That guy story time

/that guy/ story time, I got one from this week playing in one of those paid game services.

> Be me a Goblin wizard in an Eberron game.
> Gm has been running a good game so far.
> Get to a tavern with casino like games I Sharn.
> Goal is to flush out a crime boss.
> Gm fleshes out a few patrons that stick out.
> Party splits up checking them out.
> Our Rogue decides to check on a Warforged dude at the bar.
> Gm gives some fluff about the the bot on vacation.
> Barman clarifies the rooms upstairs are soundproofed to block Casino noise.
> Rogue looks about and sees some elf chick wink in the direction of him and tin man.
> Elf chick goes upstairs. Rogue follows
> This causes hell to break loose on Casino floor
> Elf chick and Warforged were undercover
> Elf chick just tricked the crime boss into leaving his table and seeing Rogue run after Elf realized something was up and makes a break for it.
> Without any other leads we cheesed it after crime boss Bugbear.

A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

  1. 1 month ago


    > The Rogue gets upstairs and after knocking on enough doors finds the Elf
    > Gm traversing through the Rogue's cringe
    > Rogue doesn't get it
    > Rogue assaults the elf over misconception.
    > Rogue saves against both command and hold person spells.
    > Rogue specifies he wishes to non lethal her.
    > Rogue wins handidly and says "I'll lift her dress, drop my pants to my ankles, and give her the sex".
    > Nobody throws a red card at the Gm to stop it, Gm let's him go through with it.

    • 1 month ago


      > Gm had the Warforged go upstairs after his partner thinking the Rogue was the target
      > Warforged passes Roques passive perception and grapples the Rogue pulling him off the Elf.
      > Gm had the Warforged say "An eye for an eye leaves us all blind. Fortunate for me I lack a rectum".
      > Gm says "The Warforged gives you the sex". Sane tone the Rogue used.
      > Rogue fails attempts to get out of grapple
      > Rogue gets sexed by the massive robot wiener until unconscious from bludgeoning damage.
      > Gm says his ass was vulnerable to bludgeoning.
      > Gm offers player to make a new character.
      > Or to continue playing Rogue in next session after he's castrated by the Sharn watch.

      • 1 month ago

        >> Gm had the Warforged say "An eye for an eye leaves us all blind. Fortunate for me I lack a rectum".
        >> Gm says "The Warforged gives you the sex". Sane tone the Rogue used.
        >> Rogue fails attempts to get out of grapple
        >> Rogue gets sexed by the massive robot wiener until unconscious from bludgeoning damage.
        >> Gm says his ass was vulnerable to bludgeoning.

      • 1 month ago

        Literal surprise buttsex. A painis in the anus.

      • 1 month ago

        > Gm says his ass was vulnerable to bludgeoning.

      • 1 month ago

        >his ass was vulnerable to bludgeoning.

    • 1 month ago

      >oh no reddit white knight cringe


      > Gm had the Warforged go upstairs after his partner thinking the Rogue was the target
      > Warforged passes Roques passive perception and grapples the Rogue pulling him off the Elf.
      > Gm had the Warforged say "An eye for an eye leaves us all blind. Fortunate for me I lack a rectum".
      > Gm says "The Warforged gives you the sex". Sane tone the Rogue used.
      > Rogue fails attempts to get out of grapple
      > Rogue gets sexed by the massive robot wiener until unconscious from bludgeoning damage.
      > Gm says his ass was vulnerable to bludgeoning.
      > Gm offers player to make a new character.
      > Or to continue playing Rogue in next session after he's castrated by the Sharn watch.

      Top fricking kek.

  2. 1 month ago

    Goddamn I glad I moved on from D&Degeneracy years ago.

  3. 1 month ago

    I am afraid I will inevitably be That Guy. I've never played D&D before, and I've been holed off at home never going out for years.

  4. 1 month ago

    >Be me a Goblin wizard
    So you were That Guy, got it.

    • 1 month ago

      Ah you fricking got me. The setting makes Goblinoids more common among the civilized folk, so I thought it would he my best chance to play one.

