Tell me anon about your dwarfs

do they have any relation to stone at all?

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  1. 4 months ago

    no such thing as a dwarf, there's only Gnomes. different cultures in their species too. some are mountainous, stone workers. some are woodland, carpenters. Gnomes are all about the earth.

    • 4 months ago

      How do you solve the gnome hat question? Are you Russian btw? Because often in fantasy dwarfs are translated literally into "gnomes"

    • 4 months ago


    • 3 months ago

      >Gnomes are all about the earth.

  2. 4 months ago

    You first. Be detailed and specific.

    • 4 months ago

      when a dwarf passes away they slowly turn into stone statues of themselves, they do not rot like fleshy races, unless their body is exposed to constant light or water during the process (and even after it is still preferred that they are kept in a dark room or hall under the earth)
      on battlefields it is especially important to retrieve the bodies of kings and great warriors, if they perish in battle, otherwise it is a bad omen and the god of the mountain might become furious over the dwarfs
      if a dwarf got "dismembered" in battle or during his death, he is still eligible to turn to stone. special care is taken by professional dwarfs to build & attach "new limbs" to them
      so in dwarven holds and cities there are "cemeteries" which are actually hallways with all the stone turned dwarfs. it is believed that one day they will return for the ultimate event
      there are castes of stone speakers and priests who are allegedly able to install a limited contact with deceased dwarfs
      there are also dwarven monasteries where they practice turning to stone while alive, few manage to do it, but those who do can use it as an advantage in battle or even preserve themselves in stone in order to travel one way into the future - but they also have to do it in a safe place, so that the process is not interrupted by someone.
      often such monks are tasked with preserving some important information and to awake in the "future" to deliver it
      a way to distinguish a deceased stone dwarf & a "meditating" stone dwarf is that the meditating ones will have mossy beards growing longer with time

    • 3 months ago

      It would be much cooler if you actually replied with something after op gave you an answer you know?

  3. 4 months ago

    There can never be as great of a Dwarf re-flavoring than /tg/'s Afghan Dwarfs:

    >Dwarves and Afghans share a lot of similarities
    >Beards are culturally important
    >Heavy emphasis on tradition
    >Clan-centric society
    >Strong distrust of outsiders
    >Remnants of a once-great empire devolved into mountain-dwelling goat herders and mercantalist cosmopolitan valley dwellers
    >Skilled weapon smiths, especially of artisan firearms, often able to be broken down and rebuilt
    >Enormously stubborn, famed for resisting any attempt to wrest their lands from them no matter the cost
    >Settlements extend deep into tunnel systems, primarily for shelter and ambush rather than resources
    >Known for creating intricate mechanisms from minimal supplies
    >Women kept hidden
    >Afghan dwarfs could adopt Persian aspects too, like the qanat aqueducts
    >Afghan dwarfs could have Petra-inspired rock face cities, but maybe that's from their ancestral empire and they squat in the ruins
    >They also carved passes through hills like Dashrath Manjhi and make money charging tolls. Fewer elaborate underground highways and more singular tunnels/passages that are famous and become associated with them
    >Possibly lion motifs referencing Numidia lions?

    • 4 months ago

      Afghan people arent stubborn at all
      You should base your dwarfs on Chechen/Dagestan people, although one might argue they are orcs

      Also you could make Vietcong dwarfs if you really wanna go that route

      Nonetheless you have some good ideas. Maybe i will keep them for my dwarfs who inhabit the not! Middle East

      Speaking of which, I wonder if there are dwarfs who live in Harad/Far Harad

      • 3 months ago

        >Afghan people arent stubborn at all

        ah yes. the nation and people's known as "the graveyard of empires". totally not stubborn, not at all. they're perfectly agreeable and easily change to accomodate others. yep.

    • 3 months ago

      Sounds super boring. Why even do fantasy then

  4. 4 months ago

    I'm so tired of ESL content-trawlers making low effort threads and asking as vague and unengaging a question as possible.

    • 4 months ago

      Mutually ; i am tired of people who have no spark of creativity and this is observable on almost every single board. EVERYTHING it seems must be very chewed out, detailed, crystal clear, for maximum spoonfeeding capacity. Why are you like this ? (rhetoric question btw. based on the kind of pic you post I can already tell why. the only question is where did they touch you?) Why is it so taboo to be "vague" ? I want to know about how ppl do their fantasy races, for me it's fun, I answered and improvised in post number four. Do you know at all what is "brainstorming" and such?
      P.S. Please frick off back to r eddit, scum!

