Terra Invicta

What went so horribly, horribly wrong?

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  1. 11 months ago

    >three different games in one
    >absolutely fricking moronic micro-management spam with the countries
    >runs like dogshit

  2. 11 months ago

    >"What if we combined a VGH WHAT COULD HAVE BEEN map painter board game with a realistic space colonization simulator and an XCOM style alien invasion where the ayys just play with their dick in the Oort Cloud until you piss them off?"
    I dunno champ. Sounds like a winner to me.

  3. 11 months ago

    8 factions and only humanity first is any good

  4. 11 months ago

    What went so oh right?

    • 11 months ago

      >"What if we combined a VGH WHAT COULD HAVE BEEN map painter board game with a realistic space colonization simulator and an XCOM style alien invasion where the ayys just play with their dick in the Oort Cloud until you piss them off?"
      I dunno champ. Sounds like a winner to me.

      >"We mooved the needul!"
      >"We mooved the needul!"
      >"We mooved the needul!"
      >"We mooved the needul!"
      >"We mooved the needul!"

  5. 11 months ago

    Good idea, terrible implementation.
    >You can influence nation
    >But for this you must use a turn based gameplay in real time.
    The moment the agents shit begins, i knew it was bad.

  6. 11 months ago

    Agent whack-a-mole is boring. Earth game is boring. Space combat is fun, but everything leading to it is boring. Space agent whack-a-mole is fricking moronic (oh, dang, an agent rolled the dice just right and now your shipyard is gone despite a megafleet defending it, oops, maybe they managed to sneak in via teleporters?). No reason whatsoever to frick with Earth once you're doing space shit and the ayys are being pushed back. Even if Earth falls you can still win. No ground/space combat besides ship battles. Overall moronation.

    • 11 months ago

      Pretty much this.
      It really can't be understated just how horrible the councilor system is and how much it hampers the game.


      What went so horribly, horribly wrong?

      How the aliens react to mission control usage is far too binary.
      Most of the leaders and factions are some combination of annoying, moronic, and uninteresting.
      Climate not only can't be fixed but it is purposefully designed to be that way.
      Economically building up nations is largely irrelevant. Nations also pretty much can't handle themselves and collapse within a few years.
      They give the ability to blob but only go halfway and don't allow you to ever annex the whole Earth even despite this being a game about humans being invaded by aliens.
      The aliens don't provide much challenge in the final stages of the game when you're waging proper peer to peer spaceship warfare throughout the solar system against them.
      Organizations don't seriously change gameplay or matter outside of generic stat boosts. Controlling a bunch of intelligence agencies should give you great ability to exert covert influence. Controlling a bunch of scientific institutions should give you great ability to direct global research efforts. That sort of stuff.

      maybe the new patch in the works will shake things up but it's kinda annoying how they don't see the agent gameplay is kinda repetitive. Just feels like the game is wasting my time to get to the good part of the game.

      Is there a big new patch coming up? Anything on what it's going to do?

  7. 11 months ago

    I genuinely like the early game, where you are fighting for control over Earth. But once you get a team of super-agents, with 25 in Admin and two or three other stats, the AI basically can't do anything to you. And then the game gets kind of boring until you manage to build up enough of a fleet to fight the aliens.

  8. 11 months ago

    maybe the new patch in the works will shake things up but it's kinda annoying how they don't see the agent gameplay is kinda repetitive. Just feels like the game is wasting my time to get to the good part of the game.

    • 11 months ago

      -Org stars now use inline sprites instead of font stars - should fix linux missing org star bug.
      -operations UI fixes
      - fix arctic melt reporting non-relevant regions affected #3455
      - fix wonky wording in investigate councilor results
      - clarify wording in how remass scoop works
      - other event text fixes
      - fix bad required nation config for a French org
      Truly gameplay changing

    • 11 months ago

      What is the good part?

  9. 11 months ago

    Agents, you can clearly tell that the dev loved his own ideas too much and refused to change it even though it lead to one of the most uninspired gameplay and interaction loops i have seen, its basically having this amazing complex game and kill it because you want it to play like risk

  10. 11 months ago

    It was made by usual troupe of useless trannies and autists.

  11. 11 months ago

    Early game is truly TRULY awful game design and simple not fun. What the frick were they thinking?