  5. 1 month ago

    This was my first ever RPG, doing pathfinder in middle school
    >be me, human fighter
    >friend 1 is elf some kind of magic user
    >friend 2 is rogue
    >friend 3 DM
    >DM and I had gotten into some kind of petty argument a day or two prior, I had thought we had both gotten past it
    >party doing dungeon crawl, encounter some skeletons, we go in for the fight with the rogue and I going to front line while the elf stayed back to do his magic thing
    >every single skeleton goes after me, ignore both of the other players
    >my fighter gets knocked unconscious
    >instead of turning to fight the other two, even while they’re getting whittled down, the skeletons hack at my unconscious body to get my PC actually dead, not just knocked out
    >after killing me, suddenly the skeletons seem to have their AC drop in half and they stop rolling almost perfectly every single attack, rogue and elf kill them quickly
    >we all call the DM out on this bs, he says “bro they just wanted to make sure they finished the job, I’m just playing strategically”
    >other two friends and I get on our bikes and leave

    Frick that homosexual, that was the day I learned to never play RPGs with gingers

  6. 1 month ago

    A long time ago in High School, we had to play with this weirdo named... Let's go with 'Bill.' To envision Bill, imagine Shrek raping a Leprechaun, with the latter birthing a greasier Bobbah Hill with some ratty curly hair. I played with Bill when we were little kids, we were both outcasts so we had to stick together, but Bill was always a sore loser. Whenever his toy lost whatever, he would say: "oh I have automatic anti-[x] power so it didn't work," but would gladly kill your toy off.

    Board games like Monopoly were even worse. He was an extreme sore loser and would throw temper tantrums because apparently he needed to win every single time with the look on his fat face souring whenever he failed to secure board walk or was placed in checkmate. Chess was particularly notable because he not only lost every time, but he never learned from his mistakes so I would always get him checkmated in only a handful of turns. Even when I intentionally prolonged the game, he would always lose his extended classes (Knights, Queens, etc.) extremely fast and would quit the game due to somehow 'cheating.'

    Fast forward to High School during the early 2010s when the LGBT was becoming fashionable, and Bill decided he was Bi. My friends would try to host games at their houses and Bill would always talk about his sexuality, I mean he would derail entire campaigns to talk about how much he found men attractive, how much he hated religion, and would have absolute meltdowns over anything remotely conservative. And he would always insist on playing one of his OP furry races. One day he was being really annoying and I was dealing with a unrequited love that went horribly wrong so I was in a bad mood.

    In retrospect I should've kept my mouth shut. But I decided to openly voice my doubt he was Bi... Actually no, not even that. I admitted I agreed with the republicans on some issues. The guy gave me the dirtiest glare, "I will punch you so hard you will fly across the room."

    • 1 month ago

      Again, in retrospect, I should've said:
      >"Do it, homosexual."
      But nope. I tried to be the better man and diplomatically solve and defuse Bill's most recent temper tantrum all the while people were filming me (school rooms suck) and the guy was screaming and hitting lockers after flipping over the game board and running into the hallway. I mean, I knew the guy since we were little kids so that should've counted for something in my teenage brain but obviously it didn't. Everyone thought I was a pussy afterwards, and a horrible bigot, and multiple students came against me on his behalf... And you know what? It wasn't about gay marriage or anything remotely related, it was Mosanto seeds or some dumb shit. He turned the argument into one about gay marriage.

      After that, if I wasn't an outcast before I was really one now. A complete homophobe and a pussy at the same time and it was truly an unwinnable situation which is probably why he did what he did: he could finally win. No more losing his properties because I built a mansion on Boardwalk, no more getting in checkmate, no more having the GM kill his high min-maxed character because of his own bad decisions like ignoring the blood stained floor and getting crushed by plates, he dragged me into a situation where I was screwed no matter what I did:
      >I fight him, I get jumped and hospitalized for beating up a gay kid like that one dude.
      >I don't fight him, I'm a pussy and unattractive to the girls.
      To put it simply, I was screwed and backed down. If only just to keep myself from getting hurt. In the end, I didn't have any friends in that town but in all honesty, I never truly did. I was alone until I moved out and could finally be more social without a nasty reputation hanging over my head. So my 'That Guy' experience was fairly mild in comparison but... Bill got worse as time went on and I heard some stories.

      • 1 month ago


        • 1 month ago

          I know who he's talking about. Hai Thomas. .

          • 1 month ago

            That shut him up. Don't worry, I'm sure someone will forget his... Indecencies with underage furries.

          • 1 month ago

            You were onto something here.


            In chud's fanfic, he's still a loser.

            It's either him or someone so close, he may as well be a doppleganger. A shitpost is a shitpost, but when they get defensive about it... Heh. Don't worry homies, Zeus treated the Elf princess quite well.

