>that one canceled project that changed the entire course of gaming history

>that one canceled project that changed the entire course of gaming history

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  1. 6 months ago

    It really didn't. The only thing that releasing this would have done is caused Sony to use a different name for the PS1 which still would have come out anyway. So I guess you could say it did have the effect of a major brand name becoming entrenched in the industry as opposed to some other brand name.

    • 6 months ago

      How exactly do you know Sony would've made their own console anyways if OP actually came out? I think what's more inevitable was OP never coming out & the PS1 coming out cuz of that reason, since Nintendo would've been idiots to agree to Sony's terms where Sony would've gotten all of the money from any games released on CD, which was inevitably gonna replace the cart games.

      • 6 months ago

        Sony was rapidly spreading it's wings in the video game space. When Ben Heck tore down the above prototype it showed how little Sony invested into the project. They delivered a stock CD drive stapled to a stock SNES. It's pretty transparent that their goal was just to get Nintendo to use the CD, which was co-developed by Sony and Philips. Philips had previously tried launching it's own console but it was 1991, way too early. Sony was following the same path and happened to pick a much better timetable. The PS1 also came out in December 1994. It would realistically take at least a year of R&D to get a game console from the drawing board to retail shelves so we're talking late 1993 when it's specs would have been finalized. That's roughly the earliest the SNES CD could have come out. In order for the PS1 to have been a response to Nintendo canceling the project it would have had to been an almost immediate turnaround. "Hey, boss, the big N told us to go frick ourselves. Can we get back at 'em by making our own console? We'll start this afternoon." It's implausible that an electronics mega corporation would have not even be thinking about a console, have a deal fall through, and then create one purely out of pride. It's much more likely they had the PS1 in mind while working with Nintendo. The SNES CD would have come out and then Sony would have fricked off to do their own thing, leaving Nintendo in a weird spot.

        • 6 months ago

          Yeah it probably wouldn't have amounted to much more than higher quality soundtracks and FMVs in SNES games like we see with MSU-1 patches. Mayne some higher quality sprites or animations like the Killer Instinct patch.

    • 6 months ago

      Maybe nothing would have changed for Sony, but for Nintendo it made them go 100% non-Sony for the rest of all time. Nintendo would never use Sony-made components in any of their hardware ever again, and they somehow completely bypassed CDs, DVDs, and Blu-rays just to avoid paying Sony royalty fees for those formats well those formats were made by a bunch of companies working together but the point was that they didn't want Sony to see any money from them at all whatsoever. Hell they somehow brought back proprietary game cartridges with the Switch and everybody just accepted those.

      • 6 months ago

        By 2017 optical media was dead.

        • 6 months ago

          And that's why they're still releasing shit on DVD right?

          • 6 months ago

            a lot of 3rd world nations don't have stable enough internet to stream movies

          • 6 months ago

            DVDs still have value over streaming because some of us enjoy the special features. There isn't really a good reason to buy a game on disc anymore however.

      • 6 months ago

        the Wii and WiiU use DVD...
        the Gamecube is a disk...
        It's certainly not Sony, but there are other manufacturers like Panasonic.

        And otherwise for the Switch they chose cartridges for three reasons.
        -the portable part is simpler on a cartridge.
        -it is more reliable than disk drive.
        -in 2016/2017 it was cheaper to make cartridges than CDs, remember the price of RAM and graphics cards compared to today.

  2. 6 months ago

    Ken Kutaragi is the biggest fricking mistake Sony has ever erected in video game history. How do you make up twice then just tell Nintendo to beat it and letting Yamauchi be a bitter butthole at 3rd parties for a generation?
    and that just leaves Kaz Hirai at 2nd place, since he's the reason why PlayStation is now Gaystation, via moving PlayStation HQ to California.

    • 6 months ago
    • 6 months ago

      Kutaragi was both a genius and a moron.

      For the Play Station Snes, it certainly enabled the rapprochement between Nintendo and Sony thanks in particular to its sound chip. But the contract between them had nothing to do with it.
      It was lawyers from Nintendo and Sony who negotiated and those from Nintendo accepted Sony's demands that it wanted $21 in royalties on games, films, karaoke on CD. while at the same time Nintendo already had $13 in royalties which was already considered expensive at the time.

      >So, the genius side of Kutaragi.
      It's that once he took over the Playstation project, where he did very good things. takes advantage of the advantages of the CD to have $7 in royalties, reduce production time (1 week), reduce the number of copies required (10,000 copies) while Nintendo had a month of waiting and the obligation to order 100,000 cartridges, and even Sega with cartridges and also CDs (Sega CD and Saturn).

