically for the underlord achievement, I get a pretty good spawn and the First League precursor. I get the event, its on a colony with 1 pop, then sell most of my things to afford it. It all goes well, the guy takes the planet. Normal game for 70ish years, then I decide to do the fertility festival from the artisan trope. It ends up leading to the death of a random pop. The only pop on that planet with the shard monster, in fact. I colonized it again, and the shard monster is nowhere to be seen. He just fricking disappeared. There is also a planetary feature that prevents all resource output and pop upkeep called the monster's name, but he isnt in the army tab and the planet isn't taken. So I guess I'm trying again then.

  138. 2 years ago

    why do the unique weapon options suck donkey dick? null void beam can literally DESTROY energy, so why is a regular fricking autocannon better than it at decimating shields?

  139. 2 years ago

    >playing with gigastructures
    >pic related happens
    >flusion is one jump from my homeworld
    how the FRICK do I handle this?

    • 2 years ago

      you fricking buffoon
      you absolute idiot
      you incorrigible moron
      you've done fricked up now
      you've absolutely heck'd yourself
      _______________I have no idea I disable all that shit____________________

  140. 2 years ago

    what the frick are planetary bastions

  141. 2 years ago

    Is there a mod that lets numbers go up higher?
    I'm playing NSC2 and my stations, whenever they go above 999,999 power they loop over and it permanently just shows "1"

  142. 2 years ago

    i cant be the only one that hates when two habitable planets are in the same system right? unless there's somehow an easier way to access both planets without using the display on the right or entering the system that I've missed. usually when i do my checkup on planets i just click the flag button in the systems with planets, but of course that only shows one of the two in that system and i end up ignoring one of my planets and it ends up sucking.

    • 2 years ago
      Rate my autism level

      Press tab moron

  143. 2 years ago

    i wanted to try this game but why does it need 20gb, its 4times more than hoi4 or eu4 wtf

  144. 2 years ago

    I've started over 30 save and have never seen the cybrex precursor. Literally never. It's always the fricking Yuht or Irrassians.

  145. 2 years ago

    Anybody modder here? Trying to make a trait or a species that copies the asari mod's ability to make new pops into the asari pop. I want it to be something I can give to any species I setup though, if possible one the AI can't pick. The idea being a normal empire but the original pop species + any other species always results in the original pop.

  146. 2 years ago

    just saw a greater shroud horror shred an enemies 90k fleet... im scared bros...

  147. 2 years ago

    How important is to have on SSD? i want to try stellaris but im out space on my ssd and eu4 load times on my old pc gave me nightmares

    • 2 years ago

      Stellaris is capped by processor speed and RAM.

  148. 2 years ago

    >Still barely anything for robotos
    >Still bound to moronic gestalt

    • 2 years ago

      >is a based gestalt
      >still complains
      have a nice day

  149. 2 years ago

    >install a few mods
    >One of my stations goes above some invisible power number
    >Rolls over to 1
    >Gets killed by a 130k shitter fleet
    I...what? Why the frick? Is there a way to counter this?

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