      • 1 month ago

        Among a few:
        >He tried molesting Scabby, one of the local queen bees, after she got roofied at a party he somehow got into. No charges because someone stopped it in the nick of time.
        >He would host games at his trailer but would invite the local homeless to hang out with him, so there was always a homeless colony in that tiny thing.
        >At one game he hosted, his teenage GF... BF... THING fricked a thirty-seven-year-old man who looked fifty in his bathroom while the game went on.
        >He and his mom (huge crackhead) stole my cousin's israeliteelry and sold it for drug money.
        >Huffed propane so much, leaving the trailer so odorous from gas the park called the local utility company to investigate a potential gas leak.
        >He had a waifu in one campaign and would never shuttup about how beautiful she was (he never talked about men that way). So the DM, a man clearly done with his shit, said 'As you leave, you see a goose flying into her cottage' or something. He excuses himself to the restroom then, I shit you not, he screams 'I'VE BEEN KEKED' from the trailer bathroom.
        >Left his Granddad's trade (his Grandpa set up a literal apprenticeship for him in HIGH SCHOOL) just to bum off welfare with his mom.
        >Called his Grandmother, a woman who more or less raised him, a c**t.
        I don't get it. We lived in a beachside party town but instead of having fun, everyone I knew was unhappy or a complete frickup like this guy. Now I live in what's practically Nowhere from Courage the Cowardly Dog and everyone seems way more normal and cheerier. Last I heard, Bill was under investigation for grooming teenagers but, the kids didn't send any nudes so he was off the hook. Again. I wonder if that's what it was: he never got punished so he kept acting up.

    • 1 month ago

      Again, in retrospect, I should've said:
      >"Do it, homosexual."
      But nope. I tried to be the better man and diplomatically solve and defuse Bill's most recent temper tantrum all the while people were filming me (school rooms suck) and the guy was screaming and hitting lockers after flipping over the game board and running into the hallway. I mean, I knew the guy since we were little kids so that should've counted for something in my teenage brain but obviously it didn't. Everyone thought I was a pussy afterwards, and a horrible bigot, and multiple students came against me on his behalf... And you know what? It wasn't about gay marriage or anything remotely related, it was Mosanto seeds or some dumb shit. He turned the argument into one about gay marriage.

      After that, if I wasn't an outcast before I was really one now. A complete homophobe and a pussy at the same time and it was truly an unwinnable situation which is probably why he did what he did: he could finally win. No more losing his properties because I built a mansion on Boardwalk, no more getting in checkmate, no more having the GM kill his high min-maxed character because of his own bad decisions like ignoring the blood stained floor and getting crushed by plates, he dragged me into a situation where I was screwed no matter what I did:
      >I fight him, I get jumped and hospitalized for beating up a gay kid like that one dude.
      >I don't fight him, I'm a pussy and unattractive to the girls.
      To put it simply, I was screwed and backed down. If only just to keep myself from getting hurt. In the end, I didn't have any friends in that town but in all honesty, I never truly did. I was alone until I moved out and could finally be more social without a nasty reputation hanging over my head. So my 'That Guy' experience was fairly mild in comparison but... Bill got worse as time went on and I heard some stories.

      In chud's fanfic, he's still a loser.

      • 1 month ago

        Yep, and Thomas is a commie too. Why am I not surprised.... Gotta get that welfare somewhere.

    • 1 month ago

      Again, in retrospect, I should've said:
      >"Do it, homosexual."
      But nope. I tried to be the better man and diplomatically solve and defuse Bill's most recent temper tantrum all the while people were filming me (school rooms suck) and the guy was screaming and hitting lockers after flipping over the game board and running into the hallway. I mean, I knew the guy since we were little kids so that should've counted for something in my teenage brain but obviously it didn't. Everyone thought I was a pussy afterwards, and a horrible bigot, and multiple students came against me on his behalf... And you know what? It wasn't about gay marriage or anything remotely related, it was Mosanto seeds or some dumb shit. He turned the argument into one about gay marriage.

      After that, if I wasn't an outcast before I was really one now. A complete homophobe and a pussy at the same time and it was truly an unwinnable situation which is probably why he did what he did: he could finally win. No more losing his properties because I built a mansion on Boardwalk, no more getting in checkmate, no more having the GM kill his high min-maxed character because of his own bad decisions like ignoring the blood stained floor and getting crushed by plates, he dragged me into a situation where I was screwed no matter what I did:
      >I fight him, I get jumped and hospitalized for beating up a gay kid like that one dude.
      >I don't fight him, I'm a pussy and unattractive to the girls.
      To put it simply, I was screwed and backed down. If only just to keep myself from getting hurt. In the end, I didn't have any friends in that town but in all honesty, I never truly did. I was alone until I moved out and could finally be more social without a nasty reputation hanging over my head. So my 'That Guy' experience was fairly mild in comparison but... Bill got worse as time went on and I heard some stories.

