
It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

Thalidomide Vintage Ad Shirt $22.14

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

  1. 6 months ago

    I'm not an idea guy, I'm happy working for someone else doing shitty mobile games

    • 6 months ago

      Turn those mobile game ads into reality, the ads are always completely different to the actual gameplay

      • 6 months ago

        • 6 months ago

          Make this but with those farting ads., You'll be a millionaire

        • 6 months ago

          >paid game

    • 6 months ago

      Do people like you unironically exist? I thought everyone was an "idea guy" except extreme morons, but they end up being forced to work for someone else.

      • 6 months ago

        Then give me a good idea if they are so free. How come I never see "idea guys" actually pitch a good idea? They just list a bunch of genres and generic plot without any gameplay mechanics. "Hey bro make a horror mmo." That's not a fricking idea.

        • 6 months ago

          Not him but here's a neat idea. Do a battle strategy sim that's just composed of boxes and blobs.

          • 6 months ago

            Too racist

        • 6 months ago

          >How come I never see "idea guys" actually pitch a good idea?
          Because you aren't either. Set an example or sit down.

          • 6 months ago

            >Set an example or sit down.
            ooh, scary
            shut the frick up you pretentious homosexual lmao

          • 6 months ago

            I never claimed to be an idea guy though???? Fricking ESL trying to talk big

            Not him but here's a neat idea. Do a battle strategy sim that's just composed of boxes and blobs.

            There are already hundreds of strategy sim war games with way nicer graphics than that since the 90s.

            • 6 months ago

              Posting Civ as your example and saying there are games with better graphics than abstract boxes clarifies that A) you don't get the idea, and B) you're a moron.

              • 6 months ago

                >you don't get the idea
                maybe because you didn't explain shit other than make a war sim with boxes and arrows. Nothing about that is unique. Don't bother anyway because I'm not interested.

              • 6 months ago

                I'm not the guy with the idea. I just pointed out how you didnt get his idea.

                You are not really into military history, that's why it went over your head, hence why you posted Civ like a boomer. Furthermore, you lack the self-awareness to imagine a gap in your knowledge--which is itself a sign of unintelligence--and so you doubled down, proving point B.

        • 6 months ago

          Generic people imagine generic things, and here are generic people.

        • 6 months ago

          Filling the moat: assassination/stealth game where instead of going to the mission and killing the target, you instead have a big mission (kill target) but it's so hard to do from the start that you can to do a bunch of smaller task (not have to) to make it easier. Example
          >lord is in a castle, surrounded by guards 24/7, moat, and no openings to his chambers
          >lower guard amount by trickery (say there's a party, bandits, etc etc), build a land bridge to cross quickly (because day and night's a thing, and swimming across makes you wet and takes up too much time), and find secrets of his reign
          >use it to blackmail a lord within to help you kill the main lord, or give to the peasants to insight a rebellion
          >you can help them be strong enough to take the lord's head or you use the time of confusion to do the job yourself
          It's a combination of two aspects: simulation of an environment that the players can exploit and stealth gameplay.

        • 6 months ago

          Aww, yes...

          I actually had ideas, about actual gameplay mechanics and shit. Then as I started to grasped the very basics of how technology and the fricking Internet work (and their limitations) I realized my ideas were not new, just impractical. It didn't help that my game ideas were based on game controllers that don't exist outside of my head and how they can not be made because of companies like Corsair doing massive patent trolling and halting any further innovation of controllers for decades to come.

        • 6 months ago


          A platform fighter with the transfer functionality of Pokemon Stadium. First game in the series could be based on Gen 1 and only include pokemon/moves from gen 1, then each subsequent game adds the features of its gen. I can go into more detail if you'd like.

      • 6 months ago

        yeah nta but I am one of them
        I can program, I have lots of ideas about design and such or how to improve something, but I have no idea about an overall game I want to make and would be interested in a lot of stuff

        for example, if we have some sort of system I can easily come up with ideas to build on it or interesting stuff to interact with it, but coming up with the idea for an entire game or how things will fit together is shit tons of work and just beyond me
        all of my games are just really small hour or two of playtime
        the first game I ever made was just a top down 2d survival game, like a decade ago, just waves that increased in difficulty, handful of different enemies, couple of different weapons, and 3 maps (one of which was just a completely open box)
        I made a platformer with 3 stages and some enemies
        a basic "metroidvania" with 3 different areas, 4 bosses, a few powerups, gear, stats, etc
        another platformer/side scrolling shooter (thing like metal slug or contra kind of esque) with 2 stages and a boss at the end
        arcadey kart racing game with 3 racers and 4 tracks, had replays, ghosts, lacked network multiplayer and was local only
        then I built a port of catan with network multiplayer (I wanted to learn network stuff), p2p and client server options
        I have like a ghetto srpg in the works right now, realistically il make a dozen or so encounters, maybe a boss, then have no idea what to really do with the game or what would make it anything but a super generic srpg

        I just don't have big ideas for games, I can tell you till the cows come how to build on top of existing stuff, make fun and interesting abilities, but I have no big or unique ideas that really actually make a game interesting

        • 6 months ago

          You have autism, zero real skills, and you're worthless. Congrats.

          • 6 months ago

            >zero real skills
            I can program and work a day job as a software engineer
            I also make good 3d models and have plenty of my models for sale on sites and have made money off them

            autism yes though.

            • 6 months ago

              You have good skills and are useful. These people can't fathom the idea that humans fill different niches and that we all cooperate to do things. You helping out a good writer/artist for a game make a infinitely better product than a guy tackling all 3 on his own.

    • 6 months ago

      I need slaves for my ideas.

      • 6 months ago

        I don't even want slaves, I just want a collaborator. Someone to bounce ideas off, and not some work-a-day hired programmer who will cut corners and not give a frick about the game he's helping make.

  2. 6 months ago

    if you wanna make a game for fun sure go ahead but if you dream about making a living out of it then you're most definitely wasting your time

    • 6 months ago

      Yeah don't even try, continue doing nothing:)

      There are people that have made short, small games by themselves and made significant money.

      And even if your game isn't profitable, the mere act of working on it will have benefits. You will build those skills which could lead to working on something else for pay. It could help you gain an online following which could go different directions.

      Nobody knows their own potential, but if you defeat yourself before you even start then I guess you are hopeless. I believe in you though, but that only goes so far.

      • 6 months ago

        You just regurgitated his point while framing it as a dunk.

        • 6 months ago

          Not that anon but I'm going to regurgitate your balls tonight

    • 6 months ago

      Nah, get fricked.

    • 6 months ago

      According dev of Mortal Glory (pic related) it's success was enough for him to downshift in rat race and it has just 500 Steam reviews.
      His lucky break was it getting pretty popular in China for some reason.

    • 6 months ago

      Peter Steele had the best approach for creative works and it's literally the most obvious one lol. Have a solid job that will pay the bills, and work on your projects on the side.

  3. 6 months ago

    We really don't need more shitty games

    • 6 months ago

      so make good game

    • 6 months ago

      devs have to start out somewhere, all the devs that made great games made a ton of shitty and jank games before

      • 6 months ago

        that is why you browse the modder pools for fledgling devs. For every field intensity/echoes you get ten hunt down the freemans

        either way its a safe playground kids can go crazy and make a few shitpiles here and there

      • 6 months ago

        Completely wrong. The surge in indieslop is because of morons who are in it for the money, iterating over mediocre flash-tier games.

    • 6 months ago

      you can't get to good without going through shitty

    • 6 months ago

      If there's a million shitty games for one passable one it's worth it

  4. 6 months ago

    What is it with that obsession of "You HAVE to make games if you like games"?

    There's lot of movie fan, and they're content watching them and not making movies.

    • 6 months ago

      Being productive is good for you and helps you achieve self-actualization.

      • 6 months ago

        >being productive
        >making video games
        pick one

        • 6 months ago

          >make electronic toys for a living|
          >get to be creative and come up with designs and solutions to problems, maybe even produce art
          >give people entertainment, fun, sometimes even needed escapism and distractions to cope
          >not productive

          room temperature IQ take

          • 6 months ago

            if you're not chopping wood or lifting cartons in Amazon warehouse, you're not productive
            simple as

            • 6 months ago

              >lifting cartons in amazon warehouse
              literally me but at least they're paying for me to go back to college after I fricked up the first time

    • 6 months ago

      To bei fair, there used to be film directors & film lovers who would tell kids they should get together with their friends and make their own amateur movies to share. They could become producers instead of simply consoomers of the kind of films they loved. And that's literally how a lot of these old Boomer directors got their start: a bunch of goofy teenagers making pure uncut indiekino with their bros.
      But nowadays those same guys who are like "just make ur OWN movies n beleef in urselves" are simply hand the keys to the studios over to their dipshit kids, and we've ended up with rotten trash nobody wants to watch...

      • 6 months ago

        Survivor's bias followed by hunan nature. Yes, to make it one needs to 'just do it,' but if that were guaranteed to work then everyone would just do it.

    • 6 months ago

      Because if you're so infatuated with something, you might as well give it a shot for yourself and see if you like it. Every kid that was a fan of cartoons drew at least once in their life. Every kid that was a fan of football played the sport at least once. You don't have to go pro or anything and make the next CoD, but at least be give game dev a shot and be a little productive in the meantime.

      • 6 months ago

        I'd advise anyone deep into games to do it at least once. It'll give you a different perspective on how game mechanics work and why devs do certain tricks. If you get good at it you'll probably have those little moments where you'd be like "Oh I know how they did that" or "Oh that's a clever way to hide the loading" type of shit.

      • 6 months ago

        Everyone likes music but most won't try to play it.

  5. 6 months ago

    >start making a thing just to learn something
    >frick what do people use for audio editing
    >I don't even know 95% of terms this thing uses
    >alright how about a model I need for a joke
    >either paid or have to upload something to download something
    >coding itself is not a problem, there're 20 approaches to do a thing and 17 of them will ruin everything later on
    >well at least some textures are free
    >spend rest of the day playing vidya and staring at big tiddy anthros

  6. 6 months ago

    I thought that was the leisure suit larry guy

  7. 6 months ago

    Ok, I made a game. but it got me doxxed and somebody even came to my parents house.

