Test your MMO knowledge. What is the single most grindy piece of content from an MMO you can think of?

Test your MMO knowledge. What is the single most grindy piece of content from an MMO you can think of? It can be any MMO, not just WoW.

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  1. 4 months ago

    original star wars galaxy and becoming a jedi

  2. 4 months ago

    God Walking title in Guild Wars 1

  3. 4 months ago

    infinite hp/mp potions in BDO and nothing is even close

    • 4 months ago


    • 4 months ago

      old pots? hell yeah that shit was so rare hardly anyone had them. new pots? nah new pots are free and you're expected to get them before you leave season. now you can buy them from the marketplace and they have pity pieces that drop pretty generously for a rare item. It takes on average 15-20 hrs to grind them out now and they raised the drop rates of the pieces themselves. not to mention the spots themselves got buffed so you're actually making good money grinding them nowadays.

      the remaining nearly impossible item to grind is merchant ring and the kzarka summon scroll pieces. I don't think anyone has completed the latter in 9 to 10 years, maybe less than 50 people have completed the merchant ring in all regions.


      you need 3 rare drops for each potion which are so rare that many grinded 1k hours without a drop. they've made it way easier and now basically you get them for minimal effort.

  4. 4 months ago

    leveling in vanillin maplestory

  5. 4 months ago

    Eureka in FFXIV pre-patches

    • 4 months ago

      Pagos is still annoying

  6. 4 months ago

    There's a set of 7 items that were relatively rare in classic, but became even worse over time. They only dropped in a single dungeon, and all had a drop rate around 1/10000. When Cataclysm came out, the levels of the enemies in the dungeon were shifted around, causing only 10 enemies in the dungeon to still be able to drop them. Half of those enemies are extremely far out of the way, so they're not even worth killing if you're farming the Papal Fez and the other 6. The best you can do is kill the ones close to the entrance for 5 chances every 5 minutes or so, and it's not uncommon for people to do it thousands of times without seeing a single one.

    • 4 months ago

      My first Uldaman run on Nostalrius as a tank dropped a Papal Fez for my healer buddy.
      Shit was rad. Never saw it before.

  7. 4 months ago

    I stopped playing after 04 so if anything was changed idagf.

  8. 4 months ago


    • 4 months ago

      What specifically in Runescape?
      >inb4 woodcutting leveling

      • 4 months ago

        All of it, Black. The only part of Runescape that couldn't be described as unreasonably grindy are some of the early-game quests.

      • 4 months ago

        200mil in all skills or
        200mil In runecrafting via doing abyss runs

  9. 4 months ago

    Goretusk livers for the goretusk liver pie recipe

    • 4 months ago

      For me it's the zebra hooves

  10. 4 months ago

    Relic weapons in FFXI. I'm sure they added worse shit later, though.

    • 4 months ago

      >I'm sure they added worse shit later, though.
      Prime Weapons are an even worse exercise in tedium, and they were added last year. That said, every ultimate weapon in XI has 'that' stage which is an atrocious grind to deal with.

    • 4 months ago

      Relics don't take that long if you have an entire linkshell funneling all the Dynamis currency to one person, alternatively anyone moderately rich can flat out buy them while doing low man runs where they get a portion of the currency every run. Some professions have synths that are gil prints(items vendor for much more than the cost to synth) so the relic grind is honestly not that bad. I'd argue farming some super rare drops off NMs can be worse, like if you goal was to get a Defending Ring back in the day then you could probably farm up your relic before getting one.

      On that note, I think PSO rares were probably worse grinds. Stuff like Sealed J Sword was a 1/12,603 chance to drop and there were like 3 enemies per map. Then of course there was the Psycho Wand which was a 1/299,593 chance to drop for most section IDs on enemies that were not common.

      • 4 months ago

        Oh and to unseal the Sealed J Sword after you have it drop, you have to kill 23,000 enemies.

      • 4 months ago

        >if you have an entire linkshell funneling all the Dynamis currency to one person
        It was still literal months of 18+ people's time twice a week for three and a half hours.

