Strange Magic Items

What are some odd magic items you have created for your games? My players are exploring a place filled with residual magic after a city teleported away. I've already put in interesting hazards but they're here to hunt wildy enchanted items like stalker and I'm not really sure where to begin with creating them.

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  1. 2 months ago

    An enchanted diamond that, when someone puts it up to his or her ear, whispers "diamond"

    • 2 months ago

      >and I'm not really sure where to begin with creating them
      First of all, we all know you don't have any players. You mean characters, because it's fairly obvious you're trying babby's first fantasy book.
      Second, if you literally have no clue where to start being creative, you're not ready to write babby's first fantasy book anyway.
      Third, frick you for being this fricking lazy to not even try at all.

      >What seems like an enchanted, intelligent helmet. It's actually a bizarre subspecies of mimic that has learned to present itself as an "enchanted intelligent item" because people LIKE those but hate "mimics". It has no statistical benefit per se, but it's got great senses and can whisper in your ear to tell you what it sees/hears/smells/etc

      things i've come up with for the campaigns I run:
      >The Tankard of the Tanked
      anyone who drinks from this tankard instantly becomes inebriated.
      >The Pairing Knife
      items you cut in twain with this knife transform into two identical copies of the original item, but at half size. Magic items retain their magic, but at half of its potency (DM decides what that means).
      >The Hourglass of Commander-Zee
      When you hold this hourglass in one hand and a hand-held item in another, and turn over the hourglass, the other-hand item transforms into a past/earlier form. A sparrow might turn into an egg. A glass into sand. A Key into raw, unworked metal. Do they same thing with that item, turning the hourglass the other way, to reverse the effect. does not work on sentient creatures.
      >The Snag Carpet
      Appears as a rolled-up, 5*5 foot rug of extra-thick shag carpeting. But when unfurled, becomes a trap. Anyone who steps on it, items that are dropped in it, sinks down ten feet. Rug can be re-rolled up but retains the weight of its captured victims/items. Good for kidnapping or blocking off a corridor.
      >The Boots of Teleportation.
      When you put on these boots and announce a location, they teleport there, leaving you behind. My players used this as a great communication device, sending a Revere-style "One-boot if by land, two if by sea" warning back to their HQ.
      >Earcap mushrooms
      The Earcap Mushroom germinates in the ear canals of its host. The Earcap derives its energy from the brain waves of the host, and allows its host to comprehend and speak any languages the previous host could. The lifespan of the mushroom is about a week, after which it begins to wilt and the host starts coughing up spores which can then be cultivated for germination in a new host. The Earcap can cause infections and brain damage if not cultivated properly.

      >The Ring of the Dyslexic
      Allows you to add, subtract, or change one letter in the name of a spell, and cast it with that change instead. E.g. changing "Light" into "Tight" lets you tighten up ropes; changing "Fog Cloud" to "Fig Cloud" makes figs rain down. The new spell is interpreted as having the same "spell level" as the original, up to DM discretion.
      >The Belt of Trousers
      a magic belt that casts an glamour on the wearer so that it appears they are always wearing pants.
      >Boots of Domination
      Magic pair of boots. If an opponent is lying supine or prone and you place the foot of the boot on their torso, the wearer can roll for intimation with advantage, and on success the being under the boot is instantly charmed.
      >Chirper, the Social Medium
      A small metal-and-glass slate. After defeating an enemy or doing something cool, a player can drop a one-liner into Chirper, the Social Medium. The Chirp is uploaded into the spirit realm, where the “Spirits” (the rest of the table) vote on whether or not the line was good. A successful chirp will raise CHA by 2 for the next two hours, while a fail will lower it for two hours. Three successes maximum allowed. Three consecutive fails and the player will be “cancelled,” tanking -10 CHA until the next long rest.

      You're all moronic to spoonfeeding this parasite.

      • 2 months ago

        projecting much, anon?

  2. 2 months ago

    >What seems like an enchanted, intelligent helmet. It's actually a bizarre subspecies of mimic that has learned to present itself as an "enchanted intelligent item" because people LIKE those but hate "mimics". It has no statistical benefit per se, but it's got great senses and can whisper in your ear to tell you what it sees/hears/smells/etc

  3. 2 months ago

    things i've come up with for the campaigns I run:
    >The Tankard of the Tanked
    anyone who drinks from this tankard instantly becomes inebriated.
    >The Pairing Knife
    items you cut in twain with this knife transform into two identical copies of the original item, but at half size. Magic items retain their magic, but at half of its potency (DM decides what that means).
    >The Hourglass of Commander-Zee
    When you hold this hourglass in one hand and a hand-held item in another, and turn over the hourglass, the other-hand item transforms into a past/earlier form. A sparrow might turn into an egg. A glass into sand. A Key into raw, unworked metal. Do they same thing with that item, turning the hourglass the other way, to reverse the effect. does not work on sentient creatures.
    >The Snag Carpet
    Appears as a rolled-up, 5*5 foot rug of extra-thick shag carpeting. But when unfurled, becomes a trap. Anyone who steps on it, items that are dropped in it, sinks down ten feet. Rug can be re-rolled up but retains the weight of its captured victims/items. Good for kidnapping or blocking off a corridor.
    >The Boots of Teleportation.
    When you put on these boots and announce a location, they teleport there, leaving you behind. My players used this as a great communication device, sending a Revere-style "One-boot if by land, two if by sea" warning back to their HQ.
    >Earcap mushrooms
    The Earcap Mushroom germinates in the ear canals of its host. The Earcap derives its energy from the brain waves of the host, and allows its host to comprehend and speak any languages the previous host could. The lifespan of the mushroom is about a week, after which it begins to wilt and the host starts coughing up spores which can then be cultivated for germination in a new host. The Earcap can cause infections and brain damage if not cultivated properly.

