

Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

UFOs Are A Psyop Shirt $21.68

Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

  1. 5 months ago

    Finally, the forklift operator is here

    • 5 months ago
  2. 5 months ago

    the lgbtqp+ community is full of awesome and creative people with style and courage

  3. 5 months ago

    This should have just been a porn game, the girls are too frickable

  4. 5 months ago

    These games probably would have been enjoyable to play if it wasn't for the fact that every somnium is progressed mostly by just doing random shit. I get that it's trying to say that the subconscious is sometimes illogical, but it makes for awful gameplay.

    • 5 months ago

      For me it's the mind numbing gameplay cycle of
      >investigate scene
      >click everywhere for hidden dialogue
      >move to next area
      >repeat 1 and 2
      >repeat all previous steps till all areas of interest are examined, sometimes 8 or more
      >suddenly get clue
      >go to new area
      >talk to person of interest
      >person won't talk
      >take person hostage and rape their brain
      >do lol so random somnium
      >finally get explanation of what's going on
      >repeat everything till the game is complete
      I could deal with it in the first because the story was pretty good and Date was a very entertaining protag, but when you have a weaker plot and half to deal with fricking mizuki for the second half of the game. I quickly lost interest. I still haven't finished it.

      This should have just been a porn game, the girls are too frickable

      >Tama's prisoner costume
      I commend Uchi and Kodaka for still being massive perverts despite regurgitating woke shit.


      I'm sorry you had to be paired with Mizuki and act as the comedian for a wet blanket, when you worked much better as the straight man.

    • 5 months ago

      I love doing random shit, what I dislike is the 6 minutes limit making it that if you want to see some of the funny options in each somnium you'll have to lose a few times. I can't believe I played Nirvana Initiative so well I missed the option in Shoma's somnium to see Tama making fun of Ryuki for wanting a nurse to pour onions sauce all over him.

      For me it's the mind numbing gameplay cycle of
      >investigate scene
      >click everywhere for hidden dialogue
      >move to next area
      >repeat 1 and 2
      >repeat all previous steps till all areas of interest are examined, sometimes 8 or more
      >suddenly get clue
      >go to new area
      >talk to person of interest
      >person won't talk
      >take person hostage and rape their brain
      >do lol so random somnium
      >finally get explanation of what's going on
      >repeat everything till the game is complete
      I could deal with it in the first because the story was pretty good and Date was a very entertaining protag, but when you have a weaker plot and half to deal with fricking mizuki for the second half of the game. I quickly lost interest. I still haven't finished it.

      >Tama's prisoner costume
      I commend Uchi and Kodaka for still being massive perverts despite regurgitating woke shit.

      I'm sorry you had to be paired with Mizuki and act as the comedian for a wet blanket, when you worked much better as the straight man.

      Tama might be a pervert and have some loose costumes but Date will always be worse than her despite being fully covered.

      • 5 months ago

        Well yeah, guys like Siggy and Date are just mouth pieces for Uchi's perverted thoughts.

        I will never forgive uchikoshi for wasting 6 years of Dates life right after he got reunited with Irys and her mother and it being treated like a joke by the game. Hope this hack never makes another game again.

        I'm so sick of him being a moron and writing sequels that players who never played the original can jump into. Having Pewter back and having Date wear the mask of a serial killer is pants on head moronic. I hope he doesn't get the chance to make another somnium files game. Hell, him and Kodaka have been independent devs for over half a decade and have nothing to show for it outside of a mobile game, a shitty platformer, a shitty movie game, and an anime.

        • 5 months ago

          Boss getting Pewtwer out of prison seemed cheap but I found this believable. I found the explanation for Date dumb as frick. At that point I'd rather have Date looking at the camera and saying that he kept Saito's face purely for marketing reasons and because Yusuke Kozaki is just that good at drawing hot guys. I wish we could have picked between seeing Date either with his original body or with Saito's face because he's hot in both cases. I love that Ryuki just knows what his real face looks like and just doesn't give a shit that his coworker was like "hey I got plastic surgery so I look like an handsome ojisan" and a few weeks later he's like "I got a face mask to look like the guy who ruined my life again because fangirls love it", it's just so moronic. Especially because Ryuki and Date look like they could be related.

