
what’s y’all’s least favorite tf2 merc

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  1. 6 months ago

    Pyro. Badly designed class that was given a bullshit ability to hard counter 4 other classes to remotely be viable yet it doesn’t even do that all that well.
    Doesn’t have a fun voice.
    Afterburn is just obnoxious.
    Pre the flame texture update you couldn't see shit if 2 pyros were spewing there garbage near you, post you can kind of see but its incredibly ugly.
    Airblast is an incredibly forgiving mechanic that any moron can master in 3 games, it takes zero practice if you have more than 40 iq. If you think otherwise go look up its hitbox, its absurd

    • 6 months ago

      Engineer, he's blatantly balanced around a team only having 1 of them because lvl 3 sentry stacking is extremely oppressive and ruins the flow of the game. Pubs are too often defined by the sentry fight and I'm tired of my moronic teammates being too stupid to handle them; most of the time it's up to me to kill the sentry and I've just about had it.

      I hate going against snipers for obvious reasons, even if they may not be ultimately effective in pushing an objective
      I hate playing as Heavy. He's a slog to play as and go anywhere, and gameplay is almost exactly the same everytime you play, just rmb+lmb and track. You can do funny detonator jumps as pyro, or use a shield as demo, or go gunspy, or huntsman sniper, or battlemedic, or trolldier, or use a different scout gun, but theres no other fun way to play heavy (fat scout gets old fast).
      What's worse is how effective he is. If you want turn the tide in a pub you could totally just go heavy, it's just really boring.

      Seems we've listed every single class here basically. The real answer is sniper is the worst designed class by far.

      • 5 months ago

        Thanks for standing still wanka

    • 4 months ago

      >given a bullshit ability to hard counter 4 other classes
      Soldier and Demo are obvious (though I wouldn't even say Pyro hard counters Soldier because any Soldier that throws away their shotgun deserves to get BTFO), but what would be the other two that Pyro counters?

      • 4 months ago

        Medic probably, airblasting ubers. And maybe including countering spy but not because of airblast.

    • 4 months ago

      Frick everyone who complains about ANY other merc than pyro. What will TF2 lose without pyro? Furries? homosexuals?

  2. 6 months ago

    Engineer, he's blatantly balanced around a team only having 1 of them because lvl 3 sentry stacking is extremely oppressive and ruins the flow of the game. Pubs are too often defined by the sentry fight and I'm tired of my moronic teammates being too stupid to handle them; most of the time it's up to me to kill the sentry and I've just about had it.

  3. 6 months ago

    I hate going against snipers for obvious reasons, even if they may not be ultimately effective in pushing an objective
    I hate playing as Heavy. He's a slog to play as and go anywhere, and gameplay is almost exactly the same everytime you play, just rmb+lmb and track. You can do funny detonator jumps as pyro, or use a shield as demo, or go gunspy, or huntsman sniper, or battlemedic, or trolldier, or use a different scout gun, but theres no other fun way to play heavy (fat scout gets old fast).
    What's worse is how effective he is. If you want turn the tide in a pub you could totally just go heavy, it's just really boring.

  4. 6 months ago

    Sniper. A really good Sniper can make the game unplayable especially if he's already on the winning team. It's why I stopped playing Uncletopia. Every game is a total landslide. Even if you take out the soldier or scout at the top of the scoreboard the sniper will get you. The last few weeks I played I won games by doing nothing but killing snipers until I got bored, because that was the only viable strategy on that server.

    • 6 months ago

      >Class designed around securing kills kills you

      • 6 months ago

        >anon is a cute autogynephile pervert but won't post his ass

    • 6 months ago

      >download aimbot
      >when the sniper troony get anoying switch to sniper and turn on aimbot
      >the sniper troony quits the game

  5. 6 months ago

    Yeah its pyro. Least funny character and annoying in game.

  6. 5 months ago

    A long-range, instakill class just does not belong at all in a game full of mid-range, high time to kill exchanges.

  7. 5 months ago

    I don't get why uncletopia gays can't just ban sniper on their server.

