That'll be $250 plus tip

That'll be $250 plus tip

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

Unattended Children Pitbull Club Shirt $21.68

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

  1. 4 weeks ago

    Just download it moron

    • 4 weeks ago
      • 4 weeks ago

        >I require physical media because I just do ok?

        • 4 weeks ago

          I get autistic jollies putting a physical disc in a system so ode is out of the question and I refuse to play on anything but authentic hardware connected to a crt.

          If this bothers you that’s a you issue.

          • 4 weeks ago

            You're trying to convince other people to think like you so yes, it's everybody's issue.

            • 4 weeks ago

              My man posted a stupid Joker meme and said he personally likes physical media. You are so deranged that you've somehow interpreted this as him trying to evangelize original hardware lmao

            • 4 weeks ago

              >You're trying to convince other people

              But he wasn't you autist holy frick I bet you're American.

              • 4 weeks ago

                He posted a fricking Joker meme and you're betting that I'm American. Obsessed dipshit.

          • 4 weeks ago

            Modchips existed before ODEs and nowadays you can straight up softmod your PS1 to play CDRs. That's a physical disc, right?

            • 4 weeks ago


              • 4 weeks ago

                I hope looking at the disc for 15 seconds before putting it in was worth the $250. That coating definitely looks different on Silent Hill than on a $1 copy of madden.

              • 4 weeks ago

                You can purchase CD-Rs with black dyed data sides. Hell, PlayStation 2 CD based games were printed on purple dyed discs

              • 4 weeks ago

                You're poor.

              • 4 weeks ago

                Not as poor as I could be if I was wasting money on containers of digital data that's easily available for free.

              • 4 weeks ago

                >moron wastes money
                >"n-no ur poor"
                i never got this meme

            • 4 weeks ago

              NTA but CD-Rs are harder on the laser than pressed retail discs. Still far closer to the original experience than using an ODE though.

              • 4 weeks ago

                >CD-Rs are harder on the laser than pressed retail discs
                This is a cope meme made up by people who own hardware with failing optical drives. Your drive will eventually fail someday, regardless of the source of the disc or how the data was written or pressed onto it.

  2. 4 weeks ago

    I got this at a thrift store for $1 lmao when did this shit get so expensive

    • 4 weeks ago

      Didnt happen


      >modern games dying
      lol what is this cope

      • 4 weeks ago

        Sony is struggling to build its userbase, XBOX is basically dead and PC gamers are all on laptops their parents bought them for college playing roblox and minecraft.

        Only Nintendo is doing well but who knows how that will change on switch 2.

      • 4 weeks ago

        >Didnt happen
        Except for the fact that it probably did? Almost nobody here buys their shit on ebay. We've been buying our games at thrift stores and yardsales since the 00s. I found my copy at a yardsale for $3, and got Silent Hill 2, 3, and 4 at the exact same yardsale.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Retro market is so overvalued.
      Used to buy NES, N64, PS1, PS2, Xbox consoles back in 2013/2014 at thrift stores for $10. Now they auction them for hundreds. Fricking socket 7 mobos going for $200 on Ebay without a processor or ram. That's extra.

  3. 4 weeks ago

    yeah, horror games are moronicly expensive these days. rabid fanbase + normie appeal + often limited printings. I dont think sh1 had a limited printing, but the demand is among the highest in the genre. I lucked out in 2017 and got it for 15 bucks from a dude I know. had another dude I know give me symphony of the night for my birthday. they both hooked me up with the games because they thought I would keep them and enjoy them, and they were right.

    • 4 weeks ago

      I just bought black label sotn for $120 and it was a deal.

      Normally goes for closer to $200.

      • 4 weeks ago

        yeah I just looked up prices for sh1-3 as well as sotn, and its kinda mind blowing how high some games have gotten in price. feels weird to own some super expensive games, as I've never been the type to collect stuff like that.

      • 4 weeks ago

        >just bought black label sotn for $120 and it was a deal.
        Nah you're just a fricking moron.

  4. 4 weeks ago

    >go to PSX CHD archive

    Nothing personnel

  5. 4 weeks ago

    I refuse to spend over $200 on a video game.