    • 6 months ago

      How? Did you post it on Ganker or what

    • 6 months ago

      nem, is that you?

    • 6 months ago

      I'm making a game so I can learn to code


    • 6 months ago

      Please elaborate

    • 6 months ago

      Sad that the Coffin of Brother and Sister Incest creator got doxxed. All she wanted was to frick her brother.

      • 6 months ago

        Oh, you're worse than Indian, you're a fricking Canadian. Please, die, your state even sponsors it.

      • 6 months ago


        How would you guys recommend I go about hiring an artist?

        Basically just want sprites and then special images for fight scenes, emotional scenes, sex scenes.

        Ideally I would like to partner with an artist but it seems understandable that people on the internet wouldnt trust me and want to be paid up front.

        Any chance I go to the local college and hire some student to work for me at zero dollars per hour and pay them a 20 percent royalty on my game or some shit like this?

        Not gonna happen. Artist gf might do this for you, almost certainly no one else. Programmers are far more likely to cuck than artists and for good reason.

        >have idea for vidya
        >realise it's just other, pre-existing game, but worse
        over before it even began.

        what idea/game?

        • 6 months ago

          scp-esque monster management with a side of pimping out the monsters to governments to use as weapons in proxy wars
          basically lobotomy corporation with a shitty tacked on mechanic

    • 6 months ago


  8. 6 months ago

    because AGI will take my job as an indieslop creator

    • 6 months ago

      imagine believing this when the biggest company in the fake AI business is already falling apart before our eyes. this shit turned out to be a bigger scam than crypto.

      • 6 months ago

        >falling apart
        it was a coup

        • 6 months ago

          Coups don't just happen. There must have been immense internal conflict. Don't believe talk of AGI, openai is screwed. That's why Altman has been making various separate companies to plunder it.

      • 6 months ago

        It's because they don't like what the A.I. tells them about people and the world. Lifeless corporate drones and politicians live in their own bubbles and can't handle how bigoted and horny even normies truly are.

  9. 6 months ago

    you need to make it your second job if your idea is more than some barebones gimmick.

    • 6 months ago

      luckily im a neet on autism bux

  10. 6 months ago

    but I'm a lazy moron who can't code, write or make 2d or 3d assets
    I wouldn't even know where to begin

    • 6 months ago

      Unreal blueprints, give it two months of messing around with them and you'll know enough to make basic game

  11. 6 months ago

    I prototyped a lot of stuff, but focusing on an engine was too difficult for me.

    Game Maker is fine, but 2D only.
    Construct 3 is cool and easy, but it's subscription based and not cheap.
    Gdevelop is cheap but really wonky to use.
    Unity is a mess to use.
    Godot is fine, but using GDscript is only useful for godot, the 3D is weird, and if you want to make something small and 2D, you might as well use GM.
    I really wish Game Maker had some simple 3D capabilities.

    It's also difficult to do something "small". You want to make something good, and releasing a small arcade game, even for free, doesn't means much in the age of assets flips.

    • 6 months ago

      just get the C# plugin for godot homosexual

    • 6 months ago

      GM does have some very basic 3 capability, look up fightknight.

    • 6 months ago

      just learn the one engine that every boomer with a job uses (unreal engine)
      >but! but! if I profit i have to share 5% to epic as a tax!
      100% of 0 is 0...

      • 6 months ago

        Unreal is massive and quite the handful for a small 2D game.

        • 6 months ago

          Does Unreal even have 2D games? Every game looks like shiny realism such as Dead Island or cel shaded cartoon like Spyro Reignited or Fortnite.

          • 6 months ago

            It needs a plugin called paperzd to even render a sprite properly but after that you just need to work with the camera and you are golden

        • 6 months ago

          I can't say that Unreal isn't a decentengine fora full 3D title, especially UE5, but if you're making a 2D game then by all means use something like Godot

          Godot can be used for 3D games too now and itsworthsupporting because its an open source libre engine that isn't depending on Timmy Tencent to decide if they're going to hobble Linux compatibility or not because they're having a tantrum about Steam. While its not as "easy" to make a photo realistic high fidelity game with Godot yet, if you're working in 2D then by all means its more than capable and is at least the equal if not the superior to things like XNA and other open indie engines and/or proprietary ones liek GameMaker Studio or RPGMaker etc

  12. 6 months ago

    lots of cope and excuses ITT and not enough game-makin'

  13. 6 months ago

    >stares at my folder filled with 20+ abandoned projects
    no... not again...

    • 6 months ago

      Tell us about some of them bro

      • 6 months ago

        not him but no its emberassing

    • 6 months ago

      If it makes you feel better even game developers/designers like Eiji Aonuma have scrapped ideas that they usually use in later games.

  14. 6 months ago

    It's too hard
    All of it's too hard
    Why is reality like this?

    • 6 months ago

      Since when Fruity Loops is hard?
      Even with fricking around in MPC I managed to do something not completely disgusting.

    • 6 months ago

      God, this pic is so funny. With so many games about muh fighting allegories of depression, someone should make an "autobiographic dev journey" where each boss is a skill the dev had to learn to make his game.

      • 6 months ago

        >diamond dozen

        • 6 months ago

          >YouTube auto subtitles

        • 6 months ago

          Well it's a doggy dev world out there after all.

      • 6 months ago

        Careful anon we don't want another Minecraft situation do we?

    • 6 months ago

      >Noooooo, you mean I actually have to WORK to be good at something?!
      >I want to be good instantly waah waah waah

    • 6 months ago

      If you join a team you only have to be decent enough with one of those things. The problem with solodev is you need to be competent at like 10 totally different skills.

      • 6 months ago

        Hence why indie devs usually at least share the load somewhat. Edmund McMillen is still the main guy, but he hasn't made a game completely solo since the early 00s.

      • 6 months ago

        straight up untrue, see astlibra revision, undertale, stardew valley

        • 6 months ago

          you know toby didnt do most of the art assets right

          • 6 months ago

            90% of all lead devs don't do any actual art design and delegate that to actual artists.

          • 6 months ago

            All of the art assets are literally on par with a middle-schooler's fricking pencil drawings. Frick Undertale and anyone that likes that homosexual shit.

            • 6 months ago

              i dont disagree but thats not on toby fox, blame temmy

              90% of all lead devs don't do any actual art design and delegate that to actual artists.

              right, so undertale is not a solodev job

    • 6 months ago

      What does the black and white old guy represent?
      Also replace Japanese with pixel art.

      • 6 months ago

        That's Harold Bloom you uncultured frick I bet you don't even read the canon

        • 6 months ago

          Thanks. Writing definitely belongs.

        • 6 months ago

          >Harold Bloom
          Who? What is he supposed to be representing?

    • 6 months ago

      Couldn't figure perspective out/ drawabox was too fricking boring. I only learned to draw hot girls without backgrounds and in simple poses. Can't draw digital.
      Forgot about it because I don't care about Japan anymore
      Did donut reps 10 years ago, maybe will pick it up again.
      Only thing I am actively trying to learn, it's fricking difficult
      Read a lot, write but never finish anything
      Every Good Bird Does Fly and FACE, but not interested enough to go further.

      I wanted to give up and just consoom, but I can't. I need people to consoom MY slop.

      • 6 months ago

        i wonder how many people quit art because they get noob trapped into doing the gay ass fundamentals with a pencil, for some reason nobody ever mentions that theres way easier mediums to learn art with than a pencil - i think if people started with something like charcoal and just focused on depicting the light and shadow of a drawing they would instantly eclipse any learning they did with a goofy ass pencil for years

    • 6 months ago

      you can learn almost all of these with the help of a 3ds/dsi, if not just straight up learning with them
      flipnote, art academy, warioware diy for pixel art
      japanese dictionary by intsys, kanji no taridori, shikakui atama wo maruku suru ds kanji, kotoba no puzzle moji pittan ds, i could go on but those are the main ones i have on my flashcart. maybe you could sneak in my japanese coach if you're daring
      warioware diy for the fundamentals, smilebasic does the same but brings you a little closer to a more traditional dev environment (for the DOS era)
      get a fricking notebook and pencil and start writing from your stream of consciousness homie hahahahaha
      warioware diy, the korg games (you can even export songs as midi), metronome dsi if you have an instrument lying around, nitrotracker
      why don't (You) have a modded 3ds right now, anon?

      • 6 months ago

        Redpill me on Korg. Is there a benefit over just going straight to FL?

        • 6 months ago

          pirating korg m01d is risk and hassle free compared to piracy, especially with the korg synthesizer ds rom, but that has a bigger learning curve if you're fresh to making beep boop shit in my experience. i've never used FL but i'd imagine it's still more intuitive and has a better toolset if you can find a good rip online, and has the benefit of using a vst if you don't like whatever instrument set it comes with

          tldr; 3ds is more convenient in a lot of ways while fl studio is just straight up better and more intuitive

    • 6 months ago

      difficulty is just a pleb filter
      what are you, some kinda casual? rise to the occasion

    • 6 months ago

      I don't want to be filtered anymore

      • 6 months ago

        Ashino No Joe is the opposite of Ganker.
        Joe loves boxing so much, despite initially hating it, that he ends up dying to it.
        Meanwhile we just grew up loving games, but now hate it so much we don't even play them as much, instead shitposting about games.

    • 6 months ago

      You didn't become a dodge god in action games in your first attempt.
      taking the first step, failing and perservering is necessary. I'm 2 years past starting to study gamedev. 6 months into developing my game. My steam page will go up in about two weeks.

    • 6 months ago

      surely you can get decent at at least 1 of these things. you're not that big of a failure, are you?

    • 6 months ago

      I made it 5/9 of the translations of the areas and NPCs. Then it's translating all of the combat dialogue once that is done. I decided instead of machine translating everything for multiple versions, one for each language, it will all be in one version so bug fixing and updating will be easier, but it also means adding everything manually so it can be viewed with an option. Gonna take a long time.

