Tell me why I shouldnt use LotFP for my OSR games

Give me three good reason why I shouldn’t be running LotFP for my games.

Other candidates include OSE and Mork Borg. Shit on those too while you’re at it.

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  1. 6 months ago

    Well if you want to run OSR then LotFP is immediately off the table because it's not OSR. Run whatever the frick you want to though, how are anonymous chucklefricks on an East Kirgisian fish-filleting forum supposed to tell you otherwise?

    • 6 months ago

      What makes you say it’s not OSR?

      • 6 months ago

        It barely has mechanical compatibility, and completely lacks tonal consistency.
        Play AD&D1E or BX.

  2. 6 months ago

    >gets btfo so bad they have to good day sir and make another thread

  3. 6 months ago

    OSAe is a competente retroclone of B/X well organized for easy on spot referencing.
    Lotfp is a B/X retroclone with a nice alternative for the Thief class and Nice supplements, modules and adventures. The system itself is pretty much B/X though.
    Mork Borg is a shallow game, more concerned with aesthetics that anything else. It has a somewhat active community that comes up with okay tables to use and I find its mechanic of an endgame "timer" pretty interesting and highly adaptable.

    • 6 months ago

      I agree that MB is shallow and has some okay player-made material. I will also go on to say that the supplement market is so saturated with dogshit “creators” out for their $15 (plus tip) that it’s tough to wade through all the shit.

      • 6 months ago

        Yeah, It takes a lot of advice-seeking to find stuff really worth buying. In general I just look uo BFRPG forums for random table ideas. I also try to make my own, as well, with varying degrees of success

    • 6 months ago

      what the everliving frick is B/X

      • 6 months ago

        1981's Basic (B) and Expert (X) box sets for D&D, also known as Moldvay/Cook. They take their name from their page numbering system (all the pages in Basic are B1, B2 etc, and all the Expert pages are number X1, X2 etc).

      • 6 months ago

        Basic and Expert box set D&D.
        Many argue it is the best D&D version because of how structured it is, gold as xp being a great reason for dungeon diving, and a lot of fondly remembered adventures.
        I've played it a few times and appreciate it for being far more lethal compared to modern D&D. You do not want to fight in B/X unless you HAVE to, traps are gonna kill you fast too. It was roll stats down the line and pick a class that matches your stats because a character is not expected to survive a long time in B/X with play examples even murdering characters.

        • 6 months ago

          Is there any way to get it besides paying ebay scalpers $1000?

          • 6 months ago

            print it on lulu for like 15 dollars or smth. just go to osrg and ask for the ready to print files

          • 6 months ago

            Pirate the PDF and use a nice sized android tablet? These days that's what I use at the table instead of my hard copies. The hard copies stay on my shelf and I don't let other people touch them. Pay your $300 once and have all of the books.

          • 6 months ago

            You can find copies for around 20 to 30 dollars for each book, you're only paying over a hundred to get a near mint full boxed set.

            Also, it isn't exactly the same, but you can get the Rules Cyclopedia for like 25 bucks pod on drive thru

            • 6 months ago

              Whats closer to BX, OSE, or Rules Cyclopedia?

              • 6 months ago

                My understanding is that OSE is mostly just b/x with better layout, but they did interpret some things a specific way that some people don't like. BECMI (which is what rules cyclopedia is based on) is broadly comparable with b/x, but there are some changes (I believe a big one is thief class?)

                But, I am not an expert.

              • 6 months ago

                Just get Basic Fantasy RPG, aka BFRPG
                >labor of love
                >basically b/x with a few nice houserules baked in
                >also available as a word document so you can edit whatever you don't like before exporting to pdf
                The only con is the shitty name, and that some of the advanced classes are in community made extra docs of variable quality. But it's not like the Acrobat was particularly well written in B/X and therefore in OSE, anyways

              • 6 months ago

                I've been using basic fantasy with the acks tables for my games. Both have the srd free online in various formats.
                The humility of bfrpg and plaintext acks in a binder have more soul than all the artpunk rpgs around.

