
Happy 9th Birthday to Zestiria !
Also 30th Tales Anniversary is Next year
Hopefully they announce something before then...

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  1. 4 months ago

    Zestiria : Reload. I want to believe

  2. 4 months ago

    I am playing Tales of Arise and just now defeated Vhalron and started a second act of sorts and I absolutely love this game. It looks beautiful, it runs fantastic on my mediocre PC even with the craziest effects possible going off, the fighting system is really fun, the difficulty is perfect for me (challenging but never frustrating), the setting is cool, the story keeps me engaged to see how it ends, the protagonists party is not the greatest RPG party ever but nontheless pretty sympathetic (despite not having a e-girl).
    The only thing I can really criticize is that the soundtrack is rather generic and only has one memorable track and the first ruler got defeated way too fast. Then if I REALLY want to nitpick at nothing also that one or two characters here and there are a bit boring and farming is kinda lame but honestly but this is nothing, it's so minor, it's not even worth mentioning.
    I know it's not cool around here to like this game, but I genuinely do! I hope they don't mess up in this second half and have a good explanation for yet unanswered questions. From the looks of it, we go up to Lenegis, so that's cool. In the end this truly was Tales of Arise.

    • 4 months ago

      That shirt should me more transparent. I have a good boner on her.

    • 4 months ago

      > they announce something before then...
      At BEST Abyss remaster
      Anyway seeing this why Daigo Okumura never got his moment to be a character designer? If the miracle happen and they Split the team just sent him to do the design for one game

    • 4 months ago

      glad you're enjoying it
      its not my favorite Tales game but I still enjoyed it a lot as well
      unfortunately Tales games are where Sakuraba phones it in, he puts out a very lackluster OST with one or two standout tracks for every game

    • 4 months ago

      >second half
      So how did you like the second "half"?

  3. 4 months ago
    • 4 months ago

      I love Graces's title system and xillia's lillium.
      My favoritos systems

      • 4 months ago

        Vesperia's was the best, the weapons actually had value, and weren't just "number go up" slot. There was a reason to equip older, weaker, weapons, because they had desirable (and sometimes expensive) skills. On top of that you could change the weapons mid-fight, changing the skills with them.
        But they can't really be treated as some detached subsystem of the game, because of how greatly they were integrated into the whole gameplay and mechanics of Vesperia.

        Lilium orbs were the worst, and most tedious. The outcome was fixed. Leveling up did nothing, because you had to go into menu and go through the bullshit menus. All skills had to have cost that is multiple of 2, because of the silly mechanic of how points were awarded.

        Graces' title system was not so bad, because it was at least passive, and didn't require you to play the menu. But I can't say it was memorable.

        • 4 months ago

          Vesperia has the same problem FFIX has.
          Doing and optimum run is boring and has no room to do different shit.
          And the skill thing after the first 3 hours you have more skills than Skillpoints so why going for an older weapons that give you a decent skill if is better to have a weapons that gave you more strength

        • 4 months ago

          I prefer Xillia 2's system to the first game's
          the alium orbs felt like Abyss's capacity cores, but with elements instead of stats so it wasn't as critical to get right as early as possible

  4. 4 months ago

    Why is Sorey so fricking boring? He's the worst Tales protagonist

    • 4 months ago

      >Worst protag
      No thats reserved for this moron

      • 4 months ago

        He's not so bad after the first 5 hours or so. I find Ruca far worse.

        • 4 months ago

          >Never understood why Asteria made the aquaphobic one the navy sweetheart
          >She can look cute AND keep the boys in line at the same time, like a two-in-one deal
          Well, they're certainly not wrong

          Kind of funny, that. He gets a little more acclimated to the world-trotting adventure thing, but as the story expands there is thus less time to fixate on his being a wuss, versus at the start in which we see every painful moment.


          Do we have any Inomata design comments for Nanaly? She's a lot, in a good way.

          • 4 months ago

            We stan Raine in this house

            • 4 months ago

              Masochists that we are

              You won't be doing anything close on Vesperia until after or close to the Final Boss when your story progress locked equipment skills let you

              I am little ways into one of those PC new game plus saves with a bunch of skills already unlocked. I don't know if this breaks the game in two or just gets to the point.

  5. 4 months ago

    tales of hebephilia

    • 4 months ago

      oblivious sex with sophie

      • 4 months ago

        For procreation purpose only.

  6. 4 months ago

    we popping the biggest bottles when destiny remaster gets announced this year

    • 4 months ago

      Destiny already got remastered many years ago. They need to release rebirth or destiny 2 in the west, though we should be getting the fan translation this year hopefully

      • 4 months ago

        Just release D1+2 remaster I don't care if they ignore Rebirth

  7. 4 months ago

    Why is the Xillia duology so underrated?

    Nobody talks about them and honestly they are the most unique out of the series by far.
    >Modernish Steampunk aesthetic
    >First game to feature Ufotable cutscenes
    >Last game to feature the traditional gameplay
    >Mature themes and characters
    >Nonlinear world with interconnected maps
    >Game doesn't look like neon cel shaded vomit
    >Characters have defined proportions

    Not to mention Xillia 2 being the only game in the series to feature choices and multiple distinct endings, as well as a silent protagonist with multiple different weapon types. Also I enjoyed paying off my debt.

    • 4 months ago

      They started the series' dogshit dungeon design, they introduced "run around and collect sparkles on the overworld" design, they're ugly as frick, 2 is designed around fetch/kill quests for its main story.
      There's definitely reasons to like them, but it's not hard to see why people would dislike them either. You also have to take into account that they're locked to the PS3 and were very late releases for the console, especially in the west. So it could also be that most simply haven't played them (which you can say for most of the series really).

      • 4 months ago

        agree to disagree

        by underrated I moreso meant among tales fans, not how many normies have played them like arise

        • 4 months ago

          I don't think they're underrated among Tales fans at all. Unless you include the hordes of people who pretend that Team Symphonia games are the only ones worth playing among "Tales fans", which I don't.

          • 4 months ago

            What's your favorite then anon?

            • 4 months ago

              Eternia, but I don't see how that's relevant. I don't care if your favorites are Team Symphonia, I'm just talking about the people who shit on the rest of the games blindly.

      • 4 months ago

        Would rather have linear Games like KH2 than Games with Dungeon that overstay their welcome after the first half like grace.
        I know people saying that Xillia is ugly IS common even though felt more original and have a good variety of cool zones than the other ps3 gen Games .
        Like Graces artwise outside the north continent is iregular, or Vesperia which the the world is unmemorable,...

    • 4 months ago

      The Xillia lore would have made more sense if the game had gone in a more futuristic direction where technology is so advanced that people no longer believe in fairy tales or magic

    • 4 months ago

      Xillia 2 is also the best playing game in the franchise
      but I will say as a negative to both of them that generic npc and monster designs in those games are ugly and lazy

    • 4 months ago

      I don't get why so many people have a problem with the debt systems
      Doing the Gigantos as they unlock gives enough to progress through the game
      Also i always hated how Olympios got cut short in Xillia 1

      • 4 months ago

        >Also i always hated how Olympios got cut short in Xillia 1
        The 'second world' from the last tales always felt cut short or weirdly handled.
        >Graces is just 3 places and one of them is a dungeon
        >Xillia was cut short
        >Arise is barely a small city

  8. 4 months ago

    which one should I play first?

    • 4 months ago


  9. 4 months ago

    Remasters of all PS2 tales games (aside from Symphonia obviously) needs to happen now.

  10. 4 months ago

    Just finished setting up Xillia on RPCS3, anything I need to know before going in? I've played Zestiria, Berseria, Vesperia and Arise, which of them is this the most similar to? Also, any annoying missables like having to stay at the inn in the first town in Berseria to not miss a unique outfit? Hate that shit.

    I'm gonna play as the Velvet recolor btw.

    • 4 months ago

      I think is Vesperia>Arise>Zestiria >Berseria
      >Also, any annoying missables like having to stay at the inn in the first town in Berseria to not miss a unique outfit? Hate that shit.
      There are side mission but I think the biggest ofender is some about the world history that is important to not miss because you can know shit about some character

    • 4 months ago

      >any missables
      Both games suffer from the garbage ! and ? symbols above NPCs and on the map-menu, so it's nearly impossible to miss side-stories. It should have been a NG+ feature in my opinion, the game feels like it's handholding you to get all the content.
      There are few cutscenes that may be time limited and require you to enter certain location (e.g. backtrack to the town you just left in cutscene).
      Two protagonists, you will need to play the game twice to get their whole respective stories, but that's more of a replayability feature than a missable
      In Milla's story you need to sleep at the inn to get all the cutscenes, when she gets isekai'd
      >Xillia 2
      Getting enough correct answers in dialogues will award you special weapons, part of the friendship system
      Bad ending

  11. 4 months ago

    I think those are the current tales team 'main developers'
    >Yoshimasa Tanaka (Xillia lead designer/Berseria director / Vanilla Arise producer)
    >Hirokazu Kagawa(Graces , Berseria and Xillia Battle programmer/Vanilla Arise director)
    >Tatsuro Udo(Eternia, Team Destiny , Zestiria&Berseria and Rays battler designer)
    >Yuuta Hase(Xillia1&2 map designer/Zestiria codirector)
    >Mari Miyata(Graces and Zestiria codirector/Berseria assistant director/Beyond the dawn scenario director)
    >Kenji Anabuki(Scarlet Nexus and Xillia 2 director/Abyss and Beyond the dawn Dungeon designer/Vesperia and Xillia 1 lead designer)
    >Wataru Shiratori(Arise Lead Quest Planner/Beyond the down chief director)
    >Masahiro Endo(Arise designer/Beyond the dawn Game design director )
    >Asana Inoki(Symphonia 2 and both Xillia director/Scarlet Nexus scenario director)
    >Okuda (Vesperia Director and writer/ Arise and Beyond the dawn's main scenario writer)
    >Yukitaka Yamaguchi(Scarlet Nexus action director)

  12. 4 months ago

    HBD Zestiria

  13. 4 months ago

    We will never gonna see e-girl ever again in Tales of Series. Edna is the last e-girl in Tales...


    • 4 months ago

      Unironically only Capcom is the only company that knee at those with their "y-you need to do fanservice for women too" KWAB.
      Like Square still release como Games like Trials of Mana outfit and Tekken is still coombait.

    • 4 months ago

      I hate modern society so goddamn fricking much

    • 4 months ago

      I mean when we really look at it this way....when was the last real tales game anyway


  14. 4 months ago

    I was honestly surprised that Ace Combat 7 got a Switch port before Tales of Arise

    • 4 months ago

      I really regret buying a switch. I haven't used it in 2 years. Thank God I have a decent PC or I wouldn't even play video games any more.

  15. 4 months ago

    Tales needs more big boob girls.

  16. 4 months ago

    https://boundingintocomics.com/2021/08/18/bandai-namco-will-reportedly-release-all-versions-of-tales-of-arise-without-any-form-of-censorship/ What happened with this in the end? Was it actually censored on all platforms or the post was just stirring shit?

    • 4 months ago

      >writing an article around a fricking Ganker shitpost
      Nothing happened because it was all made up.

  17. 4 months ago


  18. 4 months ago


    Nanaly was HOT as shit and i am tired of not finding any porn of her.

  19. 4 months ago

    Where did you start bros? It's Symphonia for me

    • 4 months ago

      I started with Phantasia in 2012

    • 4 months ago

      Graces then i backtracked and then went forward when i got a ps3.

    • 4 months ago

      started with og destiny
      but arise is so flat for me, I'm not sure scamco is going to reclaim the magic any time soon.

    • 4 months ago

      >The 4 years gap Between Vesperia and Graces we got tons of Tales spinoffs
      >The 4 years gap Between Berseria and Arise we got tons of Tales (dead) gachas
      >The 4 years gap Between Arise and next Tales game we got........ Nothing.

    • 4 months ago

      Symphonia a few years before Vesperia came out. Dunno when exactly, I bought it on a fleamarket with a friend. I imagine it's the same for many others here.

    • 4 months ago

      Abyss was the first one i played
      Then Symphonia ps2

    • 4 months ago

      First exposure was Legendia, first complete game was Symphonia. Funny having Cam Clarke and Shiloh Strong as party members in both games.


      I'm looking forward to this when my backlog winds back around to Vesperia. Loved those highlight reel videos from not long after release.

      • 4 months ago

        You won't be doing anything close on Vesperia until after or close to the Final Boss when your story progress locked equipment skills let you

    • 4 months ago

      >no real Destiny 2, Tempest, Innocence, and Rebirth
      Started with Destiny although I never finished Tower of Druaga bonus dungeon

      • 4 months ago

        It's a timeline of English releases, that's why over half of the franchise is missing.

    • 3 months ago

      Eternia on PS1, one of my favourites on that system and I played a lot

    • 2 months ago

      which of these hold up? Only played a handful
      >Symphonia great and comfy
      >Vesperia alright but very overrated
      >Zestiria trash all around
      >Berseria excellent
      >Arise complete trash, sadly

      • 2 months ago

        If you liked Symphonia, definitely pick up Abyss. It's the same writer and the combat is similar enough.

