>th-they f-fixed the dungeons in TotK

>th-they f-fixed the dungeons in TotK
Why did you morons lie to me?

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  1. 6 months ago

    it's all they have

  2. 6 months ago

    That's not TotK that's Minecraft anon I can see the blocks

  3. 6 months ago

    Lifespring Grotto wad an exception. The Thunder Temple, Stormark, and Gorongia were all good. Construct Factory wasn't a temple.
    Hyrule Castle also had a nice layout.

  4. 6 months ago

    >he didn't play the game on day -12
    Joke's on you

  5. 6 months ago

    zelda dev team overcorrects on what people dislike.
    people said they hate that the divine beasts look the same, so they changed the look of the dungeons only.
    fortunately, the outcry on the lack of linear dungeons now may lead on correcting that in the next game.

    • 6 months ago

      >the outcry on the lack of linear dungeons now may lead on correcting that in the next game.
      it really fricking won't
      normalgays HATE anythingt that STOPS them from making "progress"
      >I paid $70 for this and you expect me to solve a puzzle to see the castle/waterfall/fairy? even though I've paid $70 already? what's with all these restrictions, I just want to have fun! I paid $70 and this is how you treat me? duuude just let me make some progress, I paid $70!
      this is unironically how they think and it's been like this for decades, especially when it comes to Zelda
      it's fricked

      • 6 months ago

        well with how much padding and repetitive puzzles there are in game, I would hope that next time around they can't think of anything to fill the game world with other than reintroducing past elements in order to pad out the game.

        >fortunately, the outcry on the lack of linear dungeons
        Normalize the idea that linearity is not a bad thing whatsoever when you are dealing with dungeon design.

        The puzzles should be harder and rewarding, not open-ended so that a fricking Ubislop casual can brute force their way in a dungeon, trivializing the puzzle.

        their idea now is that the player should have all the tools and have multiple approaches to solve it, which makes the puzzles really mundane and the player doesn't have to think about how the puzzle works but how to bypass it.
        and that's because they only think intrinsically, if they intend the player to understand how the puzzle works they would need to build it the way it was in past games

    • 6 months ago

      >fortunately, the outcry on the lack of linear dungeons
      Normalize the idea that linearity is not a bad thing whatsoever when you are dealing with dungeon design.

      The puzzles should be harder and rewarding, not open-ended so that a fricking Ubislop casual can brute force their way in a dungeon, trivializing the puzzle.

      • 6 months ago

        normalgays hate puzzles
        puzzles could reduce sales by like 80%

        • 6 months ago

          >Normalgays hate puzzles
          Most popular games are puzzle shit like candy crush anon

          • 6 months ago

            and how good are they at that shit
            I hop on tetris99 when they're giving themes out and I keep making it to top 5 with zero fricking practice using a busted d-pad that sends the blocks flying all over the fricking place
            that means over 90% of the normie tetris99 population is absolutely moronic

    • 6 months ago

      Money talks and the two best-selling Zelda games have no dungeons. Unfortunately, they're never coming back.

  6. 6 months ago

    Divine Beasts were better

    • 6 months ago

      They really aren't.

    • 6 months ago

      They're basically the same thing... Except you have the entire pathway to the dungeon added to it, instead of just a minigame to open it.

  7. 6 months ago

    They're bretty much the same but you also get about 45 minutes of formulaic story beats to get to them, and you get to watch the same cutscene as a reward.

    • 6 months ago

      >45 minutes of formulaic story beats to get to them
      That also applied to BoTW but the formulaic copy paste becomes way more noticeable when you play the exact same cutscene four times. They could've afforded to take the time to make 4 cutscenes.

  8. 6 months ago

    The whole defense on Nu-Zelda is built on dishonesty

    >They fixed dungeons!
    >It's just like Zelda 1!
    >It doesn't feel like DLC blown out to a full price game at all!

    The lies never stop.

    • 6 months ago

      >It's just like Zelda 1!
      What's always bothered me is that they'll say this in one breath and then paint the BOTW formula as the radical all-new change that the franchise needed in the next, and not even notice the contradiction. Also, the standard-bearer for a franchise isn't usually its first game. For Zelda, it's always been LTTP, and the new games have almost nothing in common with LTTP.
      All the hype over TOTK supposedly having real dungeons this time also tripped me out after I spent years being told that dungeons were outdated and inferior to open worlds.
      I've definitely noticed that those in favor of the new formula have spent years struggling to give a consistent explanation for why they like it. They just say anything to defend it and will contradict themselves without missing a beat. It's really weird.