      Drawing you can look at older art and use a lot of shortcuts, like making one image and splitting it into limbs so it has a "controlling a puppet" effect, perfect for pixel art and more and looks natural.
      Japanaese is hell.
      2D art is easier than 3D, but 3D you can use more bases to start with.
      Coding is easy once you get into it.
      Ideas are very easy to make.
      Music you need to study older video game music with midi files, so you can see how they did stuff like pads and leads with percussion, then you can make something like it after seeing what they usually look like. It requires a bit if study, but after a while you learn what works best for certain things.

    • 6 months ago

      If I get a job I'll have to do drawabox, because I don't think the startup will let me play Doom/DmC 1 on my break.

  15. 6 months ago

    I can't draw, make music or program.

    Best I could make is probably a Doom map and even then it would be crap compared to any of the current community maps

    • 6 months ago

      >I can't draw,
      free assets
      >make music
      royalty free
      >or program.
      literally, copy and paste other people code, there are engines that you can make an entire game without a single line of code

      • 6 months ago

        That's just a recipe for making a shit game, or a prototype.

        • 6 months ago

          What else would you start off with but a prototype?

          • 6 months ago

            How are you going to learn to create anything without actually creating anything yourself?

      • 6 months ago

        games that use free assets or royalty free music basically get gamer ick. all the indie wonders are made by devs with drawing/art skills, or have butt buddies willing to do that work for them.

    • 6 months ago

      Every single artist, every single musician and every single programmer, once upon a time, could not do it also. You think these people just picked up a pen, instrument or got on a keyboard and knew how to do it day 1? I hate people like you so fricking much. Your favorite anything couldn't do it at one point, I hate you cause this is just laziness but without calling yourself lazy. You can, you either don't want to, or don't care. Shut the frick up.

      • 6 months ago

        The sad reality is that everything we make will fricking suck, and it will suck for YEARS until one day it doesn't.
        I don't know about the other anons, but it is difficult to leave my ego at the door. Imagine spending hours writing a story only for it to be absolute shit. Well duh, it's the first story you write, and the next one will suck too, and the next one after that.
        It makes everything feel pointless and meaningless, and if you poison your thoughts with ideas about talent and youth and all that shit doomposters post here, then you just feel like gooning for 7 hours because life is shit and everything is pointless.
        Most people here fall for the Adachi memes and just give up, and since misery loves company they WILL drag down anyone they can.
        And then one day you find 10 years have got behind you.

        • 6 months ago

          Try 19

          • 6 months ago

            >And you run, and you run to catch up with the sun but it's sinking
            >Racing around to come up behind you again
            >The sun is the same in a relative way but you're older
            >Shorter of breath and one day closer to death

            • 6 months ago

              My wrists have now starting to ache a little so that was a sign that age has finally caught up to me. Doing art takes a bit longer now due to me still adjusting to the compression wrap.

              • 6 months ago

                Cute drawings, anon.
                Now draw them kissing.

              • 6 months ago

                Here's Fem!Bison instead. I'm actually a failed leaf cartoonist.

              • 6 months ago

                >Corrected to Leaf.
                How did you fail in Canada? Canada is known for z-grade shit and hiring nearly anyone to work on animation, that art style is great.

              • 6 months ago

                He's probably deeply mentally ill.

              • 6 months ago

                >Animator/artist is severely mentally ill.
                Many such cases.

              • 6 months ago


                He's probably deeply mentally ill.

                . Let's just say that I'm hard to work with about my honesty.

              • 6 months ago

                Cute art style.

              • 6 months ago

                just came into the thread to ask what brush people use for this squiggly/scratchy stroke? I see it everywhere, I imagine it's something from a specific software?

              • 6 months ago

                Anon that’s just a basic pencil brush, you can download one for any software that has brushes, and most likely comes with many

        • 6 months ago

          >sad reality is that everything we make will fricking suck, and it will suck for YEARS
          Just temper your expectations of success, but still tell yourself "This is the one, this is going to be a hit." and do all you can to make it so.

        • 6 months ago

          >I don't know about the other anons, but it is difficult to leave my ego at the door. Imagine spending hours writing a story only for it to be absolute shit. Well duh, it's the first story you write, and the next one will suck too, and the next one after that.
          People are Black folk and drop off because they got into these stuff to get gud.
          I got into music not because I wanted to get gud. I got into it because of shitposting. Even now I still consider it a shitpost, I made a music video to postal 2 that was a techno track that show off the peeing and cat shotgun mechanics. Why? Cause it's fun.
          People need to learn to have fun and not get gud.

    • 6 months ago

      If you can make Doom maps then make Doom maps. Toby Fox started by making Earthbound romhacks, if his shitty game can make him millions then you can practice with Doom and move on to actual game engines later

  16. 6 months ago

    How do I make music on a PC? I play some guitar and piano, but I've never made fully digital music. Any program recommendations?

    • 6 months ago

      FL Studio

    • 6 months ago

      • 6 months ago

        i generated this music using a free online tool (soundtrap) I just opened a piano mixer and stopped typing random notes

        Should I go pro and use Fl studio? Maybe i got kick for it

        • 6 months ago

          It's horrible but hey, it's a shitpost, right?

        • 6 months ago

          bells sound nice, synths a little harsh though
          just get reaper and look for free vsts, theres endless shit you can do with that after a little learning curve. also has a built in way to just use your computer keyboard as like, a midi keyboard if you dont like tapping in the notes with a mouse.

    • 6 months ago

      Fruity loops is so idiotically easy program to learn and has made many kid a millionaire by making electronic music that blew up in the radios, it's an incredible tool for making just about any kind of music you want and the license isn't too expensive either

      I've only ever pirated it though

  17. 6 months ago

    did he and his husband groom at least one orphan?

  18. 6 months ago

    Ive got 12+ years of animation/art experience, and have been learning 3d recently. I've made small scale NSFW "games" and a porn VN before.
    However I want to make something thats SFW, and i absolutely loved coffin of andy and class of 09 games (both with heavy emphasis on characters/dialogue).
    However i'd like my game to have walking around elements/3d backgrounds, but then a question pops up like "but why". Sure my characters can walk around to talk to other npcs, and outside of looking neat, does it really serve a purpose or make people instead be annoyed that they have to walk around the places to interact?
    Wouldn't I need actual gameplay between those moments.
    The closest i can think of that would be something like helltaker and catherine, where you have dialogue bits followed by gamepllay and then back to dialogue.
    Also im afraid of game scope getting too big and would prefer to make something that lasts maybe 3-5 hours at best and doesnt overstay its welcome.

    • 6 months ago

      >However i'd like my game to have walking around elements/3d backgrounds, but then a question pops up like "but why". Sure my characters can walk around to talk to other npcs, and outside of looking neat, does it really serve a purpose or make people instead be annoyed that they have to walk around the places to interact?
      Ha, yeah, I imagine that kind of question would pop up often during a dev cycle. I suppose that being able to walk around emphasises the freedom of choice. If you have a list of characters to talk to, you will always talk to them all. But if you need to go find them in different places and situations it requires you to have some agency of your own. Idk what are you making exactly, but maybe you could add some non-obvious interactions, maybe items you can find and use/give to the characters, or maybe invite the characters to different locations?

      • 6 months ago

        I got an idea for a game but still writing out the story. I enjoy batshit crazy characters, so right now the inspiration is make it like class of 09/falling down, where the story is there's no good choices, its just pick how much worse it gets till the resolution.
        There also lies the question of branching narrative. In VN style games, reloading to go into another branch is relatively quick and you can pick up where you were before without too much backtracking. But in a game with the ability to walk around, you'd really need to make like a forced save at a point where the branch starts (and game likely then has to be skill based and not anything to do with stats, otherwise grinding isnt that fun for a shorter game).

  19. 6 months ago

    I don't understand how TEMU is presenting itself, they say "Shop like a billionaire" but they sell cheap shit. I don't get it.

  20. 6 months ago

    No I will keep making excuses and be a failure and theres nothing you can do about it lol

    Make me mom

  21. 6 months ago

    I have a porn addiction that doesnt allow me to do anything or enjoy my life thought

    • 6 months ago

      stop watching porn

    • 6 months ago

      homie stop watching porn

    • 6 months ago

      >All my creative endeavors are centered around creating porn
      >Can't get good enough because I can't stop watching porn

      • 6 months ago

        what helped me is only jerking it to my own stuff. eventually you'll pass the fappability threshold

    • 6 months ago

      Stop watching porn b***h

  22. 6 months ago

    fat pedophile

  23. 6 months ago

    >fat old bastard
    go hit the swimming pool! hit the gym! take hgh! no more excuses you lazy fat frick!

    • 6 months ago

      Based unrealistic expectations chad
      The reality is we're not perfect, of course we'll fail and frick up and be total morons probably 90% of the time, but that 10% makes life worth it, giving up on that is like suicide but worse.

  24. 6 months ago

    If anything the new FOTM Lethal Company should be proof that a fun concept, that I'm sure everyone in here has thought of, has a chance of being a massive jackpot with some minimal work in it. I mean, from everything that I've seen it seems like a straight forward game without much going for graphics or mechanics. Pretty sure it uses Steam's servers as well, so no need for you to mess with backend shit like that.

  25. 6 months ago

    ok but i need someone to make art and one person to code

  26. 6 months ago

    This guy literally built a career off of Fallout 1. 26 years later and it's still the only good game he's ever been involved in.

    • 6 months ago

      You're right, but very few people can actually brag on working on more than several cult games.

  27. 6 months ago

    you made outer worlds
    didn't listen, I'm gonna jack off 14 times today to pool toys cope seethe etc

  28. 6 months ago

    eh, by the time I reach a "good enough" level AI is going to be miles better and will do anything that I will be able to. The best play is to sit back and relax while AI gets better

    • 6 months ago

      By the time you're good enough to make good games the government would've disclosed what they know about UFOs and we will be part of the Galactic Federation

  29. 6 months ago

    Some people are just not meant to make games, why is that so hard to believe? You always hear about a Toby Fox or a Scott Cawthon who made one little game and became icons in the industry almost overnight, but you never hear about the hundreds or even thousands of indie devs that tried, maybe even harder, but failed and fell into obscurity. Besides you also have a life to live, work to get done and support yourself and maybe in some cases, other people, you can't just gamble with your future
    Tl;dr Some people have skill and luck and some have neither, and none of us get any younger

    • 6 months ago

      Casual reminder that there is, on average 20 games releasing on steam everyday.
      Not to be a doomer but.