    For games I LOVE I will pay that much if it’s in perfect condition but frick anymore than that.

    It’s why I didn’t even attempt building a sega saturn collection.

  6. 4 weeks ago

    Nao they are coming for teh good gaems

  7. 4 weeks ago

    I paid 10€ for the Pal version in 2005. I just checked ebay and... WTF.

  8. 4 weeks ago

    >Run ISO
    Nothing personnel, kid. Silent hill 1 still olds up pretty well, too. Unlike resident evil 1, which was hot garbage even at release and spawned the most insufferable fanbase the world has ever seen.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Resident evil 2 was the first good game in the series

    • 4 weeks ago

      >the most insufferable fanbase
      As much as I love SH (1 is still my favorite survival horror game) you have to admit that RE fans at least play the games they talk about

      • 4 weeks ago

        Hot take: silent hill games are glorified movies because they are so piss easy and you mash one button to win.

        • 4 weeks ago

          The first two are definitely more walking sims/adventure/puzzle games than survival horror, yeah. Nothing wrong with that though, they still feel satisfying to explore the first time you play through them. And there still isn't anything quite like them in terms of atmosphere, especially SH1. This game is truly one of a kind

        • 4 weeks ago

          1999 ass take

        • 4 weeks ago

          What is wrong with a game being about exploring an enviornment exactly? Do people think nothing but combat can be gripping?

          • 4 weeks ago

            Silent Hill is kind of closer to Alone in the Dark than Resident Evil if you think about it

  9. 4 weeks ago

    Heh nothing personal kid

    • 4 weeks ago

      You could have got more for cib black label silent hill 2

  10. 4 weeks ago


    • 4 weeks ago

      I have that and Haunting Ground. Too bad I never found a copy of Kuon or I'd have the holy trinity of PS2 horror games.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Did you buy on release or are you a coomlector? Rule of Rose is in my top 10 PS2 games and even I can't imagine spending more than like 150$ on it.
        It's the most expensive one and ironically the worst of the three if you ask me

        • 4 weeks ago

          >It's the most expensive one and ironically the worst of the three if you ask me
          None of these games are ever worth the asking price. Not even close.

    • 4 weeks ago

      You know what's funny I'm pretty sure I saw that in an ebgames right at the end when the PS2 was at the end of life. I knew I was getting a ps2 later at Christmas so I bought some games like ffxii, silent hill origins, siren, shadow of the colossus, disgaea, etc cause they were really cheap. Should have grabbed it.

  11. 4 weeks ago

    Konami can end all of this suffering by giving us a proper collection. If they can do it for MGS surely they can do this for Silent Hill 1-4. The only real hurdle to this is the voice acting problem since they will have to pay royalties that they do not want to pay to the actors. The SH2 VA crew though is satisfied and were based. I don't know about the SH3 VA's. Its not like they would be paying them millions upon millions either. Konami are just a bunch of cheap asses is the issue. Besides this they would just have to reverse engineer maybe the third and fourth game? SH2 is largely done for them already. They can use the PC enhanced game that their own fans did for them.

    Its sad such a legendary series is reduced to this. We could have modern ports of these classics and I'd even pay Konami for this day one. But it ain't going to be happening. Once they kill the series off again you damn sure better never expect a proper collection.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >Besides this they would just have to reverse engineer maybe the third and fourth game?
      Why not use the emulated versions? They even 'ported' SH4 to PS3 in Japan

      • 4 weeks ago

        I do not know all of the details tbh anon I am kind of going by memory from that twin silent youtube channel and also what anons have been saying over the years. I do know that the reason the HD collection was so butchered is because they don't even have the source code for the originals anymore. They had to build off of an inferior build of 2 and 3 that was earlier in its production iirc compared to the final build so that explained why the HD collection had all of its problems. On top of this Konami did something most devs don't seem to do from what I seen many claim in regards to the voice actors. The contract they signed with the actors assured that they would be paid for later releases of these games or any potential remakes or remasters. So this explains why they decided to force new voice actors instead. The SH2 VA team decided to allow Konami to use their voices without being paid the extra royalties they were owed iirc which was definitely great of them to do although the HD collection was horrible so its not like it mattered all that much anyways.