    • 6 months ago

      >It's just like Zelda 1!
      What's always bothered me is that they'll say this in one breath and then paint the BOTW formula as the radical all-new change that the franchise needed in the next, and not even notice the contradiction. Also, the standard-bearer for a franchise isn't usually its first game. For Zelda, it's always been LTTP, and the new games have almost nothing in common with LTTP.
      All the hype over TOTK supposedly having real dungeons this time also tripped me out after I spent years being told that dungeons were outdated and inferior to open worlds.
      I've definitely noticed that those in favor of the new formula have spent years struggling to give a consistent explanation for why they like it. They just say anything to defend it and will contradict themselves without missing a beat. It's really weird.

      I can tell you why the BotW and TotK are better structurally than previous Zelda titles. But you have to promise me that you won't lump me in with the rest of the crowd. I'm not going to have a discussion where I constantly have to defend what OTHER people said. Can you promise me that?

      • 6 months ago

        >I can tell you why the BotW and TotK are better structurally than previous Zelda titles.
        Not that anon, but you couldn't tell me, because there is no structure to them.
        I went exactly where I wanted to go in both of those games from the spawn point, but ToTK especially had a direct route in mind for the player to take from the beginning.

        • 6 months ago

          An open structure is still a structure. Being allowed to go where you want from spawn(post tutorial anyway), is a superior feature over the linear structure. As the nature of the game is to give the player freedom to explore. And exploration means having choices. Very similar to Zelda 1 in that respect, where the player can technically access most areas in the game from spawn. There is no reason to gate a player off from a whole zone. Gating smaller things that require items I understand. Though, item gating can be excessive too. It has to be done as sparingly as possible. But zone gating is completely arbitrary and meaningless. Why shouldn't you be able to go to Lanayru before Hebra? Or go to Lurelin before Goron City?

  9. 6 months ago

    because we wanted to trick the most people possible into playing the game LMAO
    absolutely devious!!!!!
    you VILL play the zelda gaemu and you VILL like it

  10. 6 months ago

    thats a temple, dungeons are underground only.

  11. 6 months ago

    There's already a TotK schizo seethe thread up.

  12. 6 months ago

    The game world should be open
    Dungeons should be linear with clear puzzles and optional branching paths/ shortcuts
    The player should have freedom go explore and even go out of order, but there should also be an intended order.

    • 6 months ago

      >but there should also be an intended order
      agree with you on everything other than this. the only thing that should have an intended order and be presented in the intended order is the story. which could have been done if the geoglyphs would have appeared in order.
      in terms of main quest in dungeons, they should be linear, or rather introduce new challenges, reward the player with new items and abilities and be real challenging puzzles with keys. the order in which the player stumbles upon these should be entirely irrelevant. of course, for the noobs the game will suggest to explore in an area, but it shouldn't be these long tedious quest of cutscenes and fetch to open the dungeon.

  13. 6 months ago

    I can't wait until Majora's Mask is on PC.

    • 6 months ago

      it's 92% done, looking forward to it too

      • 6 months ago

        The pc port team shop of harkinian actually finished the code themslves, so it's at 100% aand they're already well under way at making a pc port. But will be a few months still

  14. 6 months ago

    Daily reminder
    Ocarina of Time was a game with a great story supplemented by puzzles

    BoTW/ToTK are puzzle games supplemented by mediocre stories

  15. 6 months ago

    hate the art style
    hate the music
    hate what theyve done to my zelda
    frick em

  16. 6 months ago

    >endless TotK seethe
    This is a board that says that Twilight Princess was a good game, and I'll take a thousand more BotW style Zelda's over that. There are even people here that have started defending Skyward Sword, so I must conclude that this board has a consensus on being committed to completely shit taste and is not to be trusted.

    • 6 months ago

      they all suck except for OoT/MM

    • 6 months ago

      I like both

      this shithole can't possibly have any sort of nuanced discussion it has to be neverending binary shitstirring, can't defend a game without shitting on another, always trying to seed conflict between people

      Ganker is israeli

    • 6 months ago

      >There are even people here that have started defending Skyward Sword
      Because the remaster improved on nearly all of its flaws.

    • 6 months ago

      >There are even people here that have started defending Skyward Sword
      I always did.

    • 6 months ago

      I defended TP and SS for years in this shitty board. I played all the mainline Zeldas and I never liked BOTW, especially after I got over the novelty of the open world and realized how barebones it was.
      > and I'll take a thousand more BotW style Zelda's over that.
      Congrats, you want more games that further destroy the Zelda conventional structure and want everything to be casualized for your enjoyment.