      >then after Kutaragi did a lot of shit.
      -the PS2, backward compatibility was good, but the console was complicated to program, no port for controllers 3 and 4, not reliable, keep the Dualshock controller.
      -The PS3 is still a horror to program, powerful but the buses are so slow that it's less efficient than the 360. Kutaragi's obsession with having Spiderman's typography on the console as if the Playstation brand didn't have enough success in selling itself! so 2008, Sony fired it and changed the PS3 versions, to have a much more Western game to counter the Xbox.

      • 6 months ago

        kutaragi was 100% a moron. he got lucky that both nintendo and sega squandered the generation and sonys position as a tech giant at the time afforded him financial capabilities that the others couldnt afford. like the "genius" side of kutaragi is that he bulldozed his way in with money and a platform easy to program for. both of the later systems contradict this philosophy, so we can conclude that it was a stroke of good fortune.

        • 6 months ago

          I'm split. I love both N64 and PlayStation games, but I still curious as to what would have been developed if they stayed partners. Sega and Microsoft vs Sony and Nintendo. Crazy console wars would ensue

          • 6 months ago

            Nintendo Neptune vs NEC PolygonalSmash 64

          • 6 months ago

            >what would have been developed if they stayed partners
            Nothing interesting if we go by Ninty's draconian licensing towards any videogame that dares have grown-up themes in it.

          • 6 months ago

            >vs Sega and microsoft
            most of the dejected Sega autistic ended up going with Microsoft anyways cuz Nintendo and Sony killed sega

      • 6 months ago

        >no port for controllers 3 and 4

        • 6 months ago

          No multitap on N64, DC, GC and Xbox.

        • 6 months ago

          SNES did have official adapter.

          Kinda wish undercover cop port included three player.

        • 6 months ago

          Sony had no excuse to require a multitap for the PS2. It should've had four controller ports out the box.

          • 6 months ago

            PS2 didn't need a multitap because it was mainly for lonely losers with no friends. People who actually cared about multiplayer had a Dreamcast, xbox or gamecube.

            • 6 months ago

              The PS2 was the most normie 6th gen console. It sold well because it doubled as a DVD player.

    • 6 months ago

      >Ken Kutaragi is the biggest fricking mistake Sony has ever erected in video game history. How do you make up twice then just tell Nintendo to beat it and letting Yamauchi be a bitter butthole at 3rd parties for a generation?
      How was all that not a good thing for Sony? Nintendo was the competition & the competition losing means you'tw0xx2re winning.

  3. 6 months ago

    "Nintendo creating their own worst enemy by snubbing them" is a really compelling narrative and I'm sort of shocked it's never been adapted somehow.

    • 6 months ago

      Same, especially with similar stuck coming out and being successful, like Ford vs Ferrari and the new Lamborghini film, all had this vibe of one creating their own enemy, in this case Ferrari, it could be a genuine hit.

  4. 6 months ago

    nintendo always fricks up on its own anyway
    switch 2 is gonna be a flop, just like wii u. nintendo will find a way to frick it up

  5. 6 months ago

    gaming in general went to shit as soon as they cancelled MegaMan Legends 3. everything is soulless troonslop now or fromclones

    • 6 months ago

      3DS was wasted potential

  6. 6 months ago

    Not by much. Sony would have raped nintendo and sega either way. There was no winning. At least nintendo is sticking it to them these days.

    • 6 months ago

      This. Sony was taking gaming seriously as futuristic mass media for everybody. Nintendo and Sega were still heavily focused on the "games as toys" paradigm that'd been the norm when they entered the market back in the 80s.

      Also Sony's multinational cohesion is an often underrated aspect of their success. The Sonys of Japan, America, and Europe all tended to contribute to the decision-making process and then act in lockstep once they'd made a decision. This is very different than Nintendo of America being a kind of dumping ground for Z-tier Japanese executives and Sega of America being strangled by an indecisive and resentful Sega of Japan.

    • 6 months ago

      >At least nintendo is sticking it to them these days.
      I don't see it, the Switch selling as much as the PS4, even though the Switch being both their portable and stationary consoles, uhm.

      • 6 months ago

        Switch on was similar to wii, everybody thought it was going to crash and burn. Nintendo got it right with third party developers, fricking finally. Getting everything and the kitchen sink ported onto it. It’s actually crazy the amount of different games available for it.

