>Supposedly to be based on Sword/Shield. >Barely traveling to Galar or meeting characters from Galar

>Supposedly to be based on Sword/Shield
>Barely traveling to Galar or meeting characters from Galar
>Barely meeting Galar region Pokemon
>Focusing more to Satoshi and Goh, barely showing any episodes focusing at Koharu
What were they thinking!

I still enjoy Pokemon Journeys but it was a huge downgrade comparing to Pokemon Sun/Moon anime. At least it still has great animation at battles and kickass openings. Also the episodes where they meet characters from previous seasons were nice nostalgia touch. And the episodes about Lilly's father were from the best Pokemon anime episodes.

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  1. 2 years ago

    >Supposedly to be based on Sword/Shield
    No? The title of the anime is just "Pocket Monsters" and not a title referring to the new gen games like previous seasons for a reason.

    • 2 years ago

      Good point. Still a shitty move.

      • 2 years ago

        No. Frick galard.

    • 2 years ago

      Journeys isn't about galar. But I still wish they took the time to show off the region's characters and pokemon a bit more.
      Like, half of the galar characters are probably never gonna show up and most of the pokemon only get cameos...

      Now that you guys mention it, I think what I hate most about PM is that they could easily give every major Galarian character an episode or two to shine, but rather wasted it on characters of the day or horrible filler episodes, you need an episode where Ash he needs to train his Dracovish, great use Nessa, you need an episode where Eevee needs to meet his ice evolution, use Meloni, you need a character that works as exposition, eye candy, or rival for Ash use Hop, Marnie and Bede , even Rose would have worked as a generic villain if they worked their plot after scenario, to interrupt the world cup by releasing Eternatus giving a dramatic ending to the event. You want a secret final boss, have Mustard and Peonny come back from retirement, that would have generated more anticipation than the sad Alain who had no reason to show up anymore.

      This series has no excuse, in SM they handled this perfectly, they practically used the entire cast of the game, giving each character their moment to shine and turning them into something recurring, giving continuity to the plot and not feeling like random events. On the other hand in PM everything feels so irrelevant, let's make Ash and Bea rivals without forming any interaction (Hello, battle, and goodbye 3 times in a row), Goh enters a project out of nowhere to find Mew the legendary pokemon that no one has seen, while Ash has 3 in his pocket, and finally Chloe "I'm not interested in pokemon" 10 episodes before the end "Guys, I want to join your advent" next week Scarlet & Violet the anime!

      In short, I understand that SWSH was not the focus, but if they had time and resources wasting it on plots and OCs that no one cares about, they could easily use some of that and give it to the game they were trying to sell at the time (God, PLA it was even worse 4 special mini episodes with little reference to the game)

      • 2 years ago

        >barely showing any episodes focusing at Koharu
        She flopped as a Pokegirl. Yamper did poorly and they had to bring in speshul Eevee in as her primary mon.

        >PLA special
        >Actually turns out to be a shill for BDSP with Arceus hamfisted in
        The true arceus special was the one with Zoroark.

        • 2 years ago

          >She flopped as a Pokegirl.
          No she didn't. She got a Gambler Club doujin so that's success in my book.

          • 2 years ago

            >Gambler Club doujin
            Into the fricking trash

            • 2 years ago

              Name a better one.

          • 2 years ago

            She only got a pity one and they had to throw Dawn and give her finally getting non-anal sex in to make that happen since Koharu is such a boring nothing character.

      • 2 years ago

        A training arc where Ash battles and learns under Mustard realistically would have been the most believable way for Ash to beat Leon. Instead he'll likely just fight him as usual, take turns OHKO-ing 4-5 members of each other's teams (assuming the finals are 6v6), and then Pikachu/Lucario will get to have a shilling contest against Charizard.

      • 2 years ago

        This and the fact that they kept trying to force Goh down our throats despite everyone not being able to stand the little twink fricker are the biggest failings of Journeys.

  2. 2 years ago

    Journeys isn't about galar. But I still wish they took the time to show off the region's characters and pokemon a bit more.
    Like, half of the galar characters are probably never gonna show up and most of the pokemon only get cameos...

  3. 2 years ago

    It's still ultimately about Ash battling Leon

  4. 2 years ago

    Gen 8 sucks, plus the current setup of the anime lets them drop Galar as soon as soon as the tourney is over anyway.