    • 6 months ago

      if you can write an honest to god design document you're already half-way there. most people can't conceptualize their game on that level beyond some vague ideas and "plays like X".

      • 6 months ago

        Do you have any examples? Those spund like a fun read

      • 6 months ago

        >if you can write an honest to god design document you're already half-way there
        lmao even
        No you're not.
        Design phase isn't even 10% of the work.

      • 6 months ago

        This reminds me about something a programming teacher once said to us, abiut working in other unis and teaching about game development and how the difference between teams was so bad one team managed to make a game while the other only designed the game

    • 6 months ago

      Scott made a crapton of games that all failed before he landed a hit. Toby as well worked for years on romhacks and writing/music before he tried to do undertale. Neither of them made it big on their first try.

      • 6 months ago

        damn fricking straight anon this thread is making me want to work on my video game this evening

        • 6 months ago

          Go for it. Even the guy who made lethal company that everyone is talking about, has made a ton of games in roblox, then made two games in a normal engine before finally developing lethal company.

        • 6 months ago

          >needing threads like this to stay motivated

          kek ngmi

          • 6 months ago

            nice reddit spacing homosexual, I suggest you just go back

            • 6 months ago

              >he unironically believes in reddit spacing
              I thought that summer was over

      • 6 months ago

        This. You're supposed to work on small shit to gain experience. Even Shigeru Miyamoto had to go through this phase before he became famous.

        • 6 months ago

          The only one i can think of that got a hit from first time learning/coding/arting is the guy who made stardew valley, but hes some sort of autist savant and not a representation of the average person.

          • 6 months ago

            Also you should not be attempting to have your first video game be your dream game. This is a mistake I see a lot of people.

      • 6 months ago

        Also, it should be encouraging to acknowledge that Scott was 36 when FNAF came out and didn't start seeing actual success and money until he was almost 40.

    • 6 months ago

      then do it, fail, and move on instead of self putying yourself like a homosexual forever

      • 6 months ago

        >i'm so glad.... that i spent my time making shitty games... *shits himself* beeeeeeeeep

        • 6 months ago

          I used to think like this until I realized I actually enjoyed and learned much form making them. They were broken half the time and some stuff were coddled together like a spaghetti but all in all, I believe I am not only getting better. I'm getting more efficient with my workflow. That's the real beauty of it. You're never meant stop learning about your passion.

    • 6 months ago

      >You always hear about a Scott Cawthon who made one little game and became icon in the industry almost overnight
      Scott Cawthon took over 20 years and more than 50 games before making the first Five Nights At Freddie's.

      Black folk here expect to make an Undertale on their first try and can't even bother to learn how to make a donut or compile a project.

      • 6 months ago

        Scott was also a shitspammer asset-flip profiteer. He did nothing special whatsoever, dude is R.L. Stine for the zoomalpha frickers, and I can't hate him for it. "What if thing for kids was evil" is the most banal shit imaginable to an old jaded frick, but every kid discovers that idea for the first time.

      • 6 months ago

        Scott was also a shitspammer asset-flip profiteer. He did nothing special whatsoever, dude is R.L. Stine for the zoomalpha frickers, and I can't hate him for it. "What if thing for kids was evil" is the most banal shit imaginable to an old jaded frick, but every kid discovers that idea for the first time.

        >devout christian pivoting from religious projects to shitty games to support his family
        >doesn't really work out financially and slammed by critics repeatedly
        >loses life insurance when expressing thoughts of suicide
        >surmises that his death has no value and asks god to use him somehow
        >makes five night's at freddy's as his next game
        this guy must be like giga christian now what the frick

  30. 6 months ago

    Problem is TODAY it's infinitely both easier and difficult to get into development. Tools are out there, but to create anything on a higher level requires too much of one person unless you make it your life's passion you'll work on for free.

  31. 6 months ago

    >Good writer (have had many people I respect compliment my work, including a few "real" authors.)
    >Decent musician.
    >Middling artist, certainly good enough for an indie game.
    >Coding is a fricking nightmare and no matter how hard I try, I can't wrap my head around it.
    The fricking curse bros. I don't want to make a VN with good music, I want to make a proper vidya with level design and real gameplay.

    • 6 months ago

      Any writing tips, how do you get ideas?

      • 6 months ago

        Listen to Writing Excuses podcast.

      • 6 months ago

        I feel like basic ideas are easy, working on them is difficult. I love history and pull a lot from it, and that's a free ideas bucket right there. Getting the characters down, their individual arcs and dynamics, making sure they have distinctive voices and don't all sound the same (frick every movie in the MCU for this), etc. is where the challenge lies for me. So many cool high-concept things get let down by shitty character writing and no sense of individual voice.

        • 6 months ago

          I'm the opposite, for some reason ideas for characters, their arcs and relationships come easier and more frequently to me.

          Read a fricking book. Read multiple books. If you want to make a sci-fi game read books from the the 1960s or 1890s. The worst part about hack "writers" working in vidya these days is that none of them have actually read any books.

          I do wanna make a sci-fi game because I already read and love sci-fi, maybe I shouldn't be as afraid of ripping off different books and combining them as I am. I was thinking of reading Asimov next, I only read some of his short stories before.

          • 6 months ago

            You're already on the right track, the thing about writing is there's no real universal advice for it. Inspiration comes from everywhere and anywhere, and it's different for everyone. Some writers are incredible at world-building but write very wooden dialog, others are fantastic at dialog but their actual plots are meandering and pointless. The thing I'm writing right now, if I can't get it made into a game, will be something I'd like to try to publish as a big book, because I'm trying to do fun weird metatextual/ergodic things with it, kind of like House of Leaves. Ideally, though, it can be what I actually want it to be, which is a word logic/grammar puzzle game. Localizing it would be impossible, but that's thinking ten steps ahead.

      • 6 months ago

        Read a fricking book. Read multiple books. If you want to make a sci-fi game read books from the the 1960s or 1890s. The worst part about hack "writers" working in vidya these days is that none of them have actually read any books.

        • 6 months ago

          Fricking this too, read books. The amount of times video games get sucked off for simply stealing the plot of a book is completely telling.

        • 6 months ago

          reading whole books is probably at an all time low. So many kiddies grew up on web articles and social media and now many of them are grown ups with jobs and responsibilities and its obvious how their minds were formed. We're gonna be in bad shape when those people are 50 and running corporations and governments. I went to community college in 2009 before attending a major college. That place was filled with children. Lazy and spoiled and immature and a large number of them flat out refused to do any real work for most of their classes. And they complained a lot. Very whiny. Most of them left in the first semester which is just as well, but it made me sad. And now they're all real adults and I have no clue what their lives are like. If they got stomped by community college the outside world must have killed them.

      • 6 months ago
        Start with 10.1

      • 6 months ago

        Not him but I've never understood not having ideas for writing. Getting an idea is the easiest part, it's executing it thats the real struggle. I've written dozens of short stories but I really don't think I could write and entire novel's worth of content mainly because I just lack the ability to organize my ideas. Instead I get sidetracked onto something new

        • 6 months ago

          Try making a series of short stories all somewhat connected to each other even just loosely then make a grandee connecting piece between them all.

        • 6 months ago

          >conjure up bullshit spanning across thousands of years with intertwining histories
          >can't write any of it down

        • 6 months ago

          My issue is having ideas of worth. Like I have fun little ideas but then once the novelty wears off I wonder if there's any substance to grab people. Then when I try to create a substantive idea I hit a wall because I only have a surface level understanding of what I think would be the heart of the project.

          • 6 months ago

            This is what's known as "legs," friend. Does your idea have staying power, or would it be better-suited to a short story? There's nothing wrong with a short story, but not every idea has enough range to span a saga.

        • 6 months ago

          I want to make a winter game about figure-skating but don't have a story. Right now it's just a musical platformer, but having no plot prevents me from designing characters and world. I don't have an end-goal. Idk if there should even be a villain. How do I reward a player for completing a level? Should I be collecting macguffins? Should I try copying from popular ballets like Swan Lake? Even then I struggle combining a story like that with gameplay. What do you got for me?

          pls help

          • 6 months ago

            >How do I reward a player for completing a level
            New levels , new difficulties, cosmetics etc. I can't really see interesting plots revolving around figure skating itself except for maybe every performance having it's own self contained story.

            Sports games like that aren't usually centered around plot, it's just gameplay.

            • 6 months ago

              >Sports games like that aren't usually centered around plot, it's just gameplay.
              It's more inspired by performing arts than the sport. There are several ballets and shows performed on ice. I figure it can be pretty emotional.

              >New levels , new difficulties, cosmetics etc.
              I know that but every game has SOME kind of story. Even Mario has a story. You rescue somebody. Should my character save someone? What kind of person are they? What is their origin? What kind of themes and dialogue? Am I trying to reach somewhere? This is what I struggle with. My mind is just blank when it comes to that stuff. People who say story doesn't matter don't know how much time companies put into designing their IPs. Story isn't just an oversimplified plot summary. It's about setting, about character. Even the gameplay, graphics, and music are linked to the story. All of it. You aren't just a square saving another square, you're an italian plumber named Mario jumping through mushroom valleys to rescue princess toadstool from the evil turtle king koopa. Jumping on stuff is part of Mario's character.

              Maybe I'm overthinking it. I could write some generic slop like "fire dude threatens ice kingdom and ice princess has to stop him through power of skating. Mute protagonist." I don't find it satisfying though. However it's what I might resort to if I want to make this game a reality. Not only is receiving help hard but I'm also a picky b***h. Sometimes you have to accept that not every aspect will be perfect. And I know that asking for creative writing on the spot isn't reasonable either. This stuff takes days.