  8. 5 months ago

    Thank god I got out of this game before sniper autists got way to good. Used to be considered pretty mid tier back then and not game defining like how he is now

  9. 5 months ago

    I main sniper, but i admit without him the game would be way more enjoyable

  10. 5 months ago

    I'm in no way a "pro" or anything at TF2, but I have to say my least favorite is heavy. Playing as heavy is just so boring because he's heavy, understandable he's a tank and all that, so I get that. I just hate his movement, his weapons, constantly being one-shot by snipers, it's annoying. I hate the gay slow walk when firing his gun and just having to spray and pray into a group. It's not as bad as standing for 5-10 minutes as sniper, but I'd still rather do that. Fighting against him as anything other than sniper (which isn't much of a fight anyway) can be annoying because he's always going to have a pocket healer or two if your opposing team decides to do that and if you're not dealing enough damage or cannot in any way deal with the medic(s) then you may as well just have a nice day in the face or hope to god the sniper is in the line of sight or that there's a pyro or two around.

  11. 5 months ago

    Sniper is for homosexuals
    Pyro for queers
    Luv eavy simple as
    >t. player who fricking loves the natascha

    • 3 months ago

      this is the correct answer, lawlbox bot snipers have ruined the game

  12. 5 months ago

    my gut reaction was sniper but then i remembered medic literally just wins games for free, not even cheating snipers can stop vaccinator

  13. 5 months ago

    seems like everyone here can't use spy to kill a sniper without being jarate'd or killed by a pyro before reaching him.

  14. 5 months ago

    There is no problem with Sniper, but rather a problem with maps that have gigantic sightlines he can easily exploit, especially ones overlooking an objective. Stop playing Badwater constantly and try something new. I know it's scary, but I promise your Sniper problem will go away.

    • 5 months ago

      Badwater is one of the maps where sniper isn't super effective except on the last area. Badwater is hardly one of the worst offenders, which is why I play it.

    • 5 months ago

      got it, playing ctf_2fort

    • 5 months ago

      >It's not that one class has flawed design and doesn't fit into the gameplay?
      >instead ALL maps that let you see farther than five meters are at fault!
      >you died because the sniper turned a corner and quickscoped you in 0.2 seconds? You should have stayed out of his sightline and hid in spawn dummy!

  15. 5 months ago

    sniper or engineer

  16. 5 months ago

    quickscopes should be 0.5 seconds. they're fricking annoying to play against.

  17. 5 months ago

    Sniper is the obvious choice but for me, it's Demoman.
    An explosive class that can spam without actually having to put themselves in danger? Who thought that was a good idea? The risk vs. reward with that character is almost as busted as Sniper, but people don't complain about it that often because "muh direct hits" and because of Airblast. Getting direct hits with pipes takes skill, and that's why it does 100 fricking damage. Sticky spam into groups of enemies doesn't, but one of them can net you 4-6 kills. Even Soldier has to deal with his rockets bouncing motherfrickers around

  18. 4 months ago

    The black one

  19. 4 months ago


  20. 4 months ago

    dont care i can DT oneshot all of them

  21. 4 months ago

    Sniper is the obvious answer because its just the correct one. It just feels lame to die to a guy accross map in .2 seconds you literally can’t do anything about outside of playing sniper yourself and the only real counter is to literally afk in spawn because tf2 is designed to have only 1-2 realistic places to go and on most maps the homie can watch both at the same time

  22. 4 months ago

    Pyro, mostly because the hitboxes are fricked and the physical flame particles doesn't coincide with the visual particles.
    Sniper, because you don't get a better hint of his existence besides the laser dot.

  23. 4 months ago

    Playing against pyro fills me with an enduring vitrol. Most of what could be said regarding the class has already been said, and these things ring especially true for someone who mostly plays spy/heavy. But what enrages me the most is the type of person who plays, more specifically mains, pyro. They are the most insufferable reddit homosexuals of the playerbase. At their disposal is all of these pseudo-skill mechanics that instill them with a sense of competency because they pressed a bunch of buttons and won an engagement, when in reality its just them abusing bullshit in different order. These pyro "pros" (terminal pubbers) who are "good" because they detonator jump on a class that doesn't have to aim, then proceed to stun lock you and land an unmissable melee hit. Flashy (i guess) but ultimately pointless. Its like johnny ringo twirling his guns in tombstone. nobody fricking cares, shut the frick up.

  24. 4 months ago

    sniper fricking sucks to fight.
    pyro is fine, just needs some small tweaks.

  25. 3 months ago

    Sniper is ass.

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