      • 4 months ago

        >P.S. Please frick off back to r eddit, scum!
        You first, you content farming dredge. Try starting the thread with your own ideas rather than relying on others to have the conversation for you. It was bad enough when bumpgay only showed up in the middle of threads.

        • 4 months ago

          Muh content bro! gotta farm that content for the views, clicks and likes

        • 4 months ago

          Seriously what a mush you have in your brain
          You should eat healthy food

  5. 4 months ago

    Of course, they're born from the stone, they have big quarries next to their cities where they carve their "kids" which are fully adult dwarves serving as receptacle for the souls of dead dwarves to reincarnate. It's very important for them to be walled up inside mountains after their death so they can return to the stone and enter the process of reincarnation. That means they don't really like adventuring too far away from mountains because they're afraid of rotting away in the air and die forever.
    Every dwarf is responsible for carving out their sons and they put their soul into it, literally. The son is a mix of the reincarnating dwarf soul and his father's soul.
    I also like the idea of a "stonefather" job where some dwarves are specialized in dwarf sculpting but I prefer the first one. Maybe one specific city could work this way and have some weird ritual where every dwarf give a part of their soul to the stonefather for him to infuse them in his creations.

    In time of big troubles, dwarves will carve golems, giant stone monsters also serving as vessels for reincarnating dwarves. But as these receptacles are too big for a dwarf, their soul gets diluted. When reincarnating after that, these dwarves are dumber, lack personality and talent, and take multiple reincarnations to become normal again. Another way to fill a golem is to mix multiple whole souls, but it is an incredibly risky process that, even if successful, will have dreadful consequences for the new soul. When back into a dwarf, this dwarf will be extremely talented and powerful, but also very likely completely insane. The most evil dwarves in their history were born that way, tyrants and dark runemasters.

    picrel is just some random cool art, not necessarily how I envision them

    • 4 months ago

      What happens if im a very wealthy dwarf and i commission somebody to carve me a dozen sons or so, but leave them at 90% completion, i'll finish them myself

      • 4 months ago

        The process of infusing your soul is intimately linked to the carving, you couldn't infuse them properly while only doing the 10% left so they'd have an incomplete soul which translates to less personality, less intelligence, less talents, kinda like ex-golems but less extreme. A side effect is also that they'd have a closer personality to the previous dwarf they were since their soul is less mixed. More like a clone that child.
        Basically the more effort and soul you put in your son, the better he will be.
        If you ask the carver to infuse his own soul into them, he'll be the father, officially or not depending on the laws of your city. In some that practice would even be illegal.
        (I just improvised that on the spot I had never thought of that but that would make sense)

        Most importantly why the hell would they continue to choose being dwarfs if they use such method to reincarnate ? They could adopt larger forms, not giant, but like taller than men for sure, at that point they wouldnt be dwarfs anymore

        Cuz dwarves are cool and they like being like that and don't see themselves any other way. It's a form perfectly fit for their soul and anything else would be less comfortable.
        But yeah I guess some eccentric ones could create unusual dwarves. It could be funny.

        • 4 months ago

          in such setting with such dwarfs i would implement "soldier/kamikaze dwarf mass production" facilities and maybe some leprosy style disease for "incomplete" dwarfs

          • 4 months ago

            I would link the two, some guy finding a way to accelerate and industrialize the process of reincarnation leading to mass production but also to a leprosy pandemic and more consequences

    • 4 months ago

      Most importantly why the hell would they continue to choose being dwarfs if they use such method to reincarnate ? They could adopt larger forms, not giant, but like taller than men for sure, at that point they wouldnt be dwarfs anymore

      • 4 months ago

        Their souls dilute in larger vessels so doing that would just get you big NPCs, and even if vthey could go taller and slimmer while keeping the same volume, presumably none of them want to be the equivalent of a lanklet .