        A lot of information on this and why the collection was so awful. The only collection I would say is worse is the GTA one and that is because GTA is a much more popular franchise and Rockstar seriously had zero excuse botching that one. Not that Konami really had good ones either but they did have at least a little bit more of an excuse. Rockstar however had none for ruining those games.

    • 4 weeks ago

      HD collection was a shit heap. They will never put in the necessary effort to update their games, and people need to realize they don't have their source codes anymore. Perfect example is the MGS collection. Better off just releasing what they put out from day one, and let the fans figure out how to unfrick it, maybe call Nightdive to help with the console only titles.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Silent Hill is such an incredible game. I wonder when the next time will be that I will play a new game that makes such a strong impression on me.

      Konami doesn't deserve the money from a re-release, anyway. Only the contemporary Team Silent members and their related support staff deserve it.

  12. 4 weeks ago

    You can download this game infinite amount of times from the internet. If the disc and cover are collector's items then they can be priced at 1500€ if someone is willing to pay that for owning them on their shelf. Btw have criminals already started printing their own covers and discs to sell them on eBay? If they are in the plastic too unopened or something then that would just increase the value further and no one would look at it.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >You can download this game infinite amount of times from the internet

      For now but crackdowns are coming. There are fewer and fewer rom and iso sites.

      When those go down the market will be a million times worse. Download what you can now.

  13. 4 weeks ago

    i know what ive got. dont lowball me on my diarrhea 3DS.

    • 4 weeks ago

      O shit is this the limited Japanese Mother 3 variant?

  14. 4 weeks ago

    piracy is the only moral option at this point

    • 4 weeks ago

      Maybe for poorgays. Nothing moral about piracy since it killed the Dreamcast.

      • 4 weeks ago

        this is by far the worst sega cope of all time

        • 4 weeks ago

          nothing sega after the genesis is worth playing, the Dreamcast deserved to die

          t.Pirategays/filthy casuals suffering from Sega Derangement Syndrome.

          • 4 weeks ago

            i like sega but i think its stupid to blame the dc failure on piracy.

            • 4 weeks ago

              Piracy negatively impacted Sega on game sales to the point where it scared away third party publishers and by that point, Sega called it quits.

              • 4 weeks ago

                How come it didn't kill the PlayStation?

              • 4 weeks ago

                Because the majority of PS1 owners never installed a modchip on their PS1. Only a few basement dwelling virgins modchipped their PS1 and didn't even cause a dent in PS1 sales. Hence why many PS1 games are cheap to own.

                Sega had been doing moronic shit for a full decade like releasing two consoles that were competing with each other, making the Saturn a absolute b***h to develop for and releasing it to retail stores BEFORE they could even clear stock for it and making sure they would never do business with Sega again (all the while Sony and Nintendo were doing thiings in a more sane manner, even if it wasn't perfect) that forced them to kill the Saturn early and release the Dreamcast, which killed off any momentum the Saturn built and pissed off Saturn users as well.

                Even then, that wasn't enough to keep Sega afloat because retailers were still pissed about Sega's stunt at E3 and didn't stock the Dreamcast, third party devs remembered how bad it was to develop for the Saturn and avoided it and Sega pretty much fricked themselves by releasing the Sega CD, 32X and Sega Saturn back to back to back.

                Basically, piracy had nothing to do with the Dreamcast's failure and it had everything to do with Sega just making absolutely moronic business decisions for nearly a decade. The piracy meme is a huge ass cope for not seeing how SoA and SoJ infighting was destroying the company from within.

                >and didn't stock the Dreamcast
                Yet Dreamcast consoles and games were sold everywhere I went to. Didn't matter if it were at the mall, Walmart, Meijer, Target, Toys R Us or wherever. I managed to buy a Dreamcast, accessories, and a bunch of games left and right. Piracy still managed to kill the Dreamcast within 15 months of it's total lifespan. If homosexuals would stop with this piracy crap, the Dreamcast would have lived longer for at least 4 years, maybe 5 if the Xbox failed.