  5. 2 years ago

    Journeys was supposed to reflect both the Gen 8 games, PoGo and Master's, since Pokemon is no longer focused solely around the mainline games.
    Also Galar is a bland, souless region while the writers were free to pick and choose the best elements from Pokemon's 20 years of history along with all the games and spinoff media.
    In theory, it was a good idea that was partially ruined by covid and mostly ruined by incompetence and some bad ideas from the start (like Go and Koharu).

    • 2 years ago

      Go wasn't inherently a bad idea, a trainer that focuses on catching while Ash does battles. It was just executed extremely badly.

      • 2 years ago

        >Go wasn't inherently a bad idea, a trainer that focuses on catching while Ash does battles.
        Yes he was, because the anime has consistently emphasized the point that Pokemon are sentient animals and not unintelligent insects you can catch in the wild and use in wienerfights. Go's very existence is dissonant to the anime's narrative that found its way into the mainline games.
        Add that to Go just being a shallow, easily butthurt and lacking initiative and he's an easily dislikable character. This is because he's written by 50 somethings trying to represent a zoomer, not realizing that zoomers are fricking awful in their personal lives and are not entertaining to watch outside of performance and skits.

        • 2 years ago

          Previous anime were also written by middle age men, including the first seasons (till the third movie).

          • 2 years ago

            difference being writers used to focus on the story, nowadays its only ever about "how do we do wacky crazy memeable thing that will make those kids put down their screens and look at ours!" sure fetishbros are winning all over the place from what ive seen posted here of journeys but those of us who crave the soul from the og series cant even stomach the crap thats currently becoming the new standard for anipoke

            • 2 years ago

              Not really. Pokemon has always been a monster of the week show. Journeys isn’t that much different structure wise. Instead of Ash being confided to one region, they have him go anywhere.

        • 2 years ago

          >Yes he was, because the anime has consistently emphasized the point that Pokemon are sentient animals and not unintelligent insects you can catch in the wild and use in wienerfights. Go's very existence is dissonant to the anime's narrative that found its way into the mainline games.
          Ash and Go have basically the same amount of total Pokemon, I'm not sure how you can criticize one and not the other. Hell at least Go actively cares for all his Pokemon himself instead of dumping them with someone else to do it for him.

          • 2 years ago

            >I'm not sure how you can criticize one and not the other.
            One catches Pokemon and immediately banks them because he needs to check off a box in his Pokedex
            The other catches a mon and trains it to compete in the regional Pokemon League over the course of a season
            Yes, they're both exactly the same, you anti-Ashgays are some of the biggest morons in this shit community

            • 2 years ago

              Also Ash is connected emotionally more with his Pokemon than Goh does

            • 2 years ago

              Go actively takes care of his Pokemon though, we always see him feeding and interacting with them when an episode actually focuses on the lab. Maybe watch the anime before you start spouting shit, I'm not even anti-Ash but he visits his Pokemon like once every 5 years.

              • 2 years ago

                Oh frick off with that shit, they only do that once in a blue moon, and it's ultimately extremely shallow anyway. Wow, we see Stantler eating some kibble in the background , big deal. Even his most used pokemon are just completely irrelevent 95% of the time. This season is fricking ass at showing off pokemon in any meaningful way in general.

              • 2 years ago

                Dumb AshPa***t

              • 2 years ago

                No, frick you with that shit, Ash is garbage and you never see his shitty tram either.

              • 2 years ago

                If I remember correctly he seems to only use the Galar starters, and for a while he was just using Inteleon.

                It would be nice if Goh would use his other mons more frequently other than Galar starters and for Ash to not use his fricking Lucario.

              • 2 years ago

                Even then Grookey literally does nothing. It's Togepi tier in that it's more of a part of Goh's character design than a pokemon, to the point where it's used only a single attack, and only once. So it's ultimately just Cinderace and Inteleon he uses with any frequency, and that is not a common occurrence either.

                Lucario overstaturation is also extremely aggravating, I agree. Though honestly, it was moreso Pikachu constantly being used for everything that was truly annoying. It's only really in the last year they started pushing Lucario a lot, prior to that even it was seldom seen.

                Like, I fricking hated Sun and Moon, but I absolutely cannot fault it on at least giving it's pokemon a good showing, be it ones belonging to the characters or wild ones.

              • 2 years ago

                Shot like this shows that you Gohgays are easily satisfied with crumbs. They give you a little superficial scene of him feeding his Pokémon once in a blue moon and you act like it’s the peak of writing. Meanwhile, for the previous 7 series, you saw Ash actively raising, training and working together with his Pokémon for the entire series and you shit on that. People like you are the reason why Pokémon interaction in this series was so shallow, with most things relegated to off screen

              • 2 years ago

                You're comparing a team of six that Ash had on hand (on average) from previous seasons with Goh's 100+ Pokémon?