        Berseria doesn't really have many similar feeling titles even though I wouldn't say it's that far from the usual feel of the series. it takes some combat inspiration from Graces I guess? It's both edgier and goofier than the series average so it's hard to come up with a good match in that regard. Xillia 2 for the former and Hearts for the latter?

        I know you asked what holds up, but personally I think most of them do, and at the same time none of them do. They all show their age and have writing flaws, but I enjoyed nearly all of them except Arise and Vesperia

  20. 4 months ago

    Do fricking something Bamco

  21. 4 months ago

    God I had such a boner for her because of her sassiness. Needs brat correction.

  22. 4 months ago

    Tales should follow Granblue Relink's success

    Take existing character rosters and make them fight bosses in the arena. The story didnt matter. Just make it focus on co-op or something. No need to worry about EoS since its a single player game

    • 4 months ago

      Play Radiant Mythology and join the few of us begging for 4.

      • 4 months ago

        A radiant mythology but the jobs were more like Nakiri dungeon(has RM a valkyrie job?)

  23. 4 months ago

    What would you guys consider to be the best Tales game in terms of gameplay?

    • 4 months ago

      If it's 2D Tales it's probably a tie between Destiny DC and Hearts DS, NDX is also a contender.
      If it's 3D Tales it comes down to Xillia 2 and Hearts R, Graces F isn't bad either but the lack of aerial combat kinda hurts.

      • 3 months ago

        Nah, Destiny DC ie much better than Hearts DS, the latter's just a much watered-down version of the former
        Though I think Rebirth's the best 2D combat do what do I know

        • 3 months ago

          >Though I think Rebirth's the best 2D combat do what do I know
          Apparently, not much.

    • 4 months ago

      My favorite has honestly been Hearts R so far but I haven't much experience in 2D Tales of yet, I'm honestly astounded by how much of a fricking mess the combat in Berseria is, the hell were they thinking? And yet Hearts R has a disappointing shoestring budget, with some of the best gameplay. Kinda wish Hearts R could have the same production value as other Tales games

    • 4 months ago

      Graces F is the most fun i've ever had playing a tales games, especially in higher difficulties
      I had a blast with Xillia 2 soloing the game with Ludger while the rest of the party members sat there and watched

    • 4 months ago

      Classic? Eternia. 3d? Vesperia or Graces

      • 4 months ago

        Would I be correct in assuming that PSP Eternia is the superior version in all regards?

        • 4 months ago

          Not -ALL- regards, the screen is cropped to fit a 16:9 aspect ratio. They also removed the ending theme song if you care about that.

  24. 4 months ago

    I really want to believe that Tales is alive man. It cant end like this while other JRPG are peaking. I refuse to believe this....

    • 4 months ago

      >other JRPG are peaking
      They're also falling.

      • 4 months ago

        In what mirror universe are you living anon? Because i too want to live in a reality where jrpgs are peaking.

        Yakuza / Persona / Granblue are peaking right now

        • 4 months ago

          lmao even

          • 4 months ago

            Since when 50k players is failure

        • 4 months ago

          Yeah but those are basically the next chapter on a franchise which switched genre to jrpg right now, a remaster of a cult classic which is zoomer food, censored for modern audience, and a litteral gacha.
          Not exactly the best flags for the genre. I can concede on yakuza tho, it's pretty damn fun i am playing right now. But it sold well because it's a yakuza, non because it's a jrpg.

          • 4 months ago

            Do not (You) me when you have no idea what youre talking about, moron. Next you gonna say games need to reach Palword number to be succesful

            • 4 months ago

              You didn't even remotely get my point, idiot.

              • 4 months ago

                Read it carefully again, moron
                You missed the point. How the frick 50k players flopped ?

    • 4 months ago

      In what mirror universe are you living anon? Because i too want to live in a reality where jrpgs are peaking.

  25. 4 months ago

    I tried to get into Symphonia but I find the battle system too unfun. I really really love Eternia, and I liked Berseria. What would be the ideal choice to play next?

    • 4 months ago

      Phantasia holds up very well. That or destiny 2 if ya can read rune it's the closest to an Eternia sequel

      • 4 months ago

        Play Destiny DC

        Thanks, I'll have a look at them.

    • 4 months ago

      Play Destiny DC

  26. 4 months ago

    I want to frick Edna

  27. 4 months ago

    Tales of Arise is currently 20 euros on Xbox store. Should I?
    The last Tales game I enjoyed was Xillia 2. Does Arise have a good story and an actual goal, because Vesperia and Zestiria didn't have them.

  28. 4 months ago
  29. 4 months ago

    Is a shame Innocence's Style system isn't used more
    If they mix it with Graces's title system and NDX job system they could create the perfect system

  30. 4 months ago

    I've started Tales of Beseria several times. I've been told that the characters are good, and the game is worth playing. I've found the game play to be un-engaging. While being able to switch abilities and gear mid-battle is a neat mechanic, I've found that the fights don't warrant much effort. The mini-boss fights were good due to forcing me to not button mash, yet their encounter rate was too low. I also didn't care for any of the party members aside from Velvet and Eleanor. Rokuro and Magilou were too aloof. Laphicet and Eizen may as well have not existed. I've found myself running past most enemy, and dropping the game when I encountered the blacksmith that made Rokuro's sword. The dull setting and repetitive music was what finally made me stop. I don't see the appeal. Perhaps I am not playing it correctly. What appealed to you? I want to like it but there are too many cons.

    • 4 months ago

      >I've found the game play to be un-engaging.
      Berseria's mechanics are almost a complete shitshow so that's no surprise.
      >What appealed to you?
      Pretty much exclusively the characters, I'm even really sure if they are the best written in the entire series, like you said honestly Eizen and Rokuroh's motivations for joining the party and being there can be pretty flimsy but I still found them enjoyable. It's funny you say Laphi may as well not have existed because he's technically the single most important character in the entire game, he's basically the only person who had to have existed in the first place even more so than Velvet herself. I think I mainly just enjoyed having not only a female protagonist but a flawed and emotionally damaged one who had to cope and learn through the story of the game.
      I honestly mostly agree with you about a lot of other things, Berseria is connected to Zestiria which I already considered to have an immensely weak setting, and the music is a total letdown in many ways after Go Shiina was featured in Zestiria. The gameplay mechanics are a total mess and I would not have liked the game if it weren't for the story

    • 4 months ago

      >play to be un-engaging
      Because It was Arise beta.Like how DDD and KH2.8 were KH3 beta

      • 4 months ago

        >Arise beta
        There is pratically NOTHING in common between berseria and arise. Tales of arise not even started as a tales, it was rebranded at the last minute, and it shows it clearly.

        • 4 months ago

          This is my biggest issue with arise it just doesn't feel like a tales game aside from the character designs and interactions. Everything else was just off. I really hope the next game is crafted from the ground up and made with respect to the classic titles

        • 3 months ago

          This is my biggest issue with arise it just doesn't feel like a tales game aside from the character designs and interactions. Everything else was just off. I really hope the next game is crafted from the ground up and made with respect to the classic titles

          >it was rebranded at the last minute
          >crafted from the ground up
          Apparently, that isn't true and is just a misunderstanding from a English gaming news site. An anon posted Japanese text from the Japanese interview source directly and gave the translation as:
          >Because we were transitioning from the PS3 to the PS4, we had talks about "What should we do with the engine?". RPGs were generally trending towards having a "high-end" look, so we were deliberating on if the engine would fit our needs if we were to leave it as is. As a result, we saw it as a good opportunity for the brand to make a leap forward, so we changed producers and gained new team members to take on the challenge. Because the next project was becoming such a radical endeavor, there was a chance that it wouldn't even have the "Tales Of" name attached to it. So in the beginning, we were referring to it as just "Arise" instead of "Tales of". Arise means "to spring forth" or "to come into being". In the end, we settled on that it would remain as a "Tales Of", but during the very early stages, we were considering the notion of "This team would make a new IP".
          i.e. it started as a Tales game, but they weren't sure if it would stay that way. And even the English article doesn't say it was slapped on at the last minute, since it said "early on in its development".

          • 3 months ago

            And just to repost the Japanese the anon cited:
            >ちょうどPS3からPS4に変わる時期だったので「エンジンもどうしよう」という話もしていて。RPG全体がハイエンドなルックに寄っている中で、このまま作っていてもニーズにフィットしないのではないかと……。 そこでブランドがジャンプアップするタイミングと捉え、プロデューサーも交代し、新しいメンバーも加わってチャレンジしていくことになったんです。もう次回作は「テイルズ オブ」と名前がつかないかもしれない、というくらい革新的な試みでした。 最初はこのタイトルを「テイルズ オブ」ではなく「アライズ」と呼んでいたんです。「発生する」、「生じる」という意味の「アライズ」。最終的には「テイルズ オブ」として整理がなされていくんですけど、ごく初期のときはそれくらい「このチームで新規IPを作る」という気持ちで検討を進めていました。

  31. 4 months ago

    I think linear motion battle system sucks

  32. 4 months ago
    • 4 months ago

      Asbel always has drip

    • 4 months ago

      She so perfect

  33. 4 months ago

    Free run Symphonia for PC has been released.

  34. 4 months ago


    All npc party members already use free run. Only the controled character is limited to lines. Why not have it. The producer said in an interview 3 years ago that they cut free run late into production.

  35. 4 months ago

    How come they haven't ported Xillia

    • 4 months ago

      It has various cute e-girls in it and they are forbidden now.

      • 2 months ago

        i only see 2 roris. or you mean like irrelevent NPCs too?

        • 2 months ago

          Elize is hebe

  36. 4 months ago


    I feel moronic with Vespiria, I just got to where act 1 ended but I feel moronic with the artes combo structure now that I have mystic artes and that install state mode with the artes cancels. I get that I'm supposed to do some big dick chains into a finisher but I somewhat stumble when doing it in actual fights

  37. 4 months ago
  38. 4 months ago

    >Scamco's sales and stock values
    Maybe Tales is truly dead.

    • 4 months ago

      Blue protocol fricked Up and they got lucky Kekken 8 IS selling well
      The team probably Will disband and go to others projects like what happened to luminious in Square.
      So I can see staff already working in tales already

    • 3 months ago

      Arise is 3 milion sales and Namco is richer than capcom

  39. 4 months ago

    I just started playing Zestiria since it's been rotting in my steam library for years now. I like Sorey and Mikleo a lot more than I expected to. I also like Alisha a lot, shame about that.

    • 3 months ago

      Dude, this game has got to stop giving me so many fricking tutorials. There are eight trillion subsystems and I don't give a shit about ANY of them. It's to the point where the amount of information they want me to take in is so ridiculous that I'm just skipping them, and if the game gets too hard I'm just gonna lower the difficulty. This is fricking ridiculous lol

      • 3 months ago

        The loot system in Zestiria is so fricking rediculous and moronic it's insane. I a guarantee no one gives a frick about it

        • 3 months ago

          10 or so hours in I found one of those stone tutorial slabs that helpfully explained to me what HP is. What the frick is this game lol

          • 3 months ago

            >wander into a heavily cursed area
            >main bad guy dude is just standing around in there
            >walk up to see if there's a cutscene or something
            >actually it's an inescapable and unwinnable battle
            >get killed and have to reload
            Genuinely what the frick is this game lmao

            • 3 months ago

              I actually thought that was funny too, but I noticed there was no objective for kittybeard yet so I noped the frick outta there

        • 3 months ago

          Berseria is 10x worse with the loot.

          • 3 months ago

            >That one time i spent one full hour cleaning my inventory from equiment trash

  40. 3 months ago

    Tried Xillia today after having it in my backlog for like a decade, it's surprisingly nice and holds up incredibly.
    Very nice writing and pacing and atmosphere.
    I didn't like Abyss but I'm liking this just after 20 minutes

    • 3 months ago

      Chimeriad == God Generals

    • 3 months ago

      Heard the level design in Xillia was even worse than Zestiria/Berseria, aka tons of copypasted overworld areas that take forever to backtrack through. This was the first HD Tales games with no overworld map, and apparently it's really bad at that.

      Also, the second game is apparently just a copypaste of the majority of the first game's maps. And if that wasn't bad enough, you need to grind money to progress the story (the MC is a debt cuck or something like that). Also X2 is the only Tales game with a silent MC, which obviously ruins the skits/character interaction aspect the series is famous for.

      Maybe that's why they never ported them.

    • 3 months ago

      Xillia was the last tales game I played that I actually enjoyed. It's very obviously rushed, and lacking in some places, and on top of all of that the story is... Sure something. But it's got fun moments and most importantly it was the last tales game (imo) with actually fun gameplay. Each character has a pretty unique gimmick or two, they're all really fun to play (well, other than the casters, but that's to be expected).

  41. 3 months ago


    I thought it was weird that Berseria got rid of Fusion considering the sheer volume of duplicate weapons you get from battles

    • 3 months ago

      could have been scrapped midway through development. wouldn't be the first or last time a Tales game made a change and then didn't clean up loose ends.