    • 11 months ago

      >Early game
      How about midgame and lategame whackamoling xenoforms and enemy agents, tedious space station and bases micromanagements and chasing down six gorillion deltaV alium fleets

      • 11 months ago

        To be honest I've never gotten that far, I just get so bored with the early game I just end up not playing for long

      • 11 months ago

        >and chasing down six gorillion deltaV alium fleets

        I think ships that can accelerate faster can now catch up with them even if they only have fraction of their deltaV. The bigger alien ships take time to get going, so assault transports and the like will likely not make it through even delvtaV modest earth defense fleet.

  12. 11 months ago

    I would really like a more refined version of the early game + the early space colonization. If you played as like a megacorp or similar entity with less power compared to the factions in game navigating a changing world of early space colonization it could be really interesting I think. Sadly the aliens are unironically one of the worst parts of this game I think and are extremely poorly implemented.

    • 11 months ago

      I think the game made a mistake having 6 factions with 6 agants each and locking you you to one.
      It would be much more fun if you controlled a global council that had to balance different interest groups while deciding how to act against the aliens.
      The fact that you have to micro against 30 agents + aliens is just tedious.

      • 11 months ago

        It would make the XCOM council simulator comparison more apt as well. There's no reason the council shouldn't have infighting.

  13. 11 months ago

    Who could have guessed that modders are terrible at both game design and game development and are only propped up by their autism allowing them to work on shit for free and the autism of the players that use mods.

  14. 11 months ago

    It's a niche game catering to a specific fetish and it seems to be making enough people happy that it's got a profitable cult following. Good for the devs but I found the demo mind-numbingly boring.

  15. 11 months ago

    Modders believing they're hot shit. A tale as old as, well... mods.

  16. 11 months ago

    Patch is out

    • 11 months ago

      Lmao, literally this happened (again)

      -Org stars now use inline sprites instead of font stars - should fix linux missing org star bug.
      -operations UI fixes
      - fix arctic melt reporting non-relevant regions affected #3455
      - fix wonky wording in investigate councilor results
      - clarify wording in how remass scoop works
      - other event text fixes
      - fix bad required nation config for a French org
      Truly gameplay changing

      Why the frick every single update is like this?
      Wow, i am so excited about the irrelevant ui change#527 and random event#836 bugfix

  17. 11 months ago

    >counselor automation
    shitters rejoice

  18. 11 months ago

    Released too early. You see it a lot. Games release into early access when the game needs 3+ years more work and kill all hype

    • 11 months ago

      This was fundamentally flawed from the get go. There is no way to make Earth fun without a total remake.

  19. 11 months ago

    Just extreme moronation, really. Way too many things to list.

  20. 11 months ago

    It's the constant crashing and poor performance for me.
    I find the gameplay merely unpolished.

  21. 11 months ago

    >Takes at least two days to get to anything remotely interesting

  22. 11 months ago

    In general sci-fi games have a serious problem with characterization. You see this in the characters that lead the factions. Except for the initiative, they all exist on the same spectrum with humanity first on the right side and the servants on the left side. Having only a one dimensional difference seriously harms the story side of the game.

    The fact that earth starts with the same stats every game seriously hurts the replayability of the game. It's always ideal to get kazakhstan and use it to separate from russia.

    The simulation is deeply flawed, with the option of going for economy when it really is very ineffectual.

    The spy whack-a-mole is also boring and they should have noticed at some point that it isn't fun to play. It's one of those things where you get blinders on as developer, because they're interesting systems to design, but not to play.

    The research list is also terribly designed. Like long war, they have all these almost identical options. It seems granular and interesting complexity at first, but they're simply too similar.

    The fact that very significant space breakthroughs take as much research as how to form or break up political unions is also a dumb dumb part of the game.

    The fact that they can't quickly generate this research list, which is essentially just a spreadsheet, is fricking moronic. How did they mess up optimization this bad? Instead of generating it from scratch every time, they could generate it at the start of game and save it to a file and it would be quicker.

    They just don't fundamentally grasp what makes games fun, or how to solve design issues. They probably had too much fun making it.

  23. 11 months ago

    I enjoyed the early game of consolidating countries, focusing on industry, dealing with climate change and managing influence, but the devs actively try to discourage from forming blocks which is indeed dumb.

    The game is a bit too slow for me though, or the player actions are too ineffectual and gradual. They could increase the amount of time a turn takes to preserve realistic development, but that might hurt whatever timeline they have regarding the lore.