                People already moan about too many episodes taking place in Kanto while other regions (Galar) get the shaft, and Goh doesn't battle, so the only way to get more shots of him with his Pokémon, more episodes would have to take place in Kanto. The result of that? More complaining.

                People also whine about Goh stealing the spotlight from Ash (despite Goh being a main character, like Ash), so when we get an episode like him training and competing with his Magikarp or helping Flabebe find a new flower or Pinsir win back Heracross' love, people pile on Goh and talk about "boring filler" and "what a waste of an episode".

                Goh takes care of and loves his Pokémon. This is an established fact. Your dislike for the character doesn't invalidate that fact.

                You talk about how easily Goh fans are satisfied with crumbs, yet Goh haters constantly move the goal post because anything that puts Goh in a positive light must be shitted on.

                Of course I would love more interaction with his Pokemon. I would enjoy seeing them more. But PM19 is a rushed and flawed series that tries to do too much without giving its good ideas the development they need. Knowing this, I at least try and enjoy what I can, because as poorly executed as the ideas are, at least they're there - they're something to get some enjoyment out of, while hoping future seasons do better.

              • 2 years ago

                Yea, it’s kinda a quantity over quality thing which shows exactly why a character like Go doesn’t work in the anime. With Ash’s Pokémon, we got to know them over the span of 25 years and seethe bond with Ash to the point that any time we get an Oak lab episode, the reaction from both sides is something that was earned with time.

                With Go though, the writers want the audience to care the same amount for a fraction of the work even compared to past main characters. The vast majority of his Pokémon are little more than a growing group of background fodder to the point where only a fraction of a fraction of them even have any kind of established personality while the others you don’t even know how sentient they are. And you complain that people think of episodes like Magikarp jump, Flebebe, or Pinsir’s love life filler. Of course people are gonna think about it in that way because the quantity of his Pokémon is so big and these Pokémon are left as fixtures for so much time that why should the audience care about these crumbs when they aren’t even so much as part-time members of Go’s team. They get paraded out for a single purpose and then are thrown back into the background again. It’s why his goal isn’t feasible for the anime and never will be. And real nice trying to use the strawman of ‘Go loves his Pokémon’ when nothing about my post even mentioned whether or not he cares about them

              • 2 years ago

                How does Goh's character not work in the anime when the anime is all about advertising and merchandising? Goh is there to promote Pokémon GO hence his catching style being different. Pokémon games have always been about catching as many as you can, and you're rewarded for it. Goh's character behaves exactly the way these giant corporations want players to play the games/the app. Anytime they want to market merchandise, they just have Goh catch the Pokémon/show it off in the park. It's about money, above all else, and always has/will be, so don't be surprised if Goh is a permanent character going forward.

                The anime generally doesn't have great writing, but then again, it's aimed at young kids. Young kids are happy to see different Pokémon every week. If one Pokémon gets the spotlight in a single episode before falling back into the background, it's not going to matter to them. TPC wants to sell merchandise anyway, so the focus is going to shift fast.

                And Goh technically doesn't have a "team" like Ash, so outside of Cinderace, Grookey, and (sometimes) Inteleon, most of them stay at the park. They might as well anyway, since Goh doesn't battle and his catching style is based off of GO and some of the other games, like Let's Go. PM19 doesn't even have very many battles anyway, outside of the PWC, and the TRio rarely show up, so the writers would have to come up with a creative use for his Pokémon, like the Mewtwo episode, but don't because again, strong storytelling isn't the focus.

                And the "Goh loves his Pokémon" comment was in response to calling him feeding his Pokémon once in a blue moon superficial and comparing that to Ash raising, training, and working together with his Pokémon. Feeding, playing with, caring for (like brushing them) isn't something we have to (or need to) see all the time, but it's been shown enough so that we know he does it and spends time with his Pokémon, just as Ash does.

              • 2 years ago

                Go as a character doesn’t work in the confines of the anime because the way that Pokémon are treated by the writers due to his goal. In the past, the Pokémon that were captured were akin to adding a new cast member to that current series. The series wasn’t just about the humans but also about the Pokémon that they befriend along the way. They had their own individual character and growths throughout the saga. This was accompanied because the writers didn’t bite off more than they could chew with the number of Pokémon. With Go however, Pokémon are reduced to just being a box to be checked off in his Pokédex. Hardly any of them have a character nor do many of them have any form of development. They just exist as background fodder. It’s especially telling following directly after SM which had some of the best treatment of the cast of Pokémon.