  4. 6 months ago

    I'll do four for good luck
    >ascending AC
    >Non-fighters need attack roll progression too.
    >there is a graphic drawing of an overweight woman giving birth to a demon that's ripping her apart while another demon bites of her titty on page 73
    >Raggi will probably have touched your copy of the book, he packs them personally
    If none of that bothers you it's a perfectly good OSR game. Better than OSE to be tbh.

  5. 6 months ago

    OSE is IMO the best all-round OSR system to use for most games and most setting.
    I like LotFP and have played it though I don't run it.
    Lion and Dragon/Sword and Caravan is excellent and a worthy OSR game though it's tweaked for a particular style of game play. It's currently my go-to for OSR play right now.
    I don't like Mork Borg as a whole but there are things to take from it. One of the things I do like is how it does dungeons mapping; it guides the way I do my note taking for running my own games.

    • 6 months ago

      I think Lion and dragon and Sword and Caravan as more of setting systems than anything else. They lack interesting procedures to make the authenticity more present.
      I think the author couldve added procedures for building dungeons in medieval authentic style, city crawl procedures, tables for hexfeatures etc. That game has a Nice concept for medieval authentic gamings but It lacks effective advice and procedure to effectively simulate a medieval world.
      A like his take on classes though, Nice level up system too, id Just remove skills really, I don't like those.

      • 6 months ago

        I don't think I've run anything RAW in a long time. I kitbash and homebrew rules all the time, including my OSR games; in part, because of some of the same things you've just said.

  6. 6 months ago

    Attack scaling for non-fighters is bad.
    Turn Undead is a spell, which can frick with modules written under the assumption that you can use it when needed.
    The very specific and also frequently grimdark tone and implied post-medieval setting may turn off some of your players: it's not an "everyman" sort of game, even in the niche sphere of OSR play.

    I dunno, it's endured for a reason, so there's not much to shit on (though I admittedly haven't played it much). It's way better than Bork Bork, that's for sure. I'd only say that if you wanted generic fantasy, B/X makes more sense.

  7. 6 months ago

    I know teegee is constantly like
    >Why would anyone ever spend money on the hobby, just pirate everything

    But if you are the kind of person who likes physical copies of books, it's pretty much always available and always cheap, ditto the random monster generator and a good deal of the modules. I'm kind of hoping Vornheim get's a rerelease soon, I don't even OSR but I like fantasy city stuff.

    • 6 months ago

      do you really not know why vh won't get rereleased?

      • 6 months ago

        >do you really not know why vh won't get rereleased?
        Let me guess, some gay irrelevant shit.

        • 6 months ago

          Nta. Author went completely fricking nuts. Hates tabletop gamers now.

          Give me three good reason why I shouldn’t be running LotFP for my games.

          Other candidates include OSE and Mork Borg. Shit on those too while you’re at it.

          1. ACKS looks more fun.
          2. AD&D2e has all that fun setting content.
          3. I dinno play what you want.

      • 6 months ago

        They're rereleasing red and pleasant land, and I believe he has a brand new LotFP setting thing coming out. I don't give a single shit about z*k drama, I'm not in the osr space.

  8. 6 months ago

    >Tell me why I shouldn’t use LotFP
    At this point, you'd be better waiting a little longer for the new LotFP Core release.

    • 6 months ago

      >the new LotFP Core release
      The crowd funded 2013 book still hasn't been released.

  9. 6 months ago

    Like I give a shit what you do in YOUR anything game.

    Why do people hate the LOTFP author anyways?
    The png photo art is dogshit.

  10. 6 months ago

    it's not Darkbad

    • 6 months ago

      If it were playable I'd give it a go.

    • 6 months ago

      >Can roll for a barbarian kitsune, be in a party with a fella that contracted lycanthropy, cast a spell that has a chance to change gender or cause an apocalypse, and allows werewolf sex.

      I want whatever you are sampling before I can roll up a character.

  11. 6 months ago

    >Give me three good reason why I shouldn’t be running LotFP for my games.
    No monster manual
    No treasure tables
    No dungeon stocking procedures

  12. 6 months ago


  13. 6 months ago

    If you are asking question formatted in this way, it means you are going to use it anyway, so wasted effort trying to explain to you anything. All I have to say: enjoy the homosexualry you are bringing on yourself all on your own, you deft c**t

  14. 6 months ago

    I'll give you one. I'll find you, and I'll rape you.

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