              • 4 weeks ago

                >Ignores the rest of the post where the play by play of Sega's autistic decline in the 90s is analyzed in moderate detail and goes with his headcanon over personal anecdotes

                I think console warring over consoles new and old is gay nowadays, but Segagays manage to be so remarkably delusional, I make an exception just to mock them.

              • 4 weeks ago

                your whole argument got contradicted the moment you started lying. Retailers actually started trusting Sega again, hence why Sega products were put on store shelves and whether you want to admit it or not, the Dreamcast was doing good and the games were being sold in millions, hence why Sonic Adventure is a best seller. Things started crashing for Sega when piracy rose it's ugly head in and negatively affected game sales.

              • 4 weeks ago

                >your whole argument got contradicted the moment you started lying.
                >Reality is lying

                Okay, expalin why Sega started bleeding money like crazy even before the Dreamcast existed. Stop coping and accept that Sega was a company of moronic Japanese businessmen doing stupid shit that put their own company under and they were barely saved by turning into a software only company.

              • 4 weeks ago

                And fricking hell, the decline came about right about the time they started doing stupid shit like release all those accessories for a dead console at the end of its generation... right before the Saturn came out. Not even Nintendo did that when the N64 came out. All the SNES accessories had been released and more often than not they were just accessories, not literal addons that had their own exclusive games.

                Just stop coping.

              • 4 weeks ago

                >blah blah blah
                The only one coping here is you pal. Trying to defend piracy, rather than taking the L. You reacted in anger and it's hilarious. Everyone who has actually owned a Dreamcast knows piracy killed the Dreamcast. A lot of Dreamcast owners owned a PC to access the internet and game online, nothing was stopping their temptation to pirate Dreamcast games.

              • 4 weeks ago

                >The only one coping here is you pal. T
                >Says the person denying hard facts to defend a corporation who won't even pay him for shilling about a topic that isn't even relevant anymore

                That's the textbook definition of coping lmao.

                >Trying to defend piracy, rather than taking the L.
                Because you are moronic if you have a problem with piracy of 15+ year old software. That's objectively true.

                >You reacted in anger and it's hilarious.
                Not really. Why would I be angry some moron is denying reality because of a misplaced loyalty to a brand? It's not "laugh out loud hilarious" but it is pathetic.

                >Everyone who has actually owned a Dreamcast knows piracy killed the Dreamcast.
                Dreamcast owners aren't economists. They were mostly 20 something year old dudes at the time. Anyone trying to argue in good faith wouldn't hold their opinion about why the Dreamcast failed even remotely seriously.

                >A lot of Dreamcast owners owned a PC to access the internet and game online, nothing was stopping their temptation to pirate Dreamcast games.
                The same shit happened to the PS3 yet Sony didn't go into the red and become a software only company after 2012. Likewise with Nintendo and the Switch/3DS. Sega was just making moronic decisions for a decade and they all came back to haunt them when they actually did make a solid decision regarding the Dreamcast as it was too little too late. That's the entire story. A console doesn't fail because a small group of people pirate games. That's

              • 4 weeks ago

                *That's silly no matter how you put it. Piracy may have been rampant, but by that point, Sega poisoned their brand so heavily with developers and a good chunk of retailers due to their hair-brained stunts, over-complicated hardware design for the Saturn and releasing multiple competing consoles at the same time that any sane business would just ignore them and go to greener pastures, especially after the Sony Playstation came along and had sane business decisions at the time. Even Nintendo's move to stick to cartridge hurt them less than Sega's mismanaged business model at the time.

              • 4 weeks ago

                >blah blah blah
                >y-you s-shill f-for Sega
                >*proceeds to shill for piracy*
                >writes a wall of text, despite claiming not to be angry

              • 4 weeks ago

                >Shilling for piracy
                That is some top-tier cope right there. Enjoy your last (You), MegaSegacuck. I'm going to play Dreamcast and PS2 games on my PC.

              • 4 weeks ago

                You're the only one coping here Piratecuck, getting upset whenever someone speaks the truth that piracy killed the Dreamcast. It makes you angry and it shows.