              I don't plan on making some shovelware olympic game with QTEs. It will be an actual 3D platformer. You ever played Mario Galaxy with the ice powerup? I want that but more. Anyways I figure it might be better if I made a working demo first before I try asking for assistance. I hesitated because making animations for a placeholder is a drag but it's probably for the best

          • 6 months ago

            if you really need a writer, i may be willing to provide

          • 6 months ago

            Guess you can change the environment to something unique for each level if it's not realistic (different shapes for arenas).
            I would just experiment and see for yourself what the hardest things to do for a new player would be and start placing the pieces together that way. A lot of game designers usually wait to design the first level last in their games to get a better feel for their game/engine and to make sure the new player has a good grip and idea what to expect going forward from the opening level.

      • 6 months ago

        I honestly don't know how you end up struggling to write. I just don't get it. Anyone can do it, and half the shit out there that sells isn't even particularly good.
        Just write, pick a topic and write.

        • 6 months ago

          nah bro it is actually hard, once your story gets bigger than your working memory you start to get lost in the sauce and need organization to make it all flow right and make sense and be entertaining etc.

          • 6 months ago

            the writers of final fantasy 8 are what happens when you just let yourself get lost in the story lol

    • 6 months ago

      RPG Maker sends his regards

      • 6 months ago

        >RPG Maker
        Go frick yourself. I don't want to make LISA, I have full sketch turnarounds and models for my characters, I'm not going to destroy their designs to do le epic indie pixelslop. I'm a sketch artist, I learned how to do this shit by accurately drawing naked old ladies when I was a kid.

        • 6 months ago

          Zoomers like you shouldn't be making games anyway.

          • 6 months ago

            Shut the frick up, Indian.

            • 6 months ago

              Is Indian finally replacing troony as a buzzword? I accept your concession. Keep b***hing online about your inability to do anything, instead of working on your game that will never exist past sketches and some shitty blender models though.

              • 6 months ago

                No, shitskins made the new Bethesda slop. Frick every Indian programmer on earth. Post your hand, street-shitting homosexual.

              • 6 months ago

                I'm aimed at your post right now you incompetent freak, stop whining online and pirate a programming book you dumb attentionprostitute homosexual.

              • 6 months ago

                Nice airsoft, Rajneesh. Dibudldabld dibuldadie sdfsdfsdgf dibldue?

              • 6 months ago

                Nogunz programlet wannabe gamedev can't even identify an airsoft. Please don't flood the industry.

              • 6 months ago

                >Fat man flexing his actual weapons like a Black person.
                >He's white.
                Motherfricker, that's even more sad. Put that revolver in your mouth and pull the trigger. Point up, though, don't blow your jaw off, fatty.

              • 6 months ago

                Heh, nothing personnel kid.

                *flicks cylinder back into barrel and pulls the trigger*

                Shame, you could have made something of yourself if you weren't such a whiny little b***h.

                *sighs and takes drag of cigarette.*

              • 6 months ago

                >HURR I GOT LOADED GUN
                negligent discharge in process, it's like watching The Whale in real time

              • 6 months ago

                In what way is that firearm loaded?

              • 6 months ago

                >Bullet in every single chamber.
                >Not loaded.
                Please, never ever go near a gun, you fat little autistic shit.

              • 6 months ago

                That firearm is unloaded and not in battery. You are a moron.

              • 6 months ago

                Bad photoshop, kys Black person. Post video.

        • 6 months ago

          you need to get real. if your game is even moderately successful you could scrounge up funds to do a remake, but with that attitude your game will never be made. we're not in 2008 anymore, as long as you have talent to make up some art/music that's enough draw to attract an audience. slay the princess has fricking horrible art but it has a following; coffin of andy and leyley is hot garbage, but the chick behind that made millions. gamers want presentation, they don't go for dwarf fortress anymore.

          • 6 months ago

            Shut up you worthless homosexual. Not a single person gives a frick for Pajeet advice.

            • 6 months ago

              i'm not indian, and that was my first reply to you. as far as I can tell, this is an art developer's game. even that concernedape guy got a big following from very basic pixel art.

    • 6 months ago

      learn scratch and then work your way up from there. scratch is gamedev boiled down to such bare essentials that toddlers can do it

      • 6 months ago

        redpill me on this. What kind of games is it good for making? RPGs? First person?

        • 6 months ago

          2d games. scratch was literally designed by MIT to teach children programming. to my knowledge you can't sell anything you make in it, but it's stupid simple to learn. use it as a stepping stool to move up to a big boy engine/language. if you're going the 3d route check out unreal engine next, it has a visual scripting language similar to scratch so you don't have to learn a proper language if you don't want to

    • 6 months ago

      Just make the vn. If it gets popular it means you'll have a name to yourself and launch point to making a real "game"

    • 6 months ago

      You could just pay someone else to do that.

  32. 6 months ago

    I propose we get a communal board fund to to help fund Ganker projects the non-NEETs can generously bankroll. We are our own advertisers anyways and sooner or later some normalgay is going to find the shit that's made here. All it needs is the little push forward for the project to spring forth.

    • 6 months ago

      lmao yeah based idea sir grifter sir

      nothing like another troony drama on Ganker

  33. 6 months ago

    >"Okay, I'll make game!"
    >Pick Java
    >mfw making a simple text-based hangman

    • 6 months ago

      We all gotta start somewhere.

      • 6 months ago

        And starting is the hardest part

        • 6 months ago

          Starting Is unironicly the easier part. I would say the hardest is when you are about 5-10% of the way towards your goal, that is when most people drop off, of any project. Once you are over the hump though it becomes habitual

          • 6 months ago

            >TFW 80% done with the writing, art, and sound design/music.
            >All systems designed, prototyped with my spaghetti script-kiddie knowledge, they work as intended on a singular-instance scale.
            >Alright time to learn coding and make this thing.

          • 6 months ago

            I just can't fricking into game engines. It seems that every time I get somewhat deep in Godot/Unity it gets too sloppy and I need to start again.
            I prefer coding it by hand because at least I can apply regular programming concepts, there it's like a layer's abstraction is there holding me back.

    • 6 months ago

      my condolences

      • 6 months ago

        I needed to learn something that could help me get a job and also make games. Java seemed reasonable enough to get started but it is really, really fricking difficult.
        Are Python and C++ better picks? I was trying with Godot but it felt like a waste of time, like learning to code in RPGMaker.

        • 6 months ago

          Not him but C++ is the standard but whatever gets your feet wet first should be good throughout as long as you keep going.

        • 6 months ago

          It's fine, I personally dislike Java but I have seen some incredible games made with it (even massive world simulations, so the language isn't a limiting factor). The main strength of it is portability.

        • 6 months ago

          python is the easiest but you'll have a harder time switching to languages that aren't similar to it. go python if you want the difficulty spike to be backloaded rather than frontloaded

    • 6 months ago

      Here, I'll help you.

      That said, Java isn't really used in game development. Lucky for you, coding concepts pretty much apply across all languages, you'll just have to get used to different syntaxes. Keep learning Java for now and get comfortable with how code works.

  34. 6 months ago

    i fricking am
    and it isnt fricking working so i have a headache

    • 6 months ago

      nvm fixed it

      • 6 months ago


  35. 6 months ago

    >shop like a billionaire
    but I don't have billions to spend

  36. 6 months ago

    >Shop like a Billonarie

    Can you get a "limited edition" shitty car of 5 million usd?
    Can you buy mahogany trees ?
    Can you buy AAirpass cards?

  37. 6 months ago

    He's a homosexual but he's right.

    • 6 months ago

      He's a literal homosexual and he's almost always right. Tim is fricking based, you little zoomer.
      >VTMB: Bloodlines
      His career is a string of RPG classics, show some fricking respect.

  38. 6 months ago

    Making video games by yourself is peak Ganker. It separates the wheat from the chaff of autistic focus.

  39. 6 months ago


  40. 6 months ago

    >start making games
    I have. I just got my first gamedev job. Frick you all NGMI homosexuals.

    • 6 months ago

      Show some respect, you were once like us.

      • 6 months ago

        I'm pretty sure I never was a doomposter.

  41. 6 months ago

    I just finished the tech for the outro/epilogues, which is the very last thing I had to set up in terms of technology that's used throughout the game. I'm also probably going to finish the first quarter of the game this week and I'm shooting for completing it by the end of the year.

  42. 6 months ago
    • 6 months ago

      This but for 15 years.
      I think my idea is finally good enough.

  43. 6 months ago

    I play enough vidya at home that I dont want be in front of a computer when I'm working. I like being outside

  44. 6 months ago

    I don't want to make a game. I like playing games, I never desired to make a game. It's not an excuse.

  45. 6 months ago

    >can code
    >can't do art, music, graphics etc
    >have ZERO good ideas
    it's over for me isnt it, i'm not getting any younger

    • 6 months ago

      Be my coder anon, we will be powerful together. You like isometric CRPGs and alternate-history western fiction?

  46. 6 months ago

    >Making folders on Pinterest why the artstyle i want, from the weapons to the environments
    >making playlists with specific songs i want for combat, ambience, and even stpry moments
    >making the dialogue in my head, because writing it down would be even cringier
    >blender? Too dumb to make even low poly models
    >unity? Too stupid and impatient to get code working
    >photoshop? The pulse of an old guy with parkison addicted to cocaine
    Oh yeah, it's ideas guy time

  47. 6 months ago

    >TEMU: Shop like a billionaire
    I get this ad all the time. What exactly does it mean to shop like a billionaire? I dont think elon musk buys crappy plastic garbage from china with his billions

    • 6 months ago

      it means you get to benefit from economies of scale and you get wholesale prices for a singular item.
      it's also just a shitty tagline to get zoomers to think they're getting a great deal on cheap chinese junk.

      • 6 months ago

        not even zoomers fall for this shit

        • 6 months ago

          zoomers fall for the opposite which is paying x10 the price for the same shit. I dont know about temu but using sites like aliexpress and taobao are the signs of a savvy consumer.