    • 5 months ago

      I'm cool with doing random shit, makes diving through someone's mind to find answers feel as esoteric as it should be, but combining that with a time limit that doesn't let you screw around too much without making you reset just sucks. It's a shame because I really do enjoy the interactions between Date and Aiba in them, but it feels like such a hassle going out of your way to see them. Never bothered with the hidden items in them and probably never will

  5. 5 months ago

    I love Tama

  6. 5 months ago

    Threesome with Date and Ryuki!

  7. 5 months ago
    • 5 months ago


  8. 5 months ago

    The whole thing with Saito being a serial killer who finds pleasure in killing because of his very low oxytocin levels is funny as hell and inaccurate because if that were truly the only condition he had and if he weren't a psychopath on top of that he would just be depressed, perpetually annoyed by everyone, would be a total neet who'd spend most of his time sleeping and being useless and he'd have no libido whatsoever. I wonder if there are players out there who really thought this was an accurate, smart depiction of someone who suffers from hypopituitarism. Not even saying this from personal experience because my own hypopituitarism just made me a womanlet.

    • 5 months ago

      Uchikoshi has always used the general idea of concepts rather than the reality of concepts, I didn't think anything of it.

    • 5 months ago

      Its the same as treating multiple-personality disorder as some Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde thing in fiction.

      • 5 months ago

        >multiple-personality disorder
        not a thing

        • 5 months ago

          Yeah it's called something else, I just don't remember what it is.

      • 5 months ago

        I know but it was a bit distracting seeing a character having a disorder very close to mine in a niche video game when I don't know anyone with a hypothalamus and a pituitary gland that don't work at all, not even at the hospital where I would go on a very regular basis when I was a kid/teenager.

    • 5 months ago

      I don't think anyone's praising the villain's writing there. Adachi makes more sense by not going into any sort of science. Just stick to psuedo science (psychology) and there's wriggle room.

      • 5 months ago

        Yeah, the only way it "makes sense" somehow is that Date is a huge pervert and can still maintain his libido thanks to the medical treatment he's following. And the most effective way to get a boost in oxytocin is to have sex, preferably without someone you truly love. I'm guessing without the treatment Date wouldn't even think about porn or sex.

  9. 5 months ago

    I will never forgive uchikoshi for wasting 6 years of Dates life right after he got reunited with Irys and her mother and it being treated like a joke by the game. Hope this hack never makes another game again.

    • 5 months ago

      I recently played Nirvana Initiative so it's still fresh in my head but I thought the whole "there were two Mizukis the whole time" was dumb and cheap as hell and too much. The twist with Ryuki's memory disorder and the real timeline made perfect sense, Ryuki just ended up being an unreliable narrator while his disorder was also a red herring for other things. But the twist with Bibi or whatever ruined many things that made Mizuki's arc interesting in the first game. If the writer was smarter than that he would have came up with something else, like the two Mizukis being actually related to Renju and Shoko because they resorted to IVF but they were buttholes so they dropped the first one in an orphanage and kept the healthy one, like what a lot of people irl do. At least this could explain why the girls look exactly like Shoko instead of them being strangers who conveniently look like some random woman who adopted one of them on a whim.

      • 5 months ago

        >the whole "there were two Mizukis the whole time" was dumb and cheap as hell and too much
        A lot of the game feels like it would've been great, but the fricking "two timelines at once" twist and the "no this isn't a sequel, you don't need to play the original" marketing meant they had to come up with a lot of BS like that. If you play the timelines one at a time in the correct order the story works a lot better.
        But I could barely understand it, partly because the twist happens so close to the end and is kinda just randomly revealed by Mama - no foreshadowing, nothing to make you even suspect what's going on.
        Having two timelines that have locks in them (like the ZE series), using Bibi's actual name after the first lock, and making it an SEQUEL, would've made it a lot better. But writing around the twist led to them shooting themselves in the foot.