              • 4 weeks ago

                >Y-you're the angry one
                >Goes into full meltdown mode over a moronic conspiracy theory about a dead console.
                Lmao. Some people just can't be reasoned with.

              • 4 weeks ago

                NTA, you sound like a zoomer cuck trying to justify spending hundreds of dollars on PSX games that had been released before you were born

              • 4 weeks ago

                Google what a shilling is, for your thoughts

              • 4 weeks ago

                >the majority of PS1 owners never installed a modchip on their PS1

                LMAO Sega fans are just completely fricking delusional. Every single sane Ps1 owner had a fricking modchip installed, and if they didn't, they just used the disc swap trick!

              • 4 weeks ago

                Sega had been doing moronic shit for a full decade like releasing two consoles that were competing with each other, making the Saturn a absolute b***h to develop for and releasing it to retail stores BEFORE they could even clear stock for it and making sure they would never do business with Sega again (all the while Sony and Nintendo were doing thiings in a more sane manner, even if it wasn't perfect) that forced them to kill the Saturn early and release the Dreamcast, which killed off any momentum the Saturn built and pissed off Saturn users as well.

                Even then, that wasn't enough to keep Sega afloat because retailers were still pissed about Sega's stunt at E3 and didn't stock the Dreamcast, third party devs remembered how bad it was to develop for the Saturn and avoided it and Sega pretty much fricked themselves by releasing the Sega CD, 32X and Sega Saturn back to back to back.

                Basically, piracy had nothing to do with the Dreamcast's failure and it had everything to do with Sega just making absolutely moronic business decisions for nearly a decade. The piracy meme is a huge ass cope for not seeing how SoA and SoJ infighting was destroying the company from within.

      • 4 weeks ago

        nothing sega after the genesis is worth playing, the dreamcast deserved to die

    • 4 weeks ago

      I don't have any particular issue with piracy - I have a dozen or so terabytes of fullsets myself - but valorizing your self-serving actions in some Robin Hood-esque, "sticking it to the frickin' SCALPERS, man" way is really dumb and childish. I know it's difficult given how the current political climate in the West forces everyone to take a stand on everything, but how about you just download your games without turning it into a moral issue, yeah?

      • 4 weeks ago

        You are so fricking gay, holy shit.

  15. 4 weeks ago

    No worries, I bought it when it was new. Everyone else is a sucker for not buying this back in 98/99.

  16. 4 weeks ago

    tip of muh dick

  17. 4 weeks ago

    I bought it at launch and still have it, Black folk! It's still an inferior RE1 clone.

  18. 4 weeks ago


  19. 4 weeks ago

    It annoys me that I ended getting Silent Hill 2 for Xbox because the PS2 version was out of stock. All of them were less than 10€ each.

    • 4 weeks ago


      • 4 weeks ago

        I know. Monsters kids with knives replaced with mole people. Did they also remove the ghost babies and stomping at some enemies

        >running at 5/6 the framerate


        I haven't even played it, so I have no idea how bad it runs. I always play with the pirated NTSC-US version.

        • 4 weeks ago

          Ghost babies still exist. PAL is the same as the japanese, the demon kids were only added to the US version.

          Silent Hill 1 is PAL optimised

          It's not. You can't do a 10 Star Ranking without ammo adjustment because of the clock.

          • 4 weeks ago

            >It's not
            Literally the same speed, compare them side by side

            • 4 weeks ago

              >PAL coping still a thing in 2024


              • 4 weeks ago

                I'm an emugay

                SH1 on Europe is censored.

                Yeah, only the US version is uncensored

              • 4 weeks ago

                While correct the US version also suffers a glitch in which a highly critical memo is unable to spawn. I still believe the US version is superior as the child monster being removed feels much bigger but it's worth noting.

              • 4 weeks ago

                What is highly critical about it? I can't think of anything it tells you that alters the story or significantly makes it easier to understand. Anyway, I'm almost positive there's a patch you can apply to the NTSC version that makes it spawn correctly. Emuchads only, of course.