  42. 3 months ago

    Can someone tell me the must-plays of the Tales series?
    I hear a lot about Vesperia, Berseria and Zestria. Are these the ones?

    • 3 months ago

      Where the frick do you hear Berseria, much less Zestiria? Berseria still has a few fans for some reason, so I can almost understand that, but practically no one mentions Zestiria with a positive note.

      The answer to your question is Symphonia, Abyss and Vesperia if you want the old school 3D gameplay. Graces and the Xillia games diverged a bit from that path (for the worse imo), but still get recommended for the gameplay. It kinda depends on what you value between story, characters and gameplay.

    • 3 months ago

      Zestiria is garbage
      Emulate the ps3 tales, grab Symphonia on PC for cheap or emulate the gamecube version for 60fps
      For abyss emulate the PS2 version

    • 3 months ago

      The series is hardly like that.
      Pick a game/era that appeals for you, then carry on with previous game to see if you like it, if not, play the next one.
      E.g. for PS3 it may be Vesperia, Graces f, Xillia and Xillia 2.

  43. 3 months ago


    I mean, when you're right, you're right. It was just really weird. It's like if there was some random dungeon in FF7 where you could fight Sephiroth and immediately get killed by him with no cutscene or anything.

    • 3 months ago

      It's Zestiria way of saying "uuuuuuuh, you aren't supposed to come here yet"

  44. 3 months ago


    Yeah, but that's at least at the very end of a dungeon, he's not just chilling at the entrance to "cave a". It does make me wonder what you'd get if you came back and whooped this dude's ass on NG+ or something.

    • 3 months ago

      You actually get a certain surprise if you defeat him there in the field/dungeon, but it's not going to be an easy feat in your first play.

  45. 3 months ago

    so does this game ever get interesting or what? i've finally assembled the main party (rip alisha) and the story is just... borderline nonexistent. there haven't been any big moments other than the big bad reveal. are there ever going to be stakes in this game, or a sense of urgency, or anything?

    • 3 months ago

      >Playing Zestiria
      >so does this game ever get interesting or what?

    • 3 months ago

      It doesn't

    • 3 months ago

      The "world-building" in Zesty is incredibly bad and the concept malevolence is not always consistent.

  46. 3 months ago

    >Tales of Arise Surpasses 3 Million Copies Worldwide!
    >Here's a new artwork from Minoru Iwamoto to celebrate the milestone!
    Watch haters say it's still somehow a flop because... uhhh... IT JUST IS, OKAY?

    • 3 months ago

      i wish law was in a better tales game

    • 3 months ago

      It's a flop because no one talks about it after they play it, and only people who have never even heard of Tales like it.

      • 3 months ago

        at least the other relative "flops" had some redeeming quality. I have not played Arise but i havent heard anyone say that the story,music,gameplay,or art is atleast worth a shot. Mid all a round i guess. But i pray for no more mobile games.

        • 3 months ago

          Arise's best points are modern graphics that don't look straight up taken from PS3 and being one of the few times the romance actually goes somewhere. Everything else was done miles better in previous entries. That's why it's mostly newbies enjoying it.

          • 2 months ago

            Mildly better is being generous. Arise is downright bad in most cases.
            >The story is weak, drags like hell while also being rushed, and full of cop outs and shit coming out of nowhere with no development.
            >Some characters are good, but the villains are patheticly bad.
            > Dungeons are simple corridors with no puzzles or gimmicks to give them personality.
            > Battle system is cool at first, but gets old fast, and you bosses and late game enemies are bullet sponges you can't use combos and team attacks on.
            I only endured it until the ending because of Alphen, Shionne and Dohalim. Oh, and Kisara's ass.

  47. 3 months ago

    It's not a financiary flop. Numbers are numbers. It's a flop because it's the farthest thing i've ever seen from a tales and now this will become the staple of "tales" for the future. If you put out a new c&c and is a moba yeah i will say is a flop even if does palword selling numbers because it's a flop for the franchise.

    • 3 months ago

      >it's the farthest thing i've ever seen from a tales
      So was Symphonia ,Graces and berseria

      • 3 months ago

        They only changed the combat system, all the core elements of a tales were kept. And they had their vocal bashing for doing that, because i remember clearly the shitpostings about how graces fricked up all the combat. Only grace of berseria is coming after zestiria, which was utterly shit, but that's a discussion for another day. Arise has nothing in common with a tales except the title.

  48. 3 months ago

    Sure bro keep deluding that Tales still alive where the entire fanbase dont even remember Tales of Arise Expansion Pack exists at all

  49. 3 months ago

    >Create thread on Ganker
    >3 replies
    Truly alive fanbase. Gratz for 3m sales !

  50. 3 months ago

    which of the 2d tales games is the best? I've only played Destiny and Phantasia so far and I'm not done with Destiny yet but I'm thinking Phantasia is better.

    • 3 months ago

      Eternia is my favorite, but I love all of the 2D games except for Destiny PS1 and Rebirth.

      • 3 months ago

        Nice that's the next one I plan to play once I finish Destiny. They made it really confusing to figure out the order of the older games seeing that there's two games called Tales of Destiny 2 in English for some reason.

  51. 3 months ago

    graces' combat IS bad and it setting the tone for the rest of the franchise since then IS a bad thing
    gee i sure love tardmashing and all new techs i get just being sidegrades instead of actually cool new impressive attacks because everything has to have the same cost and there's no MP to spend on bigger cooler moves

    • 3 months ago

      >graces' combat IS bad
      Stopped reading here, apply yourself Arise pleb

  52. 3 months ago

    >Also 30th Tales Anniversary is Next year
    did tales ever get anything for it's 25th or 20th?

    • 3 months ago

      Arise, technically. It just got delayed a year. Also a bunch of streams and a concert, and an art book.
      Zesty, and a concert

      • 3 months ago

        Wasn't the artbook cancelled for some reason?

        • 3 months ago

          It came out but it was full of errors and misprints, so they stopped selling them and offered returns to anyone who wanted them. Here's an example of the errors, left is what was in the book and right is what they should be.

    • 3 months ago

      Arise, technically. It just got delayed a year. Also a bunch of streams and a concert, and an art book.
      Zesty, and a concert

      Also Orchestrated albums. The 20th album is probably he best orchestrated collection released since Abyss.

      • 3 months ago

        How many have there been? The Zesteria tie-in is the only one I remember.

        • 3 months ago

          There was a new album every year between 2015 and 2020. I expect them to do another for the 30th. https://aselia.fandom.com/wiki/Tales_of_Orchestra_Concert

          • 3 months ago

            Ah, I thought there were half that many. Something to look through.

  53. 3 months ago
  54. 3 months ago

    >Still no one scanned the Gachas (Tales of Link / Asteria / Rays / Crestoria) artbook
    Dead series

    • 3 months ago

      >Tales gacha

  55. 3 months ago

    >Started playing Hearts R
    >Looking at the roster thinking either go full vanilla with maining Shing the basic b***h or go full dickpick and play Ines
    >Ended up maining this old bastard
    How is he so fricking fun to play
    All his artes are so cool AND functional. The throw artes can be chained together to make massive combos. Countering feels so good too, for some reason it's so easy to time counter with him
    Chalcedony is also fun. I switch between old man and him most of the time.

  56. 3 months ago

    If only Eizen know how many sperm cells she genocided.....

  57. 3 months ago


    legendia needs a remaster bad its got so much soul but it can be a slog to play
    also good news the destiny 2 english patch got an update I feel like it should be ready optimistically by summer

    • 3 months ago

      I would love it if a remake was in the style of links awakening/concept art. Clay rpgs are underrated

    • 3 months ago

      You guys never learn lol, you keep putting try to put release dates on that project. I remember when it was winter 2021 then winter 2022 etc. Just stop trying to pin point when its gonna come out. The funny part is it's gonna be a close beta. That's funny cause it's basicaly gonna be their friend validating all their translation choices instead of challengeing them on why they did it that way.

  58. 3 months ago
  59. 3 months ago

    Edna gay has single-handedly made Tales discussion intolerable....moreso.

    • 3 months ago

      All he does is post images, there are far, far worse ritualposters for other series. There's still like one good Tales thread a month.

    • 3 months ago

      He hasn't been a hanging specter at all recently, just opening the and bumping the threads.

      Been listening to the music of the series for the last few days. Sakuraba was mainly fantastic pre Graces. I want to replay many of the older games now. Got especially nostalgic for Radiant Mythology 2 and 3. Those were amazing days.

      Everything before Arise was so great in some way and compared to it. Everything forward will be Arise based, so having those English patches are a light in a dark tunnel.

      I am curious how repetitive that must have gotten, given how much Sakuraba recycles himself.

      • 3 months ago

        >I am curious how repetitive that must have gotten, given how much Sakuraba recycles himself.
        Considering I just associate the songs to the fond memories I have with the series, not at all. His later work for Arise and even the battle theme for Rays Recollection were jamming. I will admit though Phantasia to Destiny 2 were some of the bests for his battle themes.

        What surprised me are the composers for Asteria and Crestoria. Bring those people back - they were making absolute bangers.

        • 3 months ago

          Battle themes are the one thing he's been consistently good at throughout his career IMO. It's the rest of the music that suffers when he gets lazy. My Xillia/Xillia 2/Berseria playlists are almost exclusively battle themes because the rest of the songs are just in one ear and out the other to me.

          • 3 months ago

            I also liked Velvet Theme

        • 3 months ago

          Battle themes are the one thing he's been consistently good at throughout his career IMO. It's the rest of the music that suffers when he gets lazy. My Xillia/Xillia 2/Berseria playlists are almost exclusively battle themes because the rest of the songs are just in one ear and out the other to me.

          Huh, good to hear. I only said that because I was looking up some of Symphonia 2's character themes and youtube links me to what I assume is Rebirth's random battle theme, and I can only think "I may have heard every part of this song somewhere else". Hyperbole I'm sure.

  60. 3 months ago

    Been listening to the music of the series for the last few days. Sakuraba was mainly fantastic pre Graces. I want to replay many of the older games now. Got especially nostalgic for Radiant Mythology 2 and 3. Those were amazing days.

    Everything before Arise was so great in some way and compared to it. Everything forward will be Arise based, so having those English patches are a light in a dark tunnel.

    • 3 months ago

      Xillia and Graces still had neat music and strong leitmotiv.
      I think Berseria and Vesperia were his worst work , the ost on Vesperia were carried by the others componers (Aoyama made fury Spark)

  61. 3 months ago

    >We will have to endure 2025/2026 console wars talking about if Arise or the next game is better like how there were console war between Zestiria and Xillia

    • 3 months ago

      >console war between Zestiria and Xillia
      Who the frick would fight a war for zestiria?

      • 3 months ago

        There was a lot of infight because Zestiria was a (spiritually) 'team destiny' game while Xillia was more a Team symphonia game. Also Xillia was hated by old fans when it was released

    • 3 months ago

      Tribalism is the word you're looking for

      • 3 months ago

        I prefer tribadism, if you catch my drift.

  62. 3 months ago

    Tales token e-girl/shota height comparison
    Sorted by their heights based on Tales of Rays models. And their actual height.
    Kongman and Barbatos for reference

  63. 3 months ago

    Why is this minigame is so many Tales of games?

    • 3 months ago

      It's the hanoi tower of bioware or the ocho kubo of yakuza.

  64. 3 months ago
  65. 3 months ago

    Picked up Xillia after a hiatus and Dear Lord, the ally AI makes me angry at times
    >boss spams smallish AOE around itself
    >tactics: I distract, others damage with magic and heal heals
    >allow them to use TP-restoring items as needed and guard if HP<75% - standard stuff
    >5 min into battle
    >they use up mana, I am busy on not dying
    >"OK, here come TP gels" I thought
    >mages just stand still
    >the healer fricking runs towards the boss for some basic attacks because "prioritize healing" does not imply "artes only"
    >she aggros the boss and brings it to mages
    >"keeping distance? naaaah, we will stand because we are good at blocking!" - fricking AI
    >they are not
    Even worse, the boss was spamming gels, so when mages stop, it healed to full. That's on me though as I totally forgot about the Leia support.

    BTW was not there a tales of general on /vg/ or I am trippin?

    • 3 months ago

      The /vg/ thread died due to inactivity ~3 years ago.

      • 3 months ago

        That's what happen when
        >No game
        >No Port
        >Most of the 17 games are JP only or need a PS3 emulador
        >No spin off

        • 3 months ago

          >Most of the 17 games are JP only or need a PS3 emulador
          The only mainline games without english translation are Destiny 2 and Rebirth. The others are all playable on english on PC with the right emulators. I see no issues with using the PS3 emulator (or even VITA3K for Tales of Hearts).

  66. 3 months ago
  67. 3 months ago

    WTF Xillia casually drops some useful life advice

  68. 3 months ago

    WTF pedobros?! I thought Arise eviscerated the fujos...

    • 3 months ago


    • 3 months ago

      great so now when people say this series is gay I cant even argue with them

      • 3 months ago

        Tales was always fujobait honestly. I think zestiria is one of the gayestfujoest jrpg ever made.