    • 6 months ago

      The franchise isn't for you

      • 6 months ago

        OoT and MM are my favorite games, gay. If this board was around when they released you would be shitting your pants and crying about how the formula was le changed
        >WW has boring toddler tier dungeons far worse than nu Zelda
        >TP takes away any positives WW implemented like the soulful graphics and atmosphere, and enemies that drop and pick up weapons, and has the shittiest Zelda overworld, boring drawn out start and weird wolf sections
        >SS everything
        The franchise needed revitalization, and anyone b***hing about muh dungeons is full of shit. Zelda dungeons have not been good since MM

    • 6 months ago

      >I’ll take 1,000 AssCreed collectible hunts over more of the best dungeons in the entire series
      Absolute fricking shittest taste

      • 6 months ago

        >best dungeons in the series
        >no actual exploration or puzzle solving
        It is not possible to enjoy TP/SS if you have played games that were not made by Nintendo

  17. 6 months ago

    Low quality thread

  18. 6 months ago

    When the game leaked early anyone that wasn't a die hard tendie told the truth
    It isn't our fault that you didn't listen

  19. 6 months ago

    You homosexuals really don't comprehend what good game design is, do you? Locking you away in a single place would've left the world itself lacking. It's pointless to do that when they can use the world as part of it.

    You can't both complain about an empty open world and that the world is fluidly part of the dungeon unless you're a fricking brainlet.

    • 6 months ago

      >You can't both complain about an empty open world and that the world is fluidly part of the dungeon
      I can when the dungeon sucked ass, you fricking moron

  20. 6 months ago

    This is good you stupid fricking Gaijin. You are simply nostalgic for the old days

  21. 6 months ago

    man that one was so shit

    • 6 months ago

      Hi Carlos.

      • 6 months ago

        the water dungeon was easily the worst in the game, i'm not whatever person your schizoid brain brought up

        • 6 months ago

          the dungeon itself was shit but the pre dungeon was great

          they should do both obviously but I hope they don't abandon the more involved pre dungeon sequences in the next game

          • 6 months ago

            >the dungeon itself was shit but the pre dungeon was great
            also not true, it was okay, nothing to brag home about, some kind of mid objective point inbetween a major dungeon but not really on par with ice cavern or the lostwoods/forest maze.
            I'd say that the Rito had the best lead up to their temple in terms of the climb, Goron was the best looking temple overall, in the underground city, and that the desert temple had a better lead up to the boss than the zora did, considering it was the only real attempt at an unskippable Zelda dungeon.

            • 6 months ago

              >not really on par with ice cavern or the lostwoods/forest maze.
              you're a wienersucking boomer and you should have a nice day

              • 6 months ago

                puzzle/gameplay wise, it isn't. Visual wise, it isn't because visually it isn't unique to the zora domain, it's a generic sewer water level up/down level, that matched rest of hyrule design philosophy, with floating wooden platforms.
                Neither icecavern, or lost woods/maze was the worst part of OOT, and that's what the prelude to the water temple is on par with.

        • 6 months ago

          I liked all the water dungeons thematically i've played tbh apart from Skyward Sword which I never played, ToTK/BoTW, which suffered from the open world focus and being in a transitionary period between 3D and 3D Open World

          Twilight Princess even had the added bonus of not only getting a zora based water Dungeon, but being the hub focused around introducing the ice dungeon due to the freezing of zoras domain with snowpeak manor.

          I know OOT water temple gets memed on because of the fact its possible to softlock the game there in the original N64 version but as a temple design/boss/item received, it's a banger bruh

  22. 6 months ago

    i dont get how hard it is to have a dungeon design expert group, hand focused on designing dungeons, where story can be inputed, good dungeons, gameplay irregardless of story currently planned based off goron tech, zora tech, etc.

    It cant be hard. Just have a tema focused on a proper dungeonnnnn
    then the overworld people can tweak it to force it in open world

    it caaantt be that fricking hard to mix classic zelda and TOTK/BoTW, just make a fricking team, full of skilled dungeon designers
    to plan something that can be plug and pasted, and then focus on applying the gameplay gimmick into the rest of it later

    i just
    fricking get it
    if you'rre going to make a majority of the world you experience and interact with be so heavily spread out, and based off individual contact points of interests, in the development cycle, you might as well leave the dungeons in the same way instead of forcing the dungeon design to play along with the story, the story should adapt to it, not vice versa

  23. 6 months ago

    It's impossible for them to make a water "dungeon" that isn't shit.

    • 6 months ago

      Twilight Princess had a pretty good one

    • 6 months ago

      I liked all the water dungeons thematically i've played tbh apart from Skyward Sword which I never played, ToTK/BoTW, which suffered from the open world focus and being in a transitionary period between 3D and 3D Open World

      Twilight Princess even had the added bonus of not only getting a zora based water Dungeon, but being the hub focused around introducing the ice dungeon due to the freezing of zoras domain with snowpeak manor.

      I know OOT water temple gets memed on because of the fact its possible to softlock the game there in the original N64 version but as a temple design/boss/item received, it's a banger bruh

      MEant to reply this to you
      feel like zelda has multiple good water dungeons for the most part

    • 6 months ago

      Why didn't they use those shrine teleporters to teleport you into a real water dungeon. It would be so much better if the dungeons were seperated from the open world through teleporters. But they wanted their no loading screen temples.