              • 4 weeks ago

                Despite being a big fan of this game I still don't know how to trigger its appearance in PAL with 100% success

                What is highly critical about it? I can't think of anything it tells you that alters the story or significantly makes it easier to understand. Anyway, I'm almost positive there's a patch you can apply to the NTSC version that makes it spawn correctly. Emuchads only, of course.

                > patch you can apply to the NTSC version that makes it spawn correctly
                If I'm not mistaken in the US version it doesn't spawn at all and in the JP/EU it's 'random'

              • 4 weeks ago

                Right, people don't know how to make it spawn consistently. I was saying that there was a patch for the game that does make it spawn in the US/NTSC version, but I looked it up and apparently I had it backwards.
                There is a patch for EU/PAL, which already has the memo, that makes it so the Mumblers are de-censored and replaced by the Grey Children. So, it would have both the children enemies restored and the memo spawning, but you'd have to play the PAL version as the base.

            • 4 weeks ago

              SH1 on Europe is censored.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >running at 5/6 the framerate


      • 4 weeks ago

        Silent Hill 1 is PAL optimised

    • 4 weeks ago

      Just fricking emulate it

      • 4 weeks ago

        Why? I could emulate it if I wanted, with enough power to use the best shaders, but I already have a modded PSX and a CRT tv. No PS2 glitches, no dithering issues.

        • 4 weeks ago

          There are extremely accurate emulators these days and I'm sure there are DACs for autists like you to put it on a CRT in an authentic way

          • 4 weeks ago

            Just fricking emulate it

            Emulation sucks. If you are going that route get an ODE or mod it to play burned discs so at least its the original experience.

            • 4 weeks ago

              >Emulation sucks.
              Not if you have 3 brain cells and know how to set it up

              You call me autistic, yet you behave like an individual with autism that never developed a Theory of the mind.

              Thank fricking god that I don't work on clinical psychology.

              Thanks for confirming that only morons spend hundreds of dollars on le retro discs

              • 4 weeks ago

                I own an alienware QD-OLED ultrawide monitor and a PC with a 3090.

                Retro games look MUCH better on my PVM with original console and RGB/component cables and all games actually work.

                Ridge Racer V is $5 on ebay and still doesn't run properly on PCSX2

              • 4 weeks ago

                >Ridge Racer V is $5 on ebay and still doesn't run properly on PCSX2
                Switch to software emulation

          • 4 weeks ago

            You call me autistic, yet you behave like an individual with autism that never developed a Theory of the mind.

            Thank fricking god that I don't work on clinical psychology.

    • 4 weeks ago

      very nice anon. mirin that RoR.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Dunno if you're trying to brag about having a factory sealed PAL copy but you realize that's a fake right? The PAL copies have the PSX strip save for the copies that were released in Limited Editions (like Metal Gear Solid)...

      • 4 weeks ago

        nta but they look bagged not factory sealed

  20. 4 weeks ago

    Picked up my copy and SotN for $20 each maybe 10yrs back? Idk what to tell you other than build a time machine. I've lost plenty of other times on waiting to buy a game so it (kinda) evens out.

  21. 4 weeks ago

    I've been in a mad dash the past 3 years to get what I want while it's still possible but I am still losing out.

    I remember 2 years ago not buying a CIB copy of parappa the rapper for like $70 becuase I felt it wasn't worth it now I am kicking myself because its worth $180 now. I just want all my childhood games I sold when I was dating my oneitis 10 years ago back.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Same here. Do you ever try garage sales? I always hear about anons getting expensive games cheap as hell but I've never managed to find any.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Nothing ever good. The discs are always half chewed up and its never like a missing copy of rule of rose.

  22. 4 weeks ago

    My thing about buying disc based games is that I can always make an easy burnt copy. In fact, I would be just a little less excited to find a Case + Manual of SotN compared to finding a CiB. Now with PCB stuff like SNES and Neo Geo MVS games, I love having physical copies of those since I just find PCB with big chips on them to be so cool. It's why I bought an MVS of Garou for $240 a few months back since these PCBs can't be reproduced anymore/as easy as discs.

    • 4 weeks ago

      For me its looking at manuals and art of the era.