                And calling the writers having superficial scenes of him sometimes interacting with his Pokémon has nothing to do with whether he cares about them, it’s showing the laziness of the writers basically just throwing in superficial scenes in stark contrast to how in prior series we would see the bonds characters and their Pokémon have earned and developed rather than what they do this series. As I said, it’s a total quantity over quality

              • 2 years ago

                Not that anon, but I want to add that the way of writing the character breaks several of the elements that were formed in the anime, for example in the game it is normal that your character can have all the legendaries, catch pokemon with only pokeballs, be the best trainer overnight (In your own game), but in the anime several of these elements had to be adapted for the sake of the plot, catching Pokemon became key moments, not only because of the battle, but because of the bond that was formed, and that this would form to be part of the cast, that is why the writers began to limit the captures, so that they were more significant, the use of the legendary ones was also limited since in the anime they had a status of deities, not only ultra rare pokemon (There are exceptions), and an unfair advantage to the one who owns them (Tobias was one of the worst examples of this, he is not a character it is literally an excuse to end the league at once) , for this reason it was they were limited to only being temporary companions of the protagonists and not an element to use whenever they want.

                For years the anime was forming its own rules to adapt elements of a video game and although it had its mistakes, a certain consistency was created over time, so that at the last moment it sent everything to hell just to advertise a spin-off, in In that case, they would have better created a PGo anime and not mix it with the main line.

              • 2 years ago

                >they would have better created a PGo anime
                Problem with this is that it would have been 99% certain to fail. This is what pisses me off about Anti-Ashgays, they want Ash to retire and to START OVER not realizing that almost anyone who takes his place will probably be shit.
                >hurr digimon
                >hurr yugioh
                >hurr yokai watch
                Which is why Digimon, YGO and YW keep pandering to the 1st gen anime amirite? You get a sequel to Adventure, another sequel, and then a fricking remake rather than make a new Digimon spinoff.
                You get special movies every few years for YGO and the OG cards and series keep getting support in the games while the newer shows with their forgettable casts do not.
                And YW which was dead had to have children of the main cast and then bring back the main cast with time shenanigans.
                You fricking put your best ideas out there for the start and work out that. Arrogant fans don't know better, they don't know shit.

              • 2 years ago

                Pretty much this. They will remake Kanto instead of dropping Ash.

              • 2 years ago

                While we wait for the classic PokeSpe fan comment.

                You know I think that many of those animes are not bad perse, the problem is that there is nothing that connects them and maintains their original audience, just to give an example imagine that we change the main character like in the games, pokemania had its boom with Ash, most would leave with the start of Gold, and that's not bad, a new generation would have its own niche, By the time Ruby arrives it's a totally new audience, a second pokemania is generated, not as big as the original, but it is its own thing, by the time the seasons of Diamond, Black, X arrive, these will pass without pain or glory, SM, and SWSH no longer being profitable as anime would be a couple of Ovas, and suddenly they come up with the great idea of make a series to bring back all the protagonists, most would only see it for the first three and the hype would die the following season.

                Something that people do not understand is that if this anime has lasted so long it is for two reasons; it is a huge commercial for a children's video game and Ash with Pikachu is the link that connects this entire expanded universe, Ash is not a character with which growing up, is one that accompanies you for a stretch of your life and you have to leave, and if you want it later you can take it up again and there he will be, immutable ready for the next generation.

              • 2 years ago

                >Problem with this is that it would have been 99% certain to fail. This is what pisses me off about Anti-Ashgays, they want Ash to retire and to START OVER not realizing that almost anyone who takes his place will probably be shit.
                This reminded me of the director of Birds of Prey, she made an action movie not intended for the male audience (despite the fact that this is the majority audience for this film genre), when the movie collapsed at the box office, she accused the male audience of not support her movie.

              • 2 years ago

                Go does bond with his Galar starters if it's worth anything. Scizor and Flygon see some use. But for the most part his catches are just achievements in the dex.

              • 2 years ago

                And that feels even more wrong

              • 2 years ago

                and that's why I hate him

              • 2 years ago

                >Young kids are happy to see different Pokémon every week.
                I can vouch for this from childhood memories.
                >"Hahaha Snubble bit Meowth's tail"
                >"Oh whoa Tracey has a Marril! That's a NEW Pokemon from the NEW games!"
                >"Ash caught (new pokemon!) that's so cool!"