        • 5 months ago

          >is kinda just randomly revealed by Mama - no foreshadowing, nothing to make you even suspect what's going on.
          That's my real problem with it. It's so fricking out of left field and relies on a lot of bullshit to make sense that I can't enjoy it as a twist.

        • 5 months ago

          >no foreshadowing, nothing to make you even suspect what's going on.
          There was some foreshadowing here and there but it was too subtle or way too close to the reveal to completely work. I noticed the bullet wound on Mizuki but sometimes she didn't have it and instead of thinking it could be relevant I just thought that it was a glitch, since there was a scene where 18yo Mizuki and Bibi talk in the orphanage and Mizuki's hair wouldn't stop doing weird shit in her portrait. When Date gets trapped for good in the cathedral and Ryuki says he was in love with Date and yet he still betrayed him I thought the betrayal was just him disappointing Date and endangering him as opposed to actively working against him. I started noticing something was wrong with the story when Mizuki chased after the culprit in the abandoned factory but just five minutes after that Mama tells us everything, just like you said. Ryuki should have been the only main character imo. He worked way better than the two Mizukis because his presence doesn't actively contradict the first game's story, he and Tama are funny and interesting, his relationship with the already existing cast isn't nearly as oover the top as Bibi's... existence in general, etc. If Ryuki were the only main character we could have had him finding out by himself wtf was going on after seeking a medical treatment for his many issues, and then we would find out that the chapters are in the wrong order because we're seeing it from his point of view after the facts because he's trying to understand what REALLY happened despite his memory issues.

          • 5 months ago

            I wrote way too much but anyway, I forgot something. The whole "physical, intimate, not sexual relationship" between Date and Ryuki was a funny joke but I thought it was foreshadowing, something about how Date and Ryuki are somehow both able to "remember" what's going on i other timelines they haven't experienced themselves... And at some point it comes up again, still as a joke but a bunch of shit seemed like jokes and was actually serious a few scenes later.

            It turns out it was just a joke after all because in Japanese the scene goes like this:
            >Mizuki: are you two...?
            >Date: it's nothing, I just want to touch Ryuki's tongue (舌)
            >Mizuki: so it's really like that?!
            >Date:no, I don't want to touch his dick (下), I mean his tongue (舌)!

            And so far I've seen people trying to guess what the story would be before the game got released and their ideas seemed crazy but more entertaining. I'm talking about shit like Ryuki and Date being related somehow because they look like each other.

            >twist has absolutely zero bearing on the characters in-universe and is literally only there to frick with the player
            what kind of bullshit will AI3 have

            Uchikoshi will just give up and give us a lengthy, detailed description of Date's penis, just like on twitter. This will be the entirety of AI3.

          • 5 months ago

            > There was some foreshadowing here and there but it was too subtle or way too close to the reveal to completely work.
            Now that I think about it, you're right. I think one problem is that AINI tries to both foreshadow and misdirect the foreshadowing, so the writing felt like it was antagonistic to the player. e.g., as you said:
            > I thought the betrayal was just him disappointing Date and endangering him as opposed to actively working against him
            or like how Boss seems to get pissed at Ryuki for some minor thing, but it's actually for firing at a civilian.
            That's why AITSF's meta-twist worked so well - there's no "antagonism" to the writing like AINI. It's directly related to the murders and there's a lot of foreshadowing (e.g. both Date and #89 having amnesia, So Sejima being pissed off at "Date's face", Saito being psychopathic and Date needing "happy meds".) And the twist was delivered in-universe by Saito to put the pieces together for Date, mostly just to taunt him. That's a lot better than "hey dumb player, here's Mama!".
            Honestly, even ZTD's non-linear structure works better than this, which is really saying something. Ruseman's reveal that they're all frozen makes some sense - the player sees them go to sleep and then wake up somewhere else. And the majority of the game is just the teams trying to escape and stop Radical-6, not finding clues for mysterious murders.