      • 3 months ago

        Tales was always fujobait honestly. I think zestiria is one of the gayestfujoest jrpg ever made.

        >Looking for the most on-the-nose image I can think of and Mr. Magnus did not disappoint
        Could someone more knowledgeable than me explain special or not Tales success actually is in this regard? It is not as if JRPGS and Shonen manga have not been consciously courting women in similar ways for decades now. I've always been curious how different the series would really be if wasn't so good at it.

  69. 3 months ago

    >One of the main characters and member of the chosen ones just dies midway through the game
    Oh they're gonna revive him later right?
    First time going through ToD:DC, I can't believe they actually killed off Leon for real. Sucks cause controlling him was fun.

    • 3 months ago

      >Oh they're gonna revive him later right?
      Well yeah, kinda. Just not in that game.

      • 3 months ago

        Yeah I know. I know he's gonna die but I expected him to stay alive till the end where he sacrificed himself or something like that so he can be revived in the sequel. I get it now why fujos worship him for decades, he's a really tragic character. Honestly it's kinda ballsy for them to kill him off permanently in ToD relatively early in the game, considering there's still a lot of things to do after that.
        Hopefully that ToD2 translation patch be coming soon for real.

    • 2 months ago

      Did anyone ever fix the CC bar alignment with the widescreen patch in Destiny?

      I always just use the code to put him back in cause he's too fun to play. He appears in cutscenes and has dialogue in the last dungeon so they were probably fighting to the last second about whether he should survive.

      • 2 months ago

        >that spoiler
        Very interesting. Assuming you mean in the remake, I would not be surprised if they considered an alternative route of sorts if you made something different there. And now I'm curious if there are leftovers in the original Destiny too.

      • 2 months ago

        If he could be revived in DC fujoshis might demand them to remake ToD2 to fit in the timeline where he's alive, they don't want to risk that.

        • 2 months ago

          Wasn't DC in development before TOD2? If they wanted to use it to revive him there, they could've.

          • 2 months ago

            Not even close. D2 was immediately after Eternia in 2002, the PS2 remake of D1 was in 2006.

            • 2 months ago

              Misleading memories then. I wonder why they entertained the idea of not killing him in DC enough to give him lines, considering Judas, unless he was supposed to die during the last battle or something.

              • 2 months ago

                There's just no way. Judas as a name clearly is a nod to him being a traitor before dying. If he already redeemed himself before death and rejoined the party, then the name will lose all meaning. The devs probably were just fricking around with the concept but never actually thought of anything concrete.

              • 2 months ago

                ps2 destiny 1 already doesn't give a shit about keeping consistency with Destiny 2. they contradict random things from destiny 2 that don't even benefit the story of 1, and they softened up leon in weird ways that make judas less coherent as a character

              • 2 months ago

                Honestly it feels like the people who made Destiny, Destiny 2, and Destiny PS2 all hated each other. Destiny 2 takes big fat dumps on a handful of Destiny characters, and then Destiny PS2 makes changes that technically make Destiny 2 impossible (the crust no longer falls back down to the planet, meaning towns don't get destroyed, meaning the people probably aren't distressed enough for Fortuna to be summoned in the first place)

              • 2 months ago

                I believe the PS2 writing team had a lot of the same people as ps1, though it's definitely a strangely poor remake with that in mind. has the same vibes as the anime adaption of a manga.

                destiny 2 is an entirely new team, and is way too big to be writing a single video game. it includes the editor for crestoria's manga and takumi miyajima, but there's a shitload of other people on there too.

                i've never actually heard complaints with how destiny 2 treats the cast of 1 though, would you indulge me? is it mostly stuff like stahn dying & most of the cast being side characters? i prefer that to the way xillia 2 and dawn just shoe-horn in the cast of the first game where they absolutely don't belong and ruining both the game's writing and the character's personality in the process, but i can understand being upset about stahn at least

              • 2 months ago

                They kill off Dalis inbetween the games. And it's not like they just made it to where Dalis's death in Destiny was the canon choice, he actually survives Destiny's events canonically, but then they kill him off anyways. He and Mary start running an Inn in Heidelberg, but Mary's the only one who shows up in the game, and in her dialogue she says he died.
                Chelsea fricks off to a hut around where Janos used to be. She believes herself to be unworthy of Woodrow, even though Woodrow himself is pining for her. She has a side quest involving gathering materials to start rebuilding Janos, but never resolves to show herself in front of Woodrow again within the game at least.

                Those are the big ones. Johnny is kind of irrelevant, he's lost within the postgame dungeon and that's the only time he shows up. Kongman is actually a successful businessman and author but still seething over Stahn and pining for Philia. Philia is still pining for Stahn and the developers put a treasure chest with a cucumber in her room which fans ran wild with. Then you know about Rutee/Stahn/Leon already.

                The thing that annoys me the most about the first two is that after the last boss of D2, there's a reset ending, but you can actually explore the world and talk to every NPC (there are no battles). Many NPCs have different dialogue and there's even a hidden side quest, but nothing changes for Mary or Chelsea/Woodrow.

              • 2 months ago

                Finally done. 35 hours, last 5 hours feels like I was a headless chicken running around the fricking last dungeon.

                This feels like what happened with the cast of Chrono Trigger in Cross, just being miserable for the sake of it.

              • 2 months ago

                Dycroft is such a good final dungeon, that two party split is the most stressful thing in the franchise.

              • 2 months ago

                >Have to go on without Rutee's healing I've been relying on the whole game
                Yeah it really was
                Though it does feel satisfying when you finally solved all the puzzles and reach the final door.

              • 1 month ago

                Wait hang on you can save Dalis?

  70. 3 months ago

    Obligatory totally out of place leftist propaganda: check

    • 3 months ago

      If that's your criteria for woke, then literally every Tales game is woke.

      • 3 months ago

        I am 90% finished with Xillia, there were whites and some highlanders. Racial conflict was not mentioned ANYWHERE in the game except in that skit. It was forced, jarring and unnecessary. I am certain the JP version had none of this shit.
        I think there was the same shit in Vesperia with Rita, though I kinda forgot. In Arise I give this a pass, given the storyline.

        • 3 months ago

          >I am certain the JP version had none of this shit.
          Take your meds, kid.

          • 3 months ago

            OK, wokeness encroached onto japs too then. Fun times. Still does not make it acceptable.

            This sort of sentiment pops up in like 2/3 of jrpgs. I don't know why it's causing you to suddenly sperg out here.

            It is true, the "we are different and therefore right" mentality is common in jrpgs, with "different" having various meaning. And as I wrote above, when a sentiment from pic is relevant to the story. But here it looks like a checkbox was ticked during development and that's it.

            • 3 months ago

              If simple anti-discrimination themes are too woke for you then you're decades too late to the party. The games had them before you were even born.

        • 3 months ago

          This sort of sentiment pops up in like 2/3 of jrpgs. I don't know why it's causing you to suddenly sperg out here.

        • 3 months ago

          >race is skin color
          Tell me you are American without telling me you are American.
          But honestly it's not surprising, out of a dempgraphic that has no comprehension what culture is.

    • 3 months ago

      >Look! look at me and how much of a newbie I am please!

  71. 3 months ago

    Not gonna lie, Tales of Arise completely nosedived when it came to its story once you meet the Helganquil. Currently playing through it and I met Heftekt-35 or what his name was and all the "reveals" that happen on that starship are really lame.

  72. 3 months ago

    Just stop replying, he's clearly not gonna change his mind.

  73. 3 months ago

    I love girl with tiny breasts

  74. 3 months ago


    I mained Chloe the whole game and loved it. I heard Senel has some broken grappling shit I do have to go back and try with him

    • 3 months ago

      >broken grappling shit
      I found all the throws to be useless. You can only use the throws after knocking an enemy down but while the enemy is downed all other attacks and spells miss them.
      It's much faster than easier to win battles by totally avoiding all Artes that knock monsters down since then all your party can attack at once and keep the enemies staggered.

      • 3 months ago

        You're not going to keep enemies staggered forever, and the grapples are like 10x stronger than other artes, there's no reason NOT to end your combo with a down arte and take advantage of the grapples for free damage. It also stands the enemy back up faster than just waiting for them to get up too.

  75. 3 months ago


    • 3 months ago

      Wtf 2024 what are ypu doing. What the hell. RIP Inomata.

    • 3 months ago

      RIP Inomata
      The Tales series sleeps with her.

    • 3 months ago

      Frick that's awful

    • 3 months ago

      how did this happen

      • 3 months ago

        It's not stated, just that it was sudden.

    • 3 months ago

      It's fricking over

    • 3 months ago

      Legit thought she had the absolute best character designs for the series, her art work is beautiful. To me she'll always be the true series artist who defined the look of Tales.

      • 3 months ago

        Her sword were great

    • 3 months ago


      • 3 months ago

        Cruel progression of time, or something like that

      • 2 months ago

        Smoking 3 packs of cigarettes a day while spending all your life sitting on a chair drawing hundreds of pages trying to survive to the next deadline doesn't sound like a very healthy life style

        • 2 months ago

          Hayao Miyazaki did that and hes nearly 90 now

          • 2 months ago

            Miyazaki is fully powered by his sheer hatred for existence, not a fair comparison

          • 2 months ago

            Exceptions exist to prove every rule

            • 2 months ago

              The ones who Mizuki yells at died from cancer not overwork if I remember well

              • 2 months ago

                Yes, as a result from not sleeping enough.

              • 2 months ago

                Not sleeping enough is linked to prostate cancer, Tezuka's one was stomach's which was more linked to other factors

    • 3 months ago

      And you gays told me Tales series can't get any deader

    • 3 months ago

      I wish they still kept commissioning her, but alas ;_;
      Her art was SOUL

    • 3 months ago

      >Teams merged
      >Gacha keep bombing
      >Tomizawa turned mainline Tales into a GE spinoff
      >Fujishima is basically a pariah
      >Now Inomata fricking dies
      It's so fricking over bros

      • 2 months ago

        >Team merged
        And a year later they sent half of this to fricking Smash Bros
        >Fujishima is basically a pariah
        >Now Inomata fricking dies
        Iwamoto feel like he want to mix both style while Okumura felt more like a less talented Fujishima.
        They aren't are good but still fine artist and is not Doi tier that felt too different from Kaneko

        • 2 months ago

          Okumura definitely has a distinct feeling to his shit. He has drifted closer to Fujishima with time, but even his most recent designs (Mercuria, Orwin, Yuna) have their own feeling to them.

        • 2 months ago

          Okumura definitely has a distinct feeling to his shit. He has drifted closer to Fujishima with time, but even his most recent designs (Mercuria, Orwin, Yuna) have their own feeling to them.

          It also doesn't matter if Fujishima is broadly a pariah, Tales is still hiring him. He was literally the last designer they hired.

          It really does suck to lose Inomata though. Her work had the most character imo, even if it was sometimes a bit funky.

  76. 3 months ago

    Total Fujo Death

    • 3 months ago

      Fujos built this series and hard carried it regardless of your feelings about it

  77. 3 months ago

    I am honestly happy and sad she died because she did beautiful things and nobody deserve to see the thing loved or the thing dedicated a life into being bastardized, destroyed or sold for twitter points. Anywhere she went, she is in a better place.

    • 3 months ago

      She retired a while ago right ?
      Also frick Ganker thread man. Bunch of schizo freaks

      • 3 months ago

        I don't go on /v, like, ever.

      • 3 months ago

        Why did I look.

  78. 2 months ago
  79. 2 months ago
    • 2 months ago

      What makes these games so fun. I dont get it. Its basically a beatem up with extra steps. There is little strategy and flashy attacks. jingling keys the game

  80. 2 months ago

    Never played this series before, what's the best game of the franchise?

    • 2 months ago

      There's no consensus best game. Abyss and Vesperia are probably two that get the most praise overall.

    • 2 months ago

      Arise, but if you want to see what Tales was about, then go with Symphonia, Abyss, or Vesperia.

    • 2 months ago

      This is a very good way to start a fight, good job anon.

      Older games tend to be clunkier, but there are exceptions. Berseria is an easy game with decent writing, so I often default to it as an intro to the series. But what would actually fit you as your first game will depend on your priorities and tastes.

      Writing-wise my personal favourite is Berseria it's not but the games I like better don't have complete fan translations, and combat-wise my personal favourite is Graces. These are generally well-regarded picks for those two categories, but the fandom really can't agree on anything.

      Arise and Zestiria are the two most contentious titles. They both have fans, but a lot of people hate them. Don't start with either of them. You might like them, but they're not suitable entry points for that reason.

      The trio other anons are recommending are very well loved by western fandom but it's worth noting symphonia and vesperia are very common first tales games because they're respectively one of the only rpgs on the gamecube and one of the only rpgs on the xbox 360.

  81. 2 months ago
  82. 2 months ago

    >Bamco just delisted a bunch of Tales games

    • 2 months ago

      Delisted from where?