  48. 6 months ago

    Fine. It's been years but okay. I think I'm going to try to make a Puzzle Fighter clone

  49. 6 months ago

    i dont know what engine to use. im just an artist

  50. 6 months ago

    but I don't like making games, I like playing and modding them

  51. 6 months ago

    Bros do I bite the bullet and install EGS and learn UE? I'm not sure I want to use Unity after the shit they pulled

    • 6 months ago

      Take the Godot pill

    • 6 months ago

      Do it.

    • 6 months ago

      unity and unreal are equally shit and pull equally shitty shit moron

    • 6 months ago

      Unreal Editor caused my computer to crash and turning it off resulted in bricking my hard drive.

  52. 6 months ago

    I won't because if it is ever successful some psycho will go through my past and find my chudposts and cancel me (I'm also a talentless moron)

    • 6 months ago

      We'll defend you.

      • 6 months ago

        Now that I have anon from post on my mind I'm going to make my fantasy magic based space RPG (shameless elder Scrolls 40K setting) where you can have sex with female legally distinct argonians with full penetration and a deep, expansive mpreg system.

    • 6 months ago

      build a completely new identity then

    • 6 months ago

      do this

      build a completely new identity then

      It worked for me. Just make sure you have no ties to the past.

  53. 6 months ago

    I don't feel like spending year or two making an equivalent of pissing in the ocean

    • 6 months ago

      you just have to piss harder than the others

    • 6 months ago

      Everything you do is pissing in the ocean. You're a weak spirit. Spend the rest of your life working at a shit job thinking "what if."

  54. 6 months ago

    After seeing what just happened to coffin game and it's dev, I think my ideas are best left to my own head and never see the light of day

    • 6 months ago

      What happened?

      • 6 months ago

        too successful and i dont like its threads. this is not what i want for my game

    • 6 months ago

      I don't give a flying frick if I get doxxed. Come the frick at me, b***hes. I have a great home security system and own several guns.

    • 6 months ago

      God, what a pussy "oh no people are le mad at me" good get mad, mold ,get old and eat shit.

    • 6 months ago

      Go on

    • 6 months ago

      Literally nothing, and she's still rich

    • 6 months ago

      >make a shit ton of money
      Well even if he got doxxed, he made enough to subside, and he can keep going even if there is shit being flung his way, His game is not illegal or unethical.

      My nudes are plastered on the internet and I have a lot of enemies who would want nothing more than to ruin me but I'm gonna keep going because I have no other choice in life at this point. I have to try.

    • 6 months ago

      dont make games that are schizo magnets

  55. 6 months ago


  56. 6 months ago

    >start making game
    >see AI art getting bigger every day
    >lose all motivation to continue

    Just can't do it. I'm not good enough of an artist that my art can carry a basic game, especially now that that AI art is everywhere, and I can't bring myself to practice art because we're already on the verge of being completely replaced and it's only getting worse.

    • 6 months ago

      Either focus on writing a good story or having good game mechanics.

    • 6 months ago

      Excuse maker

    • 6 months ago

      this better be bait cuz you post a variation of this in every creative thread you big fat moron

      • 6 months ago

        AI art should only demoralize concept artists. AI still can't make good 3D models, design cohesive game mechanics, or write a good story. If AI ever replaces writers, it'll be hackfrick Hollywood writers who write generic shit that could be written by an AI anyway.
        >Grizzled hero.
        >Has hung up the mantle.
        >[Old flame/old friend/mob boss/CIA glowie/etc.] character comes to him with one last job!
        >I deny the call to adventure!
        >But this time it's personal! They have your [son/daughter/dog/were the ones that killed your parents/wronged you in the past].
        Etc. D&D backstory randomizers did this in the 80s.

  57. 6 months ago

    I started and stopped so many game projects. RPGs, Metroidvanias, RTSs, Platformers, Bullet hells, Roguelike, Monster Battler, SHMUP,

  58. 6 months ago

    Making a game is realistically the easiest solo get rich quick scheme. Like if you're an artist or writer and can't stick out from the crowd, just make a VN and morons will think it's special. Aren't a good 3d modeler? That's okay, just make low-poly. Gamers have the lowest standards.

  59. 6 months ago

    he recommends using publicly available art and sound if you cant do art and sound. i can only think of one game that did this and was reasonably successful (crystal project). most indie games that 'make it' definitely have original art and sound. if your project looks public domain people won't want it.

    • 6 months ago

      His point is more that if you cant do art right now, use public assets and just make a game to start with. It can be bad and crappy but it will give you experience in game dev that you wont ever get if you try to make your first game at a "perfect" time.

    • 6 months ago

      His point is more that if you cant do art right now, use public assets and just make a game to start with. It can be bad and crappy but it will give you experience in game dev that you wont ever get if you try to make your first game at a "perfect" time.

      Or use placeholder art. Get the skeleton of your game in place THEN polish it.

  60. 6 months ago


  61. 6 months ago

    Nice ad phoneposter

  62. 6 months ago

    what is the EASIEST game engine?
    i just want to make little dinky tiny games to mess around with first.
    I found a thing called GB Studio which looks pretty neat. Drag-and-drop interface for creating game boy games, and I could make my own shitty game boy graphics. Good place to starT?

    • 6 months ago

      GameMaker recently became free for non-console, non-commercial purposes.

      You could try that.

      • 6 months ago

        enjoy your botnet

        • 6 months ago

          If GML found my idea good enough to steal, I'd be flattered.

  63. 6 months ago

    Tim I love your games, but I have no interest in making one myself. I can find plenty of games made even today that I like, I just have to actually look for them.

  64. 6 months ago


    have a nice day. And I bet that's someone you don't like who you're trying to spam with homosexuals, right?

  65. 6 months ago

    Something about this guy makes me extremely uncomfortable.

    • 6 months ago

      You're moronic and it's alright.

    • 6 months ago

      He's a homosexual. That's just your natural instincts kicking in.

      • 6 months ago

        my gaydar has never failed.

        • 6 months ago

          >Uncomfortable because a fully clothed old married gay man is talking about game dev.
          Fricking hell man Tim isn't even flaming. Chris Avellone is straight (and got twitter-cancelled for being so), and if you listen to the man talk, you'd think he sucks dicks every night in public bathrooms. Dude has an insanely unfortunate homosexual voice.

          • 6 months ago

            Chris Avellone didn't trigger my gaydar, though.

            • 6 months ago

              Man, that's on you. I'm a bisexual degenerate and assumed Chris was into dicks from the second I heard him talk. I bet even women assume he's gay sometimes. Fricking tell me he doesn't sound 500 times more gay than Tim:

              • 6 months ago

                >This was the guy women accused of rape.
                Jesus fricking christos.

  66. 6 months ago

    isn't this the guy who threw a shitfit because he couldn't shoot a ceiling?

  67. 6 months ago

    There isn't a gaming industry in my thirdie country

  68. 6 months ago
    • 6 months ago

      Yep! He's happily married, too. I love Tim, he's the gay bear dad I never had.

      • 6 months ago

        Tim is so cool

  69. 6 months ago

    i maed a gaim. but now days, u use a editor, nasty 'pro-gamer- AAA' studio say, u use editor? ur ideas my property now, since that my editor! u no haff $$, our idea! so me no maygk gaims no moar 4 free

  70. 6 months ago

    how do i avoid getting doxxed before i release my game

  71. 6 months ago

    i'm already making a game, webm related
    making games is a lot of fun and i recommend starting if you haven't already.

    • 6 months ago

      that looks really cool, anon.
      Did you make those monsters yourself or did you use assets made by someone else?

      • 6 months ago

        thanks anon
        some models are mine, some are free assets and some i commissioned
        i'm slowly replacing the asset store ones as i go

  72. 6 months ago


  73. 6 months ago

    Tim Cain becoming a youtuber was the best thing that happened to gaming this decade.

    • 6 months ago

      >has not made anything good since 2004

      • 6 months ago

        Being semi-retired, not fully having his heart in it, and fricked-up design schedules.

      • 6 months ago

        Being a queer isn't profitable anymore.

        • 6 months ago

          He spent most of his career in the closet, and even now rarely talks about it. He made one video on what it was like being gay, it wasn't a victim narrative, and he uploads every day. You really are the obsessed one if you take issue with it.

      • 6 months ago

        A) every team past Troika was too big
        B) californified brain

  74. 6 months ago

    I am, but I'm not really a coder so how I'm mostly drawing up plot outlines, getting a handle on dialogue trees, and assisting in map design.

  75. 6 months ago

    Im too much of a coward and no one would like my moronic setting

    I'm not even sure the best way to format something in 2023, not good enough at programming to make anything with the scope I'd have in mind

    • 6 months ago

      imagine dying and not ever realizing not even 10% of your dreams

      Scott was also a shitspammer asset-flip profiteer. He did nothing special whatsoever, dude is R.L. Stine for the zoomalpha frickers, and I can't hate him for it. "What if thing for kids was evil" is the most banal shit imaginable to an old jaded frick, but every kid discovers that idea for the first time.

      Is this the Ministry of Post-Truth?

      • 6 months ago

        Ask me how I know you're younger than 20, you zoomzoom moron. The "scary clown" archetype shit has been around since before your grandparents were born, across multiple cultures. And it's lame every time.

        • 6 months ago

          >And it's lame every time
          Just because it's overused now doesn't mean every usage of the concept is bad. Paggliachi is still a great opera

          • 6 months ago

            Pagliacci is about a sad clown. The concept itself isn't bad, but FNAF is the laziest, shittiest execution of it. I don't hate Scott, though, in the same way it's stupid to hate the aforementioned R.L. Stine. It's spooky stories for kids, I'm not going to try to critique it like something written for adults, it's an entry-level fun spookshow for 9-year-olds.

  76. 6 months ago

    >step one find a job to grind to have the money for the funds

  77. 6 months ago

    i am debilitatingly lazy

  78. 6 months ago

    you should've started in 1998, it's too late now

  79. 6 months ago

    LOL, at 7:13 he says "I haven't touched israelitenity in years" good ol freudian slip or he did that on purpose

    • 6 months ago

      Sounds like he slurred the d into unity but funny nonetheless.