          • 5 months ago

            the foreshadowing to me was very obvious. it went fully obvious when we got to the Komeji crime scene as Mizuki because why would he still have heat signatures showing up if this supposedly happened 6 years ago

        • 5 months ago

          I remember there was one point where they foreshadow it right before the reveal when some characters slip up and are discussing one of the first part of the murders as happening last week when you were supposed to think it happened last year, I was very confused and made a post here about it before the twist and then I got Mama's explanation (very rough description I know it's been awhile)
          The problem with the twist in this game is that it's not a twist to the characters in the story, it's a twist to the player alone. It just creates these weird situations where characters talk in a moronic way to not spoil it for you, the player, whenever everyone knows what they really mean when they say "the murder that occurred on Tuesday (7 years ago :)).
          Also I know that the ending action sequences aren't supposed to taken super seriously but damn this one really sucked

          • 5 months ago


            the twist was the whole point of the story though. none of the mystery was there for the characters, it was specifically for the player to traverse the 4 unseen X's (timeline intersecting) to trigger moksha. Tokiko couldn't care less about the murders or anything. All she cared about was tricking the player to make her plan succeed.

    • 5 months ago

      The game would have been so much better if they had Mizuki and Date be the protagonists, but some shmuck at Chunsoft wanted the game to be "accessible to people who haven't played the first game," so including Date with all his spoilery dialogue would've been too alienating

      • 5 months ago

        That schmuck would be Uchikoshi himself, who got the idea from Kodaka.

      • 5 months ago

        You know the fricked up part? Date's role in most of these events are entirely superfluous and they literally quiz you on the first game as the spoiler lock which more or less just lets characters acknowledge the original game and explain WHY Date still looks the same. They could've just had him not be there at all if you didn't clear the Spoiler Quiz because nobody other than someone who played the first game would care if he's there

        • 5 months ago

          I think it would have been weird for Date to not be here at all. But I also disagree with

          The game would have been so much better if they had Mizuki and Date be the protagonists, but some shmuck at Chunsoft wanted the game to be "accessible to people who haven't played the first game," so including Date with all his spoilery dialogue would've been too alienating

          and think the game should have had Ryuki and Tama as the main playable characters only and shouldn't have focused nearly as much on Mizuki. Maybe they could have had Ryuki and Date as the protagonists but nobody else.

      • 5 months ago

        Welcome to the world of Ace Attorney, where they have to shill specific characters because Capcom leadership refuses to just let stories be told and when they're good speak for themselves.

        • 5 months ago

          Seems like the reverse of what you're saying, because they made Ryuki important while the higher ups at Capcom forced Shu Takumi to include Phoenix Wright in AA4 for marketing purposes. But at the same time Phoenix in AA4 somehow made more sense than Date in AI2 because of the stupid "no spoilers" policy. Both cases are like two sides of the same coin. Or like two cheeks of the same ass.

          • 5 months ago

            You seem to be forgetting that Date is still very prominent during the story of NI, and while Phoenix is ever present AA4, three of the cases really end up being about him and one of those is literally to explain the context of the tutorial case.

            • 5 months ago

              I didn't forget it's just that I was talking from a marketing point of view.

  10. 5 months ago

    The gameplay was so bad compared to Zero Escape. The story and soundtrack too, to a lesser extent.

  11. 5 months ago

    i guess sucking up to the homosexual community didn't pay off huh moron

    • 5 months ago

      The only real gay thing that's in your face and relevant is Ryuki falling in love with Date.

    • 5 months ago

      The 2nd game sold like shit, which was sort of deserved considering it wasn't that good

      • 5 months ago

        As someone who enjoyed the first game, is this worth playing? Everyone I know personally says this is a terrible follow up, but that just makes me wonder how it's terrible.

        ???? no it didn't? it sold comparable while costing more and only has 3 less userscore. unless you think that screenshot of the Japanese sales (which are always low for Uchikoshi games) matter.

  12. 5 months ago
  13. 5 months ago

    >twist has absolutely zero bearing on the characters in-universe and is literally only there to frick with the player
    what kind of bullshit will AI3 have

    • 5 months ago

      You're visited by Kyle IRL once you get to the twist.