              • 2 years ago

                >How does Goh's character not work in the anime when the anime is all about advertising and merchandising?
                Protip: when people call the Pokemon anime a glorified commercial, they don't mean that it is literally a commercial

              • 2 years ago

                >they don't mean that it is literally a commercial
                It always has been

              • 2 years ago

                It is, though? I legitimately don't know how you could argue otherwise.

              • 2 years ago

                >I legitimately don't know how you could argue otherwise.
                It is promoting brand awareness, but commercials are intended to pitch specific existing products or services.
                Merchandise is made for the Pokemon anime, not the reverse.
                Mickey Mouse cartoons are not commercials for Disneyland. Commercials for Disneyland air in between Mickey Mouse cartoons.
                If you haven't noticed too, most of the ads during the livestream are for Pokemon products not necessarily tied to the anime you're watching.

              • 2 years ago

                All you're saying is that the anime is a commercial for the Pokemon brand, Goh literally being a personification of Pokemon GO right down to the name exemplifies this. Since day 1 Pokemon's anime has been a commercial.

              • 2 years ago

                >All you're saying is that the anime is a commercial for the Pokemon brand
                You either didn't understand the post or you were too lazy to try.
                tl;dr, the anime is programming. It's not an ad and it's definitely not a commercial.

              • 2 years ago

                > It's not an ad and it's definitely not a commercial.
                Okay, let's go back to your original post.
                >It is promoting brand awareness
                Like a commercial or billboard or a twitter page, the only thing that's different is the form it takes. Are you gonna sit here and tell me GI Joe and Transformers TV shows from the 80s aren't ads? From start to finish, their intent was to get you to go buy the toys. The Pokemon anime attempts the exact same thing, and again, Goh working to catch all Pokemon, TR having a gacha to show off random Pokemon every episode, and the general nature of the show being about travelling, catching and battling all tie right back into the games where you do the same thing, almost like the anime serves as a way to get people interested in the Pokemon universe so they consume the fricking product.

              • 2 years ago

                That's how I see it too. Kids that watch the anime see something Pokemon-related advertised during a commercial break. They bug their parents to buy it for them. TPC makes another sale.

                Also, maybe a parent buys their kid a Pokemon game for the first time. Kid plays it, likes it, and then finds out there's an anime. Starts watching it, sees cool Pokemon stuff advertised, and then gets the parents to buy the stuff.

                It's all one great big advertisement. Goh wouldn't even exist if not for Pokemon GO, imo. Goh promotes the app, and in turn, the app promotes the anime. It's all about getting the most eyes on the most Pokemon-related stuff possible to bring in the most money.

              • 2 years ago

                >Young kids are happy to see different Pokémon every week.
                This. 100%. I'll never forget what it was like as a kid to get my hands on anything with new Pokemon—early-release Pokemon in the anime, Burger King toys, PoJo magazines, etc.

          • 2 years ago

            Who do you think that takes care of Goh's Pokemon when he travels to other regions to catch more Pokemon? moron.

          • 2 years ago

            >Basically the same amount of total Pokemon
            Dumb homosexual, Ash has 77 Pokemon, and fricking 30 of them are Tauros and it took him 24 fricking seasons to get there. Goh has 107 after only 3, and while he does have species dupes it's nowhere near 30. Also Goh doesn't actively care for his Pokemon, he leaves them with his professor like every other trainer, showing him stopping by 4? times doesn't mean that's his day-to-day and it's demonstrably not the case given what we know about his daily life and events.

        • 2 years ago

          I used to defend Pokemon GO. Now I hate it with all my heart and now I have one reason to hate it.

          >I'm not sure how you can criticize one and not the other.
          One catches Pokemon and immediately banks them because he needs to check off a box in his Pokedex
          The other catches a mon and trains it to compete in the regional Pokemon League over the course of a season
          Yes, they're both exactly the same, you anti-Ashgays are some of the biggest morons in this shit community

          Also Ash is connected emotionally more with his Pokemon than Goh does

        • 2 years ago

          Frick off, the dissonance is watching people battle pokemon to submission to catch them and believe that its friendship, love or respect. They are wild creatures overpowered by manmade tool that made them fight for you. The game introduce this concept later in gen 5 and it ruins the series. Now we have morons like you who cant accept that pokemon are creatures under your command when its the whole point of the game and anime. Even with the friendship bullshit. Its just there to alleviate the violence to not offend the karens. Look kids are not playing animal fighting, its actually just a show of love from them, theyre not attacking their opponents but simply want to satisfy their trainers, even if most of the trainers use them to fight. Doesnt makes any sense unless youre a delusional moron

          • 2 years ago

            It's also why Pokemon isn't allowed to get physical with how it displays its battles.
            In the anime, every single attack has to light up and explode and handwave it as "oh, they're not ACTUALLY scratching/biting/punching/kicking each other, they're putting Magic Bullshit Energy into a form that LOOKS like it!", and the core games similarly have to dance around this, which is why moves like Double Kick still animate the way they do.