  24. 6 months ago

    >5 disjointed puzzles in a row
    Okay so it's basically on the same level as the other post-MM 3D Zelda games, what's the problem

    • 6 months ago

      MM dungeons are objectively better

  25. 6 months ago

    my issue was how easy it is to cheat in the temples. I just ceiling warped around the fire temple without even building and riding carts like i was supposed to

  26. 6 months ago

    the spirit temple in totk felt like classic zelda.

    • 6 months ago

      nahh, not really. It was a good dungeon, I wouldn't say classic zelda.
      The reasons that made it good was entirely taking advantage of new zelda shit, but its coat of paint was still the same generic paint all the underground/underworld had, and so it didn't really feel fresh and just more of the same underground stuff.

      I'm of the impression that BoTW and ToTK are both basically alpha builds of the new idea they have for making Zelda games though, and now that they've got both a physics engine, and an overworld system that allows for puzzle solving, and exploration, that they'll be able to make the next open world zelda focused on dungeon design, thematics , unique weapons/tools. etc.

      Nintendo as a company usually builds up from previous releases, and this generation was their first foray into true open world game design. I'm not as much a doomer towards the future of the franchise as others might be.

      • 6 months ago

        oh my bad i meant the giant pyramid in gerudo desert where you fight the gibdo queen.

        • 6 months ago

          Oh yeah, that was the most classic feeling of all of them, overall good even if it didn't have as much depth to the classic zelda spirit temples.
          Again, Nintendo with ToTK I think showed to me they're trying to implement old gameplay elements and trying to blend them seamlessly with the open world gameplay that ToTK/BoTW have.
          Shit isn't as easy though, and more open ended. I think every future zelda game in this format has a lot to over, to build up upon the previous ones, and Nintendo is the exact kind of company to keep trying to add new innovative gameplay experiences combined with the exploration.

          When they finally get all aspects of it right, it'll make the best zelda game to ever come out. Something both BoTW/ToTK gays and OOT/MM gays can agree upon being the best overall zelda.

          It's building towards that outcome. I can feel it.

      • 6 months ago

        >I'm of the impression that BoTW and ToTK are both basically alpha builds of the new idea they have for making Zelda games though, and now that they've got both a physics engine, and an overworld system that allows for puzzle solving, and exploration, that they'll be able to make the next open world zelda focused on dungeon design, thematics , unique weapons/tools. etc.
        There's no reason to believe that other than wishful thinking. Aonuma's recent quote suggests the exact opposite: they'll be tripling down on the BOTW/TOTK formula exactly the way it is. Add in the sales figures, scores, awards, etc. and it's clearly not happening. Just like Pokemon and Dexit, they got away with cutting a core feature of the series and replacing it with nothing.
        I don't think they could do real dungeons and the massive bloated open world at the same time even if they wanted to, nor do I think it would be desirable if they could. It'd be better than BOTW and TOTK, but still far worse than the older games, probably resulting in something like an even more tedious and half-assed Wind Waker at best. That's not even getting into how awkward a fit the old item-based progression would be with the new "you can go anywhere and do anything" approach.

  27. 6 months ago

    totk's dungeons are an improvement over botw's but that's a very very low bar

  28. 6 months ago

    i still havent finished TOTK because the dungeons are so boring they make me want to close the game

    • 6 months ago

      bro they take 10 to 15 minutes

  29. 6 months ago

    Nobody fricking cares
    >noooooo I need to push this block off this ledge to create a shortcut back to the entrance which will allow me to backtrack and hit the switch to lock one door and go back another, then go down the path I created back to where I just was

  30. 6 months ago

    Open world fans are morons

  31. 6 months ago

    What pissed me off if they added back small keys, but you don't use them in the temples. Total tease. After all this, I really want a traditional zelda.

  32. 6 months ago

    Don't worry, you're not the first one to get tricked by a tendie.

  33. 6 months ago

    Tears of the Kingdom sold like hot cakes. That means - to Nintendo - they made everything right.

    You will never get dungeons again. Every Zelda game from now on will be shrine-based.

  34. 6 months ago

    Game fricking sucks. BOTW is miles better

  35. 6 months ago

    You fell for the tendie hype and bought it anyway. They won

  36. 6 months ago

    Tears of the Mid

    >games from 20-30 years ago are better lmao

  37. 6 months ago

    Divine beasts were so trash that even the most marginal of upgrade is better.

  38. 6 months ago

    Hyrule Castle in ToTK lost that amazing theme song and the 3D Dead Space UI map. The BoTW Hyrule Castle had an organic track that would change depending if you were inside or outside the castle. ToTK Hyrule castle sucks so much, I feel bad for anyone who didn't play the original game first.

  39. 6 months ago

    Eiji Aonuma is a hack

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