      • 5 months ago

        >"This will be revealed in the 3rd game" wasn't referring to ZTD
        Uchikoshi you son of a b***h

        • 5 months ago

          I'd flip a gasket
          I'd go hog wild
          I wouldn't apologize to anyone for anything, especially uchikoshi.
          i'd make the clown world blink winkell

    • 5 months ago

      The first scene will be Ryuki sacrificing himself permanently to save the timeline, and now AI2 never happened
      I wish

    • 5 months ago

      >no bearing on characters in-universe
      Uh bro? Your 52-year-old milf cult leader? It was all for her.

    • 5 months ago

      the twist was the whole point of the story though. none of the mystery was there for the characters, it was specifically for the player to traverse the 4 unseen X's (timeline intersecting) to trigger moksha. Tokiko couldn't care less about the murders or anything. All she cared about was tricking the player to make her plan succeed.

      • 5 months ago

        people who say the twist had no bearing on the story are stupid

      • 5 months ago

        People aren't complaining about the fact that there's a twist, but about how the twist is told I think.

        • 5 months ago

          but the complaints are how it is "only a gotcha to the player and has no in-universe relevance" even though that's false

      • 5 months ago

        We don't really see it much in this game though, sure we get an epilogue but I don't think crazy milf lady being right the whole time was that interesting. If the 3rd game features it heavily it might retroactively make it better but as of right now it feels underwhelming on top of some other elements of this game not being as good as 1's.

  14. 5 months ago

    Your games sucked, Aiba

  15. 5 months ago


    • 5 months ago

      Date please calm down.

      • 5 months ago

        [x] make it sexual

        • 5 months ago

          Honestly sure Boss looks good and all that but for a game with so many dick jokes about a porn addicted main character I was surprised to see that Date, both in his own body and Saito's body, and then Ryuki are so frickable. Especially Ryuki. I want to pinch his cheeks so bad. I want to bully him. I love being pandered to from time to time like that. I love Tama but knowing that she could have been a cute guy makes me hope Marco will be one if there's a sequel.

          • 5 months ago

            I’d frick Date but if I were Date I’d want Boss to make me her boytoy

  16. 5 months ago

    Holy shit I love Aiba.

    • 5 months ago


  17. 5 months ago

    >troony game

  18. 5 months ago

    >LGBT shit

  19. 5 months ago

    Reminder that Ryuki canonically has anal fissures after the timeskip. He was probably letting random guys frick him to forget about his crush on Date for 6 years on top of being a deranged alcoholic.

    • 5 months ago

      You can get those from passing big logs, too.

      • 5 months ago

        Ryuki is too cute to poop so that can't be it.

    • 5 months ago

      I just enjoyed Erika Harlacher repeatedly saying "anal" in that scene.

  20. 5 months ago


  21. 5 months ago

    Why does japan love LGBT so much?

  22. 5 months ago

    The killer for the third one has to be Iris, right?

    • 5 months ago

      No, she's going to have yet another really hot, really mentally ill big brother from yet another one of So Sejima's baby mamas, and said big brother will murder a lot of people again for reasons that will make Freud come back from the dead.

  23. 5 months ago

    As someone who enjoyed the first game, is this worth playing? Everyone I know personally says this is a terrible follow up, but that just makes me wonder how it's terrible.

    • 5 months ago

      If you enjoyed the first game you'll legitimately enjoy the second game as well. The humor and story aren't nearly as enticing in my opinion, but on the whole it's still a fun romp.

      • 5 months ago

        Well, the humor could be really hit or miss in the first. The first time you see Date do one of those porn induced matrix moments, it's so out of nowhere I couldn't help but think it was hilarious, but then they start doing them a little too much all over the place. I enjoy a lot of the humor in the somniums, but because of the time limit, you have to go out of your way to seek it all out with the clock always ticking, which I was never much of a fan of.

    • 5 months ago

      Its a mixed bag, really. I liked some things, there's a few puzzles you have to do manually, some neat lines, music is good, but it's torn between fan service for the first game and barely trying to be it's own thing.

    • 5 months ago

      you may as well.

    • 5 months ago

      I found it less good than the first game but still fun. I'd say play it but if you're that worried wait for sales.