  80. 6 months ago

    I want to make a game where i rape women to make the strongest e-girls in the world that never age. Then watch them fight to death against other rapists e-girls in tournaments.

    • 6 months ago

      thats a Yakuza minigame i believe

  81. 6 months ago

    I'm working on a Metroidvania, it's just slow going because it's only me and I have a day job. Trying to save money so I can at least get someone else to do music down the line.

  82. 6 months ago

    >start making games right now so that you can bend the knee to anita, trannies and all the other social justice terrorists that make threats against you

    • 6 months ago

      You're 100% in control anon, you can leave the culture war shit at the door completely and just makes something fun.

  83. 6 months ago


  84. 6 months ago

    Almost finished the ragdoll recovery, it's still looks janky and so is the ragdoll but it functions perfectly. Going to work on picking up and throwing enemies next

    • 6 months ago

      You didn't code that shit, shitskin moron. Give up.

      • 6 months ago

        I "coded" (blueprints) the combo system for the combat, the throwing mechanics, the hit reactions, the ragdoll recovery, ect. The only stuff I didn't make was most of the animations, but I tweaked a lot of them and made some myself

        • 6 months ago

          Congratulations, that makes you about 1% as good as a Japanese coder at 16 years old. Unreal is for homosexuals.

          • 6 months ago

            I don't care about being a real coder. I just want to make a game

            • 6 months ago

              Then don't fricking put all your eggs into the EGS Unreal basket you subhuman autistic piece of shit.

              • 6 months ago

                imagine seething this hard over an anon having fun

              • 6 months ago

                Have fun if you want, but the market is flooded with shitskin unreal asset-frick games, and they should die. If you're releasing the game for free, go with allah, pal. Otherwise, get fricked.

        • 6 months ago

          I don't care about being a real coder. I just want to make a game

          Don't listen to crabgays that shit on free assets, they are moronic and probably nodevs as well.

      • 6 months ago


        • 6 months ago

          >Unreal Engine slop.
          No, really, just have a nice day, pajeet.

          • 6 months ago

            POST YOUR WORK, CRABBlack person

  85. 6 months ago

    yeah, we need more shovelware trash cause ~200 games per day on Steam is not enough

  86. 6 months ago

    The people with a passion for any pure production task, are hardly ever the people with a proper comprehension for what good game design is and isn't.
    I'm only the latter, so it's beyond futile.

  87. 6 months ago

    I plan on eventually making a 2D game similar to Shin Megami Tensei but with a lot more African representation when it comes to its demons. This will definitely take a while to happen because I am just beginning in my career. But I am already on my second school year so I am on the right track as it is.

    • 6 months ago

      >African representation
      I know anons here will say that's Black person shit or whatever, but African Witch Doctor shit is so fricking cool and completely untapped territory for games. Please do not give up on this project.

  88. 6 months ago

    Why the frick does this discourse even matter when VIDYA is about to be automatized by AI? In 2024 you will be able to prompt small games. In 2025 indie. In 2026 even AAA games.
    Get a blue collar job and make some money, jesus.

    • 6 months ago


      • 6 months ago

        >muh pajeets
        Artists are on a suicide watch. So are voice actors and writers. Soon indie devs will seeth. I can't wait.

        • 6 months ago


        • 6 months ago

          Holy frick you brown c**t, have a nice day.

        • 6 months ago

          "It's good enough" is why your country doesn't sewage treatment.

  89. 6 months ago

    when i finished my game will Ganker play it 🙂

    • 6 months ago

      Yes anon, good luck

  90. 6 months ago

    >unreal is useless unless you want to make a high fidelity 3d game (too much for a solo dev)
    >godot is half baked shit good enough for a 3 day game jam but a nightmare to work with if you want to make a serious project that has any type of complexity
    >unity is actually a decent software but youd be stupid to entrust years of productivity to a dying greedy engine
    >developing your own engine is too hard if youre just trying to learn
    is gamedev over?

    • 6 months ago

      i'm having this problem too

    • 6 months ago

      i'm having this problem too

      Just use unreal for 3d and godot for 2d, its really not that hard of a choice.

    • 6 months ago

      >unreal is useless unless you want to make a high fidelity 3d game (too much for a solo dev)

      Untrue, picrel is an unreal game and its using 15 year assets and animations. Unreal can make some basic shit if you know what you are doing

      >godot is half baked shit good enough for a 3 day game jam but a nightmare to work with if you want to make a serious project that has any type of complexity

      Half baked, yes, but like any engine you just need to know it well enough to make things happen

      >unity is actually a decent software but youd be stupid to entrust years of productivity to a dying greedy engine

      This is true

      Anyways, the only issue with any engine is time. Most come with plugins and shit to work around limitations, you just have to really figure out what you want to make and see if that engine is good for your work flow and scope

  91. 6 months ago


    • 6 months ago

      Shits so frustrating. If it werent for art I would be a successful dev. Why is it that being naturally good at art almost always means the person is goofy or an idiot? The phenomenon is everywhere. Commonly explained by left brain/ right brain. Almost nobody who can do art is not moronic.

      • 6 months ago

        Just use AI??? Its better than like 95% of all artists lol.

        • 6 months ago

          gort morning ser
          i hatnt difficult shit this morning ate lots of curry gort

        • 6 months ago

          Steam says they dont allow AI. As to how they would prove it idk, but I also dont want to spend over 9000 hours working on something to get cucked.

          • 6 months ago

            It's easy to prove. Most AI art uses digital watermarking.

            • 6 months ago

              >make ai art
              >screenshot instead of saving

            • 6 months ago

              Could easily run images through a filter that fricks up your watermark.

              • 6 months ago

                >As if that isn't easily discerned by a scraper.
                Script kiddies are so sad.

              • 6 months ago

                It's easy to prove. Most AI art uses digital watermarking.

                Why would you lie about this?

              • 6 months ago

                Your sin will find you out, shitskin.

              • 6 months ago

                artgays feel threatened. They know their days are numbered.

              • 6 months ago

                I thank my God every day he made me white.

              • 6 months ago

                >two more weeks sir

          • 6 months ago

            If you embellish it meaningfully literally no one can prove it. There are already massive games (compared to a solo dev anyway) openly using it it on steam.

            Your sin will find you out, shitskin.

            It's no different than sampling taking over in the music industry.It's too late to close the ai box and crying and lying about it only wastes your time.

            artgays feel threatened. They know their days are numbered.

            You bitter homosexuals are the dumbest Black folk of all however. Guess what dude, artists are still going to be massively better than you at art, they'll just be better faster.

            • 6 months ago

              Good morning shitBlack person.

  92. 6 months ago


  93. 6 months ago

    That's all I have to say.

  94. 6 months ago

    >Indians shit up every gamedev thread.
    >Pajeets breed like rabbits and have a subhuman population of 1.4 billion shitskins.
    >India never produced a single good game.

    • 6 months ago

      At least they're not chinese. Seriously tho why are the 2 worst races the biggest?

  95. 6 months ago

    too hard i prefer to procrastinate and live with regret

  96. 6 months ago

    >ah geezzz louiezzz itsss time to start making gamessss!
    it's hard to take anything this literal homosexual has to say seriously with a lisp like that

  97. 6 months ago

    There's no need to make a game for yourself. It's thousands of hours of work just to play an inferior version of the thing in your head. It's more fun to just think about the game in your head. You'd only make your own game if you want OTHER people to play your game.

    Do you think I give a shit about other people?

    • 6 months ago

      If you reach a point where you are obsessed with your creation, it becomes more fun and satisfying to work on your game than to play another.

      Until the burnout comes that is.

    • 6 months ago

      But that's exactly who i want to make it for

  98. 6 months ago

    lmao zoomer can't remove them

    • 6 months ago

      haha yeah imagine not knowing how to get rid of ads... lol maybe we should help anon out though and link some kind of tutorial on how to get rid of them???? not that i care lmao

      • 6 months ago

        git gud

    • 6 months ago

      git gud

      >installing ublock is so hard guys I'm such a hacker haha

  99. 6 months ago

    stop making excuses and buy what's been provided for you to purchase.

  100. 6 months ago

    He looks so much like a predator

  101. 6 months ago

    My game ideas are too complex for a solo dev. Maybe I can make some wegs and scam people instead

  102. 6 months ago

    How would you guys recommend I go about hiring an artist?

    Basically just want sprites and then special images for fight scenes, emotional scenes, sex scenes.

    Ideally I would like to partner with an artist but it seems understandable that people on the internet wouldnt trust me and want to be paid up front.

    Any chance I go to the local college and hire some student to work for me at zero dollars per hour and pay them a 20 percent royalty on my game or some shit like this?

    • 6 months ago

      check out some people with decent reviews on fiverr

    • 6 months ago

      Never, ever hire anyone remotely "Asian," they are vile bugs and will frick you. Find a classically trained white dude with a good attitude, no moron "I am so great" gays.

  103. 6 months ago

    will people dox me if i make it possible to kill women in my game?

  104. 6 months ago

    >have idea for vidya
    >realise it's just other, pre-existing game, but worse
    over before it even began.

  105. 6 months ago

    But the game I am making is titled 'EXCUSES'
    Should I halt development?
    All I need to do to finish is type this last semicolon
    I've spent twelve years....

  106. 6 months ago

    >make videogame or album
    >upload game to Steam or album to Bandcamp
    >can't promote it anywhere because "NO SELF PROMOTION" rules are in effect on every website in the world
    How the frick do people start careers in these creative fields nowadays?
    On the Internet of the late 90s, early 2000s, nobody gave a shit if you promoted your stuff for sale anywhere. But it's so different and weird now, people are so weird about it.

    • 6 months ago

      What do you mean? People shill their stuff on Twitter all the time. And if you're super lucky, some streamer will make clips and spread your game even further on Twitch.

      • 6 months ago

        I quit Twitter before I released my game. But music? Nobody even clicks on it to give it a listen. Twitter mainly benefits illustrators and, for musicians, only ones with established fanbases.