    • 2 months ago

      >The Ring of the Dyslexic
      Allows you to add, subtract, or change one letter in the name of a spell, and cast it with that change instead. E.g. changing "Light" into "Tight" lets you tighten up ropes; changing "Fog Cloud" to "Fig Cloud" makes figs rain down. The new spell is interpreted as having the same "spell level" as the original, up to DM discretion.
      >The Belt of Trousers
      a magic belt that casts an glamour on the wearer so that it appears they are always wearing pants.
      >Boots of Domination
      Magic pair of boots. If an opponent is lying supine or prone and you place the foot of the boot on their torso, the wearer can roll for intimation with advantage, and on success the being under the boot is instantly charmed.
      >Chirper, the Social Medium
      A small metal-and-glass slate. After defeating an enemy or doing something cool, a player can drop a one-liner into Chirper, the Social Medium. The Chirp is uploaded into the spirit realm, where the “Spirits” (the rest of the table) vote on whether or not the line was good. A successful chirp will raise CHA by 2 for the next two hours, while a fail will lower it for two hours. Three successes maximum allowed. Three consecutive fails and the player will be “cancelled,” tanking -10 CHA until the next long rest.

      • 2 months ago

        >Allows you to add, subtract, or change one letter in the name of a spell, and cast it with that change instead. E.g. changing "Light" into "Tight" lets you tighten up ropes; changing "Fog Cloud" to "Fig Cloud" makes figs rain down. The new spell is interpreted as having the same "spell level" as the original, up to DM discretion.
        Wind Wank

      • 2 months ago

        >Create hater
        >Incendiary dunes
        >Create treasute fap
        >Colon spray
        >Farting duplicate
        >Open and bawd
        >Shadow brap
        >Skin gay
        >Dong arm
        >Arcane wiener
        >Radiation tard
        >Slick balls

        Good item

    • 2 months ago

      >>The Pairing Knife
      >items you cut in twain with this knife transform into two identical copies of the original item, but at half size. Magic items retain their magic, but at half of its potency (DM decides what that means).
      Can you cut bag of holding and portable hole into two smaller bags of holding and portable holes, so you would have two 5 foot astral plane vacuums instead of one 10 foot astral plane vacuum?

      • 2 months ago

        sure you can, if you can convince the GM.

    • 2 months ago

      The snag carpet is really cool, it's fun when the players are the ones laying the traps for once.

  4. 2 months ago

    A skull with coin slots instead of ocular orbits. Insert a couple coins and ask a question. It will answer "yes" by spinning or "no" by turning upside down. If it does nothing, it needs more money to answer the question. The coins disappear, even breaking the skull won't reveal them.

    Psychic clay: a bundle of clay, hard as stone. If you have it next to you while sleeping, it molds itself according to your dreams, or nightmares.

    Goblin shield: it seems like it was made from pieces of driftwood, bound together by ropes made of dark hair. Offers great protection, but every enemy strike you make you a little bit like a goblin: a few yellow teeth, a longer ear, a blotch of green skin somewhere, a few less centimeters in your height... Even goblins don't quite like it, because it will turn them into a very different goblin.

    • 2 months ago

      why am I even bothering nobody gives a shit

      • 2 months ago

        I thought it was funny, anon.

        • 2 months ago

          Oh, well thanks.
          That means more than you may think.

  5. 2 months ago

    A coin of highest value currency that when spent will return within an hour in equal value in the form of the next value of coinage into the users coin pouch with an audible "clink" to alert the owner. When the owner spends this returned currency it will then return itself within an hour in equal value of the next lowest value currency and so forth, each time returning with an audible 'clink' until it can't go any lower. Finally after three days from when all the currency is spent, the coins disappear from the coffers of it was traded to, reforming into the original coin back in the owners coin pouch this time with an audible "ting" to alert the owner the coin has returned/reformed. If this is done repeatedly, after 3 months a new coin forms.

    This item was originally created in my setting by a mage who came from the slums of the capital who entered the magic academy on a charity scholarship due to his talent. Having no money he was always made fun of by the rich kids and academy merchants for being unable to afford many of the little luxuries. So he created the coin and others to basically frick with their accounting books and rip them off.

    Other items he created was a scabbard that sharpened any blade sheathed in it (up the size of long sword). After a half dozen or so sheathings the blade edge becomes so fine that it would become brittle causing the blade to break. He'd often gift these scabbards to his dueling rivals in advance to have the upper hand, usually with a few coins as a self-wager he'd win the duel.

  6. 2 months ago

    >My players are exploring a place filled with residual magic after a city teleported away.
    Just do everyday objects but magic: a walking chair, a sweeping broom, a sugar teaspon that can carve away rocks one spoonful at a time but only the amount you specify first, moving paints when you donct look, threadmill tiles, automatically descending stairs if you go up ascending stairs if you go down, hinges position change everytime someone tries to open a door. Dumb stupid shit.

  7. 2 months ago

    I came up with a cursed item recently to mess with my players:

    >Contains a Crown of Greed
    >Cursed item, it constantly whispers in the ear of the wearer to acquire more wealth. When worn the wearer cannot take it off, if the wearer does not have at least 500 gold within 5 feet of them at the start of very hour, he or she takes 2d4 psychic damage. Increase's the wearer's charisma by 2.

  8. 2 months ago

    >The Troll Bracelet of regeneration
    It enabled one of the PC on my table to regenerate any physical damage not caused by fire or acid
    After the player lost the bracelet arm in an areal battle against the main antagonist, a wyvern riding blackguard, he and the rest of the party was forced to flee and didn't manage to recover the arm. I had the lost arm regenerate into a clone of the character (and blank slat in term of memories)

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