    A useful diplomacy feature is sorely needed too. Eventually all factions end up being hostile which is unmanageable for the player..I wish we could divide up areas of interest.

    But first things first, game runs like trash. This should be their primary focus.

    • 11 months ago

      What's the good of making a game run well if it isn't fun?

      • 11 months ago

        If it doesn't run well I won't even bother finding out whether it's fun or not.

  24. 11 months ago

    I'm really interested in the concept and ideas of the game, but almost everything I've read is negative or lukewarm. I hope they improve it. I want something between Earth GSGs and Stellaris, just the Solar System like The Expanse.

  25. 11 months ago

    Did they fix the fact that if you don't go for US, EU, Russia, or China you might as well not be playing the game?
    It's too bad that they didn't just make a game where you still are playing something like XCOM, but you have options on the Geoscape to influence events and maybe change what your missions are.
    Like if you want to resolve the fact that the people of (nation) have signed a pact with the aliens, you could do a mission to coup them and take some score hit to bring them back as a funding nation.

    • 11 months ago

      >Did they fix the fact that if you don't go for US, EU, Russia, or China you might as well not be playing the game?
      That was never the case.
      t. succeeded from an Africa only start

      • 11 months ago

        It's basically impossible to fix Africa with the tools you have.

        • 11 months ago

          You can win from fricking Afghanistan anon. Earth is not hard.

        • 11 months ago

          Pump welfare and spoils and get equality below 3.0. Easy.

          Well, not easy, but quite doable.

        • 11 months ago

          You do spoils in most nations to pump up the bigger ones like Nigeria and Ethiopia. Nigeria is the main one since it starts out large and you can make it larger. Definitely want to do that by giving Nigeria a military. Military unification is how you get shit done in Africa. Once you get all of Nigeria's claims then you either do Bantu Nation or East African Federation and have the Nigerian military do most of the work in unifying that. Once you've got your two big nations then you do African Union, peacefully unify your two big states into it, and conquer the rest.
          I don't know the specifics because I did it quite a while ago but the general strategy is pretty much the same. It's definitely still doable.

          • 11 months ago

            Africa can actually become an absurd powerhouse once completely unified. The giant population and such terrible stats means you can basically recreate the Chinese rise to super power status in a hurry. But it's a big time investment and more a project when you're waiting for space shit to move and deny landing spaces for alien armies.

  26. 11 months ago

    >What went so horribly, horribly wrong?
    Didn't play it but if Long War was their design philosophy my guess would be it's boring and tedious. There is a very small audience that want to micromanage an overwhelming amount of different shit without the game actually progressing for days.

    I'm glad that it exists and they are making a game that they actually want to make. I wish more game devs would do just that. But i am not gonna play it.

  27. 11 months ago

    Just gonna say it. Even Highfleet's bullshit two hundred thousand kilo shit is better than Terra Invicta. Game has utterly failed to do any one thing really well for its attempt to do everything.

  28. 11 months ago

    Awful game, boring, tedious slog.
    Pretty much what you should expect from the morons that made LW.
    They got high with their own farts.

  29. 11 months ago

    Modders thought they could make a game, its a broken pos and they don't know how to fix it.
    More news at 11.

    • 11 months ago

      I'd blame, instead, their failure to consider who would actually be committed to their game.
      People who want to manage a space war probably don't really give a shit about earth.
      People who want to manage a GSG about defending earth probably just want to build giant AA guns to shoot down alien ships.
      XCOM fans, at minimum ,want to play NuCom.

  30. 11 months ago

    The game has to be almost abandoned, It's imposible for a 3 o 4 man team working full time to have an output so low, half of the patchs are ui fixes and typos, and you can redo the entire UI of a game in a day in Unity, I've done it, its one of the few thing Unity does reliably and quick. The other half is "trying to fix this bug for nth time lets see if this time we're lucky..." meaning they don't know or bother to replicate the bug to pingpoint the problem, nor they check if the bug is fixed.
    They cashed out when the hype was high and they're now doing the bare minimun to avoid been called out as scammers.

    • 11 months ago

      I followed the project som what for like 2 years and bought in with the hype and have to agree. Only played the beta for 2 weeks before stopping, being optimistic that they would get the feedback they needed to dramatically improve the game and thinking I'd pick it up again in a year or so. Now I've given up hope.