      • 2 months ago

        Digital stores

      • 2 months ago

        PS3 and the Vita store
        Only way to get Xillias/Graces/Hearts now if physical copy or emulator

    • 2 months ago

      Which Tales of game can't you play on PC (with an emulator)?

      • 2 months ago

        You can play every game in the series on PC, with all DLC for free.

        • 2 months ago

          >with all DLC for free.
          false. people haven't pirated all of the dlc this series has, and some of it has now been delisted meaning it's possibly gone forever

          • 2 months ago

            I played Graces and both Xillia games on my Steam Deck with all the DLC. I'm pretty sure the Vita games have DLC packs available as well.

            • 2 months ago

              Different anon, but some DLC that was exclusive for the japanese region either for Zestiria or Berseria I've heard is lost media now, and the same might happen to Hearts R. At cursory glance I can also only find two DLC for Innocence R, and neither of them is costumes, but I also have never played this one.

              • 2 months ago

                All of the Innocence and Hearts R costumes are on nopaystation. There are some attachments missing though. And some of the level-up bullshit DLCs, but those are better off being missing.

              • 2 months ago

                They aren't I don't think? Unless they were added recently. Hearts had most of them, Innocence just had past life costumes iirc. It'd be nice if someone did grab them since I last checked though.

              • 2 months ago

                All of the Innocence and Hearts R costumes are on nopaystation. There are some attachments missing though. And some of the level-up bullshit DLCs, but those are better off being missing.

                Yeah, looking from pkgj we're missing the dream job set (so nun hermana, teacher iria, doctor luca, etc.)

              • 2 months ago

                i didn't remember all the sets that exist, but there's past life, school, dream job, im@s, and cameo outfits. I believe the cameo set is complete on nps, and the past life set is almost complete (missing qq and maybe kongwei? they're sakuya and himmel despite not being sakuya and himmel) no one has school, and only spada has dream job or im@s

              • 2 months ago

                Yeah, looking from pkgj we're missing the dream job set (so nun hermana, teacher iria, doctor luca, etc.)

                They've been there since I grabbed the games in 2021 or 2022. Some are only available in the "pending" section. Not sure what exactly the pending section is for, but always make sure you check it.

              • 2 months ago

                downloads aren't available through the site anymore and I don't believe any of the clients can grab shit from pending, so that's not exactly useful, but at least it's there if they ever fix that

              • 2 months ago

                Yeah they are.
                You could also reconfigure NPS browser to use the pending TSVs, but you'd have to change the configuration each time or I guess have a copy of NPS browser that reads from the pending TSVs instead of the main ones.

          • 2 months ago

            You could download all of it off of Sony's servers to your PC for use on RPCS3.

    • 2 months ago

      That's a big monkey paw. I hope i bought all the dlcs for those tho... i can't remember now.

  83. 2 months ago
  84. 2 months ago

    Finally started Destiny DC, was enjoying it but got to the point of Leon joining and he alone makes me want to drop it. Always hate edgelord homosexuals like him, making you job to him to jerk off how strong he is and then making the cast slaves with shock collars he can frick with whenever he wants is insanely fricking gay.

    • 2 months ago

      >Reached that part in Abyss where the lands starts sinking and the story become fetch quest go here go there talk to this guy that guy etc and gimmicky shit like avoiding armies while navigating the map or you'll get punished
      >can't even have fun with defeating behemoth either cause you get no exp
      I completely blocked this from my memory. God damn, game went from solid 8/10 to 4/10 in one fell swoop.

      He'll get a wake up slap soon, after that he'll mostly just become silent, still emo but at least not much of an butthole.

      • 2 months ago

        >Print screen
        >Problem solved

      • 2 months ago

        You're gonna love Rebirth

        • 2 months ago

          I actually don't know anything about it, except the KUREAAAA memes.

          • 2 months ago

            The entire second half of the game is visiting towns and talking to people outside of a few very short trial dungeons which are all the same-ish template.

            • 2 months ago

              Guess I'm not really looking forward to it being translated then.

      • 2 months ago

        Don’t you fricking imply the waitress mini-games aren’t the peak of this fricking series

        • 2 months ago

          lol no, it was just a screenshot, actually was pretty fun and anytime I can see Tear being cute is a huge plus for the game.
          Like I mentioned my problem was at some point the story slowed to a crawl and became this weird go to this city, go to that city, talk to this guy, talk to that guy kind of deal with few dungeons and fights sprinkled in between. Sometimes the game even offered you to teleport right to the next city almost like they knew they were wasting your time.

          • 2 months ago

            Abyss is probably the worst game with it (unless like tempest is, i wouldn’t know) solely because of how the boat and the ports work. They just make everything twice as painful as they need to be.
            Its contemporaries - Symphonia and Vesperia are waaaay less annoying about travel.

            • 2 months ago

              Tales of Tempest
              >start in small town go to big town
              >plot event happens; teleport
              >go back to big town
              >fight boss
              >end of game
              >casual playtime 10-20hrs

            • 2 months ago

              >Airship in Symphonia and Vesperia you can access at any point on the world map with a single button press
              >In Abyss you have to remember where the hell you parked it and actually walk there or to the nearest port if you cant find it

              Why did they do that? I’m fricking love Abyss but that aspect always irk’d me

    • 2 months ago

      Don't drop it anon, that will change very soon.

  85. 2 months ago

    are all berseria fanboys annoying?

    • 2 months ago

      does berseria have fanboys? or even fangirls for that matter

      • 2 months ago

        I was in another thread and there's this annoying guy who's raging because I thought Berseria was mid.

  86. 2 months ago

    Short hair Luke is always better than long hair Luke, it's just how it is.

  87. 2 months ago
  88. 2 months ago
    • 2 months ago


      • 2 months ago

        I feel you man.

        • 2 months ago

          Next year we get our naked hebes, hebebros.

      • 2 months ago

        Seeing this reminds me of how many shades of "Marta" Daigo Okamura has rendered across Marta, Elle, and Yuna:

        >Kid Marta
        >Adult Marta
        >Busty Bombshell Marta (who also looks damn good in a dress)

        Sadly I don't think we will see an incarnation ever reach the advanced age of... 20+, maybe. But the iteration is appreciated!

        I feel you man.

        Indeed, missing a number of beauts.

  89. 2 months ago

    Arise was awful, just let the series die already.

  90. 2 months ago
    • 2 months ago

      Don't care, emulators exist

      • 2 months ago

        Only 10% of Playerbase know how to Emulate

        • 2 months ago

          That's their problem, not mine

          • 2 months ago

            Well if you ignore their problem this series stay dead

            • 2 months ago

              I don't see any value in fretting over something neither I, you, nor your youtuber have any control over. Namco has proven for 29 years that they don't give a frick about Tales in the west.

              • 2 months ago

                >People cant cast their own opinion and complaints
                Sucks to be you living in China, anon.

              • 2 months ago

                >Namco has proven for 29 years that they don't give a frick about Tales in the west
                And i still have to understand why, everything they have puy on pc (berseria, vesperia, symphonia, arise) sold like hotcakes. I mean, sales are not enough of a proof for them?

              • 2 months ago

                This. I bought the ones available on PC (except Arse). If that's not enough, what can I do? Break into Bamco's HQ and steal their hard disks?

              • 2 months ago


  91. 2 months ago

    why exactly is the symphonia remaster bad again

    • 2 months ago

      30 FPS

  92. 2 months ago

    What the FRICK were they thinking?
    Obligatory sidequest padding is so bad it's offensive. Silent protagonists suck ass. A choose-response system? Am I supposed to THINK while playing a JRPG? Insane.
    No amount of combat improvements could have salvaged this. Simply appalling. Zestiria is a 10/10 in comparison. Such flopped cashgrab was unnecessary.
    At least Muzet got an upgrade

    • 2 months ago

      Idk playing as Gaius was pretty fun. Generic Tales swordsman moveset but all his attacks are fricking massive was awesome

    • 2 months ago

      You need to try a bit harder with that bait anon

      Okay, I'm starting my Xillia playthrough for real. (RPCS3 was a b***h to configure, but it's basically flawless when you're done).

      Some impressions and questions:

      Is playing as Milla fine? Heard Jude gets more content but I don't want to play as the cowardly stock shounen MC.

      The combat system seems pretty similar to Vesperia, except you get quick step right away (thank gods), the arte controls are a bit weird, you have to hold a left stick direction then press circle, and holding down circle gives a stronger version. And I still don't what what's AC. Anything important I should know? The prologue was a bit of a mess as Milla had end game stats and just 1-2 shot everything.

      Don't really care about missables, but are there any big ones that I should absolute see?

      You can choose Jude's route but still play as Milla except for a few times where they will have parted ways. It's less that Jude gets more content, and more than there's a certain part of the game near the end where a lot of people find the Jude side of that part more compelling than Milla's.

      • 2 months ago

        Forgot to add, but I actually am in the minority who thinks it's not a horrible thing to start Xillia with the Milla side. You will know what scene it is when you get there and why she's not around, and you could just watch it on Youtube or something. I personally prefer Milla as a MC to Jude, because Jude is a very typical Tales character, the "things are happening to me", in contrast to Milla being the one moving things forward and also knowing plenty of things Jude is unaware about (and therefore those scenes are missing in Jude's side). I can't be any more specific without spoilers though.

  93. 2 months ago

    Okay, I'm starting my Xillia playthrough for real. (RPCS3 was a b***h to configure, but it's basically flawless when you're done).

    Some impressions and questions:

    Is playing as Milla fine? Heard Jude gets more content but I don't want to play as the cowardly stock shounen MC.

    The combat system seems pretty similar to Vesperia, except you get quick step right away (thank gods), the arte controls are a bit weird, you have to hold a left stick direction then press circle, and holding down circle gives a stronger version. And I still don't what what's AC. Anything important I should know? The prologue was a bit of a mess as Milla had end game stats and just 1-2 shot everything.

    Don't really care about missables, but are there any big ones that I should absolute see?

    • 2 months ago

      >a b***h to configure
      lmao, it is literally click 2 buttons and play unless you installed a 8yo version
      even if smth goes wrong a wiki has a solution which is also 2 clicks in settings at most

  94. 2 months ago

    Do Jude's side but play as Milla if you want. They're together for 95% of it anyway and you're still forced to play him for a certain part of her route regardless. The issue is that they separate for like a half hour window 3/4 of the way in and she misses the entire plot during that, in exchange for effectively nothing. The two MC thing is completely half baked like all of Xillia's ideas.

    • 2 months ago

      >The issue is that they separate for like a half hour window 3/4 of the way in and she misses the entire plot during that, in exchange for effectively nothing.
      Damn, should I just restart while I'm still pretty early on? Kinda reminds me of Scarlet Nexus where the girl got all the plot while the boy got frick all and thus the story didn't make sense.

      BTW, this linked combat mechanic is way better than Zestiria's armatization.

      • 2 months ago

        >while the boy got frick all and thus the story didn't make sense.
        yuito's route makes perfect sense (or at least no less than kasane's), you just get given information at different parts of the plot. in fact, i'd argue kasane gets left out on several random plot details, while yuito eventually gets all the information from kasane's route. reading is an important skill for enjoying rpgs.

        xillia also gives you information at different points, and i believe you know some things sooner on milla's side? but the part of the plot being referred to is entirely emotional impact.

  95. 2 months ago

    Seriously, what's stopping them from porting the older games to PC? Yes, I have a hacked PS3, a hacked Vita, a hacked 3DS, and a PC capable of emulation. But, whenever possible, I prefer to support the series by buying a native PC port if it ever becomes available. I have everything available on Steam except Arise, which I eventually plan to buy once I have more funds and the Summer Sale hits.

    • 2 months ago

      Three years.

    • 2 months ago

      Meh, the emulator runs it really well, there are 60 fps + full brightness hacks (vanilla game has that annoying grey filter over everything including the starting logos). Rock solid performance, just took me a bit to figure out how to set the PPU thread count to 1 to unfrick the audio (explained on the RPCS3 wiki).

      I'm just a little disappointed that it looks quite a bit worse than Zestiria and Berseria despite being from that same generation. Virtually no lighting (everything is flat shaded), lower poly models, smaller resolution textures. But I guess this is fair for the first "HD" Tales of game. The dub could also have been better, but it's not offensive either. Just bland.

      Anyhow, I can't really see what a potential PC port could improve, unless they hire Durante and his team adds improved textures and lighting etc. But is all that effort even worth it for a game this niche and forgotten? I'm only curious because I saw Milla in that cameo boss fight in Berseria many years ago and always wanted to play as the "OG" Velvet and learn her story.

      And yeah I think I'm gonna stick with Milla, don't want to play as the generic boy.

      • 2 months ago

        >The dub could also have been better, but it's not offensive either.
        You can play the undub version for that.

    • 2 months ago

      They can but they are stupid enough to
      >Not Port a Xillia 1 and 2 bundle
      >Nor Port a Destiny 1 and 2 bundle
      >Port Destiny PS1 version
      >Symphonia level port for Abyss and Graces

    • 2 months ago

      Their team (or what's left of it) can't make quick work of ports. The last port the Tales team did took them three years of development. Since then, they tried outsourcing a port with Symphonia Remastered, but that turned out terribly.