            • 2 years ago

              >Pokemon isn't allowed to get physical with how it displays its battles.
              Pokemon Origins. Charmander's scream of absolutely fricking pain (while Squirtle wouldn't release a hard bite) that they felt was bad enough to cut short in the dub. Watch that and fricking tell me the series can't get physical.

              • 2 years ago

                It's also why Pokemon isn't allowed to get physical with how it displays its battles.
                In the anime, every single attack has to light up and explode and handwave it as "oh, they're not ACTUALLY scratching/biting/punching/kicking each other, they're putting Magic Bullshit Energy into a form that LOOKS like it!", and the core games similarly have to dance around this, which is why moves like Double Kick still animate the way they do.

                Like 0:38.

              • 2 years ago

                Longer version.

              • 2 years ago

                Its a spin off. Shit remeber gen 5 ? Dont tell me pokemon aknowledge their violence

              • 2 years ago

                Yeah that doesn't fricking wave away your argument. It happened and it's official.

            • 2 years ago

              The show has been since gen 6 a lot more visually intuitive in battles, you might be thinking more of the previous gens where almost all pokemon moves were a repeated scene in a sparkly background and the hits were a flash in the screen.
              >but the fists and teeth do magic glow things so it doesn't count!
              It's also a children's show and they want to make it look cool while coat the violence.
              The attacks dont connect in the games because Gamefreak is too lazy to do decent animations.

              • 2 years ago

                The anime isn't even consistant with the punches/bites/etc. For example, sometimes they manifest giant magic glowing jagged teeth shapes (can't fricking believe I'm typing that), other times they simply are just biting the opponent. I've seen anons try to justify the former with 'oh, well, its the ATTACK 'Bite', not an actual bite', but to them I say frick off, thats moronic.

          • 2 years ago

            It's also why Pokemon isn't allowed to get physical with how it displays its battles.
            In the anime, every single attack has to light up and explode and handwave it as "oh, they're not ACTUALLY scratching/biting/punching/kicking each other, they're putting Magic Bullshit Energy into a form that LOOKS like it!", and the core games similarly have to dance around this, which is why moves like Double Kick still animate the way they do.

            ok micheal vick

        • 2 years ago

          Frick off, the dissonance is watching people battle pokemon to submission to catch them and believe that its friendship, love or respect. They are wild creatures overpowered by manmade tool that made them fight for you. The game introduce this concept later in gen 5 and it ruins the series. Now we have morons like you who cant accept that pokemon are creatures under your command when its the whole point of the game and anime. Even with the friendship bullshit. Its just there to alleviate the violence to not offend the karens. Look kids are not playing animal fighting, its actually just a show of love from them, theyre not attacking their opponents but simply want to satisfy their trainers, even if most of the trainers use them to fight. Doesnt makes any sense unless youre a delusional moron

          Pokemon are willingly caught by humans, they literally show up before people to be captured, otherwise they'd frick off to the forests where humans don't live. Pokemon live with humans for the combination of having a safe place to live and not get hunted, to travel the region, and to become more powerful.

          It's also why Pokemon isn't allowed to get physical with how it displays its battles.
          In the anime, every single attack has to light up and explode and handwave it as "oh, they're not ACTUALLY scratching/biting/punching/kicking each other, they're putting Magic Bullshit Energy into a form that LOOKS like it!", and the core games similarly have to dance around this, which is why moves like Double Kick still animate the way they do.

          t. someone who watched one webm
          Pokemon still punch and kick each other or whatever else.
          Double Kick looks like shit because Gamefreak sucks.

          • 2 years ago

            Yeah, thats why you have to walk in their natural habitat to fight them and they never come to humans in towns. Youre delusional, its a fighting game at its core.

    • 2 years ago

      Pokemon Go isn't Gen 8 it doesn't even have Gen 8 mons yet, it's all the regions.