      Among a few:
      >He tried molesting Scabby, one of the local queen bees, after she got roofied at a party he somehow got into. No charges because someone stopped it in the nick of time.
      >He would host games at his trailer but would invite the local homeless to hang out with him, so there was always a homeless colony in that tiny thing.
      >At one game he hosted, his teenage GF... BF... THING fricked a thirty-seven-year-old man who looked fifty in his bathroom while the game went on.
      >He and his mom (huge crackhead) stole my cousin's israeliteelry and sold it for drug money.
      >Huffed propane so much, leaving the trailer so odorous from gas the park called the local utility company to investigate a potential gas leak.
      >He had a waifu in one campaign and would never shuttup about how beautiful she was (he never talked about men that way). So the DM, a man clearly done with his shit, said 'As you leave, you see a goose flying into her cottage' or something. He excuses himself to the restroom then, I shit you not, he screams 'I'VE BEEN KEKED' from the trailer bathroom.
      >Left his Granddad's trade (his Grandpa set up a literal apprenticeship for him in HIGH SCHOOL) just to bum off welfare with his mom.
      >Called his Grandmother, a woman who more or less raised him, a c**t.
      I don't get it. We lived in a beachside party town but instead of having fun, everyone I knew was unhappy or a complete frickup like this guy. Now I live in what's practically Nowhere from Courage the Cowardly Dog and everyone seems way more normal and cheerier. Last I heard, Bill was under investigation for grooming teenagers but, the kids didn't send any nudes so he was off the hook. Again. I wonder if that's what it was: he never got punished so he kept acting up.

      Lel, far fetched but I did play with a kid who would have absolute meltdowns if his character died. In fact, he stopped a match mid-session and accused the DM of not accepting his sexuality. I lost track of him, but he always bragged about how he was an expert hacker who was banned from forums (like Space Battles and dumb shit) but 'hacked into the server' to keep spamming shitposts while 'owning' the 'pedos.' It used to be funny remembering this try-hard but he got busted for child molestation awhile back so now it's just awkward.

      >be me
      >playing bloodrager in PF
      >pick some feats like diehard, endurance and fast healer to mix with spelleater archetype to have a fast healing of like 5 during rage
      >one player complains for hours and then days till the GM bans my char
      >that player was playing a wizard with 3 (THREE) feats into sacred geometry and he was going to continue picking that feat every odd level
      He was already a homosexual but I kept enduring the shit because it wasn't much at the time, but that was pretty much the moment I decided to give up on the game and ended going to game night less and less

      I can relate.

  7. 1 month ago

    >be me
    >playing bloodrager in PF
    >pick some feats like diehard, endurance and fast healer to mix with spelleater archetype to have a fast healing of like 5 during rage
    >one player complains for hours and then days till the GM bans my char
    >that player was playing a wizard with 3 (THREE) feats into sacred geometry and he was going to continue picking that feat every odd level
    He was already a homosexual but I kept enduring the shit because it wasn't much at the time, but that was pretty much the moment I decided to give up on the game and ended going to game night less and less

    • 1 month ago

      Bruv I HATE that shit. Why do people get butt flustered when another player has a strong character in a cooperative game? What causes this? Like, is it main character syndrome? They can't stand it if their character is not the best? If they are not first, they are last? I don't understand this, and it happens way too often.

      • 1 month ago

        it wasn't even "strong", the strong part came from beign a pseudo barbarian with rage, good BAB, HPs and weapon selection. The 3+ feats were a waste for just FH 5. Fast healing 5 is not that great (DR 5 is better for example), it was ok but nothing remotely strong. Meanwhile sacred geometry is basicaly 2 free metamagics per feat that cost 0 increment to the spell every time

  8. 1 month ago

    I had a player play Shaggy on Call of Cthulhu. Posted it on reddit and people sided against me because I called him an idiot.

    • 1 month ago

      >Posted it on reddit
      Here's where you went wrong.