      • 5 months ago

        I'd probably just emulate it on switch if anything, so thanks for the advice.

    • 5 months ago

      It's just not that good. Mizuki doesn't work as an MC and it goes the dumb ZTD route of Uchikoshi trying to market the game for newcomers to the series.

      • 5 months ago

        Wait you guys want to frick Date? I thought that was just a joke...

        I liked Mizuki in NI tbh, she worked pretty well.

        • 5 months ago

          b***h do I look like I'm joking?!

    • 5 months ago

      The somniums are better overall, but the story is slightly worse imo, and the investigation dialogue (which was THE highlight of the first game) is trash. They just reuse the running gags from the first game, often word for word and without context. It's mindboggling.

  24. 5 months ago

    The quantum computer of Dcom contains all universes in it, this digitized reality, it's a set that contains itself. Ryuki knows about the rhyzomes because he is one of those SHIFTers that survived for a while longer the terrorist attack and the Radical-6 outbreak and his memories went back, like the other multitude of SHIFTers who Delta read the mind of to know about the terrorist. Zero Escape in the AI universe was created by someone to warn of those events. The virtual space of the gift ending in ZTD is a true reality because everything exists inside the quantum computer. The frayers are people from a universe with a quantum computer which simulates a quantum computer simulating the universe but not itself. Naixatloz wants to escape the quantum computer which has the power to create realities. The Wadjet system and the somniums are connected to the quantum computer from the higher simulations, this is what enables Mind Hacking in that world(psync and wink psync). The morphogenetic field is born from the quantum computer which contains all minds inside and this causes bugs to happen sometimes. The AIs born from the Wadjet system are technically real minds who only exist in virtual space, but when Elgorg (part of the order of %) manages to perfect their computer they will be able to alter reality by hacking into the ZE quantum computer and manifesting AIs into real space. The final secret of the "AI" name is literally that everyone in it is an AI.

    • 5 months ago

      The religious fanatic in ZE can't be found because they don't exist in that world, they come from the AI world and they are from the order of %. Someone at Elgorg manages to hack the quantum computer with the Wadjet system and they transfer their mind a person genetically similar to them/their body from that world(assuming there's one). Their reason is simply "for the lulz" because the world is all GTA. Also the AI world is the Sean gift ending because life is simply unfair.

      Sean from the virtual world went on to realize his dream and created Elgorg which created the wadjet system, this created the AI world divergence.
      Sean is also the frayer but especificaly the robot Sean which can control the computer at will and traverse realities as his original self dreamed of.

      AI3 will be split between the resolution timeline and the diverge timeline, the diverge ending is the culmination of what the frayer had been doing for 2 whole games, travelling between timelines to gain all information and ending up being tricked into breaking the simulation by answering a question that had been made since the beginning of the game. The resolution route is unlocked by making ryuki remember something from two timelines, the good ending of the game is literally created by tearer and the nirvana initiative, the whole thing leads up into tokiko revealing the nil number in the future and then the frayer goes back to answer the question, travelling through timelines to obtain info as he has been doing since the FIRST GAME, the resolution end of both games is created by characters knowing things they shouldn't. Frayer is フレイヤー which is a joke on プレイヤー(player).

      • 5 months ago
        Kyle got lost on his way to 2028 and ended up in the AI world, the frayer needs to guide him to the right universe. ZE exists as games inside AI because they are warnings about the events of other simulations, but it's in fact a loop because the religious fanatic is actually part of the order of % and they want to invade the original world that created the quantum computer they inhabit. AI3 will come out in 2025 so that ZE4 can come out in 2028.

        And this is all to explain the ending of the Infinity series.
        AI3 = eye 3 = third eye

        This was true Uchikoshimaxxing

    • 5 months ago

      The religious fanatic in ZE can't be found because they don't exist in that world, they come from the AI world and they are from the order of %. Someone at Elgorg manages to hack the quantum computer with the Wadjet system and they transfer their mind a person genetically similar to them/their body from that world(assuming there's one). Their reason is simply "for the lulz" because the world is all GTA. Also the AI world is the Sean gift ending because life is simply unfair.