      • 2 years ago

        Pokemon GO literally revitalized the franchise in pop culture, it doesn't matter if GO isn't Gen 8, it's objectively more relevant than Gen 8 in 2022.

      • 2 years ago

        Gens aren’t a thing to TPCI. It’s about representing what is currently relevant within the franchise. That includes GO, which is why Gou exists, Masters for all the cameos, and Swsh gets the tournament’s with Dynamax and Leon shilling.

    • 2 years ago

      Right. I forgot that Journeys is mostly about pushing Pokemon GO (therefore having a side protagonist named Goh and catching Pokemon without battling them, just like Pokemon GO).

    • 2 years ago

      eh? I don't see it

      • 2 years ago

        Erika and Cynthia have some of their Pokémon from Masters.
        Masters EX is cross promoting the anime with an Ash event.

    • 2 years ago

      >Also Galar is a bland, souless region

      Maybe in the game. In concept, you could do a lot if the anime writers had any imagination.

  6. 2 years ago

    The anime doesn't give a frick about the games anymore and only loosely pull stuff from them now.

    • 2 years ago

      If anything it cares more about the games now than it did before, since it tries to being all characters inline with their game counterpart (like Iris) where before they just did whatever they wanted.

    • 2 years ago

      It cares about PoGo and Masters because those are services that you have to keep dumping money into.
      It couldn't care less about Galar and Gen 8, and neither does /vp/

  7. 2 years ago

    I've been enjoying the new style of the anime, hope they keep it honestly.

  8. 2 years ago

    >focusing to
    >focusing at
    dumb ESL

  9. 2 years ago

    I used to defend Pokemon GO. Now I hate it with all my heart and now I have one reason to hate it.

  10. 2 years ago

    >Pokemon Sun/Moon anime
    Is shit.

  11. 2 years ago

    Its the best anime series yet because it engages with the Pokemon world instead of having 300 episodes in one region where 70% are just useless filler where team rocket tries to steal pikachu and whose that pokemon using a giant net robot.

    Instead they show Legendary Pokemon, battles that well done and interesting, and some really heartfelt and fun moments in between. The idiot brigade stays around, and filler is still a thing, but its kept to a minimum in JN. Liked XY and SM, but JN is great.

    • 2 years ago

      >just useless filler where team rocket tries to steal pikachu and whose that pokemon using a giant net robot
      They still do this shit though

    • 2 years ago

      >battles that well done and interesting
      The battles in JN have been shit compared to XY and even Sun-Moon.

    • 2 years ago

      I agree, been enjoying it.

    • 2 years ago

      >battles that well done and interesting
      Ash using Mimey and kicking ass with him was the best anime battle in years.

    • 2 years ago

      >instead of having 300 episodes in one region where 70% are just useless filler where team rocket tries to steal pikachu and whose that pokemon using a giant net robot.
      Yes, besides many of Ash's companions in those old format filler episodes barely did anything when it isn't focused on either of them which were criticized every now and then. Take XY for example, where Ash's companions are just "background" characters for the most part in those XY filler episodes.

    • 2 years ago

      This. It's also much more interesting than your standard gyms + league and feels more significant.

  12. 2 years ago

    >At least it still has great animation at battles
    Obviously that's subjective but that's one of the things people shit on PM for the most when compared to previous seasons

  13. 2 years ago

    Koharu looked sad, what happened here?

    • 2 years ago

      She knows she's getting dropped next series, while Goh and Ash goes to School in the Gen 9 region.

      • 2 years ago

        Nah all three are going to School in Gen 9 region as an "exchange" program

  14. 2 years ago

    SWSH weren't too hot so they tried to shill all 8 gens with a new formula.

  15. 2 years ago

    >Worst region gets the least screentime
    So what's the problem exactly?

  16. 2 years ago

    It's because it's a Pokemon GO / Pokemon-as-a-whole / nostalgiabait series, and thank god it's not based on Shit/Shite. This fricking generation shat up my taste in monster collecting games for a year, and I haven't touched a single Pokemon IP since it came out, minus that PokeClicker thing that ended up being so grindy I dropped it.

    • 2 years ago

      >This fricking generation shat up my taste in monster collecting games for a year, and I haven't touched a single Pokemon IP
      and gen 6 or 7 didn't do that?