      I just bought SotN and it made my heart warm when I saw this coming soon ad for MGS1

      • 4 weeks ago

        >For me its looking at manuals and art of the era.
        That is what I was saying, granted it probably came off as a jumble mess. I would LOVE to get the case and manual for cheap, but it is like $60 JUST for those and I don't have the money to spend on just those. I'm in a retail job for 7 years after graduating college so once I finally get a real career track job I will be buying a copy.

        • 4 weeks ago

          It's cool anon I am 35 and sold all my vidya in my 20s. Wasn't until I achieved my goal of buying a house that I started rebuying but unfortunately that was in 2020 when the retro market started skyrocketing.

          Re-bought a copy of DDP Saidaioujou for $120 when I had sold it a few years earlier for $30.

          • 4 weeks ago

            I'm 32 myself, but I've been living with family this whole time and helping my mom out so it's been nice. Glad that you were able to buy a house with this economy and all. Though sorry you sold your stuff years ago. I sold a copy of that Megaman Battle Network gamecube game years ago, regreted it and had made sure never to sell anything again. Not even because of money value stuff, but because I like having the copies of what I have and the memories associated with them.

            • 4 weeks ago

              >but I've been living with family this whole time

              This is smart. I was with my family from 28-31 so I could save. I got so much shit for it but now I am comfortable.

              • 4 weeks ago

                >I got so much shit for it but now I am comfortable.
                That's the things, but seem to think living with famil is a bad thing. I understand having your own place and stuff is important, but even if I get this one job I'm interviewing for nearby I still plan on staying at home. To me, it is much better to give money to my mom for the bills rather than some landlord for a shitty apartment. Again, I work in retail still so I'm sure you had a much better paying job when you were 28 since you have a house now. Still, to me I would majorly regret not being near my mom if/when some really stuff had gone down. People need to remember that family is important, granted again so if being independent too but still.

              • 4 weeks ago

                When I was 28 I was making <50K. Now I'm at like $130K so yeah you can turnaround shit pretty quickly.

              • 4 weeks ago

                I'm glad that it worked out for you and it gives me more hope too! Proud that you have made it. I'll have to leave, but might I ask what it is that you do? My degree is in management information systems so I've been at work getting analytic projects in order to get my resume noticed better. Depression is a bit, but I'm glad to finally feel confident again.

              • 4 weeks ago

                Marketing Ops. Got an MBA to reboot my career (BS was worthless) and fell into marketing ops. Would advise actively pursuing projects at your job that you know will sound good on a resume.

                Also do NOT feel disheartened if something doesn't work out now. The economy is a dumpster fire and white collar jobs are hard to come by but I feel like that will improve in the next year.

              • 4 weeks ago

                Thank you! I would get a masters, but I just can't afford it for now. I'll try to find projects with data at my work, since it would be the only good thing left about that place.

                As for the market, I've been hearing a lot from people that next year seems like it will be better. So also hearing that from you makes me feel better! I've mainly felt like I'm just too toxic to touch for a white collar job since I've been out of college for so long, but my college's career office and others said "Don't feel that way, the main issue is jusy getting you in somewhere just to start out in a better company". So I've been open to more customer relations roles at like a corprate level, for example Academy's HQ is in my town outside of Houston so just getting a foot in their would be a great start to mve up I think.

                Anywho, thank you again for being so kind with your words and advice. I hope to somehow see you around here again!

              • 4 weeks ago

                Thanks anon and good luck! Only other thing I would potentially recommend is getting some sort of cert. It makes you look like you are doing something recently and engaged and its usually much MUCH cheaper than getting another degree.

                We're all gonna make it bruv.

              • 4 weeks ago

                >It makes you look like you are doing something recently and engaged and its usually much MUCH cheaper than getting another degree.
                I'll try to look more actively for an analytic cert then, thanks again!

              • 4 weeks ago

                Actually, one last thing if you don't mind. Since you are in marketing ops, is there anything you do that involves you asking an analytic department for data regarding a certain campaign you are doing? I ask just so I can get a good idea about projects that can standout and be noticeable.