  6. 4 months ago

    They originated as being of flesh but eons spent living in the deep places of the mountains, in constant communion with their spirits, transformed them into living stone. Being this spiritually linked to stone gave them the natural ability to shape and meld with it, letting them develop a unique, more rounded/flowing/organic style of stonework. Culturally they place a heavy emphasis on family and hospitality, resulting in extremely tight-knit and welcoming communities that also severely punish breaches towards either. They’re also very protective of their mountains, viewing them as their ancient ancestor and seeing any form of unsanctioned damage to them as blasphemous; the equivalent of crusades/jihads have been fought when kingdoms wouldn’t restrain their miners. As a result, they actually dominate the markets for minerals in a lot of places since there the only ones who can get to the good stuff deep in, as well as controlling the mountain roads that they allow to be constructed. Appearance-wise they look like normal living statues, they’re skin the texture of the stone of the mountains they were born in, with eyes, teeth, hair, and nails being made of israeliteels/crystals. Blemishes or tattoos are actually other elements from the stone and are deliberately located by the individual, with most babies having flecks and veins all over until they get old enough to start working their powers on themselves. They don’t bother with clothes most of the time except for winter because ice freezing inside their bodies is possible and painful due to cracking parts open. Amongst themselves they’ll wear bracelets, anklets, necklaces, and earring, purposefully loose so that they can make noise since they rely more on their ears than eyes. As for combat, stone weapons dominate for obvious reasons, along with downhill charges and avalanches on the surfaces; inside the mountains they pop in and out of the walls at will, dragging people under.

  7. 4 months ago

    Dwarfs should be powered by aclohol

    • 4 months ago

      No. Trolls should. And there should be magical sources of "firewater" that trolls settle next to

    • 3 months ago

      Human saints walk on water
      Dwarven saints run on beer

  8. 4 months ago

    They eat minerals

  9. 4 months ago

    They are (perhaps more accurately were) beings who were originally crafted from clay and given life by one of the All-Mother's progeny, Addarr the Builder. They were the second result of the All-Mother's children attempting to create beings like she did. Imbued with the Builder's power, they are experts at a magical form of construction called Stone-singing. As the name implies, it lets them build stone structures, welding rocks together through their ancient magic. Other sentient beings can learn the craft, but the ancient dwarves knew it innately. Modern dwarves, so far removed from their ancestors, may struggle to use those powers in the same fashion.

    • 4 months ago

      Throat singing, I hope
      I read somewhere a theory that ancient people used throat singing to measure the depths of a cave

  10. 4 months ago

    They are divided into two castes, stone and metal. The metal caste is the ruling one, with fewer members.
    Dwarves are born as fleshy babies, but as they age, the parts of their bodies that undergo the greatest stress start to turn into the appropriate material. Knuckles of stone, knees of steel. At the height of his power a dwarf is almost a "robot" kind of a creature. However that ia not far-away from the demise of the dwarf, as soon his joints will start to petrify too and his guts cease to function.
    A dwarf living a life of comfort and partaking right substancea could live forwever. However the whole culture is based around dying as early as possible from old age. Become tough and powerful.

  11. 4 months ago

    Do they have any relation to trains at all?

    • 4 months ago


    • 4 months ago

      >that one time I watched a documentary on the holocaust makes an expert on that train!

  12. 4 months ago

    They fled the exploding o the world to the moon; and while the world below rebuilt itself with floating continents and airships they dug deep to escape horrors and fled their great citidels and eek out an existence on the moon’s hollow interior

    • 4 months ago

      NASA shill setting

      • 4 months ago

        I mean I’ve run the setting for over a year and right now after pirate shenanigans, fighting an ancient archetypal Kraken north of not egypt, my players are participating in the Napoleanic Wars plus Airships. No one knows what happened to the Dwarves when things went boom, and there remain scattered dwarven towns in a very obvious israeli Diaspora reference.

        The players know about it after meeting the Dwarf who stayed behind but designed the citadels, but don’t know the Dwarves were pushed out of those citadels into the Primevil Giant ruins of the hollow moon.

        After they finish War Arc they have to deal with the Council of Pirate Ghost Sovereigns THEN they’re figuring out how to get to the moon.

  13. 4 months ago

    I have a question for thread: Why do Dwarves live underground? And I don't really mean, why are they living underground at this moment, more what as a race made them decide to build giant cities underground?

    Been thinking about dwarves in different worldbuilding ideas I have, and trying to come up with a history for them, I realize I don't know what'd motivate them to start digging big underground cities. I've seen a few settings where Dwarves once had a giant underground Empire that then collapsed (usually to some sort of invasion by evil creatures that also live underground) leaving them in a bunch of isolated city-states. I also like the idea of combining halflings and dwarves. Basically a Dwarf turns into a Halfling when they become a godless liberal, shave their beard, and move to the surface. It still doesn't provide an explanation for why as a race they decided to base their civilization underground in the first place.