  96. 2 months ago

    lmao is he in every game in the series?

    • 2 months ago

      The character's a running gag in some entries like the Wonder Chef.
      I remember references or literally the character itself in Phantasia, Symphonia, Vesperia, this, Graces, Bers, and others.

    • 2 months ago

      I don't think he was in Destiny but it's been a while.

    • 2 months ago

      Its the Cid of Tales

  97. 2 months ago

    Maaan, I don't know why, but I find the PS3 era Tales games incredibly nostalgic. The soft graphics, the energetic music, the visual novel skits, they're all so enjoyable. I wish they never stopped making these, Arise is so sterile in comparison. Oh and the humor in this game is a bit more spicy than in Arise, there's an occasional sex joke and it doesn't feel jarring at all.

    Okay, I'll stop blog posting for now.

    • 2 months ago

      It's nu-Tales before the series went to shit with Arise. Everything from Graces and before that feel more at home for me.
      Just as a heads up though, Xillia will feel short since they did rush it out for anni.

      • 2 months ago

        >Japanese worry about rays EoS
        I pray for that to die so Udo is free to work on a last console game

        >Everything from Graces and before that feel more at home for me.
        >Xillia will feel short since they did rush it out for anni.
        Graces also have many nutales problem and was a buggy mess at release (we got lucky that we got the good version only)

        • 2 months ago

          >Japanese worry about rays EoS
          Good. Then Tales can be 100% dead

        • 2 months ago

          >Japanese worry about rays EoS
          Literally the exact same reaction they had when the story ended the first time. It's already been a year and a half since then.

        • 2 months ago

          >Japanese worry about rays EoS
          good frick rays for only making seles playable one year after i dropped it

          • 2 months ago

            Not missing out on her since her spell artes pretty much suck and her melee artes are lacking in overall comboability.
            Ended up maxing her out when she clogged up the oMA Zelos + oMA Presea + oMA Regal banner since she kept spooking me.

      • 2 months ago

        >Xillia will feel short since they did rush it out for anni.
        Isn't it two games though? I looked it up and the second game includes all of the first game's main cast, so it's like the second half of the story, I guess?

        Man, I should've played this sooner. I don't know why SOME people were saying that Xillia is shit. It feels like I'm reliving my first Berseria playthrough, it's great. And you even get real fast travel! No bullshit padding. And the combat is very easy to understand, and there's no overcomplicated skill inheritance or weapon crafting system, you just play normally.

        • 2 months ago

          I think most people's complain about Xillia is just the length and/or the seemingly sudden ending, but that's it. Funnily enough Xillia 2 actually had tons more problems than it but some people like X2 more solely because of the combat (or specifically, how the MC plays)

        • 2 months ago

          >I don't know why SOME people were saying that Xillia is shit
          Because during the PS2 and PS3 era the franchise had two teams: the 2D Air combo hard (and Graces) and the 3D fighting games ones with mana. Remember Osaka Team vs Tokyo Team in KH? Team Maniax VS Persona Team?DMC vs Ninja Gaiden vs Platinum games? So basically the same console war
          Xillia just pander to the both of them but more to the Vesperia/Abyss style so people got mad.
          Also I remember many shilling with Zestiria before the release on the west, because It was like Graces instead like Xillia

          • 2 months ago

            >Osaka Team vs. Tokyo Team
            Which games did they work on again?

            • 2 months ago

              Tokyo Team was the original group formed around Nomura to create Kingdom Hearts and were responsible for both of the PS2 titles. After wrapping up Kingdom Hearts II, Team Tokyo was then supposed to create Final Fantasy Versus XIII and then presumably Kingdom Hearts III. In the meantime, Osaka Team was formed to handle major handheld games between II and III (starting with Birth By Sleep). However, SE faced numerous internal organizational setbacks very early on into the HD era. With FFVSXIII more or less still in pre-production, Team Tokyo was slowly but surely dismantled and scattered across the company to focus on more pertinent projects, causing FFVSXIII to spiral out into over half a decade of development hell.

              Eventually, FFVSXIII was shifted to Final Fantasy XV, and Nomura was ultimately pushed out of the project, ostensibly to focus on KHIII. By the point this happened, Team Tokyo was a distant memory. The team for FFXV was pretty much unrelated to the original team assigned back in 2006 for VSXIII, and said team would itself be eventually dissolved after their disastrous follow up to FFXV--Forspoken.

              While the whole Versus XIII debacle brew, Team Osaka soldiered on and created Kingdom Hearts 3D. As the only intact KH team with anything resembling experience (even if said experience is BBS and DDD), Team Osaka found themselves placed on KHIII. I don't personally keep my ear to the ground, so I am unsure if KHIV will also be done by Team Oasaka or not. If not, then I have no fricking clue who would be making it at this point.

              • 2 months ago

                >Team Osaka soldiered on and created Kingdom Hearts 3D. As the only intact KH team with anything resembling experience (even if said experience is BBS and DDD), Team Osaka found themselves placed on KHIII. I don't personally keep my ear to the ground, so I am unsure if KHIV will also be done by Team Oasaka or not. If not, then I have no fricking clue who would be making it at this point.
                Some Tokyo staff helped during KH3 and came back around 2019 (Kawazu explained that the new SaGa Battle director was one of them) is likely KH4 is people who worked on 3 and new staff(maybe some people from luminious probably Neo TWEWY guys).
                Tales probably will be like this too, most of the next game will be Arise staff (which is needed the last 5 games didn't share director are barely have the same battle designer, of course people would be lost with tbe series)

              • 2 months ago

                I can imagine Kyohei Suzuki joining Nomura on 4. Ishibashi's already doing it, maybe Nomura wants more NEO staff on the job.

                Also if I liked KH2's combat would I like Tales

              • 2 months ago

                KH2's battle planning is actually back with Nomura, but even when they work under him they are still scattered to other parts of the 7 Remake project. Mitsunori Takahashi suddenly left after giving Teruki Endo rights to use his real-time active time concept, Yuji Abe is on Ever Crisis, Daisuke Sase and Masanori Sato are on Remake, and Yoshi-P snapped up Takeo Kujiraoka to work on 16.

                The real figure is still missing, Yuichi Kanemori, the battle planning DIRECTOR, but he, Takahashi and Abe have had no credits since 2020 and after. Rumor has it that Kanemori was snapped up from DeNA to move to Osaka just like
                how Nomura pulled Junichi Oka away from Platinum and Sase from Konami to rejoin him on 7 Remake/Rebirth each after 7 years away from Square.

                What's also important is that Versus was worked on for four three to six month periods in 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2012 according to former and current Square employees on LinkedIn. Many Tokyo Team members who left the Versus team for 13, 14 and other games even say so.

                Fun fact: There are Nomura staff members that weren't part of his previous teams who tend to have gaps in their resumes from 2009 to 2013 or even 2014. This includes FF12 (!) Gambit system programmer Takashi Isowaki, FF13 lead background designer Yasushi Iwasaka, The Last Remnant background designer Satoshi Iwashita, SaGa Scarlet Grace level designer Takeshi Yamagishi and Crystal Chronicles Echoes of Time battle director Daisuke Inoue. They tend to come from the Dirge of Cerberus or FF12 teams, two supposed influences on Nomura's intended direction for Versus. (And even more were previously from Front Mission or The Last Remnant despite having had no previous experience with Nomura games or even numbered FF.)

  98. 2 months ago

    Always funny to remember the slot machines get the cool stuff.

    • 2 months ago

      Aren't those from the anime adaptations? Do people actually care about them?

      • 2 months ago

        The slot machine that I am aware of mostly uses OVA footage, but these are not that they never go to Derris Kharlan in that version, Mithos actually dies the first time. Could be the same same game or something different, since these look like gameplay cut-ins.

        Tokyo Team was the original group formed around Nomura to create Kingdom Hearts and were responsible for both of the PS2 titles. After wrapping up Kingdom Hearts II, Team Tokyo was then supposed to create Final Fantasy Versus XIII and then presumably Kingdom Hearts III. In the meantime, Osaka Team was formed to handle major handheld games between II and III (starting with Birth By Sleep). However, SE faced numerous internal organizational setbacks very early on into the HD era. With FFVSXIII more or less still in pre-production, Team Tokyo was slowly but surely dismantled and scattered across the company to focus on more pertinent projects, causing FFVSXIII to spiral out into over half a decade of development hell.

        Eventually, FFVSXIII was shifted to Final Fantasy XV, and Nomura was ultimately pushed out of the project, ostensibly to focus on KHIII. By the point this happened, Team Tokyo was a distant memory. The team for FFXV was pretty much unrelated to the original team assigned back in 2006 for VSXIII, and said team would itself be eventually dissolved after their disastrous follow up to FFXV--Forspoken.

        While the whole Versus XIII debacle brew, Team Osaka soldiered on and created Kingdom Hearts 3D. As the only intact KH team with anything resembling experience (even if said experience is BBS and DDD), Team Osaka found themselves placed on KHIII. I don't personally keep my ear to the ground, so I am unsure if KHIV will also be done by Team Oasaka or not. If not, then I have no fricking clue who would be making it at this point.

        What a weird case Kingdom Hearts was. I wonder how quickly 3 would have released without the engine switch, most of 6 years still feels like what B team promoted to main course would take.

  99. 2 months ago

    Oh hey, it's a e-girl Magilou!

    Not gonna lie, some of the character archetypes are pretty familiar across the series.

    • 2 months ago

      Elize is way better than magilou.

    • 2 months ago

      I want to FRICK Teepo!

    • 2 months ago

      I'm really enjoying Xillia, probably gonna binge both games back-to-back.

      Is Graces f good too? Or should I play Abyss first? Which one has better characters?

      Okay, so this is dumb. Xillia was braindead easy until Nachtigal who just one shots the whole party 15 sec in with his mystic arte. I'm overleveled and overgeared (weapon and armor shops are at 55+), normal difficulty. I'm playing Milla and spamming linked artes with Jude. How are you supposed to proceed here? Do I need Dark Capes on everyone? Some specific buff or interrupt technique?

      Oh boy, this game's dialog definitely wouldn't fly in today's climate.


      Weird, Xillia graphics doesnt translate really well to 3d. Maybe its because its because its the first series who dropped Chibi artstyle

      • 2 months ago

        It's the same art style and engine as Zestiria and Berseria, just somewhat less polished due to being an older game. I love the way it looks, it's one of the reasons I always wanted to play it.

        • 2 months ago

          Xillia graphics are meh but the world is kino.
          The problem with most tales is that the world setting is too generic, at best Innocence,Eternia(Celestia) Abyss(because the fonon) and Rebirth(because we have more than one race) are the only fine ones.
          Xillia duology is steampunk mixed with mongol/chinese setting which is cool as frick, finishing that and then seeing Zestiria/Berseria(fantasy arturian games) and Arise(Star Ocean at home) is a letdown.

          • 2 months ago

            >colourful world therefore based
            >a bit of bland scenery of Olympios for contrast
            >xillia 2
            >bland scenery all the way

            Just why, it was such a downgrade. Now wonder its rating is much lower. If I wanted a bland setting I would go outside.

            • 2 months ago

              Considering most of it was based in SPOILER location, it made sense. It has its other issues but I'd rather go into that rabbit hole again.

          • 2 months ago

            >Xillia duology is steampunk mixed with mongol/chinese setting
            Cities like Xiandu and Kanbalar are clearly Tibet inspired.

            Anyhow, can someone tell me where does the BIG split in Jude and Milla's story happen so that I can watch Jude's part on YouTube? I just fought the Chimeriad then Gaius and I'm in a cave with Leia and Rowen, is this it? Or later?

            • 2 months ago

              the big split is later. theres alternate scenes whenever milla isnt on screen.

              youll know when the big split is.

            • 2 months ago

              The big diff happens basically at the end of the game. Milla and her sexy legs is a small difference. But there are other small diff scenes throughout the game.

            • 2 months ago

              You are on 12/20 scene diffs.

          • 2 months ago

            Playing Eternia (well, Destiny 2 I suppose) back as a kid the Celestia stuff was so cool. The contrast between the worlds are so interesting. Really a major step up after Destiny that I thought the world was really bland.

  100. 2 months ago

    I'm really enjoying Xillia, probably gonna binge both games back-to-back.

    Is Graces f good too? Or should I play Abyss first? Which one has better characters?

    • 2 months ago

      Graces is great. And it depends on what you mean by better characters. Graces' characters are more fun yet one note, Abyss's characters are more complex/interesting.

      • 2 months ago

        So Graces is not a very serious game? I'm kinda getting that impression by looking at the screenshots.

        • 2 months ago

          There's plenty of seriousness in it, but it's definitely more goofy than Abyss.

        • 2 months ago

          The skits are very goofy but a lot of the main story is pretty gloomy at times despite the plot being overall a lot less dark than a lot of other games. It's hard for it to keep that impression once you put it down though, because the memorable parts are the skits/end of battle chatter, and the graphic style, character design, and ui design are all very cutesy and cartoonish.