    • 4 months ago

      relic weapons werent actually that bad.
      the reason why you didnt see that many was because like 95% of Dynamis linkshells were just 'get rich' scams.
      "trust me bro we're totally making X's relic for him!' usually meant they were making 5-10mil per run selling all the currency
      same with sky shells.
      what made it worse with relics is like 2/3rds of them arent even that good, they were just a richgay status symbol.
      if you didnt build the gun, scythe, dagger, horn, shield or gaxe you were basically wasting your time and money.

      if you want grind, Mythics in FFXI are basically unbeaten.
      done vanilla at 75cap they basically require 5 years of non stop grind to even begin attempting, plus a strong, well equipped and experienced endgame LS that is able to do ALL of the Aht Urghan content, even the shit stuff that no-one does because its too hard
      t.XI pro that's done literally everything 3 times and owns 6 relics and a Mythic on 75cap.

    • 4 months ago

      I still play 11 and I still don't understand end game.

  11. 4 months ago

    It'd be easier to list the content in MMOs that isn't grindy.

    • 4 months ago

      >test of knowledge
      >list off what's easier

  12. 4 months ago

    Everything but specifically agility levelling

  13. 4 months ago

    Late 2000s Korean grind mmos. Barely any quests or story so everyone just grinds mobs endlessly watching their xp go up .01%/hr. And if you die you lose like 5%

    • 4 months ago

      This anon is factually correct
      >Pic related

      • 4 months ago


      • 4 months ago


        this game was so grindy that everyone botted at late levels because you'd have to kill tens of thousands of mobs

  14. 4 months ago

    Probably not the grindiest but the fricking Island Sanctuary leveling in FFXIV is intended to take weeks just to gain one level. The only way to bypass this is to farm resources in a rotation for hours on end.

  15. 4 months ago

    i played daoc casually even if i hit multiple level 50s (gaheris carebear server) but i knew people who had grinded months for realm ranks non-stop for a year

    • 4 months ago

      Max realm rank takes literal years
      You can make about a million realm points a week max, realistically its usually much less and rank 14 is 187 million

  16. 4 months ago

    Maplestory grind to lv200 was pretty bad, dunno how other MMOs were in comparison but there's a vid about it on the chewb

  17. 4 months ago

    FFXIV beating the entire game solo and I mean solo not using the market board, making your own pots, your own food, your own armour and weapons, Iron man mode, inspired by Old School Runescape and it's not even close.
    It's take a guy an entire year, 1 year to just to beat ARR completely solo. There are 4 more expansions of the game still to complete and it took 1 year just for the base game.

    • 4 months ago

      That's a player made concept though

      • 4 months ago

        Yeah so? Include player made concepts as well, that's part of what mmo's are all about.

        • 4 months ago

          You can make any MMO as arbitrarily difficult as you want, op isn't asking about self imposed challenges done for funsies.

          • 4 months ago

            I don't care what OP is asking or not he's not the arbiter of what is and is not, an mmo is about what content is in the game and what players can make of it.

    • 4 months ago

      That was a really stupid "grind" you posted for a game that has plenty.
      Zodiac weapons, though I have 2 of them.

  18. 4 months ago

    FFXI relics/soluna blade from mabinogi. Not sure which is more grindy but they arent even intended to be obtained solo, you pretty much need a whole guild farming the mats for months to craft one of these frickers for one guy

  19. 4 months ago

    R1 blacksmithing in Mabinogi before the days of training seals, potions, etc. Most of the crafting skills back then were an extreme investment but blacksmithing took it to another level due to needing so many high ranked crafted items from other life skills as well as extremely rare blacksmithing blueprints from endgame content.

  20. 4 months ago

    I know WoW geography better than my country one
    I can guess location just by looking at the screenshot of the grass

    • 4 months ago

      Perfect, so I can ask a question. I remember an area so bad it made me quit. It was part of battle for azeroth and it was underwater. What was it called so I can look up the horros? 1 quest involved giant stingrays.

      • 4 months ago


        • 4 months ago

          Nazjatar isn't underwater, but that's probably the zone anon is referring to yeah
          Vashjir was cata

    • 4 months ago

      You might have fun playing WoW geo guesser

  21. 4 months ago


  22. 4 months ago

    I always stayed away from grinds by doing stuff like making low level pures in runescape and twinks in WoW. The moment something becomes grindy I just do something else.