    • 1 month ago

      >I had a player play Shaggy on Call of Cthulhu. Posted it on reddit and people sided against me because I called him an idiot.
      I lasted a whole ass day before being banned on that sub if it's the same one I'm thinking of. Someone came up with the idea of a 1920's 18 year old girl as a lawyer for a character and plebbit was kissing her ass over the idea before I stepped in and told her it was moronic.

      • 1 month ago

        Link to the post? I wanna see the idiocy first hand

  9. 1 month ago

    I have a couple that I mention in threads like this.
    >invited to a high level D&D 3.PF game by a friend (his GM asked him to find someone who played ttrpgs)
    >Meet the rest of the group GM included but there's no session 0 per se. GM tells me to send him my proposals of chars via mail
    >he hands out the specifications of the game on pdf (like less than one page) and pretty much everything is allowed for a 15th level game. Only like 2 books were banned
    >send him 2 chars
    >after a week he replies with "I don't allow these feats and these classes"
    >Me: mmm ok, that wasn't in your pdf but is not a problem
    >send him 2 new chars
    >after 10 days he replies with "I don't allow these new feats and these new classes, also no to these spells..."
    >Me: new rules, ok
    >send him 2 new chars
    >after another week he replies with "ok, so no to this race, no to this class, and despite the game saying yes, the FAQs saying yes, even a few NPCs in a few manuals having them I don't allow these feats with these classes"
    >Me: Once again changing the original rules. I feel like whatever I'm going to send you you're going to say no to that
    >Send him 2 new chars
    A week later he once again says no and adds new rules like no to certain magic items, a few more feats, etc. I asked him if he had some beef with me or something, I just meet him at that Not-session 0 and I was polite and interested in the game, specially on what homerules and limitations was he going to use, which at that point was just hat less than one page pdf. He told me there was nothing wrong, just rules he added and started to gaslight me. At that point I told him I wasn't interested in the game anymore so I dropped out.
    I was kinda mad but decided to let it go, but like 2 months later the friend (player) who invited me told me what were playing the other two players and were verbatim two of the characters I sent to the GM, that friend later asked and the GM "gave them to them because the players didn't know what to play".

    • 1 month ago

      Dodged a bullet on that one.

    • 1 month ago

      Another one:

      >years later
      >I know the group from other games (warhammer and mtg)
      >DM gives us a list of what is allowed and not, many classes got removed or got a variant archetype forced upon them (like the DR barbarian when they are at low HPs, the focused specialist on wizards, the non animal companion druid but has something similar to rage, etc)
      >lore explains very little about the game bar "has greek gods but is medieval fantasy"
      >roll really poorly literally my highest stat after race was 15 (dex) and my second highest was 12 (wis)
      >DM insists there's no need to optimize and that I can play whatever because the game is not going to be hard
      >Kay, roll half drow skirmisher (the class that you need to move 10+ft to add precision damage and only get to make a single attack) and spend feats mostly on able to hit with short bow and be good at perception and track
      >DM introduces prophecy, basically every PC is foretold by dreams and gods talking to them to join together to save the nation but we don't know exactly against what or when
      >First session we have to investigate the disappearance or assassination (dont' remember which one) of some noble and lead us to the sewers of the city
      >Suddenly realize ALL (not a hyperbole) enemies and monsters so far have been constructs or zombies meaning my damage is pretty much 0 (not a hyperbole) because they ignore precision and crit damage and also have DR vs piercing so my d6+0 bow deals 0 damage 85% of the time and 1 damage 15% of the time
      >my perception and track is meanignless because a 12 into wis despite max ranks and skill focus is a joke
      >relegated to do nothing because DM also has a rule that if you don't have the means to do shit you can't flank either according to him flank is "for when you're an actual threat"
      >I'm the only one with dark vision so something is something
      >because I'm the tracker/perceptive person I have to go in the front
      >enter room