    • 2 months ago

      Abyss has got the better cast by some distance. Graces is alright but it's let down hard by Asbel.

    • 2 months ago

      Abyss combat is similar with a different gimmick.Story better but you will hate or love the character
      Graces combat is one of the best(maybe It had too much mechanics), character interactions are fun but the story could have been better than It should

    • 2 months ago

      >Jude feeling the gigantic bazongas on his back. Lucky mf, he really won the lucky mc lottery.

      • 2 months ago
        • 2 months ago
  101. 2 months ago

    Was Vesperia's script outsourced? The writing is terrible compared to other Tales games I've played. Characters repeat each other's lines (but paraphrased) over and over. Whenever anything happens, the whole cast has to react to it and it's extremely tedious and grating.

    • 2 months ago

      >Was Vesperia's script outsourced? The writing is terrible compared to other Tales games I've played
      The last act writer was Arise writer kek

      • 2 months ago


        Still baffles me that some people consider Vesperia to be one of the best in the series. Sure, it has high production values and a lot of content, but it's such a mixed bag. The story is all over the place and goes nowhere for most of the game, most of the party members are either annoying or just dumb as frick tropes like the 30 yo "old man", crybaby princess, coward kid or the sexy elven chick who knows the plot but just won't tell you. The combat is ostensibly good, but doesn't open up until you're almost done. Not to mention the weird difficulty spikes like the meme Gattuso fight. I can't say I enjoyed it much.

        Here's hoping Abyss is actually good.

        • 2 months ago

          >Here's hoping Abyss is actually good.
          As a loregay, the sheer amount of world-building in TotA makes me diamonds. Jade is also the best character.

        • 2 months ago

          >the sexy elven chick who knows the plot but just won't tell you
          People dunk on Jade being "knows the plot" all the time yet ignores this cause she has breasts I guess.

        • 2 months ago

          I find it in a little bit of a weird spot. While I’m going to say upfront I disagree with you in that I like most of the characters - i will agree the overarching plot is a bit of a mess. Not in the way of “it goes nowhere” - because it does very clearly have defined goals for each chunk of the game (which I’d contrast with Abyss, who has a lot more time where you’re just going back and forth waiting for things to happen) but rather that it stumbles with its themes - mostly by having too many of them at once.
          But put past that, I really like all of the mechanics in the game - the way combat, skills, equipment, navigation, traversal (Ba’ul is the best method of transport in the series), etc. all function - all of that really works for me. It’s some of the most fun in the series. And because of that, as well as just the absolute mountain of content there is in the DE version of the game - more than any other tales game - I still think it’s probably my favourite tales game taking the whole thing into consideration. I can look past it missing the mark on its narrative conclusion, because everything else is really great. It’s a fun game to play.

          As an easy comparison - Berseria is pretty much the exact opposite. While I really like some of the main characters, every single other aspect of the game is at best tedious and at worst self-sabotaging. It is such a painful experience to play Berseria that I never will again. And I think that’s the only Tales game that I’ve played aside from maybe DotNW where I feel that way.

          • 2 months ago

            >Berseria is pretty much the exact opposite. While I really like some of the main characters, every single other aspect of the game is at best tedious and at worst self-sabotaging. It is such a painful experience to play Berseria that I never will again. And I think that’s the only Tales game that I’ve played aside from maybe DotNW where I feel that way.
            Would you mind elaborating on that? My main issues with Berseria were the insanely dragged out overworld areas and dungeons (it's always at least 5 floors/sub-areas) with the fast travel being disabled most of the time, which made the game feel artificially padded, as well as the combat system not making much sense leading to button mashing (although maybe I'm just small brained haha). I really liked the story and characters though.

    • 2 months ago

      Tales cycles between a large pool of writers and brings in new guys fairly regularly, so outsourced or not doesn't mean anything.

  102. 2 months ago


    • 2 months ago

      Giving Leia tanlines in her swimsuit costume was the most galaxy brain thing Scamco ever did

  103. 2 months ago

    Oh boy, this game's dialog definitely wouldn't fly in today's climate.

    • 2 months ago

      Tales story is always Naruto tier of Edgy

    • 2 months ago

      There was already someone seething hard a thread or so ago over Tales supposedly going woke because someone in this same game uses the word "discrimination".

      • 2 months ago

        >tourist doesn't even know it's been in the series ever since Phantasia

        • 2 months ago

          It really shows a lot of people are more interested in looking for reasons to get angry than actually playing videogames. This goes for all sides of the political spectrum.

    • 2 months ago

      how fricking new are you
      get the frick out of here

  104. 2 months ago

    So I've been looking at the wiki and apparently this is the full list of 3D mainline single player non-mobile entries in the series:
    Tales of Symphonia (multi-plat/PC)
    Tales of Legendia (PS2)
    Tales of the Abyss (PS2)
    Tales of Innocence R (Vita)
    Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World (Wii/PS3)
    Tales of Vesperia (multi-plat/PC)
    Tales of Hearts R (Vita)
    Tales of Graces ƒ (PS3)
    Tales of Xillia (PS3)
    Tales of Xillia 2 (PS3)
    Tales of Zestiria (multi-plat/PC)
    Tales of Berseria (multi-plat/PC)
    Tales of Arise (multi-plat/PC)

    Would you recommend games like Legendia or Symphonia 2? What about the two R games, can they be emulated yet? I found this video of modded Legendia on PCSX2 and it looks pretty cool actually:

    • 2 months ago

      Legendia has a very simple battle system in comparison to its contemporaries, and the second half of the game sends you back through every single dungeon in the game for a second time. If you can get over those humps, the story is pretty good, the characters are fantastic, and the music is the best in the franchise. If the story or the characters hook you, it'll be enough to overlook the problems. It was for me.
      Symphonia 2 is hard to recommend. I like the characters and the skits a lot, and the story is sort of justified as it fixes a plot inconsistency between Symphonia and Phantasia. On the other hand, it's low effort, the battle system can be broken completely with one skill, the game is frontloaded with awful directing and Emil being very annoying, and the game doesn't treat the Symphonia cast with much respect in either gameplay or writing. I like it, but most people don't and there's good reason for that.
      Innocence and Hearts R are great and they can be emulated.

      • 2 months ago

        >and the music is the best in the franchise

        >mfw this song

    • 2 months ago

      Legendia is nearly as far from the rest of the series as Arise. It shows its age but it's worth experiencing probably.

      Symphonia 2's fans are either waifugays who like the girls or fujos who ship richter with someone. If you like cute hebes with bad attitudes or fujobait it's probably worth your time. The other reply about it is a pretty good overview of the general merits and problems, though.

      Tempest is 3D, you forgot Tempest

      Is there one of those pastebin/image that explains the series?
      >if you want X pick Y
      >this is newbie-friendly
      >avoid [port] version of Z
      >if can you understand moonrunes then check out this

      The problem is that there's not really agreed upon opinions. Nothing like that would ever get passed around because no one would agree with it.

      • 2 months ago

        I think there just simply isn't enough interest in the series for something like that to be made. It doesn't help that your average normalgay on Ganker or elsewhere is content to draw the line at "play Symphonia/Abyss/Vesperia and ignore everything else", don't need an image to post that in every Tales thread.

        There could be an attempt to be made, by describing the general tone, gameplay evolution, a small description of the plot and so on. Keep it mostly "objective"

        • 2 months ago

          I have no desire to invite people who can't spend 10 minutes researching a game themselves into the fandom.
          Such an image would serve no positive purpose

    • 2 months ago

      Also you can emulate the Vita games yeah. There were some minor graphical glitches last time I checked but that was long enough ago that I'd wager they're fixed.

  105. 2 months ago

    Is there one of those pastebin/image that explains the series?
    >if you want X pick Y
    >this is newbie-friendly
    >avoid [port] version of Z
    >if can you understand moonrunes then check out this

    • 2 months ago

      I think there just simply isn't enough interest in the series for something like that to be made. It doesn't help that your average normalgay on Ganker or elsewhere is content to draw the line at "play Symphonia/Abyss/Vesperia and ignore everything else", don't need an image to post that in every Tales thread.

  106. 2 months ago


    • 2 months ago

      I love the little fella

    • 2 months ago

      I know team Destiny games had a different bestiary and weapon but I wish the next game use more old Monster and Swords.
      Arise gave us Nebilim but probably was a last moment thing to bait old fan

  107. 2 months ago

    Is there any benefit to playing the 3DS version of Abyss over the PS2 version? Is there any bonus content that wasn't in the original?

    • 2 months ago

      Not unless you're playing in Japanese.

    • 2 months ago

      you can walk around and play it at the same time

  108. 2 months ago

    >game so shitty that it gets demoted from being mainline to being a spinoff
    I've never seen that happen before. What exactly is so terrible about Tempest to make it so universally hated? I know it is considered the consensus worst game in the franchise, but I've never actually had it explained what makes it so disliked.

    • 2 months ago

      Music is ear-piercing, combat is bad, game is 10 hours long. To view skits you need to buy an item that cots 700 gald. Meanwhile, gels cost 10~70 gald. Cooking is a horrible poorly implemented rip-off of cooking mama. The only dungeon puzzle is one of those slider puzzle keychains.

      I like it. The cast is fun, the writing isn't bad, and you only have to deal with the rest of it for 10 hours. Plus it does try some interesting things even if basically none of them are good ideas.

      Bamco claims it wasn't demoted and was "always" an escort title, kek.

  109. 2 months ago

    >Tales of except good
    How do you imagine this game to be?

  110. 2 months ago

    Okay, so this is dumb. Xillia was braindead easy until Nachtigal who just one shots the whole party 15 sec in with his mystic arte. I'm overleveled and overgeared (weapon and armor shops are at 55+), normal difficulty. I'm playing Milla and spamming linked artes with Jude. How are you supposed to proceed here? Do I need Dark Capes on everyone? Some specific buff or interrupt technique?

    • 2 months ago

      You just stay away from him while he's in over limit.

    • 2 months ago

      Never mind, a couple more levels and a 40% def food buff made it completely trivial.

      • 2 months ago

        Milla's body is just pure SEX
        Her waist is so thin it makes irl women seethe even if they don't even know about the game

  111. 2 months ago

    DL'd Ps1, Ps2, and Ps3 emulators to replay/play the series again anons. This time going for Undubs for the ones I played already. Newer games aren't cutting it anymore except Yakuza and the occasional sequel to some jrpgs.

    Is there any primer or explanation how Dualizing works and some of the more intricate battle mechanics for Graces? I'm reading the ingame guides this time but when I played it years ago I was just trying my best to dodge and spam attacks that work. Would like to try to play it better this time around.

  112. 2 months ago

    These status effects and weakness hits im the Destiny DC Arena Ranks... Im just trying to get Lilith.

    Trying to do Rank 4 on Hard with Stahn Lv 46. I'm guessing that's too early? Or try to make am accessory that covers his weaknesses if possible?

    • 2 months ago

      That level should be about right, I always do it right before the Irene dungeon. You need cure, sleep and aqua gems, just swap them out depending on the phase. You could also get a blast one to pump up your meter in the easy fights to try and skip that particularly shitty one.

      • 2 months ago

        I have all those gems but I always set a Gain gem to heal whenever I kill to heal HP. Even with the proper weakness coverage on the other slot, the amount of hitstun is ridiculous in hard mode. Will get a Blast gem too and my luck again later. Thanks anon.

    • 2 months ago

      It's been long enough since I played that I don't have any actual useful advice for you, but I remember that being a pain so I sympathize. The status effects can be a bit gross

  113. 2 months ago

    Just hearing this song and i have STRONG urge to play Zestiria now

    • 2 months ago

      I never played the DLC campaign, is it any good?

      • 2 months ago

        >only have Lailah and Edna to work with along with Rose and Alisha
        >Zaveid pops up near the end
        >Alisha is still gimped due to lacking armatization
        Oh, but she has a cute new costume and is playable again.

        • 2 months ago

          Not much to it. It lets Alisha say her goodbyes after the ending. Rose and Edna get to go ham since Alisha's an easy target while the latter bounces between quipping back at Rose but not the others. The one recycled dungeon has a nice theme but both of these are a Zesty staple.

          So the DLC is basically Zestiria: Girls Night Out Edition?? Sounds based, maybe I should check it out.

      • 2 months ago

        Its the Final Fantasy X-2 of Tales

        • 2 months ago

          They wish it was that good (in terms of gameplay).

      • 2 months ago

        There is a terrible lack of girl on girl action over all the tales. I mean there are so many beautiful ladies.

        • 2 months ago

          there's plenty of pairs with good chemistry, but yuri fans tend to flock to majority girl franchises and tales is an even gender split, so it only attracts fujos and m/f shippers.

          • 2 months ago

            Yeah but if it attracts the fujos why not the... equivalent terms for yuri shippers) (does the term even exist?).
            I remember getting the hotties over the "bad" yuri ending of arche's minigame where she goes full yuri with suzu.