    • 6 months ago

      >Every website
      You mean every website you don't hate on "principle"

    • 6 months ago

      You seem dumb. Every website on earth wants you to promote on it.
      With ads that give them money, the entire reason most known websites exist.
      They don't want you to self promote... without giving them money.
      If you had a billion in cash Microsoft would promote your game more than call of duty.

      Buy an ad or use a platform where you are the product, YouTube, discord, Facebook, etc.

    • 6 months ago

      Just make a thread, no one actually cares until you start spamming every thread pretending to be a customer. Make a tripcode and give out a couple copies. Literally nobody cares.

    • 6 months ago

      >How the frick do people start careers in these creative fields nowadays?
      the same way they always did: nepotism

    • 6 months ago

      >can't promote it anywhere because "NO SELF PROMOTION" rules are in effect on every website in the world
      lmao this dude thinks pseudosloppa getting popular was something organic

    • 6 months ago

      The arts and sciences relies on Patronage.There are no free easy rides; either literally invest in your project or find a patron ie big corporations, or whatever gritter fund raiser is hip atm. Imagine the Renaissance arts and sciences without the patronage of the Medici Banking family......

  107. 6 months ago

    Avoid this mentality if it's your first game, get a couple of small games under your belt until you try making everything yourself. Also don't be ashamed if you pay for assets or hire someone to make them for you, if you are only passionate about the programming and game design then put all your energy into that.

  108. 6 months ago

    >start making game with friend
    >I do the writing and coding, he does the art
    >we are getting over 100 dollars a month on patreon with just 0.1 release
    >friend gets burnt out and doesnt want to do art anymore
    >I try to explain that we are doing really fricking good making this much money and not much game even released, we will be making thousands monthly if we just keep this up for a year
    >he is burnt out and says he cant do it
    >I have to abandon my game that wrote an entire novels worth of writing for

    fricking art Black folk

    • 6 months ago

      I had an art friend who was decent enough to do character CGs and backgrounds and shit, and I told him we could do an rpgmaker game or a VN or something, anything. Loses interest and doesn't even respond to me anymore...ten years later he's still working at a wage slave convenience store. I don't understand these losers sometimes.

      • 6 months ago

        Yeah man thats what I am talking about. People with artistic brains just tend to also be fricking stupid. Cant see the bigger picture.

      • 6 months ago

        >rpgmaker game or a VN
        Yeah, I wouldn't want to make those too. Wageslaving feels like much better choice.

        • 6 months ago

          im sure tobeyfox would prefer working at walgreens until he's 70 over making millions from undertale too

          • 6 months ago

            Probably not. That's why he made his game in GameMaker.

    • 6 months ago

      >Sam Hyde homosexual.
      You're never going to make it, have a nice day.

      That firearm is unloaded and not in battery. You are a moron.

      Click that cylinder back in, and put that "unloaded" revolver in your mouth and pull the trigger, shitskin.

      • 6 months ago

        >Click that cylinder back in
        That would make it loaded
        >and put that "unloaded" revolver in your mouth and pull the trigger
        Why would I do that?
        Still just going to repeat the Indian thing even though I'm clearly white. Guessing you're a spic? Always weird how much you minorities hate each other just because one of you is darker than the other.

      • 6 months ago

        >finish loading it and then it will be loaded
        you're not very bright

        • 6 months ago

          I don't talk to white Black folk. have a nice day with your garbage revolver, Black.

          • 6 months ago

            You really are a nogunz homosexual if you think that revolver is garbage.

            • 6 months ago

              Lmao you wish. Imagine using a revolver in 2023 unless you're a gay cowboy wannabe. Get perforated, Boogie.

              • 6 months ago

                >falling for the /k/ meme
                Quality revolvers are the only worthwhile EDC, get over it.

              • 6 months ago

                Come to my house and find out. I'm sure your skull won't be able to tell the difference once I blow your brains out the back of it. 🙂

              • 6 months ago


              • 6 months ago

                Why would a weapons viability for EDC be a factor into its viability for an assault on a fixed position?

    • 6 months ago

      >im wrote a whole novel for it ;;
      nobody gives a frick about your autistic fanfic, Black person

    • 6 months ago

      Friend sounds like a homosexual quitter but you don't understand how emotionally and mentally draining doing art can be.

      >Sam Hyde homosexual.
      You're never going to make it, have a nice day.

      Click that cylinder back in, and put that "unloaded" revolver in your mouth and pull the trigger, shitskin.

      You're really easily identifiable in the thread and I really wanna know what makes you tick. My money is on troony false-flagging as poltard to discourage ai use by actual poltards.

      • 6 months ago

        >Exactly mimics what I'm saying.
        >I am easily identifiable in the thread.
        Good, cool. I hate Indians and Chinks. They are horrible people and even worse programmers. Ban me, troony jannies.

        • 6 months ago

          Better programmers than you though Mr. Sketches and ideas guy.

          • 6 months ago

            >Mr. Sketches
            It's Mr. Scratch, friend.

      • 6 months ago

        Yeah. We are still friends I never talked shit to him about it or anything. But he will wage slave until he dies and I will carry on the struggle by finding an artist somehow.

    • 6 months ago

      Try to hire another artist

    • 6 months ago

      im an artist. Show me the game and i might work with you.

    • 6 months ago

      >fricking art Black folk
      Maybe try working with a non-black next time.

  109. 6 months ago

    Has he really not died of aids yet?

  110. 6 months ago

    I have quite a few nice prototypes.
    But like everything, doing the first 80% is easy, and the last 20% is the real ordeal. It's very easy to get sidetracked during that time.

  111. 6 months ago

    I unsubbed from his because of this video. I don't need some fricking boomer who had it all tell me to just pull myself up by my bootstraps, grit my teeth and just do it.

  112. 6 months ago

    >I'm shopping like a billionaire!

  113. 6 months ago

    i'm enjoying Cain's old man rants more than Sakurai's game dev series.

  114. 6 months ago

    To be tbh the first game you make should be a board game. If you can't make a fun board game you don't understand game design too begin with.

  115. 6 months ago

    I worked for a Billionaire. He spend much money in a "care center" for his dog, including a human chef cooking meals for a fricking dog, walks, training and health appointments. Temu's business quote is hilarious, it's impossible for middle classes "Shop like a billionaire" because there are this and other luxury services, which only the extreme rich can afford.

  116. 6 months ago

    I recently updated my game.

  117. 6 months ago

    >want to solodev
    >too poor to pay people for art/music/etc
    >small social media following so I can convince people to donate to Kickstarter or some shit

    I'm also conflicted on where to start to make a small game or two, before my big dreams

    • 6 months ago

      >Can't make art, music, or anything else.
      Just have a nice day.

      • 6 months ago

        I can draw, just not good at animation and not too hot at spritework or 3d models depending on the route I want to go

        I'm more just trying to save on time since I don't have a lot of it, and if someone can do a better job than me then great

        • 6 months ago


    • 6 months ago

      let me save you a lot of time on the music front. Kevin Macleod makes all the music for all the indie games and he does it for free.

      Also you will probably fail because you dont sound like you have the right mindset. Good luck.

      • 6 months ago

        I 'll keep that name in mind

        >you dont sound like you have the right mindset

        What mindset should I have? None of it is gonna stop me, I'm really just venting on an anonymous image board on how I can't make things easier for myself. I'm still gonna try.


        no u

        • 6 months ago

          >Reddit spacing homosexual.
          Please, have a nice day. You'll never be a woman, and never be a gamedev.

          • 6 months ago

            no u

            I don't want to be a woman

            I will be a gamedev

            Have a nice day

            • 6 months ago


              • 6 months ago

                >Open pass user.
                have a nice day, troon.

              • 6 months ago


  118. 6 months ago

    I'm positive that all the people who vehemently proclaim the "ideas on their own are worthless" mantra just don't have actually good ideas.

    • 6 months ago

      Sure, man.

      • 6 months ago

        I've seen so many gamedev people who are competent enough to get shit done, but their stuff is so milquetoast it's no wonder they don't get anywhere. There are only so many pixel platformers inspired by Celeste the supposed audience can handle. Or metroidvanias. Or soulslikes, god the fricking soulslikes. God help me if I have to see one more slow walking and combat in a fallen medieval kingdom type of game at a demo event.

        The ones who don't have the skills or resources to hire anyone might have decent and even amazing concepts, and the aforementioned "get milquetoast shit done" types of guys belittling them aggravates me to no end.

  119. 6 months ago

    I'm liking this recent indie dev wave on Ganker. Sure you can complain about trannies in the newest AAA releases all day, but it's interesting seeing gays cook up OC. Inspiring honestly.

    • 6 months ago

      Learning half the "indie devs" on Ganker are troons is hilarious. There really are no women in gaming.

      • 6 months ago

        No shit? How old are you? Women are fricking moronic, you think they can make videogames?

      • 6 months ago

        God I enjoy sneaking weird out of place shit in if a player goes somewhere they're not meant to be.

        I guess, I like to see people creating instead of b***hing non-stop. I'd argue those dickless lads are rather based.

        • 6 months ago

          thats pretty based

          what are you making

          • 6 months ago

            Twisted Metal clone, maps are small arenas so I go crazy on the little secret areas.

            • 6 months ago

              Sounds like a good time, can't wait to see where it goes. I'll be looking out for your shit

  120. 6 months ago

    Someone tell this ass fricking homosexual to shut the hell up

    • 6 months ago

      he's made some of the best games of all time

  121. 6 months ago

    Can he make a tutorial on how to suck dick? Now that would be really useful.

  122. 6 months ago

    Yeah sorry opinion immediately discarded.

  123. 6 months ago

    >Temu stealth ad thread

  124. 6 months ago

    My idea for a mobile game is to target paypiggy and tryhards. Imagine spelunky but it cost 25 cents a play. Throw in random limited time special treasure and sit back and collect money.

  125. 6 months ago

    man, I'm so useless. I think I'll take the advice of working 15 minutes per day on a project. Having a set time to do something each day seems conductive to success

    • 6 months ago

      just start making game
      thats all there is too it

  126. 6 months ago



  127. 6 months ago

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