    • 3 months ago

      In my setting, dwarves live underground for several reasons.
      1. Religious reasons: They believe that their creator, the god of Order is sleeping at the heart of the world, so they dig down in hopes of finding him.
      2. Practical reasons: Dwarves are master smiths, and so require vast quantities of ore. They find this most easily done by living where they work. Also, dwarves are very good when holding a choke point, so a hole in the ground is easily defended compared to an above-ground settlement.
      3. Tradition: This is what they have always done, and dwarves respect tradition.

  14. 4 months ago

    They live deep in an expansive desert, where "guidestones" that resemble Moai heads talk and joke around with travelers. These guidestones are not the dwarves.
    The dwarves are statuesque, embodying perfection of physique, and appear to be made of pure white marble. They stand about 10 feet tall, and to the touch, like any living human, they are soft in areas like the breast, and supple but firm in muscular areas. However, when striking and being struck, they seem to be harder than stone, and chip or crack rather than bleed.
    They meander around their dilapidated Parthenon-esque structures, and have forums on philosophy and current events as if they were a living civilization; though this is in mockery, a facsimile, as the information and values they exchange are from days long past, whose origins are inconsistent.
    The are called "dwarves" because they are dwarfed by their nameless progenitors, who appear as marble statues too, but embody more godly forms, and are easily 30 feet tall.

  15. 3 months ago

    They do!

    Dwarves are stone imitations of the humanoid form created by the god of Order. Dwarven souls are fragments of the soul of the god of Order, as opposed to the souls of other mortal races, who are demonic in origin.

    Dwarves must eat stone to maintain their proper health, and their diet is the primary difference between dwarf subgroups. Mountain dwarves are those fortunate enough to have a diet rich in gems and precious metals, while hill dwarves subside on sedimentary rock, or even soil in dire circumstances.

    When a dwarf is born, it is a stone statue in the shape of a baby. Over the course of the next few years, it acquires more and more lifelike attributes until it cries for the first time, at which it is given its name.

    When a dwarf dies, their flesh returns to the stone from whence they came. As such, there are sprawling, cavernous mausoleums in dwarven strongholds, with statues of ancestors being made of their very corpses. Over time, gems grow within the statue, and for this reason, non-dwarves have attacked dwarven settlements with the express purpose of desecrating their dead to gain access to the wealth therein. Hill dwarves, due to their diet, form rather shoddy statues upon death, which unsurprisingly, rarely stand the test of time. This has affected the culture of hill dwarf groups, who are more future-oriented, than past oriented, like mountain dwarves. This has allowed hill dwarves to maintain better relations with other races than their mountain-dwelling cousins.

    Another dwarf-adjacent race are golems, who are similar to dwarves in origin. In contrast to Dwarves, which are born, golems are crafted, carved into shape by master masons. Like dwarves, golems acquire life by being surrounded by life, and love directed at them. Golems awaken, just like dwarves, and are treated as equals in dwarven society. Golems solve many issues, such as the low dwarven birth rate and the propensity for dwarves to dedicate themselves to a trade.

  16. 3 months ago

    mountain, and hill forest people, hunters and foragers, who sneak about through the brush and scrub before bushwhacking their targets with their Gonnes. (doom shotgun with slugs)

  17. 3 months ago

    they're weird worm-like bugs that pilot stone mechas in the shape of traditional dwarves, with material of the hyperskeleton determined by the caste they were born into.

    • 3 months ago

      Holy reddit of cringe

      • 3 months ago

        Go through frick back there then

        • 3 months ago

          >dude my dwarfs are yes indeed very much not your typical fantasy dwarfs!
          >they are heckin worm creatures who operate stone mechas and they identify as dwarfs!!!
          >super quirky lol ikr sis
          >what? im totally not from reddit
          >no i totally dont have tranime brain rot

      • 3 months ago

        kys redditroon.

    • 3 months ago

      Why use that shape? Wouldn’t something more like their true forms work just as well if not better?

      • 3 months ago

        mimicry, ornamentation or to honour the demigod that taught them metalwork, haven't fully decided yet. something like a beehive or antfarm that became sentient and started copying their surface dwelling neighbours

  18. 3 months ago


  19. 3 months ago

    They're largely immune to most humao8d sex diseases, but they can be carriers and transmitters of "rock crotch," a treatable infection that can be handled by any dwarven doctor and most masons

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