      Game fundamentally needed better pacing - only the first two years should be "moving dah needle" before it becomes half phased out so a colonial earth phase can play out with minor invasions and meganation consolidation. Only like 3 factions should even survive to be major players, and there should be no more agent whack-a-mole by year 10 - allowing the game to 90% shift into the space elements.

      In general sci-fi games have a serious problem with characterization. You see this in the characters that lead the factions. Except for the initiative, they all exist on the same spectrum with humanity first on the right side and the servants on the left side. Having only a one dimensional difference seriously harms the story side of the game.

      The fact that earth starts with the same stats every game seriously hurts the replayability of the game. It's always ideal to get kazakhstan and use it to separate from russia.

      The simulation is deeply flawed, with the option of going for economy when it really is very ineffectual.

      The spy whack-a-mole is also boring and they should have noticed at some point that it isn't fun to play. It's one of those things where you get blinders on as developer, because they're interesting systems to design, but not to play.

      The research list is also terribly designed. Like long war, they have all these almost identical options. It seems granular and interesting complexity at first, but they're simply too similar.

      The fact that very significant space breakthroughs take as much research as how to form or break up political unions is also a dumb dumb part of the game.

      The fact that they can't quickly generate this research list, which is essentially just a spreadsheet, is fricking moronic. How did they mess up optimization this bad? Instead of generating it from scratch every time, they could generate it at the start of game and save it to a file and it would be quicker.

      They just don't fundamentally grasp what makes games fun, or how to solve design issues. They probably had too much fun making it.

      Basically agree with all this. The research tree is inexcusably huge and complicated and leads to huge decision fatigue. All the meganation techs should just be under a single umbrella "form larger nations" tech for example.

      So many good and cool ideas but they obviously aren't putting in the effort to whittle down all the fluff and slow shit

      • 11 months ago

        >only the first two years should be "moving dah needle" before it becomes half phased out so a colonial earth phase can play out with minor invasions and meganation consolidation. Only like 3 factions should even survive to be major players, and there should be no more agent whack-a-mole by year 10 - allowing the game to 90% shift into the space elements.
        Have one influence specialist agent bumping influence in nations high enough to make enemy crackdowns and coups very difficult.
        >The research tree is inexcusably huge and complicated and leads to huge decision fatigue.
        You're not supposed to go through the whole thing every time. Familiarize yourself, read through a lot of it once or twice, then typically pick whatever goes well with what is most important to get done at the time.

    • 11 months ago

      The stupid tech tree and the agent slog are there because otherwise you would spend most of the game time watching the earth spin around.
      And because the devs have no fricking idea of basic game concepts like pacing, game loops, feedback loops, etc.

      >They cashed out when the hype was high, and they're now doing the bare minimum to avoid being called out as scammers.

      They fricked up with the concept, which is a textbook example of feature creep. They fricked the kickstart because they set the objectives too low, so they added even more features on top. So now is 2020, and they have to develop a game several times more complex than the average x4 with a team of 4 and 200k. 200k is not enough to hire four good programmers for a year in most of the civilized world.
      Not surprisingly, they launched the game a year and a half later, probably because they did the math and realized that, factoring in time, they were working for the average salary of a shop clerk at that point.
      And then, I agree, they used the hype and the interest generated by the "leak" to cash out.

    • 11 months ago

      Supposedly they're working on missing features while fixing the game, but yeah, almost a year later and very few features have been added, and the game is still broken and runs like shit.
      They have fixed the transfer tool at least 8 times and it still has problems.
      They have fixed the alien not doing land invasions at least 4 times and in my last campaing they never landed.
      They have fixed the autoresolve crash at least 6 times, still crashes from time to time.
      The space battle AI is completely moronic, every time y see the enemy ships doing backflips crashing towards my missiles and projectiles while exposing their flanks I just chuckle, and usually the moment the combat starts to be frequent in the campaign I just uninstall, it takes me out of the game completely. And again they claim at least once per month that they've upgraded the AI and its the same moronic shit.

  31. 11 months ago

    dont get the hate here, yeah it was kinda shit at launch but lots of improvements since QoL improved but could use some work. Game meta changed since the last patch, LDAs are shit now aliens are more aggressive and turtle scrubs are seething. Some councilor automation but no queueing yet which would be nice to have.
    It's a good clicker game

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