  23. 4 months ago

    Grand marshal/high warlord grind?
    Frick that is painful
    Grindiest have to be those really old ones like eq or runescape
    I remember lineage2 also being a grindy mess. You'd have to kill thousands of mobs to get a level ag some point
    Same with Silkroad

    • 4 months ago

      Yeah Rank 14 is probably it for real, just because (a) it had to be done without breaks, for months, and (b) it required insane time investment on a daily basis. There are grindier things than that if you look at total hours spent for sure, but the restrictions made it fricking grueling.

      However, its grindiness also depended on your server and faction. In some rare cases it might not have been "that" bad (only 8 hours a day or something).

  24. 4 months ago

    From what little interaction i had with the genre, grinding in most MMORPG is supernfun. It gets awful only when others can skip it with IRL money or when the game itself penalizes you for doing it "too much"

    That's why hosting your own OSRS server with trading bots is the way forward. Socializing just gets in the way of grinding.

  25. 4 months ago

    99 skills in osrs

  26. 4 months ago

    >What is the single most grindy piece of content from an MMO
    Epics in everquest requiring an insanely rare mob to drop a specific item and said mob might not spawn for days.

  27. 4 months ago

    probably some random ass card drop in Ragnarok

  28. 4 months ago

    Not even the worst, but elemental sets in Aika online. First you went to a dungeon to farm mats and recipes (random drop, not class specific) from a lot level dungeon, then you created a superior quality set, then you farmed the same dungeon on higher difficulty for more mats and recipes to craft a unique set from that, but you had to reinforce the superior set to not fail the craft, then you went to another dungeon to farm mats and recipes for the elemental set which had three variants for all six classes, random drops, then you used the previous unique set to craft the new set but you had to reinforce to+11 with 1% success chance which could also destroy the item.

  29. 4 months ago

    Grind implies boredom.
    I don't find farming mobs boring because you can just think about other stuff or listen to music or talk to friends. It's relaxing.
    So to me the most grindy shit is modern MMOs where most of the experience is gotten through quests (Guild Wars 2, Elder Scrolls Online, Black Desert). This because the quests require you to pay just a little bit too much attention so you can't actually relax while doing them.
    I'd gladly cut down 10000 oaks in Runescape over doing 100 quests in a modern MMO.

    • 4 months ago

      Grind is fine for things that are optional like fishing. You shouldn't be required to grind in order to play the game.

      • 4 months ago

        MMORPGs require some sort of "grind" or shared hardship. You can declare every player the champion of legend and whisk them to max level in a few days while they teleport around the map and it might feel good for them at first, but it comes at the cost of detracting from the illusion of a persistent world that exists without you. QoL and "respecting the player's time" provably destroys MMOs.

        • 4 months ago

          The shared hardship should come from other things than tedious grinds, like a game that you actually have to master and become good at in order to reap the rewards. Fun engaging combat systems and competitive content that requires you to make alliances and potentially duke it out forever with competing players and guilds for glory.
          Spending hours chopping wood or fishing should be completely optional, maybe it lets you progress at an insignificant minigame like building a house or something.

          • 4 months ago

            What you're asking for is legitimate, but not an MMO.

            • 4 months ago

              If there are thousands of players then it's an MMO

              • 4 months ago

                That's quite a pedantic definition that disqualifies plenty of MMOs and gives MMO-status to games that obviously aren't. "MMO" is a design philosophy more than it is just a statement of player-count.

              • 4 months ago

                People really should learn to differentiate between MMO and MMORPG. "Massively multiplayer online" says nothing about the type of game it is, just that there are a lot of players in it.
                Besides, there is nothing in the MMORPG design codex that dictates that it must have a long arduous grind to reach max level in order to be considered an MMORPG, that's just autism.

              • 4 months ago

                It's safe to assume when anyone talks about MMOs they actually mean MMORPGs, specifically WoW.

  30. 4 months ago

    grinding those fricking slimes in wetlands for that one quest item

  31. 4 months ago

    leveling in tibia

  32. 4 months ago

    Getting 8 boar asses for a World of Warcraft quest

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