            • 2 months ago

              Fujos will go for a series with girls in it as long as there's at least two boys to rub together, but yuri shippers balk at more than two or three boys in their media I've seen himedanshi/himejoshi but they're not in very common usage

              I never played much of the minigames in the older games. That would explain why I've seen fanart of those two.

              • 2 months ago

                Zephyr is NOT going to be happy if they go farther.

      • 2 months ago

        it is not, but if you're posting the middest yuri ship in all of zestiria than yeah you'll have fun

        • 2 months ago

          what would be the not-mid yuri ships of zestiria? I didn't feel like there was ever yuribait in that game like vesperia got but admittedly shippers don't care about canon

          • 2 months ago

            i mean shit none of them are canon. ristelle is probably the only one that was in any way baited

            alisha/maltran is fun. most of the party have okay to fun dynamics too, it's just that rose and alisha spend maybe 5 seconds on screen together

            • 1 month ago

              Rose/Alisha was only ever a thing because of the DLC + shitty anime adaptation. if you were to simply just play the main game, they share two words.

              I never played the DLC campaign, is it any good?

              it's basically like a shittier version of P3's The Answer - it's supposed to give Alisha "closure" since she's basically left outta the finale but it does so in the most hamfisted melodramatic fashion. I also don't like her own resolution, it's very half assed. 3/10, they should've atleast just let her armatize so it wasn't a slog to play through.

              • 1 month ago

                >they should've atleast just let her armatize so it wasn't a slog to play through
                this. there was no reason not to let her armatize, sorey is enhancing everyone's resonance. that's why alisha doesn't hurt rose as a squire in the same way she did sorey. instead of that they just forced you to play her crippled self in a game where everything's balanced to account for armatization. rushed dlc is rushed

      • 2 months ago

        I really love girls pressing their bazongas to each other.

      • 2 months ago

        Not much to it. It lets Alisha say her goodbyes after the ending. Rose and Edna get to go ham since Alisha's an easy target while the latter bounces between quipping back at Rose but not the others. The one recycled dungeon has a nice theme but both of these are a Zesty staple.

  114. 2 months ago

    Finished Tales of Xillia.

    Good game, but the last part is pretty messy, which is odd because the game is already pretty short (around 40 hours). They introduce a second world map that's just 1 town + 1 dungeon, there's no antagonist or much happening past the big twist of Milla revealed to be a fake Jesus, just hours of pep talk about the importance of believing in yourself and choosing your own path etc, my god does it get preachy and cheesy as frick.

    Also yeah, what's up with all the similarities to Arise?
    >second world (that's just 1 town + 1 dungeon)
    >two races of people, one can cast magic, the other can't (although the privileges are reversed with the mages being lowly peasants in Xillia)
    >the technologically advanced race from the second world stealing mana/life force from the main "peasant" world
    >edgelord with a massive katana (though this is a stretch yeah)

    Mind you, I haven't played Symphonia, but I've heard it has some of these things as well. How tropey are these games? Not to mention the obligatory "philosophical problem" that's repeated all the time, remember "why do birds fly" from Berseria? Xillia has Howe's Egg Principle.

    Off to Xillia 2.

    • 2 months ago

      >two races of people, one can cast magic, the other can't
      That's a trope you find in a lot of jrpgs. Not to be the devil's advocate but i think at least 4 final fantasy had that.

    • 2 months ago

      Unfortunately the last arc is pretty rushed, which sucks considering the game was alright up until then. Made me really mad too at the time.

      >Also yeah, what's up with all the similarities to Arise?
      It's more like Arise just rehashed a lot of Tales tropes, except in a more boring way this time.

      Have fun with Xillia 2 anon.

      Oh, almost forgot to vent about this.

      Alvin is such a terribly written character. He betrays the party and tries to kill the protagonist at least 10 times, yet is always forgiven with no rationale. It's incredibly moronic.

      Also, not a spoiler, because him sending pigeons to tip off the bad guys is a thing since the first hours. Which makes the whole thing even more baffling, as in him being a traitor is not even a twist. It's just some forced "learn to forgive" anime trope.

      He was never meant to be a secret traitor and devs said so as well. The party knew he was bad news, especially Milla (several of the times she talks to him are scenes where Jude isn't present so those are missing in his side), but it's like what she said in one skit: better to keep your enemies close.

    • 2 months ago

      >Existence of a second/hidden world
      >second world/ an ancient civilization has an advanced technology
      congrats you just described majority of Tales tropes

    • 2 months ago

      >How tropey are these games?
      It's the deconstructions in them that make some of them stand out, but they're overall very tropey.

      • 2 months ago

        Inigo Montoya.jpg

  115. 2 months ago

    Oh, almost forgot to vent about this.

    Alvin is such a terribly written character. He betrays the party and tries to kill the protagonist at least 10 times, yet is always forgiven with no rationale. It's incredibly moronic.

    Also, not a spoiler, because him sending pigeons to tip off the bad guys is a thing since the first hours. Which makes the whole thing even more baffling, as in him being a traitor is not even a twist. It's just some forced "learn to forgive" anime trope.

    • 2 months ago

      Sorry, but you fell for the xillia good meme. Combat and Milla's body are its only redeeming points. All else is shit, as per Tales formula.

      • 2 months ago

        Heard someone say on reddit that Xillia 2 is the "Majora's Mask" of the series with a "dark and mature story" and great combat, so hopefully the payoff will be worth it.

        But even disregarding that, I'd peg Xillia 1 somewhere between Zestiria and Berseria, which is pretty solid all around.

        • 2 months ago

          >"dark and mature story"
          It's the most depressing since the devs are practically out to get Ludger in it that the game almost feels like misery porn.

    • 2 months ago

      Yeah... that's Alvin.
      Still better than Teepo.

      • 2 months ago

        Oh don't you say another word, I'm still mad about this ending slide and hope it's reversed in 2. He didn't deserve this.

        • 2 months ago

          He really did.
          The most annoying character in the series.

          • 2 months ago

            idk, at least Teepo was funny (more often than not), while Bienfu was a complete waste in comparison, it's always the same joke of Magilou abusing the shit out of him

            • 2 months ago

              I'm not going to say either of them are characters that I enjoy, but at least Bienfu's voice is massively less grating that Teepo's (both JP and EN).

          • 2 months ago

            You haven't played Narikiri Dungeon X.

      • 2 months ago

        Oh don't you say another word, I'm still mad about this ending slide and hope it's reversed in 2. He didn't deserve this.

        He really did.
        The most annoying character in the series.

        idk, at least Teepo was funny (more often than not), while Bienfu was a complete waste in comparison, it's always the same joke of Magilou abusing the shit out of him

        You haven't played Narikiri Dungeon X.

        I'm not going to say either of them are characters that I enjoy, but at least Bienfu's voice is massively less grating that Teepo's (both JP and EN).

        TMD (total mascot death)
        They are unnecessary and aggravating with their squeaky voices. Frick I hate these frickers.

        • 2 months ago

          Also animal party members. They are not cute and add nothing to the setting. Repede gets a pass thoughever.

    • 2 months ago

      Alvin's sending pigeons to his mother that's the twist

    • 2 months ago

      Well, since you seem like you don't like him (for good reason) you might be happy to know a lot of shit happens to him in Xillia 2 that you might end up pitying him like I did.

  116. 2 months ago

    Off the top of my head, mascot tier list
    Paneer (RM2)
    Rocks (RM3)
    >Don't care either way
    Claire's animal thing from Rebirth
    The mascot from RM1 whose name escapes me
    The owl from Arise whose name escapes me
    Windam from Hearts if he counts
    The moles from Legendia
    Albert (NDX)

    That's all that's coming to mind, a pretty decent track record. I don't understand the Teepo hate at all.

    • 2 months ago

      Repede isn’t the mascot, Ba’ul is, and Repede is based.
      I can’t stand Teepo or Bienfu, so I’d drop them out of there easily.
      I also like the Oresoren? They get a pass up into being good, though tbh a lot of that comes from Legendia just having good characters and comedy throughout.

  117. 2 months ago

    Played 3 hours of Xillia 2. Some thoughts.
    - Silent protagonist with dialog choices is certainly an odd pick for a Tales MC, but I'm keeping an open mind.
    - The debt cuckoldry mechanic/plot device basically amounts to side quests being non-optional. Wonder what happens if I pop open that 300k gald DLC cheat?
    - The game starts in Elympios and it's greatly expanded compared to the first game, which is awesome.
    - The combat has more depth with extra moves and weakness/resistances being much more important.
    - You apparently get 10 (?) playable characters total judging by DLC costumes. That's a lot.
    - Teepo was cooler than Rollo (the fat white cat).

    • 2 months ago

      >- Silent protagonist with dialog choices is certainly an odd pick for a Tales MC, but I'm keeping an open mind.
      Spoiler reasons since the devs know players would quickly figure out some plot threads based on hearing his voice. Ludger actually talks outright in NG+.
      >- weakness/resistances being much more important.
      It gets worse in Bers.
      >- You apparently get 10 (?) playable characters total judging by DLC costumes. That's a lot.
      Don't expect that roster to be full until the endgame. They come and go and some of your (limited) choices are really grating like the lack of a good healer in some parts.
      >- Teepo was cooler than Rollo (the fat white cat).
      Rollo was inoffensive and actually cute. Teepo was shit.

      • 2 months ago

        >players would quickly figure out some plot threads based on hearing his voice.
        But he does speak? As in one word sentences like "yeah" or "where". Unless his NG+ VA is completely different?

        >It gets worse in Bers.
        Had to drop Berseria down to easy eventually but that game's combat system was really hard to understand, especially it being my first Tales game. I'll try to make an effort to master Xillia 2. Do I really need to site-step and stuff? Or is matching weaknesses and chaining linked artes enough?

        >- Silent protagonist with dialog choices is certainly an odd pick for a Tales MC, but I'm keeping an open mind.
        Most of the fanbase agrees on it being a bad idea when Ludger is actually a fully fledged character with personality and a backstory. He's only mute in his own game to boot.

        >- The debt cuckoldry mechanic/plot device basically amounts to side quests being non-optional. Wonder what happens if I pop open that 300k gald DLC cheat?
        This game's script is considerably shorter, so they needed to pad it somehow. This game came out just a year after ToX.

        Nothing will happen except that Nova will pester you every five seconds until you pay her so she shuts up and stops interrupting your gameplay, you can't hold onto more money than the next payment ask for. You aren't allowed to pay the debt fully until way later in the game either, and if you rush it out you will also miss on some skits. Anyway, defeat the elite monsters from the billboard and at least half of the work should be done.

        >- The game starts in Elympios and it's greatly expanded compared to the first game, which is awesome.
        You actually won't see that many more new places than you already have by this point, unfortunately. There are some indications that they were planning on it, but again, one year of development https://taleslations.tumblr.com/post/104628674777/the-mysterious-case-of-hors

        >You actually won't see that many more new places than you already have by this point, unfortunately
        Apparently there are at least 3 towns in Elympios now and I've only seen Trigleph and Duval so far. The setting is pretty refreshing compared to the high fantasy world of Rieze Maxia. They even have flip phones!

        >"dark and mature story"
        It's the most depressing since the devs are practically out to get Ludger in it that the game almost feels like misery porn.

        It's actually kind of funny because this game reminds me of Persona 5, i.e. a silent protag that everyone shits on and treats like a criminal, despite him actually trying to prevent a crime.

        • 2 months ago

          You'll see (hear) later on if you're very attentive.
          Matching weaknesses is needed for higher difficulties but you can probably just wing it on normal. Ludger is especially broken compared to everyone else playable.

        • 2 months ago

          >They even have flip phones!
          The GHS is based on gara-Kei (ガラケー or ガラパゴス携帯電話). It's cool.

      • 2 months ago

        >Spoiler reasons since the devs know players would quickly figure out some plot threads based on hearing his voice
        It's pretty easy to figure out even without the voice though. I did at least.
        Either way that's on the English dub not putting in the effort like the undub does.

    • 2 months ago

      >- Silent protagonist with dialog choices is certainly an odd pick for a Tales MC, but I'm keeping an open mind.
      Most of the fanbase agrees on it being a bad idea when Ludger is actually a fully fledged character with personality and a backstory. He's only mute in his own game to boot.

      >- The debt cuckoldry mechanic/plot device basically amounts to side quests being non-optional. Wonder what happens if I pop open that 300k gald DLC cheat?
      This game's script is considerably shorter, so they needed to pad it somehow. This game came out just a year after ToX.

      Nothing will happen except that Nova will pester you every five seconds until you pay her so she shuts up and stops interrupting your gameplay, you can't hold onto more money than the next payment ask for. You aren't allowed to pay the debt fully until way later in the game either, and if you rush it out you will also miss on some skits. Anyway, defeat the elite monsters from the billboard and at least half of the work should be done.

      >- The game starts in Elympios and it's greatly expanded compared to the first game, which is awesome.
      You actually won't see that many more new places than you already have by this point, unfortunately. There are some indications that they were planning on it, but again, one year of development https://taleslations.tumblr.com/post/104628674777/the-mysterious-case-of-hors

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