      • 1 month ago

        >room is described as a 30x30 empty square with a single 4 legged table (10x10) in the middle, a wardrobe (5x5) and a couple of chairs
        >DM insists it's empty
        >Roll perception
        >DM still says it's empty
        >2 large mechanic wolves attack me from the middle of the room
        >Me: Wait, were they invisible? was there a illusion?
        >DM: No, you simly didn't see them
        >Dropped to below 0 hps and coup de grace immediately after despite provoking
        >Another PC also gets dropped to below 0 hps but he doesn't get coup de grace despite not proviking in his case (remember this will be a pattern)
        >Guess the prophecy didn't mean shit
        >They bring my corpse outside when they clear the sewers and I get forcibly reincarnated by the nobles
        >-2 con into dwarf (lose dex) and my movement gets reduced so skirmishing while tumbling is going to be harder. I also owe thousands of gold pieces because so my equipment isn't going to be upgraded because I have to pay with interests
        Flashforward a couple of levels later
        >Monster are still mostly constructs and zombies, the other types are plants and elementals (also immune to my damage). I also keep dealing 0 damage but can't do shit because I have no str, my dex is 13 now and can't multiclass into a caster to at least do something because low stats galore
        >DM insists I can be useful but he refuses to tell me how and I for the love of god don't see how beyond track and perception (which I still fail most of the time). Doesn't allow me to reroll char because prophecy
        >During the exploration of a cript
        >Similar shit, I get ganked by enemies who pretty much ignore the rest of the party and coup de grace immediately
        >The same player as before also falls unconscious and also doesn't get coup de grace like me (has happened already several times)
        >Again forcibly resurrected, more tax, lose a level, etc


        • 1 month ago

          I asked the GM what the frick is going on, he said it wasn't going to be difficult nor I needed to optimize but the enviroment and monsters are either clearly immune to my class features or the DCs are above my average so beyond moving and talking I can't offer anything in the game. He also doesn't let me change the character and the resurrection fee keeps me in an eternal state of being below everybody else in stats, gold and level. Added salt to the injury when the other characters were actually pretty decent, with stats way above mine (they rolled good) and classes that get to use all their features like the warlock being able to deal full damage because nothing was immune to Force damage or the warblade being a warblade (this should have been the first strike but the DM insisted it wasnt to be broken or a problem).

          I got no real reply, the DM only played the victim card saying being a DM is very hard and that he's only human and can't foresee all the stuff that can happen. Even blamed me to pick the skirmisher again when he refused to tell us what the campaign was going about or what kind of monsters wwere we going to find because it was going to be a suprise/add to the mistery.

          I have to say it was partly my fault, nogame is better than a bad game and kept returning and playing for a couple of months (up to level 4, level 6 for the rest of the players), should have left way earlier, probably around session 1 or session 2.

          • 1 month ago

            If leaving the group wasn't an option, I would just tell the DM "my character kills himself every time he's resurrected" until you can't get a res anymore because of the rules, but I know that DM was just being a homosexual getting off on a power trip. Condolences for having to spend that time suffering, I've been in the useless spot before, but never for an entire campaign.

  10. 1 month ago

    >start 40k during 9th, choose Necrons
    >guy at my flgs offers to run me through a teaching game
    >custodes, neat
    I got annihilated. Funnily enough he quit the hobby after one nerf and we never heard from him again

    • 1 month ago

      It is strange to me that every single Custodes player I've met IRL only plays them for two reasons:
      >Custodes are cheap
      >Custodes are good
      All three of these people could not give less of a shit about their models. Two of them didn't have modeled bases, just 2-tone Gold and Black models on grey bases. The last guy was entirely grey tide. It's really soured my opinion on the army, tbh.

  11. 1 month ago

    That guy was a furgay and no matter what game system, story, campaign or scenario thr group ran, he ALWAYS had to play his fursona and try and turn the campaign into his sex adventures.

    Normal D&D? Blue Wolfman.
    Pirate adventure in Seven Seas? Blue Wolfman.
    Kung-Fu adventure in GURPS? Blue Wolfman.
    Stargate SG1 homebrew? Believe it or not, Blue goddamn Wolfman.

    I should have quit sooner, but I was desperate for games back then and let my standards slip. I should have fricking known better. Never play with furgays

    • 1 month ago

      You have to run them out of every game, make characters with obsession for hunting werewolves and shit.

      Had a that guy moment in a game I was in where he constantly tried playing a Khajiit looking moron who always tried to vocally pur and growl as the extent of his roleplaying.

      Gm snapped as an Npc once and asked him in character to shut the frick up and speak common. Furgay hissed before getting slapped around by guards. Thankfully he chose to split the party so none of his had any reason to rush and save him and continued a shooping trip.

      • 1 month ago

        >shooping trip

    • 1 month ago

      Hmm. Did you live on the west coast by any chance? This really sounds like Thomas .

    • 1 month ago

      The problem is you guys didn't stop him in his tracks. I don't know why tabletop gamers are so bad at communication.

  12. 1 month ago

    'That guy's are almost without fail elf haters who sound like Turks justifying the Greek and Armenian genocides.

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