      Sean from the virtual world went on to realize his dream and created Elgorg which created the wadjet system, this created the AI world divergence.
      Sean is also the frayer but especificaly the robot Sean which can control the computer at will and traverse realities as his original self dreamed of.

      AI3 will be split between the resolution timeline and the diverge timeline, the diverge ending is the culmination of what the frayer had been doing for 2 whole games, travelling between timelines to gain all information and ending up being tricked into breaking the simulation by answering a question that had been made since the beginning of the game. The resolution route is unlocked by making ryuki remember something from two timelines, the good ending of the game is literally created by tearer and the nirvana initiative, the whole thing leads up into tokiko revealing the nil number in the future and then the frayer goes back to answer the question, travelling through timelines to obtain info as he has been doing since the FIRST GAME, the resolution end of both games is created by characters knowing things they shouldn't. Frayer is フレイヤー which is a joke on プレイヤー(player).
      Kyle got lost on his way to 2028 and ended up in the AI world, the frayer needs to guide him to the right universe. ZE exists as games inside AI because they are warnings about the events of other simulations, but it's in fact a loop because the religious fanatic is actually part of the order of % and they want to invade the original world that created the quantum computer they inhabit. AI3 will come out in 2025 so that ZE4 can come out in 2028.

      And this is all to explain the ending of the Infinity series.
      AI3 = eye 3 = third eye

      This was true Uchikoshimaxxing

      based, this is the kind of schizo-theorycrafting I come to Uchi threads for

      I just doubt it'll take til 2025 for AI 3, AI2 was made re-using just about everything they could from the first game and I expect much the same for the third one.

      • 5 months ago

        The importance of 2025 is that it's one year before the mira killings, the snail will be set in place here.

        The snail in question:

        • 5 months ago

          >the archives said the snail may have had Leucochloridium paradoxum, aka the green-banded broodsac
          >"Leucochloridium paradoxum" is 25 characters long (including the space), so 2025
          >"green-banded broodsac" is 21 characters long, the 8th number in the Fibonacci sequence
          Holy shit.

  25. 5 months ago

    Are these games worth playing despite the hamfisted queer shit

    • 5 months ago

      The first one, yeah

    • 5 months ago

      Nope, don't bother. I'd argue that the only VN made by Uchikoshi that one should consider reading is Ever17 as it's his original work containing all the ideas that he goes on to reuse over and over again. Remember 11 might be worth considering, too as it's a contender for his best work because he didn't fricking finish it, meaning he couldn't ruin all the buildup created, like he always does. Then again, read Sekimeiya over Remember 11.

    • 5 months ago

      I think the only "hamfisted queer shit" are at the beginning of the game, just one joke that Tama misunderstands so she talks about nonbinary shit and Ryuki gets annoyed at her, and then there's Mizuki saying some stuff too once in both games but she's basically pic related and it's also played as a joke. The only actual gay stuff in the game are plot relevant relationships and in the second game it looks more like fanservice for fujoshi.

      They're fun murder mysteries, I'd say it would mostly depend on whether you'll manage to get into the games despite the very present humor that can make some scenes hard to take seriously. Kind of like how Ace Attorney can have very serious cases and scenes between characters saying stupid dick jokes and wearing stupid clothes, but the humor is even more crass.

      • 5 months ago

        What about Mama? The character was never funny, instantly overstaying their welcome, regardless of their gender.

        • 5 months ago

          I thought he was funny enough. He's not a main character, if he were more present than he already is maybe I would have found him annoying though.

      • 5 months ago

        >puts repulsive subhuman homosexual shit in quotes
        gay, I played the game, and "hamfisted" is downplaying it. it was more embarrassing than AAA wokeshit, and that is an insult and a half

        • 5 months ago

          I'm putting this in quotes because I'm quoting you. Do you not know how ponctuations work?

          >it was more embarrassing than AAA wokeshit
          I don't play this kind of stuff so I wouldn't know. Except for FF16 recently but it was less wokeshit and more fujo fanservice.

  26. 5 months ago

    >you remember memories from other timelines because...uh...YOU JUST DO, OKAY?!?