              • 4 weeks ago

                A guy on our team handles reporting. Lots of background in excel and power BI. We are currently trying to validate a bunch of data for our new platform but I don't have too much to do with that outside getting status from him so I can tell our stakeholders whats available.

              • 4 weeks ago

                Thanks for that! I appreciate your perspective and response to all my questions!

  23. 4 weeks ago

    Got my copy for $2 at a flea market about 15-ish years ago (along with a complete-in-box SCPH-5501 console and several other games totaling about $25.)
    Recently sold it for $150 now that I have an X-Station. I can't fricking believe anyone is forking over that kind of money for common retro games.
    I remember games like Snatcher and Panzer Dragoon Saga being expensive back then, but they're not exactly common games.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Yeah Saga and Snatcher were already crazy a decade ago but still not the lenghts we are seeing these days. You could fetch Saga for 200€ in near mint condition and Snatcher for a bit more. I bit the bullet on Saga a year ago and bought for 400€ plus I had to get a two 2 disc-cases because the holders were fricked (picked a Riven copy for that) but I don't regret it because a near mint copy just went for 785£ a few days. I read Alien Soldier was pretty cheap a decade ago, you could find it for 20€ but that has skyrocketed in the past years. Phantasy Star IV is one that seems pretty unaffected - seems like it just kept up with inflation and that's it.

  24. 4 weeks ago

    I actually got a copy for a a 100 bucks before the nostalgia wave took over for most people

    • 4 weeks ago

      WOW only $100 for something you could get for FEEE on your PHONE

      • 4 weeks ago

        And for people who ARENT ghetto?

  25. 4 weeks ago

    *buys it at a yardsale for 3 dollars" okay

    • 4 weeks ago

      I know it's incomprehensible to zoomers that old games were cheap once upon a time, but they were.

  26. 4 weeks ago

    A FreePSXBoot memory card and spindle of CD-Rs are cheaper.

  27. 4 weeks ago

    Going to Japan was incredibly eye-opening. You can buy PS1 games from second hand chain stores like Book-Off or Surugaya for basically 1/10 the price collectors would charge you elsewhere, especially now since yen is super cheap. Never paying a single dime to western scammers ever again.

    • 4 weeks ago

      This is fine for fighters and platformers but what about something where you NEED the text, like Silent Hill?

    • 4 weeks ago

      I've also noticed this from some ppl on Youtube when they go there to visit. Prices are insane here. I'm glad I got out of the hobby back in 2015.

    • 4 weeks ago

      second hand items over there aren't considered valuable mostly and people don't mind giving them away even for free to someone.
      In the west everyone has the shitty hustler scammer attitute and wants to be a reseller. You see it everywhere now, games, shoes, tech, etc.
      It's fricking moronic and I always respect this aspect of jap culture.

      • 4 weeks ago

        It's because Japanese have small houses and live a minimalist lifestyle for the most part. They're not like westerners who collect a bunch of shit sports games they'll never play from over 2 decades just to pad out a collection.

        • 4 weeks ago

          I never met anybody in my life that does that, and I'm pretty active in the local scene.

          • 4 weeks ago

            You're telling me you don't know anyone that:
            1) pads out their collection with shit games?
            2) collects more games than they could possibly ever play?

            Yeah okay bud

            • 4 weeks ago

              Yes, because people buy what they want to play.
              Also, this idea that people who collect "can't possibly play all them" is kinda moronic, not gonna lie. Do you think people just buy in bulk all at once? We've been buying games and playing them for like 20 years now. Most of what we have has been played dozens of times by now.

              • 4 weeks ago

                I hope you're trolling because if not this is the most ignorant take I've ever heard.

              • 4 weeks ago

                I speak from personal experience. Long Island has hundreds of these people

  28. 4 weeks ago

    >that'll be $1400 plus tip
    For what -- some gay Japan-only mahjong game or something?

    • 4 weeks ago

      Why buy when you don't care?

      • 4 weeks ago

        It's not actually mahjong my bro

  29. 4 weeks ago

    I see no problem with this price because it's obviously not pay to play.
    Actually playing this one is one torrent and, optionally, buying a modded PSX away.

  30. 4 weeks ago

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