        • 6 months ago

          >Getting everything and the kitchen sink ported onto it.
          That's one of the problems IMO, almost all the ports run like shit and are massively graphically downgraded to even run.
          Not to mention, they somehow even frick up their first party games like BotW and TotK, that can't even keep steady 30 FPS to save it's life.

          Should focus more on games the system can handle IMO. GBA and DS never had such problems, while still having lots of great games.
          One of the reasons I think the Steam Deck (and related) are so great, they are indie game power houses, being an open platform.

          • 6 months ago

            I think the Switch is a good example of why Nintendo is good at pivoting away from a mistake. They don't throw good money after bad. The Wii U was a disaster so they let it ride just long enough to not piss off early adopters but very rapidly transitioned to the Switch and immediately started porting any Wii U game worth a damn so they could make a clean break. At this point people forget the Wii U even existed. They did the same thing with the Virtual Boy. Those of us heavily invested in retro gaming remember it but at the time they made sure everyone forgot about it the second the N64 pre-launch hype really got going.

            • 6 months ago

              >very rapidly transitioned
              wut it was like five years. I still play mine all the time, they are the best versions of Wii Sports to play with your large family over drinks and snacks. You can even see the ball on the ground with the wiiu pad when golfing its great fun. Nintendoland is also still pretty damn hilarious with asynchronous multiplayer like the luigis mansion game and the mario chase game.

              • 6 months ago

                Five years is pretty fast in modern console generations.

            • 6 months ago

              I loved the Wii U. I think the problem was marketing, people thought it was more of a Wii revision or add-on than a console. If you weren't into Nintendo and just someone who played consoles, you might even have missed the Wii U, it got barely and coverage.

        • 6 months ago

          Sony shot themselves in the foot, Switch is literally "why can't I hold all of these games?" and Microsoft is doing nothing but b***h and moan, right when they could easily take the Japanese market now.

        • 6 months ago

          the only thing that attracted me to the Switch was the native couch coop functionality of splitting off the controllers. I am disappointed they recycled a lot of Wii U games because their initial iPad console sucked.

        • 6 months ago

          >Nintendo got it right with third party developers, fricking finally.
          Anon, …I


  7. 6 months ago

    >fricking donate that SNES looking thing to GoodWill.
    >no it is not worth $300,000

  8. 6 months ago

    I think about this and N64 using carts instead of discs all the time.
    If the n64 was cd based, the ps1 would never have taken off there I said it.

    • 6 months ago

      The N64 would have cost $399 if it used CDs and would still get way less third party support than Sony because of licensing fees.

      • 6 months ago

        This, as everyone knows using any discs means sony gets 100% of the profits of your console.

  9. 6 months ago

    It wasn't cancelled.

    • 6 months ago

      Four the player live on

  10. 6 months ago

    You guys just need to accept that optical media is the future. Experts predict that by the year 2023, new manufacturing techniques will allow for the production of CDs exceeding 3ft in diameter and storing up to 1200Mb on a single disc.

    • 6 months ago

      anon you can buy an 8tb ssd in the form factor of a stick of gum right now

    • 6 months ago

      1TB crystal disc the new future.

    • 6 months ago

      anon you can buy an 8tb ssd in the form factor of a stick of gum right now

      1TB crystal disc the new future.

      • 6 months ago

        Honestly this doesn't even seem that absurd anymore, my first Windows PC had a 90mb hdd, you could already build a 90tb rig if you wanted to which is 1 million times the data. Exabytes would just be another million times that.

        • 6 months ago

          I'd be shocked if density even increases another 10x in the next 30 years, forget 1000000x

    • 6 months ago

      What about that psx model that could play laserdiscs?

      • 6 months ago


  11. 6 months ago

    even sony didn't believe in cds, that why the playstation had a psio slot

  12. 6 months ago

    I think videogames came out better because of the "split".

    People forget, now that we're in the time of the Switch, that Nintendo use to be a little baby b***h company making toys for kids. The entire Wii and Cube era was so shitty and childish. Sony staying out of it brought us tons of cool games. PS2 and PSP was probably the pique of console games.
    >muh first party stuff
    >muh resident evil
    :/ yes and, PS2 and PSX has slews and slews of franchises/titles to name of that are good quality. Nintendo was sold shit to kids for nearly a decade.
    t. retail worker in the late 90s to 00s and the only people that bought Nintendo games were 12 year olds and younger or their parents.

  13. 6 months ago

    It didn't change anything.

    Sony was planning, even back then, to enter the market and compete with Nintendo. The only thing it could have changed is the degree of how badly their plan would blow up in their face.

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