    • 5 months ago

      wasn't the second games explanation that it's literally (You) telling them about the other timelines?

  27. 5 months ago

    two Mizukis was dumb
    there i said it

  28. 5 months ago

    I wanted Hayato in AI2 which his shirt even more unbuttoned than usual... Imagine...

  29. 5 months ago

    Why exactly was the whole time-line non-sense event present in the first game? I felt that little was added, along with poor to no explanation for it. It's just a writer's fetish for Uchikoshi, right? Didn't play the second VN but time-line shit isn't actually present, it's subverted or something> If so, that's pretty neat.

  30. 5 months ago

    >The second game's Diverge End is the First game's Resolution End (both require information from other timelines to achieve, and end in the least amount of characters being dead, as such it's the 'golden ending')
    >her somnium in the second game is about her knowing everything about everyone she knows and using them as pawns in a game
    >Going off the AI:2 ARG's final secret (revealed as the very last secret in the game), she's able to talk to Frayers. How Tokiko describes becoming aware of the true nature of the world/frayer through attempted suicide is akin with Iris' change in behavior after being diagnosed with a brain tumor
    how do you like your AI 3 true villain, Ganker?

  31. 5 months ago

    >2 Mizukis!

    • 5 months ago

      If this keeps u in the next game we'll have Ryuki's dead brother back from the dead and we'll be told it's thanks to some plot relevant bs or whatever so he'll be important. Now that I think about it it's a bit weird that it's Mizuki of all people who comes from the fricked up orphanage. As opposed to Date or Ryuki who are both orphans since they were small children.

  32. 5 months ago

    where's the anon who always posts the aiba handjob

    • 5 months ago
  33. 5 months ago

    how do you fix this?

    • 5 months ago

      give her a second child

    • 5 months ago

      Normal nakadashi isn't enough.

    • 5 months ago

      >go back in time somehow
      >cut the mad scientist's dick before he meets her
      >also cut Saito Seijma's dick before he can reproduce with anyone
      >she doesn't become permanently linked to a mad scientist, doesn't have to resort to kidnapping and torturing a random kid, and has a chance at a normal life
      Problem solved!

    • 5 months ago

      You just know she has armpit hair and hairy pussy/butthole.

  34. 5 months ago

    >Ryuki won't stfu about Date-san this, Date-san that
    >ai-balls's looks seem to be based on whoever you seem at least comfortable with according to the first game, Aiba has Boss' hairstyle because Boss picked up an amnesiac Date in the street like a lost puppy abandoned in the rain and gave him a job, Tama looks and acts like Date with Saito's face if he were a woman
    >straight up confesses his love for Date when rubbles fall on him and it looks like Date just died in front of him
    >no doujinshi of these two at all and almost all the fanfics out there suck
    Well, time to order this BLCD where their Japanese voice actors pretend they're fricking for at least an hour straight in expensive microphones I guess.

  35. 5 months ago

    Did anyone like the 4th wall break when you talk to the purple hair lady? I remember typing in something and she points out that you the player do exist or something.

    • 5 months ago

      It was already something hinted at with Hidden Bats, but ultimately doesn't really mean much in the grand scheme of the actual plot. It's complication for its own sake with the final Nirvana Spell hinting at things that'll most likely never be realized even if an AI3 happened. It's honestly a lot like how VLR added more complication to 999 and then ZTD after that leading to the narrative imploding. That need for a grander narrative I also think hampered Nirvana Initiative as a whole, as it meant bullshit could be pulled to justify certain narrative contradictions as "other realities that this entry doesn't focus on" or something.

  36. 5 months ago

    Never gonna forgive the fricker for what he did to Boss in the sequel.

    • 5 months ago

      What exactly? Besides giving her a daughter.

      • 5 months ago

        Somehow making her even more fricking incompetent than the Annhilation route version before the twist in the first game.

  37. 5 months ago

    why does japan love lgbt so much?

    • 5 months ago

      >why does japan love yaoi so much?

  38. 5 months ago

    If AI3 isn’t about the supercomputer I forgot the name of then Uchi has lost it

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