      • 2 years ago

        XY was bland and USUM was fine, but handhold-y and simple. Neither were really hateworthy, though I didn't play the base SM.
        SS has a lot riding on it, it being the first "real" console Pokemon game in a long while, the first one with a "wild area", and all that shit about LGPE being a cute side project while the REAL game for the REAL fans is coming soon, gen 8 is a loveletter to the long-time fans, yadda yadda, and what we got was a lazy cashgrab, the dex cut, overpriced paid DLC, Pokemon Home shenanigans, a higher price tag, shit reused models, graphics that are awful for the Switch 99% of the time and so on, and the next project after that was that ILCA-made trash.

  17. 2 years ago

    >she used the English name of Go but the Japanese names Satoshi and Koharu instead of Ash and Chloe
    Why are you such a weeabo and not even good at it?

    • 2 years ago

      >Playing/watching Japanese media
      >Whining about weebs
      Ok fake fan

  18. 2 years ago

    SWSH flopped
    Turner was fired
    the sales numbers are fake
    Masuda's role was changed
    the anime barely acknowledged Galar
    Dynamax/Gigantamax was never used again in any other game

    all thanks to SWSH near universal hate

  19. 2 years ago

    The anime's only strong point has been showing off pokemon I initially thought looked loke shit and making them apppealing. And Gen 8 REALLY fricking needed that, I'm sure I might have come round to a lot more of them. Ecen then, barely.any gen 8 pokemon I actually LIKE have shown up in any substantial role. Frick the inept buttholes running the show currently.

  20. 2 years ago

    The fact that Ash is running around with a Z-ring and a Mega evolution means that PM clearly does not give a frick about SwSh

  21. 2 years ago

    >Ash's ace for the Gen 8 anime is a Mega Pokemon from Sinnoh

    You can't make this up.

    • 2 years ago

      X&Y can’t stop winning.

      • 2 years ago

        >X&Y can’t stop winning.

  22. 2 years ago

    Ash is a trash protagonist, I hope they finally retire this moron.

    • 2 years ago

      >retire this moron
      hah i wish

    • 2 years ago

      Trips of Fricking Truth

    • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      >retire this moron
      hah i wish

      Trips of Fricking Truth


      >how to say that you're a moron that wants the series to die without saying that you're a moron that wants the series to die

      • 2 years ago

        Ash is shit, end of story

        • 2 years ago

          He's here to stay.
          cry more.

    • 2 years ago

      Ash is best when used as voice if reason.
      Thats why power of us was such great movie

    • 2 years ago

      I agree

  23. 2 years ago

    Yeah, dumping Ash wouldn’t magically make things better. The anime’s biggest problem post Pokemania is that it is formulaic, which is a reflection of the games. Dump Ash and it is still 8 gym badges, regional villains, and a tournament. Same shit with a different coat of paint.

  24. 2 years ago

    to be based on Sword/Shield
    Are you moronic?

  25. 2 years ago

    >but it was a huge downgrade comparing to Pokemon Sun/Moon anime
    I can't say for certain but I feel like the Sun and Moon anime might have been lightning in a bottle. Alola was very much a unique region both in gameplay and lore that lent itself to such a comfy anime adaptation. It's not entirely certain if they would have been able to recreate that for Galar.
    But yeah I agree it is definitely a downgrade and there's a long list of reasons Journeys is less than perfect other than "it's not Sun and Moon".

  26. 2 years ago

    >What were they thinking!
    nothing, they're the people that make the ashnime

    I still enjoy Pokemon Journeys but it was a huge downgrade comparing to Pokemon Sun/Moon anime. At least it still has great animation at battles and kickass openings. Also the episodes where they meet characters from previous seasons were nice nostalgia touch. And the episodes about Lilly's father were from the best Pokemon anime episodes.
    this reads as if you had standards which you dont

  27. 2 years ago

    >At least it still has great animation at battles

  28. 2 years ago

    traveling to Galar or meeting characters from Galar
    meeting Galar region Pokemon
    more to Satoshi and Goh, barely showing any episodes focusing at Koharu
    This is exactly the reason I'm watching this shit

  29. 2 years ago

    >At least it still has great animation at battles
    The battles are one of the most boring thing in Journeys.
    There is no propper impacts of attacks. No visible effort. Its all just blinding sparkles.

  30. 2 years ago

    >barely showing any episodes focusing at Koharu
    The show's fatal flaw. The lack of waifu screentime has actually killed my interest in the show which has in turn killed my interest in the franchise, at least until SV comes out.

  31. 2 years ago

    They were thinking that Galar is shit

    • 2 years ago

      The only things that are shit about Galar are Leon and hop.
      everything else is wasted potential

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